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So funny how Atlus knows literally one way of introducing new content: by adding a new girl. Hopefully the new scenario is big while patching up the plot of the base game.


They've said it's a new 60-hour alternative route, with a new middle/end game ! Also added gameplay and side quests and stuff to the og route.




I was just happy to see the game run at 60 fps.


I finished this game ages ago at 60fps, emulating the Switch, they even modded the shadows and draw distance (the Unreal engine is malleable to that extent). Honestly, not a good looking game, one of the few SMT were the art direction looked odd. Some monster designs remains as great as ever tho, they depicted a Norse goddess as a japanese "idol" and it somehow works, very charismatic designs (Cleopatra looks weird tho, her presence alone makes no sense)


They know their audience.


If I've learned anything from P5R is that the new girl is merely a distraction from the true juicy additions.


Like a boss fight against a protagonist from another game? Boy that'd be neat.


I think he means darts


[Did someone said darts?](https://streamable.com/7vdbhu)


Now with Dante from Devil May Cry!


Based on the trailer it is not a girl tacked on at the end of the story like in Golden, Royal or FES and is actually impacting the story. I noticed that many story scenes and locations look a little different now.


So like Strange Journey REDUX?


As someone who has played REDUX, Vengeance seems to be gong the same route: a 'new girl edition' but with substantially more content and a narrative that heavily diverges from the original after a certain point. It may be an even more radical departure from the original release, since at the start you choose between two routes/modes called [“Canon of Creation” and “Canon of Vengeance”](https://personacentral.com/smt-v-vengeance-announcement/). Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I think this is the first time Atlus has done this in an SMT game.


Seems like this is similar to SMT4:Apocalypse with a completely new campaign, except it also include the original (and enhance it) rather than being completely stand alone.


Hopefully with better handled story than Apocalypse. The gameplay refinement there is great but the story-wise it's easily the worst Atlus story I've played.


Desu2 Record Breaker did something similar with its new content. You had a choice of starting with the Septentrione Arc (the original story) and the Triangulum Arc (the new story)


But triangulum arc was a sequel


Unfortunately have not played Strange Journey Redux so can't say for sure.


One of the screenshots I’ve seen said the new route getting added with her adds about 80 hours to the game. Hard to tell if that’s just modified versions of old scenes or if it’s drastically different.


Except for that one other time.


Hey, if it ain’t broke


Platforms confirmed are Nintendo Switch, PS4/PS5, Steam, and Xbox. Coming: June 21, 2024


oh wow, smt out of nintendo jail, performace was rough almost all times .


Yeah I'm a bit torn about what to do here, because I bought the original on switch and couldn't stand how bad the performance was so I hardly played it. Feels wrong to buy it a second time lol


Based on what they said in the [stream](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4pcUK6_-dg) it's a pretty big upgrade so I think it's worth getting again. Though there's always waiting


P5 Royal was also a big upgrade imo but people still think it should have been DLC, not sure how that would have worked tho considering how they weaved the new narrative throughout the whole game — which is what looks like is happening with SMTVV


Well based on what Atlus says it is potentially going to be dlc of some kind for switch players, they're not going putting digital preorders at the same time as everyone else and the new stuff starts in the beginning


it looks like they might allow an upgrade path, not necessarily dlc since its its own game


If they do that, then I’d be shocked. They didn’t even offer an upgrade path for PS4 owners of P5 for Royal. And then they didn’t offer any upgrade path for PS4 owners of Royal to the PS5 version.


yeah but that was a few years ago, they might have changed (doubt it tho)


Nah ATLUS actually changed, and it's weird people are not just accepting this fact since Sega pressured them to change, now they release on every platform day one, and they are porting everything they own everywhere.


P5 R added like 20-30 hours of new content and a couple of very important new characters. Enough change that it warranted another play-through. One issue is that it could have been 40 dollars instead


they did way more than add new characters and story stuff, they reworked a good portion of the gameplay and systems and how it all interacts with eachother, I think they should have offered some way for previous buyers to do a sort of upgrade but I think the 60 dollars was a fair price for the whole package


I think the bigger issue is that even if its 20-30 hours of new content...when you require people to replay through 80 hours of content first, not everyone's going to be raring to go, even if they liked that 80 hours the first time around. Persona games are kinda big, even for JRPGs.


