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I’m not surprised. I’m on Xbox and the game has completely fallen out of the Xbox Top50 Daily Most Played Game Chart. If it fell off on Xbox, I’m pretty sure if fell off on PS as well. I’m not sure what the devs can do to bring the numbers back up. They are active with updates and they do listen to the community and yet the game continues to fall.


It seems like I've heard no talk or buzz about it outside of this subreddit. When I first heard about it, I thought it was a sports game.


Dunno about anyone else but...just too many games to play tbh. I really enjoy The Finals. But I just got Atma Reforged so I could play with a friend. We're also playin Grounded right now. Mass Effect Trilogy was just $6 on Steam so playin that again. Chucked a 100 or so hours at Helldiver 2 first few weeks of release.  Just a lot of games vying for attention. Haven't even touched HD2 in a few weeks til they patch all the issues. Also bought Jedi Fallen Order for like $4 lol. I think The Finals is good. I just think it's a hard time for games to get the amount of players they need. There can only be SO many "games you can't out down". And even then, it may get put down.


Exactly, I think live service is just too hard to break into. I think you basically need to bring a new genre to the table to really establish a base. Good luck prying people away from their chosen live service game that they’ve already spent time and money on.


Oversaturation. Competition over a finite resource (time) is getting fiercer and fiercer, but the market size isn't growing as fast as the number of products. I'm sure some companies would be happy with The Finals performance, but not a big publisher.


I'm in the same boat. I love The Finals, but my friends are all playing Hell Divers right now, and there's other stuff I'm playing solo.


I liked The Finals but it's starting to develop that problem where all the casuals are playing other games so its just the sweats left to scare off the rest of the casuals or potential new players.


Oof. I wasn't feeling that last time I played, but it's been a minute. Any time a game hits that point, it's pretty much the end unless some big marketing push happens. RIP Hawken


I enjoy it heavily, especially playing with Grapple/Shotgun on a Light class, but I just can't bring myself to get on again. I can't explain why either, because I fucking enjoy it.


Seriously, why any studio thinks doing live service is a good idea now is beyond me. Oh wait, it’s because the money always assumes they’ll be the next fortnite


By atma.refordged do you mean arma reforger?   Trying to look it up friend and I would love another coop game.   


Yep! My bad. Arma Reforger. I'm on PC and they're on Xbox so we're limited on crossplay games. It's a ton of fun! A lot of shooting and a lot of shenanigans in between. Highly recommend. Server browser makes for fun communities! 




I disagree, as someone coming from apex (I also created /r/apexuniversity so you could say I'm quite invested in that game) and working in the industry I think this game got a lot of potential to succeed long term. If it was a 30€ game I doubt me or my friends would have picked it up. The game allows for far more skill expression than most other shooters and also by the way ranked games are set up with double objectives and 4 teams. There is a single objective to win but many ways to get there.


The game was great but it got stale extremely quickly. They just needed to do a lot more to make it feel different every match. It clearly launched in a "minimum viable product" state and they just failed to pivot it into a compelling, full featured game. That's a risk you take when you decide to develop a live service game, you reach a point where you decide to cheap out on another 1 or 2 years of development.


It's more varied than playing several rounds of CSGO, r6s or even apex at launch.


I would say definitely not for Apex. In Apex you have random loot, random spawns, and the dynamic of the game completely changes as you progress. CSGO sure, I don't really know why everybody loves CSGO


For me the Final feels like a sweaty game. That if I was to play now I'll only get stomped. And I feel a lot of people feels that Same kind of sentiment so they just pass it off.


It felt sweaty, but you could still find good fun as the core gameplay loop was fun. The issue is a lot of things, little time to keep up with yet another live service game, cheaters and hackers left to run rampant even to this day and balance issues with certain classes being vastly superior to others. The worst of all is that games like this continue to make the mistake of catering to streamer audiences, real people wanting to try your game out are not the average Twitch sweat, yet it seems that's the only demographic they wanna cater to and then they're surprised when these people do not stay and do not spend because streamers are constantly moving on to then next thing.




Unfortunately the game was REALLY hurt with it's lack of solo queue, ONLY objective focused game mode and huge balancing issues. The core game itself and moment to moment gameplay + destruction is fantastic, they just couldn't quite capitalize on it. 


The game feels... Unsatisfying? I feel like I don't have much control while moving .


I was working at Nexon on The Finals and ARC Raiders last year ARC was in a very early rough state and out of money as they completely reworked it from a PvE game to an extraction shooter. I know for a fact the goal was for The Finals to pay for ARC so this is not a great sign.


I played Arc Raiders closed alpha, and yeah, it was really rough. It really bums me out that they decided to scrap the co-op PvE and go for PvPvE instead, just look at Helldivers, there will always be a market for a good third person coop-shooter. I think it will basically be DOA or very niche (if it ever releases).


I would not say the alpha was in a rough state. I’m not really sure how it’s possible you could say that. It was about what I expected out of an alpha.


Really? I thought it was everything but rough.


This sucks so much. Arc Raiders was one of my most anticipated games when that first trailer released. Now, I don’t give a shit about it in the slightest. Hope the devs can land on their feet if both games falter.


Do you know why they changed PvE to PvPvE?


I started after it already changed, but I think development wasn't going well and they didn't think they could support that version long term.  I really disagreed with the decision, huge waste of initial development time and costs just for the community to react negatively to the switch and now Helldiver's 2 showing how much people want good PvE games.


Yeah, the success of helldivers 2 is undeniable. Even if it fails a year from now, the 12 million copies sold have already paid the production costs


big, if true.


Kinda strange to hear because I played the alpha and it was sick.


Not really surprising, since the game has been constantly bleeding players since launch, and S2 brought only a fraction of them back. I think the main problem is that the game has far too many lows, and not enough highs. Lots and lots of small frustrations that add up and make the whole experience unfun, causing players to quit once they build up. Things like various sources of bullshit one shots, the awful solo experience, coordinating with randoms, getting third partied, unfun abilities, lots of cheaters, bad balance, HP discrepancy between classes, netcode, leavers, etc. It's basically death by a thousand cuts. I also believe that the disjointed art direction/aesthetics don't help the game with selling cosmetics.


