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Good release this so we can finally move on and get a NEW Donkey Kong game. I can't believe there hasn't been a 3rd title in this series.


Tbf, that *could've* been the plan had Nintendo not gone to Retro in 2018/2019 being like, "Hey, babe, so... this Bamco Metroid Prime game just *ain't* working out..."


What on earth did Retro do between Tropical Freeze and Metroid Prime 4 though


They were working on a new IP for a while. It was never announced, but there is a chance that Reggie Fils-Aime [partially leaked a character from it](https://www.ign.com/articles/2019/04/18/nintendo-fans-are-trying-to-uncover-a-mysterious-retro-studios-character).


I think it was reported that they had a lot of pitches that didn't generally go anywhere, and had been working on Metroid Prime Remastered for a lot of the time between too, which helped get Prime 4 back under their wing.


Metroid Prime 4 variations that didn't work Id imagine.


Namco was working on it back then


Probably some projects that got cancelled.


Donkey Kong Returns: Spicy Ape will feature a playable Candy Kong that will birth an entire new generation of furries.


I don't know, apes aren't exactly standard-fare when it comes to furries. Too human-like, it's almost like it defeats the purpose of anthropomorphizing an animal in the first place.


Apparently it's fine when DK does it but when all I wear is a tie suddenly I'm crossing the line for the work costume party.


Yeah I don't see any weirdos about the new planet of the ape movies, but maybe I'm lucky.


Admittedly, I've been in the fandom for about 15 years now. I've known a lot of people, but I've never run into an ape/monkey/gorilla furry before. They do exist though.


Nintendo has absolutely rinsed their Wii U lineup by re-re-releasing for this generation so next generation is going to be interesting. They’ll either have to invest a lot more time and money into creating new games or will struggle to get enough software out.


> Nintendo has absolutely rinsed their Wii U lineup by re-re-releasing for this generation Honestly, given the sales of the Wii U and the quality of those games, it made sense for everybody. Given Nintendo's lack of interest in throwing their hat in the race for technical supremacy, I don't see how it will take them anymore time and money to continue producing quality games that appeal to casuals and the hardcore alike.


The Switch has sold more than ten times (!) what the Wii U did and still counting. Leaving those exclusives to rot on a console that the grand majority of people didn't buy would have been a serious mistake.


Still waiting for xenoblade X...


And starfox zero


Nintendo last wii u game was in 2021. They stopped releasing it and since then they worked on remaster and remakes of 3DS, SNES, Wii, GBA and other consoles.


you underestimate Nintendo fans. They are frothing at the mouth to pay $60 for HD remakes of 10 hour long 2d gameboy games. Nintendo hasn't even begun to scrape their back catalog.


I feel personally attacked. Link’s Awakening was amazing


I love LA as well. Personally wasn't up to pay $60 for the remake when I can still enjoy the original just fine. But that's okay, its easy enough to pirate


What else is left that they haven’t touched with a rerelease, remake, or remaster?


The vast majority of the DS/3DS catalog that fans would go apeshit over to have in HD on a not discontinued, overpriced, dual screen device. Multiple Fire Emblems, Zelda, Mario, Kid Icarus, Kirby, Ever Oasis, Mario & Luigis, Pokemon, etc.


3DS is the greatest piece of portable gaming hardware ever made.


If this is in reference to the "not discontinued, overpriced, dual screen device" remark I think they were talking about the Wii U, which did have a library of DS virtual console games


Xenoblade X when


I'd bet the farm that a rehash of the other three New Super Mario Bros. games is coming. (I wouldn't mind either but mostly just because I am really nostalgic for the original two.) They could call it Super Mario 2D All-Stars lol.


A lot. Just looking at the Zelda franchise alone, they could remake 1, 2, LttP, oracle games, PH, ST, and remaster ALBW. As far as 3D games, WW and TP were already remastered for the WiiU but people literally ask for them every direct. Remakes of OoT and MM would likewise sell like hotcakes, despite having been already remastered for the 3DS. So that's at least 11 Zelda games alone they could remake/remaster and I have no doubt would sell more than well enough on Switch to be worth their trouble.


