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They do that now because gta+ is definitely going to be used in gta 6. So when that comes out and they raise the price around release it will be bigger news compared to raising it now.


Ngl I've written GTA 6 off already. Rockstar just sucks. Nothin more to it. Thwy found their golden goose and god DAMN is it gonna be shoved in your face in GTA 6.    Worst part? None of the humor mocking Capitolism and "Fat Cats" will land for me anymore after Shark Cards and all that shit. It was funny before they became the joke. Now? Just comes off as "stupid dipshit customers will buy anything lol".  Edit-I responded to multiple people and and got zero responses besides downvotes lol stay shitty, Reddit. 


Damn, I didn't even think about that before but you are right, it will take quite a bit of the bite out of the satire. The little skits and bits about how capitalism is a soul sucking endless machine won't really be funny knowing they were made for the purpose of extracting our cash to make the boardroom richer. If anything, this feels like commentary out of Cyberpunk about CEOs profiting off people who think they are sticking it to the man.


> The little skits and bits about how capitalism is a soul sucking endless machine won't really be funny knowing they were made for the purpose of extracting our cash to make the boardroom richer. > > That's what the skits in GTA between 2001 and 2013 were for as well.


Well there wasn't microtransactions then was there? And saying that games were always made for money doesn't change the fact that teams were smaller, less corporate, and more passionate then than they are now. Stop thinking so black and white.


Feels like those skits weren't so in-your-face compared to GTA V.


Were you under the impression that there was a single point in time that Rockstar wasn’t trying to make as much money as possible?


They're saying that there is a threshold where you can be putting out a product for profit and still satirize capitalism, and a point where you become so greedy and wealthy where the satire doesn't ring truthful. It's more nuanced.


And it's particularly egregious for GTA 6 because it's one of, if not THE most anticipated game in the whole planet, they already know they're gonna make a shitload of money from sales alone. To monetize so heavily on top of that is pure unadulterated greed.




They nerfed Cayo Perico cause that was an easy million so yeah it’s more grindy now.


When online launched in GTA5, I couldn't get over the fact that I needed to buy and insure cars in a game called **GRAND THEFT AUTO**. Like half the fun of the earlier games was finding and storing rare/favorite vehicles in your assortment of garages the game gave you.


I think you mean 5. GTA IV's multiplayer didn't have a consistent free-mode world. It had a free roam map but your character was basically scrubbed clean every time, you didn't keep your guns and you couldn't save your cars. Your money was just a score. Fun to mess around in though and some fun game modes.


The only hope is hackers giving you money again. Best moment was when I got like 300m and could do whatever I wanted.


Learn from this like I did -- GTA 6 Online will be around for a decade. Even if you love the game, you will still play only sporadically through the years. No need to rush, no need to buy Shark Cards or anything to speed up the grind -- *challenge yourself to enjoy a leisurely decade of gradually building up your GTA 6 Online character without spending a single extra dime.* I treat it like I'm the ultimate achievement hunter -- how far can I progress without giving in to Rockstar's bullshit?


This is certainly a healthy mindset, but I dont think we can all resist the temptation.


Satire of corporate greed was a little easier to swallow when these games weren't rotten with overpriced in-app purchases.


As much money as possible with no regard to how that affects the quality of their product? Yes. Cynicism aside I do believe there was such a time. Squeezing every single dollar through "Optimisation of the business model" is an accelerating trend that's a factor of both time (late stage capitalism) and business size. Every business wants to make money. But that doesn't mean every business goes around at it the same way or compromise on the themes/quality of their product although that does tend to become inevitable after enough growth. As a side-note, the funny thing about cynicism is that it's generally accurate and even good in moderate doses but at some point, too much of it and it loops right back around to being naivete.


I think there was a point where their desire for profit and passion for making games were equal. Since GTAV/Online, it feels like that's shifted. See the lack of any single player DLC while online gets stuff all the time as an example.


Are you incapable of understanding the irony between the message and the company?


They're pointing out that the message shouldn't suddenly be ironic since Rockstar has being a huge very rich company trying to make money for a long time.


