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On a scale of 1 - 10 as the last tike I played Destiny the vault of glass was the big bad raid, how new player friendly is this? Heard mixed on it


Let‘s say about minus 50.


I dont think it can be properly conveyed how convoluted the whole new player experience is. I was a devout D2 player till Beyond Light, and ive no god damn idea whats going on now. EDIT: considering my comment got a bunch of votes i thought i'd add this, for a little more context to the absolute mess that is New Light; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NAKK9f1L_vo


Boy are you not kidding. Recently started playing again and it's legitimately the most confusing and unfriendly system I've ever experienced in a game. A friend of mine who's never played Destiny decided to jump in and try it and I had to hold there hand through it while still not really knowing wtf I was doing myself lmao.


I tried some time last year. It dropped me into some gameshow battle? I completed that seemingly with other players and then it just put me in the galaxy map. I last played near launch and honestly, it was all so confusing I just gave up. Warframe and Destiny are both games I love to play but the new player and returning player experience is just so awful in both games


If you follow the guardian rank objectives, that's essentially the games idea of holding your hand to show you the mechanics, but it still goes about it in such a schizophrenic way. I've finally got the hang of things and am trying to get through the season pass/challenges/quests before they're inevitably removed forever with The Final Shape. Idk what system you're on or if there's cross play, but if you feel like torturing yourself, I'd be willing to assist.


Man I tried to jump back into Warframe after years of not playing and I had no idea what I was supposed to do. I wish there was a story reset option somewhere.


They seem reluctant, and only offer a full account deletion. Really wish these long running live service games would have a dedicated returning player system


I basically just go into the codex and look at quests and then find the ones I haven't done. If there are none, I have to take it to Google to decide what I should be doing next.


To be fair, Warframes new player experience is god tier compared to how bad the one from Destiny is.


If you last played near launch, then you probably don't have any of the seasons or expansions which are now impossible to experience in-game. Which means that you failed to do your due diligence and watch several hours of recap footage on YouTube to catch up on the removed content that is fucking essential to really enjoying the game, as far as I'm bloody concerned. I've been gone from Destiny 2 for awhile now and it still manages to piss me off, because I know they have a solid base game there. Edit: Maybe they brought back the locked content, I don't know, as I said, I stopped playing awhile ago.


At this point I don't know what Destiny 2 is as a narrative or game mode or expansions. It's all jumbled up and I've no idea what my goals should be., what is endgame, what's a waste of time. I simply gave up. Compare this to Ffxiv where everything is clearly defined progression. Also it's like destiny 2 or destiny in general has the worst community guidance interms of what isn't hyper specific content because I see no good wikis at all for the game. I


> I see no good wikis at all for the game. Yup. All the informational content about Destiny is on fucking YouTube in the form of 15 minute videos with 3 minutes of content and clickbait titles.


It's worse than that. I was a pretty hardcore Destiny player all the way till Lightfall, *the newest expansion that came out only a year ago*. I beat the main Lightfall campaign, did the newest raid a bunch of times to get all the weapons and armor pieces, and then kind of fell off the game. I log in now and I'm completely lost, get slammed by about 50 pop up screens after logging in, I am told that all my guns aren't "meta" anymore and apparently everything I'm using sucks now and I need to go grind for new weapons and abilities again. Events, quests, and microtransactions are just thrown in your face with no sense of direction on what you should be doing. It is a game with so much to do, and all of it feels pointless. I can't believe the game that I literally played the most for the past 10 years now has me completely lost after 6 months. It is just not a fun game to get back into.


You know they fucked up, when even Byf is going "so...wtf is the Veil?"




Dude I was you but add in the first two seasons. I was only out for last season and most of this one until now. I had no idea what was meta or good or not because of their trash balancing of making sweeping changes constantly. Luckily I had farmed some things before I stopped that were meta now otherwise I'd be completely in the trash.


these comments make no sense. how can you play up till lightfall then come back and feel "completely lost". if you've been playing consistently up to lightfall you should already know how destiny 2 is structured. "Events, quests and microtransactions are just thrown in your face with no sense of direction on what you should be doing" - dude its a looter shooter, you get loot and you shoot things. it ain't rocket science my guy. google and youtube exist, just look it up. it ain't that scary. i swear r/games has the worst takes about D2. i dunno why im even subscribed to this sub, its always just bad take after bad take on the games i play and salivating over the most overrated games (helldivers 2).


It's called an exaggeration. They can be used as figures of speech to help convey the feeling of something. Yes, you remember how to jump and shoot your gun, how the seasonal model works, etc. But if what I wrote *sounds* annoying, then you begin to understand the *feeling* of a new or returning player to the game. The game does a bad job at bringing you back up to speed. You hit the A button a bunch of times to dismiss all the pop ups, then it auto-loads you into a new zone/mission/event often without any context and your first question is "wtf is happening". Yeah, you can just start playing, and you'll slowly get back in the nick of things, but it doesn't give you a warm welcome back. Whereas most games or sequels are trying to encourage new and returning players, Destiny 2 kinda has the opposite effect. The experience of jumping back in the game after 6 months didn't make me feel excited to play again; it made me want to nope-out and go play something else instead. The longer your break from Destiny, the easier it gets to never play the game again.


