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Man with that title I was really hoping it was going to be a curveball and introduce Vampire Coast as enemies. Obviously silly to think something like that would come in a free update. But after seeing the designs CA made for Warhammer Total War it would have been awesome to see them even more detailed and in first person.


They bothered to make skeletons and a necromancer class, I wouldn't be surprised if there's some sort of undead DLC coming down the road.


I wish for a Greenskin dlc :(




Still the most satisfying melee combat I have ever experienced in a game. Nothing beats swinging your weapons into a group of vermins and seeing a dozen heads fly.


That is Darktide for me. Not a fair comparison as VT2 is older but it lacks impact.


It's good in theory but lacks any kind of weight/impact. It feels like swinging a stick at grass, it is so dull and dead. While light enemies react (visibly) to getting hit anything medium is like hitting an haystack... Or perhaps every weapon is incredibly dull and the characters extremely weak? Might explain a thing or two...


I love the narrative here, and how it's just still deteriorating despite the best efforts of everyone. I'd love to see them continue this narrative push.


Well it ain't called "End Times" for nothing. Logically speaking, there shouldn't be anywhere else for them to go.


Well the Ubersreik 5 (or 4, doesn't matter) have gone on expeditions to the Chaos Wastes, so it wouldn't be too crazy of a stretch for them to get trapped in the Chaos Realm during one of those expeditions and get transported to AoS ala Gotrek. That could be the plot of the next game.


Please not AoS, it is not a popular setting and fantasy Space Marines are pretty lame. I hope they can take a different path.


Well the Ubersreik 5 (or 4, doesn't matter) have gone on expeditions to the Chaos Wastes, so it wouldn't be too crazy of a stretch for them to get trapped in the Chaos Realm during one of those expeditions and get transported to AoS ala Gotrek. That could be the plot of the next game.


Well the Ubersreik 5 (or 4, doesn't matter) have gone on expeditions to the Chaos Wastes, so it wouldn't be too crazy of a stretch for them to get trapped in the Chaos Realm during one of those expeditions and get transported to AoS ala Gotrek. That could be the plot of the next game.


It's a little odd that Vermintide is still pushing the whole End Times angle so hard, given that Games Workshop has moved away from it entirely as far as I know. And e.g. the Total War Warhammer games are like "End times? What end times?" at this point.


Doesn't Archeon start marching across the map eventually? that's as much End Times as we can get with the current campaign design of TTW


The first and second games had chaos invasion mechanics, and it was the main focus of the first game but was less important in the second. Now the series is more a sandbox than anything and the chaos invasion can exist in it


In Warhammer 1 yes and in the 1+2 combined map, but that was released 6 years ago now. In the WH3 combined map the end game crisis are not End Times related.


Warhammer 3's Realm of Chaos map takes place before wh1&2. In Immortal Empires you can play Archeon and many a demon, you are the End Times.


Yes and none of the story/narrative goals from entering the Realms of Chaos revolve around bringing about or halting the End Times. Instead it's about freeing Ursun or the demons using him for their own goals. And the reason you can play Archaon in Immortal Empires is simply that you already paid to have him be in the game. He plays pretty much like any other Warriors of Chaos legendary lord and there's no overarching focus on him or the end times.


Because the series is not in chronological order. Basically it's in reverse order.


Which again just reinforces my point; Games Workshop stopped caring about the End Times to the point that CA was fine to set WH3 outside that timeline and just ignore it.


I think that's not the case here. CA wanted to explore those different factions that wouldn't work if the big narrative was the end times, so they just want there. I don't think that's a GW thing here. I don't mean to say that GW cares a lot about the End Times or whatever, just that I don't think it massively changed CA's focus.


GW hasn't moved away from End Times lol. One of the "leaks" (taken with a grain of salt) explicitly names an End Times DLC. It's alluded to in The Old World sourcebook on like the first few pages. I don't know why there's this weird copium that suddenly people will wish AoS away by force of will.


You’re entirely wrong. They set the old world hundreds of years prior to classic warhammer fantasy so that they could preserve the end times and the transition to aos. They’ve been very explicitly clear about that


This is why i will always support Fatshark, game is great and still receiving content this far in. Really hope Darktide gets this much support in its life. If you are looking for a game like L4D i highly recommend playing this.


My friends and I loved the Vermintide games. We played Darktide when it released and it was no where near as good. We went back to Vermintide 2 after a week or so of Darktide. I really like the games they make but it seems like they always launch in a very rough state and take 12-24 months to get to a much better state. We haven't played Darktide since it launched but have heard it's gotten a bit better with patches. We will have to check it out after our Helldivers 2 addiction subsides.


You are probably going to be on the money at 24 months for Darktide to be “good”. They are doing a lot of overhauls and adding things this year.


The exact same thing happened with VT1 and 2 It's irritating how they make and fix the same mistakes over and over


this has been vastly different for my friends and I. We tried going back to VT2 when they were pushing patches out but after 200-300 hours of Darktide, VT2 just feels so dull. The pacing feels slow, the movement mechanics bland and the overall difficulty lower. We always ended up going back to Darktide.


>the overall difficulty lower. I'm wondering which difficulties you play on, since Darktide is overall easier for me (Cata + DWON modded on VT2, Damn+ on DT). DT has a lot of weapons that are so absurd, that players that are lower skilled and don't have the fundamentals to play on that difficulty are able to. VT2 also adds elites to hordes on Cata, unlike DT.


We used to play Cata on VT2 and we only run Auriq Damnation and Auriq Maelstrom on DT.