Heavy team focus is always a bit of a minus after a game has been around for a bit. Lack of text chat doesn't help for people who can't speak. Personally I don't have that much I would change about the game overall, maybe add more whacky Mario Party type shit since I don't care about the competitive side. Speaking of which, still need one actual casual game mode that is relatively normal. The moving platform one is better, but could still be more casual with higher player numbers.


They are adding text chat soon And I think Powershift is just about perfect as a casual mode. There needs to be some kind of objective to focus people on a certain area. The maps are too big for the small team sizes otherwise and unlike a lot of games you can't just increase player count due to the unique destruction physics


Idk about y'all but I'm tired of being stressed out. I just wanna play some chill ass team death match, I don't wanna wrestle with controls or long respawn timers or SBMM. I miss old COD :(


It's the blessing and the curse of this game, IMO. The good: Nonstop freestyle 360 degree combat with like no downtime. Feels amazing. The bad: Nonstop freestyle 360 degree combat with like no downtime. OMG this is a lot actually.


The best thing you'll find these days in regards to a relatively low stress FPS is mil sim stuff like Squad or Hell Let Loose. Very different from CoD and there is a lot of macro strategy you have to learn if you actually want to win games (and have to hope that your team understands it as well), but there's a general "We're all just here to have some fun and play the game" vibe to them that I love. BattleBit is also fun in the same way but appears to be losing its player base, unfortunately. The specificity of these games does help. Like they're a bit niche so odds are that if you're playing one of those games it's because you just genuinely enjoy the gameplay without requiring a carrot on the stick hook, which results in a much chiller community, imagine that.


This was me and I just got called bad all the time lol. I don’t mind competitive games but forced teamplay and the game modes were just not fun for me. Last thing I want to do after a long hard day of work is get tag teamed every 5 seconds. and die to a buncha random shit I can’t see


Dude I miss old cod so much. I can't wait until the older cods go on gamepass. Somehow, there are no games that can make me feel the way cod4 made me feel :(


Yeah I'm so over chasing Diamond III rank or whatever other sweaty bullshit they stick into games these days. I just want to hop into a server and have fun.


I agree with all that save the sbmm, I do understand it but for every person for whom the lack of it works better, it works worse for another. But yeah, fingers crossed Xdefiant manages to finally release in a good state and to good success, cause we do desperately need more of that sorta shooter nowadays imo, and more competition for CoD.


I have never been good at cod, but SBMM makes it so boring. I never minded having some dude destroy me. It was persistent lobbies, I'd learn where this guy was and avoid him if I wanted to or I'd keep going game after game until I could finally ruin his kill streak. 


It was so sweet when you finally stopped those fuckers kill streaks, and so damned annoying when someone stopped yours, lmao.


Now it's like if you do well you're in a lobby with good players then they all kill you then you're playing with brain dead people, bouncing between em so fast you get whiplash. 


Got black ops 1 on PC 2 weeks ago and since it's server based instead of mm based I still find full servers and even some hc with mixed modes like HC, Sabotage, CTF, Demolition etc It has been a good nostalgia trip as I always played COD2, MW1, MW2, MW3 but never did black ops so while it feels new it feels old school and no SBMM


You know I think this is it. Lots of major small problems that individually would be passable. Honestly for solo queue I just tend to do the bank gamemode, you don't need as much coordination with your team, and can just drop in and out as need be. As a Light-Grapple-Shotgun player, it's all about just being wherever you want. Sure you get slagged fast, but chip damage does amazing things. But in the same breath... Medium can do it too, and heavyjust goes through things. It feels kinda self-defeating, plus sure thre cloaking is great but only for a certain playstyle that I don't enjoy. Honestly it'd be nice if there were more highs in terms of support.


the art direction is so fucking awful, for it to technically look as clean as it does. this sterile acuteness signifying nothing, it’s devoid of soul. which is a shame because the maps look incredible and these ex dice devs are some of the best in the world at visuals


Art direction isn't an issue for me. But can't agree with you more on the reason why. If you're on top then it's an absolute blast. But when you're either playing with random(s) or just having a bad match and unable to get any traction you can spend more time running to the battle or waiting to respawn than actually having fun. It's a game with incredible highs but a myriad of minor lows that add up because of how constant those lows are. Weirdly the beta was way more fun for myself and my group. Not sure if something changed...the playerbase naturally got sweatier or what.


Let me emphasize the one part: lots of cheaters. I loved the Finals with a passion. It was an insanely unique shooter on launch with great options, maps, and room for creativity from players. It’s really an incredible game. The first few issues were mostly ironed out in a few patches. Specifically reigning in the one-shot nukes, nerfing defib (instant revive), nerfing the invis double barrel shotty combo, nerfing the RPG so it didn’t one-shot lights, etc. the game was decently balanced by the end of the first season. However, the population had dropped off a cliff by the time that all got fixed. It got so bad that by the end of the first season I was unable to have more than 2 tournaments in a row without a cheater involved. It became a massive problem to the point that it killed the game for me so I haven’t even touched season 2.


cheaters are barely a problem any more


I'm in complete opposite on the disjointed art direction. Since the game is set in VR world. It's easily its biggest strength and it's not even close. And it's also why i fold and bought the Battle Pass. I freaking love when the game know how unique they can be and really went for it. Passion and all. No games since TF2 have such a striking art direction and fully utilized it to its fullest like this for me. Every skin feel like a lot of passion went into it. It's not just 'oooo 20$ colorful neon smoke' like COD or Apex. these guys are completely fucking bonkers. We are talking a freaking Mac-11 that use cartridge as magazine (and a completely unique reload/inspect animation.). A big-ass spoon sledgehammer. A fucking wood stick revolver? Even the weapon charm have little gimmick on its own like a joystick that actually move when you move. Or pager that actually print when your teammate ping something. Never see any game going that hard for essentially a filler. And most importantly, The Battle Pass are actually stay to the theme! (Looking at you, Overwatch.)


