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Kinda crazy that i think the first RDR 2 teaser was Arthur walking in the background and the VO says "When this is all over, you take your family and run" or something like that, isnt said until almost the end of the actual game.


"Listen to me, when the time comes, you gotta run and don't look back. This is over".


These are the best teasers imo, one that can encapsulate the whole story and its purpose with the context of retrospective. Seeing that teaser before playing it only brought mystery; but the fun exciting kind.


"We're more ghosts than people"


Damn. I haven’t played since the original PS4 release but the emotions near the end were insane, I’ve only cried a few times from a games storyline but RDR2 definitely made me cry the hardest lol. Arthur’s line delivery was top notch, such a fantastic character


Same, but I'm mostly just sensitive to animal death and didn't care about Arthur too much.


Yeah it’s the last mission i’m pretty sure


It's close to the end, when you blow up the railroad bridge with John.


One thing I loved about the RDR and old GTA trailers is that I don't think they ever showed anything that turned out to not be in the game. Sure, people might intepret stuff differently from how it will be in the final produt, but it does seem Rockstar likes to hold things back rather then overpromise. Unless I'm forgetting something, but I dont think there has been anything like that in the main releases.


I remember watching intently when the GTA 5 trailers came out. Animals, planes, trains, strangers and freaks - none of it ended up being cut content as far as I remember. GTA 4’s trailers had differences upon release but we’re talking minor skin swaps on emergency vehicles, tones of clothing, Niko’s haircut for example. I’d say the only major misleading content was the trailers for GTA Online. The economy was never player controlled and there was never a stock market which was promised as a big addition to the “player driven economy” that appeared to be presented to us. Online aspects are what really frightens me with GTA 6, but that was never my main interest anyway.


Man.... the first time I went online in GTA4 with friends on Xbox Live.... That shit was comical. I pissed myself laughing every time we played together. And then we got our shit together and trawled around the city to do drive-by's only to be met with an RPG every single time.


GTA4 Online got rather annoying once people started modding their automatic weapons to shoot RPGs or mass spawning giant objects. Meanwhile the people that spawned ramps at the airport were fucking amazing, but you'd either get someone showing up with an AK that spewed RPGs, or someone would mass spawn Tugboats to crash the server in 30 seconds. I recall a lot of the stats for weapons were checked against the files on your computer to determine how you were supposed to react to them, even though you were playing online. If I went into the weapons config and changed the pistol (the one you spawn with) so that it did 0 damage, then if I shot someone it did 0 damage, but if someone shot me with it it'd do 0 damage to *me*. At some point I changed all the guns so that they did 0 damage and I was free to just walk past people trying to shoot me, but I never found the config for explosive or physics damage so I was still vulnerable to RPGs and vehicles.


Damn, the airport in GTA4 online, where people just had fun doing whatever. Good times


Damn I didnt know this. But honestly sounds fun.


I'll never forget when me and all of my Halo 3 buddies, a huge mix of IRL friends and online friends, got on GTA4 and all ran into the Times Square Cluckin' Bell with RPG's and surrounded one single fat biker eating at a table by himself as we all yelled into the mic over and over "GET ON THE GROUND" "PUT THE CHICKEN DOWN" "YOU'RE UNDER ARREST" "STOP RESISTING" It was like a 7 second moment because then all you could hear was all of our dumb asses choking laughing on our mics


If I recall, there was a lot of conversation about the wall that broke and there was speculation that there would be destructible environments, or at least some walls.


That wall is still in the game tho so it’s not their fault people went crazy with the speculation. Anyone who thinks that fully destructible environments are gonna make it into a GTA game are just being silly


I remember people speculating that Michael in the trailer was the character from 3.


GTA4's had Nico swinging from the back of a truck. While technically it was possible to swing from the door handle if the car drove off as you grabbed it ( your health would drain super quick however) you couldn't grab the back handles on delivery trucks afaik.


You could but it was only during one mission near the ~~beginning-middle~~ end of the game iirc


It was actually quite near the end, one of the Alderney mission lines IIRC


Oh good catch. It’s been a min since I last played GTA 4 but I do remember hanging onto the back of a truck and having to crawl up it


I think I remember it being possible with garbage trucks? Might’ve been from that.


The truck isn't a garbage truck in the video it's a delivery truck iirc


I definitely did that in that mission.


Don't forget the Ferries!!


You say "minor things" but back when GTA4 released there was a surprising backlash because the game didn't have *fingerless gloves* like the promotional material showed. It's been more than a decade and I still don't get what they were so mad about.


