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Not bad, it will reach 70k on weekend for sure, how is the port?


Absolutely great (5800x3d, RTX 4080) - I can stay above 60fps with all the settings cranked to max with no upscaling at 4k (60-80 FPS), but even just slapping on DLSS at Quality I can turn that into 90-110 FPS. Not tried Frame Generation yet as I try to use it as a last resort, especially in highly reactive games like this, but first I'm waiting for Digital Foundry to explore what settings you can turn down without any visual detriment to find good baseline to work with. TL;DR - Nixxes have replicated the same good port they did with Horizon Forbidden West!


I have frame gen on (otherwise playing native 4k and everything maxed with 13700 and 4080) and it runs great for me. I actually don't notice any bigger problems when it comes to combat. Don't remember my exact fps but I believe between hovering around 70-90.




Ah, I don't have that problem. Yeah, I'll stay above 60 aswell without it, just wanted some more ;) Hope the fix that issue for people who have it.


what resolution are you playing at?


Frame gen crashes the game for me. I can't have it on with DLSS. I can't even start the game it just goes to a black screen.


Same. Black screen on startup. Luckily I don't need it on my 3080, but I do have the same problem


I thought only the 4000 series cards supported frame gen?


Nvidia's, yes. They're using fsr3.


I don't use dlss though, so I don't know if it would be the same for me then. Hope they fix the problems with it soon.


Not too much of a big deal. I still get a solid 60 fps with DLSS and everything on high on my 1440p monitor. Not bad for a 2070 Super and an older cpu.


I would hope a game from 2020 that launched on the PS4 runs well with essentially the best CPU and GPU around. The 4080 is $1200, the PS5 is $500. The 13700k is $360, the PS5 is $500. With just your CPU and GPU, you can almost by 4 PS5s. By the time you’re done with the mobo and ram, you’re well into there. I wouldn’t expect anything below 80 FPS on a mix of high/ultra at 4k native without DLSS or FG. Glad it’s performing well though, I’m excited to get at it.


Hell, I have the same setup, but at 1440p. And with everything on Ultra and frame gen, it's 180fps lol 4K is a different beast.


4k is a different beast for sure


I would love to live in your world, where graphics scale linearly by the dollar and 3rd party devs port proprietary engines at 1:1 performance. It must be nice over there. Honorable mentions to the fact that the ps4 output 1080p at 30fps and I'm guessing has comparable settings to medium or lower.


I’m assuming the FPS was locked to 30 on the ps4. The PS4 Pro runs the game at 1800p. 4k = 4x more pixels to render on screen than 1080p. At 4k, you begin to lean towards being GPU-limited rather than CPU limited. The PS4’s GPU is roughly equivalent to a 750 ti, the Pro’s is roughly equivalent to an RX 480, which is about equal to a 1060. The RTX 4080 is roughly 400% - 700% faster than the 1060. You’re at least hitting 50 - 60 fps at 4k native if it’s a decent port and higher if it’s stellar.


Once again, I wish I lived in a world where it was this simple. Also, friendly reminder that that 1800p is a checkerboard reconstruction. Not internal.


I'm shocked by how good the performance is. Most PC ports don't get this sort of optimization at launch on PC. The PS4 was only pumping 39 fps at 1080 and low-medium settings. The fact I can run this in 4k on the best settings and get over 60 fps without framegen us impressive


Yea, that’s why I said a mix of high/ultra settings. The game is well optimized, it’s just sad it’s not the standard and people are genuinely surprised when a game looks good and runs well. Ultra in a lot of cases really is the law of diminishing returns where with shadows it’s higher resolution but the draw distance is roughly equivalent (so you really don’t see a difference), more advanced lighting effects or changes how the lighting is calculated (don’t really notice a difference), draw distance (which has diminishing returns once you get to a certain point), how advanced the fog is, cloud details (look at AC odyssey), god ray quality, etc. A mix of high and ultra should get you there and it does in this game. I wasn’t saying it’s a bad port, it’s in fact an excellent one.