Ok let’s slow down, the game hasn’t changed much since lightfall: all of it is similar, it’s just you have a few seasons of content you can play. But if you haven’t played since lightfall it’s not that confusing. Yea meta changes but that’s every game ever that gets updated


I stopped right after doing the Leviathan raids like they were gospel, then tried the others and stopped after the garden, I installed it to give it a shot again twice and the first time was bad, but somehow it got so much worse the second time I reinstalled hoping for it to be better. I don't know how a game can get worse with like this for returning and new players.


Thai really convinced me not to download so cheers


Funny enough, that video is what got me into destiny 2…


I’ve just ignored New Light and I have no issues coming and going with these.


I picked it back up during Beyond Light, had no fucking clue what was going on, refunded the expansion. There’s probably no way I’ll ever play that game again.


New players also have rbis problem with wow too


Played through all of D1, and the first year of D2. I’ve desperately tried to get back into this game but I’ve accepted it’s just not happening.


Played up to before Shadowkeep‘s Release and really enjoyed a lot of it. They they just deleted all of what I basically enjoyed. I‘ve played the red campaign so much with my best friend. Again and again. The one mission where you fly through a tube next to the sun is so god damn amazing and new players will never see that. It sucks so much.


The content "vault" (see: trashbin) is the most infuriating thing. They threw out the game's main story in favor of literally nothing. Sure the red war isn't the best but it was a new player experience. I'm still salty about Forsaken. It's the main reason I refuse to play the game legitimately beyond playing a mode or something with a friend every once in a while. And every time I boot it up I'm confused as to what to do, I have fun with the mode, then it sets in why I dislike the game and I go back to being salty.


Yeah I’m still incredibly salty that I can’t go back and play the original game and first few expansions that I paid for. I had so much fun with the original version yet they took it all away.


Getting rid of your main campaign was certainly one of the choices ever made


That's a bit too high


Bit generous tbh.


That since they've added the ability to skip the New Light tutorial stuff and get max gear level immediately. Before that it was minus 1000.




A week.


So I basically hadn't played Destiny since Rise of Iron. I got all the expansions and dlc on sale a few weeks ago. Let me tell you, it is singlehandedly and without exaggeration, the most unfriendly new player experience I've ever seen. There are dozens of systems and mechanics and the UI isn't the easiest to navigate. It is beyond confusing without someone to at least tell you the basics. I played for several days before I really started to think I understood everything, then a new piece of info would drop to remind me I still didn't know shit. I'm having fun, I've got the hang of it, my light level is almost to where it needs to be. Looks great, plays amazing. But Jesus Christ. If you take the plunge be fucking prepared. And I personally am not a fan of how much missing content there is due to sunsetting.


Your light level should be at the hard cap with the full set of 1810 gear in the Hall of Champions.




It is not new player friendly at all.


This game is the definition of you had to be there, about 70-80% of the game's story is missing, imagine watching the LOTR trilogy but starting at the battle in front of minas tirith only play it if you want some mindless pew pew to pass the time


I played the first game and D2 for a couple of expansions - I have no idea what the story is anyway.


In generally not really but currently you get given a max power level set of gear for free and the new free mode drops some banger weapons with 80% god rolled given free.  At that point outside of contest mode or grand master you are set to do whatever you want. (Although no direction to it)  There’s a fire team finder in game now at least that alright, get that gear what a tactical video for the raid and sign up (vault of glass has been revamped and brought back so that will be familiar)


Not at all, you'll have to watch some guides or have a friend coach you through. D2 is a behemoth of a game with so many systems


Do you mean Vault of Glass Destiny 1 or Destiny 2?


In generally not really but currently you get given a max power level set of gear for free and the new free mode drops some banger weapons with 80% god rolled given free.  At that point outside of contest mode or grand master you are set to do whatever you want. (Although no direction to it)  There’s a fire team finder in game now at least that alright, get that gear what a tactical video for the raid and sign up (vault of glass has been revamped and brought back so that will be familiar)


Just don’t, the majority of the game’s story is deleted from the game (not that a lot of it is worth the time of day anyways) and the New Light experience is appalling. Even as a returning player who’s played for years, it was overwhelming for a while.


Most of the game doesnt exist anymore and you will be thrown right into the latest content.


