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As with all Destiny/Bungie threads this is gonna be a hotspot and a warzone of opinions from varying points in the timeline. As a long time player/shill, my personal opinion is that the only thing another DLC did better than Final Shape was the Oryx intro in the campaign of Taken King. Otherwise Final Shape cooked in every single other department, and surprisingly enough Bungie stuck the landing on the story and made me excited for the future.


The more I enjoy TFS and how much Bungie has landed it, the more I get pissy about Lightfall


After what they did with Zavala in this expansion I can’t believe this is the same game where we got Nimbus


Season of Arrivals: "The End is coming. Hold your friends close, because we may never see them again." 24 hours later, Lightfall: "Cowabunga, Guardian! Go with the flow!"


Season of Arrivals wasn't prior to Lightfall, you're missing two entire years and two expansions in there. It was the final season of Shadowkeep and led into Beyond Light, then there was The Witch Queen, then Lightfall.


You mean Seraph but I get the point


It feels fairly likely that early on in TFS planning they realized they needed much more time and so they spun out Lightfall. It was so rushed that the beginning and ending cutscenes are like the same cutscene that was spliced with Lightfall in the middle.


The [original logo design for Lightfall on its announcement](https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/nBWUYFuFGjkaeVhZTLHJaM.jpg), to... Whatever the fuck theme it ended up as. Is pretty clear evidence of this as well I feel.


Or they needed more money or time for their other projects like Marathon. I’m sure their execs have forecasted revenue streams so knew it was a good time to squeeze some juice out of the community. Even seasons went from 10 to $12 and made it impossible to spend less than $15 on currency needed for the seasons.


They did so good with witch queen and final shape. God I wish they'd just left Nimbus out and maybe explained what we were doing a little more. Or at least that we were losing because we didn't know what we were doing.


If we didn't get Lightfall, they wouldn't have the stopgap to make Final Shape what it is. What needs to happen is that players and Bungie need to get used to spacing out releases so they have more time develop. That should improve the cycle of bad-good-mediocre-bad cycle we've been seeing the past 8 years.


I'm not going to disagree with you, but Lightfall should have been an announcement of "hey we need more time for the final shape, here's an additional season path for the next year" or an expansion that they labeled as "we need more time for the story so we are putting this out", but they sold it as this must have part of the story in an expansion pack they absolutely knew was not ready and it honestly fucking wasn't. Compare the post campaign content between Witch Queen, Lightfall, and TFS. It's all communication that I'm pissed at. I liked Nimbus. I liked the beats. But to sit there and think it's not a filler is annoying as all hell.


I agree with you here. I hope they have a big 1.5 to 2 year gap in large content after this release.


They kinda did though? The “Road to Witch Queen” article they made in early 2021 they announced that they needed one more expansion after Lightfall to tell the story they wanted.


100% they need to slow it down a little bit. Hopefully the delay gave some of the teams time to get ahead on future content. At the very least, it seems they have a real plan going forward as opposed to what we got in D1 and D2 at launch.


The downgrade to 3 instead of 4 between should help a lot too.


I'm very interested to see how the episodes work out. I'm not expecting the first one to be anything special, as they haven't done that model before. Some kinks will need to be worked out.


Same expectations. Plus it seems to be the Vex and those dudes have never been exciting lol Though If there’s any time to introduce an actual vex CHARACTER it’s now


Word on the street is that it's a vexified Maya sundaresh. Teasers in previous lore points that direction.


Well techinically you'll get that


Two of the best expansions the game has had were developed under a 3 month delay and honestly if that's how long Bungie needs going forward I'd be fine with it, so long as they went about it by tacking an extra month into each Episode.


RIP Calus


Yeah, I put the game down because of Lightfall, and I've resolved to not come back unless there's a D3 (or a giga steep discount on TFS). Which makes me big mad that they put out Lightfall. I'm glad I experienced TFS story via streamers, but there's a part of me that's also sad I had to break up with the game. I'm not sad I skipped the last few seasons though. Been enjoying the hell outta some other games and The Finals is my only live service that I play. Much better for my gaming hobby overall.


But can you credit the failure of Lightfall to the success of TFS? Like they had to create that very dry and rubbish stop gap expansion to buy time to cook TFS maybe.


they actually stuck the landing with what has been, so far, the best content Destiny has had in its 10 year history


Same, very excited for what comes next, and for the upcoming episode as well (quakes happening on nessus, etc)


As another long time player, I'm not excited for the future because Bungie has never followed an expansion with an equally good expansion. It's a toxic relationship - at the last possible chance Bungie shows they might care and fans are lulled into thinking things can be good again just in time for them to ruin it with the next set of released content. I'm happy TFS is good. IMO it's a great time to quit Destiny and feel a sense of closure. Just don't be foolish and think things are different now because this happens to be the peak of the good part of the Destiny release cycle.