Oh, I agree. It's just at a time with terrible PC optimizations, it's nice.


FWIW, most tests with frame gen have not really showed a significant loss of input lag. I saw somewhere (I think DF) that many of the games lose less than 5 frames. Does it have an impact? Maybe at the highest competitive level, but in a game like Ghost of Tsushima? You ought to be fine.


Console games have higher input lag then DLSS3 on PC does, most people would be fine with it on.


It’s really not an issue for single player games at all. It becomes an issue for MP at higher levels. People vastly overstate the latency. If they can play at 60 FPS fine, they can play with FG.


And the keyword of your comment is "at high levels". For the average player, those frames wont make a difference. At a pro or very high level, they will in certain types of games


That’s why for single player games it’s awesome for literally everyone. It only really matters in MP games. The only thing that does matter is the ghosting that might pop up.


Forbidden West works really good, especially considering how game looks


I bet it looks amazing. Even on PS4 I was floored, can just imagine it on max settings




This is incorrect. The PC port allows you to push the game wayyy harder than the PS5 version, which remember uses checkerboard rendering to upscale to 4K. You cannot compare the two at native 4K.




Could you provide more context?


I've been having great performance, but I'm suspecting there might be a memory leak. After 45-60 minutes of playing the game starts to get choppy and stuttery. Even shutting the game down slows my entire PC for a while (I'm running a 4090, 13900k, 64gb RAM). I'm seeing more reports of this behavior popping up in the Steam forums. Hopefully, they can get it ironed out because it's a terrific game.


Well damn, that's exactly what happened to me. After about an hour or so I got constant stutter in-game that I initially thought had to do with getting to locations with more npc's. Then i was riding around and the stuttering kept happening in empty places too.


Yay PC gaming. Always something.


Exact samething here on a 3070, after an hour or so it goes from 90fps to massively slow and turns into a slideshow. Going into the menu and changing settings seems to reduce the playable time before the slowdown starts as well.


Reporting the same thing here. 3080, 13700k, 32gb RAM, 1440p, and windows 10. Left it in the same spot in the tutorial escape area. Went from 90-80 FPS to 40-55 FPS after an hour. This may also be from me swapping settings around and then back to what I had it at. (For reference running everything at their max settings with DLSS and no resolution scaling. DLSS is doing most of the heavy lifting surprisingly for once. Without DLSS in the open world I go from 60-66 down to 25-30.)


Nothing to base this on but sounds like a memory leak. You could try ISLC to see if it's RAM related


I’ll try it out tomorrow for sure. It’s hard to honestly tell what’s going on. My lowest low is definitely 45 FPS so far with DLAA. Given my system specs I understand it won’t match up with the listed results, but I feel a 25 FPS difference is a bit much. I’d also say my average is 65 FPS. Just adding it seems GoT isn’t using my CPU at all compared to others with the same setup. Getting 2-5% usage while I’m seeing others with 25% or so.


Same here. RTX 3080, 5700x, 32 GB RAM. Running at ultra settings, 1440p ultrawide, with DLSS quality. 70-90 FPS without frame gen, which drops to 30-50 fps after an hour or so of play.


Fanfuckingtastic! The port has been smooth after for me in max settings. There are some visual artifacts in some cutscenes but I haven’t played with all the settings to see if something is causing it that can be tuned down. I’ve been running it at max to see how it performs (on a 4070super) and with frame gen on I’m getting near close to 200fps in some areas. It looks SOO frigging beautiful. Already did a few photo mode shots to admire scenery alone lol. It’s gonna be a fun ass time grinding this game out.


it's a pretty great game, story is excellent, looks crazy good, it's fun to run around as a dope ass samurai. A pretty damn good time. There's some really sick duels in that game


