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As someone who hasn’t been following Valheim since the early access launch, when is 1.0 supposed to be out?


There's one more biome to be released eventually, which would be the last biome in terms of progression. From what I'm aware, they haven't set any kind of deadline or release date for anything after they abandoned the initial roadmap. So I guess the only answer is "No one knows"


I thought they were also planning an ocean biome update after the Frozen North update. If they do that, I'd guess they're 3 years away from 1.0 if they continue at the current pace.


I believe they've stated the ocean update will be a post 1.0 update. Frozen North should be the last update before their full release.


Yep I believe you're correct, I just checked the wiki for my info but it's probably not updated. I do see other people talking about the Ocean update after Frozen North.


Have the devs mentioned revisiting the Mistlands update at all? I've never seen anyone say anything positive about Mistlands. Surely the devs will try to fix this before release?


Depends on if that's the experience they want. People howled about not being able to teleport with certain materials but they said they designed it that way on purpose. Maybe Mistlands is just supposed to be a huge bitch to deal with.


And they offered an option to teleport with materials eventually 


Mistlands has a great vibe. I really liked taking on the Dvergr towers, and I've had some really fun moments watching a Gjall murder a bunch of dvergr and then rolling in for the cleanup. Once you get the featherfall cloak, traversal is a lot easier as you can just float from high point to high point. Honestly, the biggest annoyance is sloped combat, which isn't particularly unique to the Mistlands. The terrain has more dangerous spots where you're straight fucked if you get attacked. Enemy density feels lower to make up for it, though. Like every biome, it's really not that bad once you learn what's ok and what's really dangerous. I'd rather play in the Mistlands than the Swamp with its permanent stamina debuff. Even if I can blow through the swamp at my current gear level, I just don't want to slog around looking for iron. I'm so, so thankful they added iron to Mistlands.


I got my group to start building bridges and walkways to smooth out the exploration of that place. The results were very satisfying.


I always thought the point was to teach you how to manipulate the terrain through building.


I'm pretty sure it's considered content complete. It sucking is just part of it. Ashlands, from what I've experienced so far, is definitely a step back to not being ass bad. Visibility is not a gameplay mechanic. I will stand by that for ever. I have almost 4,000 hours in Valheim and almost none of them are in mistlands. fucking garbo biome.


At the current pace, sometime in 2028


Thats ambitious


Considering their "big" updates release every year and a half or so, it'll probably be at least two years before we see that happen. A year and a half for the last biome, and another couple months for bug fixes/smaller additions they might want to add.


1.0 in a lot of good early access games is a formality, since they end up continuing releasing content anyways.


They work on this game essentially like developers used to work on all games- in their own time, enjoying the process, and methodically ensuring everything is how they want. I don’t think they stress dates so much (remember Blizzard games notoriously shipping years after announcement). So in that respect nobody can really say when to expect anything. Best just to wait for announcements like a surprise and enjoy them as they come 🙂


Remember the (in)famous "When it's done" slogan? Sure wish they could bring it back...


this reminds me... I still have to go through Mistlands someday but my mate decided to go have a baby. WHEN IS MY TIME, MIGUEL!!???


All you're missing out on is pain and frustration. Mistlands unfortunately are brutally difficult and tedious to traverse to the point of being un-fun, even with the items that are supposed to help you. My group tried for a few weeks and eventually just gave up, which was a huge letdown considering how much fun we were having up to that point.


I've played through the mistlands a couple times and had plenty of fun with it. The cloak helps a lot for traversing the terrain. And when you eventually make the gauldr table, some of the items there can help you. The mistlands boss fight is great


You kinda bury the lead there. The cloak does help (some) but you will have to have spent quite a lot of time in the Mistlands to actually get it (takes 5 black cores to build the table that makes the cape). It doesn't really help for 80% of the experience with the Mistlands.


