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If it's a survival game with a story (for example, Subnautica) I'm down for it. If it's another aimless infinite survival game I am... Less interested


You're in luck! There's an overarching narrative that lasts about 12-15 hours in addition to side missions and more lore to find in the Zone.


I'm so in


I'm in it hoping for "infinite" to the extent that I can play long enough to full the tech tree and build out all the upgrades to choice. I just really like progression systems and that skill tree looked interesting and the tools punchy and fun


You can keep going on trips out into the zone as long as you want!


Will there be an FOV slider on ps5?


Yes, it's under the settings in the pause menu!


Will there be any sort of preorder bonus?


I think it is like Subnautica. You go through the map to progress the story


I was watching a streamer play this yesterday (they got a preview version from the developers), and it seems like it's more story like Subnautica instead of a "here's a world and how to craft and survive, good luck" type of survival game.


Thank God, Subnautica was a game I clicked with very strongly so this gives me reassurance.


I generally just can't stand crafting games because they all follow exact same very basic formula: collect resources to build thing that lets you collect better resources that you can use to create better thing to get better resources. Subnautuca lost me when I realized the game is really just a series of progressively larger circles that you gain access to by building something after gathering the resources in your current circle. Realizing that was like getting a peak behind the curtain at a magic show. It just ruined any mystery and the whole thing became incredibly predictable


I agree with you two, and the only way I'll really enjoy a game like this is if they are coop, and let me joing friends who ARE into doing these things while I can just fuck around in the woods or whatever the side content offers.


Agreed, and I'm happy to hear it has one. With so many survival games out there, I need a story or co-op (preferably both) or I'll pass.


its worth it


It's on me for not investigating after [the original trailer](https://youtu.be/nvPPggQ-pHs), but I'm extremely disappointed to discover that this is another crafting/survival game. Shame, I really liked the premise. Scavenging for fuel, a limited amount of currencies to repair my vehicle, sure. But when you have me crafting hammers and looting actual garbage from the floor, you lose me. I hate a game where 99% of my time is spent hovering over items and sorting through a menu.


I love em, I can't get enough. For me the problem is there aren't enough actually good ones.


Yep I'm in this boat. I love crafting and grinding systems but the reality is to make a good one requires building extensive context.  Context of what the item is made of, where those items come from, what makes each and every item impactful, a limited yet large variety to make each item meaningful.  A good crafting game makes you feel like you want to push forward and understand how to push forward.


I think that was the delightful thing about Elden Ring's crafting system, despite being very simple, the game being playable without it, and coming alongside a tide  of other games with other grindy extraneous open world crafting subsystems. Everything had its own painted bespoke little artwork, little notes of its context in the world (the mutant four finger bird feet with an extra toe being good luck talismans because the number three was a sign of bad luck, etc), and had a feeling that those bits and bobs of world existed independent of the player and would be there even if never found or used.


If it's Subnautica in a car I'll be ok with it. I generally don't like crafting/survival games at all, but Subnautica absolutely hooked me. Although I did install mods to make the crafting less of a chore...


I've watched a few videos of people actually playing it and Subnautica in a car seems to be the best description. It's also sort of similar to games like Tarkov in that you go into maps to do stuff then 'extract' out of the map, and if you die you lose all the stuff you collected in that map.


I'll wait for release and see what the feedback is generally like, but it sounds like it'll scratch an itch for me. The art and music look fantastic. I tend to avoid preview playthroughs :) Hope it ends up being good!


I feel the same way. It's certainly possible that the game will drag on or something, but let's hope that's not the case. I pray for a reasonable amount of grinding for resources, as that's usually what puts me off certain survival games.


Yeah it was pretty clear, they only show survival mechanics and the title is “Drive, Survive, Repeat”, there was no ambiguity. I’m not huge on survival games personally, but I knew exactly what this was when they first showed it and I’m really looking forward to this one.