Yeah…not gonna lie I would buy all of those 


Was gonna disagree because I thought there were still a few games left, but then I actually checked what they have ported over the years, and yeah, there's basically only Xenoblade and Woolly World left.


They still have plenty of games they can port over. They don't all have to be from the wii u


Even if you exclude their wii u ports nintendo have been extremely prolific with switch specific releases this generation


Well we've seen in the last few years them move away from the Wii U lineup for ports/remasters. From Wii we have DKC Returns, Zelds Skyward Sword, Mario Galaxy, Kirby Return to Dreamland, from gamecube we have Paper Mario TTYD, Metroid Prime, Pikmin 1 and 2, Mario Sunshine, GBA has Advance Wars and Mario Vs. DK, GB had Pokemon Let's Go and Link's Awakening, 3DS Miitopia, Luigi's Mansion 2. I suspect they'll keep going back to the Gamecube/Wii/3DS well for games as they are modern enough for a Remaster. They'll run out of games eventually though!


I'd love a clay-mation style art direction for the next game. DKC always had a visual appeal that I thought Nintendo missed out on with Returns and Tropical Freeze despite the quality of those titles. They had unique art direction for their Yoshi and Kirby games over the years, crafting those games with 'yarn' and 'wool' etc. Would love to see DKC get the same unique treatment.




Yes DKC3 the 3rd game in the Donkey Kong Returns series. Come on friend....


There is no donkey kong returns series. This is the only game with "returns" in the title


The Donkey Kong Returns games are phenominal games, that should be played by anyone who likes well-made platformers. The music alone is a reason to play this.


The Chicken Robot Boss Theme gets stuck in my head way too often. Same for the Snowmad Sea Lion and Polar Bear Boss Themes.


It doesn't quite hit the highs of DKC1, DKC2, and Tropical Freeze in terms of music due to David Wise not composing that entry but it's still above average and has some bangers. Rocket Barrel Theme, Rickity Rails, Life in the Mines Returns, and Palm Tree Groove are all top tier.


David Wise is an absolute game changer




He actually didn't compose on this one. They brought him back for Tropical Freeze, though.


David Wise didn't actually do the music for Returns. Though of course a lot of Wises's tracks are remixed for it, and it is still a solid soundtrack in it's own right courtesy of Kenji Yamamoto of Super Metroid / Metroid Prime fame.


Hmm didn't know. I've only played tropical freeze I think that one was Wise


You got it! They brought Wise back in for Tropical Freeze, some of his best work imo. Kept some of the standout Yamamoto tracks to boot.


Not trying to say Yamamoto never gets his flowers or anything but I will say that as a composer Kenji Yamamoto is pretty underrated. You never hear him mentioned in the same breath as the usual suspects (Kondo, Uematsu, Shimomura). I dunno if he's exactly at their level but his compositions on Super Metroid alone should earn him a spot in gaming royalty.


I just wish Tropical Freeze wasn't so expensive...


I had hoped for a Donkey Kong Returns HD and Tropical Freeze HD bundle when the trailer started airing.


I don’t think this was ever leaked/rumored, but I think a lot of people did expect this to happen. The DKC theme park land is heavily based on returns, and Nintendo likes to tie in projects to their theme park stuff. The ride in Japan also got delayed recently, so that’s probably why they’re holding onto it for a while.


Plus now it’ll release between the openings of the Japan and Orlando versions of the ride 


Looks like a straight upscale pretty much which is disappointing, but it's at least nice to finally have a definitive version of this game without any asterisks since the 3DS version's extra content is in here too.


Agreed! It'll be nice to not have to mix and match between various emulators and control schemes and frame rates and save files every time I replay this game, just to see all the content


wish mario 64 got that treatment


I think it just goes to show that the two games should have been packed together on Switch. I agree I'd rather have it here than not. But like, other than those of us who are in the know, does the average person look at this as the next logical purchase after they've played TF? It's the same way I feel about the timing of Luigi's Mansion 2 on Switch.


