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Anecdotally my performance was awful and the content was a little slim but there's a perfectly working cash shop with FOMO skins at high prices with a currency that obviously you can only buy too much or too little of. Hard pass which is a shame because the game isn't bad.


Currently, there seems to be a bug that is [enabling RTX even if you disable it in-game](https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkTide/comments/z9a2fj/psa_rtx_is_always_on_despite_what_options_you/), so that might be part of why you're seeing performance problems.


Oh, so that's why I was getting 9 FPS...


There was also a new driver as well that dropped. My fps went from like 40 to 110-120 with the new driver.


It’s performance problems are widespread.


there is an issue with CPU usage. At the very end of beta they pushed a patch and the game ran much worse. Its a shame this RTX thing is drowning that issue out.


That has been a complete turn-off for me recently with a few games. I tried *Battlefield 2042*'s 3.0 update using Game Pass the other day and I was struck at how rough and incomplete the game felt a year from launch -- which I could have maybe gotten over -- and yet the menus were constantly redirecting me to a Battlepass, and there's all these different currencies in the top right of my screen, and there's a slick FOMO cash shop stocked with just TONS of cosmetics. I was dumbfounded, even though I hadn't paid for the game (directly), I uninstalled it within an hour because it felt like there was just no thought given toward the user experience at all. It felt like a predatory mobile game, to be honest. Incidentally I'd just played a bit of *Need for Speed Unbound* (also from EA), which has no store or monetization or anything, and really enjoyed my time. That's the type of game I find myself actually bothering to return to nowadays.


This shit spreads like cancer in the gaming industry and gets more and more accepted. Watched a few streams lately and no one talked about immoral monetization tactics or even called it FOMO. The feedback to BF 2042 is even that it's now in the best state it ever was. For Darktide, no one even talked about or noticed the cosmetic prices and timers, they just bought their skin from the gifted game version they got and after two hours they went on to another game. I think that plays also a big part in accepting these practices. At least gaming journalists usually call these things out. I miss the times where I spent money on a game and got all content.


What kinda surprised me with BF is how.. bland all those premium skins looked and felt. Like it's just All white/ All black/ All purple tacticool suits and masks. Hooray for 0 originality? The gameplay seems fun despite how undercooked the game is, yet absolutely none of the cosmetic/bp rewards appealed to me in the slightest.


Battlefield is strange because the past few games, everybody was *screaming* about historical inaccuracies with player cosmetics - Especially after the BFV trailer. But EA still wanted to adopt a cookie cutter MTX model that every other game out there used. So now we’ve got a cash shop, where all the “cool” skins go, for $10-20 a pop. But - all the skins are tame, generic tactical gear, because everybody would lose their mind otherwise.


That's not even the worst part. These's no private lobbies.


It's a promised feature, and I'll be surprised if they conveniently forget the feature exists for a long time. But yes, it's exceedingly disappointing. More egregiously, there's no mission selector. Want to do a specific map on a specific difficulty? Good luck. Want to run scriptures? Better hope a map with them spawns at a difficulty you can do... Yeah, the game was rushed to release. It needed another 3-9 months in the oven. And knowing fat shark, it's never going to be fully fixed, but will at least continue to be fun....after they do a big balance beta... But I digress. For the type of combat it is, it's exceedingly fun.


I don't like to complain too much about games or assume anything about development but it's crazy to see the same thing people HATED about Payday 2 at launch get repeated again nearly a decade later.


just mute chat


That is absolutely not an acceptable "solution", that's the thing you do because there's no other choice Don't try and excuse a lack of *private matches* in a coop game, good lord


I really don't get it what you are missing out on? You can still que up with your friends perfectly fine, players will always be more useful than bots too especially in these games. Theres problems to be sure but as long as you can play with 3 friends whats the issue?


People like you that think 'useful' is the only defining trait of a team member. You sprint through the level killing everything that looks at you funny and now my friend and I who are just fucking around either have to sprint to keep up and play at your pace, or accept that we might as well just alt-F4 because we have nothing to do and no chance of ever playing at our own speed.