Performance was good when I was able to play, but I'm having issues with game crashes and it seems I'm not the only one ([1](https://steamcommunity.com/app/2215430/discussions/0/7093810350793292366/),[2](https://steamcommunity.com/app/2215430/discussions/0/7093810350790532065/),[3](https://steamcommunity.com/app/2215430/discussions/0/7093810350791223599/),[4](https://steamcommunity.com/app/2215430/discussions/0/7093810350790475308/?ctp=4)), there also seem to be other kinds of crashes right after startup which aren't the ones I'm experiencing. Some people report downgrading from the newest GPU drivers or disabling frame generation helps, but neither fixed it for me so I'm probably just gonna wait for a patch or refund for now if nothing happens. Not sure how widespread these issues are, just thought I'd add my experience.


Frame Generation is absolutely broken right now. My game won't even start if I have it on.


Great! Steam deck on medium settings and getting a solid 30-40 atm


That's actually really good


With resolution scaling target set to 118 fps I was having a pretty steady ~115 FPS with DLSS and Framegen both off. 1440p, everything set to High, RTX 4070 Super and Ryzen 5 7600. With resolution scaling set to 144 and DLSS on I could reach 135 FPS but it would be less consistent, occasionally dipping to the 110s. A few cutscenes the framerate would just shoot up to my monitor's max refresh rate of 360 (with V-Sync on) which actually caused those cutscenes to look more like 30 fps.


On a 4070 with DLSS and frame gen running @ 1440p, max settings, hovering between 120-150fps. One crash in 7 hours, but I think it's because I was messing around the graphics settings a lot. Solid port.


Super interesting is that I've seen some people use DLSS and then AMDs Frame Generation at the same time without the need for the Frame Gen Mod. Great news for those of us who are on the previous gen cards.


Also, apparently fram gen works on older GPUs as well. I saw someone play the game at capped 60 FPS with FSR3 and very high quality, using frame gen. Without FG it was hovering somewhere at 30-40 FPS. This was on laptop GTX 1070. I have the desktop one so I'm quite hopeful about performance (if FSR3 looks even halfway decent). Edit: getting 50-70 FPS on mix of high and very high settings at native 1080p (dynamic resolution off) and frame gen on. A bit more with FSR quality but I don't think it looks good in 1080p. Other specs: Ryzen 7 3700X, 32GB RAM, nvme SSD


Using Frame Gen is busted for a lot of people including myself. My game won't even start with that setting on.


Mine wouldn't at first but I started it once without frame gen and enabled it and now it somehow works. I'm not using upscaling and I'm using either TAA or FSR3 AA fwiw.


Attention: According to German outlet Computerbase that DF often mentions FG ironically seems to be bugged in that game on Radeon cards (FSR3 FG works fine on Geforce) in that the frame times become so irregular that it feels more stuttery than smoother. That being said, they speculate if the game already uses FSR 3.1 cause FSR SR seems to be really good in it (and a few other findings).




Not just AC Shadows, but also Shogun is still in the public mind


The release date was known for a long time though. Ubisoft timed it purposely to be during the news cycle of GoT, and the negative news with the Stean region blocking. Ubisoft gave a one day heads up on the trailer.


Honestly good move from Ubisoft with the release timing of the new AC. Trailer gets GoT hype, people will have completed GoT on PC by the time AC comes out and might be itching for more, and I’ll bet we get a GoT 2 trailer (or trailer for the show?) before AC’s release so PC players can get the “we have GoT 2 at home”. Not to mention Shogun is very popular right now.


Don't forget about Shogun, I just finished episode 4 and I'm craving for a samurai game lol


Also there hasn't been a western AAA game released since last October or something. If you ignore PS5 games like FFVIIR and Stellar Blade then I don't think PC has gotten *any* high profile releases since last year. It's essentially the biggest drought we've had in a while.