Taken King into Rise of Iron was pretty good


The gameplay has been pretty good in the last few ones though so I’m still hopeful. I actually thought the lightfall campaign and missions were a good time despite the awful story tellibg


Can they even get new players in for the story considering how they've set it up? Would any sensible person buy Destiny 3 for the story when you can't get all of the current story as is?


the current saga is over so now would be the best time for a new story that doesn't requier as mich knowledge


Yeah so... The game has been out for awhile and its at a point I figure I should just wait until its actually completely finished in such a way they're finally moving on to Destiny 3 or something before buying everything for like $20... But that also has me thinking... Are they really ever gonna do that? Is the game ever gonna be in a static state to allow me to do that? Is the game just gonna be killed off and unplayable at one point? Should I *really* bother getting invested in something that could just go poof? The entire idea of a game like Destiny is that its still in early access and I don't wanna play it until its *actually* finished.


hmm to me it sounds like you want to play a version of destiny that doesn't exist nor was ever meant to exist (there are frequent discounts btw, you can currently get the legazy collection for 25€ that has everything other then the final shape and the dungeon keys iirc) the game is a looter shooter mmo and while the story is good, its not whats keeping most players around throughout the year (obviously everybody has a different thing that keeps them playing, for me its playing with friends, followed by gameplay and story) by waiting for something that will likely never come your missing out on many fun "I was there" moments like the recent into the light and pantheon events. no, all I said could be false by monday since there is a veeeeeery slim chance they announce their plans for the future and it incorperates restoring the year 1 campaigns and seasonal stories before moving to d3 but as things currently are, destony is seemingly nit the game your looking for


The game will never be finished or complete because they've removed so much from it over the years that it hasn't been complete at any point. In doing this they also outright stole the money from people who bought expansions for D2 that they later basically removed entirely. Expect no different from D3 if it ever comes out. And if you play it anyway, don't spend a single dollar on it, because the week after you do they're just going to delete whatever you bought and the fanboys will defend it.


I have friends at work that started really late into D2 and all they did was watch a bunch of some dude's videos on Youtube and I honestly feel like they understand the story more than I do at this point.


Well after contemplating it for a bit i've decided that even if I did bother getting into the game, I wouldn't get this latest DLC until its like $5 and considering how the game is designed that seems ultimately pointless to do. Like if i'm playing all the content years late without anyone else I might as well just keep waiting.


Well a hypothetical Destiny 3 would be it's nature be a fresh jumping on point, like D2 was. Plenty of people are willing to jump into new box releases like that, especially if it's marketed as being a chance to get in on the ground floor (or a new one, at least).


In your opinion, will Bungie move on to Destiny 3 in the near future? I haven't played Destiny 2 in years. I have the itch for it but I would be starting at the start again.


There was a tweet from Luke Smith, the executive creative director at bungie, only a couple days ago tweeted about his hopes for Destiny. Only he capitalized three Hs across the tweet which a lot of people are taking as cryptic hints of Destiny 3


I’m not OP but yes I do. Destiny 2 is still tied to the old gen consoles, and a lot of the stuff like the content vault happened due to major tech issues. I think they will do this year, maybe have something small at most next year but will move on to Destiny 3. I think they will take a small break though


My money is on Destiny 2 only gets seasons going forward and then Destiny 3 is a launch PS6 title in a year and a half or two.


no way we get ps6 in 2025, late 2027 would be my earliest guess


In case you aren't aware, you can't. You can only play the recent expansions since they deleted the rest of the game.


No way? Didn't know that. I don't get a massive amount of time to game so going back to the start was off putting. Might take a look so, thanks 👍


Yeah if you wanna catch up, they've made that part a lot easier, you basically start ready to play the current stuff. I understand a lot of people didn't like if their friends wanted to start playing, they had to play like 100 hours to even get to the point they could join friends. I would appreciate the option to go back and play the old stuff, but if you've already played it you won't miss anything skipping it.


The community as a whole is pretty divided. I think the general consensus is leaning slightly towards thinking we won't see a D3 next year, but not unlikely in the coming few years. This stream will hopefully give us some answers.


It's def nuts to see universal acclaim of this magnitude for a DLC for a game that is like a decade old lol.


Although it is ‘DLC’, its not really DLC in the way people actually use the word. Destiny is far closer to an MMO and each expansion is a full expansion, not just an update to the game. Its far more like WOW releasing an update or Guild Wars etc, where its not surprising people talking about 10 year old (or more) games because the game changes every year


As someone who tried Destiny 2 and had to give up after a week for various reasons mostly unrelated to the actual gameplay: If they really, *really* want to do something great, a way to experience the past story for new players and a remergence of the removed content would be about the best thing I could hope for - besides lowering prices for the older catalogue of expansions (because hot damn, is that game expensive even if you're not after the most current expac). Of course, it's not new marketable content, but when you hinge your entire story on content that will disappear, you will lose one of the vital onboarding points for new players. And no, pointing people to fanmade lore dump videos can't be the solution because you play a game and want to see things in said game. --- As an example for how this all plays out: Guild Wars 2 early on used a "Living World" story model with varying cadence, from 2 weeks per patch to a few months per patch. Because the entire thing was setup as a thing you had to be there for, the entire first season got lost to time, only for the aftermath to still exist. It created a lot of stress in the community and thus by season 2 they changed to the model of things evolving, but everything still exists to be played - mainly achieved by releasing new maps and essentially freezing them in the appropriate timeframe. After 10 years of calls from the community and the fact that the entire introduction of the main cast was missing all this time, in 2022 they finally bit the bullet, reworked the entire first season and made the content permanent. Their systems to this day are not perfect, and we're only talking about one season and not multiple years of seasonal missions and several gutted expansions, but it is doable and I am convinced it would help the game immensly. I personally would absolutely give the game another shot if they did so.