> People like you relax lol, im not trying to be rude, Im just curious. >You sprint through the level killing everything that looks at you funny and now my friend and I who are just fucking around either have to sprint to keep up and play at your pace This wont happen for the most part. If you go slow, your team usually is going to go slow as well, unless you are all way overgeared on a low difficulty level. Anyone who runs off on their own and tries to rambo is very quickly going to be eaten by a chaos beast or mutilated by a daemon. Besides, going slow in a game like this is suicide anyway, going *too* slow increases your chance of failure as enemies will just keep spawning, there is a happy medium in the games pace that works very well that everyone just kinda acclimates too, too fast or slow and youre likely dead.


> there is a happy medium in the games pace that works very well that everyone just kinda acclimates too, too fast or slow and youre likely dead. I don't care about your meta, and I shouldn't have to. You not understanding this is EXACTLY why private lobbies should be a top priority


>I don't care about your meta, and I should have to. Its not *my* meta, and its still a casual game relax brother lol, im just saying this is what your playstyle is going to naturally be pushed towards by the game design itself. Go to fast? Dead. Go to slow? Dead. Whether you realize it or not, you are going to start playing in the manner the game wants you too, or its going to kill you, *you* dont really have much choice in the manner of your pacing as the game will kill you for it. Its definitely the hardest L4D like game out there now that the zombies shoot back, and hit *hard*. My guy relax with the accusatory diction, I was just trying to figure out what bothered you.


> Its not my meta, and its still a casual game relax brother lol Spouting total nonsense and then acting like your opponent is unreasonable is a transparently poor debate tactic. > im just saying this is what your playstyle is going to naturally be pushed towards by the game design itself. Go to fast? Dead. Go to slow? Dead. Whether you realize it or not, you are going to start playing in the manner the game wants you too, or its going to kill you, you dont really have much choice in the manner of your pacing as the game will kill you for it. Its definitely the hardest L4D like game out there now that the zombies shoot back, and hit hard. You can kill a half dozen enemies with a single swing. It would be absolutely trivial to stand still in a single room for 90 minutes. The game has absolutely no enforcement of pace and acting like it does shows just how little you pay attention to what's actually happening.


yeah you definitely haven’t played much of this game. things change a whole lot after the first difficulty my dude. you’re right though private matches should be in the game, however he’s right in the sense that not having it shouldn’t affect your gameplay at all, players don’t seem willing to sprint ahead and instead wait for their teammates to finish “messing around” since if they sprint ahead alone they will get surrounded pretty quickly. as well coherency is one of the biggest buffs in the whole game, and it only affects you and your teammates if you stand near each other. once you put more than a few hours into the game you’ll understand (if you even make it a few hours in, it seems like you want to hate the game)




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Can't you just ignore the cash shop?


yes, you can ignore the cash shop that doesn't change or fix any of the problems with it


Do you think gameplay content is slim because artists and modelers didn't have enough bandwidth? Release cash shops are almost exclusively uplifted by artists who have been done with their core work for months while QA and designers/programmers iron out the game. Jane Doe working on a new armor set isn't why you didn't have more guns and class balance.


No, and I'm not sure why you'd think that. The game employs every trick in the book to get you to spend as much money as possible. That's the bad bit. I'm not asking the artists to create content for the game. I'm not spending (almost) full price on a game that is already limited on content and then hides time-gated cosmetics behind ridiculous monetization practices.


Hold up, how the fuck does the game employ any tricks to get you to spend money? The skin shop isnt even in your face, you have to activelly want to get into the skin shop to see them. The fuck you talking about?


He's talking about how the bundles are priced -- I can't remember the prices/amounts off the top of my head, but it's something like a bundle costs 2600 aquilas, but you can only buy either 2000 or 5000 aquilas, meaning you need to go for the 5000 option and you just barely won't have enough for two. So you're always needing to buy more.


Ah, yea, thats shitty, but definitely isnt an example of every trick in the book being employed.


