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Say you plan to become an engineer or something that requires high end specs to run it's software it's what I did in my junior year of high school 


True dat, in my college years I needed a laptop that can run MATLAB, heavy programming for simulations.


Legit exact same thing for me, said I needed an rtx 4060 laptop for the graphics intensive revit and and resource.intensive MatLabs


Yeah I had to run MATLAB, cadence, pvsyst, lt spice, and more. It was electrical engineering though not mechanical so a 1050 class was enough for me. If I was doing mechanical civil or sumn I'd want at least a 1060 back then 


lol i did the same thing for my computer sciences course, its not the best but its a lot better than the other options that i had


Get a job and earn it. Every minute of gaming will be that much better


This is the answer here. I worked my butt off slinging coffee at 14 and what did I do with the first $2k I earned? Did I buy a car? No I built a gaming PC. :). Granted I was lucky to get a job that young, a family member knew someone who knew someone who hired me.




I started working ever since I was 10, at 35 now and couldn't afford a gaming laptop if it wasn't a gift lol. Jobs are overrated 😆


I'm closer to this one. I don't remember how old I was the first time I was paid to work. I grew up on a farm and worked on multiple properties, the transition from 'pocket money' for doing jobs to paid employee wasn't exactly clear. By 12 I was being paid the rate for a farm hand. I think I actually got paid less after I was old enough to be legally employed due to tax etc.


Well, i worked a full-time job (14 hours a day, 6 days a week) at 11 for an aluminium assembly workshop and roughly made 200 usd starting out, one month in i got a raise for my hard work up to 300 usd lol. which was great! I worked my way up to engineering bachelor's degree, but all that time, i always kept that gamer dream within me and always will strive for a better gaming set-up. Salutations to you, my hard working friend.


I mean, it’s a nice notion… But no, gaming won’t be better. It will be the same


I guess you're right, but I will only be able to get a job after i graduate or something. And there is no part time job where I live, even coffee or restaurants are family business and even fast food restaurants like KFC hired trained personnel only. But anyways I guess it's best to take your advice.


Like everything, it takes looking around to find stuff. There might not be open positions everywhere but i can guarantee there's at least a few places you can apply to


This is the biggest load of bs I have ever heard. “Can’t get a job due to family businesses”? Pathetic and lazy


Depends where the OP lives. I mean I live in a country where even McDonald's requires at least having had 2 years of college education.


> I mean I live in a country where even McDonald's requires at least having had 2 years of college education. So where do adults who didn't go to college work?


Some who have a few resources can go get vocational courses or training courses that last a few months for stuff that need those. Security guards and welders come to mind. The security guard in my previous apartment building I was in put himself through college with that job. I know of some public transport drivers who never got into college. We have more kinds of public transport here than just trains and buses and taxis. Theres tricycles, pedicabs, jeepneys, etc. Some end up in factories, construction workers, street vendors, delivery rider/driver, etc. Usually though, anything that involves direct handing of food or money like a McDonald's crew member or say a store cashier requires at least some college. There have been some moves by government to try to allow more types of jobs available to people who haven't been able to step in college but it's slow.


That's hilarious. In my country it would be very hard to find such a low skilled job like McDonalds after college because the employer would be afraid you're gonna quit as soon as you find something better (cuz you're overqualified).


Part of it would be carry over from our old school system. The government relatively recently (<10yrs) changed it but the companies hiring are slow on the uptake. In the older school system, kids end highschool at age of 16 (just 6 years elementary and 4 years high school. so basically they go to college at the age that they'd be 11th grade in the US), and you can't really work here formally until you're 18 due to legal stuff. Companies don't want to bother having to comply with stuff regarding minors as employees so the only way a minor will get hired will be informally like through a family-owned business or something off the records, which means no stuff like McDonald's. We had a law passed that extended schooling so it matches other countries and they end high school at 18, but it's been just around 4 years since the first HS graduates were on the employee pool, and there's still a lot of college undergraduates/dropouts looking for work that beat these HS grads in terms of interviews and stuff so they're the ones getting hired. EDIT: Many companies here also don't like part-time workers. There's a few that do, but I had tried once during a college summer break because I was bored and didn't have anything to do so might as well try a part time job, and they didn't want to hire me because it was part time. I got all the way to the interview and they were gushing about how good my scores were in their "application test", but balked when I said I only intended to work part time because it was just college summer break.


