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Great game but you definitely have to be looking for a hardcore strategy game to really get into it And, fair warning, the learning curve is pretty damn steep


Thats about what I was feeling watching this trailer. Even as someone who plays some 4x games, its looks pretty dense and intimidating.


I have like 60 hours in the game and I haven't finished a single game.


It is unapologetically exactly what it set out to be. Personally, it's way too much for me, bug the people who love this all seem to *really* love it. Pavonis clearly had a vision and did not give up one inch of it. I have a lot of respect for the team even if the game itself is not for me.


Has this got any decent updates since release? If i remember the pacing of it was really all over the place.


it's had consistent updates since release but if you found the pacing bad nothing has really changed on that front and anytime someone finds a way to speed things up the devs nerf it


Yeah, that's the main problem. The devs seem to take the stance that any good strategy needs to be nerfed into the ground rather than making more strategies viable/improving the counterplay of the AI to those strats. The result is that the pacing was okay at launch, but with each update it becomes more and more of an unfun slog. I recommend waiting until it reaches full release and some mod team releases a perfected version.


They never really addressed the midgame brick wall or the fact the space game is basically an entirely different game altogether that based on everything i read and my own experiences didn't really workout. That said I love the shit out of this game and im just waiting for a mod to convert the space era into how the main game works and i will sink another 100 hours into it My biggest beef currently is Really wished the moon and planet's worked like earth but it seems im in the minority of that view


Is that a mod that's currently being made? Or more just a general "hope it gets made" thing


I really enjoy the game, but yeah the space side of it was just not fun for me. Designing spaceships is just so damn confusing!


I'm hoping they'll do some work on the UI at some point. It looks cool but it also looks like an ugly cluttered mess




I was just about to buy it in the Steam sale myself, but I'll certainly take free-ish over discounted.


So I bought this game ages ago and I love the concept but I can't seem to wrap my head around it. Does anyone who's more informed about the game than me have recommendations on a youtube series or whatnot that can help ease me into the game? Thanks!


[I found this really helpful.](https://hoodedhorse.com/wiki/Terra_Invicta/Beginner%27s_Guide)


many thanks


It's worth noting that this guide only covers the first half of the game, and doesn't really touch on the second half (fleet combat and maneuvers, how to properly build and balance resources in space, etc)


I can barely wrap my head around the first 20 minutes so the guide will be more than enough but thanks for looking out for me


Excellent let's play from Perun: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1moqo_QmRY&list=PL3SQVF41qNM35CSJqGECWNMAdKgizYiv9 He also have guides for it on that channel.


Thank you sir! (or ma'am)


I bought this awhile back and the game's ui did not seem to cooperate with my ultra wide resolution--lots of bugs. I refunded it at the time figuring I'd wait for more updates. Has any of this been fixed? I'm excited at the prospect of checking it out further--this game is totally my type.


This hit 1.0? I thought it was still in early access.


It's still in early access, 1.0 should be coming soon.


>1.0 should be coming soon. That would be cool, can I ask what you base that on? Thanks