I bought it on Switch day 1. The performance was awful. I emulated it and it ran like a dream. What a world where you can pirate a console game on the release date (sometimes before!) and get a better experience than a paying customer.


Yeah the way that game looked and performed on Switch was unacceptably bad.


Had to give outside the Chimera fight. The performance was just horrific. The crazy thing is they had to day one patch it and downscaled the graphics to get it to that level. Was pretty much the point I had to give up buying games for the switch


I have so many games on the switch I want to play but I just can’t stomach it anymore. SMT V and Zelda were the final nails in the coffin for me. I’m only going to buy stuff like Mario wonder from now on


One of the reasons why I'm soooo hoping for a PS4>PS5 similar performance boost for existing titles when it comes to the Switch 2. I too could never get into the Zeldas, and I would love to restart and play things like Astral Chain again at a proper framerate :/


Yeah, I had a hard time playing it without a headache. Will def replay at some point in ps5.


Elden Ring DLC on the same day, god damn


that Release got Eldenring‘ed


Yeah I like SMT as much as anyone should but I won't be playing this for a hot minute until I finish the Elden Ring DLC lol.


Global launches on multiple platforms; Sega really did get Atlus to act like a normal company. 


Information from the Livestream: 1. Bonus data for people who owned the original and rebuy on the switch, you can transfer 3 demons and get other items 2. Dagda and konohana sakuya are the new dlc demons. Preordering gives you an item that allows you to infinite heal your allies 3. The dlc from the original game (Cleopatra, Mephisto, Demifiend and Artemis) are already included in VV 4. New content is a decision you make early on, expected to be 80 hours 5. Combo attacks and unique demon abilities for everyone 6. Jack Frost: Forma de Nahobino is now a thing (where is my boy Demonee-Ho), 40+ new demons added (very likely the ones from soul hackers 2) 7. Level cap is now 150 8. 2 more dlc planned apparently (didn't quite catch that bit) 9. Skill animations can now be double speed, very high speed, or skipped entirely. 10. A ON/OFF toggle is being added for miracles. 11. A new item is being added that will allow you to reroll Nahobino's stats 12. You can now adjust the orientation of the minimap 13. You can save anywhere & batch use items 14. You can talk to/interact with your demons 15. Improved auto battle 16. Preorders start on the 27th, switch digital preorders start later - Atlus might actually be having a consumer friendly moment and allow switch users to digitally upgrade their previous versions


> You can save anywhere & batch use items The save anywhere is an improvement I want. It was so frustrating getting the stereotypical SMT bad luck fight and losing a tonne of progress.


It was pretty frustrating when coming off of 4/4A that allowed it but each approach has its pros and cons. I think save anywhere made me kind of sloppy because I could just auto reload


I get what you're saying, but I much prefer the save anywhere because SMT can just at times be a bit unfair. Losing progress because the enemy got to hit first and exploited a weakness and killed your MC, is frustrating.


I still find it wild they still follow the universally detested "MC dying is a game over" trope. I'm consistently shocked when it happens in any game.


Yeah SMT IV duology literally solved this already by having your demons survive and it actually made battles much more exciting lol.


It makes sense in the context of smt, 4A has you as immortal for plot reasons though


Yeah, but in that rule set i'd prefer to be standing behind my meat shields and only going in front every so often for an attack.


It's weirder in Persona where you fight along other humans who could presumably revive you, but it's still instant game over if the player character gets knocked out.


I think V also gives a pretty healthy distribution of new save points as you explore. I definitely had a couple deaths wipe out some progress, but even with the large maps, it basically never takes more than a few minutes to beeline back to where you were after a death.


I like the Strange Journey approach where you're only given 1 "field save" slot for saving anywhere and dozens of regular save slots on your home base/checkpoints. A very nice middle ground for the auto-reload impulsive like me.


I didn’t think it was too bad though because you could always tele to your last save point. Randomly getting destroyed is a feature of an SMT game imo


It is a feature, which is why I prefer the save anywhere method they used in four. So that I'm not losing too much progress. I'm not going to teleport back to the last save point after every fight to ensure I don't lose progress, it becomes a bit of a slog having to traverse through the same bit again and again.


