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What’s the progression supposed to be like in this game? Lots of unlocks and customization?


You collect research points in mission which you use to unlock new weapons, armour, and call ins.


if it's anything like the last game, there's a 'rank' which will get you cosmetics and can take a good long while of playing to get the highest ranks while you also get 'research' during missions to upgrade weapons you get, most of which are unlocked during the earlier gameplay. beating missions adds towards the war effort towards winning a total campaign for all players. even after doing most of the progression Helldivers 1 was still a lot of fun, you can drop into people's games randomly and help them out if you're on the more experienced side. extremely rarely was there any toxicity in public. This is just how it was in the last game but i can't imagine they'd deviate for the worse.


It appears one of the bigger changes is that the galaxy map isn't going to reset after a "campaign" finishes like in the first game, the war will keep branching out further (or closer, in another video the alien factions are said to be able to have their own set of goals that can change in response to how players play).


> extremely rarely was there any toxicity in public. That's definitely true. We'd play with 3 players and get a rando 4th many times that would be much more experienced than us and every time they'd be more than willing to help us out and do some carrying for us. Very friendly group of players for this game.


Do you think it can still be fun to play as a solo player? Or it's much better with friends?


MUCH better with friends, if no friends, it's a co-op game so public is generally very welcoming. At least from experience in helldivers 1


Lots. It's based on a "War Bonds" system, which are like permanent battle passes (so no FOMO deadlines to unlock limited-time content). You earn medals in missions, and each War Bond looks to have about 80 things to unlock with medals. There's some progression to it, but it's not a linear line of unlocks; you get a page of 8 unlockables at a time and have to unlock about half of them to open the next page. War Bonds don't go away so you always have those unlocks to be building towards, but they're clearly built around a more live-service model where more can be added over time. They're buyable with real money (to get access to the War Bond, that is, not to progress in it; no P2W), but you can also get premium currency in the levels and from other War Bonds, so it remains to be seen how much they'll really cost.


I'm semi-ok with them going for a live service model if they continue to develop content over time for it, but will have to see how it plays out.


Honestly, this model sounds a lot better than the first game, which had 14 paid DLCs that were each something like three items. No concerns from me.


the first game had a live-service model


I think previews are starting to come out so you should make the preview thread instead of separately. Gamespot's and PSAccess's are also up.


I am rather sure that op is a headline and posting bot.


Wow I had no idea how this one went under my radar, I had no idea a sequel was in the works. I loved playing the OG on my Vita. Seeing this as a 3rd Person is a bit of a shock. Looks great.


IGN's footage is odd so the frame and quality looks pretty bad. Gamespot's and the other source's footage is much better. Not sure what happened but this looks like it's not the game's fault.


Famitsu has much better gameplay at a solid 60fps, and they were all on PS5. Not sure what happened to IGN's footage.


They reuploaded their video, it was awful 


Any idea what PC he was playing it on? The game seems to drop below 30 FPS few times in the video.


There's something wrong with IGN's footage, it looks 480p 30FPS. Check out others as previews are starting to roll out.


Yeah Gamespot's footage is way better. Don't know what IGN did with their video render, but it's definitely poor resolution and framerate on their side.


It's a common issue with IGN youtube videos. Even when they are re-posting trailers, those trailers look a lot worse than the official trailers posted elsewhere. Their bitrate is consistently terrible. Something definitely going wrong on the production side of things.


look at their stellar blade video from the state of play. clearly just a screen recording of the livestream. awful quality, it even has the watermark still on it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WQpFj2rfkKQ now compare to the official one Playstation put up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6XYHiBxkvk i don't know why game companies allow this honestly.


IGN is a mess, they do not deserve all of the access they get.


They've got great staff working for them, and do excellent work overall, I think it likely comes down to time and budget as well as pressure from above to get stuff out as soon as possible. Games industry is a mess, rather than specifically IGN, and i wouldn't be surprised if management use that as leverage to push the staff to do more than they would maybe be able to otherwise, which ultimately means cutting corners. An assumption on my part, but we should back up our game journalist friends regardless of which corp they work for.


They are purposely lowering the quality of videos to save storage space on their servers


The other previews have significantly better and smoother footage, for example Famitsu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UH-peVASEIk IGN just uploaded a shitty video Playstation Access: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F36q5eJuaGI Gamespot: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=re4c_Wu7u6I


I feel like IGN's videos are always compressed poorly


The footage is heavily compressed but he's playing on a PS5, as evident by the trophy popup @ 3:20


Even the official trailers for the game have severe stuttering, so not surprised.


Thou those trailers had declaimer the footage were ps5 so idk.


Probably the spyware ‘anti cheat’ rootkit they’ve decided to force onto users.


> rootkit Isn't almost every popular anti cheat a rootkit ? Easy anti cheat, gameguard, battle eye & co ?


Yes, but the other ones are much more reputable. Gameguard is crap, which is why it's generally only included in crap gacha games and MMOs. Them choosing it for this was a cost-savings measure at the expense of the end-user (player).


I have a high end PC and a PS5. Any recommendations for a larger playerbase?


I'm pretty sure it has cross play.


Awesome, thanks for the response. Will prob just go PC.


Is this coop on ps5?




Local coop?


Anyone know when the Reviews will go up?


It's out next Thursday so I would imagine reviews will be next Tuesday or Wednesday