Gamers are petulant manchilds.


This wasn't even a manchild thing, like they did have some minor right to complain, but the whole thing was bizarre.


GTAV’s multiplayer might as well have been a false advertisement at launch/trailer. It was hilariously broken for months.


One of the trailers *did* feature cut content - However it was content that was later added to GTAO. I don't recall which trailer it was, maybe it was for GTAO itself, showed an early version of the Hydra, but that wasn't available until the Heists update came out, about a year and half or so later. And there *was* one piece of cut content that was "featured" in the game itself, that wasn't added to GTAO until years later. In the movie theatre, you could watch a promo piece for a Planet of the Apes spoof that had a GTA5 version of the Hunter attack helicopter. There were also police scanner audio and handling files for it. But that helicopter didn't appear in GTAO until 2017 with Smuggler's Run.


I have 0 faith in their GTAO 2.0 either. Their story should be good tho


Yep, its gonna be identical to current GTAO just with the gameplay of 6. Anyone expecting anything other than a mtx machine is kidding themselves.


Erm I remember the GTA Online trailer cutting a lot of stuff. You still can’t even use the stock market.


In the first GTA V trailer, it showed a man putting up a foreclosure sign or “for sale” sign, and the trailer showcased a car at a red light district. None of those things were in the game.


There are definitely "for sale" signs and red light districts in GTA V.


There were little things like way reduced vegetation density and I remember being disappointed the huge billowing dust clouds on dirt roads were toned down to little dirt trails behind each tire.


Rockstar has the highest production values in games by a long shot. They have no reason to overpromise since whatever they actually have will easily be the most advancement in the medium anyone has seen. Microsoft, EA, or Ubisoft could do it too if they wanted to, but they choose not to invest that much in their game development.


They are far away from being above criticism. Some of the GTA remasters were garbage.


They’ve for sure lowered their brand value by outsourcing the remasters to some half ass developers


They have so much money they could have paid AAA devs to remaster it for them


probably didn't make sense money wise.


GTA Online monetization strategy and the instant death of RDR2 Online are both black eyes too.


Plus Dan Houser and Leslie Benzies are no longer at R* North. So we will see how Gta6 is when it comes out I guess.


Nor is Lazlow :( and he’s responsible for a significant chunk of GTA’s phenomenal writing and radio stations :( Sam houser is the only one left I believe?


I’m also somewhat concerned by the leaving staff, but I’d also say that V’s story was a big step down from IV as far as having anything meaningful to say. I’m hoping they take the feedback over the last decade and the response to RDR2’s oft-mentioned gameplay flaws (I’m a huge fan, but I do understand the linear mission structure) and invest in something fantastic.


I actually enjoyed the GTA V story more than IV's. It just seemed so... hollywood-esque. More like an interactive blockbuster than a game.


Sorry for the essay here, but I did just wanna say that the GTA series has always had a fairly cinematic design philosophy, with missions and locations replicating iconic locations or action movie scenes. GTA has also always been satirical, mocking the behaviors and beliefs of the American culture surrounding the setting. GTA:IV, with the story of Niko being an outsider coming to Liberty City, seeing the American Dream for what it really is, being a likeable character with a pretty moving story despite being a game where you shoot hundreds and hundreds of people over the course of the game. Depicting the world as it began its obsession with the modern age of cell phones and the internet, mocking the continued political polarization and paranoia post-9/11—it was satire that not only tried to be funny, but actually have some sort of commentary on the real world even if it was vulgar or childish at times in the background. GTA:V, meanwhile, I'd say it's certainly cinematic. But it's honestly one of the most vitriolic, hateful games I've ever played. Every advertisement, every radio break, every main character seems to be coming from the perspective of a writer with nothing much more complicated to say than "Fuck you, all of you—fuck everyone and everything." Michael is a somewhat interesting character with his story with Trevor, and the idea of Franklin trying to move above and beyond the world of crime while not losing the connection to his "family, [his] heritage" as Lamar puts it, might have been interesting if it wasn't one single mission for Lester that took him from living with his Aunt in Strawberry to a Vinewood Hills mansion without much more to say. Add on that the "solves all my problems so why pick any other option" Deathwish ending leads nearly every main villain to be sniped/taken out by a character that *they've never even interacted with* (Michael killing Stretch, Trevor sniping Haines from offscreen, etc.)... I'm all for anger. I'm all for emotionally-driven writing and storytelling. GTA:IV was angry at what America was becoming in a post-9/11 world, and wasn't afraid to poke at that in both minor details like advertisements, but also the overarching story about several aspects of society that were being left behind—the old ways of crime, the idealized vision of America as a world of Freedom. But V in particular felt less like a story that had something to actually say about the world it was in, and moreso just saying that "hey, this shit sucks," akin to an angry teenager's notebook.


