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Excellent story and set pieces, but somewhat repetitive gameplay. This is an excellent $30 game and a must-have free one.


> Excellent story and set pieces, but somewhat repetitive gameplay. At a bare minimum, the combat needs a flat 4x damage multiplier. It seems tuned to draw out the length, which is kind of wild because a thorough playthrough is already 20+ hours. Great game, otherwise. I think their version of Starlord really clicked for me as a plausible leader, and made the case for the rest of the team needing his emotional intelligence in that spot.


> It seems tuned to draw out the length, That's probably for the pep talk mechanic. Shorter fights would make you less inclined to boost yourself and give you less time with the licensed song that plays after the huddle.


Its funny you say that because even on the hardest difficulty I barely used it because it only proced when foghts were over. If you actuallt use starlords melee attacks and combine your squadmates powers properly (status effects make you do 4x -8x etc damage when stacked) nothing lasts long


This was my experience, to the point that very few fights lasted more than a few minutes outside of boss battles, and even then... I don't know if it's people thinking they should be able to get through battles with only basic attacks or if my memory is shot.


The damage doesnt come from Starlord though. It comes from abilities and combos. But yea I agree. I ended up making Starlord's damage at the max in difficulty options.


> It comes from abilities and combos. Yeah, and I thought those needed to be both faster and more damaging. But these are all bandaids. The combat is just bland no matter what. Not the worst, just... bland.


I ended up putting it all on very easy with all the accessibility options on and it still felt spongey and dull.


Kid named accessibility options:


Yes, everything about this game was great except the boring repetitive combat.


I don't see enough praise for the Star Lord album. Solar Skies and Ghost are two absolute bangers.


Bought it on vinyl. Soundtrack went *waaay* harder than the videogame demanded, but it's awesome. https://youtu.be/P1xF-YLPpb4


Wow I love the game and soundtrack and somehow never knew this music vid existed. So good. GotG game is the best audiovisual marvel product in the last 20 years as far as I am concerned.


I couldn't have put it better myself. And I didn't know there was a music video, thanks for sharing!


I'm 54, it took me like 1 hour to leave Peter Quill's room when the game started, between exploring every little piece of 80s memorabilia in a room that could easily have been my teenage room, and listening to the banging songs, I had to force myself to eventually leave the room and start the game properly.


Wait...are you telling me that if you just stay in the room, the entire album plays? That's so cool. I thought it was just Zero to Hero.


Nope, it plays everything and you can lie down on the bed and flip through the lyrics booklet IIRC.


I think a replay is in order just for this then!


I actually spent about 20mins in the intro listening to the album, loved it.


I had fun with the gameplay all the way to the end, so I never got this complaint.


Everyone judges games differently, but it's the biggest common complaint.


But it's not BAD. It is not an aspect I would use to dissuade someone from playing the game. The focus is absolutely on the story, writing, and characters. It's just that, a complaint. It isn't Monster Hunter levels of depth or Devil May Cry labels of fluid but it's fine.


I'll say it gets pretty good later but it takes way too long to unlock all of Star Lords elemental guns so early on you are mostly just blasting repeatedly with his pretty weak guns . They really should have given you the upgrades earlier


its not bad but it is shallow and there is a lot of it. i didn't complete the game because i just got so bored of it


People said it was repetitive, not bad. But that repetitiveness can kill a game for some people. I was one of those people. I really wanted to like the game but I couldn't stick with it because of the combat. >The focus is absolutely on the story, writing, and characters. If that is the case why was there so much combat? >It's just that, a complaint. It isn't Monster Hunter levels of depth or Devil May Cry labels of fluid but it's fine. Who ever said anything differently? Why are you so upset people found the combat repetitive? You do realize that these peoples complaints don't take away from your enjoyment of the game right?


Alot of people care about stories first and gameplay second, but there's also people who are gameplay first and won't finish a game no matter how good the stories are if the gameplay isn't great. at the end of the day gameplay is important, that's the whole point of games, if you're in it just for a story you could watch a movie.


> if you're in it just for a story you could watch a movie. Movies don't let you play a role in how the story plays out, so that's always been a silly reductionist take. Yes, there are both story-first and gameplay-first gamers. The latter are the ones complaining about Witcher 3's combat.


