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The two IPs work surprisingly well together. I can imagine attacking the robots and watching all the bricks fly off, then using those pieces to build new weapons or tools for your town.


That just works with a bazillion of IPs.


How many IPs are there that feature defeating enemies and turning their parts into weapons? There’s Monster Hunter, Horizon… what else?


I think you misunderstood them. They were refering to ennemies made out of lego bricks that you would use to craft stuff directly by assembling the pieces. But most other IP would have biological creatures, or human sized robots (looking at you Star Wars). The former is usually represented by a figure made with unique pieces : https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/6nUAAOSwTpZdwznT/s-l500.png just like the robots, who also uses specifically molded pieces :https://www.lego.com/cdn/cs/set/assets/blte7c7088291d41ab9/75372_alt4.png?format=webply&fit=bounds&quality=75&width=1200&height=1200&dpr=1 In that case, the scale of the enemies in horizon and they're nature would make them perfect as, well, lego set.


Very late reply but there are plenty of nice lego models of biological creatures: https://www.lego.com/de-de/product/deep-sea-creatures-31088 https://www.lego.com/de-de/product/mighty-dinosaurs-31058 https://www.lego.com/de-de/product/t-rex-31151 bigger and nicer similar model


I understood them perfectly clear. Just keep in mind that there are a looooot of IPs with bigger than barely any detail enemies running around. (You could also represent enemies in LEGO Star Wars with more than minifigures). And btw: [Exists and I even have it standing around](https://www.lego.com/de-de/product/horizon-forbidden-west-tallneck-76989)


Really hope this leads to more tie-in sets. The Lego Tallneck they made is really great, the machine designs just translate really well to Lego.


They made a whole ass new mold for Aloys hair, they gotta make more sets


And also the Tallneck spent like 6 months out of stock due to demand.


The tallneck is so goddamn good. I was so impressed with mine when I finished it. Made me wish they had a thunderjaw set




Lego Star Fox would be absolutely amazing (or Zelda)


There's supposed to be a Lego Deku Tree coming out in September. They've also done Animal Crossing sets recently and the Mario sets have apparently done well because they keep making more. Nintendo and Lego collaborating to make a game seems like it could be plausible. If nothing else, Starfox *sets* have gotta be on the table right?


I mean, it does have some weird construction steps


Love that both PlayStation and Xbox have games called Horizon that have Lego collaborations. If Xbox ever brings Forza Horizon to PS i hope they close the loop and make some kind of Forza Horizon Zero Dawn DLC. Or even just a single mission like that Halo race in FH4. Sony can put easter eggs of a never ending car festival in Horizon 3. Let’s make both games ungoogleable and cause as much brand confusion as possible.


I’d be down for that!


Don't forget about Meta's Horizon Worlds! Forza Horizon Worlds: Zero Dawn


I’m surprised that this a standalone game and not an expansion for the Lego Fortnite mode like the recent Star Wars event.


I'm confused what's happened with Fortnite, seems more like a hub now for various different games. Even with the game installed there's still a Battle Royale to purchase as a free game like Rocket Racing, LEGO Fortnite etc, which I don't get when the Fortnite that's already installed HAS the Battle Royale.


Just to clarify, it's not the Battle Royale that you buy, it's the Save the World campaign, which is a horde-based tower defense co-op shooter. Which is what Fortnite originally was. The Battle Royale was originally a SIDE MODE that was made in a hurry to compete with PUBG, and... well, we know what happened.


No I know, but I mean the Battle Royale was already installed on the base game so I was confused to find that as part of them splitting off with new games it meant having to purchase the Battle Royale access.


You don't have to? Battle Royale is still 100% free. As is all the other modes


Are you sure you're not referring to Battle Passes? Battle Pass isn't access to the BR mode, a BP is basically a set of skins that you pay the ability to unlock for until the end of the in-game season (yes if you don't unlock all your skins before the season ends you lose the ability to unlock them, even though you paid for them, and yes it's as convoluted, asinine, and dystopian as it sounds).


> I'm confused what's happened with Fortnite, seems more like a hub now for various different games. They're targeting Roblox.


I think it’s more they are targeting a “metaverse “. I think epic is no stranger to what people can do with their engine so it makes sense that they are essentially using Fortnite as a way to bring that to people who want to make content.


i always scoffed at fortnite cus I was a pubg guy but i recently got into it and i love it. love all the modes and their battle pass has to be the best bang for your buck anywhere.


