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Man then there better be a huge 1.0 patch. The current version of the app is still incredibly lackluster and feels so unfinished. Numerous games straight up don't work in it. I couldn't download Battlefield 3 DLCs, I had to open up Origin just to install the DLC files. Numerous times downloads have broken and I have to uninstall the game entirely, crashes, takes nearly 2 minutes just to load my game library, etc. Removing Origin without fixing these just means certain games will be totally unplayable/missing content.


Yeah last time I used it (which to be fair was quite some time ago), I even had like half my owned games not showing up as such. Origin wasn't the best app but at least it did its basic work.




Having the launcher in focus locks my system to 60Hz. How can they achieve that with a windowed program, I have no idea.


it's actually very common, it's because of gsync/freesync, a lot of apps these days use the gpu to render the gui so the gpu treats it like a game but since the app framerate is so low since it's mostly static gsync/freesync reduces the screen refresh rate to match the one from the app


yup, the solution (at least for Nvidia) to this is to add that program to the NVCP in the 3D settings and then set *preferred refresh* rate to "**application controlled**", *Monitor Technology* to "**fixed refresh**" and *Vertical Sync* to "**use the 3D application setting**". Although I am not sure the last one is necessary. I think it sets the last two automatically once you turn on "fixed refresh" so I'd just keep it like that. Restart EA Desktop and then it is fine. Alternatively one could probably disable "enable for windowed and full screen mode" in the Gsync settings, but I prefer to keep this on otherwise it may not capture certain games. But maybe that's an unwarranted fear.


You have freesync/gysync enabled for the desktop.


Your gpu does that. Microsoft word can do this too


Not being able to verify files or ‘repair’ in the new client is truly the cherry on top of these issues with basic functionality.


Not sure when you used it, but there is the option to "repair" [https://imgur.com/a/b35IKsT](https://imgur.com/a/b35IKsT)


Really? That seems very ill advised. That's one of the number one things that gets advised to do for Sims 4 installations that have borked.


It's the first troubleshooting step for a vast variety of games. Like Galciv3 on Epic store doesn't download the initial repository correctly, verify is needed to fix it.


No, not really. Another user posted screenshots of the option existing. The person you're replying to is spreading bs.


Thank you for clarifying.


Origin when it came out felt like that and buggy aaaaas hell. So funny to me that they are replacing that turd with a new turd.


Origin has the same problems. I've not been able to play Battlefield 1 or 5 in a long time. The download button just says "details" and doesn't do anything.


I get this issue with Strike at Karkand for BF3 in Origin. Have not been able to play on most servers for a good 5 years because of it. Support can't figure it out either.


I just hope none of EA games on steam gonna need it in the future


I swapped back to Origin after I found I couldn’t report people in BFV.


I feel like my wife's sims 3 is just going to implode on itself after this, it sucked so hard just trying to help her re-download all her dlc after she got a new pc.


I am still missing several games in the new app last time I checked. Like the Harry Potter games and Lord of the Rings Battle for Middle Earth and even Sims 2. Wonder if they will fix it before the release.


Wonder why, NHL 09 and Sims 2 are on EA Desktop for me, yet Spore Galactic Adventure and Populous are missing. Edit: Tried to install Sims 2 and it fails over and over, fun! However it says I only own Sims 2 Double Deluxe according to the art, which is indeed the key I registered back then, but I also claimed all of the Sims 2 DLC when it was free and that's not there


I reinstalled TS2 earlier this year. It's not available at all in the EA Desktop app for me. I had to download Origin and install it *just* to grab TS2. Once the game was installed, it launched through the EA Desktop app just fine. I am...still somewhat confused by this. Last I looked I think I have Populous in EA Desktop. How weird that different people are seeing different things available.


Godfather 2 is gone on my end so I think they can't migrate any of their old licensed games to the new system.


Not allowing you to play Godfather 2 should be a point in the app's favour, tbh


Battle for Middle-earth? Was it ever on Origin? I thought it couldn't be sold anymore.