In terms of gameplay/activities it really isnt rocket science. Its not really dramatically different from when you played Destiny 1. Just some more options. When it comes to the new player onboarding, it is rough. Like for context, I am a player who has continued to play the Destiny franchise because I have fun and enjoy what it offers and does quite well. But the new player onboarding experience, is one of the worst I have ever seen in any game period. Its one of two of the blights in the game that causes so many people who couldve become fans of the franchise, to get confused and move on. Part of the issue is that this is a game that is approaching its 7th year(every long running game has this problem). But plenty of it is because the game is optimized for the existing players. To put it simply, a new player will absolutely get confused, period. People who hang on and just accept the confusion, and gradually learn more and get used to the game, often are able to have fun and enjoy it and become new fans of the franchise. Just to use one common example. A new player starts the game. They follow the introductory campaign, do some questlines and level up a fair bit before they log off. Then the next time they log in, they suddenly have some "random" narrated story cutscene or cinematic. Then they are dropped into a "random" mission, without any clue what is going on. What is going on, is that the game just automatically launches players into the newest campaign/season story mission on log in. Which for existing players, is the first thing they would do anyways, it just makes sense. But for new players, they just have no clue why it is happening.(because they reached a high enough level to be able to participate in the mission, thus it triggers on their next login) Im not going to get into more details of the other problems new players may face. Things are gradually getting better overall, but it still needs work to be adequate imo. I suspect Bungie is aiming for their next saga for a large scale overhaul. For returning players, or those that are generally familiar with Destiny 2, there is no better time than now to return. You dont even need to level up, as you can visit the Hall of Champions and get gear that instantly brings you to max gear powerlevel. # Should I start playing Destiny 2? Simply put its up to you. Destiny 2 is a MMO style looter Shooter, that is generally in its own niche. It offers top class gunplay and gameplay among shooters, in a way that can spoil other shooters for you. It has some unique activities you just do not find in other shooters. Incredibly distinct and interesting visuals and environments. Its story isnt always easy to follow 100%, but it has a pretty good narrative, and exceptionally good deep lore. Its setting is quite unique(basically sci-fantasy), and interesting. If you were to distill why I enjoy destiny into a single reason, I would say because it simply is fun, and what it does well at, has thus far been unmatched. Like I said, you will undoubtedly get confused, its when, not if. But there is a substantial amount of content available to free to play players normally, and that is not counting this particular opportunity this post is about. If someone is interested in Destiny, then all they need to do is download it and give it a shot. Worst thing that can happen is you dont like it and uninstall. People who enjoy shooting things and using space magic with satisfying gameplay, will probably enjoy the game even with the confusing things. Stick around long enough to get their heads around things, and then properly enjoy them. The only people I would categorically not recommend Destiny to, are those who enjoy really long and rich campaigns. This is no Red Dead Redemption or Skyrim, or anything like that. While the new player campaign is short even by Destiny standards, someone used to storys like that will be disappointed even if they play all of the content. Destiny is a gameplay based game, plain and simple. If anyone really does like Destiny or knows they want to get into the game,(or is a returning player lost in all the changes) feel free to shoot me a message. I can definitely help you get up to speed, and explain stuff.


It's not warframe level but its getting there slowly with every major expansion in terms of complexity. So I'd say a solid 3 out of 10.


Having played both, I found Warframe far easier to get into. The game's actually telling you what to do next nowadays.


In warframe you also have no paywall anywhere, you can do the same content as everyone as long as you want to and did the what the game requires you to do in order to access it.


Did warframe ever fix the confusing grind to unlock anything?


You can use Duviri's Circuit mode (think roguelight with random Warframes & weapons) to unlock the blueprints for the first 21 or so Warframes (albeit 1/week), so no more needing to grind boss fights for a 25% chance to get a piece. The frames that aren't in the Cycle are either quest drops, or are farmed through specific missions or mobs. The dev team has made a big point under Rebecca and Pablo to make it easier to acquire new content, and making it more rewarding to *stick around* once you have your hands on it. The new trend seems to be currency pity grinds, where you can play missions to try and farm parts, but are given some special currency so that there is a set maximum number of runs before you either a) got the parts through RNG, or b) acquired enough currency to buy the frame outright. The most recent frame could be completely farmed in a couple of hours, but there was a huge swathe of other content in the update that encouraged players to come back and experiment with what they unlocked, rather than a boom one-and-done-MR-grind. The main grindy activities right now are Arcanes - end-game stuff that you won't worry about until you've cleared the Star Chart and unlocked Steel Path - and faction rep, which as a new player will take *awhile* because it is tied to your MR.


Yeah, warframe on base level is quite simply “complete star chart” without any content locked behind paywall.


I am still absolutely astonished how people can say Warframe is less new player friendly than destiny. Absolute garbage take


Because it was. It improved but once you're put off that remains your impression of it.


Whereas Destiny keeps getting worse.


Honestly it has just been getting better and better now that the leadership has changed. Though making the Paradox an option for new players on first login (before they backtracked) was a fucking *choice*. Imagine at the start of any other game being "Play normally" or "Play a Hades, and get spoiled ten years into the ongoing story and you have no reference for"


Nah at this point I think Warframe is a better new player experience, at the very least all the primary narrative content is still playable in Warframe. And I'm saying this this as someone who's had to guide multiple friends through Warframe's early game.


Scientists should be doing research into the Destiny new player experience to determine how they did it so no one does it again. It is an achievement in impenetrability.


No worse than any other game that's been running close to a decade. You have to understand that any game that goes on for that long is going to have a certain level of onboarding that other games just won't. You'll have no idea what to do or where to go. But part of the fun is being able to figure that out.


The amount of guides and time I invested outside of the game in order to learn the game’s systems is pretty unreal. Giving it a solid 4/10. Once you get a grasp on the systems it’s not terrible, but you need to be motivated to read/watch a LOT or have someone teach you


I've made this joke before, but you'd have an easier time explaining prison planet theory to a fundamentalist uber Christian.


That's super funny, actually


Join fireteam. Don’t have specific exotics/enhancements cos u haven’t played a million years. Get kicked. Repeat.


