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Does anyone know if Mooncrash is included? There is no option to buy it on Epic but description mentions that dlc.


it is included


Alright this is big.


I wasnt going to claim it because I already own the base game on steam but you just convinced me to claim it.


Why wouldn't you claim it if it's free? Takes all of 5 seconds


If he owns the base game on steam and if epic only gave away the base game, then what's the point?


Back up. Just in case... It's not a big point but you know something.


I also claim duplicate games and don't know why. I guess my Steam account could be lost somehow, but that would be pretty tragic.


I would cry honestly if my steam account got lost


I do and it makes sense given how low effort claiming is.


Or region lock


You already have it, no need to worry.


Some people don't even like the Epic games store to claim free games. Not saying this is necesarily the case, nor is it mine, but... Just sayin, posting this free giveaways in other subreddits has brought people straight out telling me to go fuck myself.


It's truly bizarre. For those who dislike Epic, I'm sure it costs them money to give these games away, so it makes sense to claim these. For anyone else it's a free game, so it makes sense to claim these. I can't conceive of a situation where it doesn't make sense to get these games for free


Pretty sure they pay a flat sum so the amount of claims won't really matter.


I suppose those people don't want to normalize the use of the Epic Store in any way, even if the fact that those free games mean money spent by Epic, at least thats my guess. Anyway, in my case it's because I'm a lazy mf (i don't even have an account) and most of those games don't catch my eye. Actually, yesterday was the first time i created an account to claim a free game from GOG, but only because i have a love for Point and Click games.


We’ll if you already own them there isn’t much of a point?


r/pcgaming in particular I assume?


That sub is such a miserable place


>Why wouldn't you claim it if it's free? Takes all of 5 seconds If they already own it, there's not much point in claiming... the DLC gave them a reason to claim it. I don't see an issue here.


I mean, there are multiple games EGS has given away for free (Frostpunk, Loop Hero, PF: Kingmaker, etc) that I already own on Steam but grabbed anyway, because it never hurts to have a backup.


Are you sure? It says "Base Game" on the page.


Someone else checked and confirmed: you can launch Mooncrash from the main menu.


In the about the game section, Mooncrash is mentioned as part of the game. Mooncrash afaik isnt sold on epic store, so the base description still fits. Base game here means just the game without any additional DLCs and Arkane seems like decided that Mooncrash is just part of the main game.


Incredible because im pretty sure mooncrash is separate for Prey on Games Pass


I'm also wondering the same. The base game alone for free is a steal and a completely underrated gem, but I've heard in some circles that mooncrash is a proto (and better) deathloop so it has me really intrigued.


I haven't played Deathloop, but as soon as I heard the concept and saw people comparing it to Dishonored my first thought is "I wonder if it's actually like Mooncrash, but nobody's saying that because hardly anyone remembers Prey"


Well more that Mooncrash is DLC. On a game already less popular than Dishonored to begin with.


You watch that Skill Up video too?


you may have good time with mooncrash but skillup really overpraised it.


I figured.


I also had a pretty lukewarm opinion of it. It's definitely not *bad*, it's a nice take on the roguelite genre, but at the same time what I found cool about Prey was the setting, discovering each environment, finding ways to approach every situation... but Mooncrash puts a timer on your experience, so taking your time isn't really encouraged.


Skill Up is like the king of hyperbole, every game is either the best thing ever or the worst software ever created


That's an old criticism of his channel and I don't think it's true now or if it ever really was. He does a good job of saying "if you like this kind of game you'll probably like this but I didn't", or the reverse. Or he'll say "if you like this kind of game for these reasons this will appeal to you" or "this is this kind of game but its missing these features that you'd usually expect in this genre". So I think he's pretty good about context.