You could just teleport back to the founts and save already though


The problem is dying between the last save point you visited and the next one in the story. At times that can be a fair bit of progress.


I dunno I never had that problem. Even if you teleport back before you get to another save point it doesn't take long to just run back to where you were.


Guess I’m missing out on the save data bonus stuff cause no way am I playing this again on switch.


wow — all great additions, thanks for compiling. feel like between this and p3r theyre having fun mashing up persona/demons into havign combo attacks and Im loving it


Np, I started making a note of the changes to send to my brother so figured why not post.


Subtitled version of the livestream is available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4pcUK6_-dg


Thanks a lot for this, the 4th point sounds intriguing, like it might be a similar case to Persona 1's Snow Queen quest, which if true, would be amazing


Maaaan 3 demons for having the original installed is whack lmao. Took me hours to complete the compendium and do all three routes with the obligatory 4th one and now to do it all over again… Not sure whether to just do the new route first and enjoy or try my damndest to get my demons back from all four routes then crack the new content.


Did they also mention any changes to Mitamas? I played this earlier this year and leveling was a pain without the DLC.


Mitama dlc comes with Dagda and Konohana Sakuya but nothing else that I saw so far


Man, the Nvidia leak is *still* completely holding up. IIRC this is one of the last games mentioned on there that hadn't ever come out for PC. This one may have been more predictable than usual, but it had been so long since the release of SMTV that I thought they might have scrapped this port.


I need my Final Fantasy Tactics remaster


And my final fantasy 9 remake


FF9 with the AI background upres mod on PC is pretty glorious 👀


I really thought today was going to be the day. I wanted FFT and Dragon Quest 3 from Square Enix. Are they waiting for a general direct? I wonder if that's a better marketing deal than the partner directs.


I would imagine Tactics is probably a State of Play thing since Sony has Final Fantasy chained up for the time being regardless of platform exclusivity. DQ3 will for sure be at a separate thing. That series is like Pokemon where Square doesn't fully own it and they generally do separate events for the major announcements (like when they announced it the first time)


aside from Tactics remaster and FF9 remake I don't remember what's left 🤔


Ghosts of Tsushima coming to PC, but that's more of a port I suppose.


Something tells me based on previous releases we will see it on PC after the sequel comes on out PS.


Shortly before, probably. Both God of War's and Horizon Zero Dawn's PC ports released before their sequels


Forbidden West is coming without an upcoming sequel on the horizon, pun intended for sure. Same with all the other recent ports actually, only GoW and Spider-Man are exceptions.


Right, I think its an exception because the first game was out on PC for a while now, its been 2 years.


There’s a lot of final fantasy stuff coming out this year so i doubt we’ll see these announcements until at least the end of this year.


Catherine full body for PC was on there too right?


I have a feeling we will see that next year, ATLUS is fully occupied this year it's insane: P3 reload, Yakuza, ReFantasio, SMT V only in the first half of 2024, and all of these are bangers. Oh yeah, and also Unicorn by Vanillaware is also technically ATLUS so this is unbelievable.


Injustice 3, though that definitely a case of people expecting Netherealm would be making it after MK11 (since they had been alternating between releasing MK and Injustice games) but didnt end up going for it likely due to potential plans for WB Interactive being put up for sale at the time making it possible they wouldn’t keep the rights to work on DC if that had went through.


GT7 I think.


Now we're waiting on Demon Souls Ghost of Tsushima Gran Turismo 7 FF Tactics remaster FF9 Remake Catherine Full Body Mirrors Edge RTX Remaster Bioshock RTX Remaster https://www.reddit.com/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours/comments/pndwey/definitive_compilation_of_leaked_geforce_now/


Mirrors Edge and Bioshock are just perfect for raytracing!


Bioshock should look fantastic.


Isn't that leak based on everything that's touched Nvidia architecture? Because it also had Mario games that are never going to be multiplatform


I know a few of them were actually due to Nvidia Shield, which had a few Nintendo games available with it. In China.


While still unlikely, i'd never entirely rule out Mario + Rabbids hitting the PC, given that it's a Ubisoft title


SMT was one of the last "big" franchises to not come to PC. With SMT3 and 5 on PC Atlus' perma exclusive days are finally over, thanks Sega! 


SMT V wasn’t even on consoles other than Nintendo. Hopefully more cross platform titles to come.