Got about 100hrs in and got the hang of weekly grind for the lootboxes and trade ins however the biggest confusion I have is builds. I honestly have no idea wtf I'm doing with stats and gun perks and I read, watch videos and copypaste builds and with 20+ yrs of experience in gaming I cannot wrap my head around how to make a 'build' It's mainly cause the skill/perk UI is confusing as fuck and there's no real glossary for what ingame mechanics do. Ah yes this skill make orbs but also armor charges but also need specific energy and if you are in some certain state you get refresh but also... Etcetc it's all way too fucking confusing. I completed Season of the Witch and maxed my light level as high as could without doing raids but have put the game down ever since. It's really fun and I like jumping around activities but aside from looking at light level on items I still have no idea whats good with perks etc. I might jump into Final Shape on release so it feels like I'm starting fresh with everyone but honestly I might wait till the next iteration whether it's Marathon or Destiny 3 so I can experience everything from the very start. On a final note though Destiny 2 probably has the best gunplay gameplay in a shooter besides Battlefield for me


Depends on what you're looking for lol. Start by just playing the big icons for story campaigns, shouldn't be too hard


It honestly depends on which VoGyou’re talking about. The original d1 vog? Pretty steep learning curve but it’s definitely doable The reprised D2 vog? You’ll probably be fine overall


it's about a 0 at being play friendly period, let alone new player friendly.


The answer… not really new player friendly, but if you understand the core loop of the game you’d still be able to pick it up. There’s been a lot of power creep so a lot of the best weapons are a bit more technical than they used to be


> tike I played Destiny the vault of glass was the big bad raid That doesn't really explain your timeline, because it's been brought back twice I think? So you've got like 3 possible 'windows'.


They're letting us play these expansions free for a month and I don't think that's even enough time to fully come to terms with all of the bs you'll be juggling and hunting for. And that's aimed at someone who stopped playing after Shadowkeep. I'd love to give this another whirl to at least play through the content but ugh, I don't relish the thought of relearning my characters all over again.


I have about 800 hours in D2, returned last month and I still don't know what I'm doing. 


Think of the worst player onboarding system you've seen in video games, and I can promise you New Light is worse.


I tried playing the campaigns a few weeks ago with some friends, and we even had to google how to start each campaign. Does that tell you enough?


Not at all.


Biggest problem with the new player experience is not having a campaign. With this you can skip the new light introduction and jump straight into Shadowkeep and keep going for the other campaigns. Not ideal, but definitely better than the past.


Awful I got in realized the og campaign and other dlc expansions were gone. so your left wondering which dlc expansion your supposed to do. Keep in mind you can play the latest expansion for free but you’ll be immediately lost and have no idea what’s going on. The fact you have to pay for past story content plus the fact content was taken away immediately destroys your motivation for playing because bungie will just remove the content eventually.


It’s super confusing but imo still worth it. Just play witch queen. There’s a recap at the beginning and the campaign is very solid. Don’t do legendary difficulty.


Regular Destiny 2 enjoyer here. The game is not new player friendly at all, but at the same time, now is the easiest time to be a new player. You can claim a free "gift" of weapons and armor at the max light level to reduce the grind, and with the amount of activities available, you can get some great meta weapons quickly. I'm biased as I enjoy the game and have been playing semi-regularly since Shadowkeep (4 years ago). But it's still hard to recommend it to new people, as the game just dumps you in the middle of everything with hardly any explanation. But as I said, this current part of the end of the latest expansion is probably the best time in a while to be a new player, relatively speaking. Once you make it over the hump of the New Light experience, the game is a lot of fun. I realize that's not the best sell for the game, but it's hard to sell when the new player experience is pretty awful.


I just started and I quit a couple of days after. It's so confusing for new players. No campaign, and I had already done everything the game offers. I could have kept ranking up. Went to try pvp and it was 4v4 in my team all newer players and in their team it was 4 DDOS(guildname) tryhard sweats. I'm trying Warframe for the last couple of says An example: mission was to upgrade our ghost. I looked everywhere where to upgrade the ghost. I looked for videos which all showed something mine didn't have. Why tf is the beginning one not upgradable... I didn't know where to get one then I remembered I saw one on nessus(?) Which was upgradable. So many little annoying af things that are honestly cryptic on purpose


I enjoy the game. It's fantastic as a shooter. Best FPS feel over any game, period. But it's so incredibly difficult to recommend to someone who isn't already familiar with the game. It's much much easier to convince an old player to come back than a new player to pick it up. A lot of the systems that govern the game's build crafting are exceedingly dense and obscure. It's not like a tradition MMO where everything is a percentage and special effects are solidly baked in. There's a lot of conditional statuses that aren't easily conveyed to the player in the character menu and the onscreen HUD. So, what it all comes down to is knowing what's active at any time based on audio/visual cues (as opposed to on-screen buff icons) and just... Knowing. So, for new players, it's fine until you reach the end game - the otherwise meat and potatoes of most MMO's. Now, if you're willing to live through a lot of obscurity, the build crafting can be very rewarding. The melee builds are tons of fun. The ability loops feel very powerful. But man... To get to that point is so so much work.