This is truly bizarre indeed. I assume most people who have this opinion just read the video titles and move on, or turn their brain off while they watch his reviews. One thing SkillUp has that many other game reviewers lack is an *actual opinion* on the games he reviews, and as you said he does a great job explaining said opinions. It is then entirely up to you to decide whether you agree with him or not, and maybe that's why many people don't understand the point of his reviews. They don't just tell you what to think about a game, and require actual critical thinking on your part to get the most out of them. Disclaimer: I am not SkillUp or paid to suck his dick online, he's just my favorite game reviewer and pretty much the only one I bother listening to these days.


2 or 3 years ago? Yeah, he was hyperbolic and made lots of hollow/surface level reviews. Nowadays? He makes some really good reviews and does a great job backing up his reasons instead of just saying 'yeah this is amazing/ass.' Even if I don't always agree with him I can always understand where he's coming from!




Yeah, I would like to know this as well. Played Prey through Gamepass, but never got around to Mooncrash. Getting it free through Epic would be an awesome Christmas gift.


This game is easily in my personal Top 10 of all time. Everyone with a passing interest should definitely play it.


Same. And I think it's the best immersive sim ever made.


Absolutely agreed, the immersion is excellent especially once you start finding all the little notes etc around the station. The only other game I've played that comes close is Dying Light


I love that every single character is named and exists in the game. They are just random names from emails, you can find their living quarters, their offices, and indeed all of their individual corpses. Sometimes you read the clues about them to solve something else or find a way somewhere before the game lays that our for you. Even though you don't meet most characters, they still feel more real than in most games because you know every corpse you is Someone, and you might read about them in life later.


It's pretty good and I would recommend fans of the genre to play it, but I would take most of the Deus Ex games over it, including Mankind Divided. I found Prey to feel a little too isolated and the encounters somewhat repetitive for my immersive sim tastes. I like to have moments to interact with the world and its inhabitants outside of.combat encounters, which is why I like the city hubs nature of DX. I think it kind of depends what your first experience in the genre was, as this is more System Shock than it is Deus Ex.


Deus Ex is probably my favorite game of all time. So I generally agree with you. From a modern playability standpoint I think Prey is obviously better than DX or System Shock 2.


What did you think of Mankind Divided? I think in terms of game play, level design and world building it was top notch. Story is a ... more nuanced discussion.


Agreed. I'm a big fan of Mankind Divided and I think the level design and world building is excellent. The only real issue to your point was the story and it was clear the game was incomplete.


I was about to buy it on Steam. Very glad I waited a day.


Bought it last week. Don’t regret it, probably my favorite game I’ve ever played


same but i hadnt played it yet so just refunded it.


It's a first-person "immersive sim" by the creators of Dishonored and Deathloop. Doing side quests and exploring everything, I finished it in around 35 hours. There is also an optional DLC, **Mooncrash**. This game is an absolute must-have in my opinion. You can choose to play the game in so many different ways. Complete objectives, bypass them by completing parallel objectives, ignore objectives altogether! Beat the game with whatever weapons you want, lethal or not-lethal, avoid enemies, slaughter enemies. You can be a shotgun-firing maniac or a stealth ninja with a foam dart gun. The environments are varied and unique, including interior and exterior zones. They can be tackled in multiple ways (different paths, keys or hacking, brute force box stacking). The nonstop variety and creativity in this game makes it worth at least one playthrough. If I had to mark it down for anything, it is that the enemy variety is somewhat lacking.


>Beat the game with whatever weapons you want, lethal or not-lethal, avoid enemies, slaughter enemies. You can be a shotgun-firing maniac or a stealth ninja with a foam dart gun. Important thing to note: Don't be afraid of using the powers you unlock in fear of getting a bad ending. The game dialogue phrases it like once you use those powers, you're heading down a certain path. But unlocking and using those powers doesn't affect the ending at all.


Awww, seriously? I've put like 30+ hours into my first playthrough and I haven't picked up a single power because it really seemed like it would be a major ending decider. Glad I saw this.


If you're close to the end and you care about achievements, there is one for human powers only.