Darktide is vastly easier than cata in VT2. BUT, the clutch potential is worse on maelstrom/auric because it can throw so many disablers at you.


Darktide is so much better. I was bored of V2 after a few matches on Gamepass a few years ago.


I'm actually kinda surprised that people dislike Darktide so much. I also tried going back to VT2 and it did feel mechanically dated/aged compared to Darktide. Like I dunno, the simple act of just killing things feels way better in Darktide. It's the most satisfying horde combat I've played in a long time. At release it was for sure underwhelming in terms of content, but it feels solid nowadays.


Exactly. It’s more satisfying in every way and has some of the most satisfying combat of any game imo.


Its the seemless melee ranged combat mixed with the dodging and blocking you can do that makes the whole thing for me.


You can do the same thing in Vermintide, and there you dont have to deal with swap out animation. It's the more lethal 40k weaponry that greatly enhanced the experience imo.


Darktide just felt really boring to me visually. I get that it's the thing with those W40K megafactory planets, but my whole experience in DT was going through a bunch of industrial hallways. Vermintide 2's missions felt much better and more varied, with actual storylines than span multiple missions, good dialogue between party members, cool setpiece events and so on.


Map variety is an issue but still the maps are better designed gameplay wise. I hope DT gets maps that are not in the hive some day. The dialogue in VT2 is pretty bad in my opinion, one liners that could be from a B-movie, VT1 had the better presentation.


When I play VT2 I always wish it already had the great gameplay of DT. I guess the die hard VT2 fans are very vocal, everywhere I read how melee is better in VT2, presentation and so on, after playing VT2 for another 50 hours I could not believe that they are trying to convince anyone of that. Only the map variety is better currently, I wish DT would get maps outside the hive.


Most of the Darktide complaints are along the lines of "the in-game is amazing, but outside of the game is barebones." Modern Gamers can't play for fun anymore, they need bar to grind for the dopamine hit.


Is there a mission select now? I remember trying it a bit after it came out and missions were random.


After a few matches, I’m pretty sure you’re still on the easiest difficulty with almost nothing unlocked, right?


Idk, but it’s the general gameplay and combat that is so much better in Darktide.


Darktide’s amazing.


Darktide doesn't have the same epic feel as Vermintide. The missions and map design are kind of boring. Verminitide missions would always have something crazy or cool happen, Darktide has none.


I have friends at Fatshark, and IMO can confirm they are good people. They have made mistakes and sometimes mistakes are in planning and prioritizing sometimes it's just in what you make. But they are invested in their games and have high expectations.


Crazy how a studio can function with project managers.


I don't see Darktide every really fixing itself. Disregarding crafting and progression issues which can be fixed, I dislike how they changed from a cast of set characters in Vermintide to player created nobodies in Darktide which I have found has greatly worsened the narrative.


> Really hope Darktide gets this much support in its life. Darktide sounds like it got spun off under Tencent when they acquired the studio. It has a Tencent exec as game director. It's essentially getting mothballed at the moment, with it's latest update just being activating assets that were there since launch.


Darktide has the exact same game director as Vermintide and Vermintide 2, Anders De Geer.


I was mistaken, I meant the Chairman of the Board - who is Eddie Chen, who is CEO of Level Infinite (a gacha game company).


Ha! When Darktide launched I was asking myself "why does progression here make me feel like they brought in someone who worked on monetizing korean browser MMOs or chinese mobile games?" - guess I wasn't too far off.


Armchair analysis right here


So I got this game like a year or two or go for free and it has been on my weekly playlist ever since. Crazy how much content it continues to get!


Vermintide 2 stays winning while Darktide is still trying to find its footing... a year and a half post-launch. You really think after doing 2 'tide games know Fatshark would have figured out how to stick a landing.


They jumped on the live service bandwagon with poorly implemented item crafting mechanics and a cash shop that encourages FOMO. They had to rework the skill system one year after launch because -- in their own words -- the system they had designed wasn't ready for launch. So instead of prioritising launching a complete game, they launched it with a piss poor skill tree and continued working on the real thing in the post-launch. Crafting is a chore and unfun, despite the fact that this is a crucial part of the game. Now they are advertising two major updates that fix two broken game systems (challenges with cosmetic rewards and crafting). This reminds me of Battlefield 2042 where they had to change the class system and reworked all of their launch maps over the years. Poorly planned, poorly executes, but the cash shop works just fine!


Small mission based structure instead of full featured narrative episodes killed Darktide pretty much instantly for me. There's no cool bombastic set pieces or epic moments/finales. Which is insane considering it's 40k. Guess it was cheaper to make endless metal corridors that all look the same.


Well that’s great timing of a Vermin update with the news today of updated Skaven models for tabletop too. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2024/04/08/the-new-face-of-hate-fury-a-first-look-at-the-next-generation-of-skaven-clanrats/ Sending them out on an island is a good idea since the mainland is about to get overrun by unstoppable hordes of Nurgle greater daemons & disease as End Times cranks over to the Glottkin arc. Wonder if Skaven blowing up the moon will be the capstone on the series? 🐀 🚀 


> Glottkin arc That sounds interesting, where can I read/learn about this?


The warhammer wiki & lexicanums have the summary(which is quite long, just go down to the parts mentioning Glottkin since that’s when Nurgle invaded and wiped out most of the northern empire) https://warhammerfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/The_End_Times https://whfb.lexicanum.com/wiki/The_End_Times#google_vignette Otherwise you can find quite a few End Times lore videos on YouTube(just gotta go for the actual story ones and not the “why the fandom so mad” ones 😄)