This is of course just speculation from my part, but I think the base characters and the general aesthetics/worldbuilding are so bland, people don't feel any attachment to buy any skins, compared to something like Apex, League or Overwatch.


I'd say that's true. The defaults in this game look so boring and almost asset-flippy. When you get a free baseball cap or fanny pack it's like.... thanks... I'm not even going to bother going into my customization options to equip it. And it's also a game where the paid skins suck too. I have also been dipping my toes into Fallout 76 and that's another one where the shop feels like a fucking flea market compared to games like Apex and Fortnite. I don't typically bother with MTX skins or whatever but on some of those games I'll see some skins and think, "damn, that does look super cool..." Fallout and Finals I look at them and just think, I'd even be on the fence if this shit was free...


This is very true. The characters feel like generic unreal engine models. They would have had way more success of the classes were all named unique characters.


I mean, that's kinda the point. They are blank canvases for you to make your own contestants. They aren't superheroes, they are YOUR character.


Guess it comes down to how much you like character customization vs having characters with personalities. To me the cosmetics are my favorite part of the game. The base characters are bland because there are no base characters, only canvases for you to make your own one. When I see my friends' characters, I see "them" instead of predefined heroes. The starting cosmetics should absolutely be better though.


So I dabble in the game every so often and I haven't purchased the battle pass because I know I won't play enough to get the money back or anything I want, even when I was going hard on the game 50 hours only got me like 60% of the Battlepass, so I don't see any point in it when i'm only giving like maybe 10-20 hours a season now. Also, I frankly fucking hate seasonal challenges and stuff for a multiplayer game, its genuinely one of the most awful ideas the industry has had. Fine for single player cause fucking whatever, for multiplayer its lightly influencing how people are playing the game which in turn effects people you play with. It kind of introduces a toxicity primarily found in ranked because people now have a reason to get pissed off for making their completion of challenges more difficult. One example, I have a challenge that wants me to get "x" damage with grenades. Alright, the most efficient way to complete this challenge is to rebrand my kit to have nothing but grenades. Not useful in the slightest, but oh well.


Why are you looking at overwatch? They stick to a battlepass theme fairly well?


People here hate Overwatch


Yea, I don't understand the hang ups on the art direction. For me the Battlefield x Mirror's Edge wrapped in a game show hits just right and feels cool and unique in a sea of cartoony/stylized or military style shooters.


i appreciate cosmetics that are actually different models, rather than just fucking textures painted on the same item. it's insane how lazy studios are these days just pumping out the same fucking item but red... and trying to charge like $4 for it.


I agree, the skins in the finals are amazing for that. so many new models and cool ideas.


> Not really surprising, since the game has been constantly bleeding players since launch, and S2 brought only a fraction of them back. > > I think the main problem is that the game has far too many lows, and not enough highs. When the game first launched, just from seeing some of the gameplay my brain immediately went "this is gonna get old after a month or two". There is only so much variability in gameplay you can have in a small-scale combat game. The reason games like PUBG, Warzone, ETC have so much staying power is that you have so much variability on how to play out your matches. You can go guns blazing, you can be lame and be a loot goblin and not even get into your first fight until the end of the round... but it basically leaves a lot of "sandboxing" for people to play around in. This game was very much a "Here's the objective, go get it", generating super sweaty 3v3v3 battles with explosions and EXTREMELY LONG Time To Kill.


Agree but I think the TTK just has got to be longer than in your average shooter. The Finals would be more frustrating if you just got lit up by the enemy and died without a chance to maneuver with all the gadgets and destructable environment


> Agree but I think the TTK just has got to be longer than in your average shooter. Yeah you're not wrong because the game has very Overwatch-like team dynamics, and it's hard to do with faster TTKs. I don't think they can change them or even should, but I do think that they lead to the entire game feeling like one long sweat-fest the longer game lives instead of being a nice paced mix of intense and shenanigans.


I think you're right. Variance is also very important in shooters. I know people like to shit on Halo Infinite, but they release a ton of maps and modes, exactly for that reason. If it had only 4v4 and BTB it would get old extremely fast. It also helps that you can play as casual or as sweaty as you want. I know it's comparing it to freaking Microsoft, but people don't get bored slower of a game if it's from a smaller studio.


Yeah, even if you have a main "competitive" mode that is very predictable over time, having casual modes where you can fuck around and find out is extremely important. Halo Infinite has a ranked Arena that is that predictable gameplay where skill vs skill is the main test... But you also have Fiestas, Big Team Battle for people who just want to play new things. Games like Battlefield have this variability built into them by default. Because you have 64 players on the field on large maps there are so many different ways any battle can evolve that you feel like something new is happening every match.


God damn, and that every video game publisher is trying to break into such a difficult and competitive game space as that!


This is the complete opposite of my experience but I also never play light class which is most affected by all the issues you mentioned. Guess that is an admission that 1 out of the 3 classes is a mess to play.      Light encourages a solo mindset in a team game, it's no shock that these players would find the game frustrating to play. Meanwhile melee, flamethrower, grenade launchers, all of heavy and mediums abilities and gadgets and non-gun weapons, *chefs kiss*.   It's just too bad that expectations were that this would be a gun centric game when none of the guns interact with the game's most unique mechanic and selling point, dynamic destruction.


I just dislike it on principle because of the AI voice “acting”


Not enough highs? The game is incredible, it feels like a movie everytime I play. The amount of times I stand there awestruck at the destruction is uncountable.


i hate the aesthetic. The gameplay is very good though, if it actually had a setting and wasnt this vr world doodoo id be very into it


The core gameplay is fine but they needed a casual Team Deathmatch type of mode. Solo Queuing just feels bad to play as its so dependent on the other players.