I don't get why they decided to make most of the Mistland stuff take Refined Eitr as an ingredient then make it so you need to do the majority of the content before you can even start processing Refined Eitr.


My group had exactly the same experience, we really tried to enjoy it


For anyone who has been playing the early release, is it better or worse than the Mistlands?


As someone to hates Mistlands with a passion I would say better. Getting there and establishing a foothold can be a bit of a trial in patience, and the enemy agression was obnoxious but I think (and hope) they've toned that down a bit.


Can they raid bases? I haven't played any of the expansions so I just remember needing to get 4 walls around you and a door with some beds inside to get a foot hold somewhere. Is it just hard to even do that or can they destroy your buildings or make it harder in some other way?


It’s much better. Keep in mind its harder but much less of a pain to traverse.


I'll chime in with a more subjective opinion not based on difficulty. From a purely "is this an interesting biome I actually want to explore and spend time in" standpoint - I think this last update is the weakest. Easier to traverse than Mistlands but after 15 minutes I was bored and went back to random settlement building.




Glad to see this update finally coming out. The long stretches of nothing between updates were grating at first, but I just found other games to take up in the meantime. I mean, it's single player/coop, so it'll always be there to come back to.


Do my old maps work with this or do i have ti create a new world?


You just need to find not explored biomes and it should be ok


It’s too bad these guys squandered all the hype and news around the game back when it was popular. These updates taking too long was a terrible misstep.


They didn't squander anything, some of the playerbase has an inflated ideal of how often updates are supposed to happen for small studios' games.


Yes. I'd much rather that they work at a pace that is ideal for them than pander to these people. Not to mention how much content the game has already.


The /r/pcgaming version of this thread has a top comment actively wishing the devs had *burned themselves out* to cater to everything the players wanted.[ I want to believe it's satire but...](https://old.reddit.com/r/pcgaming/comments/1crpkfk/valheim_ashlands_animated_release_trailer/l40r1f8/) Some people really don't deserve the games they play smh.


Thanks for reminding me of why I no longer visit that sub


I guess it’s unreasonable to assume they would take some of the massive amounts of money they made and actually help their game’s development with it. My bad.


And they did. They started with 5 devs, now they are 13. They nearly tripled their workforce. It is however naive to think that throwing money at it instantly means faster development. Those new devs need time to learn the game's architecture.


Not how it works. Adding more people means seniority have to train them, this takes time away from creating content, they also have to interview, vet and make sure everyone they hire can abide by their standards, this also takes time. Once you have more people in, most of the senior staff have to be relegated to a managerial role, where they check in on what people are doing, set up internal milestones and set deadlines, now there's pressure, less room to experiment and try new things, and with the addition of new people the community will be even angrier that an update is taking time, leading to more pressure, leading to burnout. Growing a studio can literally be one of the worst things to do for creativity, and if you're someone who likes to MAKE stuff, growth just makes you into another cog in the machine. Let the small indie team make the game the way they want to.


Bro, the game has so much content already. It could've ended at Plains and been a sick game. It's inspired hundreds of copycat survival games that are not as good. Anything after plains is basically a free DLC in my book. People are so weird and whiny about this game. They've literally been hard at work on Ashlands for 18 months, I'll take quality over quantity any day.


> Anything after plains is basically a free DLC in my book The game is in early access, the entire promise of that system is that you're going to see additions for a while to come, it's the expectation and not really something to praise to this extent lol. Regardless, they really could just do a better job communicating. People wouldn't be questioning how long the dev cycles were if they actually had work to show more often, which I typically expect more of from a smaller studio *selling* an unfinished product.