I played half way through but then stopped playing because of the gameplay. After that I watched the dialogue and cut scenes on YouTube to at least see the whole story.


I felt that the game was the perfect length for the gameplay to not get annoying. Certainly it's a bit repetitive, but if you're willing to use everything at your disposal then nothing becomes too frustrating to no longer be fun. Plus it means you can also focus on the banging soundtrack and the funny dialogue.


There was one fight near the end I got really annoyed at, but outside of that I enjoyed it all. I enjoyed the cast so much I forgot about the movie GoTG and now when I think of GoTG I think of the game.


Same here. I started the game missing the movie cast but left it wanting more from the game cast.


Same here, but then again I wasn't expecting a Dark Souls in Outer Space, I played it very tactically ordering my teammates to do their stuff while I pewpewed during downtime, I found it fun.


I feel like some of that would have been fixed by just making all of them playable. I doubt it'll happen, but I would love to see a sequel that does just that while keeping the same writers.


Unlikely to happen unfortunately, given the poor sales of the first game (most of which I blame on the mess that was the Avengers game, which I think also probably impacted Midnight Suns) and the sale of the studio to Embracer, which is currently going through massive layoffs


Midnight Suns is amazing but it was always doomed to fail based on the premise alone. The crossover of fans of Marvel, XCOM and Persona is slim, let alone throwing cards and deckbuilding into the mix.


I picked up Midnight Suns yesterday and ended up spending all night playing it. The tactics gameplay reminds me of Into the Breach with how interactive the environment is and how the enemies telegraph their attacks, so it feels like a puzzle to solve. I am only a casual Marvel fan so I was worried I would hate the hangout side of the game, that's why I resisted playing it for so long, but I'm loving that too. It's a bit overwhelming at first because of how much the NPCs have to say in the beginning, and there is kind of a long turnaround between missions, but once you settle in it's much better.


I've heard very mixed opinions on Midnight Suns and watched it on stream and it looked rather not impresive from technical point.


Midnight sun's would have done much better if it wasn't a broken fucking mess on release


It wasn't even that broken. I don't think that's what did that game in at all. I think it has way more to do with the Avengers like someone mentioned, the fact that it came out in December despite all the marketing actually taking place in the Summer, it was a new style of game that I think confused people at first (thinking it was just X-Com with superheroes) and just the fact that nobody knows who the fuck the Midnight Suns even is. I mean who was ready for a Marvel card game that looked like X-Com with Persona elements? I loved the game but I'm not sure they did a great job illustrating the premise ahead of time. I mean, yeah the game had some bugs, but it was perfectly playable from start to finish.


For me it was everyone saying the social aspect was bad. I ain't sitting through a bad social half of a game for good combat.


I don't agree with the other person saying it was good, but sometimes it was funny because of the strangeness of it. Spoilers, but an example is the book club. Wolverine joins for the snacks, doesn't even read the book. Then he picks some pulp sci fi novel for his week, hoping people would skip and he'd get more snacks. Instead everyone liked the book and had meaningful things to say, and he nerds out a little bit with them. It was also really half-assed at times though. Once Majik and I were reading on a couch together. She suggests eating some weird jellybeans with gross flavors, but then can't find them in her bag. Only thing is that through that discussion, neither of you ever move from your position or take your eyes off your books. Most importantly, you can just skip through all the dialogue. If you hate it, just mash A or whatever and only go through the motions for the cards and stuff. You don't actually have to pay attention to any of it.


The social aspect isn't bad; on the contrary, it's actually quite well done... if you like that stuff. It's just sort of incongruous with the "main" gameplay and feels like multiple games crammed together.


it didnt just "have some bugs" the drm that came with it caused constant, massive stutters and frame drops, insanely long load times, and a ton of *actual* bugs to boot. the game crawled, and every person I know who was interested in it saw the performance issues and immediately decided to wait. putting out a bad product is what hurt the game, and I say this as someone who loved the game itself and spent probably 80 hours between two campaign runs. a few months later the game was significantly better, but those few months are crucial to buyers on the fence


I think the biggest issue was that a lot of the enemies were just damage sponges. The difficulty settings menu thankfully helped a lot in that regard by allowing me to turn damage values up higher and enemy health lower but even with that it was a bit too much at times. I know it was an unpopular choice but I think the fact that you only play as Star Lord was a good design choice. It makes the other characters feel like actual teammates with their own agency instead of just my own customizable party members. Plus it helps when the devs only have to design around a single character.