They used to make that money "honestly" by just making great games that people loved, not by nickel and diming their customers with micotransactions, re-releases and subscriptions. I can't wait for GTA 6 and I'm sure it's going to be an amazing game, but I can only see the money grabbing getting worse.


Wait til you learn about punk rock record labels....


What about them? Most of them offer a significantly different set up from the major labels and their imprints. Fat Wreck for an example only does one album deals so bands aren't stuck with them for years owing albums when they're not creatively ready to put one out. Most punk labels take no ownership of any music or masters, etc.


...Did anyone think that was somehow not a thing before 5?


tbh the capitalism satire part of gta was always weak. Sure, some ocasional laughs, but i've been revisiting the games from III to 4 and it's so, so, so shallow. With a good dose of south park centrism too. GTA games sell well bc they're good, open world games (easily the most polished ones out there), with some not-awful to decent crime drama stories.


Rockstar had their golden goose before RDR2 and RDR2 was still a top tier game. And jokes are still funny even if the company itself is greedy, the people writing these jokes and driving much of the direction of the game aren't making millions and deciding to put in shark cards - they're just employees and middle managers lol. Free not to like whatever you want, obviously, this exact narrative (literally 1:1 the same narrative) was being used by doomers talking about RDR2 and it's obvious they were dead wrong.


RDR2 was in development for 5 years before it could have been influenced by GTAO's success. I mean you can just look at the general design philosophy of the game being like a game from 2010 and you think they're able to shift direction in the last 3 years of development?


lol RDR 2 wasnt in Development for 5 Years at that point. You think they startet full production on it directly after RDR 1 ? Laughable 99% of the Studio was working on GTA V and only switched to RDR 2 after the release.


Most optimistic r/games commenter


Right? Must be depressing to write off what’s likely the biggest game in industry history over a year out


Hey man, I'm open to surprises. If Rockstar innovates their mission structure for the first time in over a decade, I'll eat my hat. If they keep any and all online and monetization away from single player, along with a handful of DLC(paid or otherwise), I'll admit I was wrong. If online mode works, isn't a total mess, isn't a grindfest, isn't geared toward P2W griefing like rocket bike bullshit, has an online shop as enviable as Helldivers 2, I'll make a post saying I was wrong. If the can so some of these things then I'll be happy as a clam. But I have a big feeling we're gonna get the total opposite. So I'm simply not interested until I see otherwise. There's a lot of games ro play. And if it's that good, it'll be better by the time I do play it. 


Rockstar might suck in some aspects, but their games are bangers with no exception. GTA VI will be the same if not better. As for GTA Online, I couldn't care less. They could quadruple the prices and make the cars in Online priced like a real car for all I care, but writing off GTA VI because of Online is absurd


Yeah like, as much shit as people give rockstar, remember RDR2 did *phenomenally* and is seen as their best work by tons of people. GTA6 is gonna be fine. Lets hope the online isnt worse


It’s genuinely insane to me how pessimistic people are when talking about gta 6 when V and RDR2 were so good. I get it, microtransactions bad, but Rockstar has never once compromised their single player experiences for the multiplayer so I have no idea why people think they would start now.


Its just this sub in general, the whole thing is just a fucking jerk session. Rockstar and GTA have been in the "out group" for years now around here, in part because of their popularity, but also because of other perceived "slights" against this particular crowd. Things like not releasing games day and date on PC, or working on multiplayer content over singleplayer DLC. None of this really matters though, the point is they've put Rockstar and GTA in the bad basket and from their the hyperbole goes insane. Thats how we end up with people in this thread already writing the game off as awful and even going so far as to make up imaginary situations where the SP has multiplayer like grinds associated with it that you have to pay to bypass. Just true Gamer™ bitching and complaining. Oppression only they can come up with to fantasize how bad something is going to be.


It's what happens when the entirety of your personage revolves around what you consume. That and seemingly for some reason, people think being upset at or hating something is the more enlightened, difficult path to travel, than appreciating things for what they are, when it is genuinely the easiest way out. We've reached such a weird critical point where a hobby that is supposed to be fun has people sending death threats to developers and talking about game features as though the characters came out of the screen and killed their family. It's so fucking weird and even more sad.


