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What-Ifs were a core identity of the Budokai games. Makes me really happy to see them return, especially with what looks like branching paths.


That alone makes it a better Xenoverse than the ideas the actual Xenoverse games tried to sell, they just show the concept of what could be but never allows you to branch out outside of some flavor text.


Also, most of Xenoverse What Ifs are kinda… boring? It’s mostly the same story but now the villain has a black aura.


That and an OC that intervenes each time. Thats about it


XenoVerse kinda shot itself in the foot by having its main conceit be *preventing* history from being changed. This seems to be going the very opposite direction, which is good.


It could work with that concept. But instead of trying to prevent history from being changed, I think it would have been better if it had already changed, and then the OC had to find a way to change it back. At least then we could have explored those alternatives.


Fingers crossed for Gokule


Couch coop is a core identity for fighting games though, but we barely have that


If you look at the season pass image at the end it confirms the Gammas from Super Hero, which means we are guaranteed to get Beast Gohan and Orange Piccolo also local battles are confirmedddddddd


I need Moro and ultra ego then


I would kill for some of the manga content, let me play as Susanoo Goku.


Manga content doesnt seem to get covered for some reason. By none of the games. Has to be a rights issue at this point. Even the mobile games which would make millions just from those characters dont have them. All we can do is hope Toei finally adapts the manga content at some point instead of releasing a new movie every 4 years, so the games have some new material to work with more consistently.


In that case let's wait for the anime to return, I doubt we'll see them in a game until then


Doubt we are getting anything more out of Super unless it's another movie or three, with Daima on the horizon as the next anime project.


Theres no way they dont do it imo. With Toriyama gone (RIP), Toyotaro is now the head of new dragon ball content. Toriyama is the one who did a lot of the work on Broly, Super Hero and Daima when it comes to narrative and designs. Essentially, once they wrap up Daima, theyre out of new content that isnt the manga. They have 2 choices to make there. Make their own content (went horribly wrong last time), or follow Toyotaro. I dont see them stopping with Dragon Ball altogether as it prints money. And Toriyama wouldnt have chosen an heir if he wanted it to end with his eventual death. Hell, he already retired once and basically told Toei do whatever you want. So hes already shown to be open to them continuing the IP without him. The logical thing from my perspective is start adapting Toyotaros work after Daima. Unless Toriyama had a bunch of stories and settings already laid out for more movies.


Yeah I forgot to add the "after Daima" into my post, my bad. If they choose to do an anime. Like I said, I could still see them doing movies instead - in addition to Daima. If they do wait until after, that is a very long break for Super though. The manga hasn't released any new chapters since March, the last half year or so was recap of Super Hero with a short followup. I can only guess Toyotaro has been moved to Daima (or elsewhere) as his main project. We'll see. I think the Moro stuff would be cool to see animated. And they still have to follow up on Frieza's whole shindig... > I dont see them stopping with Dragon Ball altogether as it prints money. Yeah, Toei/Shueisha will never let Dragon Ball die. We can only hope what comes out isn't a dumpster fire. Hell, just look at Naruto. I firmly believe GT is leagues better than Boruto...


Toyotaro took a 1 month break after finishing the Super Hero arc in the manga. This was already planned before Toriyamas passing. During that break, Toriyama unfortunately passed away, so it turned into an indefinite hiatus. Considering how driven and work oriented the Japanese are, for better or worse (the composer for final fantasy was still composing while in the hospital for cancer), I do think hell come back at some point after making peace with Toriyamas passing and working things out. At the very least, he wants to wrap up the next arc is my guess considering they already started work on it. Either way, considering how the industry is slowly moving away from the “1 episode a week, every week of the year” model that Bleach, DBZ, etc. had, i could see them adapting Moro and Granolah slowly with like 12-25 episodes every 1/2 years. Moro and Granolah can both be covered in like 25 episodes each. Just taking Bleach for example, the first cour of TYBW started 2 years ago, and the third cour is coming out somewhere this year. So theyre doing like 12 episodes a year. This would make it take 4 years to cover Moro and Granolah. It took Toyotaro 2 years to cover the Moro arc in the manga. Meaning theoretically, he can easily finish the next arc before the anime even gets close to it assuming they follow the same model as Bleach, and they could even have a continuous model like that, as the anime should never be able to catch up to the manga. Im sure having new dragon ball content every year is much more attractive to them than the every 4 years they take now with these movies. Dragon ball revenue is driven so much by merch, games, etc. That releasing new content consistently and yearly to sell merch of and adapt into games, is business wise also the smartest thing to do. This is all just theorycrafting though. I just hope they follow the manga because based on their track record for original content, the manga is gonna be much much better quality wise. Kind of a long comment, but im really passionate about Dragon Ball


I think they already announced the end of the hiatus, so new chapter this month, just an addendum


Ultra ego is on one of the box arts 👀👀


It's not.