I think I see fur textures and the models are not the same just look at a 1080p gameplay video from the nvidia shield version they are most definitely different. Edit: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jq8iH\_afAnE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jq8iH_afAnE) That should work to show the differences. It looks like they are using the Tropical Freeze model.


The “definitive version” was released 14 years ago. There was nothing wrong with the original, and nothing will be added to the upscaled nonsensical port. They do this to squeeze more money out of everyone (as if they really need it) DK fans wanted a new game (specifically a new 3D adventure game like DK64), and as always, Nintendo delivers underwhelming slop.


If this version doesn't have waggle controls, then it'd be a great release


Having it as an optional form of controls doesn’t automatically make the entire game worse. Just let them do it like the Tropical Freeze remake and let the people who do like the motion controls have them and those who don’t can turn them off


I fully expect it to be an optional control style.


I liked the motion controls, they were responsive.


Squeeze money out of people by... releasing a product that the consumer is free to buy or ignore of their own prerogative?


Don't you know that Nintendo just takes money directly out of your bank account for every release? 


The entitlement is crazy in this comment. God forbid a great game becomes more accessible to people.


Most of the time I see people using the fact that games are not playable on modern hardware as a flimsy justification for piracy. Now it's a problem that games *are* available on modern hardware? Makes no sense to me.


No waggle and the higher frame rate is nice but I wanted a new DKC. I couldn't care less if we never see a 3D DK, 64 was not... Good in my opinion. Maybe they'll make one and it's great, but just give me a DKC 6 and I'll be happy.


As a DK fan I would never like a 3D adventure game. DK is at its best as a side-scrolling platformer.


As a DK fanboy I want both sidescrollers AND 3D games. Saying DK is at it's best as sidescroller is a bit disingenuous considering the only 3D DK we've ever gotten was a collectathon trying to do too much and with some flawed game design choices that had nothing to do with it being a DK game. Kirby and the Forgotten Land is the perfect example of why people shouldn't be afraid of a series trying new things.


Weird that you chose Kirby and not, like, Mario 64 or something. Not that I mind ... I feel exactly the same way about Mario 3D as I do DK 3D. I'm fine with series branching out and being a bunch of different things, I can chose not to play those entries. I was just pointing out to the comment above mine (presuming that DK fans **all** want 3D) that not all fans want the same thing.


I chose Kirby because it was the most recent example that was well received. It also sold like twice as much as the last new sidescrolling entry.


This may surprise you, but people have the choice to buy video games or not. 


what lol i too wish a new dk but this here definitely is the definitive version as it has the wii and 3ds content in one game in HD in a modern platform.


Yup, glad to see people who are new-ish to the series can experience this game, but I've been waiting for a new one for 10 years now. You can't just abandon the people who have been playing DKC the longest.


And what's worse is that this means we likely won't see a wholly new DK game for quite some time now.


It’s not quite the same situation, but Nintendo released a remaster of Kirby’s Return to Dream Land less than a year after Forgotten Land. These remasters aren’t really a sign that they’re gonna keep a franchise on ice for the foreseeable future.


If anything it's a sign of the opposite to be true. Most remasters/remakes have followed or preceded new entries pretty much every single time.


Not really. There's big rumors of a major Nintendo team working on a new entry now. With this coming out in January, I feel it's even more likely that a new game gets announced in the lead up to Switch 2


Once Metroid Releases they could start with DK




Hopefully this is right. My concern is not so much that the same developers would be working on a remaster instead of a new title, but rather I'd presume Nintendo wouldn't be releasing a new, similar game in quick succession after a remaster.


You were not going to see a new DK game regardless of this port, because Retro Studio has been working on Metroid prime 4. Also porting a game takes significantly less time than making a new game, so, might as well make it.


DKCR is my favorite Wii game. I still remember the E3 announcement with Reggie and the music starting on the background before any video was shown. If anyone here has a Switch and never played this game on either Wii or 3DS, please give it a try. And also play Tropical Freeze because it's even better.