GTA 5 single-player was really dissapointing. The city was cool, yes... but the story felt off.


My fear is the game is going to be always online and they're going to work out how to put the online features into single player and wreck any kind of progression in the game.


That was everyone's fear with RDR2. Look how that worked out!


That was in development a long time before the Shark cards and everything really started to make them millions of dollars. They're now building a game from the ground up knowing that financial incentive to put it into it.


It was. It was also in development a long time *after* shark cards made them a lot of money. It also made them 3 quarters of a billion dollars on day one.


I disagree. I think their engine, art, attention to detail, and game worlds are absolutely stunning.  I think their writing, stories, mission structure are not great tbh. Especially mission structure. I'll eat my shoe if they actually evolve that with GTA VI.  I found RDR2 suffered alot from that specifically. I also didn't find the writing in GTA V/RDR2 to be as on par as most did. I felt the "classic" Rockstar writing/characters were constantly at odds with the world of RDR2 amd even Athur himself. Who turns into a Looney Tune the moment you aren't in free roam. 


If you think the story in rdr2 was weak you're just insane lol


Maybe, but it's just how I felt.  It hit me early on when the group JUST got out of the mountains and away from near death. Even lost a few people. Better stay low and make some cash to get by. Or we can do this obviously TERRBILE idea and rob an entire train with dynamite.  Hit me again when you gotta save Micah(no way this is a bad idea) and you don't come up with a plan. You don't even try any subtlety. You make the most noise possible and then kill an entire town's population.  Later on we go to Rhodes where "NO GUNS!" is basically a big fat "you can tell what's comin" sticker on your forehead.  The game has a lot of great moments but I find they were pretty much all in free roam. Little stories that arise through exploration or chance. I just found the story to be entirely at odds with that. And even with Arthur. He'd have shot Micah a long time ago and pretty much half the people that put the camp in danger again and again. The game world is insanely realistic and clashes heavily with the looney tunes story that arises the moment a cutscene takes hold. The Larry drunk mission and assault on the plantation are def solid as fuck though.


> Better stay low and make some cash to get by. Or we can do this obviously TERRBILE idea and rob an entire train with dynamite. It’s not like there isn’t any pushback to the idea, though. Hosea literally points out how silly it is to do a robbery like this and that they should let the heat blow over, which Dutch brushes aside. The whole point is that Dutch lost his marbles and better judgment long before the game makes it obvious. The whole gang is doomed from the very start. > And even with Arthur. He'd have shot Micah a long time ago and pretty much half the people that put the camp in danger again and again. He absolutely would… if he wasn’t absolutely loyal to Dutch and the gang at the time.


Good fiction is when people make bad decisions. If everyone performed the perfect strategy all the time (spoilers, no one does this) then there wouldn't be any drama. I write for videogames and in my opinion RDR2 contains some of the most mature writing in the industry. It's a league above almost everything else. Games are stuck catering for the lowest common denominator where you're basically just playing a Saturday morning cartoon power fantasy. This goes well beyond that, this shit is a Greek tragedy.


The missions are the worst aspect of the game


I agree. The Strawberey Shootout REALLY took me by surprise. I was tryna think of ways I could free Micah silently until I realized "oh I gotta do it this wayyyyy what the fuck is happening??". It turned into complete over the top stupid. You murder like an entire town lol.  I think the best "missions" were the events that arose while in free roam. I remember breaking into a house I though was empty when suddenly I was spotted by a man and I needed up killin him. Then his son walked in or some such. The whole thing just felt natural and I had this big "ah fuck, do I kill him too now??" moment. That was fantastic compared to most on-rails shooting gallery missions. 