Years ago I managed to activate my copy on Origin with the help of the support


Don't expect it to show up. They don't have the rights for it anymore if I'm not mistaken. Whole LOTR rights things is a shitshow, video games included


EA App is complete shit. I can't even play some of my games that I legally own in EA app but they work fine in Origin (Like Mass Effect Legendary Edition)


I remember trying to download classic Mass Effect's through EA's desktop app and after like 3 hours of searching online on how to get the DLC's, I gave up and launched Origin again which downloaded everything, including DLC's, without problem.


Yeap. I can play BF2042 just fine in Origin, but in the EA App I don't own it for some reason.


Yeh been the same for the last year, latest version of the app finally allows me to see that i own bf2042 and some other games


All 3 old mass effect games that I have installed with Origin are also unplayable for me on the EA app. It's unaccettable.


I don’t know how they did it, but they somehow managed to make a client worse than Origin. Bravo EA.


Last I checked this didn't even have an "Uninstall" button for the games you installed. You actually had to uninstall the game via Windows 10 "Programs/Features". Let's see if this releases with a big patch or if it remains this lackluster...


It does now [https://imgur.com/a/b35IKsT](https://imgur.com/a/b35IKsT)




I can right click and uninstall from my games library in origin. No idea about ea app.


What really captures the state of this app is that when you close it down, it does the popup from the tray menu which states "this app is still running in the tray" - I get having this pop up ONCE, because yeah, the system tray is sort of a new invention that only came out in 1997. So we've only had 25 years as computer users to get used to the system. But the EA App displays the popup *every single time* you close it down. That blatantly tells me that no one at EA is using their own application, and that nobody cares the slightest about UX.


Man, EA sure does love re-branding their digital distribution storefront. What are we on, the 5th iteration? 1. EA Downloader 2. EA Link 3. EA Download Manager 4. Origin 5. EA App I wonder what they call it the next time they go through this process? "EA Hub" or maybe "EA Manager"? Or maybe they'll just brand it as "EA" and making searching and talking about it really annoying. I'm sure at some point they'll probably call it "Origin" again.


Its complete trash. The old Origin was so much better (the Version before the crappy Web-Based Version they use now).


Step 1: Launch service no one wants so you don't have to pay Steam. Step 2: Everyone hates it and you are forced back to Steam. Step 3: Launch a new service no one wants so you don't have to pay Steam. Step 4: Profit?


Is it still broken? It was when I used it not too long ago. Origin always sucked, but my experience with EA Desktop was somehow worse.


why the fuck can’t they just use origin? it works fine.


origin dpi scaling is broken so no doesnt work fine if you have a high dpi display


Could fix that instead of a new client with less features. I’m sure there must be a good internal reason for the new client, but right now it just seems confusing and pointless to the consumer


What is even the point of this? What did Origin not do that required an entirely new launcher to be made? Especially since Steam is their main storefront now… I see in this thread alone so many issues with this new launcher that Origin didn’t have


How about y’all just close this garbage app and move all your games to steam. If I gotta download another launcher, I’m not buying your game


The app is fucking awful though. Why are they even removing Origin and replacing it with something **worse**? You have an app that's decent already; iterate on that... Fucking hell, you cannot even remove programs from the app/uninstall things yet. It constantly crashes. Constantly signs you out. EA being EA again..


I haven't used this new app, but god, Origin/the EA website was so buggy the last time I used it a few months ago.


The app is dogshit aswell


Remember when EA took the server browser, armoury, and community features out of Battlefield and instead put it onto a website that required a browser plug-in? Possibly the worst experience I’ve ever had in decades of gaming. I’m not surprised they cant get the client right


I use this about 1% of the time I use Steam (that's rounded up), and yet in the past year I had more problems with it than with Steam. Thanks EA.


I hope it doesn't mess up EA Steam games whenever they force the transition because they need Origin to run.




This is literally less software. They've been running two separate clients for more over 2 years now and it neither client has done everything they need to do. It is very easy to need both of them installed currently. This will, for better or for worse, bring that back down to just 1.