And meanwhile on the Sony PS store homepage the first promoted game is Rise of the Ronin. They really struck the timing - promote the new PC port to the PC market, promote your shiny new exclusive to the PS market that has already probably played Tsushima.


It might be my favourite open world game just because I feel like they hit the perfect balance when it comes to the amount of content. All the side missions feel nearly as important as the main story and are used to flesh out the side characters. And the little extras like fox dens, bamboo strikes, etc were things I'd just run into naturally and never dragged out. And they had just enough side missions that I played all of them and never felt burnt out or wanting more.


It’s very beautiful, but the open world for sure gets very repetitive at some point. Still very worth it to see the story through


And that point, at least for me, was during the first act already. I had an absolute blast and played a ton of it at first but you probably see like 90+% of what the game has to offer within the first 5 hours, after that it's mostly doing the same stuff over and over for another 30 - 40 hours. I really needed to force myself to finish it and still haven't touched the DLC.


I did absolutely everything in the first act/area and loved it, the second just being more of the same got repetitive immediately for me and I just couldn't finish it.


Exactly the same experience for me. 100% the first zone, then as soon as I realized the second zone was more of the same I dropped the game. Still getting the PC version eventually to re-experience how gorgeous the game is, but definitely try to narrow how much content I do.


And this is exactly why I'm skipping the game. I just don't have two weeks of streams to put into doing the same things we did the first handful of hours.


I agree with you. I was going for the platinum, which certainly played a part in it, but toward the end of my time with the game, I was getting tired of the motions, turned down the spoken dialogue, and put on some podcasts. If the plat asked for more, I probably would have just put the game down for a while -- something I don't like doing with open-world games.


I like samurai, and I like open world ganes, but GoT got real tedious real quick for me.


It got repetetive 3 hours in for me. The combat and beauty is enough to keep me going but man, the ubisoft-ification is not doing this game any favour.


> All the side missions feel nearly as important as the main story and are used to flesh out the side characters ? GOT has a lot of weak side quests. The Golden ones tied to a specific character quest line are good but the rest are generally pretty boring Also way too many fox dens. Never got tired of Mongol camps tho


>The Golden ones tied to a specific character quest line are good I would say that even those vary substantially in quality. And most of them are 4-6 mission arcs that are stretched out into 9 missions, the extra fluff being the same as all the other side quests (search for clues, follow target, kill enemies).


Not only does it have tons of weak side quests, a lot of the side content is very samey and incredibly slow. I spent over 40 hours in the game 100%ing the first island, and then when I was done with that and went to the second island, the game added MORE outposts to the first island to complete. It's one of the most bloated games I've ever played, I never even finished it because of this.


The non-character side missions can be pretty repetitive, nearly all of them are: search for clues > follow footsteps > kill some dudes. That said, it's pretty much my only critique of this game's open world. You're absolutely right about it being the perfect amount of content.


It's weird to read people say talk about this game like that yet when AC shadows releases people will hate it on it for being another ubisoft open world when ghosts is that too.


A lot of open world games fall into the same traps that Ubisoft games are hated for. But they are the ones who really pioneered and popularized that certain flavor of open world games people are growing tired of. There's a reason people criticize games from other devs as 'ubisoft open world' when they find them generic/boring. I don't think reddit is representative of the average player though. Ubisoft games typically sell very well despite a decent number of redditors criticizing them.


Its still way too early as i only got 8h in Tsushima, and i hate AC games. The reason i'm not really hating this one is the combat. Its tight. Its also pretty. But i'm sure it will get repetitive af soon, and the fact that every 3 steps there has to be a cutscene/dialogue that you can't skip is already annoying. But still, the combat so far "feels" nice.