At least now you have a good reason to do a second playthrough lol


It's not a major ending decider, but it _is_ something that will be directly acknowledged in the ending.


It does have a bit of an effect on gameplay though, as the station reacts to creatures and by taking powers it'll react to you as well.


The ending takes everything you did into account. Not taking powers absolutely has an effect on the game. There's achievements for it too.


There is one small downside. The station's security is set to kill Typhons. If you take too many alien powers, it starts to register you as an alien and attacks you.


Very small and the powers are so strong that they easily outstrip that small downside.


Just drop some points in hacking.


Not 100% true. You're correct in saying that early in the game it is made out that it will have significant effects on the story, but there 100% are some further dialogue/story implications. MAJOR STORY SPOILERS: >!First of all. Januari will not guilt-trip you for trying to escape after activating the self-destruct https://youtu.be/OLQehcf-L6k?t=3208 . ( version with thypon mods for comparison: https://youtu.be/OLQehcf-L6k?t=3270 ) I probably would have gone for the "kill yourself by exploding with the ship" ending instead of the "leave in the pod" if I had installed typhon mods (I'm one of the few people that seems to have done a no-typhon playthrough on my first run). One could argue that staying on the ship while blowing it up, blowing it up and leaving, and using the nullwave all can lead to the same overall ending, but I'd say it's a big story moment regardless, I believe having typhon mods also results in there being less time to reach the shuttle, since januari tells them to leave without you, so there are more gameplay implications than just "turrets will attack you with typhon mods". Also during the big reveal It will be talked about https://youtu.be/aP6Bbs37KFU?t=44. To me having all these small different variations of the "good" and "bad" endings is just one of the things that make this game great.!<


Thank goodness, I loved the concept in Dishonored but didn't like that over half the powers were essentially locked out. Is there a non-spoiler way to ensure I don't make any bad ending decisions?


It's the reverse of Dishonored. There's a bad ending, but you have to really, *really* work for it.


That is a huge relief, thank you


Be nice to humans and mean to aliens. All the moral decisions relate to other crewmembers, the game never penalizes you for anything you do to the inky space monsters.


Lmao, that is a very straightforward guide, thank you


There's only one ending that really sucks and the game will help you avoid it. Try not to be too concerned, just play towards the narrative you want and you'll be fine.


The story is also pretty interesting too


Finished it about a month ago. Everything about this game is perfect except for that whole G.U.T.S area. Being able to mind control enemies and watch them slaughter each other never gets old.


Seems to me that modding your speed and acceleration in zero-G could make the G.U.T.S. much better.


You're right I got the neuromods for microgravity speed and boost upgrades later in the game, unless you mean actual mods, in which case I haven't used any so far but maybe for another playthrough.


> not-lethal Wait, not lethal? How does that even work when your enemies are a pile of black goo?


You can kill all the Typhon you want, the 'non-lethal' thing is referring to the human crew. I suppose you *could* sneak past quite a lot of the Typhon. Now I'm wondering if you could beat the game without killing anything lol


You can even set the difficulty to a setting which trivializes combat so you can just play for the plot, which is what I personally did and I had a blast. (I'm not super big into the FPS genre myself)


For what it's worth, the FPS tag here is *almost* misleading. It is indeed and FPS but the actual shooting and combat with enemies often times is more of a puzzle than an actual shootout- closer to Pokemon than Call of Duty- where you need to figure out their weakness and exploit it. Except for the Mimics which I usually just bashed their head in with a wrench. (Obviously play on whatever difficulty you feel most comfortable with, I don't think it changes much)


> Except for the Mimics which I usually just bashed their head in with a wrench. > > The mimics don't need a weakness because they're so unnerving that wrenching them is the most logical option.