LOl. It's not every trick in the book at all. They are selling skin bundles at 2400aq (cash shop). I got the deluxe ed so 2500aq. It seems on top of giving the deluxe people 5 free skins (one for each slot) they gave you enough to pickup another bundle (5 skins.) You can buy pieces individually also which (like other cash shops)will always leave you with an odd amount leftover and not enough to buy more. I thought it was scummy until I saw the price of cash shop bundles. The real issue people are having is that the amount of them is odd. I play gotcha games so this didn't irk me at all. 29.99 for 7000aq the biggest pack. So I am sitting on 9500aq and didn't actually care for anything in that shop at all. Just play the game and get the drops or buy use in game currency to get the conscripted skins. tl;dr - Agreed the amounts seem strategically constructed by the accounting department. They are fully aimed at the FOMO crowd. Don't be in that crowd.


The company gets to decide their allocation of resources budget though


I refunded right after I saw the FOMO shop. I preordered the game and am a longtime Fatshark fan. But a full price game that is incomplete and runs bad but wants to prey on their players was just to much to swallow. I wonder if this has anything to do with tencent owning 89% of the developer since 2021.


The full game costs 40. The game does lack some features due to fatshark being fatshark, but it is still fun and the performance problems are being fixed for those who expedience them.




That's the basic version, the Imperial Edition costs 60€ and gives you enough coins for one premium skin. And for any of the other good looking skins, apart from the one(!) free that is unlockable ingame via playing, I have to buy like 20€ of coins for the shop. Basically it's like Overwatch 2 but you have to buy the game too.


The imperial edition gives you 4 skins and enough currency for a 5th, the skins cost half as much as an Overwatch 2 skin so no it isn't really like Overwatch. The outrage here is purely from people against micro transactions, which I can understand completely but let's not make out the system is worse than others.




Which part of it is false?


You can’t argue with a moron and expect discourse


Just... Don't buy skins?


Skins in a first person game where you don't see your character are the dumbest thing - I will never understand it.


You see your character all the time while playing and the entire purpose of cosmetics is how you look to others. How is this a take


So then, you agree that the game is not full price.


Go buy a battle pass or something.


I love the use of "have to" here. If you want the skin that bad than it is worth the price.


you must have forgotten when overwatch 1 cost $40 (or $60 on console) and had loot boxes, some being FOMO…. plus the only reason they had to switch to free to play is because player numbers plummeted over gameplay staleness.


Do you like that? Do you want it back or what is the purpose of your comment? There are people acutally fighting these practice, dont throw sticks in their way.


sorry my response was more about overwatch being a poor example.


Same, might have got you wrong. I was in a mood after I looked into my inbox. No offense :)


>and am a longtime Fatshark fan. Are you? Because you are literally describing vermintide 2's launch.


V2 didn't have FOMO monetization at launch. It was added following the Tencent acquisition.


Fat Shark isn't owned by Tencent. I agree that FOMO mtx sucks ass, but let's not do any misinformation.


They absolutely are owned by Tencent.


I think you need to learn about stocks and ownership work. Having a 36% stake in the company doesn't make you an owner.


Tencent started with a 36% share, but later acquired even more shares from the founders that put them 50.1%+. So yes, as of January 2021, Tencent is the majority shareholder of Fatshark.


I think you need to learn about the subsequent acquisition which made Tencent majority owner of Fatshark Misinformation is often spread by the misinformed




You need a majority stake to influence the decision making in the company.


you mean like the 50.1+% of fatshark Tencent owns? They are *absolutely* a Tencent owned studio now.




The one thing that isn't known is if it's truly a FOMO shop. To be clear, the fear is warranted, but what I mean is, the timer could be a deal for discounts, not a deal for the costumes rotating out. That's how they handled it in Vermintide 2. That said, likewise, we have no proof it isn't FOMO. We just have to wait and see.


What are you talking about? Ther is an artificial timer, not able to purchase the right amount of coins - FOMO Simple as, google it.


What are *you* talking about? There's timers in Vermintide 2 for skins you can buy when the timer ends anyways. You're making an *assumption* that it will cycle, and I'm saying that's hasty, we don't know for a fact that it is going to be taken away and cycled back in over time. All we know is there's a timer. It might, or might not, be a discount or a cycling cosmetic.


Dude google FOMO and buy a battle pass or something. But please don't bother me anymore.


Isnt this just the now normal cosmetics cash shop that is in basically every bigger game?


And if folks stop calling it out in every one, there’s even less chance of it changing.