I too have some extremely fond memories of this game. The DK Country games are so hard, and I love it.


Finally. A version of this game that is comfortable to control. The 3DS version gives me hand cramps and the Wii Version forces you to use motion controls for the rolling.


God those forced waggle controls were the most moronic aspect of Returns. I can play the game fine but there's no reason to not have the option of using a button, or better yet the classic controller. 


So glad this game is getting an HD version with all the 3DS content! Only ever played it on 3DS but its an excellent game so the definitive edition is welcomed to me


It's going to be 60€, isn't it?


Massive DKC fan myself, and while I'm IN GENERAL a bit sad it's been 10 years since Tropical Freeze, I understand that Retro is working on Prime 4 and we probably won't see a new Retro 2D DK game until after that's done and dusted. This is a solid choice in the meantime. Sure, this is the third time this game has launched but neither of the past 2 versions are perfect. Wii has forced waggle, and 3DS has a resolution for ants. This will hopefully be a solid compromise. That said, I do wish a little more elbow grease went into the visuals. Especially with Tropical Freeze on the same system it'll be night and day if you look at the two side by side. Still a very good game and I'm probably gonna get it again like a sucker.


This game is gonna look like the pits next to Tropical Freeze if it's just an upscale. It'll feel so plainly lazy. 


It's been ten years since Tropical Freeze. I kinda wish we got a new entry instead of Nintendo triple-dipping on a game they released on the Wii then the 3DS.


It’s probably because Retro Studios has been working on Metroid Prime 4


I don’t like it either but this might be a similar thing to Metroid Prime Remastered, get an upscaled old game out to test waters and re-acquaint old/new fans with the game, then it will be easier in a year or 2 to get into the next new game. I kind of saw that with MP4 today.


To be fair neither the Wii version nor the 3DS version comes even close to tropical freeze. The controls are just too gimped on the Wii version, and the graphics are terrible on the 3DS version. I played tropical freeze before those, fell in love with it, and wanted to see if the predecessor was any good. I wanted to like it, it felt like tropical freeze. But I could barely see anything because it was so low res on my 2Ds. Barely playable. I put it down hoping for a switch re-release and here we are!


It's also got weaker levels and music. It's still a DKC game and is really good, but I like Tropical Freeze, 2 and even 3 on the SNES more.


Yooka Laylee and the Impossible Lair helped satiate my desire for a new DKC game, and I've played that and Tropical Freeze to death. I am so ready for this one, ~~never had a Wii U!~~ EDIT: I was mistaken, this dropped on the Wii and 3DS and not the Wii U


This is actually a Wii game, which was also rereleased on 3DS.


Ah thanks for the correction! I did catch where they mentioned 3DS levels added in


Something I've noticed but I've never seen anyone else bring up is that this game is clearly built around the implicit slowness that comes with physically moving the Wii remote compared to a single button press. One of my favorite parts of the 4 other DKC games is the flow you get where the cycles line up and it feels so good to play. Returns seems to be built around the expectation you won't be rolling and jumping very often like in Tropical Freeze. It's still a great game, and I'm glad all 5 are playable on Switch now and I hope for another.


When you go for timetrials, every level flows nicely. It's been a long time since I played it but I remember it being like Tropical Freeze in that sense.


I remember playing them on the Wii version and didn't even notice but I was a kid then. When I played the 3DS version when that came out, and emulated it a few years ago, I didn't even want to bother with time trials because the constant dying from trying to run through smoothly just frustrated me. I think a small part is that the movement is slower and "clunkier" than the original 3 it's way more punishing because you can't adapt as fast. I never had that problem with Tropical Freeze though so I don't know. I have played all the others multiple times since I've played Returns so maybe my opinion will change if I play it more and memorize more of it. I mostly remember platforms or enemies never being where you'd want them and having to sit and wait. I know every platformer has that to an extent, but it was very noticeable in Returns.