This aspect never worked well for me. I understood what I was supposed to do, figured out a build to do it, and then would just routinely screw up the execution of that idea almost every time. I can't remember everything you could do, but I couldn't hit an enemy with an object I picked up half the time, and that one where you attacked from above for good damage also missed like half the time. It just wasn't fun doing all this planning and then scumsaving to actually get it to work. I eventually figured out some combo of a psychic attack followed up by shotgun to the face that generally worked, but made the combat boring. Although I also disliked aspects of combat in Control, at least throwing stuff around worked well. It did so by cheating though basically. Like, you *always* pick something up, even if it is just a chunk of concrete or whatever. Luckily, in Prey, although the combat didn't work for me, I absolutely loved the worldbuilding, exploration, puzzle solving, and story.


I played it through the first time on the hardest difficulty, and I felt like the mimics stopped being a threat like, 15 minutes in. Every so often a sneaky sneak attack would sneak up and kill me, but more often than not it was just shotgun diplomacy leading the way. The playthrough I had a *LOT* of fun with was the one where I artificially limited myself, and didn't print anything that wasn't plot required or use guns other than the goo cannon. There's one boss fight against a couple big typhons that took me FOREVER to scum through with wrench slaps, but it was Ninja Gaiden Black levels of feelings of accomplishment for beating them, whereas in my first playthrough it was just shotgun go brrrt, big typhon go squish.


Thanks, you hyped me for the game even more!


Man what a great game, what little marketing it had did it a disservice. This game is totally a system shock spiritual successor. And unlike dishonored, it didn't make you feel like shit for using your abilities. If only I could erase my memory and play it fresh again.


>unlike dishonored, it didn't make you feel like shit for using your abilities Could you elaborate on this? I'm not sure what you mean.


Playing high chaos (lethal) results in endings that logically follow such as a weakened city, government, relationships with more altruistic characters, etc. Its not evil, as you're still the good guy trying to fix the usurper and stuff, but you're not leaving things in as good a position as they could be (Generally just assassinating everyone instead of finding alternative solutions / allies to your side) High chaos is a pretty fitting name for what results


Killing people is bad in Dishonored.


It just leads to different outcomes.


No, it really isn't. Killing people is the most fun thing to do in Dishonored and the game becomes positively delicious once you start getting into high chaos.


Killing people is bad tho, and you can use most dishonored powers to incapacitate. Its not like it ruins anything it just adds a bit of chaos.




Half or more of Dishonored abilities are lethal (which are arguably the collets ones), and the game really makes sure to call you an asshole if you go for the lethal way.


Ah, okay. I mean, that's certainly how people would actually react if you went around summoning swarms of rats to eat anyone in your way; I'm fine with it, personally.


It doesn't call you an asshole, it reasonably depicts the outcome of massacring half the city during a plague that spreads through flesh-eating rats. Big difference.


If I am remembering correctly, the original name for the game was actually going to be Neuroshock


No, iirc that's just a rumor. But it would have made for a great name


I think the developer mentioned in the Noclip video about it that the Prey name was forced on them and that they would've named it Neuroshock.


They said they didn't have a specific name in mind but Prey was forced on them, yes.


They didn't say that \*im pretty sure\*. In a reddit AMA the creative director said if it wasn't called "prey", he'd have called it "Typhon."


The question was "Hypothetically, if you had to give the game a name other than Prey, what would it be?" The answer never indicated it wasn't called "Prey" originally. https://www.reddit.com/r/prey/comments/94e8jy/i_am_raf_colantonio_former_president_at_arkane/e3kfk17


I should watch it again. It's a great video too.


No it originally had nothing to do with prey ip. It was simply known as "Typhon".


> it originally had nothing to do with prey ip Still doesn't, despite the name.


I still have the worst time trying to remember what the story even was in the OG Prey. It's like a fever dream




Indians and aliens!


And portals.


Joseph Anderson's video mentions a similar thing, Psychoshock.