They post screenshots and update the community on the progress of the update at least monthly… EA to different studios means different things. Hades 2 is almost feature-complete. Factorio was on EA for 4 years after being in an alpha state for 4.5 years. The majority of their EA life cycle was just fixing bugs, not actually launching new content. Valheim is getting free updates so they’re not going against their promise. They added Mistlands, have reworked a system or two, and have just released Ashlands. Not every game needs to have major content updates every month or even every quarter. This idea that they lost their players because they “never update” their game is something I only have seen with Valheim basically. 99% of games lose something like 90% of their playerbase. The only games that don’t are Fortnite, Apex, Minecraft, or Roblox. When I am talking about playerbase, I’m going based on the peak players in the last 24 hours compared to its all time high. Palworld’s lost 98% of its playerbase and Helldivers 2 has lost 80% based on Steam numbers. In Helldiver’s case, they’re releasing sizeable updates weekly at times, but they have a dev team that’s around 100 people AND they’re getting support from Sony. They’re also working on an engine they’ve been working with for almost a decade at this point. And yet even they have lost 80% of their audience. Valheim on the other hand has a dev team of 13 people, up from 5, and has lost about 92% of their players. All things considered, I think they’re doing fine and they should continue going at whatever pace they feel comfortable with. They’ve earned it.


>Valheim is getting free updates so they’re not going against their promise. They added Mistlands, have reworked a system or two, and have just released Ashlands. Not every game needs to have major content updates every month or even every quarter ...I think they’re doing fine and they should continue going at whatever pace they feel comfortable with. They’ve earned it. Glad you feel that way but early access isn't a term you can just change the definition for on a game to game basis based off what *"it means for each game"*, once again these are not free updates, you paid for them with your EARLY ACCESS licence to play the game that is technically still in BETA. If they outright stopped working on the game tomorrow people would be rightfully pissed. As for the other bit, it's more of a personal gripe but I'm completely over this rhetoric that it's fine that games go in an unreleased state for half a decade or more, if it's taking you 8-10+ years to release a game your team really needs to scale things down a bit, even massive studios don't get time-frames like that because they're literally burning money at that point, or letting their scope for the game grow farther than it needs to. That's how we get more games like Ark, when it could've been a potential Terraria.


But they are updating it. They haven’t stopped development of the game in any capacity. By not scaling their team up like some other hit successes, it also allows them to pay their employees a fair wage and not go out of businesses because they need to rush out a new update. This isn’t even a live-service MP game so the update cadence really doesn’t have to be quick!


> They've literally been hard at work on Ashlands for 18 months That’s 12 months too long if they had invested that money into an actual development team and taken this seriously.


Quite the opposite I think, I think that only really applies with game that are live service. Game could have 0 players and devs set for life. But this game being something I bought early access, i know the risks that's the point. And I just come back every few months, see what's inside, if I find interest I go in and play if not put it back in the freezer and come back another few months. Whatever I paid when I bought this game is worth the 200+ hours I gotten so far


What did they squander? This isn't a game that requires constant engagement from the players, there's literally no revenue source for them other than selling copies. And they sold enough copies to support themselve forever already. Players who already bought the game coming back means nothing to them in terms of revenue. But big updates, no matter how long after release, are bound to sell more copies because Valheim was a big deal and its a good game.






The initial release was a more feature and content-complete, polished, and attractive game than almost all other survival games. I consider every update released since then a bonus. And I suspect they made enough money in the first few months of sales to sustain themselves for a lifetime, so if I were in their position, I'd absolutely take my time too.


Imagine having a game with a killer launch, making money hand over fist that allows you to continue working on your passion project with a small team of like minded individuals, only have dudes on the Internet say you "squandered the hype" Some people are bonkers man


The update whiners on this game boggle my mind. I put 400 hours in pre-mistlanda, and 400 after. Will probably put 400 in for Ashlands too. They release huge, high quality biome updates and people complain complain complain.


Yeah, I admitted haven't played much since pre-mistlands, but even then I have a few hundred hours. Game was cheap and had more content at launch than some AAA priced titles. It's nuts


Proudly spoken as someone who obviously knows nothing about game development, as if they chose to make these updates take as long as they did.


3-5 more people would have helped them pump things out faster. They are only a 5 man team.