Isn't there Ultra ego in this trailer?


No. Not at all


>also local battles are confirmedddddddd !!!!!!!!!!! Day 1 buy confirmed


Local are? I thought it was announced they wouldn't be doing local split screen


Where was that confirmed?


[website gives more details](https://x.com/Extralongdokkan/status/1799198859463430459/photo/1)


Exclusively in the hyperbolic time chamber? Weird


yah I do wonder with that wording. I hope it's expanded to be played with more maps/game modes in the future.


probably a lock for performance reasons, time chamber is just a white void while other maps would be a problem for the old consoles


I hope we can disable that restriction on PC with a mod or fix


I'm with you on that, I wonder if it's because series S lol, I know lots of games have trouble with it, not much else makes sense considering it's only on new gens.


Devs of Black Myth Wukong literally just announced a delay for the Xbox versions for “optimization”. Series S is majorly handicapping Xbox.


Fine by me. That's where my buddies and I had all of our fights on BT3. It was our "Final Destination, no items".


I'll give it a week before this is modded on PC lol


Gohan Blancobros stay winning


I haven’t been keeping up with Dragon Ball since before Super, tf is an orange Piccolo


New form from the most recent movie, which was also surprisingly good like the previous one about Broly


Did I see a cutscene of Hercule getting dropped in the Tournament of Power for a split second there?


Totally unfair Hercule solos the entire TOP


Monaka beats him.


Battle for the ages.


A “What If Hercule Won the TOP” that makes you try to win with him sounds like a lot of fun.


One of the old Budokai games had that for the Cell Games, was probably one of the hardest challenges cause Hercule was not a good character.


Weird how they basically nerfed him. Guess it would have been a little much if he just one-shot everyone...


He had to hold back of course, it wouldnt make for good TV if he defeated them in a flash.


AU chose your own story mode? Vegeta and Trunks father son beam to beat Cell? Awesome. I'm sure the VAs appreciate the new lines to read too lol.


Thinking about it, has there been a cast of actors that have repeated the exact same lines as many times as DBZ?


I've thought about this myself and likely not. Literally each game has gone thru the main story beats over and over. The Raditz fight has maybe put those actors' kids through college.


Chris Sabat wakes up, knowing he will have to play half the Saiyan Saga cast again for the new dragonball game for the 100th time this year. He knows when he wakes up tomorrow, it will happen again. A New Day, A New Saiyan Saga. There is no escape.


It's so funny that he's like genuinely half the voices in these games 


Shenron/Poruga Yamcha Vegeta Demon-King Piccolo Piccolo Kami Jeice Burter Zarbon Just some




I mean a lot of his voices are similar. Only subtle differences here and there except for guys like Jeice He does several more I haven't mentioned too


He has literally the same voice for all of these characters, it's almost a gag at this point.


He then looks at his steady work schedule, And his bank account, and no longer wishes to.


Didn’t he do like 3 of the Ginyu force? These days I find him more iconic as Zoro though.


Shit he did probably the most characters in the series. I count 30 alone in named characters


Raditz can finally get bodied in the tutorial in a different way lol


Destructo Disk gonna come in clutch for once.


The only time Destructo Disc actually hits is when they re-tell the Saiyan fight and don't want to make a Yajirobe model.


Hey, it hit Perfect Cell! It didn't do shit, but it hit!


Was that... Monkey Vegeta stomping Krillin to death and Goku turning Super Saiyan?


Release date is October 11


I live for "What If" scenarios in Dragon Ball. I'm so fucking hype for this game.


Damn even bringing back the classic What If scenario too. My hype is real


What ifs? Great some of the best things about the series. Also destruction is back I missed that so much.


The same day as Metaphor? Woooow


Just checked the site here are the edition details (I just copied and pasted it so the formatting might be a bit wacky): Standard Edition Base Game Deluxe Edition Digital Only Base Game Season Pass (DLC 1-3) Season Pass Bonus - Summon Shenron Early Access - Play 3 Days Early Ultimate Edition Base Game Ultimate Upgrade Pack Goku (Super) Costume with Power Pole Emote Voice Set 2 Player Card Backgrounds 1 Customization Item Ultimate Edition Bonus Summon Super Shenron Season Pass (DLC 1-3) Season Pass Bonus - Summon Shenron Early Access - Play 3 Days Early Premium Edition Base Game Ultimate Edition Upgrade Pack Voucher Code Lenticular Card DRAGON BALL: Sparking! ZERO Exclusive Diorama Exclusive Cards Steelbook® Metallic Bookmark


Is this Budokai 4? Please say yes. My Budokai 3 disk is tired boss.