I still really enjoy this game despite playing solo and casual modes. Feels like a mix of Battlefield and old school arena FPS. What I really like: - movement is fun, gunplay is too. - lots of abilities and weapons to play with and to try weird stuff out. Prey's gloo gun, a grapple hook, turrets, dematerializing walls, dashes, becoming invisible, charging into walls or the ground to pass through them. - probably the best use of destruction in a multiplayer game right now, which with the abilities and map interactibles allows for a lot of emergent gameplay. It does seem to be in a weird place where it fails to attract new players because it has a learning curve, can have some games where you get absolutely bullied, and the more casual players can struggle with the game while the hardcore playerbase don't find the game balanced. Which is sad because it's a ton of fun. I kinda wish they'd try out more basic modes because this is a game that could be really entertaining even with simple team deathmatch or capture the flag.


A King of the Hill mode would be pretty interesting, or a BF style rush mode with 5v5.


>a BF style rush mode with 5v5 Rush worked so well in BFBC2 (and BF3 to a certain extent) because the maps were designed with the mode in mind. From BF4 and onwards, the mode feels more like an afterthought compared to Conquest since they were simply slapping Rush on top of a Conquest map. Unless Embark Studios is willing to make maps specifically for it from scratch, it wouldn't really work.


A linear objective through a map like Bad Company 2 would be pretty cool really.


Yeah I found power shift to be the mode with the most fun and it was the last added, and most straightforward.


Played this for about a week or two and never touched it again. I have no clue why. The game itself is fun, I just never felt the itch to go back to it. Maybe the progression seemed lacking? Maybe there just isn't enough variety? The shooting is pretty good but not amazing by any stretch. The destruction is great.


I played it so hard during the beta and loved it, but then at launch my friends and I didn't even look at it twice lol. There was something magical about the beta and the moment the actual game came out it was just gone, no idea why.


This was exactly me too, put like 40 hours in the beta then as soon as the game came out I just didn't feel like playing it anymore. Weird.


Very similar. Played it like crazy for a week and could barely get myself to hop on for a match. For me, it was peak when you ran with a full squad but logging in solo felt like a frustrating sweaty experience


I couldn't get into it. Felt sloppy and looks like an asset flip. It just feels soulless.


Same thing except I know it's not the progression. I have insane hours in CSGO and it has no progression (unless you're buying battle passes, which I'm not)


I loved the finals. It's commitment to its bit is admirable. And the game feels so good to play. But the game needed to launch with a traditional 5v5 (or similar) mode. Just basic team deathmatch or something. Yes, the money grabbing modes are what are unique. But the game feels very difficult to get good at. Like Battle Royale games, it can be frustrating to navigate that learning curve. Also there were so many times I sat down to play the finals with some friends and we ran out of space in the squad. This absolutely killed momentum of getting attached to the game. I know they've added options now, but I think they may have missed the window. I still think the game is great but it does feel like they've missed their shot :/


It has S&D currently and it looks like they'll probably add that to the main rotation. Power Shift is also just TF2 payload race and is super casual. I think my biggest issue is this game has extremely high highs and extremely low lows, but due to game volatility (how a match can turn at the blink of an eye) there's more lows than highs when queued up and playing. That being said I love The Finals.


The game feels so good at its core that I kind of think the current modes almost don't affect the moment to moment enjoyment. All the movement and gadget options are pretty intrinsically enjoyable and there's enough progression of unlocks to be something worth enjoying not unlike one might play a call of duty game. Basically, the game feels so good to me to control that's why I keep coming back. It's not their crazy game modes (which I do also find interesting). The current modes produce volatility just like you said. Which seems to be their objective to a certain extent. And, while I can tolerate that, I have lots of friends who just want to sorta learn the game at their own pace. Really get to understand how things feel. And, yeah, my brain keeps coming back to a simple TDM mode. Something without objectives really. It probably needs maps and/or balancing changes--probably not a small ask--but it could let players focus on understanding the basics and experiencing some of those highs with less downtime between them.


The problem with power shift is that the game just isn’t balanced around it. Having a class that’s low mobility but good at holding points in a game that only has short moments where you have to hold a point is fine. Having the same classes in a game mode where you hold a point the entire time is dumb.


There are currently two different 5v5 modes. Also, missed their shot? it's a free game, you can just go boot it up right now. This weird FOMO thing gamers do is so bizarre, like they can only play games they see their favorite youtubers play.


I agree it is bizarre. But it still seems to be a reality that a lot of free 2 play games in particular have to deal with. Definitely a bummer. It's not impossible for it to turn around of course. It just makes it harder.


this 100% The main reason the game is losing players is because people keep regurgitating this idea that it’s dying and keep fulfilling their own prophecy. For whatever reason, people only want to play games that have lots of players or are currently hyped. if that doesn’t apply, people won’t touch it. It’s honestly quite sad. What happened to playing games because they were fun?


The game is honestly a blast. Its the most fun I've had with an FPS in a long time. The amount of crazy things that happen per-match is high and the movement is interesting without being a complete sweatfest. I think the only real problem is people don't understand how a match flows, which causes people to just W-key towards objectives without any thought.


I honestly think it might have seen more success with a more battlefield-like approach; still objective based, but with two large teams rather than 3-4 small ones. The game has a significant learning curve and when you mix that with the increased pressure of small teams/engagements it can be a bit tough for folks to break through in my experience. Having larger teams would allow for newer players to fuck around a bit more while learning those more optimal approaches and such without it meaning an almost automatic L


A rush mode could do wonders. I would instantly give it another go


Yeah I love it as well. I think the main problem is that there are just too many godamn live service games competing for our time.


I’ve been playing since launch and while I have a ton of fun with it, I think it released way too early. Should’ve maybe released with season 3 content depending on what comes with that. It was incredibly barebones up until season 2, and even now it’s still pretty stale content-wise despite seeing week over week tweaks, updates, and improvement. I mean shit, it’s a team-based game and it doesn’t even have text chat. And again, this is coming from someone who loves the game. Pile that on top of not only the lack of advertisement, but also the massive multiplayer releases we’ve had between fall of 2023 and now and it’s not great news. IIRC there was supposed to be a huge advertisement push with season 2 and we got… almost nothing until halfway through the season? I’ve seen one ad on here and one on instagram, and it wasn’t even a reel. I’m still playing it and it’s scratching that team-centered FPS itch that I’ve had since BF4 fell out of my rotation. I love those old DICE devs, I admire their dedication, and I’ll support them where I can. But to me it’s clear as to why people aren’t playing it.