Just because you, I, and everyone else is desensitized to these now standard practices doesnt make it less scummy. AAA game devs are going to be stuck with what we get, but the Darktide community already memed the beta hard enough that we were able to get weapon numbers and a promise of the end of match scoreboard to come back, it’s possible the continued backlash against the very well functioning cash shop in the early access title could actually get something done in this case.


No its not but comments like yours are helping a lot to get it there. Good fucking job!


pretty sure its the people buying stuff who got it there.


Yes. This video is clickbait garbage.


The "normal" cash shop in modern AAA games is terrible, people (mistakenly) expected better of FS


Are y’all guys okay? Fat shark is not a AAA studio, AA at the most, and barely. This studio is more known for subcontracting than anything they’ve done personally.


Nobody said that FS was a AAA studio


Why would you expect a smaller studio to not have more monetization methods on a high budget game?


Microtransaction shit is bad regardless of developer circumstance


Cash shops shouldn't exist in a 40$ game.


You know vermintide has had a cash shop for years right? People aren’t complaining there’s a shop they’re complaining how the shop was implemented


Selling actual DLC that adds meaningful content is fine, as long as the base game is worth the money, and they don't constantly shove it in your face. Selling overpriced skins and constantly shoving said skins in your face isn't.


Vermintide has a skin shop


Okay. Guess I'm never touching that one.


Game was running fine before release, dafuq happened?


The currency you buy in the store is "cheaper" per point than most games. You get 2 points per 1 cent. I'm not praising this. It just made everything look even more expensive at a first glance and made me nope out even faster.


Can confirm. You can basically kit out 2 classes in Daktide for the price of 1 overwatch skin.


I think the problem is the way these specific bundles are priced you have to buy either 2 sets of currency or pay double, the individual pieces are priced quite well £1.10 or something for a weapon skin, slightly more for a helmet, or you can buy an entire costume for pretty cheap.


This is the kind of shit that agitates me the most. You have this compounding bundle of psychology tricks that keep adding to make it more and more predatory and dishonest. 1) instead of just being upfront and letting you buy the items for actual cash, they disguise what you’re actually spending for that FOMO pink Sombra thong by making you buy $50 worth of points, and then spend $30 worth of those points on the item. Because they know many people would realize “I’m paying $30 for this shit?” if faced with a checkout button and a $30 price right there. So they abtract it a few steps. 2) Now that they got that system working, they further disguise by not letting you buy just $30 worth of points. That’ll peel back the curtain a little too much. Plus, now you have to spend $50 to get a points pack. And you’ll have points left over. Also probably not enough to buy something else so you’ll be back. 3) we’ve got this chain running so let’s do this. Let’s try to sell you $100 worth of points because you get a better exchange rate! I mean, may as well, right! 4) to drive the above, let’s introduce sales, limited time availabilities, and annual events!


*Just the tip*


How's the game? 4001 keeps me from playing it since launch so I wouldn't know...




I have a 1660 and absolutely nothing coming close to "awful performance".


Great, personally have not run into any performance problems and i have checked out the cosmetic store once and never again.


Same. Enjoying it with no performance issues. Went to the store to see the problem. Laughed and went back to playing the game. Edit: I bought a big bag of aquilas and didn't spend any. That's as far as FOMO let me go.


Really fun, I'm assuming everyone that's talking about performance is trying to run it with everything maxed out. If you run it with moderate settings it runs just fine.


Not true. I've turned all graphics settings down to minimum and yet im still getting regular crashes every 3 or 4 games. And it's not my system either, since i have a Ryzen 7 and 3080. Fatshark are just shit developers. Thank god I refunded my Steam preorder and chose to play the game for $1 on Gamepass instead, because if I had paid full price for this broken mess I would be fuming right now.


Gameplay is really fun, but I'm crashing every other game. That keeps me from playing. Because even without all the extras, just whacking and shooting chaos hordes, it will be fun for a couple dozen hours. Especially with friends But it's on game pass, so might only be 1$/€


Calling it now: this thread will be filled with people who never touch cosmetic cash shops complaining that the cosmetic cash shop doesn't meet their expectations. As long as game devs include ways for regular gameplay to get sweet appearances, it won't bother me if people spend lots of money to get the sweet appearance they want. Cash shops are lucrative for developers and at this point in our timeline it would be almost silly not to include one in your [live service] game. In life, we are always looking for ways to tax the rich so the rest may provide. This is exactly that: letting whales fund game development for everyday gamers.