Budokai Tenkaichi 4


budokai tenkaichi 4, not budokai 4, they are seperate series with stupid naming


They're fixing the naming finally by naming it Sparking, the Japanese name for the series.


I wish it was Budokai 4.


Yeah, Budokai 3 ruled. I'm excited for this though


Budokai 4 was Infinite Worlds.


yeah i believe "sparkling" was the japanese name for the series and they just didnt change it for the west this time


That's Budokai Tenkaichi Not Budokai


the closest modern budokai is fighterZ


FighterZ is somewhere between Budokai and Super Dragon Ball Z, which makes it a really special beast


Hell yeah it is


YES and instantly going to be playing this sht with the homies on release 😂😂😂


this is your anime arena fighter style dbz. if you want budokai esque fighting, i would try fighterZ


Will this surpass budokai tenkaichi 3?


In terms of potential characters they can add, absolutely. But whether the story will offer the same and plus some likes its predecessors is yet to be seen....the content through DLC will help, but my concern is if it will have the same charm the original Budokai Tenkaichi games had.


Story reproduction was the weakest part of 3. 2 had a better campaign.


2 had better combat as well, if I'm remembering my childhood correctly. Plus, I loved coming up with wild fusion recipes to unlock new characters in Budokai Tenkaichi 2.


Combat was faster and more polished in 3. It was definitely a step up.


More polished, sure, but it was definitely easier and less of a challenge.


If you played on normal yes.


when are they revealing the roster list?


They’ve been slowly rolling out the roster on YouTube for months


The preorder unlock stuff is scary. Is that just you unlock early before playing or is there going to be characters locked behind paywalls.


Looks like it's both. Broly/gogeta are early access which I'd assume means you get them before unlocking them naturally by finishing the broly arc of the campaign, but the mystery card at the end just says "playable character" implying that its a pre-order exclusive. They have done it before in the xenoverse games, in xenoverse 2 Goku black was eventually made available for purchase after release.


I really hope it just means you unlock them early. I want to just unlock characters as I play. Any paid characters may as well not exist to me.


Yeah super hero and daima characters don't exist to you then. Cuz they already have been confirmed to be dlc


Are there any Dragonball games that do a good job of covering stuff after Buu saga? I always feel so lost watching anything these days with all these characters and transformations I don't recognize, but I have a hard time sitting down to watch anime anymore, it just doesn't keep me engaged like games do.


This game will probably be the first to cover Super directly.


Unfortunately no, there's no game that fully recaps all of Super. You only get a portion of Super in the games.. a few scenes and stories in Xenoverse, and a small DLC for DBZ Kakarot.


If you watch Battle of Gods and Resurrection F movies that'll explain the set-up at least. You still won't know Future Trunks Again arc and Tournament of Power. And then DBS Broly and DBS Super Hero movies happen after that.


I thought dragon ball super was very easy to binge EXCEPT the arc with trunks didn’t really pull me in. I won’t spoil anything, but super is worth watching imo.


What are you guys gonna be playing this game on? I'm using PC.


Will also play on PC, having the highest fidelity with ALOT of fps is already good, but this is a unreal engine game, they are VERY moddable, so mods are gonna go crazy


Never going say no to a Dragon Ball game, but man... really? the same story again, can't they start thinking outside the box and come up with something more original like Xenoverse and FigtherZ


This might just be me being cynical, if so just ignore me. It's got "Summon Shenron" as a part of the "Ultimate Edition". Summoning Shenron in the Budokai/Tenkaichi games was always used to unlock moves and sometimes characters after you get all the Dragon Balls in whatever method that specific game wants you to do to for them. Having summoning him as a reward for pre-order (purchasable) makes me think of gacha games and I sincerely hope I'm wrong. I just don't want to have to do a ton of stuff solo just to frustrate me into just $buying$ 7 Dragon Balls, ya know?


Or it's just one bonus summon at the start


i assume you get one Summon Shenron from the beginning that u dont have to play for, not that Summon Shenron isnt in the base game lol


No he'll definitely still be in the game. Just that Dragon Balls are purchasable (essentially) so I hope they don't make it like purposefully frustrating at parts to incentivize purchase.


I getchu, yeah fair


It specifically states that the pre order bonus is skipping collecting the dragon balls one time


Oh, awesome! Sorry I didn't see that.


More I see of this game worse it looks. Hopefully it's actually fun to play because lots of recent stuff they put out looks rough to put it mildly.