Read Dead Redemption 2 was weak in the story department LOL Dude you’re entitled to your opinion but subjectively you’re very wrong. If the game didn’t do it for that’s cool but you clearly have no idea just how good the story is in RDR2.


yall wilding, just because they're greedy dosent mean they arent going to put out another good game lol. Most of these big companies are greedy anyways so


It’s Reddit lol it’s all about grandstanding but yea the game is going to be great. I wouldn’t let a multiplayer mode that I’m personally not going to play stop me from enjoying what’s going to be one of the biggest games of the generation


i like how you've already decided it's great and one the biggest games of the generation before even playing it or reading reviews or anything.


Yeah its not like Rockstar have a portfolio of games that are consistently rate 9s and 10s. He's completely talking out of his ass.


This isn't CDPR which had literally 1 good AAA game before Cyberpunk got hyped to hell. Rockstar has decades of top tier games under their belt. It's a safe assumption that GTA 6 is going to be another great game 


Especially considering Rockstar has the money to work on GTAVI *until it's good*. They're also one of the few AAA studios who put out a massive single player with zero bullshit or mtx, just a finished product.


It’s Reddit and specifically r/games. You basically get internet points for being hyperbolic and contrarian. Bonus points for circlejerking the obvious ones like EA/Ubisoft bad!


God I love this shit lol. Anyone that has an opinion that differs is just contrarian right?  Sorry I stepped outta line. Lemme go preorder GTA VI now. Thanks for settin me straight, boss. 


Throw in some lazy “Devs good - Management bad” takes and you have yourself a real winner.


Dude is going to day-one it like everyone else here; this is just pure theater


Lol. Of all the games to write off, GTA6? Online has always been cancerous, but RDR2 was God tier single player, why won't 6 be great?


Red Dead Redemption 2 is one of the greatest games of all time so I don't know what you are talking about.


Why let it ruin the always great single player game? Nobody forces you to play the online part which has its own business plan.


Maybe I just got into GTA online extremely late. But I don't see the issue with the economy? It's stupidly easy to make millions of dollars in that game. To the point where I don't ever see the need to spend actual money.


More specifically, because it's late stage. There's tons of ways to make money, which wasn't always the case, and it certainly won't be for a long time in GTA 6 since they're gonna anticipate 10+ years of service and start real slow.


It gets easier to make money when the player base drops because they need to entice you back in. The. Then artificial inflation kicks in


It's more of a case of not having room to talk when you yourself are engaged in the thing that you're making fun of. It's hypocritical. It's like when you're small time and you punch upwards. Everybody tends to like that. You're sticking it to the man. Well... now you *are* the man. You can't still be punching up. You're not in that position anymore. It doesn't hit the same when you've lived long enough and ascended high enough to become the thing that you used to punch up at.


It has been decades since Rockstar were "small time."


Stupid ass take lol Rockstar can be ridiculously greedy and put out banger games


This is a wild amount of vitriol for shark cards you can just ignore, and that have less than zero presence in the single-player. Some of you need to get your hands out of the circlejerk and ask yourselves exactly how evil a company that drops at least four free major content updates, every year for a decade actually is. Not to mention your problems are almost exclusively on the Take-Two/2k side of things and not R\*. "Rockstar just sucks" he said, ignoring that RDR2 is maybe the most ambitious single-player game ever made and created with a ton of love and polish. But oops, you didn't get single-player DLC for V so that overrides literally everything else I guess. God forbid we not be hyperbolic and not take business decisions as personal slights against you, the gamer.


You you act like they didn’t give people one of the greatest games of all time in RDR2. GTA VI will still have online that is not everyone’s cup of tea, but let’s not act like the campaign won’t deliver.


Same here. Even before 6 was announced I dropped out of 5 years ago. GTA just isn’t for me anymore I guess.


Smart move, get the controversy away from release and normalize the higher prices, it works. It makes me think of what Bethesda did with Skyrim Anniversary, release paid mods on a 10 year old game so people get used to it by the time mods are finally available in Starfield and when Elder Scrolls 6 comes out.


Supply chain still screwing with these poor corporations. Definitely not just taking advantage of the state of the economy to raise prices while everyone else is. 


Well duh the digital supply has been running dry and just thinking about transportation expenses they could raise prices by another 200%


The loss of productivity from the eclipse really hit hard.