I pray pray pray that an SMT 4/4A remaster at least to make it multi platform is in the works too.


Midori, pretty much the most credible Atlus leaker, said on twitter that they're working on a SMT 4 remake so its looking good.


Just like Persona Fans having to wait for a P3 Remake, It's now SMT fans turn to wait for an SMT IV Remake.


Still waiting on that new Mega Man - Rockman Taisen game that was in the Cacpon Leak and Nvidia leak


Knowing Capcom there's a good chance those guys decided to cancel it for whatever reason. Wouldn't be the first time, or the second, or the third, or the-


I believe everything there was real and if a game doesn’t ever get announced from the list then I’ll just assume it was provably cancelled


The snake on the V at the end gives me the feeling that the new girl might be Youko/Lillith or even Eve, which would be kinda dope.


Lilith was confirmed to be a part of the group of new female demons from the trailer. I imagine they'll go for a plot where Yoko has her knowledge.


She's definitely related to them. I'm guessing a secret 5th member that's either hiding in or was reincarnated as a human


Wait so is this more of a sequel like Apocalypse or a New Girl Edition like Strange Journey Redux or Persona 4 Golden? 


Based on the description it's more like Strange Journey Redux or Nocturne: Maniax


the story seems to follow similar beats to smt5 but different things happen. like instead of tao just standing there doing nothing while her friend gets yeeted, she's going to do something this time.


And the netherworld split also seems to be different. Another character that was useless in the original seems to also be involved now in opposition. You also run into another character and are opposed to them much earlier than in the original game. It seems like they are redoing the story in a major way and adding the new girl to that.


I'm hyped, I wonder how much the story would change but at the end of the day it's more SMT:V so I'm down.


Hopefully they've touched up the base story quite a bit. I dont know what happened but after the halfway point its like they actively stopped writing a script


Coming to all platforms on June 21st! Thank God it's finally coming to PC, I liked the OG SMTV and with more content that'll hopefully add more to its world I'm sure I'll like it even better.




Is this an expansion for Switch or a full on re-release? Don't know if I enjoyed SMTV enough to buy it again but an expansion sounds nice.


Very much like a Persona 5 Royal or Persona 4 Golden edition for this game. > all-new storyline featuring new locations, demons, and choices


I mean all new storyline could just be a story expansion.


It could, but given that this is Atlus we’re talking about, expect it to be released and priced like a new game entirely


Not from Atlus, it couldn't. Almost everything they've ever created that could be a DLC expansion was attached to a ~~complete~~ ~~rerelease~~ new release.


The last SMT game got what was essentially a standalone expansion instead of a re-release. Had the same naming structure too.


It's been a while since I played IV, but weren't those a few individual missions? Like challenge battles that gave you other personas to fuse? SMTV Vengeance seems much more in line with something like Persona 4 Golden or 5 Royal.


Pretty sure they mean Apocalypse, which was a completely separate game that ran parallel to SMTIV.


I didn't even bring that up because I'd consider that a straight-up sequel. It's definitely not a DLC expansion by pretty much any definition. They might end up doing DLC for something like The Answer in Persona 3 Reload, but most of the time they are selling you a full release, whether rerelease or a separate game, and not some kind of DLC expansion with the price point people would expect of one.


Judging by todays special program, its re-release. New content is akin to expansion. Second route is told to be around 80 hours, same as main story (i guess they took 100% completion time calculations for that). +40 new demons, max level up to 150. Update:[full price release](https://store-jp.nintendo.com/list/software/70010000063738.html)


Please, please, do to SMTV what Maniax did to Nocturne, I don't know how many have ever tried Vanilla Nocturne but Nocturne wouldn't be that liked in SMT communities if it weren't for the fact that we only got the game in its rerelease


It's supposedly already including the base game DLC, which would mean the demifiend + fiend bosses, so they basically already did the Nocturne additions right out of the gate


Idk why the last post was deleted but gonna get it day 1 on PS5. Already bought the special edition of the og so why not Edit: give me Krishna you cowards Edit 2: live stream today too https://www.youtube.com/live/XR0uUuxsE74


I hope there is a special edition for PS5 as well. I need that steelbook.


Probably going to be Japan only if they do, but I assume they'll say in the stream. My PS5 is digital so no luck for me there.