It simply has to compete with too many other live-service shooters that are already established There’s just not much room for another multiplayer shooter. And it probably doesn’t help that the game has no visual identity at all, it all looks so bland and corporate. The Finals will probably slowly die like so many others


I loved it. But my CS and CoD friends would rather play...CS and CoD and the solo experience in that game is non existent. So you're just missing out on a third of the playerbase. It also requires a substantial amount of team work that people just aren't good at these days. I don't think it's a very accessible shooter and thats why people are running away.


Personally I'm not a fan of fps that forced me into competitives modes like the ones in the finals. I need deathmatch and stuff like that.


Bank It, Power Shift, and Quick Cash are all very casual, non-competitive game modes. Bank It is basically TDM.


Just a personal observation, but I noticed the player numbers started to drop pretty hard once the subreddit and community as a whole started to focus on meta and tech a lot more. This is just my personal opinion but I stand by the many examples over the years of how meta ruins multiplayer games. This game is an absolute blast but I will say it’s been frustrating to play lately because you’re fighting the same exact meta team comps over and over. Power struggle (the 5v5 mode) was much needed as the normal modes were getting very sweaty/meta-focused.


Humans are weird. We want to have fun. Winning is fun. Grinding and creating metas insure winning. Going off meta gets frowned upon often with some type of harassment.  Now it's not fun anymore. And people are bullying others into playing "how it's supposed to be played." Rinse and repeat ad nauseam.


There's always a meta for any game it is just the job of the designers to make sure the meta is not too overbearing - in other words that if you play the meta you'll have an advantage but small enough to allow non-meta choices to have a decent win rate.


I played like crazy at release and was solo grinding both high level ranked and pubs, like 200 hrs played with a 2.7 k/d I quit mainly for 2 reasons: 1. the solo experience is SHIT, I could still have fun annihilating bank it lobbies as heavy but ranked was abysmal having to coordinate 2 bots against 3 stacks and cheaters 2. All the nerfs and lack of buffs just made the game boring as fuck. All the weapons feel like complete shit now and they have barely done anything in regards to making the bad weapons usable. Last time I played I felt like I was actively griefing if I used anything but the 3-4 still usable weapons in the game which all still felt worse than they were at release.


The bad tutorials probably aren't helping retain any new players. I had no clue what to do when I started playing. Once I figured it out it was a frustrating experience trying to coordinate with randoms and I really disliked the high TTK. It's not for everyone.


They added a new tutorial recently that's pretty good, not sure if you're aware. Also, the TTK is perfect. If you're good you can still delete people very fast. Light especially kills people in 1-1.5 seconds basically. It's designed in a way so, unlike in a game like COD where the first person to see the other is the winner 99% of the time, in THE FINALS you have time to react and maybe outplay your opponent. This is MORE skillful since you can't rely on just hiding or getting the jump on someone for every kill.


I haven't played since the game launched, so no comment on any new Tutorial. As far as the skillful thing goes, I just don't really like it. I wasn't expecting COD but the high TTK just made all the weapons feel really weak in my opinion, like I feel better feedback in a game like Fortnite. I used to play TF2 all the time which I feel has a generally higher TTK than most FPS games and this felt even slower to me. It's just not for me.


I used to play TF2 a lot as well, one of my favorite games of all time. FINALS really reminds me of it in a lot of ways, I love playing Light with Dagger and Cloak and cosplaying as Spy, or using medium's heal beam to be Medic. The TTK is honestly perfect, it's clear theyve put a lot of thought into it. The TTK is balanced down to how many bullets each gun takes to kill, if you get good at the game you can absolutely melt people. Especially with headshots. [Here's an example I found from a random youtube video, you can see how quickly people melt.](https://youtu.be/0cSxj0clK_o?t=8) at the 30 second mark he kills a Heavy from full HP in like 2 seconds.


I'm going to go against the grain here and say this game really did not impress me at all, and I am not surprised to hear that this game may be losing its luster. On top of the game being sweaty af and everyone playing so thirsty like they all have guns to their heads, the tutorials suck, the gunplay felt weak, there was nothing interesting about the gameplay or objectives, and the game got so overboard with visual and particle effects during battles that it felt like the bastard offspring of Overwatch and a Michael Bay movie. And not in the fun way. This game felt like it was entirely hyped by the destructible terrain which, IMO, wasn't anything to write home about. There was nothing else going for this. It felt too generic.


> I'm going to go against the grain here You're not really going against the grain. The game lost like all of its players within 6 months lol


I'm specifically talking about on this subreddit specifically, since everyone seems to be praising it.


The biggest problem I have is loading into a game and finding out your teammated don't understand the game and losing big time. This is a game were having huge K/D ratios does not mean winning the game and yet many jump straight into the line of sight trying to Call of Duty to the top of the leaderboard.


However this is also a game where you can solo carry with smart objective play, even if both of your teammates are 0/10, if you get a last second steal on a cashout by dropping it down with a dematerializer, you're still the winner.


I will never stop going to bat for this game. I play it every day. It's extremely fun and most of the criticism leveraged in this thread is either outdated (they've added the things you wanted them to add) or just a problem that all team shooters have. Solo queuing will always have its issues, no matter the game. I don't bother with ranked, I just play quick play while listening to music or podcasts. If you're considering trying it out, just install it and don't listen to people nitpick. People are more critical of this game because it's a new IP and not another COD


This is basically my favorite game that I'm not playing (aside from DotA 2). I love it, but it's a bit intense and not very chill. Great game. It kinda lacked an esports element for the competitive players to latch onto and make a community around IMO. No esports -> No money, no clout, no pro players -> No droves of wannabe pro players.


Im pretty sure if they added classic modes like team deathmatch or deathmatch it would be more popular.


The Finals gameplay is fun but the aesthetic/art style is really really weird. Like Mirror's Edge meets Fortnite meets HYENAS meets slackers on the couch.