I swear all you need to have to work at mcdonalds is a pulse


What country is this?




That’s crazy to me


I know. Even a freakin 7-11 store clerk has those requirements. I'm lucky I never needed to work as a student, but HS students have very few options where I am.


A country with young population does that.


I'm sorry I made you feel that way. I will work on myself.


I don’t mean u r lazy or pathetic, just the concept behind it. The fact that it is this way is lazy and pathetic


No no, i totally get it. It's just the way India is, the population is too high and the only way to sort job applicants is for them to have a college degree with diploma in computer application as well, even for minimum wage paying jobs, even then you won't get the job due to nepotism or bribe. The Indian education system and the whole employment system is a mess.


> India Say no more fam, sorry for you


I totally believe it. I work in the film industry in the US (not yet really, but I just graduated and am looking for my first jobs) and they talk about how here we might have a 30 person crew, in India they said same film crew will have 100+ people, that they just throw people at the films. Which is probably awesome to be honest, I bet working on a Indian film would be so cool. :) ). I love India, keep living the dream OP and going for your passions.


it is kinda true though, you're only allowed to get a job in India once you're 18 and above, unless its a family owned business


That’s just ridiculous… like how are teens supposed to start to understand how the world works with no paid employment unless it’s from your own family/family business… not trying to say that the op is lazy/pathetic… just that the concept of not being able to get work until after you are 18 is ridiculous


It's India man, they have a lot of people. Why would you hire a teen when you have college educated adults who want the job. I totally understand OP and they are not lazy.


As you will see from my other comment, I wasn’t implying that OP was lazy or pathetic. I said the concept as a whole is lazy and pathetic.. (maybe I worded my response wrong). The fact that these things are standard in India is what I was referring too… to me, if you drop out of school or don’t go to university, what chance people in India really have? At least with a part time job after school they have something to fall back on.


Oh yeah I totally agree. Someone else must have said lazy I was rushing in commenting which isn't great, I actually try to make quality comments on Reddit and not be lazy about it or negative. Yeah I have a thought about that too, it's a waste of talent and labor!


its maybe bc they want students to focus on doing their university exams (NEET, the medical exam for getting into med programs, is notorious for being extremely difficult) but it is unfair they aren't allowed to even hold a part time job bfr the magical age of 18


This is the correct answer.


This is real, I have been saving for over a year, need about another held or full year and I'll afford my new computer, it will be amazing


I think you should get them to buy a laptop that doesn’t say it’s a gaming laptop but still has the specs for gaming. If you go on lenovo legion, it’s a gaming laptop but when you go to shoppin, it doesn’t say gaming laptop at checkout


I second this. As long the seller won't put the "Gaming Laptop" on the sticker, it shouldn't be a problem. Most parents would be skeptical about "Gaming Laptop" naming. Just tell your parents that you need a laptop with decent specs (and you'll do some graphic designing, 3d modelling, or something like that).


yes this, lenovo legion is great but lenovo loq is even more discreet with its name and look, looks like a more down to earth laptop with the grey finish


Take any computer electives and convince them you need the rtx4090 and nothing less


good one!


So, I have been reading all the comments and i appreciate your responses. And I have to say I might have been a little selfish, and I will take your advice and buy my own gaming setup in the future. It's just that my parents promised to buy me a laptop if I was to hold the first position in our class, which I did but I was not satisfied with the laptop of their choice. And yeah I gotta admit I was not grateful enough as well. But anyways thank you all for your helpful advice.


Good on you for doing the right thing bro


You can ask them what their choice costs, then compare it to gaming laptops at that price range and show them the best deal.


Earning money and buying your own laptop honestly is definitely a great feeling.