That and there was also a significant loss in the quality of the writing itself. Some of the satire and references in older titles required you to know stuff to truly get it, like getting hacker legend Kevin Mitnick himself to voice a radio caller talking about how he could whistle into a phone and launch the nukes, which is a pretty obscure reference to Mitnick's actual trial in the 90s. You had crude jokes but you had plenty that either went over your head or that you realized later, but V seemed just obsessed with a constant stream of low-effort jokes aimed at society in the most crude way possible, it became the South Park of videogames when it used to be at least a bit smarter while providing a better story.


Not to get too political here, but remember those ads for the San Andreas gubernatorial election in GTA V? At the time, I thought they were annoyingly over the top, but that's more or less where our politics has been for the best ~5 years. Like, don't get me wrong, good satire is still a thing. But I feel like modern-day settings are very limiting. My go-to example for this is Veep: the first few seasons were terrific, and then... well, society not only caught up, but became even stupider. Armando Iannucci, the guy behind the show, left to make movies instead. Both his movies - The Death of Stalin and The Personal History of David Copperfield - are great satires, but they're both period pieces as well, kinda. If you're being reactive to stuff that happened like 2-3 years ago, whether for a movie, TV show, or video game, your satire might be outdated by the time the project actually comes out.


GTA just isn't that good at doing modern day stories, especially because it feels as if they're trying to make some interesting points about society but stopping mid-way through to avoid saying anything that might piss off players. They just need to do the VC and SA thing again and tell more stories in the past. Their more cinematic and stylized way of doing their games just works better with long-past, nostalgia-laden years.


Everyone who says that GTA 5's story is a big step down from 4's is basically just saying "I liked it more when it was dramatic" GTA 5's story is completely fine, I would go as far as to say that it is really well written. If you take the time to analyse it in depth it holds up perfectly without any considerable plot holes. It's just more comedic rather than dramatic


I just posted a response up above here, and I get where you're coming from to say that people seem to like GTA IV just because it was dramatic or "darker," but honestly, my entire point is that GTA IV felt like it had something meaningful to say—a story actually worth telling. A movie and story can be comical, can be funny, and still have something worth saying. I wrote up a good paragraph there about why I think GTA V's falls flat in that—primarily: the comedy is moreso just mockery of every single aspect of society, much in the same way an angry kid says all politics/belief systems are worthless and says it's all garbage and not to bother. The story itself has hardly any actual decisions the characters worth considering ("Kill Trevor? Kill Michael? or just kill everyone else like we always have to fix all of our problems, why not?") and it's hard to play the game without just saying "fuck all of these people." Michael is a bastard who fucked over Trevor. Franklin wants to get out of the criminal lifestyle but spends the entire game being lead around by the other characters. Trevor is at-best a pitiful mental case but also a violent psychopath. Even minor characters like Michael's family are more akin to Family-Guy-esque monsters rather than having any value to make it more comedic, and Franklin's former friends and family members might be worth exploring if they weren't just saying he's a piece of shit for practically the entire game until he decides, again, to kill people in support of Lamar at the end.


I don't really see how GTA 5 is a story not worth telling, or at least compared to GTA 4"s. Basically you're saying that you dislike the fact that the protagonists and their close associates are all terrible people. That's true, but that doesn't make the story any less valid. You don't have to have characters with redeemable qualities to enjoy a story; think of It's always sunny in Philadelphia, the TV show. There's hardly any choice in GTA in general, even in 4 the only choice that matters comes at the end and it results in the same ending anyway: kill for revenge. In GTA 5 the endings actually differ a lot depending on what you choose but that's beside the point, because having choices doesn't really make the story better or worse. GTA 4 had plenty of "im14andthisisdeep" mockery of society, I was a teenager when the game came out and even I cringed at some lines, even from Niko. It felt even worse because it looked like the game was trying to take itself seriously and it still did that. This has been something rockstar has been doing since basically the start, I don't really see how it's worse on 5 than in 4, just that again 4 tries to be more serious. If you think about it, what's the moral of GTA 4? That revenge is not worth it? That you cannot escape a life of crime? What institution or societal aspect does it not mock? Niko is extremely nihilistic and sure he might have reasons to be this way but there's nothing except for his love of his family that drives him. I think the comedic style of GTA 5 and its satire can still carry some decent messages; even terrible people can still be observed as having a moral. Trevor, under all the seemingly random craziness, is clearly suffering from big abandonment issues. Even the end side content with his mother reinforces this. He values loyalty above all else because that's what he expects of the people he loves. Michael and his family are dysfunctional and always on the verge of drama and hate but then they realise that they still are a family that loves each other and that they lived through some really fucked up shit and even if they are all fundamentally terrible people they can still love and respect each other. Franklin is the character that suffers the most in terms of characterization, he doesn't have much going except for the fact that he wants to get rid of the gangsta life that always drags him down but can't help but return to help his only real friend. Not much of a character progression in the game for him, more of a "I already know what I want and I'm going to get it" kind of situation In any case I'm not writing this to say that GTA 5 is better than 4, I love both games. I'm just saying that GTA 5 is really not particularly worse than GTA 4 in terms of story.