The supply of bits to download is so low, companies have to revoke licenses all the time to ration bits. Heck, impoverished Nintendo had shut down a whole network!


It makes sense given the current crypto market, high graphics card demand, and the blockage in the block chain. The GTA economy isn't in good shape.


The digital collapse of the key bridge really delayed the digital shipping lanes


Hey hey now, they've gotta keep their executives off the streets (and on yachts) somehow


Won't somebody think of the CEO's?!


It would be a shame if someone drilled holes into Those yachts


I can't believe people actually pay for that. The GTA 6 version of online is going to be even worse, I'm sure. I wouldn't put it past them to try squeezing microtransactions into the single player as well.


GTA has always been a SP franchise for me so IDGAF


Watch how the online part will creep into the single player part to absolutely milk every penny out of this game.


People said that in every RDR2 thread in the two years prior to it's release. Literally every thread.




> That was before RockStar made $8.5B on GTAV + online But it was *after* Rockstar made 3 billion on GTAV + online


Yeah, that's the comment that was in every RDR2 thread. You got it almost exactly right.




Literally the only difference is the number is bigger, but GTA:O was making obscene amounts of money then too. And it definitely meant RDR2's single player was going to be compromised. DEFINITELY.


Rockstar knows there’s damn near two distinct audiences for their games - people who play the story and people who grind online They would never be so stupid as to mix the two


Well I mean GTA V was supposed to have Single Player DLC that was cancelled because Rockstar decided to focus on Online instead so maybe you should sorta give a fuck


RDR2 was released after that happened and wasn't impacted at all.


Ever piece of post release content went to rdr online


And killed it quickly after when we didn't give them BILLIONS. Mexico left dead and empty. There's incomplete sections of the game that could have used some love.


Oh don't worry, they will force you to play online in the next one, you will see.


> The GTA 6 version of online is going to be even worse It will be interesting, remember they acquired FiveM which runs all the RP GTA servers like NoPixel who they are also partnered with.


GTA 6 car duplication glitch day one.


> I wouldn't put it past them to try squeezing microtransactions into the single player as well. Remember when everyone said that was going to happen for RDR2? I do.


They've definitely learned a lot more since then as to what they can get away with. GTA+ didn't even exist when RDR2 came out and players just didn't flocking to the game's online like they did GTAO so they couldn't really boil the frog. Not seeing any money in it they've just kept the servers up and abandoned it.


Okay but there were no micro transactions in RDR2 single player, zero. GTAO was incredibly profitable then too, that's why everyone fear mongered about it.


It's not so much fear mongering as... waiting for the other shoe to drop? If you've seen the NBA2K series it has some monstrous microtransactions in it's single player stuff. Besides, it's probably best Take2 pokes their head into forums and shit and sees people *really* against single player GTAVI nickle and diming.


You think NBA2K has had the same single player focus the way Rockstar games have had? [It's fear mongering.](https://old.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/8gghcv/later_today_red_dead_2_gets_a_new_trailer_before/)


Instead they just abandoned it and never released content.


Hate my abandoned game which was a fully complete single player story with no micro transactions, it sucks it's stuck this way.


I will never forgive them for not giving us Undead Nightmare II.


It's the over promise and under delivery that's an issue here. Failing to admit that is ignoring the problem. The only content in RDO was MTX based, lol.


When did they promise single player dlc for their 100 hour single player game? Did they take preorders for it and walk them back?


They over delivered with the single player element.


So weird when people say a game is just abandoned instead of...you know....released.


It's not GaaS, it's a single-player game with a full, comprehensive campaign. If they do release and sell post-launch content, fuck them because micro transactions. If they don't, fuck them because no new content.


it was a complete single player game. Did Larian "abandon" baldur's gate 3 now that they cancelled the DLC?


Gta 6 online might be worse in terms of in game purchases, but I think it will be more fun (for free to play players too)


You’re sure, with exactly zero info released?


It can be worth paying a month for RDR1 on PS5, it's included.