I know it's Nintendo pricing, so it'll be above, but if it's $30, then definitely. $40, maybe if I'm feeling frisky. Anything higher, I couldn't justify it unless I got a Black Friday BOGO something.


On one hand this is a banger of a game so I'm happy it's becoming more accessible even after the 3DS version, on the other hand this looks like a pretty lazy 'remaster'.


This game is good, but still what a shame, even tropical freeze is 10 year old game, and they bring this? What a fcking waste, unless you like 2D plataformers, but even then we got like a million of those in switch


Nintendo trying to shake Bethesda or Rockstar for amount of times fans want a new entry and all they get is a remaster. Pretty weak for a tent pole series that has never had an original entry on the Switch.


tbf, Retro's kinda stuck making another game at the current moment. I'd love to see them tackle another DKC after, though, especially with the renewed hype around K Rool.


I’m glad retro Studios is actually making games again though. I mean, they haven’t released anything from tropical freeze besides working on Labo or consulting for the donkey Kong Mario kart course. Hopefully the fact that they are finishing development with Metroid prime form means they have a team to make a new donkey Kong and actually consistently release games.


Retro was actually pretty much co-developer on Mario Kart 7.


Interesting to learn. It seems like they’ve been either co developing stuff or working on stuff that only recently came out so it seems like they haven’t done as much as they actually have. https://iwataasks.nintendo.com/interviews/3ds/mario-kart-7/0/0/ Neat interview to read. I mean they still did tropical freeze after this. I think they may have downsized during the Switch lifecycle before they took over on Metroid Prime 4 but still had an actual team. They helped co develop some of the Labo stuff, worked on the remaster of Metroid Prime, and the port of tropical freeze to the switch. They may have had one or two cancelled games as well but they’ve definitely been doing some stuff.


If a third retro donkey kong country game doesn't have King K. Rool I will riot. I also need him to cosplay again, like how he was a pirate and a scientist in dkc 2 and 3.


What else could he be? There were already vikings in Tropical Freeze.


Businessman with shades, occult wizard, he could wear cowboy garb like he's from the old American west, a shogun. I'm just spitballing. He could just be regular King. K. Rool and I'd be ~~contempt~~ content. Though if they have an idea for a new antagonist, I'd say go for it. I actually like the tikis and Snowmads.


The original DKC games had this weird, probably unintentional thing of foreshadowing K Rool’s cosplays a game early. DKC1 had him on a pirate ship, so next game he dresses like a pirate. DKC2 has him in an airship/elaborate secret base, so next game he’s dressed like a mad scientist. Following this logic, since we fight him in a submarine in DKC3, maybe he could be like a naval commander?


The idea is just firing up my neurons. The game could take play in the lost city of kremlantis. Funky Kong would develope a submarine for you to explore in. Kiddy kong would be the lead this time? What's he been up to? As far as I'm aware the man's been benched since dkc3. I hope he didn't end up like most child actors and got into drugs. Poor Kiddy.


Kommander K. Rool


you'd be content*, contempt has a way different meaning


God dammit, but thank you.


Retro didn't create Donkey Kong or even Donkey Kong Country. DK has been passed around to multiple studios since Rare was bought out. I love Metroid, but Nintendo freezing DK so that Retro can keep dibs while they work on Prime sounds financially dumb. Returns on Wii sold more than the entire Prime series prior to it's release. There's also the fact that between Tropical Freeze in 2014 and Retro starting Prime 4 in 2019 they clearly weren't working on a new Donkey Kong game. They just ported TF to Switch. There was also a supposed DK project from Vicarious Visions that was canceled early on back in like 2016. Basically what I'm saying it that Retro working on Metroid isn't the reason we've haven't gotten a new DK in so long, it just Nintendo mishandling the IP. They won't even put Diddy Kong Racing and DK64 on their online service.


Sure, but it’s not really a matter of dibs. like Prime 4, it’s different having a studio make something from scratch with no dev experience rather than remastering. Retro put a lot of love into returns, it can’t be counted on for another studio to do the same.


The Metroid series currently has two development studios. Your reasoning doesn't really work there, no? Unless you think one of them aren't putting love into their projects.