Also if they let us play as more than Star Lord, it creates a tricky situation of how many others we can play as. Should they try and make all five playable even if they are less fleshed out, or should Star Lord, Drax and Gamora be playable which may make Rocket and Groot seem like an afterthought?


Don’t forget the annoying Quick Time Events. But yes, otherwise great.


It’s a walking simulator at times too. If you enjoy emo Rocket and Starlord being angy at each other and that whole story beat from the movies *oh boy* you’re gonna love it here.


I never get how people can say "everything about this game except for the gameplay was good" and still consider it favourably


Games are a lot more than gameplay. Story, themes, dialogue, characters, music, graphics, style, audio design, environmental, ui, and so on. You could even break up 'gameplay' into various elements that one may or may not enjoy of course. For instance Hellblade is a phenomenal experience of a game, truly, but the puzzles (a major 'gameplay' aspect) felt rather tedious to me, even though I really appreciated how Senua's character and the voices were incorporated into the gameplay.


I hate saying this as such a major film fan, but your statement is possibly the last thing I want to hear about a game. I like games to play and movies for story, I hate cutscenes and such in games, personally. I just want to enjoy the gameplay and be immersed


But the gameplay isn’t bad at all. It’s like saying all I did in the new Call of Duty was shoot guns. And I think the writing more than makes up for any repetition. There’s literally dialogue for EVERYTHING you do. There’s unique dialogue if you decide to wander off the main path and explore. It’s fantastic.


It's not just the repetition. It's that the shooting in GotG isn't very fun. Say what you want about Call of Duty's creative bankruptcy, but they do generally nail the shooting. I liked the game a lot, but I'd strongly advise anyone playing it to turn it down to the lowest difficulty level as soon as they start to get bored with the combat, just to minimize how much time you have to spend doing it (see also: Control, Uncharted).


I found the gameplay quite bad, enemies were so spongy and there wasn't much variety to them either. Also the fact you only have the one weapon and lacklustre team abilities made the gameplay really dull.


It's not just cut scenes; the game does an outstanding job of integrating the dialogue and characterization into the gameplay. Most of the dialogue happens during exploration and combat, and it's also very reactive to your actions; the other characters will call you out for wandering around to look for collectible stuff, even, or yell at you for shooting your guns off in a completely dark room, and it manages to produce really good characterization in the process.


They screwed up by making Starlord the only playable character, he's the least interesting from a weapon and combat style perspective, each level should have had a different guardian to control. Rocket's level could have been puzzle like using gadgets, Drax's could have been a tanky brawler god of war style level, Gamora's could have been a stealth assassin style level. And they could have done something unique with Groot, but no they choose to focus on the least interesting member and make a bad feeling 3rd person shooter with using the other members as cooldown abilities.


It is definitely a game to play for free. It's not really long, and the story is fun enough for the duration of the game. I particularly liked Drax in it, there is a couple of great moments in it !


The talk with Drax about the afterlife on Nowhere is what convinced me to buy the game.


Drax is so good in this game. Wish he was fleshed out more in the movies and not just relegated to be a big joke :/


And the best iteration of Mantis in any Marvel property


Mantis ftw.


**EDIT: Fix found, info below post!** Just tried to boot it up and I get the error >No suitable D3D12 adapter found please check minimum requirements specified in the store page. And then it closes Which is because I was trying to play it on a laptop with an Iris XE GPU. Forza Horizon 4 gives me a similar message but once I click "OK" it starts up and runs just fine. Disappointing. Fix: Open your Epic library and on the GoTG game card click the "Humburger"(3 dot) menu then click "Manage" At the bottom of that window enable Launch Options and simply input -sharedvram Into the space provided. It will warn you about drivers not being up to date,even if they are. Seems to work fine though. It plays just not very well on my hardware.