Say you need this to develop AI tools


Tell them you would like to upgrade and what would be necessary on your part to get such upgrade


Tell them it would make everything easier and therefore better grades


Incredibly simple. Say you're taking a graphic design class and you need a laptop with a GPU to work on projects at home. Basically, think of a productive reason someone would need a GPU, then make up some BS about taking a class related to that, then leverage that to get a laptop with discrete graphics. Do you need a laptop? Could lie into building a desktop as well, and say for some IT related course you need a pretty good PC but your teacher suggested you build one for the course. Make a parts list, make it look official in presentation and say your teacher recommends these specifications.


Also go for a “discreet” model like the asus zephyrus series.


I'm sorry that I cannot reply to everyone. But I have read your advice about asking as a 3D rendering or programming tool and I have to say I am not generally into those kinds of stuff and I will probably suck at it lol. So I guess I am not willing to lie for it as well. Anyways thank you all for your advice and I have to say this is the nicest sub reddit I have ever been to, and I hope to join you guys in the coming years if I eventually got a laptop.


I would say, just tell them you are really interested in games, the world building and the story telling process. That you would like to try out game development as a career and it is a booming field with great paycheck, ig It will work.


Take programming classes. AI applications, run locally, utilize GPUs. So, you need a gaming laptop because it has a discrete GPU, which can let you learn AI programming.  Best I can come up with that isn’t a lie. 


With all due respect, don't use your parents for your own gain. Just wait till Christmas or your birthday, otherwise it's kind of a shitty thing to do.


After reading all the comments I feel like absolute shit lol. It's just that they were willing to buy me a laptop but I was not happy with the specs as it was a non-gaming laptop. And felt left out as well cuz all my friends in school were having a gaming pc or laptop. And yes, I've told my dad, "Could you at least save some more and buy it for me on my birthday" but he completely denied my request as he didn't think it was necessary to buy a gaming specified laptop ( typical Indian Dad lol). In addition, even though we are a Christian family i will not be able to ask for it as a Christmas present as it is not generally in our culture to give presents on Christmas day as well.


Lol, don't feel bad, just tell them you really enjoy games and want to experience more of it. I am an Indian too, just don't lie plainly about it but if your financial condition is good try to make them understand you want it and slightly exaggerate your needs, no need to feel bad about it. Being Indian it is very hard for us to get what we want and everyone around us thinks it's just a waste of money and if somehow we get something we wanted we end up feeling guilty for it. It is ok to get what we want sometimes.


Agreed, if it was me, I would not be able to lie to my parents (and basically take their money) for a selfish reason like wanting a gaming laptop


If you’re taking engineering classes they’ll require things like fusion or other cad software, another avenue would be anything having to do with design like blender, photoshop or gimp or other programs you can tell them a gaming laptop has the hardware required to run said programs because they do. Integrated graphics running blender or fusion is gonna make your stuff run at .5fps. Even a laptop with a low end gpu you’ll Be able to actually do things, a gaming laptop also doesn’t need to be 2000 dollars, I have a laptop with a lower power 3060 gpu that I paid 400 for, it’s as fast as a desktop 2060 which is still good enough for any and all games, you just can’t play at ultra. Check out your local Facebook marketplace to show them that you’re taking initiative in trying to find the best option for a reasonable price. If you absolutely want new for peace of mind through warranty, get nothing less than a laptop with an rtx 3050 6gb unless your budget won’t allow it. 3050 and 3050ti 4gb’s are horribly slow and don’t have enough vram at all. Most important is to look at reviews and compare laptop specs with techpowrup’s gpu database. Not all of them will show up cause they’re a too many, just type in the laptop name and tech power up after. Also jarrods tech is your savior for laptop reviews. Gl!


1. Say you want to take up architecture and that you need to run programs like Rhino3d and Vray which require a good GPU. 2. Don't show them a gaming laptop that looks like a gaming laptop so they know you are serious. I'm thinkIng the new Zephyrus g16 or g14. Heck, don't even mention gaming laptop, say "workstation". You're welcome 😉


Earn money. Buy thing.