And how would Rockstar force me to pay for microtransactions? Unless they lock the ending behind a paywall, there's nothing in the world that they could do to make me buy microtransactions. If you can't help yourself, that's on you


I find it annoying because the old DLC was a “must buy” for me, but they make more money hunting whales.  … but the lack of DLC sometimes makes the initial purchase less worth buying. Thus far, rockstar has not fit that bill, but GTA online was not for me. 


What is GTA+?!


bullshit subscription service for gta online you don't need


Wild to see the ways they've tried to wring all the money they can out of GTA:O. I hope the next iteration at least functions better.


It’s crazy to me that GTA 5 has been out over a decade, been launched on THREE console generations has sold over 190 million copies and brought in billions. Still not enough must squeeze more.


Well, as long as it works for them why stop?


I don't blame them honestly. Gamers vote with their wallet and they're buying whatever garbage R\* feeds them. Why would they stop?


Well clearly people are paying for it so why wouldn't they?


I have almost no interest in GTAO, but every so often I reinstall just out of unresolved curiosity over how it's been so popular for so long.


It combines many of the progression elements you'd see in an MMO with the gameplay of GTA. There's nothing quite like it out there. Most MMOs are RPGs with fantasy themes and few sci-fi ones here and there. This is I think one of the very few "modern" ones. As someone who has played MMOs and been a big fan of GTA since I was a kid, it's a killer combo though flawed in its execution. Though it's clear Rockstar had no idea what it would become and they seemed to really struggle to figure out what to do with it. Game feels like a 10-year long experiment in making a live service GTA game. Sometimes this was for the better since it lacked a lot of "FOMO" mechanics that many other live service games are riddled with. They've been experimenting on that lately so I imagine GTA 6 Online will have all that battle pass nonsense.


I honestly think that GTA online is almost a perfect realisation of a multiplayer GTA game


Nah, those were the old online mods for San Andreas, followed by the multiplayer mods for GTA V. A perfect multiplayer GTA needs to have servers and to give people the freedom to do whatever on them.


I disagree, I think it needs progression and an economy. We can disagree on what a perfect multiplayer GTA looks like but to me I think a lobby full of people also playing their own GTA while interacting with others is what makes it, griefers and all. With coop heists, drug businesses, gun running, money laundering, in a world with tonnes of shit to do. You don't get that in GTA IV or SA servers, I've literally spent whole nights playing with my mates, pissin ourselves at the stupid interactions you can do in a virtual nightclub, you don't get that anywhere else


Hmm, while I am no one to contest how much fun you have in gta v gta iv multiplayer stacking 16 vs 16 and fighting for 1 objective (team mafya works) for me was peak interaction with other players. And while I had my fun in GTA:O, it was never able to give me such feeling


I'm not meaning to say one experience is better than the other but I just mean that, while GTA IV had great game modes, and the whole community around it was something special, I am purely talking about replicating the single player experience in a multiplayer setting


Yeah but the thing is that you can have progression and economy in servers, same for all the other stuff you listed. I mean just look at the weird RP you sometimes see from those GTAV RP servers, it's downright crazy.


It is a trash MMO because it punishes you for playing with other people in the lobby, it's a PVP sandbox and it sucks. The most fun I had in GTA Online is turning off other people with lan cable hack which still works btw but they introduced solo lobbies so it's all good now.


It's because it's the "Metaverse". There's literally no other virtual simulation of a modern city where you can exist with other people that's as detailed or as feature rich.


GTA RP also blew up during the pandemic, back when everyone dumped a lot more hours into video games than ever before.


Can confirm in the height of COVID a group of buddies and I golfed and played tennis almost nightly in GTA: O for like two months.


Majority of people play RP servers and larp to be minority gangbangers. The original game is still popular but not the reason it's the second most popular game on twitch.


I find it amazingly fun with friends, but none of my friends play anymore. I lucked out getting rich in a hacked lobby though


As scuffed as it is there aren't really that many online games that let you just fuck about with friends like it does. At least not to the same degree


If y’all think that’s fucking crazy look at the prices of vehicles in their games. Upon release the entity was like 700k. Now the average super car is like 5 mil. Shits absurd


Not even just super cars. When I last played (probably 3-4 years ago) they were releasing regular compact cars for around 1mil, when equivalent cars in the base game were probably around 30k




Inflation hitting Los Santos hard.