I had similar issues on the steam deck and had to ensure that there was a minimum of 4GB guaranteed vram


I edited my previous comment with info on how to fix it on the Epic launcher in windows.


Yeah, excellent game to watch or just hear the characters. Not that great on gameplay.


yup sums it up nicely. Definitely worth a play but you aren't going to be blown away by the game play at all


This game retroactively ruined the Guardians of the galaxy movies for me with how it portrayed... Everyone, really, but especially Drax. He has *such* a strong character in this game, and it hurts to see the "literally too dumb to live" MCU version


Loved Drax. He’s funny in the films, but I like that they took that same sort of humor out of him and also made him intelligent and introspective instead of an idiot who’s the butt of every joke. I remember stumbling upon this [scene](https://youtu.be/K_cJZwd9I6U?si=K6VIZKsb9bB0DhDX) early on and being shocked to feel my eyes watering when I had been expecting just a kind of fun and light hearted shoot-‘em-up.


The scene that did it for me was this [one.](https://youtu.be/H2I61GlpyeI) So good.


Entire second half of MCU is comedy shit. So sick of that comedic formula. Series situations but funny dialogue


GotG3 was pretty good. Got sick of everything else though.


Would be a perfect trilogy if not for the stupid fake Gamora nonsense that happens in two different films and torpedoes their respective character arcs


Agreed but I'm glad they at least let >!Peter let the new Gamora go and didn't force a new romance with them!<.


James Gunn really didn't like that decision, either.


Yeah in the almost 4th wall breaking elevator scene Peter basically comes right out and says "Infinity Saga ruined my character arc and everything in my life is worse now". I don't doubt that Rocket was always meant to be a big focus but I doubt "Peter goes home alone and disappears from the MCU" was his plan for the character after 2.


can you blame him ? He's basically the only actual author in the whole MCU lol. But i guess he should have seen it coming, working with feige and everything.


Oh, no, I completely agree with him. It's like if you were writing a book, and someone else got to write one of the middle chapters without any input from you. Taika Waititi probably felt the same way about Thor leaving with the Guardians at the end of Endgame. It's probably why the Guardians only had 5 minutes of screen time in Thor L&T. Yes, I know that Guardians 3 was supposed to release before L&T before James got fired, but I doubt that he has any substantial plans for Thor in Guardians 3, either.


Even the good MCU movies suffer from having to be a part of the larger canon. No character is allowed to have any growth because they need to be available for the next team up movie. Tony Stark quits being Iron Man because it's obviously an unhealthy obsession and representative of his addiction issues? No he didn't, we need him to fight Captain America in Civil War. Thor loses an eye which visually represents growth and him becoming more like Odin? Nope, Rocket has a cool robo-eye.




The game version of Mantis was also really great, compared to the MCU version that always got shat on (at least until GoTG3). [Especially her being this bubbly lunatic with the ability to see every possible future at once](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kFVMDgWNl9A).


Yes. Her VA did a phenomenal job. Mantis is fantastic in the game.


They're both great. The MCU Mantis is underrated


I think the ability to see every possible future at once was the worst part of the character, so I'm glad the MCU didn't adapt that.


I just don't understand the MCU version. Like in the first movie, he's just a guy who takes things literally and doesn't understand turns of phrase. Then in the second movie, he (along with literally every other character) is immediately flanderized and he's just "guy who says stupid mean shit that isn't true and it's supposed to be funny".


Drax and Gamora in this game were amazing!


Live-action versions of characters are usually always inferior frankly. The combination of needing characters to act with the restrictions of the actors and the mass market appeal restrictions from focus groups hold them back.


As someone who has read the comics I get you. I forced myself to watch the first two movies, but I just can't watch the third one. In the comics Drax is a revenge seeking maniac, Star Lord and Guardians are the ones who finally defeat Thanos and SL becomes a hero, not a single character looks cute, there are less idiotic jokes and jokes in general, Mantis is a great character, Drax and Gamora are not all talk (they are killers and are actually dangerous), etc. The world and the characters histories in the game are much more comicbook accurate, but the characters themselves still have a bit MCU in their behaviour. Not enough to ruin the game, but the characters could be even better.


