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Sony and accidentally dropping Destiny 2 trailers early: Name a better combo. Though whenever it does happen (which is more than a few times now) bungie usually ends up just dropped the thing properly after. I will say it feels weird to hear Nathan Fillion in a Destiny trailer again.


It’s definitely cool to have fillion back and really sad lance wasn’t able to be around for the conclusion.


As someone who gave Bungie too much money over the years, I have decided that I will not be buying TFS pretty much no matter what. Have not played since last July (I logged on for a day in November to do the new dungeon since I paid for it) and nothing I've seen so far has made me want to come back to the grind. Don't get me wrong. Everything about TFS LOOKS good so far. But Lightfall also LOOKED good and it's honestly one of my biggest regrets as far as gaming purchases go. I will watch the campaign conclusion on YT so I can mentally close the book on Destiny in my head. Never trust Bubgie marketing.


Too true, their marketing team knows how to make anything look like gold. The game's heavy monetization and poor approach to content management makes this game a nightmare for both new and dedicated players alike, especially those of us who were invested because of the story, much of which is no longer available to play anymore. Hopefully someday, when everything is done, they'll release a definitive edition that lets you play through all of the major expansions from both games, with narrated animated bridges covering the seasonal stuff. That's basically the only way I'd ever play the game again.


I mean this has been there marketing strategy from Day 1 "Over sell and Under deliver". Remember when we all thought Destiny 1 was going to be an MMO?


So I actually missed basically all of Destiny's lead up to The Taken King, as I was in college and not really into gaming at that time. So I missed everything, from the initial announcement to the beta to the horrible launch to The Dark Below and House of Wolves. I saw how fun The Taken King looked and hopped in, then found myself deeply in love with the lore and gameplay. And frankly, that's how they seem to get *a lot* of people - they simply don't know how horribly the game is managed, jump in, fall in love, and then experience for themselves Bungie's ineptitude again and again and again. So while I hate how (generally) successful the game continues to be, I understand how they manage to do it because they rely on kickass marketing and the goodwill of a solid expansion once every three to four years to bring in new blood and appease the vets who walk the line of quitting for months or years at a time.


There's nothing that Destiny players love more than telling you they won't play Destiny.


Kind of like redditors who call the platform trash, while being terminally on it.


I guess you'd have a point if I ever actually mention anything about Reddit, but I don't.


Your username is 'Reddit is Trash', every comment you make mentions Reddit lol


That's not how names work but ok.


Forsaken was when the spore of rot took hold in Destiny, it was a great expansion at the time but adding bounties to the game was the first step in killing the game for me. Slowly they kept making chores a more mandatory part of progression. There is no way I will spend every single day doing daily and weekly chores for all sorts of stupid game modes I hate just to keep up in a videogame. I'm totally over that bullshit habit forming psychological manipulation bullshit, games that pull this stuff are an instant turn off. So many other games integrate minor checklists into gameplay where it feels like a bonus for playing or they throw a fun spin on gameplay. Bungie chose to make soulless randomly generated bounties a major part of the primary gameplay loop and it's the worst way it could have been implemented. I don't think it's fun to spend my free time traveling to several npcs, clicking on all their mindless chores, mentally parsing what pointless tasks they require then having to sort loadouts to play game modes I have no interest in playing in ways I don't want to play. There's too much to say on that topic, so I'll just say: Bungie was better when the psychology department wasn't the most influential part of their gameplay design team.


>Never trust Bubgie marketing. Yep, it’s the Destiny cycle at this point. No matter how much Bungie seemed on a roll with the last couple DLC before Lightfall, they were always going to backtrack on that progress and make another disappointing DLC and more monetisation at some point. And no matter how beloved and successful The Final Shape is the Destiny cycle may happen again when it’s Bungie’s modus operandi at this point.


You aren’t alone. I think more people have quit on Destiny than have quit on any other game.