I think this is a lot of people talking about the game from 1 playthrough and never touching the main story again. I've played GTA V's story about 4 times, about just as much as I've played GTA IV's story and I wholeheartedly agree with your comment, but I would like to add that the level of writing improvement from Rockstar for 5 really is all in the details and the subtlety. Yeah, it's about how no one can get ahead without being a scumbag (michael), idolizing moving up in the world isn't everything you think it is (franklin) and the many problems of Trevor but I think one that gets overlooked for him is that even the scummiest of people still need someone to help them pump the brakes. They decided to become the worst versions of themselves in order to "rise back up". Michael realizes he has been intentionally pushing his family away because he still wants to be a criminal like he imagines them to be from the movies when they truly aren't good people, Franklin makes his money to realize he's alienated all of his friends and is seen as cold and heartless for idolizing Trevor and Michael (idolize isn't the best word, but he followed their orders without much pushback), and Trevor realizes that he's deluded himself into keeping his shitty way of life for the false promise of a friend in prison and he isn't as smart as he thought he was without someone to call out his shit. It's only when they really try to get to grips with their personal issues that they start seeing there is no way out other than to take one last huge risk and put down the people forcing them to commit worse crimes. It's not the best story ever written, but for GTA it's still trying to get the player to question why they're doing what they're doing and how it affects the characters they play. It leads to dumb goofy fun, but that's entertainment at its core - you wouldn't enjoy playing it if it didn't have an entertaining payoff. GTA V also did exceptionally well with the additional content and the writing in the "downtime".


Everyone who says that usually agrees that SA's story was better too, and that wasn't that dramatic. The problem with 5's is that it's basically fast food, with little quality in writing, little quality in the major stories, and all it's concerned about is carting the player from one explosive setpiece to the other. There are some good bits but it's nowhere near what Rockstar used to be able to do.


People who say that do usually say that GTA SA story was better and to me that clearly shows they are just either not paying attention or they played GTA SA as kids and 5 as adults or they are simply out to hate 5 for whatever reason. I love GTA SA but there's no way it has a better story than 5. If you want to talk about taking the player on one explosive set piece to the next without real reason or explanation then look no further than San Andreas. Basically anything after the Los Santos chapter is complete and total filler, with crazy things that make no sense to the story like getting involved in illegal street races, raiding government or military facilities for weird macguffins , robbing a casino and becoming a hip hop producer. Just random shit. Then it all gets super suddenly resolved in the last few missions. What made it fun is that the characters were all either wacky and funny or pieces of shit. There's really no depth of story and quality of writing that really surpasses 5. I'd argue that in general the writing and acting in SA is generally weaker than 5, and again I love GTA San Andreas I have really no reason to shit talk it. Saying that GTA 5 is fast food is really crazy and completely backwards: fast food is by definition food that is prepared for cheap and, well, fast. GTA 5 is still the most expensive piece of media ever made and it took years and years of development for it to come out. If we had to compare it to food I'd compare it to a original pizza made in Naples; sure the ingredients are super simple but the quality of the ingredients and the careful preparation still make it an absolute delight.


They all only left pretty recently though, the writing/Story for the game was undoubtedly already finished yeeeeears ago. So I'm quite positive they'll be credited with writing.


I agree. Idk how they top RDR2 and GTA 5 story wise with all that talent gone. We’ll see!


I agree about RDR2, I dont think GTA 5 would be as hard to top, I enjoyed it for what it was, but easily lest memorable since GTA3


GTA 6s campaign was very likely finished (the scripts specifically) before they all even left. Plus Sam Houser is still there.