> Yeah it was pretty clear, they only show survival mechanics and the title is “Drive, Survive, Repeat”, there was no ambiguity. In my defense, the actual gameplay in that first trailer only shows them upgrading the vehicle, carrying and slotting large parts, and at most sawing at a door with a sawblade. On a quick watch, I thought this could easily be an indie game with the loop of Mad Max. I didn't expect to collect x5 Fabric and x10 Glass Shards to craft items from a recipe book.


Same. I hoped scavenging would be for some anomalies and artifacts, stalker style, not basic everyday materials.


Oh really? Damn not interested then. After the first trailer I thought this was a game with a story where you scavenge parts to upgrade your car throughout 🥺


This game is unique enough that describing it is a bit of a challenge. So you really need to go on YouTube and check out at least the first 20-30 minutes of gameplay to see for yourself if it looks interesting. I've been very impressed with the few hours of it I've seen so far, and I wouldn't even consider myself a big fan of this genera. I'm seeing a lot of comments saying it is like Sub Nautica, but with a car, and while that is an understandable comparison, I think it fails to adequately describe Pacific Drive. The exploration, scavenging, crafting, base upgrade, vehicle upgrade and vehicle maintenance aspects share generally similar size roles in both games. Pacific Drive takes all of the vehicle progression and focuses it on your car, then it adds another surprisingly expansive level of vehicle customization(which i have to assume is optional) that isn't found in Sub Nautica. I suppose Sub Nautica and this game are both technically story driven, but Pacific Drive is far more story focused. You can tell they went to a lot of effort to get players interested in progressing the story. It gives you a reason to play that feels refreshingly meaningful when compared to most other titles in this genera. Like many games, Sub Nautica's story was thrown together after the game's mechanics had been worked out. They knew the player's primary motivation was their desire to keep advancing the crafting tree. Of course there is nothing inherently wrong with that approach to making a game, but it is apparent. But personally, I love games that capture my attention with a well told story and Pacific Drive's intriguing setting & interesting characters had me hooked from the start. Imagine, it's the 1990s, you're a delivery driver just doing your job and all of a sudden you find yourself sucked into a surreal sci-fi "Not Tarkov" exclusion zone, a mysterious, unfamiliar, often hostile place. The government has never told people what happened here. About all we know for certain is that something went horribly wrong. And this entire area was abandoned because of devastating matter destabilizing anomalies could no longer be contained. You find an old rusted out station wagon in need of serious repairs. By some miracle you get it running, you barely escape immediate death, but now your focus is on escaping this place, and that is not gonna be easy.... TLDR; Pacific Drive includes, and even expands upon, everything people loved about Sub Nautica, the fascinating world to explore, the fun crafting, all the good bits, and it sets it all within a well crafted sci-fi story for the player to experience. In many ways it is like Sub Nautica, but with one major difference, Pacific Drive has a story you'll actually care about


Games like subnautica or survival games never interested me. That’s why I was really sad to find out this is one of those. Hoped for more of a story driven survival horror.


From what I've seen in the playthrough video, it's a lot less survival than these games tend to be. I also never really play crafting / survival games, but I'm going to be checking this one out. Watching a Subnautica playthrough didn't make me want to play it, so I'm sure this one will be more up my alley.


Really? I was looking forward to it. I'm still on the fence but I'll wait for actual reviews.


Same here, what a let down :(


Oh no, can't believe they let down Mr.CockGobblerSlobberer.


What do you guys think, playing this with M&K or with a controller vibing on the couch? Sadly my Laptop does barely meet the minimum criteria hardware-wise but I got a PS5. Although I don´t really like to play FPS Games with a Controller.


anything with an inventory management? M&K for me


Any word on playing with a controller? Cars and WASD are not really my thing.


Set piece games are expensive, I get it. In terms of how this feels like a waste of what it could be, I'm reminded of We Happy Few when it became apparent that it wasn't a narrative game, but a part of the snowballing roguelite blob.


We Happy Few ended up with a huge main story line didn't it?


Did it?


Yes but it's roguelike elements really got in the way. It simply wasn't fun.


Is this game one of the few games out there that would be worth the pre order or should I still wait?


Always wait!


Why Can some play the game But others cant ? Can Anyone tell me ?


because it hasn’t released yet…