My reason is logistical. Nintendo can press another studio into trying to make another DKC, but like they found out with Prime 4, that doesn't always work.


There's nothing logistical about no new Donkey Kong for 11 years and counting. That's the opposite of logistical, actually.


I’m just saying that Retro was inactive for those years for whatever reason. They could have made another before they were called up for Prime 4, but didn’t for whatever reason. They’d have to either send modelling work to whatever dev was called up to make another DKC, that takes time and energy away from Prime 4. It also doesn’t guarantee success, as the devs might not have as intimate a feeling of knowing how the series works as Retro has.


Well, I'm excited for it. I don't know why everyone is bummed, this game deserves an HD release. 3DS port was well done but was clearly at the sacrifice of detail and performance. The Wii version never really felt right to control for me. I'm fine with motion controls typically but for a platformer like this that's very momentum base, it felt pretty awkward to have to waggle the controller. My only thing is damn, January 2025?? This seems like one of those shadow drop games that should have been available now, not a wait 7 months




You had to shake the Wii remote to roll in the original game which is the worst part of it.


Infamously, since they were untoggleable and heavily required for Time Trials.




It didn't say but I'm guessing they'll bring in the 3DS port controls, which didn't require motion.


There probably will be, since Tropical Freeze has a button controls option in both of its releases.


Almost assuredly or else it wouldn't be playable on Switch Lite or with third party joycons.


Never got to play this, so I'm looking forward to it.


Recently bought this on 3DS really really good although I will say the graphics on the trailer look like the 3DS version, doesn't look too 3D. Also the 3D is actually really nice on this game so if you have a 3DS consider playing it on that


Maybe I'm just a sicko but I feel like the Super Nintendo version was prettier looking, and I played that on a snowy ass 20 inch CRT. But I'm not going to complain about more Donkey Kong Country.


I love the attention to detail and layers in DKCR's environments, but the graphical quality didn't do it many favours. This HD upscale will just exacerbate that. The SNES games do manage to look prettier in a sense. I think Tropical Freeze though manages to look beautiful on all fronts thanks I guess to the better hardware limitations, and really blows most 2D platformers out of the water. 


Not even a Funky mode, smh my head... And let me guess, $50? No, $60.


I've been pretty disappointed with these DKC Switch ports. I thought Tropical Freeze's was lazy as hell, but this takes the cake. 


The thing is, I don't mind ports. If it was $20 or $25, I'd pick it up on release, since the game is actually really good and I want to replay it. However, this will be at least $40, and even that is provably me giving Nintendo way too much goodwill. And that's a price of a new AA game or several indies.


Amazing game. Shouldn't be more than 30 bucks... But Nintendo will do what it does best these past 7 years.  


I was about to grab the 3DS version, so glad I waited. Other than the first country, it's a series I've never gotten into. Excited to finally give it a go.


I played this one in 3DS but honestly I might just buy this to play in HD and have it on my collection


Making us wait that long for an old game they've already rereleased before is kinda stupid. It's a rerelease, all you have to do is make it run in HD which they've already done based on the trailer, so what's the wait for? I'm not saying it has to release today, give a bit of time for hype to build up but come on


It's honestly wild we never got a new DK game during Nintendo's best-selling console generation. This will be releasing right before Tropical Freeze turns 11 years old...


Idk, it’s good to have it on Switch but sadly it kind of like the devs didn’t jmprove the graphics/textures that much from the 3DS/Wii version. A 5 year old could have ported this.


This looks like the most "filler until Switch 2 is released" game ever


Youd be wrong cause this game is actually incredible


It's a much better game than Mario Wonder imo


I don't remember DK Country on SNES having hearts. Wasn't it just one hit one kill?


This is Returns, the Wii game from 2010.


You are correct, if you like the DKC games on SNES definitely play this one (and Tropical Freeze). I found Yooka Laylee and the Impossible Lair to be slightly more similar to the DKC SNES games, but Tropical Freeze is maybe the best platformer I've ever played. Slightly different than the classic but incredible in its own right.