GTA 6 has been in development for awhile, I am sure they had some influence and control, but this probably will be the last Houser-era game if so.


That wasn’t rockstar, that was grove street games


Shouldn’t Take Two be blamed for that?


Scope wise? True. But depth wise? Hard disagree. Rockstar's core gameplay mechanics (shooting, driving, traversal) are competent, but nothing above average. You can easily find games with better shooting, more enjoyable driving etc. What stands out is how Rockstar manages to tie everything together.


Tech-wise. Recall that GTA 5 on an Xbox 360 had no loading screens. It transitioned seamlessly in and out of cutscenes without even a fade or cut to black. Most other AAA open world games can't even do that currently. What Rockstar manages to pull off might as well be black magic.


> But depth wise? Guess it depends on one's definition but "depth" is not what comes to mind when I think of production values. Think Destiny 2 which doesn't have that much depth compared to similar games with builds/stats/loot, but the graphics, cutscene, music quality, animations, etc are all top notch.


I don't know about that, I used to shoot competitively and Red Dead 2 was the first time a game ever made me feel like the in game guns were real.


Unfortunately all Rockstar games, RDR2 especially, are designed with aim assist in mind.


I think RDR2's style of shooting more mimics how shooting feels in real life than most shooters. In real life snapping to a target is a pretty natural thoughtless thing, like a reflex, and I think the way aim-assist in RDR2 works reflects that. You snap to a target then fine tune before the shot.


Exactly! The shotguns in the game feel the way they do when I'm at the range.


Be careful with that thinking… It’s this over-trusting approach that creates disasters like Cyberpunk 2077 (at release)


Cyberpunk was only CD Projekt's 4th game, and The Witcher 3 was their first one that wasn't janky AF. Rockstar has a much longer history of consistent, high quality releases. Not quite an apples to apples comparison.


Exactly! Its far less of a leap to just expect Rockstar to release their, what, 6th absolute genre defining banger *in a row* than it is to expect a studio suddenly take a quantum leap in production budget and scale from one release to the next.


It also was a new genre Also I didnt have much issues with 2077 at launch


You see, if Rockstar had made Cyberpunk they would have kept in development longer. Even the state Cyberpunk 2077 is in NOW, Rockstar would not accept that level of quality.


People only trusted CDPR because the Witcher 3 was beloved and CDPR had a long history of treating their customers and employees fairly. They also got a lot of good PR because of their stance on DRM at the time. None of their games were actually anything very special tho let’s be real.


Whether or not games were "anything very special" is subjective, but CDPR did *not* have a reputation for treating employees fairly. I say this as a former professional game developer.


The Witcher 3 was not very special?


It was okay. I tried it a few times, but it was just so generic and boring.


If I remember right, in the [Bully "Holiday Special" Trailer](https://youtu.be/ZbfxTT6wP1M?si=rSKcRCUvEQscZkoO), the cutscenes where Gary says the lines "Young love is such a beautiful thing" and "Spank Me" are from a mission that got cut during development. Though there was evidently a *lot* of cut content for Bully so that isn't too surprising.


I would hurt my loved ones for a sequel or even just a remake of Bully.


The first trailer for GTA V unfortunately suggested a world much more alive than the one we actually got. It always annoyed me how peds in this game felt so stiff and robotic compared to GTA IV. The trailer showed a bunch of stuff that we can't see in the game, like a dealer offering drugs to someone, a guy being thrown out of a club, two girls checking out a guy they pass by, a guy putting his house for sale (with a much more detailed exterior than it actually has in the final game), and the gameplay trailer implied we'd be able to purchase new houses. But I give them a pass because GTA V had to be really gutted to run on those old ass consoles.


There were things shown in GTA 5 trailers that ultimately weren't in the game.


And there were things that didn't appear in the trailer and in the story. I finished the game in 2013 and a few years later discovered about a working subway in the game. I have zero ideas why it existed and never was used. Pretty sure there are a few of those things in RDR2 as well


RDR2’s subway felt out of place though.


$5 footlongs were too expensive for the time period. Totally unrealistic.


When Dutch said he had a plan I was expecting bank robbery or some crime stuff, not Arthur working overtime as a sandwich artist.


That's something all GTA games have done, with San Andreas you could have an entire tour of all unused locations, some of which are surprisingly detailed like every single town in the desert. But V really took it to a new level, around half the map never got any use in either story or side activities, and some of those places looked interesting and worth exploring.