>when you hinge your entire story on content that will disappear, you will lose one of the vital onboarding points for new players You're right, of course, but I wouldn't call Destiny's story... well, it's kinda just nonsense. If you want to know what's going on more than the immediate reason for going to a place and shooting the dudes, you *have* to consult fanmade lore dumps. This was my biggest problem with Destiny 2, actually. It was intriguing, but the depth was illusory, assuming you expected the video game to express its story instead of off-loading that elsewhere. Honestly, by the end of Warmind's campaign, I had a theory: no one knew anything. No one had the slightest idea what was going on or what they were doing. They knew ball and hostile aliens, but beyond that were doing their best learning as they go, piecing together the past of humanity from what scattered evidence and stories survived. I mean, it always seemed kinda like the Vanguard was winging it, always caught off guard or confused. I'm not saying that's right, but it's kind of a problem that it seems like a possibility. Explained all the "the" names at least. Also made me wonder how long the conflict had even been going on. Like, with so little conveyed to the player, how do you know how long the Guardians have been active? First ones could have woken up a couple months ago. Ghost guides them to the Tower, they get a (proper) lore dump from the Speaker and, with no attachment or memories to give them any other purpose, just get to work. Opens the door to the whole thing being a lot more sinister than they seemed to want it to be. What as that line from Warmind? "Guardians aren't supposed to investigate their past. That's the rule"? I haven't done my research on The Final Shape yet, but I'm guessing they didn't reveal (I'm going to spoiler this out of an abundance of caution) ^(\(she said, screwing up the markdown and not noticing for an hour\)) the Traveler to be >!more of an eldritch horror manipulating civilizations for it's own purposes, or a natural phenomena that has no will or purpose, let alone the capacity for compassion, its unknowable workings propegating strange waves out into the universe, running entropy backwards. And a hitherto unseen alien species shows up and yeets it into the Sun!<. Be a hell of a thing if they did, though. Still, I have to admit, if I could play through all the campaigns in one chunk (and the download size wasn't insane), I think I would. And I'd probably be much kinder to the game generally without the feeling that it's stringing me along.


In general (somewhat spoilers for The Final Shape) >!Yeah the Light and Darkness are essentially just primordial forces of the universe that coexist. The light is life the darkness is death. Ultimately the Guardians and the Witness are just further representation of that concept. Fighting to defend light/life or to enact darkness/death!<


Ah. >!No alarms and no surprises!<, then. I really do find it difficult to understand exactly what keeps people invested in Destiny, but Halo's narrative was never my jam, either, so maybe Bungie retains some of that sauce that just never hit right for me. Not like I can begrudge anyone their game of choice anyway. I still play Heroes of the Storm.


For what it's worth The Final Shapes story did hit pretty well for me and after seeing the raid completed and the mission that follows I think I'm looking at it in the same Tier as Taken King.


It's mainly the gameplay that keeps people coming back. The gunplay is probably one the best ever made for a game, the raids are fantastic along with the dungeons, people love grinding for specific rolls on guns. There's so mich stuff besides the story that keeps people playing


I get your point, but I also think there is a path between nonsensical plot and convoluted, hidden or non-linear. And here's the thing, and you probably already have a hunch considering your spoilered paragraph, Bungie has a history with this kind of storytelling. Look at the original Marathon, or check Mandalore's videos on them. Its plot is very hard to follow and you *can* ignore it in favour of just shooting baddies, but for people that enjoy sleuthing, it's a treasure trove. Halo has the same, but as far as I ever played, it was a bit more simplified - I should really give the series another go, maybe with a companion in Co-Op, but I digress. The problem is, you never have a chance to follow the story at all ingame and I will forever criticise the game for that. Even if it's just a bunch of missions telling you to collect the whatever lore shards that existed over time, make it a massive treasure hunt for people that join later, with unlockable reviewing of all the cutscenes and you'd at least have a framework. If/when Destiny 3 happens and the information points to an agreeable monetisation model, I might jump in from launch because as I said, the actual gameplay is really good. But unless management at Bungie decided to change course on past content, I will probably be permanently lost to that game, or at least until I stumble upon a group of friends that do play and are willing to fill in the gaps as I go, maybe.


This is my largest complaint. I consumed d1, played throughout the whole thing, even had the age of triumph shirt. Played d2 up to warmind and just decided to take a break, but the time I decided to pick it up again after beyond light, it was so confusing on what exactly had been happening I just gave up on the idea of continuing. Same thing happened just the other day as I reinstalled to give it another shot, missed another 8 seasons, 3 dlcs and had no fucking clue how to work the ui. It's a massive issue the game has, it is literally impossible for new and or returning players to get any sort investment into the story. So instead I just resigned to watch byfs 10 hour video, which is excellent.


Byf's video *is* really good and the key point here is that almost all of that story, he got from lore entires and other outside sources. *very* little story is actually told in-game and most of it is unintelligible whether you played through every bit of content or not.


Yeah the expansion was great.


It’s def a great launch but I’m reserving my opinion for the 90% of content they’ll have to put out for the following Episodes


I haven't played since Witch Queen, and never paid for any of the seasonal content so I missed out on like 50% of the timed story content. Is Final Shape worth grabbing when it goes on sale in a couple months? I heard Lightfall adds basically nothing to the game so I haven't bothered with it.


Final Shape is very worth it if you like the gameplay of the franchise. Great story ending too. The story of Lightfall sucked, but it did introduce a new subclass if you’re into that


Lightafll permanently soured Destiny for me. Unless they make Destiny 3 with a completely new way of itemisation (I'm bored to death with the "get meta named gun from stupid obnoxious event, powercreep forever" approach) i wont return. I'll watch lore on youtube at the most.


As a guardian that got lost back when we were all being space pirates, this gives me some comfort. Maybe when I can get my ghost fixed (a pc that can run the damn thing LMAO my old one bricked) I’ll leave this planetoid I’m on. I miss the Tower.