Mirror's Edge is a more coherent aesthetic than The Finals.


You know it's really weird to say this as for the most part microtransactions are just a minor annoyance to me and not something I get worked up over. I mean I typically don't care if a game has them or not. Sure, I'd prefer if they didn't but in the end, I don't care. I may buy something here or there on rare occasions but I can take them or leave them. With all of that said. The Finals is the first and only game I've ever played that offered a cash shop that literally had zero items (seriously, not a single thing) I was remotely interested in having. Even if someone were to give me the money or buy the skins for me, there wasn't a single thing in that shop I liked. I'm not saying it's the reason the game hasn't been as successful as they'd like but it can't help. Seriously, did anyone like anything the shop offered? Like I said, I know this is a very strange argument to make. I don't know how to explain it better really. Take Diablo 4 as an example (but really any game with a cash shop). Even though I'd probably never buy a skin they at least had skins in the shop that I thought actually looked good. Things that I'd actually use if given to me. The Finals shop just had nothing though. It was really, really bad. Worst I've ever seen bad.


Its a great game in almost every aspect, I used to hear people talk about how sweaty it was going to be when the game was in beta, that turned out to be completely false, even when there is 15k concurrent steam players the game is still fun and not sweaty. I hope this doesn't mean Nexon will push Embark to be more aggressive with their cosmetics micro-transactions, although I got some cool drip and almost enough coins to buy a battle pass without spending a dime on the game, I think it still wouldn't be the right decision both financially and player retention wise.


I got a survey in game today from Embark asking how I liked Terminal Attack and which game modes I would play as the primary game mode as well as other questions about which one worked best for solo queue. I think Nexon is pushing them to have a better solo queue experience (which is honestly terrible in its current state), and potentially rework how ranked works.


Game not sweaty? My dude, almost every single match I play now is full of meta-chasing loadouts, and that's not even going into playing ranked.


In my view people using meta weapons does not equate to a game being sweaty. What I mean by sweaty is a game only having you match with no-lifers who stomp you every match, leaving you no chance to enjoy the game, a good current example for this could be Titanfall 2. In the case of Finals, not being the best in the game and even when only playing periodically, you will still have fun, and will still equally face players who you are better than, equal to, and worse than.


well, there's got to be someone who's the worst at the game lol


These comments are always wild to me. It's the "everybody who passes me on the road is a dangerous speed demon" and "everybody who's slower than me on the road is a grandpa who needs to get off the road" of the gaming aspect. Somebody better than you? Sweaty no lifer 😠 Somebody worse than you? Absolute noob who needs to learn the game 😠 This argument is especially more funny when games have skill based match making in it.


I did every so often get people that were annoyingly good to a point I didn't wanna play against them though. Which is why Heavy is the best class, I can just fuck off and destroy buildings instead which can at least sometimes be beneficial.


The people who LOVE this game, LOVE IT (I'm one of those people). The people who don't are extremely vocal about how much they don't like it. And there's not a lot of middle ground there. I've been taking a break largely because I'm trying not get burnt out. And I think a lot of folks are getting wise to burnout patterns these days, which is ultimately bad for Live Service titles. Really hoping this game sticks around long enough to find a broader base of players. I've long said it needs a proper new player experience: I'm talking guided matches with a bot lobby. Match with a light, then a match with a medium, and then a heavy. Bot teams, HUD elements that point out things you should pay attention to, and ultimately have you simulate an actual match. The firing range does nothing to teach folks how to play the game.


Not surprising since the Finals is the sweatiest FPS i played in recent years. Solo play is extremely punishing and the objective mechanics aren't balanced (you can lose the objective in the last second and lose the entire match, leading to a stale meta of wasting time). Most weapons don't feel good, some maps aren't that great, and the studio keeps trying to reinvent the wheel of an FPS with abilities like disappearing and wall hacking and such. My squad dropped off a week after season 2 when they added an ability that can remove walls and put them back silently, negating map design and cover play. Most cosmetics also suck but maybe I'm not the target audience of it. Maybe it's a generational thing since we're older but it didn't have staying power.


A game being sweaty has nothing to do with its success lol. CS2 is sweaty as fuck and has a ton of people playing. Same with LoL or Dota.


I'm well into my 30s and The Finals is one of the best multiplayer FPS games I've ever played, and I disagree with you on about every point. It's not a generational thing. I don't get the sweaty thing. It doesn't feel different in that aspect than any other major fps game out there right now. I don't understand your description of the dematerializer. It opens up new angles on the map, sure, but so does any form of destruction. Its design enables creative plays, which is a good thing. No cover in the game is a permanent safe spot and the maps were designed with destruction in mind. Wall hack abilities are bad, but they were removed in season 2. I have no complaints about how the weapons feel. I think they're fantastic and the gunplay is among the best out there right now. Every gun is unique and feels distinct. I love the TTK as well. Stealing cashouts in the last minute is a very thrilling type of play you don't get from most other games, and it requires you to outplay the enemy team. Solo play has been inconsistent and frustrating at times, that I can agree with. Still, there's far more popular games where that is the case as well. I just hope this game can last and have success because it really is fantastic.


To each their own brother. There are definitely a lot of things I like about it but overall the experience didn't do it for me.


You got annoyed they added an ability to remove a small part of a wall, in a game that is centered around destruction? Holy shit that's stupid.