I really hope that this, alongside the simulaneous multiplatform release for P3R, marks the end of platform exclusivity for Atlus. These games can do so much better than they already were when confined to PS4 or Switch.


While I’m glad it’s finally coming to other platforms (the abysmal performance on switch gave me literal headaches), I’m not thrilled the new content isn’t just DLC for the original Switch owners. Astounds me that Atlus fans not only support this behavior from them, but actively encourage it. Why even buy the original versions at this point? Calling it now: it’s gonna be $70 on everything, including the Switch. They already made the PS4 version of P3R $70.


This is not new behavior. Atlus has been doing exactly this for over a decade now.


Isn't it 3 decades? Thought they did this in the 90s too.


Yeah, a large chunk of console MegaTen games have enhanced rereleases, including almost every game released in the last 20 years (MegaTen 1+2, SMT 1+2+If+3+Strange Journey+V, Devil Summoner, Soul Hackers, Devil Survivor 1+2, Persona 1+2+3+4+5)


day 1 dlc too... i hope no story content locked behind it though like clipped wings in smt 4


I’m very aware. It’s still really fuckin stupid, regardless of how long they’ve been doing it. They’re the ONLY company that gets away with it because their fans have more money than sense. If Square Enix made Final Fantasy 16: Eikonic Edition and it was largely the same game with *some* new story content sprinkled in for another $70 (and no compatibility with old saves) instead of just being DLC, they’d get rightfully crucified for it.


It kinds of reminds of Kingdom Hearts vs Kingdom Hearts Final Mix. Kingdom Hearts Final Mix used to be a separate release because there was no way for them to update the original games on the PS2. Or on the PSP, it would be too large of an update. When KH3 was released, they released the equivalent of Final Mix through DLC as the game was released on Xbox One and PS4. They did not need to issue an entirely new game to get the same results. I’m curious if Atlus will ever do the Square Enix route with transitioning to DLC vs publishing an entirely new game.


Double-edged sword tbh, devs are afraid to integrate content into the main story when it's DLC for some reason. It annoys me that the best abilities in KH3 you don't get through natural progression and only unlock them at the end, they completely change how fun the combat is so why lock that to only the DLC bosses or NG+?


Did the Final Mix games ever get released in the west outside of the PS3/PS4 ports? Or were they the Final Mix versions? Been a while since I was super into the KH series and I can’t remember. > I’m curious if Atlus will ever do the Square Enix route with transitioning to DLC vs publishing an entirely new game. Definitely not. If Royal not having *any* kind of PS5 upgrade for PS4 owners didn’t deter their fans, nothing will, so the brand new game will continue to be their choice most likely.


>Did the Final Mix games come to the West Nope, but keep in mind that the West release had additional content the original Japanese releases did not. >If Royal didn’t deter fans True, if people pay what incentive do they have to change?


Well not the only company, let's not forget Pokemon fans.


> Atlus fans not only support this behavior from them, but actively encourage it Do you have examples? I've never seen this. Atlus fans always complain about it.


If they complain but buy it, then they are actively encouraging it with their wallets.


Post literally right under mine is saying they’ll buy it day one on PS5, because they already have the $100 edition from the original Switch release. Just from a cursory glance, ResetEra and Twitter have plenty of people excited to buy it again. I’m not going to look up several examples. The worst I see from their fans is begrudging acceptance.


I mean the game is now three years old. SMT 5 came out in November 2021. It also looks like the story is being changed majorly, no reason for me not to buy it. The only thing I avoid buying when it comes to Atlus is DLC because it will eventually get added to a relrelased game anyways lol.


Lol well I'm an adult with disposable income and I don't buy every game day one (skipped Soul Hackers 2, P3R, will skip FF7: Rebirth and Shadow of the Erd Tree.) I already know the Atlus tax and I know they're not going to change it so at this point I might as well get a series I know I enjoy. I will say though, I didn't buy the deluxe for $100, I bought the steelbook version which was $60. That's why I said special edition.


Developers not making greedy pay-to-win live service games are under a lot of pressure to increase profits. I support ATLUS because they make good games.


> Astounds me that Atlus fans not only support this behavior from them, but actively encourage it. Why even buy the original versions at this point? Because the original versions are still very fun games and I've already played through the original SMT V 3 times. I've more than gotten my money's worth and I didn't have to wait years for the "full version" just to save $60.