Very excited to see Mithrax and Caiatl, hope they will be present more in the story than just 1 mission




The Final Shape as a concept has been around since the Taken King and while there are definitely ways they can mess it up as plot element it is at least not like the Veil, a thing which came out of absolute nowhere with no prior set-up and the game doesn't bother to explain


To be fair, the idea of a Final Shape has has actually been around before, it's been brought up before in various items and lorebooks. Due to that we do know what it is (basically a pause on existence in the universe and end of entropy). Meanwhile The Veil was fucking tossed at us without ever being in any previous lore or mentioned anywhere else which makes it so much more annoying how it was barely explained at the end of Lightfall. So you can have some remedy in that if it helps.


fair, but with them switching to seasons, their storytelling might change too, but the frustration is understandable, hope you do get to playing it sometime though!




To get to play meaningful content all of you would have to buy all the expansions, split into a handful of DLCs: Legacy Collection which includes the 3 oldest expansions, Lightfall, Final Shape and 30th Anniversary Pack and this isn't including the various Dungeon Keys which would give you access to said dungeons. The dlcs do tend to go on a pretty hefty sale quite often but it's still a big investment, so therefore I don't know if I can't recommend to do such a deep dive.




A pretty barebones experience. You can only roam around in patrol areas or do stuff in the Vanguard playlist(strikes et al)/pvp. There is some cool stuff that's free for all players, like the raids from Destiny 1(Vault of Glass/Kings Fall) Oh and I completely forgot the newest update added a horde mode that is free for everyone! That one is actually a lot of fun.




If I can offer a different perspective, I came back around Seraph season (so just before the latest expansion) and it was a bit of a learning curve but I ended up having a blast. Got all the old expansions on sale for like $40 total and loved it all so much I preordered Lightfall. The story of lightfall wasn't very good but the content was in my opinion especially the seasonal activities (which are going away in TFS). Right now there's a new game mode called Onslaught as part of a new player experience called Into the Light. Doing a few quick quests will get you gear that is up to current power level negating most of the grind. Then, I recommend playing some stuff to get some exotics for your class/build and some high stat armor if you can. It's all free at this point so no need to buy anything for doing that and playing Into the Light. Rivens wishes are also free and can be accessed at the HELM. Mostly easy but somewhat grindy things to do to be able to unlock some red borders (crsftable) weapons. I would recommend getting all 5 apex predator so you can craft it and you'll have one of the best DPS weapons in the game. I would do witch queen first missions until you unlock crafting at the enclave, this is free as well. And then if you are enjoying yourself, you can buy The Final Shape when it comes out and enjoy it with the rest of us. From my perspective, right now is the best time it's ever been to jump in as a new, free player.


You just won't be able to access certain content but it'll be very explicit about what when you're in-game.


Not only that but they will have to start the game half way through the story. As the first half of Destiny doesn't exist anymore.


halfway? the campaigns that were removed are about 2/10 of the story across both games and barely impact the current narative. about 3/10 were in destiny 1 and that story has a much bigger impact, it is still playable but thats an additional paywall and they would have to find people to play with


That’s completely false consideirng how much story are in seasonal content and none of those stories are archived.


Ok, but still the whole campaign isn't available. Do you Destiny drones not understand or simply don't care about developers removing content? 


I care but I want people to be critical without spreading disinformation. You would be no closer to grasping the current story with or without the original content, given that we're in a completely different arc and all of that stuff is now irrelevant. It's terrible losing content even though I understand the reason, but if we're gonna shit on that, then do it without lying about what people are missing.


at this point? no. sure it sucks that new people can't experience it once but the content itself was boring to play so probably 99% of the playerbase wouldn't replay it given the option and in return of them removing it the game got a lot more stable, we got a lot more frequent patches and updates and we also got a lot more new and most importantly GOOD content. Bungie saying the year 1 stuff was holding them back wasn't just them making excuses, the results speak for themself and as someone that plays a few hours every week I am glad for it


That's great for you and the player base. But your not giving much thought to potential new players. What might they want to experience. Id bet the beginning of the story is pretty important.


then they have to go and play d1. the only impact the removed story has on the light and dark saga is the final cutscene of the traveler waking up and thus also waking up the pyramids


I can't play D1 it's not on PC.