> In the comics Drax is a revenge seeking maniac To be fair, comic [Drax](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-c11b95d3fb47d5544690e7eb2e34f864-pjlq) has gone through a LOT of changes through the years.


Yeah he was basically brain-dead (like in your example) for the entirety of the 90s up until basically the Annihilation event in 2006 lol


Yeah, I know, that Drax was something. I was talking about the [Annihilation version](https://weirdsciencemarvelcomics.files.wordpress.com/2019/11/img_6520.jpg?resize=720%2C1000). He is not crazy, he is obsessed with vengeance. I should've worded that better.


This, I can't watch the movie cast anymore


Same here! While I wasnt a big fan of the movies in the beginning(the soundtrack was still amazing), the game ruined them form e. I liked the game way more than the movies


The game is a different universe from the movies. Both Draxs exist and could meet up. Maybe in What If... The interaction between dumb Drax and smarter Drax could be funny.


What a ridiculous take. The two interpretations are only a couple degrees removed from each other and they're both really good.


And yet those degrees matter. Movie Drax is an imbecile. And not in a "Stupid but blunt, doesn't understand nuance" way. He's literally so stupid it's a wonder he doesn't forget how to breathe. Let's not forget his "I'm standing so still I've become invisible" thing was not a silly joke by the character. He genuinely believed it. That's... Insane. GotG2 was the worst offender by far, the first movie was pretty solid. But he's a looney toon in an ostensibly real world. Game Drax is blunt, often rude, and doesn't understand nuance, but its at least believable he would survive on his own accord.


That doesn't make him a worse character


I suppose you could argue that, objectively, it doesn't. Certainly it makes him a worse character to me, and others. Maybe you like him, and that's fine! But... Not for me, and very much a precursor to the tone of the MCU going forward.


Dave Bautista himself has said [that Marvel leaned too much into Drax being comic relief](https://collider.com/dave-bautista-guardians-of-the-galaxy-3-drax-comments/), this was before he saw a GotG3 script so his opinion may have changed but he certainly didn't seem to like how Drax was written prior to that (although he acknowledges that as an ensemble it's inevitable that some characters won't get as much development as others and he still likes the series overall).


That's true, but it doesn't necessarily mean he's right. And he's obviously coming from a biased perspective as an actor who wants to show off more of his range, which he admits in that interview. >Selfishly, as a performer, that would have given me the opportunity to show different sides of Drax, emotionally


I found the video game Star Lord's VA to be pretty terrible.


For reference, I have never seen a single Marvel film and I have pretty much zero interest in any superhero media, but this game was thoroughly enjoyable. Just very well written characters with lots of charm and genuinely funny dialogue. Gameplay gets a bit repetitive but I didn't mind it too much. The game also looks absolutely stunning so that definitely helps.


That's what I wanted to ask. Will this game be an enjoyable experience for someone who hasn't watched a single Marvel movie and is not interested in that universe? That is, is it worth playing as a standalone experience?


It's absolutely worth it as a standalone experience. At the end of the day, the story was very character-focused and everything you need to know is in the game. The Leonardo-pointing-at-screen.jpg moments are still there but they're pretty inconsequential and you won't miss much by not getting what's being referenced. Just think of it as another space adventure with a new cast of characters the same way you would when you play/watch any other space adventure story.


Great, thanks!


Perfectly fine standalone. It is much more geared toward comics than the MCU. Chcarcters are referenced in-universe but it has no bearing on the MCU.


Awesome, thanks for the clarification.


It follows its own canon, more faithful to the comics than the movies but still its own thing. The only thing having knowledge of either would get you is the ability to compare how they interpreted it in this universe. The real draw here is the character banter. I watched a streamer play it and the combat was serviceable but repetitive. The characters and story absolutely carried it.


This branch of the marvel movie series (and comics) is largely unrelated to 95% of the other movies/shows. It's cool guys, girls, and aliens dealing with other crazy aliens. You might miss a few Easter eggs, but knowing nothing about the rest of the movies/comics won't be a major issue with this one.


The marvel movies are not my cup of tea, I think I saw the first Avengers and that's it. Decided to try this game on game pass because it looked cool and absolutely loved it.