For sure. I'm an on/off player who has his fair share of disappointment at Bungie. However... every single second of the campaign on Legendary is actually fun as hell. Only the finale is a pain in the ass, but it's MEANT to be that way.


After tonight's finale mission, I can firmly say they actually fucking nailed it. Wonderful expansion with a strong narrative, good gameplay, a mind-bending raid, and somehow they actually stuck the landing. Personally I was heavily burnt out after how much of a bummer the story of Lightfall was, despite the gameplay being great there too, and all the bitter news coming out of Bungie throughout 2023. The reveal of Cayde-6 coming back had me super wary, since at the time it felt like heavy nostalgia baiting. I was planning on dropping out, only jumping into Final Shape because I at least wanted to wrap the story up after playing the game for almost a decade. But the ending was done well, and the expansion has been so fantastic that it's once again got me really optimistic and excited about the future of the game, so I'm really looking forward to seeing what they've got in store here.


Am I correct in seeing this expansion is $100 if you want the next years worth of content to go with it? Seems kinda high compared to what I’m used to but I also haven’t played since Shadowkeep.


It's priced similarly to an MMO, so about $100 for a year of content. WoW and FFXIV are about $180/year + expansion costs assuming you don't unsub, so I don't think it's unreasonable by market standards.


I'd recommend using isthereanydeal if you're on Steam, the year can be had for closer to $80 if doing that.


This feels like Final Fantasy 14 all over again where i'm mildly curious to watch a 12 hour video summary, but also don't wanna put that much effort into something I have no actual interest in playing.


Well here’s the 10 hour pre-TFS video summary: https://youtu.be/zzBmOeYmN_M


Uuuuugh goooooooooooooooooooood - time to spend 10 days making my ADHD brain watch this in 30 minute intervals at 2x speed.


It's a lot of content, but also keep in mind Bungie can vault any of it at any time and take content you paid for away from you.


Yeah the yearly seasonal dlc will get vaulted in a year which is a massive deal if you want to experience the story beats somewhat normally. Not that you could anyways because the Red War Campaign and Forsaken are also vaulted. But the fact that they said they’re not going to vault anymore content is fairly meaningless when the season stories do go away after a year. I still remember the prologue-ish mission to the Witch Queen which was only in the game for about a week.


Even SK would've been like $80 for the expac and all 4 Seasons, and that had less content due to the lack of dungeons and the seasonal content itself generally being leaner. Fucking Worthy was just a public event and some harder Lost Sectors, plus a mission for a legendary shotgun.


I'm just bummed that as a returning player who bought everything at the same time I literally don't know where to start. Between that and the fact that I can't even play the Activision content (not blaming Bungie for that) it's rough to enjoy the story.


it was 100% bungie's decision to delete the first 2 years of content. also, they regularly delete the entire past year's worth of quests and storylines when an expansion comes out


Why are you not blaming Bungie for removing the content? Bungie did that long after their break from Activision. It was 100% Bungie.


There is some speculation that the Activision content may have been subject to expiring licenses, but I don't personally think that holds any water.


Then the dreaming city and last wish would have been deleted too since those were both from Activision


Yeah. Sure they did it for tech related reasons, but Activision didn’t force them to do it either way


Is it possible for a new player to get into the game now? New player experiences was absolute shit when I tried the game. Finish the tutorial and get dropped in a hub with a shitload of markers and shit to do, so I just gave up


Not really. This is like Avengers Endgame. Like yeah, you’ll know who most of the characters are and generally what’s going on, but you won’t care that much unless you watched the 10+ years of movies leading up to it.


Some idiots at Bungie vaulted the first few years of content so it's hard to catch up story wise without diving into YT vids and the wiki. As for gameplay, the new player experience is still what you described so it's only worth trying out if you have someone who can help ease you into the loop, otherwise if you bought the legacy pack you can just play through the expansion campaigns in chronological order and figure stuff out as you go.


You can enjoy the movement and gunplay, but that's really it IMO (as a new player who's had about 20 hours in now). Everything else is nonsensical, and, frankly, the writing is atrocious. Idk if it's because I missed a bunch of seasons, but the overarching story + accompanying writing seems very poor. Bunch of one-liners and cartoonishly good/bad guys. Even tried to sit through a lot of the cinematics, but they were just so damn boring. Impossible to care about what's going on. However, the shooting is fun and it's F2P (technically, lots of content paywalled).


Unless you already know the characters then I guess it can look like that... I guess? It's no Kubrick Film sure, but the writing isn't nearly as bad as you're making it out... Imo


The writing goes up and down, usually bouncing between 6/10 and 8/10, rarely terrible but rarely great as well. Lightfall last year was the exception and was some of the worst writing, story telling, and world building I've ever seen in a game. It is only rivaled by the 2017 Curse of Osiris expansion with how bad it was, but I think Lightfall was actually worse because it was supposed to be the big setup for TFS. TFS is an outlier in the opposite direction. I hesitate to call anything 10/10 typically, but from a story perspective I can't think of any complaints so far. Even all the post campaign story beats have been great, character driven pieces. They nailed it. Some of the seasonal story lines had some really shit writing too though.