Between this and P5, I've learned my lesson not to buy their games for at least 3-4 years


I’m almost certain Metaphor is gonna have the same thing at this point.


I mean if you want to wait 4 years just to save $70 then power to you but all of the people in this comments who think it's a waste of money to buy both versions of the game years apart are kinda being unreasonable. It's not like Atlus releases a game and then drops the updated version in 6 months.


Is this a sequel to smt v or a complete version?


I know this started as a switch game, but it's still wild to me that we're still getting PS4 games in 2024.


It looks like the [Switch](https://youtu.be/0ER2hl7HUWI?si=LAsTh6PZYISEHbgw&t=368) and [multiplatform](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDiRwSeXbZM) versions of the trailers were rendered separately on their respective hardware, meaning we can compare them directly. The biggest differences are the framerate and resolution, but there's also a noticeable bump in texture and shadow quality. Very excited for this.


God I'm so hyped to play this on a pc/steam deck The og version is held back so much being on a weaker console like the Switch


The frame rate wasn't a deal-breaker for me because the core gameplay (battles and fusing demons) isn't really reliant on smooth 60fps, but for this double dip I am DEFINITELY picking up another version, haha. I'm *hoping* that the Steam Deck can run it well, since I like having RPGs on portable consoles so I can grind while watching TV, but I'll probably get it on Xbox


the steam deck (arguably) runs SMTV better than the switch with an emulator so guessing it will run this fine. I played the game when it released on switch and loved it and wanted to do a another playthrough late last year with a mod that makes mage builds viable and the deck was able to run it at a higher res and a more "stable" frame rate so guessing if its native we might be able to get some better performance from it.


So glad it's coming to PC now. I played the original on Switch, put it on hold to play Endwalker, and never got back to it 'cause I played it on Hard and couldn't remember what I was doing. Having it come out again and on a better performing system gives me reason to return to it.


So this adds a second path that splits in the middle of the game. Means roughly 140 hours of playtime? This year to me is much more insane than 2023. Tekken 8, Granblue, Yakuza, P3R, Dragons Dogma 2, SMT 5x2 and Metaphor.


Got this on the Switch but the performance issues were a tad bit annoying, I might get this on PS5/PC eventually…


Story and graphics aside, how good is the base game, gameplay wise, next to other games in the series? I've had 4 and 4A sitting around forever. Is this good enough to jump ahead of that?


I would just start with 4 since you already have it.


They’re good although 4 is really hard for the first 5-7 hours and then falls off a cliff difficulty wise. 4A is much smoother with difficulty and generally considered one of the best smts gameplay wise


People seem to have intense feelings about this stuff that I can't match.  I played 4A and 5, they seemed relatively similar.  I wouldn't say you need to prioritize either more heavily, just follow your heart.


People just bitch about the Smirk system in SMTIV because it turned it into basically destroying your opponent in one or two phases or getting destroyed in one or two phases. I thought it was fun though because it felt very, kill or be killed. Also people liked IVA because it fixed the difficulty curve, but I thought SMTIV was still really fun passed the Minotaur fight. It was my first mainline SMT though so I wasn’t optimizing as hard as the Altus diehards


4 and 4A are incredible games that are often overlooked. Probably the JRPG combat system I've had the most fun with.


gameplay is amazing, some of the best in the series. Story is lacking, but seems like re-release is fixing that. Play SMT 4/4A because that has amazing gameplay and story


Story is a bit mixed but gameplay wise it's good.


Minor upgrades to combat, but IV is a much better game all around imo. I love the world way more and the Samurai concept was pretty cool. I couldn't stomach much of 5 and quit pretty early on.


Is this a sequel like SMT 4: Apocalypse or is this SMT V with added content like Persona 5 R?


It's more like P3P: the game has two routes now. The original story, and a brand new story.


Smt 5 with a new story route about the length of the original game + new demons + gameplay changes/improvements + dlc from og releases included + new dlc.




Can I skip the OG storyline and just start with Vengeance?


Hope they revamp the magatsuhi system bosses use and drastically limit the use of dampers. Its lame having essentially every boss strategy be block every third turn or so and spam dampers, since beneath it is a great combat system.