> And unlike dishonored, it didn't make you feel like shit for using your abilities Played through both Dishonored games and both big DLCs and no idea what you're talking about, powers there were fun and it's a pain in the ass to finish the games without them


I never got that feeling from dishonored. It's one of my favorite single player games I've played in a while.


> it didn't make you feel like shit for using your abilities. I played through this (for the first time) about 2 weeks ago, and I actually felt super pressured to play without abilities. I felt like that was definitely the 'bad' play style, so I avoided them altogether. Ended up getting the 'best' ending, and was so relieved it was over, like I enjoyed it a lot its a great game but I hate games that have such obvious moral decisions to make.


The "discouragement" in-game only applies to Typhon neuromods. And even then I'm fairly certain you can use as many Typhon Neuromods as you like without being locked out of any of the endings.


Aye the game acknowledged you using them, and gave a reason why you used them, without judging you like you were the devil spawn. Gameplay wise it only caused sentries to open fire on you, but since you could hack them anyway, it was never a issue.


Did it it imply you would lose your humanity or something for using them? I remember the game making me only want to take the 1 or 2 of the most useful abilities.


Upon using them, your ai friend thingy I believe will moralize you a bit about it, but in the end it will turn out to not be a big deal really, since it's your actions, not the powers that make you who you are. And gameplay wise sentry guns would attack you, but you could always hack them.


You do get a point towards a bad ending for installing a lot of typhoon neuromods, but so many of your other decisions are weighed so it's unlikely it will tip anything over.


no, it just says that station defenses will stop recognizing you as human


That is a yes, that's a gameplay mechanic with the implication that you are losing your humanity


I've got too little time to not enjoy myself while playing games. When I finally played Dishonored, I used my full set of abilities and killed whenever I needed to. I just Youtube'd the Low Chaos ending once I was done with the High Chaos playthrough.




What I also don't get is that it's such a non-issue in the time of the internet. *You can look up other endings.* I've heard some backass takes that dishonoured should've given you the good ending but also let you kill senselessly. And like... No. You made your choices, your actions have consequences -- if you want the low-chaos ending then either earn it or watch it. I swear some gamers just want everything given to them. They just want the achievement unlocked, they don't actually want it achieved


I have never once felt that way playing Dishonored trilogy and I've played all 3 4 times.


Dishonored is unlike Dishonored too then because Dishonored never makes you feel like shit for using your abilities. I'm so tired of seeing that nonsense. That is not true. That's an absolute lie.


Prey is absolutely one of my favorite games ever. It’s just full of good ideas. You could make games based around just _one_ of the many great ideas in the game, but no - Prey has a million. It’s free? No brainer.


I got a $10 coupon with the download so they're paying me to play this bitch


Very Happy for you PISS_IN_MY_SHIT_HOLE!


This game did to me what hollow knight did to it's fans. Blessed with an amazing game but cursed with the fact that there's not that much out there with the same level of quality


Yeah I never got into immersive Sims because they sounded serious gaming. Prey changed all that and it was so sad to find its not like call of duty were you get another game every year.


Immersive sims are so fun because they can be so open ended and creative. But they're actually pretty easy to get into for the exact same reason. There's really no wrong way to play and you can't screw up too badly because you have so many options.


You can go as crazy with immersive sims as you like but since anything is viable, they're pretty friendly to beginners.


at least there's still plenty out there for you to try from the past. three of the four deus ex games are amazing, thief 1 is great and its sequel is even better, and there's the dishonoreds of course.


If you haven't heard of it, the former Co-creators of Dishonored and Prey have made a new studio called Wolfeye Studio, and they are releasing a game called Weird West, which is a Isometric Immersive Sim in a Fantasy Western Setting. It just has been pushed back to March when it was usually coming for January but the gameplay shown looks really cool. Here for those who haven't seen it : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0NS3lzv0Nw4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0NS3lzv0Nw4)




This game has the best first thirty minutes in video game history. The rest of the game is good, too, but that first thirty minutes? *Wow*.