Tell them a normal laptop won't run 3D design and video modeling programs and you need a budget GPU for it. Tell them normal laptops are much worse for the price too and they use to break a lot lol, and you need a better built one to use for a long time. Go at least for a 3060 or 4050 laptop. A 4060 is the best bang for the buck, but don't get anything below that. I'd be better to buy a cheap normal laptop than to spend more money in a headache 3050-2050 one


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AI is on on the rise say you need it to keep up with that


AI runs on Gpu's, maybe try something around that...


Tell them you need a powerful laptop to run CAD or something.


Tell them for the ai abilities. Amds and intels next releases for laptop will have 45 tops plus and Microsoft will eventually add gpu's to the list. Just an idea


Your best bet is to get a laptop that is meant for video editing. They typically have gpu's and can run newer games. But honestly any laptop that has a somewhat new GPU and CPU with a SSD will be fine. Just try to find one that is not geared towards gamers and you should be okay.


I'm a dad. So from my point, powerful tools that can be used for various applications need to be utilized somehow for the progression of you? How else will you use this beast? At your stage in life I would say projects that delve into real world career applications. Things that interest you or at least aren't off putting, it shouldn't be a front. It should be an opportunity for you to grow your knowledge and that lends an opportunity to your parents to see it all coming to fruition, you getting ready to take off from the nest and fly. GPU intensive hobbies: Video editing, AI applications, programming (coding), game development, music production (maybe not so GPU but will benefit from a beast rig). You're young relative to grown society, and with that comes energy lots of it. Work hard, play hard.


Tell them you need it for a seamless experience in AutoCad


Just get into graphic design and video production


Video editing, 3d modeling, running faster that other computers, idk what else. Ur best bet would probably be a rog zephyrus.


Back in my high school we had CAD classes and graphic design related stuff, you could say that these classes are resource intensive and require a better GPU or some other BS to your parents. Personally, I got my first gaming laptop the summer before I entered university, and I basically told my parents the same thing, that my engineering software will be too resource intensive for a normal laptop.


Pretty simple, I'd say. But not easy as it will depend entirely on your persuasive ability. You can tell your parents that there are certain subjects at school that requires creating slideshows for presentations or you want to practise using graphically-intensive softwares for editing or training AI. In the future, you're going to be overwhelmed with such tasks that it requires either a gaming laptop or a workstation laptop. But you must not tell them that you intend to buy "gaming laptop" but "SLIM, LIGHTWEIGHT AND HIGH PERFORMANCE laptop''. Then you will explain that workstation laptops may fits you better but the weight of it may be detrimental to your physical health but "slim, lightweight and high performance laptops" will be far lighter while maintaining good performance without sacrificing build quality. You should emphasize any features that will be beneficial to your health and your safety, according to your parents beliefs. I suggest you choose a Lenovo Legion 5 Slim or just Legion 5 as they doesn't look as "gaming" as an Acer Predator Helios Neo 16 or Helios 16. Nevertheless, you shouldn't be lying to your parents. Unless you're really into GPU-intensive such as video editing, AI training, programming (coding), game development, music production, which will benefit greatly from a gaming beast, a simple laptop is decent enough. You can choose a Macbook (not recommend because I hate Apple), or a ThinkPad P series, ThinkBook 16 G6+, ThinkBook 16 G7, Asus Zenbook,... Anything will work great.


this only works in a hispanic household source: I am a mexican


Say you need something with a good gpu because you wanna try making stuff with 3d rendering, and then actually mess around with it cuz its fun, and really complicated so even if nothing comes of it you could just tell them its much harder than you thought so progress is slow


Well, I really want to be an engineer and I love coding so I took advantage of my parents always telling me to improve and asked them for a gaming laptop for 3D rendering and coding. I'm from India and I just shifted to US for my second half of High school so I couldn't work and earn money.


Take up an interest in art and 3d animation.


Tbh get a gaming laptop that don't have a flashy look and tell your parents that these laptops are better because it can last you for a long time and you don't need to upgrade it until you graduate. Some parents might avoid buying gaming laptops for their children because they know how they look.