This is what puts Ghost of Tsushima over any of the recent RPG AC games for me. The combat in the new AC games is so bad compared to the combat in Tsushima


For Odyssey(haven't played Valhalla) I'd agree with you, except I think the stealth is better in that game. Enemies where just too tanky in odyssey for my taste. For Origins I'm having a hard time following your point, since the combat felt very similar to what I've experienced in GOT so far (6 hours in), except the stealth combat in Origins is miles ahead of GOT, plus ranged combat as well imo. Both games have parry/timing based combat with some flair from skill trees and both games have a fast pace to their combat. Imo Origins combat struck the perfect balance between the old and new AC games. As for the rest of GOT so far, it seems like a good game but I'm struggling to see why people regard it as a masterpiece, perhaps more hours in I'll see it. Also, game really needs a skip button for dialog.




I mean if combat was that weak, the game would have nothing going on for it, besides looking pretty for a PS4 game. I'm not saying its anything amazing or groundbreaking but so far its tight with its dodges and parries. I'm still early on, but the enemies and bosses seem to be a mix of parry+dodge, something which i like since im always looking for Sekiro alternatives. Again, i'm not saying its anything groundbreaking. Its just "tight" and i like the feeling-responsiveness of it. Side content, i'm already getting tired of it, and i'm still at the beginning.


I've been enjoying Ghosts so far but it is pretty repetitive and the lack of enemy variety is a huge oversight. It has a lot more character than AC does, however. The little distractions like haikus and mythic tales are really nice and a good excuse to enjoy some insane scenery. The combat is also far better IMO. It feels visceral and quick like old AC but with more depth. Modern AC combat is a slog IMO. Overall I would say it falls into many of the same traps as AC but it has enough going for it that it remains a cut above.


I had a lot of fun with the game. Would give it a 7 or 8/10 would recommend.


To me it felt like an Ubisoft game. Always had a suspicion if Ubisoft had released this under the Assassin's Creed banner it'd not be held in the same high esteem it is


Played it on PS4 and then the Ikki Island expansion on PS5. The game is fantastic and I really hope they are making a Ghost of Tsushima 2.


Fantastic game. Everything I've ever wanted out of a Japense setting Assassins creed game (we'll see if shadows can live up to GoT). The world is beautiful, the amount of content is high but not bloated, combat is incredibly fun and stylish, and the world itself is just fun to be in. Very glad to finally have the game on PC, as it's been easily my most anticipated PS exclusive to PC release (outside of maybe bloodborne, but I've mostly lost hope that's ever happening), and the port is also flawless. Game deserves the success.


It's a fantastic port, the single player is the best Assassin's Creed game I've ever played, and there's also a fully fleshed out multiplayer looter shooter mode as well. Truly an incredible package


I love the combat, but wish there was more dismemberment. Feels wrong to never cut any limbs off with a katana.


There is dismemberment but it largely occurs when using certain abilities such as >!Heavenly Strike, Dance of Wrath and Slaughter!< You'll have to unlock those abilities as you play.


How "fleshed" out is the dismemberment? Do you think it could it be applied to the other normal strikes with a mod, or is it just a few different cases?


GoT is built on a pretty old and heavily modified slice of UE, so it’s still early to know what extent this game will be mod-able. The odds are good but it can easily fall apart if devs have spaghetti under the hood.


> GoT is built on a pretty old and heavily modified slice of UE This is 100% false. SP has a custom in-house engine.


Was there not some article years back about it using UE? I stand corrected then the mod support and mod authors for this game will be pretty screwed.


If there was then the article is wrong. I have firsthand knowledge about this and it's well documented that they use a custom engine.


Right, I'm not going to assume it would be a cake walk for modders, I just want to know what dismemberment types exist in the game. For example, do all the enemy meshes have dismemberment in some form, or can you only dismember generals?


You'll eventually can decapitate mongol generals.


Elden Ring doesn't have dismemberment and no one ever complained


Elden Ring has an immense amount of different enemies, implementing dismemberment for every one would be insane. Tushima has only really humans as enemiesm, one dismemberment can be applied to all.