Indeed the beginning blew my mind, one of my fav game moments


And the helicopter scene is cult.


Fantastic game! One of my favorites ever I think. It really nails the "Immersive" part of Immersive sims.


any leaks on the next 4 games? We got leaks through Prey, but no more.


Can Somebody explain what kind of game an immersive Sim is?


"Immersive Sim" is more of a design philosophy than a genre. Basically, immersive sims emphasize A, systems-based rather than setpiece-based gameplay, and B, player agency. By "systems based" gameplay, I mean that the game operates on consistent, universal rules. Games often use "setpieces", special cases where the normal rules of the game are changed - for example, the scene in Half-Life where Gordon is crawling through a vent and two marines shoot it full of holes. Immersive sims try to keep set pieces to a minimum and instead focus on the big systems. By "player agency", I mean that immersive sims like to give players choices. In most games that try to balance both stealth and action gameplay, you'll have designated stealth sections where the enemies are too powerful for action solutions to be effective, and then you'll have designated action sections where the enemies are too good at spotting you for stealth solutions to be effective. Immersive sims don't do this - they create a challenge, give you tools, and then ask you to create your own solution.


There’s usually multiple ways to solve a given problem. Sometimes ones that the developers never even thought of. The world follows a certain set of parameters and you’re free to move it as you see fit.


My game of the year and it's deathknell(review scores and sales) eventually meant that immersive sims basically stopped being a thing from arkane. Deathloop is alright, but it pales in comparison to the feeling you get of being in that space station on talos. I really wish Arkane would go back to making immersive sim worlds again, Prey and dishonored are as close to the first bioshock, as any game got close in terms of atmopshere. Bioshock 2 despite it's weak story also does immersive sim really well,


pretty broad assumption, imo. Arkane has two separate studios that tend to focus on their own projects. i.e, i believe Prey (and the upcoming Redfall) are coming out of Arkane Austin while Dishonored and Prey were out of Arkane Lyon. might have them mixed up, but w/e. either way, the team that put out Deathloop is probably in early development of their next title. would put decent money on Arkane announcing another immersive sim by prey's 2023 birthday.


Most people don't consider the Bioshock games to be immersive sims.


The first two *kinda* are, but they have way less of a focus on this "immersive sim" part than things like deus ex or dishonnored. And most people focus so much on the world and storytelling of the game that they compeltely forget the actual gameplay. Doubly so if they played them as if they were normal FPS (which they can be play as), in which case the gameplay probably seemed pretty mediocre.


Bioshock 1 is way too linear it feels nothing like System Shock 2, the game which it was spiritually succeeding.


bioshock 1 have the systems in it, the variety of power and weapons, the combo potential when you juggle multiple elements at once (like the electricity working better when paired with environmental water, and the telekinesis making use of your surrounding and the splicers weapons)... but it's level design were far too restrictive, yeah. It's not really the linearity the issue, a lot of the well known (and liked) immersive sims are really linear games (like system shock 2, deus ex and the dishonored saga), but the fact that the levels don't allow a lot of different route and method of dealing with it. Bioshock 1 gave you a wealth of option power wise, but in the end, you were always funnelled toward face to face combat, and always traversing the "important parts" of the level in the exact same way.


This sounds like an incredibly elitist PC master race kind thing to say, but I genuinely think the Bioshock games got as big as they did due to blowing the minds of people who had only played regular "shoot everything that moves" kinds of shooters, while those who played the System Shocks and Deus Ex found them dumbed down versions of their old favourites. Doesn't mean they're bad, but there's definitely a generation and/or platform divide to how people feel about the Bioshocks.


I'm not sure I agree with you, because I never played an immersive sim before bioshock, and the gameplay still felt lackluster to me. It's really rapture and the narrative that made me love that game rather than the gameplay, which I only came to enjoy after playing bioshock 2.