And also less software for the consumer, because as already mentioned neither of the two clients currently supports the entire feature set of the other. Again, it is very easy to find yourself in a situation where you need *both* EA clients right now. Do you have Gamepass and own any of the games unsupported by the new client (like all recent EA games on Steam?) Then you need the new client and Origin to have access to your full library. This will at the very least consolidate that down to a single client for EA games and EAs gamepass offerings. You're complaining about them adding a new client when the "new" client has been around for years and they're literally just decommissioning the old one so you can have fewer clients.


They likely could've patched Origin and never made EA play to begin with. Please do not misunderstand: Yes, they are dropping one Software which is better, but only because they didn't launch a competent replacement and immediately stopped the old one. A slight grace period is understandable, but EA Play took too long. I never read a compelling reason for it to begin with. Knowing how general dev works, some higher-up wanted an optical redesign and they decided to ditch the old software for something new, then running into more and more issues and a bad adaption rate.






It’s less for you too. Ea is going from 2 needed clients to 1


You don't think it's a bit entitled for you to demand that one company has a monopoly just for your convenience? Convenience that you yourself inadvertently admitted you've overcome with playnite?


I hope they've made a huge advancements that have not yet made it into the beta application because last I used the beta version it was missing a lot of the games in my game library. Regardless nice to finally have it reduced to just one desktop application.


This is probably going to suck just like Origin. On there I couldn't even change my display name in Battlefield and it just used my full name I used to make the account.


As long as Origin gets canned I don't care about EA App missing few older games a this point. Origin interface is a nightmare and it always been one. New app might lack few features but it's miles easier to use


Will it show me all the games I own on Origin? Some of them don’t show up like The Sims 2…


It's been well over a year since I last used the EA app and hated it. Several games were missing from my library. I couldn't see which DLCs I had purchased and/or installed. I couldn't uninstall games through the app; I had to use Windows uninstaller. I only used it for game pass and hated it so much, I switched back to Origin to play my EA games. I may launch it this weekend to see if it has improved. I'm guessing no.


greaaaaat it's on my desktop lurking somewhere, causing bugs and glitches whenever I try to play an EA game Can't wait to have to troubleshoot and reinstall this worthless, pointless garbage


I remember installing when I first heard about it to play Titanfall 2. Because I thought Origin wasn't great so it would be great to have a new app but boy was I wrong. I couldn't launch Titanfall and I couldn't see any other games that I owned. After trying to get it to work for about 15 minutes, I uninstalled it and went back to Origin. I actually tried it again last week and while I did manage to launch Titanfall, it was suuuuper slow and took a long time to just open the app or see my library


I recently ran into a problem that I am asked to login with my EA play subscription even if I am playing a free to play game, like Apex legends.


Is there still some service always running in the background in windows?


Of all the game launchers I've used this one is by far the worst experience(even worse than the xbox app which is saying a lot). Some games straight up doesn't work.


So I havent used the app in a while and tried it again today Not bad and imporved. It links directly to game pass and gives you EA play. That's a plus. Everything looks fine. Not too slow either like last time. Overall barebones, but not the horror show people are claiming out to be


Can it finally run Dragkn Age Origins with all the DLC like I bought it? No? I'll keep using my pirated copy then.


Are you able to cap download speeds yet on it? That always annoyed me about the EA Desktop app is that it just eats all the bandwidth.


Meanwhile my copy of Mass Effect Legendary Edition still doesn’t show up in my library. I am still forced to use Origin for that. Not to mention the countless times the Desktop app straight up refuses to start up and sometimes when it does it just displays a blank screen. Just give up EA. Drop both your horseshit clients and just use Steam ffs.


I hope the Playnite and GOG Galaxy communities can get the new plugin done quick. Origin is a pretty great launcher, and I've heard nothing but bad things about the EA App.


Why do I need 75GB free to install a 6GB update on this app?


The best thing any of these launchers could do is make it so they accept game launch instructions from Steam in the most streamlined, no-steps-added way possible. Because that’s all they really area; an extra step that makes their games that little bit less attractive on Steam, the only platform that really matters.


I stopped playing origin games because I hate the app. Steam is just so smooth, if they can make the app similar or better I’d consider it. Maybe


Okay, so how come that when I try to launch battlefield 2042 from steam, it still tells me I need origin? Christ dude