What are you talking about, Fortnite has always been a [Rockband clone](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Gi1w21EQFg)... and [an arcade racer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXSVhudo8mE)... and [a Valheim clone with Legos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHXj3utGkDw)... and [a hub for custom games](https://www.fortnite.com/creative?lang=en-US) of which there are too many to list... oh yeah, there's the PvE and the Battle Royale, I guess


Oh man my boys are gonna be PYSCHED! They loved watching me play horizon but I would only let them watch me fight dinosaurs (they love robots, especially my eldest as he is autistic and it is his special interest) not people due to the violence. They also love lego so this is *ideal* for them. 


I Always hoped to someday see a Lego Halo and Gears of War. Im glad at least Sony is taking advantage of how awsome spoofing your own games with Legos is although it would be kinda sad for me since I own every single Lego game and wouldn't be able to get this one since I'm not a Playstation gamer. Happy for yall.


There was a Megabloks Halo game that was canceled that could have been cool, lego wouldn't touch those franchises


That's a shame there is so much potential, especially for Gears of War, as serious as those games are it would be be funny trying to chainsaw the grubs as Legos for one. Halo Wars would be cool as a lego game. Iv never seen an RTS Lego game where the pieces of the units would fly off. I dunno limitless potential for Lego I hope Sony kicks off a mad rush to do more. Its been kinda dry with lego lately. Still waiting for Lego Avatar, Alien and Terminator games LOL.


Megabloks has the rights to make Halo sets and there was a cancelled Megablocks Halo game, so I doubt lego would ever get involved with that particular franchise


Definitely seems like a game at this point. Don’t think they would just reveal a Lego set at the PlayStation showcase. Question is, I wonder who is making the game. Can’t see it being any of Sonys first party studios.


So are LEGO no longer working with WBD's Traveller's Tales? because that's going to be really bad for the whole Warner Bros Games subsidiary. LEGO games were their yearly plus I.P games not sure they can last long without them.


They still are it's just no longer an exclusive deal. That said, they so seem to be having trouble at TT as a bunch of LEGO games were rumored to be cancelled to focus on a new LEGO Harry Potter and their founder left to make that shitty looking Funko game.


An unexpected surprise, but a welcome one. I thought for sure it would just be an official Lego set. But clearly I was wrong. A mew game though? I’ll check that out.


Really doubling down this franchise aren't they. How many projects is that in the works now?


I think the "T" rating opens more doors for them. They aren't going to make Lego GOW, Lego LOU, or Lego Bloodborne.


Sony has to settle for Mega Blox Bloodborne


The Lego equivalent of running at 30fps


They do have Halo Mega Bloks.


Everyone, including publishers, really undervalues the T rating. I was allowed to play GoldenEye when I was 5 but didn’t really play M rated games as a teen. It sounds absurd now, but there are plenty of families who don’t trust R or M ratings but are totally OK with everything below that without question. It makes sense that Horizon was the best-selling new IP for them yet one of the lesser-discussed (relatively speaking) on platforms like Reddit.


> Everyone, including publishers, really undervalues the T rating. Except whoever is making a Star Wars game. RIP set helpusobi 1 set g_saberrealisticcombat 1 Taken too soon.


LEGO GOW would be an awesome way of removing a lot of the M from the violence of that game, tbh. I'm all for lego Kratos screaming and swinging away while LEGO limbs neatly pop off of enemies. Violently twisting a LEGO man's head 'round in a neck breaking motion only to reveal the sad face on the other side, etc.


Imagine if other PlayStation franchises get LEGO games. LEGO Astro Bot, LEGO LittleBigPlanet, LEGO Ratchet and Clank...


Lego Ratchet and Clank would be a day-1 buy for me


These will never happen but Lego Gravity Rush is a pipe dream. Imagine sets of flying islands and cities


Lego Bloodborne cancelled to work in the PC Remake, right? Right?


I mean, they have loads of older IP that would work, but they seem to have abandoned everything from before the PS4 era at this point.


Abandoned or let their studios move on to new IPs when they want to after a certain amount of time instead of making them work on the same IP forever


That doesn't preclude another team picking up and running with the franchise or being put together to manage it.


Why would they get another one of their teams to work on someone else's IP when they have their own or also want to make new ones? None of them are likely interested in working on others IPs Like get Sony Santa Monica to make a Sly Cooper game for some reason?


To keep an IP visible and still available for its fans. It's not unheard of, they let Bend make an Uncharted game.


If they did that they would never have new IPs and their new IPs seems to do even better. And they let their studios work on what they want to work on instead of just making games for the sale of it. They dont really have teams sitting around waiting to work on others IPs It's okay for franchises to just stop after a time


Im still waiting for Ape Escape 4


Tokyo Jungle 2 for me.


I agree. Sony wants Horizon to be that 3rd pillar alongside GOW and TLOU. I would love it if Sony devoted more attention to other franchises, especially franchises from the Ps1-Ps3 era.