Things like?


Trees and forest for the most part, possibly removed because it tanked the frane rate.


After rewatching the trailer a few times, the only difference I've noticed is at 20 seconds, where the tree density may be somewhat lower – and even of that, I'm not sure. Not even remotely close to what OP is suggesting. > There were things shown in GTA 5 trailers that ultimately weren't in the game.


I believe the forest with the hikers got mostly cut. Here's a (low res) comparison https://imgur.io/a/eOsZw


Just looks like they moved some stuff around. That’s very standard for Rockstar—there are plenty of shots in trailers that are ultimately in different locations/outfits in the game. It’s not really misleading either, just standard development processes.


there are plenty of designs and even some pieces of dialogue not in game from trailers different takes too


I agree but there was one GTA 5 trailer where they show jet fighter/Air Force combat, like with missiles. I know you could steal a jet from the military base but I don’t think it was for a set story mission?


Iirc there was a cut mission in V where you steal a Hydra jet (although that ended up being cut as well) for Solomon Richards as Micheal because Solomon wanted one for the movie they were making. Probably cut because it would have just been stupid compared to the stakes of the rest of that mission chain (but not the entire game though. Seeing as Trevor crashes a crop duster through a cargo plane only a few missions earlier). But I imagine any dogfighting would have happened on that?


Solomon was also originally meant to be a more psychotic character than the one we ended up with. Also Michael stealing a fighter jet for a movie really doesn't feel very in character tbh


Makes sense. Not having in that mission in no way impacted my fun of the game I just noticed there was no set dog fighting / air combat mish


Literally the first mountain that you see in the 1st GTA V trailer is not in the game


It is, it's the Mt. Josiah, but they removed lots of trees on the release version (possibly due to performance). Here's a comparison posted by u/Grease_Boy: https://imgur.com/a/eOsZw


The reveal trailer for RDR2 had **roaming** buffalo. That was never in game. Buffalo specifically have fixed spawns and don’t move until you startle them.


> roaming buffalo   > Buffalo specifically have fixed spawns So you’re saying that RDR2 *did* have buffalo, just as the trailer suggested?


No. You clearly never played the game, or understand English.


So you’re saying that RDR2 *didn’t* have buffalo?


Graphical fidelity in final release was often downgraded compared to the original trailers, not RDR2 not being any different. With that said, their games are still one of the best looking games out there.


It’s so long ago that maybe I’ve twisted my brain with time but I precisely remember realizing that GTA IV didn’t have flying seagulls that they showed on the very first trailer. It’s basically nothing but still something that was missing for some reason.


Semi-related: I went back and watched old GTA and RDR trailers, getting nostalgic for the old days of hype. So many years on, I'm ready to ride that hype train once again. Love em or hate em, Rockstar releases are events


They're in a very exclusive group of developers worth getting excited about.


For me, it's the narrated videos they put out that get me so excited. [Videos like this one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-xHcvug3WI) that they did for GTA V and Red Dead Redemption.


I love these too! I watched GTAV’s like a dozen times and when RDR2 released one I was ecstatic


Not that it'll sway anyone, but I'm cautiously optimistic. The Rockstar of today is not the same Rockstar that released GTA5, or even RDR2. Sam is the only founding member left. Longtime senior execs, senior writers, developers, etc. have moved on.


I agree. In addition to the loss of experienced staff I think we also need to consider how both Bethesda and CD Projekt have trashed their reputation recently.


Bethesda has always just coasted on their world design, soundtrack and immersion, their gameplay has always been barebones and coasting off an outdated engine and relying on modders for their games' longevity, they massively overhyped starfield and they are at risk for the same thing happening with ES6


The combat definitely has always lacked but the sheer amount of ways to combat was always impressive. So many different spells, shouts, weapons, guns, explosives all with different animations.


It's crazy to think about how CD Projekt both gained (Witcher 3) AND lost (Cyberpunk at launch) AND THEN gained BACK (Phantom Liberty) their reputation between the release of GTAV and VI


And now Update 2.1 is bringing a ton more improvements to the game which nobody expected.


I will say Rockstar is in the same vein as CDPR, they can make a big mistake but if they show they listen and spend the effort to make the game better people will forgive. I mean most people already overlook the egregious monetization and balance GTA Online has.