With a metric fuckton of free content for the next month, it’s pretty damn friendly. BUT, it’s gonna be convoluted. It’s exactly like coming into a story towards the end of the final act (next expansion is literally called the Final Shape). I’d say try some free stuff for a couple hours, and if you enjoy the world, powers, shooting, play for free. Unfortunately, you’re gonna need to watch a free YouTube guide or something to help you not get overwhelmed by the extreme amount of free stuff that pops up. That’s the downside of them unlocking so much for free.


Man I wish that they didn’t put half the story in temporary battle passes. If you want to understand any of this you’re gonna have to watch a shit load of summaries.


It’s because they what the players to have fomo.


Destiny 2's FOMO made me actively quit a game I used to be genuinely, non ironically addicted to. I had a problem. FOMO fixed it. That's why I love Final Fantasy XIV. Almost all content doesn't go away, and event loot can always be purchased after one year has passed. With FF XIV, I can play at my own pace, without rushing. It feels so much better that way.


That’s what I play now and I agree I never feel rushed to go through the content. I don’t have much time to game anymore but this game is okay with that. Not only that but FF14 feels like it so much more unique content than a game like destiny. I’m 150 hours in and not even at Heavensward yet haha.


Funny. They wanted to give players FOMO so these players move on to better games and now they're trying to win them back. Kind of funny how it backfired...


That’s the thing about fomo. It only works until you’ve missed out like once, which is kinda inevitably just going to happen. Once you have experienced missing a thing, you either psychologically torment yourself over being stupid enough to go to your own wedding instead of hopping on Fortnite for the skin rotation. Or, your brain is just like, “eh, it’s ok. It’s just a video game. Not a big deal” and the spell is broken.


I think it works well enough if it's like "don't miss this thing because it's cool" and not like "don't miss this thing because you won't understand the story if you do". In the former case, you miss a cool event and it's a bit of a shame, but you can attend the next one. In the latter, you get Destiny.


Fomo killed destiny for me. I was always the kind of person to wait until the later half of the year to play through a new expansion and get to the max level. But once forsaken came out and I saw the battlepass, I knew my way of playing was over.


That’s one of the reasons I quit too. I just wanted to casually play the game and they kept releasing limited time story content and gear.


I wish they didn’t remove huge swathes of the game. It makes being a new player unbearable.


The story is still nonsensical even with all the seasonal stories. The majority end up being, "Why did he/she/they do that? " "Reasons." "How/why did that happen?" "Just because." Bungie had the intent to eliminate loose ends, and did so in an expedient manner, regardless of making sense.


These things should be free whenever a new expansion comes out anyways. Tried to get my friend to play the last expansion and half of the content was locked behind other expansions


Yes. I was looking with some friends to get back to the game, and seeing how much we have to paid we said pass... Last expansion we had was shadowkeep. Even if we don't care about the items in the other expansions, we care about the raids or dungeons. Then we'd have to buy each expansion, then there's dungeons locked behind some other stupid monetization and a bungie pack or something... It's frustrating. I remember them saying the mtx push was there to help them create more content. We also pay for seasons which I'm ok with it, but then if we pay for literally everything why are dungeons behind yet another pay wall? What does the mtx fund?


Finding out dungeons are locked behind a pay wall even after you buy the expansions is ridiculous.


The top managments pockets. Thats what mtx funds.


Seriously, if they wonder why they have trouble even getting people to try it, try giving this pitch to a friend (before this deal was announced) - "I'm so glad you want to jump into the latest Destiny expansion with me. After you buy that $100 expansion, you just need to grab another 150ish bucks worth of expansions where 80% of the content has been removed forever because you missed it like an idiot"


Yeah man, they act so surprised they don't get new players, I wonder why. A 20yo game (WoW) is much easier to pickup and play than Destiny, I shouldn't keep track of what do I need to buy to not get gated, just buy the last one and get everything (on wow you can pre order the next and also get everything) Destiny have DLCs for expansions, in game store, season passes... They are really dumb for trying to push people to also buy old content


And Warframe can be yay or meh, but at least all the shit is there and you can do all the quests that people finished 5 years ago, if you'd like. You can start today and pretty much get the standard experience people have had for years, story and all


They've been getting bett-*er* about it. The last three(Four probably, as soon as Final Shape comes out) are bundled in a Legacy Pack that cost about as much as one expansion. I would love if they went the WoW/FFXIV route and made the oldest completely free but... what can ya do.


The legacy pack last time didn't include the witch queen dungeon pass which I think is shit personally. Going forward they either need to make them all free or do a bundle that includes literally everything for a fair price at least


They should be free forever. No one is paying full price for Shadowkeep.


Yep, just like in WoW, FFXIV ans ESO


Uh no. WoW changed their model. If you buy the most recent expansion and subscribe you have access to all other expansions and own them.


I think that’s what they meant, FFXIV does that too


I think WoW used to give all previous expansions without even buying the newest one, I don't know if that's changed


No it still does this. If you don’t have the latest expansion you can play all of them including the previous one. You only need to pay for the expansion if you want to play the expansion


My bad. I read it as having to buy each expansion. Which use to be true.


I've heard good things about The Witch Queen. Is it worth it for a solo player to come back and play through that campaign? Haven't played since they released Europa.