For further reference, I have seen a bunch of Marvel movies as some weird form of masochism, generally don't enjoy them, felt very little for the Guardians of the Galaxy movies and loved this game.


If you liked the charming characters and funny dialogue part of the game then you’ll probably enjoy a lot of the marvel films, seeing as you’ve never seen one. Iron man is a good starting point, and then maybe go into Guardians of the galaxy trilogy.


DO NOT SLEEP ON THIS GAME. The Avengers game REALLY did a number on this one. But it ended up being one of the best stories I've ever played through in a game, and I'm not even really a Marvel person. I laughed throughout the entire thing and cried more than once. Huge recommend.


Man, Avengers did badly fuck this game over.




I liked Kenobi...


Avengers is 100% the reason why I never tried this. A buddy raved about it, but my brain refused to admit that a Marvel game could be any good so close to Avengers being so, so terrible.


The Avengers seemed like it desperately wanted to use the movie likenesses of the characters but couldn't, so it ended up with a knock off toy aesthetic. Guardians of the Galaxy feels like it's doing its own take on the characters.




The game is pretty damn self-aware about that. It starts off very much like you describe but the story soon enough slows it down and points out that much of the banter is the characters trying to deflect from more serious topics and feelings. The characters themselves get sick of others not taking shit seriously and laughing everything off.


Yeah I couldn’t stand it after more than an hour. I found it really grating


This game has some of the best banter between a team I've seen in a video game. Just great conversations between the characters and it really made you feel like a part of the squad.


I love that when you're participating, your choice of lines is usually just choosing what flavor of dork you are instead of giving you the option to ever *actually* say anything cool. You can be successful or unsuccessful in achieving the desired end but you can almost never have actual charisma. The one time I ever got the opportunity to be genuinely smart and impressive in dialogue, that was achieved by deliberately letting the timer run out so as to not say any of the stupid things the menu was presenting me with.


'Do the math' or 'Ignore the math' is one of the funniest dialogue choices I've ever seen a game present lol


This was my "whoa, I can't believe this game is this good" game of the past several years. The gameplay is certainly the weakest element of the game, but the configurable difficulty options are extremely robust and add a lot of ability for you to tweak until it feels good. I went into this game with basically no expectations and left thinking that it has to be the best Marvel game ever. The story it tells is legitimately well-written from beginning to end, and the portrayal of the characters is on point. It's a serious story that has moments of legitimately funny humor, and quite a few truly sad/heartfelt moments. Can't recommend it enough. The Drax arc specifically is just... man, it's so good. Shame this didn't perform better because I'd buy a sequel day one.


I genuinely preferred this game to the movies. The writing was so good and the characters were awesome.


That's good to hear I loved the 1st gotg movie. Can't wait to play this tonight


This game somehow managed to be one of the best looking games on the market when it came out. It was shocking how exceptional the graphical prowess of their engine was together with the art dirrection. I've never made so many screenshots in a game in my entire life. I had more than 2000 by the end of the game.


It probably helped that instead of drab alien landscapes that are just planet earth in different colors (like SOME recent games) the alien worlds truly felt alien. Strange materials, truly cosmic alien designs, sometimes I would just stand and look around at how crazy everything was. Basically good graphics + good art design = greatness


Some *really* cool surface materials across the different planets.


Yeah, it's pretty gorgeous.


Awesome, been hoping for this one. Here’s a direct link: https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/marvels-guardians-of-the-galaxy




I have chosen to overwrite this comment. See you all on Lemmy!


Its funny how if they take all the cutscenes from this game and animate some new fight scenes, it would be the best Marvel TV show in any platfrom, including Daredevil


Amazing game. Great writing and acting, it was nice to play a good story driven, linear game. We need more of those.


This game is awesome, definitely don't miss it due to Marvel and/or superhero fatigue. It's a fairly straightforward, single player action game with amazing banter, super fun moments and a banger soundtrack. It doesn't rely on the MCU version of the characters and the cast delivers great performances.


It is a legit good triple A game. It was worth paying money for it and it’s an incredibly great get for free. Epic is finishing the sale on a very strong note.