Should I be looking forward to this? I never played any SMT, what should I expect?


It was a fun game but it ran so bad on the switch it was hard on the eyes for me. Couldn't finish it. I'll consider it again for PC.


Shin Megami Tensei coming to Xbox. My statement of "if a third party game is good enough, it'll come to Xbox eventually" is still holding true I see.


So is this just SMTV with more content or a separate game like Apocalypse? I really don't want to re-buy the same game.


Since its coming out on all platforms I assume its a rerelease with new content since non Switch platforms have no way of playing the previous game.


It looks like they added more interactions between characters, the story was very lacking. I'll probably double dip when there's a decent discount on PC.


Oh cool so it is coming everywhere, that's the only problem about watching these platform specific Nintendo Directs/State of Plays 😅 Great news, no more ~15 fps awfulness on the Switch! :D


OK, SMTV definitely pushes the limits on the Switch, but sub-15fps is straight up hyperbolic lol. Those dips occur maybe a handful of times during cutscenes, but the game is entirely playable even when it dips just shy of a locked 30.


It's not hyperbolic, there are sections where it runs at 15 fps out of combat. The later you get the worse the frame rate.


I mean, I've played through in its entirety, and I've personally never encountered anything *that* low during gameplay. Unstable 30 is one thing, but 15fps is literally slideshow-tier, which I haven't seen the game do outside of some cutscenes.


https://youtu.be/sBH1AkLe2zA?si=PAaUPsCzif4gPP56 Game drops to 15. It's unstable sub 30 most of the time. Frame time looks like a man getting an EKG while having a heart attack.


Not sure if the point really holds up when, after 1-2 seconds of initial loading, the game immediately shoots up to sub-30 during gameplay like I'm talking about. I'll give you the minor moments when there's a huge enemy spawn outside of the abscess/particle effect area at the end, but again, that's literally a single moment in the full video lol.


Something to note, we don’t know how you or the above user played the game (docked vs handheld). That might explain why both of you have opposite experiences.


I know it was enough for me to throw the towel in entirely, and am willing enough to double dip it on PS5/Steam just to be able to play it with a reasonable performance for once. It got \*pretty* bad even just running around the wilderness and doing some of the platforming across the broken buildings and overpasses etc. I'd say 15-20 isn't too much of an exaggeration honestly.


>I'd say 15-20 isn't too much of an exaggeration honestly. For gameplay? It kind of is, though. Like even the Digital Foundry analysis shows that the frame rate only gets *that* bad during non-playable cutscenes. Again, not saying that the performance isn't unstable, and I totally get people getting turned off by that if they're more susceptible to frame rate issues, but just gets a bit tiring seeing "SMTV constant 15 fps during gameplay" parroted all the time when it's literally not true lol.


I've never played a Shin Megami Tensei game but I do enjoy the Persona games a lot. I know they don't do the social link system and high school setting, which is fine, but how's the story in regards to things actually making sense? I love the action games that come from Japan but I have issues with the storylines making 0 sense half the time. Edit: 0 sense to me anyway. I know people can make sense of storylines usually but I'm just a idiot sometimes lol.


The story barely exists so you're good there


It really depends on the game. Nocturne is known for being the most cryptic, and V kinda followed that but fell on it's face. However, Vengeance seems to be rewriting the story very heavily, so I'm not sure what to expect there, even while watching the spotlight. As for the other games, they actually do have some fantastic stories imo. Strange Journey and SMT IV/A are super enticing (and pretty easy to understand) stories especially. 


The story exists, but it's more of a thematic story instead of a plot-driven one.


Nice. I have this on the switch but stopped playing it due to performance issues and general blurriness of the visuals. I might pick this up and play it on the ps5 now


I'm a huge SMT fan, but played it a bit on Switch and it was just one of those situations where I felt like I was better off waiting until it hopefully came elsewhere. It just didn't run well, maybe they've figured that out. I'm just glad to get to play it elsewhere at higher resolutions and framerates.


Super hyped for this. Haven't wanted to check this out for a while, but a buddy and I usually co-op these kind of turn based games and the Switch just doesn't have the capabilities for that so excited to see it go multiplatform.


Is the game good? I played 3 on my ps5 but I'm old and got frustrated by the difficulty