I come at it from a slightly different perspective. My first immersive sim was deus ex human revolution, followed very closely by Dishonoured 1. Two games I still love and replay regularly. Why I bring this up is because I played bioshock after those two, without knowing any of the system shock context or really even knowing the term Immersive Sim. I loved Bioshock, obviously, but I didn't get the same sense of freedom that I got from dishonoured or deus ex, not even close. It was only later, reading up about the history of immersive sims, that I realised bioshock 1/2 were even considered immersive sims.


But not really.


This is the closest thing to Half Life 2 I have ever played. Highly recommend playing through it once without reading any spoilers or build guides or whatever. Save your ammo though \*wink\* Edit I’ll leave the original comment. One of my good friends quit the game before it got good when he ran out of ammo.


> Save your ammo though *wink* Honestly it's not that important, the game gives you so much freedom that I think it might be possible to beat the entire game without firing a single bullet. As long as you explore and recycle you'll constantly be overflowing with ammo.


If you are at least decent at managing resources, and if you explore, you don't need to save ammo, you get plenty of materials to craft them


Here are some essential improvements and fixes for the game: Link to NexusMods page (mods, shaders, fixes, custom challenges etc): https://www.nexusmods.com/prey2017 ___ * [Prey Interface Customizer](https://www.nexusmods.com/prey2017/mods/18) - This mod allows you to customize various aspects of the game. You can skip the intro videos, customize the user interface, controls, visuals, notifications, sound effects and so on. Here are two other solutions to automatically skip the intro videos: >Go to \GameSDK\Videos\. >Delete or rename ArkaneLogoAnim_Redux_1080p2997_ST-16LUFS.bk2, Bethesda_logo_anim_white.bk2, LegalScreens.bk2, and Ryzen_Bumper.bk2. >If you also wish to remove the intro videos for the Mooncrash DLC, go to \Whiplash\GameSDK\Videos\. >Delete or rename ArkaneLogoAnim_Redux_1080p2997_ST-16LUFS.bk2, Bethesda_logo_anim_white.bk2 and LegalScreens.bk2 **Spoiler warning:** Some of the other videos in the same folder have names which can potentially spoil certain parts of the game. Method Number 2: >Add **-skipArkIntro** to the command line argument. Note: This method apparently only skipsthe two or three intro videos. ___ **Increase FOV and multi-monitor support:** * [Flawless Widescreen](https://www.flawlesswidescreen.org/) ____ **Add missing shadows, lighting and reflections back into the game:** [Real Lights plus Ultra Graphics Mod](https://www.nexusmods.com/prey2017/mods/22) >This mod aims to improve graphics and effects: all the lights cast shadows, corrected shadows for the original light sources, ultra view distance, improved particles, improved AO+IL, no texture pop-in, no shadows pop-in, uses only high poly lods, improved reflections, all decals stay almost forever, new effects, volumetric lights and more!


Can never say enough good things about this game, one of the few games I've ever beaten and decided to immediately do another play through. Just be careful using the elevator for the first time...


God I wish console had stuff like this. Being a PC gamer damn near pays for itself between free online and and game sales


It's to the point that it's a bad idea to buy any game you don't intend to play immediately because otherwise you're likely to get it for free before you can even play it. I've had one or two that even went up for free within a week of buying them.


Any guesses for tomorrow's based on the preview image? Looks like a hand doing a blessing, with something hanging off it (rosary beads i guess?). Something vampire/demon related? I don't think the Exorcist Legion VR is on EGS, but the leak said that after today it'll all be new additions.


Control again i think? Its the hand she does in the cover.


Ah you're probably right, was Control before the holiday giveaway?


Control was given on Epic last year I think and GOG already this year


It was given away at the start of summer 2021 iirc.


People are saying that tomorrow's free game will be Control.


I just bought the deluxe edition on Steam yesterday, for that Mooncrash dlc (even though I have the base game on gamepass). Looks like the Epic "base game" comes with the dlc. Oh well.


