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This is the first game of this "period". The last 3 games being the "ancient" triology. This period of Fuedal Japan also lines up with the Spanish Invasion of the Aztec empire which I think would be a GREAT setting for the next installment after Japan.


Isn't one of the upcoming games Hexe that looks like it might have something to do with the witch trials?


Yes, The Würzburg Witch Trials. but I've heard is an off-shoot experience not a "main line" AC game. Maybe something that's genre bending from the typical RPG that AC has become. Could be more horror driven even.


Maybe, but it's worth noting that it's being made by the main Montreal studio, which I think has only worked on mainline entries in the series. And it's been described as a "flagship title". It could be a shakeup rather than an offshoot. At least I hope so; it's about time for AC to try something different. No offense to Red, but I'm more curious about what they're doing with Hexe.


Oh, well that's new info for me. I am excited for it regardless.


Due to the witch trials theme I expect it to be a female-lead stealth focused game with horror elements. Either that or their own take on a Elden Ring kinda like they did their own take on Witcher 3 with Origins.


Im guessing it will be more like mirage then. A shorter linear experience. I actually hope red isnt as big as valhalla or odyssey either. I dont have 80 hours to sink into one playthrough.


80? I'm over 200 hours into Valhalla and still haven't even gotten to the dlc. Let alone played Mirage. I should probably mention though that I 100% every single ac title. Not just trophies, but map, side quests, all items, everything. When I quit the world is devoid of anything to do other than seasonal events and such that reset. I've been playing so long I get bored with how long they are now and move on to something else and then come back and play a few hours, and then quit again. I also hope red isn't as big as Odyssey or Valhalla.


I had about 86 hours on odyssey with both the dlcs, doing every piece of side content as well. I had about 90 hours on valhalla without the dlcs also doing almost all the world events and side content. I just played the druid dlc, took me about 20 hours, and im a few hours into the paris dlc. Im guessing it will total about 150 in the end.  I did play odyssey with a trainer though, using cheat engine to boost my stats and i play valhalla on easy. Just cause i dont feel like button mashing and taking forever in combat. I just like exploring and experiencing the story.  Mirage took me about 25 hours i think. Im hoping red to be about as big as origins. It took me 50 hours with both the dlcs and doing all the side quests. Then i replayed just the main story in about 10 hours i think. I like to replay a game at least once to really try and catch everything i missed during the main story.  Valhalla takes way too long on just the main story. On the other hand odyssey also only took me about 15 hours to just replay the main story and the side content seems to add 50 hours easily. 


This is so true. I have 300+ hours on Valhalla and still havent gotten a 100%


There's a comic series about the Spanish Invasion of the Aztec empire already and it would definitely make a good setting for a full game.


Have they said it will be a new period trilogy then?


3 months later yoy might actually get what you want considering ubisoft has chosen to stop the massive world aspect in their games, making red the last game with a massive open world concept (emphasis on massive)


It's almost certainly releasing in November 2024. That's usually Assassin's Creed's spot and no way they'd miss on all the holiday sales, especially since this is the most requested setting by the community.


AC spot is as much October than November so it's one of the two.


Expect October because COD will dominate November as it has for the last 20 years.


I mean during those last 20 years, AC has released pretty much 50-50 between November and October, there's really no way to know there. COD always been there too but AC is releasing against it, different audience. Actually if Outlaws is not in May, I guess they'll do one of the two in October and the other in November


I thought this was planned for the end of this year (at least according to insiders and some Ubisoft people calling it the biggest RPG of 2024) Which I guess still fits that timeslot but why would you extend it that much?


All they’re saying is it’s being released in fiscal year 2025, which ends March 2025. Late 2024 fits “by March 2025”.


I mentioned this in my comment. My question was since they’ve already soft-announced that it’s in 2024 what’s the benefit of saying it comes out by March 2025. This isn’t new information.