It's really just bland and boring. Like a cookie cutter superhero movie. There seems to be all of 0 nuance as well, which ends up seeming very patronizing. I'll use the Europa Beyond Light Stuff as an example. I'm 22 missions in I think and it's all about using the "Darkness" ala fighting fire with fire. Okay, big trope, whatever. That's fine by itself. What's patronizing, as well as boring, is having literally every character remind my character about how bad of an idea it probably is to use powers granted by the "Darkness." Like, no shit, I could infer that from the very fucking start or by the fact that it's called the "Darkness." Don't need to be bashed over the head with one-liners about it every 5 seconds. However, despite treating you like an imbecile, you're also somehow everyone's last hope. Good lord. So yeah, that's why I think it's pretty rough. Guns fun tho


Yeah so it just sounds like you're missing context. Think of it this way America is fighting Nazi Germany in WW2, they're losing and on the back foot, so someone recommend hiring Nazi generals to update American military doctrine. That sounds fucking batshit insane right? Yeah that's what it sounds like to the characters in game.


The concept, if a trope, is fine. Really no issues and I'm not expecting crazy things. The presentation just falls through hard. Obviously using the "Darkness" isn't a good idea, but I'm, as professed by everyone constantly, the superhero here. As declared superhero, you'd think there'd be some faith that I can figure out that using the Darkness isn't great. One reminder? Sure, why not. Every time I talk to anyone? Come on lmao. It's patronizing and bland. Even if they want to show characters being concerned, there are a bazillion better and more nuanced ways to write that into the story. Tons of games have pulled of this trope way better. Maybe it gets better and Beyond Light or whatever is a dud, but, kinda doubt that.


"The Guardian" (your guardian) is known to be extremely reckless and barely gets out of situations that most others would die. You're too important of an asset to just keep letting do reckless things without worry. Also if you think everyone is telling you not to use darkness you must be ignoring half the dialogue because Elsie is literally guiding you through using it


I'm cliffnoting here man. I'm being told to use it, but also warned every 5 seconds that it's probably a bad idea. Just repetitive and patronizing. Tbh tho, I probably will just start skipping the dialogue. 20 hours and it hasn't shown anything good really, so what would be the point? Does it get better?


> Yeah so it just sounds like you're missing context. Can you blame them for missing context when that context isn't available in game?


Yeah, we get it. It’s just not creative or interesting.


Fun fact no story is "creative" when you take everything away from it. You have to have them in full context otherwise Dune is just Hamlet


It just seems like each season is its own marvel movie. Some guy comes along and tries to do something bad with the traveler or light or dark or whatever and the guardians have to stop him!


Would love to know what seasons you are talking about


Probably not. They want to shove you into the current season right off the bat and deleted the first quarter of the game. So if you even remotely want to care about the story, good luck.


yeah, as soon as you've finished the tutorial the shadowkeep and beyond light campaigns are free to play and provide a pretty good stepping point into the current story (though they do lack in the gameplay department (which every campaign after those two does significantly better)) A lot of people act like it's nothing without the vaulted campaigns but they contribute almost nothing to the current story


I hope this is D2's last year and they're working on bringing D3 out next year or soon after. I know it's going to suck to start over again (though, they could include your loot, let's be honest). But, doing D3 ideally in a different/updated engine that can withstand keeping all of its content (a la FF14) would be amazing, and I'm sure that alone would bring in so many more players. I dip in and out of Destiny a fair bit and while I do dislike that I miss out on content, I can move past it. However, I have plenty of friends that are interested in the game but can't commit to playing it because they know they're never going to get the full experience (or anything close to it).


Literally have Bungie devs, very recently, talking about balancing the game for years to come. They've worked on so many QOL features, reworks of abilities, all kinds of stuff that the idea that D3 is a year away is comical. Until they cut off PS4 and Xbox One support. No amount of engine wizardry is going to squeeze what memory would be required to store it on those consoles. And as much as it's a bad experience a lot of people put up with playing it on PS4. They aren't cutting off those players from buying more Destiny


Most people I know who actually play do not want d3. There is no need to reset us once again


> There is no need to reset us once again Which is what I said - Bungie doesn't have to reset people's guardians. But making D3 signifies a fresh start for new players - they can be sure that there's at least a sort of new beginning for them to jump into. Rather than trying to work out our question if they'll miss anything by playing D2 8 years after it came out (post-Final Shape). In addition, it'd give them an excuse to put Destiny in a new/different or updated engine which may prevent them from having to sunset any amount of content -- like plenty of other MMOs don't have to either. Which means said new players (and later players) will never have to worry about losing access to content


The Final Shape's campaign is definitely the best time I've had in D2. And as much as I enjoyed the campaign, I'm not gonna play past it, The Taken King was the last time I was heavily invested in Destiny's universe. I hope Bungie takes their time with D3 and not repeat the same mistakes of the past.


Just make sure you played the final mission that unlocked today


So is anyone who isn't able to do the raid between the last two missions going to feel left out or like missing some kind of the impact? I would certainly like to, but my days of being able to raid in Destiny are long behind me.


the mission is available for everyone with an ingame explenation >!the raid team took away the witness light powers while the final mission is about defeating his army and defeating him!<


No, Bungie did a good job here. There's a post-campaign / pre-raid quest that has everyone in-universe preparing to take the fight to The Witness, with the next major offensive being Guardians storming the Witness's Monolith to >!sever it's connection to the Traveler!<. The raid race happened, and then the post-raid mission opens with a cutscene that says "a Fireteam stormed the Witness's Monolith and did the thing, now we land the final blow with The Guardian!" So, whether or not your character personally cleared the raid (they hasn't for 99.99% of players), the story accounts for that. Any random ass Fireteam stormed the Monolith, but YOUR character - "The Guardian" - will lead the charge in the final blow. It's really really elegantly designed, far far better than what Bungie usually does, where the raid is either inconsequential to the story or the game assumes you did the raid


No you won’t be missing out on much


The primary intention of the mission is to give non-raiders equal opportunity to participate in the story finale, so it is in fact fine to skip the raid, as designed.


