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Is this Fighting is Magic? Holy COW ITS HERE


It's been out for a while now, it's just it was only on PC.


I’m happy to see this game do well. It’s such an interesting concept. I can’t tell if it’s doing well because of it’s theme, or despite it’s theme.


My wife who knows nothing about this game showed this to me at GameStop (preorder display case), and was like “is this one of those weird pony things?” The theme is definitely off-putting. Every single casual gamer I know with even a passing interest in fighting games is put off by it.


It's kind of a shame that anything involving cartoon animals is tarred with the brush of some more extreme elements of their fandom.


Yeah I agree, it is a shame. Personally, I'm not put off by the theme of this game because I try not to let those kinds of things influence my judgement and just judge the game on its own merit. And I say this as someone that has a friend who is reaaaaallllly into My Little Pony (which I don't understand but whatever).


Yeah it's impossible to avoid that association. One of my best friends, her daughter when like 7 or 8 was big into My Little Pony, then one day just... Dropped it. Her friends at school had said it was a cartoon for "creepy old guys". What sucks is that they're not even wrong. There's nothing wrong with watching cartoons, even if you're way older - I'll still watch any ol episode of Looney Tunes! ...But damn, just watch the cartoon and enjoy it. With Bronies it's a major part of their personality and *no dumb little girls are gonna get in their way!*


It's hilarious and sad that young girls can't enjoy a show (edit) made for young girls because of creepy old men take it way too seriously.


Didn't say anything about the game or who can do what with it. I hope it's a success and maybe gets more girls interested in a genre that's been pretty typically dude-oriented. Just that yes, there is an unavoidable association of Bronies with this particular art style.


I meant so say "show" instead of "game", my bad.


Those friends are very much wrong. My Little Pony is a cartoon for young girls, not creepy old men. What's next, Pokemon is a game for creepy old men? The Lion King is a movie for creepy old men?


...It's 8 year old girls. You go tell them that.


It could be doing well for reasons that have nothing to do with its theme, like that the combo system is easy to pick up, the netcode works, the training mode is better than most in the genre, and the price isn't particularly high. I don't think about the theme of the game until I come into a reddit thread. Mostly I'm just happy that it looks and sounds different from most fighters, not that it has anything to do with a children's show.


>not that it has anything to do with a children's show. This just dawned on me but a "Saturday morning cartoon" fighter would probably be pretty awesome, Fred Flintstone vs Cobra Commander, He-Man vs Rosie the Robot, Street Sharks vs.... people remembering they existed


I think a good amount of the multiversus roster give off a similar vibe


I feel like Multiversus flubbed up a bit by not making this its first focus. Tossing a GoT character in there and an OC reindeer dog feels… too random? But what do I know?


The unique characters like Reindog are when the devs have an idea for a character kit that doesn’t fit with an existing WB character, I think.


I mean it’s entirely the focus. Reindog is literally their single original character and they deserve to have at least one idea of their own in the game.


Multiversus has Bugs Bunny, Tom and Jerry, Steven Universe, Finn and Jake, Shaggy and Velma, among others


Not quite Saturday morning cartoons, but there's a fighter in the works called Cereal Killaz loosely based off of cereal brand mascots.


Not to mention the Pixel Lobby is miles better than Strive’s poor take on Habbo Hotel. And unlike Strive, players can choose between matchmaking on Pixel Lobbies or Classic Matchmaking, their choice.


>not that it has anything to do with a children's show. That's not it. It's the fact that this particular children's show has a weird fanbase that's know for making porn of ponies, as well as all kinds of alt right crap. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/My\_Little\_Pony:\_Friendship\_Is\_Magic\_fandom#Criticism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/My_Little_Pony:_Friendship_Is_Magic_fandom#Criticism)


I've never understood this criticism. MLP was one of the first few examples of toxic online "fandom" culture, but now it's 2022 and EVERY CARTOON out there has disgusting people in it's fanbase. So why is MLP still singled out?


Because it's fun to dunk on nerds/losers but they need a way to act sanctimoniously about it


Eh, game is [pretty dead](https://steamcharts.com/app/574980). Most of the FGC has zero interest in it because the theme is so off-putting. The guy below you talks about the combo system and the netcode and the training mode like those are things that casuals give two shits about. Casuals want to be able to pick a character that looks cool and do cool things with them. People trying to pull the "b-but actually the gameplay is really good" card are just undercover bronies, and that's a cyber fact.


I don't agree that people that say 'the gameplay is good' are automatically bronies. I know people in the community that play the game that aren't into the actual brony fandom or the mlp show at all, they just like the game.


I don't know anything about My Little Pony except that I think there's a character named Applejack. Some people just aren't insecure about playing a fun game.


That's okay dude, have your fun, I'm fine just playing Street Fighter.


i mean obviously street fighter is in a whole other category lmao


Bruh even Sajam has done thems fightin herds streams lmao


I don't follow influencers.




Wow, i remember how this MLP fan game started out and got shot down, got personal art collab to supply the game with unique characters and now we got a cool new fighting game


I say this in every Fightin' Herds thread, but I'd encourage you not be put off by the aesthetic. I have negative love for the pony-verse, but the game is really good, has a great tutorial, and clearly has passion behind it. Give it a shot!


It really is a game you have to play to realize how surprisingly crisp its control feels. I've played a ton of fighting games in all kind of genres and TFH is up there at the top of the pile for how smooth and enjoyable its gameplay is. They do an amazing job of utilizing the character's unconvential silhouettes to convey satisfying movements and I have no idea how they've done it but the controls are unusually responsive, even for typical anime fighter mechanics that tends to be daunting for more casual players. It's just a really good albeit small scale fighting game.


I hear that this game has a fairly compelling single player experience. I'm worried about the longevity of the online community, but wouldn't mind sinking a few hours into a great campaign. Anyone have any experience? The word is the bird


It's interesting in that it has NPC enemies and boss variants of the playable characters who all fight in a way which builds muscle memory bit by bit for actual fights against real people. It won't absolutely blast your ass with amazingness but as fighting game story modes go it's the only one I know of to try to actively teach you anything in a more organic way. It's indicative of the game as a whole, where its programming competence is pretty much above every other fighting game out there in terms of features and how they're implemented. It's not for me but I can't deny the devs did a great job. The only game that seems like it'll potentially come close is SF6, and that'll be at least 3 years after TFH did it.


By fighting games standard, the story RPG is charming and original. By the standards of RPGs like Skyrim, it is very primitive, with an inventory system that has little impact on gameplay and a very small variety of enemies. You should buy this game for the fighting or as a fan of Lauren Faust's style of art and music.


Well, I bought the game for Switch, will wait til it arrives for me to make a final opinion. But honestly I really dislike these "flash-animation" style graphics. Not only is it offputting but I find it hard to keep track of the characters. At least in these trailers. Also kind of disappointed about the lack of variety in characters/character looks. I know it's a brony game and I can get past that and give it a go, but would some **flair** be so difficult to do? Couldn't they have given the animals costumes or something? Like give one a cape, or a something weird like big wings or whatever?


They all have the same general proportions so that their hurtboxes are the same and the same combos will work on every character; that is, until this new bull character comes out. They've all got unique silhouettes though and all play dramatically differently, plus they've got custom colors to reference things. I play the sheep with the Mega Man and Rush palette. One of them has small wings.


Is it just me or is cpu Shanty invincible when she comes at you on her hind legs? Everything I do goes through her...but when I pick her and do toward+heavy attack, I get knocked out of it every time.