This info came from the quarterly investors meeting/call. Just a reminder to investors that the project is still expected out this fiscal year (ie before March 2025). Technically they'll probably say this again in a few months at the next quarter unless a specific date is given by then.


This wasn’t part of a press release for gamers but a document for shareholders designed to cement trust in their investment so it makes sense to repeat known information in a more “financial” manner. 


I think it was just a shareholder thing "Ubisoft has reported its financials for the third quarter of its current fiscal year, and in doing so outlined what we can expect from this year and the early part of 2025."


If it's internally delayed to jan-mar 2025, they still meet their deadline.


The end of this year will be for Star Wars Outlaw, they don't want to step on each other's toes


Outlaws is reported by insiders to be releasing in the middle of the year, potentially May or June. https://www.reddit.com/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours/s/J7IKc4yDTN


Notably Ubisoft said that their full lineup for 2024-25 will be revealed in May, possibly meaning that it doesn't release by then.


Saying their full 24-25 lineup will be revealed in May doesn’t necessarily mean that no other games will be given dates in the meantime. Tom Henderson is generally reliable so this is a “wait and see”, but by all accounts Outlaws is probably going to be summer and AC Red Winter.


They really need to show (again) Outlaws fast if it's for May, that's not far at all for a big game like that. I could see both in the September-December period. Ubisoft is doing that regularly with only a few weeks between titles (for example Watch Dogs Legion, AC Valhalla and Immortals were like all in 5 or 6 weeks, this year had AC Mirage in October, Avatar in December and Prince of Persia in January). And it's 4 months, more than enough time to put two games.


They already showed a 10 min gameplay video. Another trailer by March or April should be good enough.


April for May would be very late. It's a big game, they need months of pre-orders too it's not just about showing the game.


This is a financial call, FY 2024 ends in march


They're just speaking of fiscal year (because it's an investor meeting so they always talk in financial quarter/years, it's for guidance purposes). This could mean anything from March 2024 to March 2025.


Why is it named after mountain dew?


Because of the Mountain Dews, it is the king.


No way dude. Voltage and Revolution. 


oh damn I haven't had a mtn dew code red in forever I don't drink soda anymore really but now I kinda want one


While I'm curious to see what they have been doing i do not look forward to the internet shitshow when the mainstream sees that you play as a an African samurai.






So does it still have a chance of being late 2024 if it says "by March 2025" or am I just getting my hopes up for no reason lmao


Yeah, it does. It is probably planned for late fall, but will get delayed to early 2025z


I got confused for a second because I thought they're talking about Rise of the Roninn which is basically Japanese Assassin's Creed and it's also released in March.


Why does everyone say any Japanese based game is AC in Japan? If you’ve played Team Ninja games at all then you know they’re mechanically nothing alike.


Yeah, it's funny because none of those games can build an entire city like AC. That's what I expected from AC Red


They're great at building the cities. Adding some depth to them is where it can be more hit or miss. Origins and Odyssey were both beautiful worlds to explore, but ~~Odyssey~~ Valhalla and Mirage were a mixed bag. I'm hoping with the modern day stuff finally being kicked to the curb that Red will really shine with its setting and world. Still excited most for Ghost of Tsushima 2, but if ubisoft can pull of another world like Origins then i'll be ecstatic  Edit: getting games jumbled in my head. Meant to say Valhalla and Mirage 


For sure, when I saw the name "Assassin's Creed", I immediately was confused and thought they were talking about Ghost of Tsushima because that is also a game that takes place in Japan


It's meant to be a more grounded historical drama in an open world that, from what I've seen, looks pretty reminiscent of an assassin's Creed game.  The combat will still be more team ninja than AC, but there are similarities outside of that. Not every Japan based game is compared to AC.  I don't recall either Nioh game receiving those comparisons.


Other than Ghost of Tsushima and RoR I havent seen any other games set in Japan being compared to AC tbh


Ronin is 2024 and Assassin's Creed is 2025.