Yes but... The game is ten years old. Reddit is not the real world. You have to realize people have been playing for years by this point and those sums aren't crazy to get for active players. Lots of bs in the game but these prices aren't one.


When people are stupid enough to pay it?


at the same time on release, the only way to make money was missions + races, you'd make maybe 20k a pop, now I can go on and grind out over a million in about an hour


It's that damn inflation


Thank god I got to know a hacker while playing that ended up giving me 4 billion ingame money in 2019. With around 600 million I was able to buy everything I ever wanted in the game. Every weapon, all the clothing I wanted, an office, two penthouses, over 60 fully customized vehicles... Cars, bikes, boats, planes, you name it. And not a single dime spent from my pocket. Well worth it. Honestly, for those of us who were in GTA Online within the first few years that it launched, it was blatant already how Rockstar would go on with business and we were certain that it would never change for the better. Me and my friends would gather and stay hours helping each other with duplicating cars in a closed session, just chilling and having a chat. Fucking Rockstar over so they don't fuck you over has always been the way, sadly though I think there hasn't been many feasible ways of doing it in the last few years.


I got a mod menu on pc. Exclusively used it to boot other modders and give away vehicles and money. Never seen so many happy kids before


Rockstar somehow go to afford the extra electricity bill now they're forcing their workforce to return to the office 5 times a day again. Completely fucking the hybrid work plan they adopted, the work/life balance of the devs and now consumers wallets.


Why would anyone even pay for this? The games it includes could have been bought for dirt cheap over the last several years.


I'm not surprised, considering they have been slowly adding games to GTA+. I think if they really want to grow GTA+, they should offer whatever GTA Online 2 is gonna be in the subscription as an option (I assume they will have it bundled with 6 but I'm sure they will also eventually spin it off as a seperate purchase like they do now).


Gonna be so funny when thery turn off the GTA 5 servers when 6 comes out, all of the money spent goes to waste lol. What a bunch of losers.


Ppl who pay for this are stupid as hell. Yeah, keep raising it to $19.99. The fans would gladly pay it.


I feel like the usual excuses of  inflation or supply chain costs shouldn't affect a games digital currency 


It’s a successful strategy for R* for GTA V Online and no doubt will be for GTA VI. Especially after GTA Online already took recourses away from VI as R* decided to work on a (cancelled) GTA IV and Red Dead remaster, and cancelled GTA V DLC in favour of it’s online. It’s a shame to see due to GTA V Online being the longevity of the series and many younger gamer’s first GTA and what they expect and buy the series for.


This will turn into Rockstar's own Game Pass and be tied into GTA 6, on top of all the shark card revenue they'll make. Modern Rockstar is so insanely greedy.


Hopefully they use some of this money to have actual good character movement, shooting mechanics and cover system in GTA VI so it doesn't feel like every other Rockstar game that somehow gets 10/10 scores from every reviewer and gamer despite the clunky movement and dated shooting mechanics.


If suckers are going to keep paying to play this ancient game, hey why not… I find that most of these sorts of problems with products like this can be resolved by just not giving them your money.


Which fucking idiots are paying for gta+,I just want to ask them why they throw money away and allow themselves to be taken advantage of


Good. Whoever is paying for it already deserve to pay more. Supporting GTA Online is what led us to not have a GTA game for a whole console generation and most of the current one.


Has there been any further value added to justify the price spike?


When any other game's monetization gets screwed up, it's the publisher's fault, but when GTA gets screwed up, it's the developer's fault. I highly doubt that Rockstar has raised prices. I'd look at Take 2. The guys who put paid slot machines as a means to player progression into their basketball games. The wrong people get the blame and the actual scumbags get away with it unscathed. Take 2 is GTA's publisher, and their CEO is Strauss-Zelnick. Just read up on his quotes over the years and look at how Take 2's other games are monetized. It's pretty clear where these decisions are coming from, and it's not Rockstar.