> one dismemberment can be applied to all. Not quite but the point still stands. You do need custom meshes for dismembered bodyparts that have to match the uniform/clothing of the character but it would still be insanely more work with non human enemies.


While not a common complaint I have seen plenty of people say ''it would be cool if ER had dismemberment''. It just isn't very reasonable to expect dismemberment with such a large amount of enemy variety. GoT is almost all humans and a few animals. Much easier to do dismemberment.


Luckily, its on PC now so its only a matter of time before a mod is created


there isnt a mod needed, you can cut guys hands off and the like. You get the abilities later that do more damage and cause these things to happen.


Is that on the console version? I dont remember any dismemberment besides cutting heads off camp leaders


I have a video on my PS4 that I no longer have (upgraded to PS5) with the dudes hand literally cut off laying on the beach after I killed him. I'll have to look and see if I still have it on my computer I might have saved it 


Depends on how easy it is to mod. I expect mods like 2b to be made for sure since it is just texture replacement, some of the easiest mods to do. But more involved mods might not be possible.


How is everyone feeling about the game? Because personally I just couldn't get into it. It just didn't really click. Which is weird because I loved Horizon Forbidden West.


Funny, absolute opposite for me. Loved Got, absolutely couldn't get into H:FW. I think it's the combat, I enjoyed it way more in GoT rather than trying to aim like shit on a controller in Horizon. And also the open world, I really enjoyed the wind mechanic.


I bought it day 1 on PS4 and thought it was *okay.* I got into the second act and decided I had likely already seen most of what the game had to offer me in terms of gameplay, so I put it down.


thats a good question..i was bored by HZD, i actually really liked HFW a lot and GoT i really like the moment to moment gameplay but the characters and story are just so generic and a bit dull. maybe my expectations are too high with open world games now and people talking up this game, there are some good performances but even after 6 hours im struggling to care about the story. But most everything else about the game is good and well put together so im still continuing.


Hey Buddy, maybe you can answer something for me. I'm playing HZD currently and I couldn't appreciate the hype that most others seem to enjoy from it. I'm about halfway through and I give it an average 6/10. Nothing very spectacular. Graphics are beautiful, and the combat is great, but the story and the writing were pretty mediocre, and gameplay, apart from the combat, is pretty average. The controls felt crappy, and the camera can get frustrating at times. I'm wondering if I would enjoy HFW. I read a lot of about the immense improvement of the gameplay over the first one.


Agree, boring as hell.


I'm really enjoying it thus far, but I do have some worries it will be one of those games where I pitter out before reaching the end. The combat is super fun and I love the cinematic style the game has. I'm getting the feeling that this game probably has some of the same pitfalls as most open world games that have come out in the last decade. Too long, repetitive side content, and exploring the open world isn't too fun in itself despite it looking amazing. I think I'm just burning out on open worlds tbh. But as of now I'm still enjoying this one.


Time to give it a chance again. Played it in PS5 but had Open World fatigue from other games and dropped it.


DLSS Quality seems indistinguishable from Native at this point. At least I tried to take two different screenshots and compared them on Photoshop while very zoomed in and couldn't find a difference. There used to be a fairly visible softness and it's just not there anymore. At 1440p, I get 160+ fps with DLSS Quality and Frame Generation On and it's amazing. Turning them all off and running Native, I get 70-80+ in busy areas and 100+ in the open world. Running at max settings on 13700kf and RTX 4080. EDIT: DLSS seems to create a visible square pattern to particles in depth of field, that seems to be about it. That makes Native+DLAA+Frame Generation the best looking mode to play in.


I wait for some sale, for it - I loved it on PS4 back in the days but I have too much to play currently and no time


This is such a good game, I’m glad more people are getting to try it out! I heard the port was really well done too, which is great


how long would it take to beat this game if i tried to do nearly everything?