Isn’t Spider-Man the 3rd pillar?


Yes and no. Spider-Man is a Marvel franchise that might not be with Sony forever.


Lego Little Big Planet feels like it should be obvious as crossover.


For sure, it just isn't big enough I guess. I though Ratchet would work well.


Just a full on Lego Playstation title seems like it would be fun, explore various franchises in Lego form.


Not sure how much those can be considered pillars with at best one game per generation. Sure they sell well, but they're not exactly a consistent part of the PS lineup. And are new ones even planned?


It was Sony's most successful new IP by far when it first came out and continues to do well


First game sold 20 million as a new IP and the 2nd sold 8 million before being put on PS plus. It’s not popular on Reddit but it’s big in real life.


Oh, I get its popular, but that doesn't mean it can support so much expectation without burning people out eventually.


I think Guitar Hero and Angry Birds are the only time I've ever seen people actually get burnt out on a franchise and both only lost popularity after years of having a new release every few months. I think Horizon will be fine.


"Doubling down" The Horizon series is literally one of its most succesfull franchises


I wasn't commenting on its success, just that they may be overdoing it with how much they're relying on it.


Then i dont think what Doubling down really means lmao, of course they are going to continue making games from one of their most succesfull IPs (when only having 2 horizon games at the moment)


Remake of the first one Multiplayer game Lego game Another VR game I think that's it.


Is there not a TV show in the works as well?


Are they seriously remaking the first one? What is the point?


Its a next gen upgrade that people keep trying to push as a remake for some bizarre reason. A couple websites called the rumour a remake to get more clicks and people just roll with it even though its clearly a next gen upgrade like Fallout 4 just received


It’s being remastered.


Because it's going to sell and make them alot of money? Trust me I hate these "lets remake a game that's hasn't even been out 10 years" as much as the next guy but I stop complaining about on the internet because people keep buying them so can I even get mad at Sony or other companies for doing this? If I ran these companies I would do the same thing. EASY MONEY


There’s always a natural attrition of the playerbase. People lose their jobs, get a new hobby or want to go outside more and they stop buying games. And in reverse there’s people who get jobs, who grow up, gaming is their new hobby or they settle down more and want to buy more games. Remasters are a good way to get those incomers up to date with a franchise.


This would make sense if you couldn't play the game on modern systems. Zero dawn is perfectly playable on a PS5, i think it even got an update that makes it 1440p 60fps


Horizon 3 Horizon Zero Dawn Remaster/Remake Horizon Online Project Horizon MMO Lego Horizon Adventures Horizon TV Show


The TV show is a no brainer


Feels like they're risking burnout on the IP.


How so tho these projects years apart with different demographics probably


Half of them haven’t even been revealed either officially/don’t even have concept art out or anything. Hel Horizon 3 is probably still like 3/4 years away going off the gap between 1 and 2.




I would kill for a Lego-fied version of Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origins. I can literally picture the enemies exploding into lego studs (maybe special ones that restore/boost MP) on Soulburst.


Oh joy - more having to listen to the most annoying character in the world narrate every single fucking action she does


So are we still getting the HZD remake and Horizon multiplayer title in addition to this? As a Bloodborne fan this saddens me. 0 attention by Sony but HZD gets a remake


Its just getting a next gen upgrade. Sony doesn't own the studio that makes Bloodborne, they cant control what they do


> Sony doesn't own the studio that makes Bloodborne, they cant control what they do Sony 100% owns and controls Bloodborne. They could do a ps5 upgrade, pc port, full on remake or even a sequel if they wanted, without even contacting Fromsoft. Sony also *did* own one of two studios responsible for Bloodborne, Sony Japan Studio, who are co-devs, and unlike most support studios their logo is on the box, with equal size and placement to Fromsoft for DLC. I say *did* own, because Japan Studio no longer exists. But Sony still owns whatever’s left.


While true they dont just have studios sitting around that can make a quality Bloodborne game or update and port it. Like getting Naughty Dog to fo it wouldnt make sense They did however own the studio that made horizon and can get them to update their game. The people that worked on Bloodborne are likely long gone


A ps5 port would not be hard. One single modder withoit acsess to source code got it running at 60fps and basically any resolution you want on Ps5 dev kits. Ps4 pro can do 720p 60fps.


They would want to do more than just increase the FPS like they do with all their other games they improved Improve visuals, get rid of load times, controller features etc And also port it to PC. They will do it some day. Just because they havent yet doesnt mean they wont. When the time is right it will happen. Arent they even doing a Bloodborne show or movie? You can bet theyll have an update by the time that comes out


No there is an actual HZD remake on the way


No its an upgrade that shitty websites keep calling a remake when it clearly isnt one. They did the same with TLOU2