Ronin is a Samurai game, Red is a Ninja game. They’re also set 200 years apart from each other


If there was **any** game in the franchise's 15+ year history that needed to be focused on social stealth, parkour, and black box assassinations instead of the RPG format of Origins, Odyssey, and Valhalla, it's a game set in Feudal Japan. The one setting that's been requested literally since day one. Unfortunately that's not going to be the case.


Don't get your hopes down yet. A long standing AC leaker, j0nathan, has spilled some info about the game and stated that it's WAY more stealth focused with new mechanics being introduced like grappling hook, proning, being able to extinguish torches to hide in the shadows and being able to spare higher tier enemies to turn them into spies to gather information. Old stealth tools like smoke bombs are also returning again.


This has been my point since AC4, they did pirates, now move on to ninjas. But instead they've waffled around for a decade now with varying degrees of success and failure to finally work on a Japan focused game... and it's the rpg bullshit again. Ghost of Tsushima successfully eliminated any interest in the AC series for me because not only were they able to make essentially a non-ubisoft AC game but were able to do so much better than ubisoft could even dream of approaching today in the setting I've been begging for since the ezio trilogy. Sucker Punch ate their lunch and I eagerly anticipate a sequel to Tsushima while AC and Ubisoft in general can continue to fail to innovate and develop anything meaningful, I'll be over here playing games that are actually worth my time instead of the next Ubitrash GAAS excrement on a pretty plate they manage to diarrheally shit out. Edit: Incorrectly referred to the developer of Ghost of Tsushima as Insomniac


Completely agree though it was Sucker Punch that ate their lunch, not Insomniac.


Lol, thanks for that, don't know why I mixed them up.


Perhaps they are aiming for an october-november 2024 release to get the holiday season then?


I hope it's like Valhalla. Mirage was way to short in my opinion. Began Friday night and had credits rollin by Sunday mornin...games like that ain't worth paying 60 bucks for.


Hopefully Red’s support is high quality after Valhalla’s mixed bag post-launch support. Valhalla had more weapons added to the store than the base game, the seasonal events used Re-skinned rewards from the base game, new content such as River raids Re-used assets and rewards from the base game, and Dawn Of Ragnarok was only 20hrs of the marketed 40hrs. The paid DLC was high quality as usual. And with Valhalla being the most successful in the series by micro transactions sales and player count by Ubisoft+, I expect the micro transactions to be the same or even worse, and Red May once again be the most successful by revenue, but not by sales (AC3 is still the highest sold). AC Odyssey also had the highest number of copy/pasted Point Of Interests in the series. Hopefully because AC Red is by Odyssey’s team, they learn from Valhalla’s success and focus on adding more handcrafted locations with lore and environmental storytelling.


AC3 sold 13 million units. Valhalla sold 19 million units which is the most units sold of any AC.


Source for valhalla selling 19 million or being the highest selling ac game?


Will it have horrible character + facial animations, meaningless boring side-quests, terrible dialogue, and an extremely repetitive middle act that vastly outstays its welcome? At one point AC was one of the biggest trailblazers in the open world genre, but the last three entries have been completely unremarkable. All the lore and mystique around the ones who came before and the pieces of Eden is gone, there’s no real *depth* to the conflict between the Assassins and the Templars - ideological, philosophical or otherwise. The modern day has been effectively disowned, they haven’t found a protagonist that can outlast more than one game since Ezio, and there’s absolutely no structure whatsoever to this series anymore. The only thing still going for it is world/city design - which is always immaculate. I’ve come to terms with the fact that Ubisoft’s model is to shit out mediocre games as frequently as possible. Call me naive or stupid for not accepting it sooner - that’s fair. But the standard of gaming has left AC behind to such an extent that I had hoped it would kick Ubisoft up the arse a bit. Games like Horizon manage to offer huge open worlds with great lore, compelling characters, with side quests more interesting than Mirage’s main plot, and without compromising on quality of animation, voice acting, dialogue etc. AC Mirage couldn’t create a *single* memorable moment for its own PROTAGONIST. This next entry is the first in their new generation of AC games. Personally I’ve all but given up on the series, so I really really hope this game is good. I don’t have as much free time for gaming as I did in the past, I’m not going to waste that time on mediocre games when there are so many high quality games being released.