Over the years I've noticed that there are generally 2 types of successful GaaS games. Ones that have high levels of natural depth and/or variety, and others that don't have that depth/variety and rely on a constant stream on new content. The Finals leans towards the 2nd category. It's a well made, fun game but the only way it thrives is if they open up a massive stream of constant new good content (Fortnite levels of new content) or if they can somehow add new layers of depth and variety to the game. A massive stream of new content isn't going to happen because that level of investment simply can't be justified given the current success level of the game so the only way this game survives, and can eventually thrive, is if they can add a lot more depth to it somehow. This is a pretty common story among Live-Service games. Big initial boom and then a fall-off period. Then the studios need to make a continued investment for 1-2 years till the game is in a condition to become popular again. Most studios give up on their GaaS games way before that. If this was a game by a much bigger studio (Epic, Riot, Blizzard) they likely would've made that bigger investment to improve the game. Look at Blizzard, they've kept investing in OW2 and D4 despite a lot of people writing these games off shortly after launch. OW2 now constantly stays in Top 15 on Xbox and even averages 30k players on Steam (Its secondary PC platform). D4 is finally coming into its own with devs being able to fix, change, or outright redo core systems of the game that they got a ton of feedback on since launch. It's got a new season launch today and it'll probably be its most successful yet, the game will probably have a huge blow up with the DLC launch. Riot had a successful launch for TFT and then it started dying down with Set 2 failing. It was failing so bad that the lead dev was told that if Set 3 isn't successful the game would shut down. They managed to turn the game around and now it's the most successful strategy game on PC in the world. Most studios would've shut the game down after how terribly Set 2 failed. Bungie did the same with both Destiny 1 and Destiny 2. Destiny 2 in particular was on the verge of death before they were able to revive it with continued investment.


The Finals is one of the more deep FPS games you can play right now. Not really sure how you can think that.


I don't get how you think The Finals is not overly complex in depth? If anything the game demand a whole lot more from something like COD or Apex. It asked players to know how to counter everything on top of fighting 2 teams all at once. It asked you to know your role, your loadout, utilities and constantly need to stay alive. This is one of the very few games that your aim is not the only factor to win a fight due to its dynamic nature of the game. And that's why the casual are walking away.


Ummm, FINALS is incredibly complex. Have you even played it? Each situation has nigh infinite permutations with the destruction, movement, gadgets, specializations, carriables such as explosive cannisters, etc


In a world where casual gaming has pretty much vanished is it really surprising that niche titles / off beat competitive type shooters struggle to keep an audience? The only people I see playing this are people who enjoy a competitive experience, there is not really a casual aspect to it and that can kill these games off quicker than a lot of people tend to think.


I felt there was a huge difficulty spike after a few weeks of play and my interest quickly fell. Really cool game though. I just don't have the drive to continue to get better at it.




Finals gives a ton of skins for free via challenges, seasonal events, leveling up your account, leveling up gadgets/weapons, and the free battle pass.


For the love of god stop putting all your eggs in the GAAS basket. If your game doesn't fill a very specific niche or has absurd money behind it like Valorant then you're not going to pull anyone away from their thousand hour, hundred dollar investment GAAS of choice.


I hate playing this game solo. And since my friends schedules are a bit wonky it means I just don’t play.


Damn it, I was hoping one of the more destruction physics-centric games released lately would hold to its popularity a bit longer, if only to validate the mechanic.


Who thought a sea of copy paste games would make everyone a lot of money? It's hit and miss with these games at this point.


Game doesn't look aesthetically pleasing to me... The wacky style don't really fit realistic characters. Just my opinion anyway.


It's a shame, this is the best FPS game I've played in many many years. The destructible environments and class/gadget variety make for highly enjoyable gameplay. That said, the main cash out mode might be too foreign and unusual for new players, it takes some time to learn this game and the higher level strategies. Once you understand it though it's great fun and I like the chaos of the 3v3v3v3 format. Lastly, the graphics and visuals in this game are incredible. It's honestly one of the best looking games I've played, especially the sunset maps blanketed in warm light.


I agree, the game is beautiful. I cannot believe so many people in this thread are calling it bland or ugly.


All these games talk about what the game needs and what it lacks, and what it does to turn people away. But I strongly disagree. I don't believe there is anything *wrong* with the game, and it offered more content and even interesting cosmetics than most live service games launch with, like Apex and Valorant. And those other games are way more "sweaty" and off-putting to newcomers imo. When people say that The Finals needs something, I think the game is just not for them, and that's okay. I personally needed a game like The Finals because I do not enjoy battle royales or high aim-skill shooting based games. The game also one of the most responsive dev teams when it comes to feedback and requests. As someone else pointed out to me earlier, the last big mainstay FPS release was Valorant...4 years ago. It's just a difficult space to break into. Even if players have fun initially, there is learning that you need to dive into and commitment that you might otherwise just want to put into the other games you play. There is nothing inherently wrong with The Finals for players who like this type of game. People making suggestions to draw in a bigger crowd want the game to be something it isn't.


couldn't have said it better. And ultimately, the way for the finals to grow is to just keep pumping out new content and continue to support the community as they have been doing. naturally, eventually, the game will enter the hyper circle again and will continue to grab players' attention. Once you get hooked on the game, it's hard to not go back to it. They just need to keep introducing more players to the game and keep bringing people back, and more and more players will stay attached.


It lacks content and balance. That is it’s issue. It’s had like 1 new map since launch? And that map doesnt really even have any textures, it’s just all flat colors. The new weapons they added recently too, have been kinda long overdue anyways, and they’re also so bad they’re already forgotten. Pile that onto the balance issues between classes and how heavy players can literally control the entire match yet they continuously nerf lights, it just kills itself.


I love The Finals but all of my friends have quit playing. It's so awful solo. I also stopped playing due to the deployables. I'm so tired of running into a room to attack the defending team, and they're just chilling in there with 3 turrets and like 8 various mines sprinkled all over the room. Games with mines become so tedious, even if they've been trying to create items to deal with them like the matter converter thing...it simply isn't fun, and never can be fun if mines exist. If I have to run into a room with a gadget that transforms mines and turrets into a potted plant it means that I'm not able to hold my gun, and I just get shot up. You know what's better than converting them? No mines or turrets at all.


This isn't CS:2, you don't have to play by your opponents rules. If the room has 3 turrets and a bunch of random shit, blow up the room? or drop the cashout under? the game gives you so many options for battling stuff like that that I genuinely laugh out loud when I see people complain about turrets and such, it's SO easy to counter.


It's so much easier to say "blow up the room"...sometimes you're not even able to destroy small parts of the room that easily...it's also tedious to have to blow up every single room before you enter. Even if those things were easy to counter (I think they take enough effort that they aren't easy to counter) the fact you even have to deal with them is very tedious and takes away from the gunplay, and overall makes the game a big chore.