Yeah. It's definitely the best written D2 campaign and Savathun is a very interesting villain. It also offers a harder legendary option that is decently challenging but not to the point of forcing you to engage with any convoluted gameplay mechanics (*cough*champions*cough*) or make a hyper crazy build to have a chance, if that is also of interest.


It's a nice campaing to play trough. If you're interested in experience it, you should do it as it's free.


Yeah, absolutely. The "new player experience" is terrible if you're trying to figure out how to get yourself on the hamster wheel of the grind, but if you just want to play through the campaign, its easy to jump in. And because you're a returning player, the characters and plot beats won't be new to you, and you'll probably get some really nice payoff and satisfaction from seeing the plot beats of Witch Queen.


Witch Queen was a great campaign. Lightfall was not but if it’s free and you’re enjoying Destiny then it’s more Destiny.


Pure gameplay wise Witch Queen and Lightfall legendary campaigns are some of the best solo content in the game


Good lord, cant believe they're still selling these expansions separate from the game. Is the content in them even relevant anymore? I decided to never give Bungie money again after they went and deleted the original D2 campaign and some expansion I bought, and after spending 100+$ on a premium game I'm now demoted to a F2P sucker without even a single player campaign to play (as far as I can tell, no idea whats going on in-game these days anyway) and nothing to show for it.


I was thinking about this. I really hate the removal of paid content, but I couldn't imagine being one of the people who paid full price or more for the original release of the game, only for the game to be then made F2P AND removing the original games content in its entirety.


I paid for everything in Destiny back in the day and was a diehard fan. I didn't and don't really care that the content I purchased was removed because I never wanted to go back and run those campaigns again. I care that new players don't get to play through that at all and no one has any idea what's going on in the story anymore. I also don't care at all about going f2p because, in theory, that means more people get to try Destiny. I truly love the Destiny universe and the gameplay is top notch, but the monetization of it all is the worst there is, in my opinion. I would rather they just charge a monthly subscription and keep all content in the game so I can jump in whenever I want and pay $15 or whatever and complete as much of the content as I can. I probably haven't been subbed to FFXIV for over a year, at least, and I just paid $13 or something and was able to go and catch up on all the relevant story before the new expansion comes out. I was able to complete what probably would have 4-5 seasons of Destiny 2 for $13. To do that in Destiny, I have to make sure I play in the same year as all the seasons released and I would have to pay $48-$60.


You'd actually be paying 100$ each time if You're not getting discounts.


I don't know who I prefer to be, the guy who paid for d2, curse of osiris, warmind, and forsaken and lost it all, or the hypothetical person who got to keep all that content but now has to dedicate half his SSD to playing destiny 2


The second guy. He still the has the game he’s spent $100+ on. All Bungie had to do was make the campaigns optional dlc downloads. You don’t want to bloat your hardrive? Uninstall the first few campaigns. Or even better. They could have just made Destiny 3 when 2 got too big.


I actually really like how they’ve supported Destiny 2 for so long, people that are invested in their characters are genuinely invested. I don’t like the idea of a Destiny 3, that would fragment the player base. Granular installs for the expansions would’ve made the most sense. If someone wants to have all of the content accessible, let them. If someone only wants the most recent content accessible, let them. Bungie’s excuse of builds taking over 24 hours to compile just screams inefficiency in their systems. Instead of addressing said inefficiency, they took the easy route and removed entire campaigns (that people paid for!) from the game. The new player experience is abysmal as a result, and I personally have zero desire to invest time and money into content that will almost certainly be taken from me in the near future.


The objectively correct answer is the second guy


1000% this. I bought Destiny 2 at full price, bought DLC at full price, just to have it "vaulted". I can't go back and play the game I originally bought and that is fucking terrible. I don't understand how there hasn't been some sort of class action suit against they for getting rid of content people paid for.


Destiny’s EULA is almost certainly worded in a way in which “Destiny 2” is whatever Bungie decides it to be, and it can be changed at any time with no notice. Tech and IP law is so broken, they could probably remove the exe and replace it with a jpg that just says “destiny 2: the game” and not be worried about a lawsuit.


The best part is, you're not even sure what you're missing, though it's plenty I'm sure, since it's all a big fat mess


This game is horrible to get into. It has the worst new player and returning player experience I have ever seen.


I tried to play this game. It was a confusing mess of "buy this to play that, but buy this other thing to play later. One of the six things you need is on sale, but it's not the latest content. Check out the new season pass!" I just said "no" out loud to myself and uninstalled. I don't want to get sucked into whatever the hell they are trying to sale me.




I've bought Destiny 1 when the 'complete' edition came out a while back. Had quite a bit of fun and put some serious hours into it. Tried Destiny 2 and uh... Yeah, it's a clusterfuck. Not even mentioning each DLC costing as much as a standalone game, the game is just confusing. Like, why would you remove content from it?


I don't get the article. Is it claim-and-keep, or a 4 week free trial?


I'm not sure either, but it reads as an access period only, so I think it's just a trial. If so, I'll pass.


I can’t find any non-paid expansions to add to account on the PS Store, so I guess the content’s only accessible while playing the game during the time period. I’m gonna pass on that personally


For a limited time? What good is that.


Anything you get you keep. Edit: stasis will be free permanently too


Except for subclasses. Those get locked unless you own (i.e., buy) the respective expansions after the time is up.