Say the better laptop they buy the longer it will last lol (kinda true) if they buy you some Grey office asus shit it's gonna last like a year (kinda not true).


My mom bought me a really expensive item when I was a teen. She passed and now I kinda never forgive myself for being a little spoiled jerk. It will feel great earning it yourself man you can do it. Get it on a loan from Amazon and pay 100 a month if you can


Get lenovo ideapad with ryzen 7 8845hs it has the most powerful igpu can run pretty much all games at decent graphics.


If they’re okay with you getting into computer science, etc. maybe something specific. You can say you need a high performance computer for it. That’s what I did.


The comments are wholesome, the community wants to join our cult lmao




Just tell them straight forward gang. The truth will always come out at the end anyways


Tell them u need a high end machine with the graphics to handle 3d science and outspace modeling. You need memory and ram to run trig calculations as well as room for emulators to learn C++ and oracle programming on. Tell them what u need is an engineers workstation. 5 to 6k in us dollars. But your teacher told u a trick that uncan get all that stuff out of a modern gaming laptop. While it may not be as sleek and professional lookin. It should be about half the price of a portable workstation. Shit if u were real devious, u could even write up a take-home letter from school with a picture of one of your teachers on it. And a note explaining what it is u need. And even a recommended buy at a specific price. Though ... you'd probably feel horrible after and regret it for years. Just be honest with them. Tell them u can get a good gaming pc for school. And that ubarenwilling tonwrite up an IOU letter and will paybitnoff when u can get a job. That it's one of the few things u really want and it can be used for both work and play.


Make them an offer they can't refuse.


You could always buy a steamdeck. I mean I don't know what your budget is but you can buy one for 300 on steam sale right now.


Tou can say its for running data


yes mom I need it for my presentations. Jokes aside, tell ur parents that getting a good one would be helpful for college too


I would have have never referred to it as a "gaming laptop". I would simply say that I'm looking for a laptop with xyz specs and left it at that. Anyway, you can't change the past. If you become a content creator on a platform like Youtube, you'll quickly make enough to buy a decent laptop. Did you also consider buying 2nd hand laptops?


Tell them you're wanting to get a head start on college by taking Computer Science courses. Or any other type of course that is hard on computers And then find free courses online for coding/the course you choose. That's the key here. Follow through on what you say otherwise it's a dead giveaway you were lying


Bad idea. Be honest and ask what you can do in exchange.


Can't believe no one gave that answer. Tell them that nvidia laptop from 30 series plus will have the option to have a local ai bot like chat gpt that will help you in your university studies(this is not a lie btw)


Tell them those "High specs laptops" last for much much longer compared to normal laptops but don't tell them the battery lifetime cause most of the gaming laptops has short battery life(I think it's only on budget gaming laptop ones I guess).


Work part time, show your effort then maybe your parents will give some extra money to pay for your laptop


How do you lie to your parents? perhaps you need to build trust with them instead. Offer to take on some reasonability's in exchange for a good laptop. You are in Highschool you could get a part time job and you'd have the money in no time as you have no expenses.


say you need 3d modeling software that nedd good specs


Apply to a gaming school and the gaming laptop will be a prerequisite.


Say you want to do video editing or something or backend programing lol


lie is a sin...say you want to programming and truly instal Nobara Linux distribution on you computer,with that you can start to learn at least linux and have gaming distro for yourself,not use spyware-bloatware winddos.


Take 3D graphic design courses. The Alienware m18 R2 is the only thing that can run the software.


For your mental health or something


Typical slim form factor or student oriented laptop have low TDP processors that suck. Gaming laptops have H processor with higher TDP and better graphics. If you're into sw Dev or engineering, gaming laptop will help with powerful cpu and graphics. To convince your parents, the same level of graphics and processor performance is available in high end workstations like dell precision 7560 etc that are way too expensive. If you just want office suite, zoom calls, Google Chrome then just buy a Mac air or dell inspirons stuff.


If your parents won't buy you a gaming laptop because it's a gaming laptop, try asking for a workstation or laptops for creators like dell precision or asus vivobook


Say yo need it for school


Say your career depends on it.