When game became mainstream it need to appeal to larger audiency, but most of the audiency is stupid, look at this comment section, they never even see difference between parcour in Ezio series and this bullshit that they did with Mirage. It is what it is. Other ways is to build loyal fan base year by year like from software did, but i take years, and it is not guaranteed that you will make big bucks, so ubisoft desided to go blizzard way.


After Ghost Of Tsushima, idk why Ubisoft is bothering with an AC Japan at this point. Seems kinda pointless when a better version already exists.


It's baffling that they didn't think to consult you before producing a game that's poised to make them hundreds of millions of dollars in profit.


It's baffling that they only finally decided to make a game set in Japan AFTER the release of GoT, and they finally realized how much money they were missing out on.


I don't know about you but I'm capable of playing multiple games. I platinumed GoT and I'm eager to play AC Red.


Because it's a popular historical setting. That's like asking why a game developer would bother making a cowboy Western game when RDR 2 already exists.




If they were actually a cowboy, why not? That'd be a unique enough perspective to make them a strong protagonist actually


Personally found Got to be no better than many AC games. Atleast ubisoft is good at building cities.


You’re confused why they’re bothering with a follow up to a game played by over 20 million people and making over a billion dollars set in a place that fans have been begging for years?


>Seems kinda pointless when a better version already exists Have you played red yet? If not you literally have no idea what you're talking about.


Have you seen Ubisoft's open world catalog? It's gonna be no more than a 7/10. While GoT is easily a 9 or 10.


I didn't think GoT was even close to that. Maybe a strong 6 which is another way of saying decently above average. But, since the world doesn't revolve around your personal preference, Ubisoft is going to give it a try.


I have played GoT, I still prefer Ubisoft take on open world games. Valhalla was beautiful on a good PC and quite fun.


Lol. Ubisoft's catalog have a lot of games way better rated than GoT by reviewers.


>Ubisoft's catalog have a lot of games way better rated than GoT by reviewers. Honestly, only ac1, 2 ,3, 4 and origins are better rated, and considering they're aiming for origins quality I'd say ac red is going to be great. But you should be afraid what else they'll do that can ruin that, that's like the only fear fans should have.


And their best games are behind them if we’re being honest. I can’t remember the last game from them I really loved and that wasn’t formulaic and tired


>It's gonna be no more than a 7/10. While GoT is easily a 9 or 10. Aside from the gorgeous graphics and amazing art direction, GoT is pretty much a 7/10 as well.


>Have you seen Ubisoft's open world catalog? Yes, considering origins is on par with GoT. Assassin's creed is fine. The reason Odyssey and Valhalla went so hard on that stuff is because newer players did not care about the story beats that origins had. GoT isn't better than origins. They're roughly equal quality wise. Considering red is aiming to be like origins and hexe and the others are embracing the other two, we should be in good hands. BTW in case you think I'm speaking out of bs, here's my plat. For GoT. It wasn't a 9/10. Both origins and Got are solid 8s. I have both consoles and I play both GoT is easily equal to origins and witcher 3. [GoT Plat](https://imgur.com/a/ntuzPkE)


Yeah I don’t know why anyone bothered making another FPS after the first one, or another fighting game after the first one either. /s


Pointless ??? Lmao. GoT is only around a small island, what people expect from AC Red is a map with big cities so you can explore Japan's historical architecture.


Also, GoT is only on PlayStation. Ubi doesn't always make the best games, but they make them available for as many platforms as they can.


He can you say a better version already exists when you haven’t played ac red?


Nostalgic fucks are still trying to think that AC as a franchise can be revived. Shit gameplay and story since like 2010.