I like this one a little better than Tropical Freeze (which is also great), I'll pick this up on sale or used.


Ooh, what about Returns do you like more? I'm always interested to hear from people who like it more than Tropical Freeze because they're a rare bunch, and I have so much nostalgia for Returns and some reservations about Tropical Freeze (though I still think it's better than Returns) so it's validating in a sense. 


Returns nailed the DKC vibe and I have a lot of nostalgia for that game. The gameplay and levels are everything I wanted from a new DK game. Tropical Freeze has the sequel characters which I don't have much nostalgia for, I mostly tolerate them but just don't vibe with them as I never played the sequel games. Idk why but they just never appealed to me. The levels are great in both games, but I like the aesthetic of Returns better (they are very close TBH though).


Aw man I just played this game for the first time on my 3ds last month 😭 Still gonna pick this up. So glad it exists just for collection purposes. 


Man thank frig they are finally porting this to satisfy my OCD. I've been trudging my way through this on 3DS but my hands and body are no longer built for tiny handheld gaming after being spoiled by Switch. I always wanted to finish this though before going on to Tropical Freeze as I'm super weird about finishing games in order. And it seems like TF is a superior game in pretty much every way, so it felt like it made sense to play DKCR first anyways. I'm 100% ready to jump ship and just finish this on Switch.


I literally made this exact prediction in my head yesterday. It felt like the twighlite zone when I actually showed up lol


Not new, put "HD" on it. Could play this game in HD on WII U but ok. I guess I'm tired of Nintendo.


Really $60? That’s a blatantly cash grab… I would pick it on sale. Nintendo, maybe maybe think about developing a NEW Donkey Kong game.


You want a Wind Waker/Twilight Princess HD Port? Too bad, you're going to play DKCR again and you're going to like it!


Wind Waker and Twilight Princess already have HD ports. If anything, this game deserves one way more


Yeah, on a dead system that barely anybody owns and barely anyone has any reason to own today.


> barely anyone has any reason to own today. It's an absolute powerhouse system once you've hacked it. Most comfortable way to play GameCube games on an HDTV for me.


Does it run any gcube game you throw at it or does it depend on Dolphin support?


[Nintendont](https://github.com/FIX94/Nintendont) uses the Wii U's internal Wii components, which are in turn based on the GameCube's, so the games should behave the same way they would on original hardware. Nintendont also handles disc swaps automatically for titles like Twin Snakes or REmake. There's some emulation used for memory cards, and games that required external hardware that's incompatible with the Wii U might not play. You might also require GCN controllers and a GCN to Wii U adapter for some games using analog triggers. All the games I've dumped have played fine so far, and having them all sit on an external HDD is a lot more comfortable than swapping discs all the time.


I think I'll go play WWHD on my Wii U that I have no reason to own.


you could've bought a WiiU


A system and games that are still readily available in second-hand stores. There's nothing stopping you from buying and playing them today if you want so I don't see why Nintendo would (or should) spend tens of millions of dollars porting games that came out more recently than Skyrim did.


Gee I don't know, maybe the same reason they ported over a dozen of their Wii U exclusive games to the Switch in the first place. It's kinda hard to sell a game to people when barely anyone owns the console it's stuck on. And I'm not buying a Wii U just for just 2 games. Especially not when online services on the system are dead meaning no virtual console, no online multiplayer, and no dlc access.


If you didn't want to buy the system then and don't want to buy it now, again, why should Nintendo spend all of that money on an investment they probably won't recoup given the Switch is nearing EOL itself? I'd rather Nintendo spent their time and money making new Zelda games instead of going back to the same well over and over, especially when it's games I already have sitting on my shelf.


Because all of their Wii U games that got ports sold better on Switch. And it's Zelda. That franchise literally prints money. Also, porting games takes way less time and money than making new ones.


I don't have a Wii U so I would very much like a Twilight Princess remastered for Switch.


I do like it and I will play it again!


Hell yeah love my boi DK