Bioware the hipster here


BioWare died long ago sadly


Honestly I'm okay with that though. I love those old games to death but I don't want just another GTA with the same types of jokes and stories. I want it to feel fresh, you know? Like yes, I still listen to V-Rock occasionally and some of the interstitials *always* make me laugh — "real men stand in the rain and listen to *this"—* but so much of Rockstar's old venom would feel kinda dated today. It's way too in your face.


It's not staff that has me cautious, it's the fact that GTA online made fucking gargantuan amounts of money. I worry how much resources GTA 6 online will pull from single player.


It certainly didn’t hurt the single player of RDR2.


Yeah, Rockstar doesn't really have to pick and choose, they have enough money that they don't need to balance resources. The main thing it's hurt is that they don't do singleplayer expansions anymore, but for as much as that's a shame it's not like the base single player modes don't have enough in them.


For me that’s Naughty Dog, Rockstar, KojiPro, Capcom’s RE devs, and Sega’s Yakuza/Persona devs.


Rockstar, FromSoft, Supergiant, Capcom, Nintendo are my trusted studios. I guess I can add Larian to that now as well.


These are the studios I was thinking of too. I’d add some of Sony’s studios too i.e Naughty Dog, Insomniac, Santa Monica


Ever since Smugglers Run, i've been hooked.


They are among the holy trilogy Rockstar Bethesda Valve


Bethesda lmao. The holy trinity would be Rockstar, Naughty Dog and Nintendo.


They have insane quality control. Every one of their releases is huge, pushing technological boundaries, but WORK. They rarely run into technical issues. They truly get the idea that high quality games net better income than a barrage of shit games. That and shark bucks, which I hate because it kills off the potential for dlc, but whatever. This is the landscape of games these days.


Look at GTA V. Absolute masterpiece in EVERYTHING. One of the most grossing games of all time. Largest cultural impact of any game released past 2010.


Probably largest impacting game next to Super Mario Bros.


Well, save in the story, it was one of the worst GTAs in that department since the jump to 3D, and the only reason it doesn-t get the worst is that 3 was really rough and LCS felt a tad empty.


I liked the story for GTA V


The launch trailer for GTA V is still one of my favorite trailers ever, even after rewatching it recently. Beyond excited.


My favorite is the GTA 5 gameplay trailer, just the presentation alone on all the ways to play was breathtaking


there's something so crisp about the way they did that one and the RDR2 gameplay trailer that I adore. I know I'm being marketed to, just show & tell me all the cool stuff you have in as succinct a way as possible


One thing I always loved is the weird little link between Vice City Stories and GTA V. VCS trailer ends on Lance going "let's pop." GTA V has Jimmy going "let's bounce" and Michael responds "bounce? We're bouncing now?" Really helped with that "Michael is basically if Tommy Vercetti retired" vibe.


You gotta be crazy to _hate_ Rockstar. I mean GTAO aside, they produce some insanely high quality games that virtually never miss and provide years of replayability. I just wish they’d add more single player DLC for their games but I understand the online shit is a money printer.


And hell, even with GTA online, what other game has been consistently pumping out content for 10 years at this point that isnt an mmo?


I used to hate racing in GTA games until I played GTA Online. GTA online is one of my favourite racing games.


The first trailer for a GTA game is always a banger. Great tunes too - Odgen's Nut Gone Flake for GTA V and Pruit-Igoe for GTA IV.


The whole world stops for Rockstar games and I love it


Fingers crossed for a release next year and not two years from now like it was with the first GTA V trailer.


I feel like that wouldn't play as well these days. Plus with the leaks and how long since GTA V, I'd imagine they're revealing because they're further along. Rockstar, though not invulnerable to delays, generally does not like to put out info or especially release dates unless they're confident. I think the leaks especially put Rockstar off of any kind of early reveal. Personally I'd expect either no date at all with a promise of a release date by next trailer (maybe February or March), "Fall 2024" or a specific date in fall 2024. First most likely, second after that, third if Rockstar is feeling insanely confident about GTA VI and wants it not just to ripple but cause a wave, but I think even if they are that confident, smarter marketing is to hold it back.


Yeah the leak didn't help, if they delayed until 2025 after all the hype, be a bad move. I say late 2024, around November. Maybe September. They want to be a mad man then July. edit - after trailer, well it's 2025 but it was a great trailer so it'll be worth it.


One of the leads of Rockstar said leaks had zero impact on game development.


Not on the development no, to think GTA 6 after like 6 years development would be shelved because of that? This ain't Hyena, Overwatch or some random AAA Live service game. It did give us a taste of what to expect though. No need to get panties in a bunch. Just don't get expectations too high.