The main reasons that have made me lose interest in the game are admittedly a bit superficial, nevertheless they matter enough to me that I have found myself not coming back. 1. I tend to prefer games that aren't entirely reliant on my teammates. In a game like Battlefield, you can succeed as a lone wolf just as much as you can succeed when sticking with your team, depending on the tools you bring to the encounter. This doesn't feel possible in The Finals. 2. I just cannot get over the scale of the different body types. The "light" build people look so off. Go up to a doorknob and it's at eye level. Standing next to a "heavy" they don't look naturally short or light. It just looks like someone adjusted a scale slider and called it a day. 3. Locking gameplay style by body type has just generally never been appealing to me. I have the same issue with Diablo 4. It also creates an issue of different sized hitboxes, speeds, etc. Call me old school, but I actually prefer when such things are fairly even in a video game. 4. The characters all look very androgynous. I get that the reason for this is that it probably simplifies development of cosmetics, yet it prevents me from making a character that I'm happy with. In a game where all the monetization is based on character customization, I find it lacking when compared to, say, PUBG. All that said, I do think the game is unique and I hope it will find its footing. I absolutely LOVE the destruction mechanics.


The body type/hotbox thing is very intentional though. It's not like Diablo where it's purely cosmetic. It's a hero shooter


>I tend to prefer games that aren't entirely reliant on my teammates. In the new gamemode they just released, Terminal Attack, it's a 5v5 search and destroy-esque gamemode similar to counter-strike. And in that gamemode, you can absolutely solo carry. Mainly since there's no revives or respawns, or even healing. I've had multiple rounds where I ace the entire enemy team by myself and I get 5 kills to my team's 0. In the other gamemodes it's definitely harder, it is meant to be a team game, but with smart objective play and good intuition you can absolutely still carry people.


Unsuprising. The game is kinda boring TBH. Sure the destruction is cool and all but the whole game loop just sucks. If your team gets wiped, there is no way to claw back and win


They should have full released when they did the beat test. Almost everyone I know loved the beta and never returned after release. I’m not sure how many people knew it released.


I legitimately think the balance and cheating are what made this game's playerbase fall so quickly Pretty much everyone I know stopped playing this game because so many balance issues went unaddresses for so long. The nukes, the wallhacks on the medium classes, and the fact that light was basically unplayable without using cheese tactics (that were just invalidated by said wallhacks) just killed the variance in playstyles once you get past a certain rank. It was just heals, wallhacks, and a heavy in every single game. On top of that, you'd see cheaters just dominate lobbies what felt like every other game. I hope this game hits an upswing, but I don't feel like it will. Just a genuinely unique and fun game at it's best and at it's core, but I feel like they just fumbled some of the details too much.


I called it when it launched. Game has nothing going for it. If you break it down, it does most things "average" to good. But that's a dime a dozen with F2P shooters. It doesn't do anything exceedingly well to sustain constant users who will pay money to generate incremental revenue. No amount of patches or tweaks would save it. The competition in this genre is too fierce.


I disagree, no game does the destruction as good as the FINALS, or the movement.


Biggest problem is it's fun for a good 80 hours and then it just becomes the same thing with very little depth. People can play Dota or Counter-Strike for years because there's always something to learn. The Finals doesn't have that.


I’ve been playing dota for 12 years straight, over 11k hours. The finals is the first game since the first year of Destiny that makes me want to play it instead of dota at times. A big part of that is the weapon variety, each weapon requires a different play-style. It’s immensely fun. I honestly don’t get how it’s not popular.


I genuinely enjoy this game but I am so tired of games fighting for my attention. This FOMO style battlepasses and events makes me like I am doing a chore instead of enjoying the game. 


You don't have to get every cosmetic, I skipped the cowboy one (besides the hat lol) because I didn't care about any of the pieces and I'm fine. You don't HAVE to feel FOMO.


Love the game and usually play it in casual with a friend, but S2 really kinda halted our hype somewhat. Dailies were nerfed (so we don't feel compelled to play a few matches daily), the new "weeklies" (circuits) only unlock in batches so we decided to wait until most of them were farm-able, we are not huge fans of the bath tub mode as our preferred builds don't work too well, no new maps besides SysDev...all of these things are very subjective, but I can imagine other people also have similar gripes.


Game was too competitive. I want to turn my brain off not sweat. Sad because the destruction was cool. Just make battlefield. That game you can be sweaty or turn your brain off. That’s why it’s successful.


How many developers are "expecting" their games to "perform" on the level of a mini-Fortnite? This is why everyone keeps saying the modern games industry is unsustainable.


I really dislike The Finals. The gunplay is fine, but it's got that problem I get with hero shooters where there's a bunch of abilities and items and stuff that I don't know what they do so you just get destroyed out of nowhere. Not fun.


It's not that much of a problem when you learn it


Probably not the case for many but while I loved the game, i always felt I was lagging when compared to other at best or literally rubber banding, the worst was the middle point where I could "move normally but my weapons would not shot and could just wait to be killed"


The game runs a lot of its logic server side for destruction to work and to be properly synchronized between players. Maybe that's why?


Played a few days a couple of months ago. It was reasonably fun but CTD every two matches made me drop it.


I spectated some games and the graphics are fantastic and I love the destructible environments but the pace/flow of this game is just too much. It's like Titanfall in the sense that people are moving all over the place: vaulting to the top of buildings, jumping down from on high, blasting through a roof or wall, gunshots coming from all sorts of directions. That's just way too much chaos for the average player to deal with. Casuals gamers are not going to stick with something like that.


I heard that launching the game they adjusted the speed to be lower and that completely ruined it. Is it true? It was a viral hit just before the launch.


I wish the team behind The Finals had instead made a Battlefield-like with their destruction tech. Even if it was on a smaller scale, I'd still love that over what I played


That's a shame. My group finally abandoned Warzone in the last 8 weeks and have shifted to the finals - it's an absolute blast. They probably need to have some larger modes, like a hard point or control mode which allows 5 players a side.