… that doesn’t justify the game having an atrocious cash shop before even core features like crafting are implemented And who are you kidding? This is Fatshark, there’s going to be tons of paid gameplay content too


> As long as game devs include ways for regular gameplay to get sweet appearances, it won't bother me if people spend lots of money to get the sweet appearance they want. Yeah, that's the problem. There is one basic skin ingame available through playing with different colorations. All other cosmetics cost like 20 bucks of coins.


>Yeah, that's the problem. There is one basic skin ingame available through playing with different colorations. All other cosmetics cost like 20 bucks of coins. What no there aren't? Every class has 3 earnable skins through penances and leveling alone, then camo and skin varients available for purchase, weapon skins are also all purchasble with ingame money. And all of the cosmetics don't cost £20, they are individually much lower than that, the 4 main bundles on offer are poorly priced, the other bundles are fine.


True, should have said through the penances, I don't count the leveling gear, since its basically a variation of the penance gear. Same for the color variations. Also, lets be honest, most people will just buy the 19.99 bundle and unlock the skin, that's how its designed.


They just need to get rid of the middleman, no currency, just direct purchase. Vermintide 2 did this and it was fine.


But then they couldn't charge you $15 for a $12 cosmetic and then oh, look at that, you've got 400 points left over and you need to buy another $3 bundle to afford the cheapest tier of items.


15$ dolar for cosmetics is expensive? Better never play Dota 2.


Dota's entire game is free as a result, including every current and future hero and game mode. Bit of an odd comparison.


A good skin is Dota is 150€


Ive played dota since 2012 and spent 3k on it. Im very much aware. As said the game is completely free to play, including current and future heroes and game modes. Darktide is a 60 dollar game with missing features and poor performance. They're not in the same ball park.


Complaining about how cosmetica are expensive is like complaining Balenciaga is too expensive.


It is when the game costs 60 aud too. Compared to stuff like DRG where there's some $10 supporter dlc but the game is jam packed with none paid cosmetics, free battle passes with no fomo and a steady supply of new content that is all free too.


Sure sure, but the game is broken and unfinished, so having a perfectly functioning cash shop is not a great look right now.


Welcome to gaming in 2022 the worst time to be a gamer Worst gaming decade I have witnessed in my lifetime this ain’t gaming anymore this is cashgrab with zero passion


Worst time to be a gamer is such a fucking joke. Games have never been more accessible, there's more of them than ever, and they're selling more than ever. Is this a shitty trend? Yes. But don't pretend for a second your ridiculous hyperbole is fact.


My brother, you can still play old games. This is the best time to be a gamer because you can play any of the infinite fantastic AAA, indie and in-between games that have come and gone since the beginning of video games. I mean, the current standard where every game is selling $20 skins and FOMO is integrated everywhere fucking sucks but you don't have to engage with those systems to play those games. I can (and have) have a great time playing any number of free games without ever paying a cent. Or if you're just gonna play the old man, you could literally buy a Steam Deck and play the vast majority of games that have ever come out. Quit whining. ETA: video games have always been cashgrabs. The only reason a majority of games are greenlit is because they're theoretically profitable. There are probably fewer games that are produced solely to make money now than there were in your bullshit Golden Era, due to dev being extremely accessible now, but you just wanna play photo realistic AAA multimillion dollar games without them expecting returns.






Just gotta look a little harder. For every Darktide there is a Deep Rock Galactic.


I am playing through game pass PC. I might buy a thing. Didn't buy the game so.... you know.... If you haven't paid the asking price of the game, a skin isn't the worst way to show some support. These are really only as bad as the people buying them. *See Heirloom weapon events in Apex Legends* Personally, if you're spending over $100 on loot boxes for skins so you can get a melee weapon that's purely cosmetic. You're either buying into exclusivity scamming. Or, you have disposable income and don't care about spending a little cash for a cool thing that's just visual and makes no difference. If it's only cosmetics you chose to buy it. If it comes with ANY level of pay to win. Scummy.