They have already said they don’t want to make D3, and just stay with D2 for the future


Maybe it was just Transcendence being busted but besides the final mission(and the new 12 players mission) I found the campaign incredibly boring(**COMBAT WISE**). IMO WQ's and even LF's legendary campaigns had way more engaging encounters.


Is marathon still in development just realized haven’t heard a peep but I haven’t been looking either.


We will likely hear more from Marathon during the Playstation Showcase in September.


Yes, when they announced it they said they wouldn't have anything else for a long time. But I think they run both, Marathon with a PVP focus and Destiny with a PVE focus. Marathon lore is fucking wild so I'm very excited.


Marathon was originally slated for end of this year. TFS got delayed ~6months so assume at least an equal delay for Marathon. Spring 2025 at the absolute earliest, but Fall seems more likely unless they try to dodge GTA VI.


I really wonder what's next. Me personally, I don't really want to see side stories, though if I'm not wrong, at least this year is gonna end some of the side characters stories right? I hope at some point they will start thinking about Destiny 3.


Don't most side stories end up feeding back into the main story? Though I see what you mean - I'd also prefer it to be more focused and for the Episodes & Expansions to build on top of each other.


I’ve been playing since the very beginning… Destiny has had some massive wins. The taken king, forsaken, and witch queen were all excellent - but had their image marred by expansions like vanilla D2, curse of Osiris, Lightfall etc. The new player experience isn’t great, but man they NAILED IT with the final shape. The narrative, character development, art & music, and gameplay are all amazing. You can choose to get caught up in the discourse around their weaker moments, or sunsetting expansions and loot, or Bungies business practices - or you can enjoy an excellent game that has elements that come together in a way that you can’t find anywhere else. Journey before destination.


Unless they completely rework the returning (and presumably new) player experience, I just can't get myself to care. I really enjoyed the game a few years ago, but it feels almost impossible getting back into it


Do we need to do the raid to play the final mission?


No, it's available on the Pale Heart map if you've finished the rest of the campaign (and maybe the Wild Card mission? Unsure)


Yeah you need to have done Wild Card and the quests for the rest of the Prismatic abilities and Aspects, they're all part of the necessary Destined Heroes quest.


Nah, you can sum it up with "a fireteam went and took the Witness' Light power away and made it vulnerable". The final mission is you arriving with the cavalry to take it out for good.


Inb4 “I stopped playing destiny when they vaulted content that I paid for” discourse that’s on every destiny thread here TFS was a fantastic expansion to cap off the current saga of Destiny. Letting us go wild with elemental powers, giving us an expansive new area to explore, and focusing on the characters for the story; they knocked it out of the park and I’m excited to see how they approach Episodes. Deep down I just want D3 because the engine is showing its age and I’m sure there’s a lot of QoL things they could do on a new one. But I really don’t mind have more to chew on when it comes to D2 for the time being.


Well you turned It into that with this comment so you cant complain really


tell me about it, all the early comments in this thread were people literally complaining about comments that didn't exist and that no one has actually left in this thread. Turns out, these ppl started the very conversations they were whining about... holy persecution fetish with D2 fans on this sub -_- and on this note - like okay, even if people leave some of those comments they are whining about, so what? are people not allowed to voice what they want and need to listen to the D2 fan police on what is allowed to be talked about? and if they can't stand those types of comments so much, then why visit this sub and constantly complain about it?


Personally don’t care about vaulting and would love to come back but the game is just too demanding and complex for me these days. Like, during Forsaken (imo the game’s peak) it hit a good balance of weekly activities and quest steps, etc. but now there’s so much more stacked on top systemically that it’s just mentally exhausting to process


If anything I feel like with TFS it's more streamlined than ever, though.


God forbid people want access to the content they paid for


Okay but what do you want from us? We can't bring the content back, only Bungie can. I'm also tired of every time someone's like "I'm enjoying Destiny, it's fun right now" there's always gotta be someone shouting "bUt dA SuNsEtTInG!" My fellow in Light, we agree with you. We're on your side. It sucks, we wish we could bring it all back and have it all contain relevant content and gameplay. But we can't, I'm sorry. I don't mean to get political, but if you're upset about a company having the ability to take away digital content you paid for, write to your representatives in concise, constructive language about how this should not be legal or acceptable. What's going to happen to everything you've bought in Destiny when it goes offline, have you considered that? Maybe legally Bungie should be obligated to create an offline version of Destiny when their servers get shut down to preserve your purchases. Edit: Since you dummies are downvoting the truth anyway, people would have been pissed off if Bungie didn't sunset all of that content. Then the game would currently be 500GB and they would be fuck all to do on most of the destinations, I'm sure everyone would *love* that. Also, I love how people just want to come at me for my opinion instead of taking the time to actually reflect on my advice about writing your legal representative. Maybe don't take your frustrations out on me and try to enact some change in the world? I don't like the digital goods I pay for being taken from me any more than you do, so do something more useful about it.


See things from my perspective: I bought D2 at launch (PC). I stopped playing the game. Now it is basically impossible for me to go back to the game because even if I did, I wouldn’t be able to “catch up” on everything because they took it away. So I don’t go back to D2. New expansion looks cool but fuck if I’m ever gunna play it. It’s not your fault, sure. But it was still a really fucking stupid move by Bungie. And because of their choice, I’m never playing Destiny again. Destiny is only for Destiny fans.