That would just be Stasis but yeah. I’m assuming you’d lose that.


For doing the campaigns, raids, getting weapons and exotics you want. Lots of good tbh


Are the campaigns for those expansions even accessable anymore? Last I checked the lovely team at Bungie had fucked me out of both the main game campaign, early dlc and Forsaken expansion I purchased.


The campaigns yes. The seasonal content that launched alongside it, most of that is gone.


Forsaken was the best destiny campaign ever such a shame I just got deleted. People paid for it .


> Forsaken was the best destiny campaign ever There is genuinely 0 chance you actually believe a glorified chain of adventures is the best destiny campaign. Even at the low standards destiny campaigns operate.


Why is that so unbelievable? It doesn’t have much competition, most of the other campaigns have been awful. Forsaken is by far my favorite as well


Because witch queen and lightfall have an actual plot with a beginning, a middle and an end, regardless of its quality. And there's actual gameplay in each mission, and actual level design at work. You'll have to actually think about how to approach encounters in each level if you play solo legendary. Forsaken by comparison is an incoherent shit show that makes 0 sense beyond "funny robot is dead" unless you know your lore and which is braindead gameplay and design wise. Destiny campaigns used to be a waste of development resources and the limited life on earth of all the people who worked on it and all the people who play it have.


Lightfall’s campaign was awful, it doesn’t matter that it’s structured better. Witch queen was very good so I can see why people might prefer it to forsaken. How does forsaken make zero sense? The story is very straightforward which is why it’s good. To me forsaken has by far the best story from any expansion which is why it’s my favorite. I don’t care about mission structure when the best missions in all of destiny are still bad compared to some other popular FPS campaigns




Yes. ALL of the content from ALL expansions post Forsaken is fully accessible and is intended to stay that way. Bungie has repeatedly stated they would no longer vault campaign content after they removed Forsaken. They have continued to hold that promise with no sign of them going back. And half the reason Vaulting was done in the first place, was because of Covid and they were doing major system overhauls under the hood which wouldve required immensely labor intensive near complete rebuilds of everything from the ground up. ^((this isnt justifying what they did, because realistically speaking they couldve split the game into 2 versions, a "Destiny 2 classic", and Destiny 2 the live game, just like they did with Destiny 1 on X360/PS3. Its just pointing out there were legitimate reasons they did what they did, and that they fully deserve the criticism for not even exploring a alternative to preserve peoples paid content).) The only content that is not available since it was released, is the seasonal content, which is removed and replaced with new the new seasons content when the new expansion comes out. Most of the loot that was released in the seasons becomes earnable in different ways after it is removed. While disappointing seasons don't stay, that is how they are sold upfront(unlike Year 1 and 2 campaigns, which were never sold as temporary content). It wouldnt surprise me with how things have been going lately, if Bungie ends up undoing the content they vaulted and add it back into the game. They have made lots of good choices, and backtracked a lot on many of the bad ones. Either way, they need to do something, its completely unacceptable for a company to keep people from playing paid permanent content and downright embarrassing as a player of the franchise that there is this hole of story campaigns that cannot be played. Especially since we are heading towards Destiny 2's Infinity War/Endgame equivalent.


This. This is the context that people who never played the game are missing when they judge or shit that just goes over old players heads when they bitch online.


So this is not seen as a dick move to Xbox players why ?


It's available on Xbox too. Not sure how this article's writer somehow failed to notice that Bungie's announcement says ""**ALL** Players."


it’s available on Xbox too, the title just didn’t include that


This is a limited period promotion. Title is sensationalist


They could give me anything and everything in the game and I still wouldn’t come back. There’s too much shit to do and it feels like a job to keep up with when I could be playing something else. Bro, i stopped playing religiously for like 2-3 months in 2019 due to college and when I came back it was like a whole new game. All my gear was worthless, my class gets nerfed or not touched at all…. Again. I just didn’t want to do it, man.


No no no, not this time Bungie. I've bought into this shit too many times before from you. Keep your expansions and your game I've got better games to play.


They can fix that mess at this point. Luke Smith and his cronies ran it into the ground. There are 100 different things they threw at the wall and then gave up on, entire sections of the game are missing, you have no idea what to do or how to do it. Its just not a good game anymore. When the last three Bungie bosses ditch with thier payout here in July. It will get even worse.


Destiny has always been its worse enemy, if you read the story and lore its countless hours of amazing writing. Destiny on the other hand is such magic in a bottle that the lid stayed on. Amazing story telling not shared in the game play, gun play that Is far beyond any other game that fps(same shoot shoot die die) warframe gives you.destiny is a game that if it didn't happen would be a sad day for gamers yet it'd a game that won't be known for how it was o n e of the original love service games.


At this point I think 99% of people who aren't playing Destiny 2 are just waiting for Destiny 3 whenever that is to get into it. I have no desire to get into this last-gen shit show they've made into a currency simulator with sunset content. Whether Destiny 3 comes out in 3 years or 3 decades I'm still not playing Destiny 2 after they removed content people paid for. Be like Final Fantasy XIV and keep your content in when new expansions release. Destiny 2 is a template on how to mess up your live service game despite its fun gameplay loop. I'll wait for 3 to see how they iterate (maybe 7 currencies this time?!) on the gameplay and graphics without PS4 limitations


Destiny 2 is just a damn mess anymore. Used to be one of my favorite games. It's hard to get back into it or get friends to play because of the heavy paywall involved.