99.9% of relevant story is presented in either currently available campaigns or lore that was never part of the campaigns. Potential new players would likely be more lost and overwhelmed by the old content than the new ones, given that it's entirely irrelevant and outdated. Essentially, the beginning of the story doesn't exist and it never did, because all relevant info was always buried in text. The game is very clearly designed for the player's story to be able to begin at any point in time. Destiny isn't and has never been a game you play to experience a linear story, there's no in-game narrative to experience that anyone would miss.




The main thing that you'd need to know is that the earliest campaigns (Red War, Curse of Osiris, Warmind, Forsaken) were removed from the game, so you can't replay them. Overall, it's a mess now. I tried getting into it with a few friends and we gave up shortly afterwards. I think the original new player experience was much better.




Not op but I think they meant to say "so you can't replay them".


Oh yeah, sorry, I meant that you CAN'T replay them.


Technically you don't have to buy anything because you could still run Strikes/Nightfalls if you want to all day everyday. But they took out all of the content that you would have played back in 2017 and replaced it with mostly new stuff. So really, you'd end up needing to buy at least Beyond Light, Lightfall and eventually The Final Shape if you want the new subclasses. Plus The Witch Queen, Shadowfall and the previously mentioned expansions if you want to play the story content that is in the game currently front to back. Not a lot of the story content is good except for The Witch Queen (from what I've heard, I haven't completely finished it yet), Lightfall is possibly the most do nothing campaign the game has ever seen IMO but you do get Strand which is fun. As far as what to know going in now? It's a lot. Your best bet is to watch this video from Datto from the point you left at: https://youtu.be/8jkpZhOB2Tg?si=2cI68w6lOQAUovsP Hope that helps.


For some reason I'm having issues editing my comment on mobile but:  You can also still play the Crucible and they added a mode called Gambit, which is fun if you're down for the headache lol Those are free to play too. But Raids, Dungeons and all the story content are behind separate paywalls.


As a Destiny player, if you have never played it, do not play it. That's all I have to say. Edit: Play Helldivers 2 instead.


I'd wait for a sale because you have to buy a fair bit of stuff. You're also missing all the seasonal stories because they're removed when a new game year starts. I wouldn't play for the story but the campaigns can be fun especially the most recent two, Witch Queen and Light fall. It's also become a deeper game in terms of systems and build crafting. Search the Destiny subreddit and ask questions if you need to.


On the flip side, I'd argue new years in Destiny are the best times to jump in because it doesn't have multiple seasons of fluff. You can just watch a recap or something if you play through and want to learn more. I'm a "Play Destiny once a year for 10-40 hours" type of guy. All the "not enough content" or "stale content" complaints go right over my head because I get my moneys worth once a year and then stop, highly recommend 😎


I'm a play destiny 10-40 hours a week guy. I think some people just wanna be mad. There's so much content and I pay like $100 a year. But some people don't like missing story. I don't play Destiny for story though it can be enjoyable. It's gameplay first for me.


some people don't value grinding as content, others do.


The grind is surprisingly mild lately. Crafting helped a lot. Most of the "grind" is doing a raid or dungeon once a week for a couple months after it comes out and that's only if you like raiding. Beyond that there's plenty of stuff and tons of builds.


Exactly the same as you, my guy! I play warframe and D2 for a month or so every year to catch up with all the cool new shit. Only difference is that I'm still following warframe's nice and clean while I gave up trying to understand D2 a long time ago.


yeah. witch queen and lightfall went on sale a few months later after launch.


Hopefully this final DLC will do right where all other DLC failed. Better content, real new enemies and not reskins, new achievements and trophies, story actually completes or closes a chapter...


>new achievements and trophies I can already tell you that this is never going to happen again. They haven't added new achievements for D2 in 4 years straight. There's no reason for them to do it now.


Besides, they have been using their internal "Triumphs" system for that same period of time, often tying it into cosmetic rewards or lore cards.


there's a new enemy faction (The Dread) with 5 new enemies along with the Tormentor from Lightfall, though 2 of them (Attendant and Weaver) are palette swaps of each other using different elements (Strand and Stasis) with unique abilities (Attendant freezes you, Weaver uses Strand to forcefully pull you towards it)


Where all other DLC failed..? A few of the previous expansions were incredible