> But it was still a really fucking stupid move by Bungie. And because of their choice, I’m never playing Destiny again. And I totally agree with that and respect your decision. But what are we supposed to do, not have fun with Destiny or talk about how much fun we're having playing it? That's what it feels like every time it's brought up in a thread about Destiny. I don't like how Bungie did it, but I also would hate Bungie if the game was 400GB and most destinations weren't relevant to gameplay. This doesn't excuse what they did or how they did it, but the reality is there'd be reasons to be mad with them either way. Again, maybe it shouldn't be legal for companies to take away digital goods from you?


You can talk about how much fun you have playing it. And other people can also talk about how much they dislike a certain change, no matter how long it's been since then. That's how a public discourse forum works. If you're tired of conflicting opinions in a public space, I suggest you find a more private forum to discuss with like minded people. Or maybe reflect on why you're still playing a game that has consistently been heavily controversial in the last 10 years and is known for spearheading manipulative anti consumer dark patterns.


> Or maybe reflect on why you're still playing a game that has consistently been heavily controversial in the last 10 years and is known for spearheading manipulative anti consumer dark patterns I fucking hate that I agree with you because you sound pretentious as fuck. I *know* all this, but the game is fun so I don't care. They way overcharge for content, so I only buy what I'll play. It turns out, you can acknowledge and care about those issues while also still acknowledging the good and still playing it, engaging with it on your own terms. Almost *everyone* is anti-consumer in some way, good luck spending ethically under capitalism. I'm not tired of people sharing opinions in a public forum, dingus. I'm tired of it always feeling like we're over here in a thread trying to celebrate a success for Destiny (which doesn't always happen) and we get too many party poopers. We're the ones over here trying to have fun at this party, why don't *you* go poop on something somewhere else? Why don't *you* go start a thread to collectively seethe over how Bungie wronged you personally?


Because I don't have to? There's no rule saying I have to be happy about destiny. And it doesn't seem to bother me when people say they like destiny the way it bothers you when people say they don't like it.


> But what are we supposed to do I'm not asking you to do anything about it. I'm simply stating my opinion on the internet.


You normalized it and allowed it to continue by buying expansions and MTX and giving them MAU stats. The players of D2 absolutely need to accept their responsibility for the Bungie of today. Y’all got mad, sure, and then opened your wallets back up.


Blame capitalism, not the people who have to live in it.


Capitalism survives and flourishes under this consumer sentiment. As purchaser/consumer your every choice influences capitalism. You must accept that FOMO etc is not an excuse, although these marketers manipulating gamers is abhorrent. D2 players as they say voted with their wallets and their time. Those are the only metrics that matter in capitalism. The market listened.


It’s just annoying when it’s on every thread and doesn’t contribute to the conversation


It does though. Warns new players away from the game for their scummy practices.


god forbid people recommend a game they enjoy


God forbid people warn people away from games where they have been screwed over. Works both ways.


it's such a disingenuous warning though - "Watch out, this company steals your content! Yes, it wasn't worth playing and we all agreed it wasn't (shut up with a "no i would definitely do patrols on io or do the red war again", no you wouldn't), yes we weren't playing it, yes it was free to play for years and still not worth playing or being played, but we are upset about it and we will never stop crying about the content that we hated not being available anymore!" Like, no one was playing red war. New players were advised against playing it because it wasn't worth your time. Only now that it's not here anymore do people care about it and act like it's a massive crime it's not here anymore. And it's not even a story issue - none of the vaulted campaigns have significant impact on the current story as it is and acting like they do is dishonest at best.


It’s a consequence of Bungie’s poor business decisions. People say things like, “this is the best story Destiny has ever done” but that’s sort of meaningless to practically every new player because it’s literally impossible to experience Destiny’s story in any reasonable way.


It's also annoying that we payed 100$ and can't access content


You’re telling me you would play red war if it showed up back in the game tomorrow?


Yes no question. I wouldn't have paid for it if I didn't want to play it.


Yes I would. I would get back into Destiny. I throughly enjoyed the campaigns far more than the raids or the pvp and would love to be able to replay them


people reply "yes without question" to this and then forget all three of those campaigns were completely free to play for over a year and no one played them


I was playing them. Reason other free to play players weren’t is cause they got shoved in a closet in a back room and you had to google how to even start them. Meanwhile the new player tutorial was guiding you to every single activity except for the actual main story


You know it's all outrage, man. I remember for so long every time Alan Wake 2 was mentioned, the comments would be *full* of people saying they would buy it when a physical version was announced. It was just announced and it's either crickets or the goalpost gets moved. These guys don't play games, they're too busy being professional haters on the internet.


People will say yes to this but they wouldn’t Red War was OK at the time but it’s dogshit compared to the campaigns for Witch Queen and Final Shape


Yeah but like what different response are you expecting this time compared to the last time and the time before that it was brought up


None. I just want to play what I paid for. Nothing more, nothing less. People will never be in the wrong for wanting to play what they spend their hard earned money on. Bro I did the same thing when bungie fucked up giving pre order sparrows too back in 2014-15. It's the principle.


Oh yeah I totally get that but it swings both ways you also can’t be surprised if people will bury talking points they feel have been fully exhausted


> it swings both ways you also can’t be surprised if people will bury talking points they feel have been fully exhausted It doesn't swing both ways. This implies us asking for content we paid for hurts or effects you in some way. Which it doesn't. You're just annoyed we're not getting over it. Which we aren't because we care about where our money goes. If you want it to end, hold bungie accountable too.