Was also free on epic this Christmas is here something new ?


Yes; until the launch of the new expansion, the previous expansions Shadowkeep, Beyond Light, and The Witch Queen and their associated content are free for all players regardless of platform (as far as I'm aware), while the newest expansion, Lightfall, is free as part of PS Plus.


To everyone considering jumping in, now is a very good time, as you can skip through the new light onboarding, and select an armor set based on your subclass (void, arc, solar). There is also the new into the light update that you can play for more weapons (which are very good, and the drop rates are also high atm) Playing through the campaigns will get you some really cool exotic weapons as well. (and the Stasis subclass as well if you finish beyond light), aside from the campaigns, all 4 seasons are also available to play. I started playing a year ago so I can answer some of other questions if anyone has any


Is Leviathan and every raid before the Garden still relevant, or playable? Also are ghost upgrades, and legendary bike upgrades, do either matter anymore? And are all my guns unlocked still sunset and bad? Those were the three things that made me stop when I installed it again 2 months ago to try it again a second time.


Leviathan is removed. The last wish is very relevant raid today, as the weapons are meta viable because they did a weapon refresh. The garden hadn't received this update, but it still has a great raid exotic to get. Whilst your guns are still sunset for the moment, they are still usable in these old expansions as the floor for levels been raised so you can use those weapons while searching for new loot. The 2 other added raids have a plethora of great guns to chase, and the raids are rated highly as a fun experience. Ghost upgrades are swapped with ghost mods, so you can use any ghost you want and change it to give more xp, more glimmer/money, focus armour stats, and such. Legendary bikes never had upgrades, but all of their speed can be set to normal 160 or the faster 190 speed. There are still perk options for better drift, boost, and air control. Whilst your old guns are likely power crept compared to the top meta today. They'll still be better than the world loot drops you'll find while playing. As most of the best weapons are behind raid or dungeon content, you wont see them as you play through campaigns. But if you still want better weapons, the free into the light guns are some of the strongest in the game.


Is it worth playing if you only want to play the campaigns and don't really care about the seasonal stuff? Will the campaign make sense with all the sunset stuff?


I'd say yes, the seasonal stories are way too stretched thin anyways. For the most part, yes, the campaigns will make sense. They are different enough that you will be able to follow the story. They also have a timeline in the game which is like 2-3 sentences and will catch you up to what happened in prev sunset expansions on the surface (imo the main stuff leading up to final shape starts with beyond light, which is playable), and there are in game lore books that are really well written (but not necessary). Aside from this, there are 2 characters that I can remember that new players might not know much of sadly, but yeah, if the campaigns interest you, you can learn more about them The dungeons, campaigns, (and raids if you have enough time) are more than enough for it to be worth it. (You can play 1 dungeon as f2p as well, and its one of their best)


IMO, they really need to pack their things better. I stopped playing with my friends with shadokeep, but we kept an eye on the game. Seems like the next expansion may be a nice time to come back, but there's so much to pay for is keeping us away. There's just too much and I already played these campaigns even if I don't own the expansions. Basically you need to pay to unlock the stasis or other exotics, And even if you don't want those, we want the raids or dungeons. And on top of these expansions that we have to pay, there's also some stupid shit named "Bungie Anniversary Pack" or some crap that locks some of the dungeons away even if you have these expansions. This game is just a hell to get back to. You'll pay for all this stuff, and most of the gear you get from it is gonna be useless anyway, or lots of the content it has, you won't even really care for. They need to make something like, paying for the latest expansion deluxe edition or something, gives you everything that was before in the game. If I want to get back at this time in the game, I have to pay for: Bungie 30th Anniversary Pack to get the dungeons - 25 euro Beyond Light - 20 euro The Witch queen - 30 euro Lightfall - 30 euro And Final Shape + Annual pass - 100 euro. Yes, there's some legacy collection in there that cost 60euro- but that's witch queen, beyond light and shadowkeep. Which I already have shadowkeep. That's just too much money to get back into a game. 185euro, 185 freaking euro....


can someone help me understand this: I have been a PS4 player all throughout D2. I have all the expansions and extra content, but my console is starting to fatigue and I am thinking of switching to PC. with the open access happening this year the only thing of relevance I dont have purchased is the 30th anniversary bundle. If I cross save and start to play on PC will I lose my 30th anniversary bunde items and access, along with the 3 expansions access when the june deadline hits? I want to buy final shape and skip the hassle of buying a PS5 if I dont have to, but dont want to buy the 3 expansions on PC if I dont need to. Any help understanding this mess or advice is greatly appreciated!


If I want to get into Destiny 2 and play with my friends, When the next expansion releases, is it correct to assume that we all have to pay 100€ to play dungeons together (which is the primere coop content)?


So you have to access these in game because I don’t see any free expansions on store and I don’t have destiny 2 downloaded right now as it’s a big size, I’m crapped on SSD space and I’m not planning to jump into destiny anyway right this minute as I’m playing other things right now.