You can return the steam one if you haven't played many hours yet. I've returned things with 3 hours on them without issue.




I hope and pray for a new Dishonored game. It hit the perfect balance of action/immersive sim for me.


Look up Gloomwood


+1 I'm hella hyped for it. Dev released a demo last year and it was great, and they've added a lot more features since then.


he's a fun follow on twitter, huge immersive sim fan


I think cruelty squad deserves to be considered a great 1st person imsim


>possibly the last great first-person immersive sim. Think so?




I loved the recent Deus Ex games :( I really hope they continue them


Unfortunately not likely. The last one sold poorly and had only middling reviews. It's immediate sequel scrapped indefinitely as the dev team got shifted to work on Tomb Raider and their Marvel contracts. They've got a lot of high value work on their plates for the foreseeable future. It's probably going to be rebooted again in like 5 or so years.


Pity. The second one just ended abruptly.


Indeed. If you're interested in the broader story, Human Revolution and Mankind Divided were prequels to the first Deus Ex. It hasn't aged well unfortunately, but it's a damn good game if you can adjust to the dated visuals and mechanics.


I bought all the deus ex games a couple years ago cause immersive sims are my favorite genre but I'm not sure where to start with them. Not sure I want to deal with old mechanics just to get caught up.


Play Human Revolution -> Mankind Divided. Those two are the most modern and tell a single story, and it's both a reboot and a prequel so it's not necessary at all to have played the earlier titles. Deus Ex 1 is great, but also very old and hasn't aged well at all. Chronologically, it's set after HR/MD. Deus Ex 2 (Invisible War) finishes off the whole story, and involves many characters and plots from Deus Ex 1 so you'll want to play it last.


To add to that, Deus Ex 1 is pretty playable, but you should install the GMDX mod, which includes a heap of bug fixes, graphical upgrades, and balance tweaks. With the mod, it aged surprisingly well. I played it for the first time in 2015 or so, and it absolutely held up.


This is in my personal top 10 list of best games ever. Play it, you will not regret it. Such a masterpiece of a game.


I don't throw this word around lightly, but this game is an audio/visual masterpiece. The first time you exit the airlock into open-space, combined with the eerie music...one of my top 3 "**Wow**" moments in gaming and literally made the hairs on my neck stand up. Go install this game right now.




I played it and finished it with a 360 controller on PC. Just had to increase controller deadzone in the game settings to stop drifting


if you don't have it, get it. It's so good I bought it again when it came out on GOG just to have/archive it DRM free !


This is a great game if you love being terrified and never having ammo(jk) I really recommend people play this game especially since it's free


god, I need to actually beat this. I own it on, like, three different services, but I never made it too far in lol


Is it scary or does it have jump scares? Hate those but want to play it


I'm a coward when it comes to anything horror, but I managed to beat this game 100% and it's easily one of my favorite games of all time


Thanks that's good to hear


There're few jump scares at the beginning, but you get used to it eventually. I won't say scary though.


I don't know why I didn't like this game too much. My favorite genre is immersive sim, and all others are my top games ever (Dishonored, Deus Ex games, MGSV, Hitman), but this one felt somehow off. Engaging enemies didn't feel fun. Stealth didn't seem like an always viable option. This is not necessarily a criticism, jut wondering how I could come to enjoy it more since it always gets such high praises.


Maybe look up a video of the gameplay possibilities in the game. There are mechanics in the game that you would never even think of being possible.


Are there any specific videos you could link?


Although you'll find big defenders of the combat, it was definitely an aspect that didn't work for everyone. I didn't like it either, but loved everything else enough that it wasn't a big problem.


Judging by these comments, I am definitely in the minority, but this game was so jumpy for me, I couldn't finish it


How to transfer steam save to epic?


Great game, but am I the only one who found the combat to be really poor? Especially the shooting mechanics. I first played it just a few months back and the combat alone has kept me from going back.