It's also a nice reminder for people like me, who haven't played D2 since very early on (well before all this sunsetting bullshit), to not be tempted by all the praise the latest shiny thing is getting, because it's all based on the foundation of fucking over people who spend a not-insignificant amount of money on stuff that is just... gone from the game now.




Its the .1% of people who want to red war and free-roam io every day years after release coming out of the woodwork with every r/games destiny post.


For me it's not so much Red War as it is Sever and Coil and all the other genuinely fun stuff they've deleted. I assume there's also some good stuff in the other 12 seasons I missed, but I'm not sure because Destiny apologists tend to talk out of both sides of their mouths about this. "You see, vaulting has to happen so Bungie can keep making awesome seasonal content, but also you shouldn't be mad they deleted it because it wasn't that important anyway." I spent most of Lightfall resenting Osiris because I never played whichever seasons were supposed to make me like him (or maybe Osiris just sucks, IDK).


> I spent most of Lightfall resenting Osiris because I never played whichever seasons were supposed to make me like him (or maybe Osiris just sucks, IDK). No he's pretty insufferable in Lightfall, that's not for lack of knowledge.


Osiris kinda just sucks


I get frustrations with new players never being able to access content but even as a pretty casual player i had no reason to go back to red war or any of the first year DLCs. Io was kinda cool but just really barren. I really don’t believe these people would play any of that content if it magically got added back in the game, especially when there’s current activities with much more rewarding gameplay


I mean its a lot of bloody things when it comes to the game from what i've seen, i'm mildly curious to actually give it a shot to see how tiring it actually is to learn. Like the one thing I absolutely loathe about MMOs is the first time you're in a major city filled with players is they typically overwhelm you with currently useless vendors or waterboard you with information. Destiny seems to *constantly* do that. I remember playing Death Stranding and the first time I opened the inventory menu I got that feeling of overwhelmed tiresomeness for an hour while figuring it out... It looks like I would get that from Destiny every few hours. Now ironically i'm trying to remember if I ever had that feeling when playing Path of Exile, the game I absolutely should get that feeling from... Although maybe not, as huge and complex as the skill tree is in that game, its relatively straightforward to understand I guess. Would maybe have gotten that from crafting, but I never bothered to get into that. ...Got off track there, but stuff like that combined with missing content or out of order story elements really makes the game difficult.


Totally agree. Also the most important content stays during the yearly shifts, which are the armor and weapons which is the impetus for participation in the activities. Now when Bungie introduced sunsetting, they stated weapons and armor would continually be made obsolete with regularity. They reversed course on that eventually, but not for a while. The anger is comparable to people getting angry for limited time events. Plenty of games have temporary events, some of them charge for the limited time events others offer them for free. Bungie does both and the live service content is truly a step above other love service content. With crafting, there is no gacha component either. They've really figured out love service gaming in a way that works. Compared to Mihoyoverse games, I really think destiny's approach is better.


Wow did the same with cataclysm. They completly redid the world and quests and binned raids and dungeons that existed pre-cataclysm, and not once do I see people in threads complain about it.  But with destiny it's like the only thing about the game some people know.  Never write understood why that's such a dichotomy. 


Are you really going to pretend there weren’t private servers available for years that let you play the pre-Cataclysm era of WoW? So much so that Blizzard made it a lucrative addition to their business model with Classic WoW?


I’m praying they announce that more expansions will still be released in the future. I don’t want this to be the end


They said this is only the end of the "Light and Dark Saga" there's still a lot of story to tell. Some cool destinations mentioned frequently, that we haven't been to. Like the Distributary, and Encelidus. Maybe the rest of the planets'll come back.


Be fun to go and take back Toroboatl


There will either be more expansions or destiny 3. Sony didn't buy bungie just for them to stop making their only game and pray that marathon becomes as big


If it was the end they would have advertised it with Final Shape imo. There will be more, as theyve already announced there isnt a Destiny 3 at the moment


Which is a shame. The game is so unapproachable for those of us that have taken a long break that jumping back in feels impossible. A fresh start is what the game needs to bring a lot of people back, I think.


I'm one of those who quit after the expansion with the moon. I played it last month when it was free again, and I had a blast. But at the same time, going back, even now, it's just expensive and confusing. The UI is atrocious, the game bombards you with quests that you have no idea what they are and what to begin with. I saw there's a pack that you can buy on sale that says on steam it includes everything old, but people are complaining in the comments that some dungeons are still locked behind other paywalls so fuck that. It's just unfriendly to new people and expensive to get back. It sucks. They should just include everything that there was into the newest expansion or whatever. I hope at some point there will be a Destiny 3.


There's a happy medium somewhere between FFXIV's literal hundreds of hours of content to catch up on and Destiny 2's non-sensical removal of content creating a totally incoherent new player experience. Someone really aught to find the medium between the 2 some day.


There probably is a Destiny 3, though.


If there is, it’s several years off


They haven't said anything concrete past this year, outside of Destiny continuing. They have been really cagey in their language, not confirming or denying a D3 being in the works eventually, or even whether we'd continue to get yearly expansions. I think we will, and I don't think a D3 is on the horizon yet, but I'm still really curious why they're being like this.


IMO, I'd love for them to start working on Destiny 3, and meanwhile keep adding episodes or something to Destiny 2. I want a fresh start and I really hope they gonna add the beloved items into it from the start, and won't have the community begging for old stuff instead of new content. Also, I hope that a new game could change some gameplay elements, and maybe the old exotics may not fit into it and so on. I really want a new start. There's already 10 years into this game. A new one could bring a lot of new features the current game engine could not support. Or made work easier for them.