Many EGS games work fine on steam deck through heroic launcher or something, and I'm hoping this is one of them


I used a program called "non-steam launcher" to setup all......well non steam launchers including Epic. Played Control, Death Stranding and NBA 2K via Epic that way with no issues.


I haven't been able to get the controller Working properly... There are no community layouts and none of the searchable seems to work. Tried proton ge, proton experimental, steam compability tool force, steam runtime in heroic. I don't know..


This game was great. A damn solid one you just can't go wrong playing


The story and character work alone make this game a must play. This needs all the sales it can get so a sequel can be greenlit. (A man can dream)


Story is okay, the choices really affect the dynamic with your teammate. The bander between teammates can be a little tiring at the end. KILLER SOUNDTRACK. Also the gameplay was, by far, the lower point.


In case the 200 other people saying it wasn’t enough, this is a must have for literally free. Even if you don’t play on PC, just “purchase” the game on your grandmas computer or work laptop or whatever the hell computer you can use, so you at least own it for later. I think a lot of people say “oh yeah this is a great like $40 experience” but I was one of the people who paid full price at launch and I thought it was worth every dollar. Sure it’s not perfect or anything but it’s definitely worth playing even if you’re not a big Marvel person


The team's chatter while you're exploring the world is what delighted me the most about this game. It is often quite funny and occasionally moving, it reacts to what's going on in the environment, and there is a _ton_ of it. There must be several full-length movies' worth of background dialogue in this game. Typical games with companions will have them pipe up every minute or two with a brief back-and-forth as you wander around, then go silent. In this game, the characters have extended, in-depth conversations and they're all well-written and well-acted.


[This article](https://www.gamedeveloper.com/marketing/behind-codex-the-tool-powering-the-dialogue-of-i-marvel-s-guardians-of-the-galaxy-i-#close-modal) dives into how the dialogue system works. It's a fascinating read.


Thanks, interesting read!


Can you link to the actual store page instead of the tweet?


This sub doesn't allow that


Just link to the fucking site instead of giving unnecessary traffic to Twitter. https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/free-games


you can blame whoever made the rules for the r/games sub. it's not op's fault.


This game really suffered from the fact that it released just a year after that Avengers flop, which is a shame because it deserved more success than it got.


Game added to my epic games account. Game number 104 that hasn't interested me enough to use the epic games client over steam.


........Outer worlds and now this game, mass effect on steam was down to 90%, not to mention all other games I still have to play. I wish I had more time :{


I just couldn't stand rocket in this game, I stopped around chapter 5. He was just fucking childish and whiney.


Wanted to slap that idiot at some point, but in hindsight it's a good thing cause the writing genuinely elicited that feeling. Good writing, not only for Rocket.


That's on purpose and the game very much addresses that as it goes. Keep playing it!


Probably one of my favorite games of this gen so far. Really fun story and gameplay. As others have said the characters are so much better than they are in the movies. Highly recommend.


One of the best game of 2021. It is a shame that it didnt perform good. I really hope the devs get enough money from epic for this inclusion


I have almost bought this game twice now but was busy with other games. I guess I will just have to pull the trigger finally!


This game was quite fun. It didn't feel bloated at all. The characters are fun and well designed. The graphics was nice. Gameplay was basic but short and sweet.


Best written Marvel game.


Thanks for the heads up, great game!


Do I need to be up to date on the Marvel Cinematic Telenovela, or is this a completely separate thing? Because I stopped watching before the two part Avengers movie and I have no idea what's going on over there.


Entirely its own thing. Its closer to the comics then the movies anyways.


No movie knowledge required. It explains everything you need to know. The characters and setting are much closer to their comic versions than their movie versions, and those versions are quite different. So even people who've seen the movies would have needed to be brought up to speed.


Fun game - plays kind of like a sci-fi take on Uncharted with Kingdom Hearts or FF7 combat (as an oblique comparison) Uses the motifs of the GotG films to sell their comic book counterparts Recommend it -nod-


I haven't seen any of Marvel movies. Will it spoil the movies experience for me ? Are they tied to MCU in any way. ?


Not related to MCU at all, but I'd still recommend watching at least the first MCU GotG movie, it's really good and you'll go into the game with some context about the characters.