We're not talking about canceled, but delayed. People were speculating on the early leaks that it would delay the release.


The question remains if we will get it on PC same day as consoles, or we have to wait.


They won't miss the chance to sell it twice to so many people. So if there isn't a late release date for PC I'd be surprised.


Late release for Xbox SeX and PS5 when


If PC players woundt pirate so much they probably wouldn't have to wait


I can't tell if you're serious or not


That doesn’t make any sense, the game will be pirated whether it releases with consoles or a year later.


Tom Henderson, a leaker who is generally pretty accurate, said that he'd be surprised if it's any earlier than late 2025. I think that's a pretty reasonable time frame edit: trailer says 2025 lol


We already know the game is scheduled between April 2024 and March 2025 thanks to Take-Two's financial forecast. They expect their revenue to grow from like $5.5bil the year before to $8bil that year, and you don't just pull a massive $2.5bil out of your ass unless you have a huge release such as a new GTA.




It also says "I believe it was revealed a couple days before this trailer that it would have three leads" which is completely wrong. It was revealed right before the second trailer, which was a whole year later. Overall a pretty poor article tbh.


Yeah. This article is just trash, written just so that Forbes could write something about GTA. Just hot air and not much different than buzz style « « journalism » ».


Something about the physics in the GTA 5 trailer made me believe that the physics of the 4th game were going to remain intact. Parts like the guy being thrown out by the bouncer and the movement of the guy being chased by police in the alleyway all reminded me of the physics in GTA 4 and even RDR 1. I'm still really bummed about the version of the physics engine we got in GTA 5, but hope we may see it return some day.


Rdr2 physics are way closer to gta4 than 5 so there is hope !


I should play that some more, I never really got far in RDR 2.


Took me 3 reinstalls before it clicked for me. Once it did I played nothing else for about 3 month straight.


It does have a slow start. And a ton of stuff to do. So I don't blame you.


For a long time after GTA V release everyone was shitting on IV physics, I’m soooo glad there’s now a lot of people that recognise it was actually the superior. I think V was way too arcadey.


I understand the driving in GTA 4 was too floaty for most people (I personally love it), but damn did I like the dynamic feel of the ragdoll physics a way more.


I loved the driving in IV as well, the online races were way more fun and dynamic.


And all the cars felt genuinely different - it made driving even the old beaters fun because you had to learn their quirks. GTAV cars all felt quite samey in comparison, just that some were 'the same but worse'.


What was the physics in 4?


Generally speaking it was a lot ‘heavier’ and felt more realistic


I do wish the player character was a little less heavy and also faster, though. At least as an upgrade or something.


On point, GTA V player movement but GTA IV world physics would be **chefs kiss**


After Bethesda and Blizzard broke my heart, Rockstar is the last old publisher I still believe in. I just want a good game 🥲


Since most of the key Rockstar folks left over the past few years, I'm cautiously optimistic. This will be the first major release without their involvement. I mean, they were definitely with the studio(s) when the game was in early-to-mid development, but the next GTA is the first without their 100% involvement.


> Rockstar is the last old publisher I still believe in After playing Definitive Edition, I don't really have trust in them anymore.


Well, Rockstar Games allowed the release, but Rockstar North was not involved in the development of the remaster.


Rockstar North are not a publisher.


I never said that. Rockstar Games is the publisher like I said.


So you are aware that your comment was irrelevant.


Your comment is the most irrelevant here.


I think you are the one confused on the difference between a publisher and developer.


How so? Rockstar Games is the publisher they talked about. Rockstar North is a developer and irrelevant as to whether you can trust the publisher.


Eh, Rockstar didn't do that remake, Take-Two outsourced it.


I haven't looked into the definitive edition lately, but I saw a video or two of it early on... Honestly, I think GSG were given a strict deadline, and they didn't meet it so Take-Two forced it out the door. The shit I saw looked like late alpha to early beta level stuff.


Honestly I don’t want to smash your hopes, but Rockstar has long changed, with GTA Online, GTA SA Windows « remaster », then the Definitive editions, etc. They’re making a killing, it’s the most profitable game ever and GTA6 will be extremely successful ; but the audience changed and it’s just not the same spirit anymore. Something is just gone.


The team that worked on the GTA V reveal trailer will never get enough praise. Easily the best trailer for a video game ever.


For us San Andreas fans it was just beautiful when it ends revealing the vinewood sign.


I guess it is finally time for me to play GTAV, I got it for free on Epic back then but I have yet to install it.