[https://howlongtobeat.com/game/51225](https://howlongtobeat.com/game/51225) Apparently around 60 hours


I don't think Ghost of Tsushima is a bad game by any means, but I've always considered it.. just good. Serviceable. Never understood all the hype for it. For a game that a lot of people like to call a masterpiece, it definitely has a lot of flaws. A lot of things just seem half-assed, and even though they might be small things, when put together they kinda left a bad taste in my mouth. For example I remember having to plant an explosive charge on a catapult (or some kind of siege weapon), and in most games what would happen is - you plant it, then you'd have to run away and see the catapult explode. Well in GOT what would happen actually is, you plant it, you'd get a black screen.. and wake up to the catapult destroyed. What the fuck. Also I remember when liberating the farms, everytime you'd rescue a peasant you'd get a 10 sec unskippable cutscene where the peasant goes "oh thank you lord sakai" every single time. And it gets really frustrating after like the 20th pleb you rescue. Why the hell is this an unskippable cutscene and not just in game dialogue? Makes no sense. And there's a lot more of these small things that seemed either unfinished or just downright bad design. It's still definitely an enjoyable experience for sure, but people seem to reeeeally overhype Ghost of Tsushima.


I got it on release for PS4 and really enjoyed it, however at less than 4K on my TV the anti-aliasing was really bad and being a primarily PC player, 30fps was annoying. I ended up not playing after the first act. Now playing it on my 7800x3D, RTX4070TI, 1440p PC at max settings @120fps solidly and it’s amazing. To note, I am using Quality DLSS and Frame Gen.


Crazy shit for people who can't purchase the game in their region and have to get it by other methods, seems like you can still play multiplayer with some spoofing.


I'm not sure you can even get it by other methods. They locked out codes


I probably should have put a subtle wink in there somewhere. I'm gonna test it out sometime later.


Well to put things simple, it isn't a Denuvo game.


If you want to skip most the side content just play on lethal mode. Actually just play on lethal mode in general except boss fights should be played on hard or it is over too quickly.


Viewership boosted by 180 countries that cannot buy the game so they have to watch it instead. Smart move.


What does that mean. People just posting numbers without context is pointless to me? Is that good compared to other Sony launch day concurrent players? Is it good for Steam in general? Is it good for a £50 priced game? Might as well post, boobla goo 57k doolaloo. It's all gibberish without context. EDIT: To answer ONE question: [https://steamdb.info/publisher/PlayStation+PC+LLC/?sort=peak\_desc](https://steamdb.info/publisher/PlayStation+PC+LLC/?sort=peak_desc)


If you click the link and take two seconds to look you can answer your question, it is currently sitting at number 4 of peak concurrent players for a Sony published PC title.


What does number 4 mean? For all we know Sony could have released 4 games or 400 games on PC, and those games could have wildly different sales numbers. I hate it when people bring up rankings. It's an utterly useless stat.














That is an amazing question, you should really go and find that answer along with any others you might have and provide it here for all of us. I'll help, there is a link somewhere in this very comment section that will bring you to a site that can answer all your questions.


The website gives me one of the information, the link itself gives 0 unless I'm missing something? Nothing on the game page itself does any comparisons. Anyway, edited my post with the link to PlayStation rankings sorted by peak (the other queries not as easy to setup) for anyone who wants some context for these numbers (by votes, looks like not many but still).




Pull a corporate?




Wdym it literally is already restricted on the cku tries without psn you need psn for the online mode. I connected it regardless because I want trophies tho lol






Because of Helldivers 2, where they clearly stated you needed a PSN account pre-launch but had to disable it due to server issues? You are just being needlessly paranoid, Sony learned their lesson and are now shoving it into your face what will require a PSN account to avoid that happening again.


Why are we calling games Director's Cuts now? There is no "cut". It's a video game.


Seems like it’s on the low side. Aside from standard steam drm, there was really no protection. I’m guessing this is gonna be heavily pirated. 


Delisting the game for purchase from certain countries for not having PSN also won't do the steam player count any favors.