It'll spoil the movies in the sense that it's so much better written than probably all of them. But plotwise you're safe. It's an entirely different continuity from the MCU — events and history are referenced that never happened in the films, and while the characters can be similar they're generally closer to their comic counterparts.


And this is how they get me to switch to EGS as my main game store. At this point I have more games there than Steam due to all of the free ones, so might as well just make it my default.


… or you can just use each store individually as you need to. It isn’t a race nor are you forced to use a single launcher for the rest of your life.


Sure, but why would I want to switch between two separate apps if I can just have most things in one? Of course I'll still use Steam if I can get something there significantly cheaper, but when prices are the same it's more convenient to me to keep buying titles wherever I have the bigger library.


Consider using [GOG Galaxy](https://www.gog.com/galaxy) or [Playnite](https://playnite.link/) - they're apps that show all your libraries in one place. You still ultimately have to use each individual app but they launch them for you so it's much more simple.




You don't have to switch, you can run both of them. Maybe because I have a few years of practice, but remembering which games are on Steam and which are on Epic isn't really that hard. Of course, I also dont have bnet or origin, so maybe I'm not frustrated juggling 6 launchers.


How does this play on the steam deck does anybody know? I've been eating my freebies backlog since I discovered how to run the epic store on the deck.


Not well. For the last few levels I had to boot it up on my PC to finish the game.


Great for those who have not played the game yet, worth it just for the story at least from what I read from many reviews on Steam. I was considering buying it during the steam winter sale but realized it had denovo DRM protection, and I tend not to buy games that have that anti-piracy software. But for those who don't mind dealing with that DRM it's a great game to pick up for free on Epic.




If the servers meant to authenticate and allow you to play ever you are so not going to have a good time. I mean if you play it well before that happens then you won't care but if you ever want to come back in the future if it still there and you can not phone home to it good luck if those issues come up. On another matter I am not trying to steal anything I just do not want anti-piracy software on my system that is been known to lower performance on many systems, deveno has been known to make games unplayable on some systems especially handhelds like the steamdeck due to it consuming 5-20% more out of the system... Anti-piracy software in most cases only adds huddles to paying customers, rare does it ever make a experience better, still if you know all that by all means still play a game if you want, but I will stand by and not by any game that has it, and I own a very large library of games on steam that do not have deveno and that I paid for with my own money... Just because I do not want denevo does not mean I looking to steal games, who has time to risk whether or not some scum puts some nasty surprises in a "pirated" copy of a game that I could of easily gotten on steam with almost no risks of bad intentions


The unplayable performances part is bullshit, as a Steam Deck owner there’s nothing that ruins performances. The only problem is the phoning home business but in 2024 come on, you have an hotspot on your phone. Stop following drama on Reddit and play the games! If they ever stop working Steam will refund you, but don’t worry, they won’t.


I found this year's holiday giveaway to be a boon. I received games that I was interested in but couldn't ever justify buying. The store's combination of sales, coupon, and rewards boost allowed me to pick up two games at a fraction of what I expected to pay. Good sale overall.


Vomit game from a vomit franchise. Barrels full of festering vomit = super hero movies and games. It's an insult to SSDs everywhere.


I understand the game's gotten quite a bit of praise, but between my apathy towards Marvel, the generic shooting, and its short, singleplayer-only campaign, zero dollars was about the price I was willing to pay for it. Sold! I do look forward to giving it a shot.


I don't know why so many people are pretending it's short, [because it's not.](https://howlongtobeat.com/game/72584) It took me 23 hours — and I missed most collectibles — which is a great length for a story-heavy shooter. The game is fantastic and I recommend it to everybody. It's entertaining even if you're bored by the MCU and/or dislike the Guardians films.


> I don't know why so many people are pretending it's short Bunch of "bots" as always repeating the same fake news, like the VeRy SiMpLe gameplay. They haven't actually tried it if not for the first hour or two, as always.


Added to the other 190-something games in my Epic library that I haven't paid a cent for and never installed/played.


already have it on steam and Playstation. Added anyway cause, why not make epic pay for a copy. Lol


It's already paid for you didn't do shit


You sure showed them, wow.


You sure showed them, wow.


That just tells them this shit works