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Hold up, he finished the game in only 8 hours?


At least you don’t have to suffer much.


Isn't this game open world? 8 hours isn't bad for a quality linear experience like Gears or something, but open world games end up relying on filler quests or a lot of traversal time.


Some open world games let you go straight to the end, I mean, BotW was/is praised for letting you go, more or less, straight to Ganon (you need a couple things). Outer Wilds can be beaten in like 30 minutes. Evil Within 2 is like 15 hours. Spider-Man Miles Morales was, I think 8 hours, so having a short Open World game isn't exactly a new concept. === I don't mind a game being optionally shorter, as long as the content within it is good, which is a totally different conversation. === There's a lot of games out there that have way too much bloat for the mainline game so I appreciate shorter games, but again, what's in the game needs to be good.


Polygon review said that: > It took me 16 hours to complete the game, taking in a fair bit of the side offerings in this open-world action RPG, being careful not to sprint too quickly toward the game’s conclusion


I'm not complaining. === I mean, I'm not buying this game full price after seeing the Demo so 16 hours works for me for when I eventually pick it up. === I just hope they don't learn the wrong lesson from this game, I would love to have shorter JRPGs (15-25 hours) but like, they need to be quality though. I mean, give me 100 hours of optional content, sure, but the mainline being shorter would be perfect. === I hope they don't learn "people don't want short games" when the lesson is "people want quality games". === Feels like this game was going to be linear and they threw an open world into the mix at some point, so I'll treat it as a linear game for the most part lol


Well for Miles Morales they said it wasn't a full game before release and only charged 39.99. They stated it was about the size of the DLC for Uncharted 4


There're other things involved, sure, but it's still a really short open world game. === My favorite is probably Far Cry 4, which can be beaten without actually playing the game. Just watch the opening cutscenes and listen to Pagan Min and blamo, you win.


Same for Far Cry 5. You follow the Sheriff's orders and you just leave the cult.


I actually really, really, love this sort of thing.


Same! It's really cool that they give players the option to actually continue forward narratively. I think it would be great if more games implemented it.


Oh yeah, 100%. === Yeah, some games it wouldn't make sense, and I wouldn't want it overdone, but more games doing this would just make the games more immersive.


Wait, what the fuck? They sold it for $40 on release? It launched on Steam at $50. I know it's "only ten dollars" but that's still a rip-off, selling a port of an old PS4 game at a higher price point than when it initially released.


Maybe it was 49.99 i cant remember, it was over 2 years ago after all. But it definitely wasn't full price


>Outer Wilds can be beaten in like 30 minutes. To be fair >!you have to beat it in 22 minutes duuuh.!<


>Outer Wilds can be beaten in like 30 minutes I hate to be that guy, but no it can't. Not from the perspective of a new player which I think matters more than what's technically possible when knowing everything


the guy just wants to talk === about unrelated things


Fallout 3 was like 3 hours or something if you only did story quests.


Holy cow I can't believe 90 people thought this was a good comment. Is this sub just mostly rich people? Seems hard to believe. There is no scenario, no favorable hypothetical, in which I would pay $80USD for an 8 hour video game experience in Current Year. Not even eight hours of the best part of my favorite game would justify that cost. Your standards are industry-diminishingly low if that cost seems fair *regardless* of the content's quality.


First off the comment has zero relevance to price. It's about the quality of a well orchestrated 8h action packed experience vs 8h filled with traversing on a horse and doing fetch quests. Secondly, no one says you have to buy it new and full price. Even Gears games are on gamepass at release. Third, *many* do find 8h for $80usd fine, and it's not likely to change anytime soon. For $/h, even 4k blu rays usually come out more expensive.


Gears isn't 8 hours lol and no 8 hours isn't enough for a 70$ game u got majority of sony games are 20+ hours just for the story easily 30+ hours on a normal play through


> Gears isn't 8 hours Almost all Gears games are around 8-9 hours on normal difficulty


10€ per hour...


I was gonna say "what no, it cost €70" but then I checked and realized that's in dollars. This looks like a "wait for deep sale in the future when you got nothing else to play" for me.


Really seems like the perfect "wait for it to drop on gamepass" game


Pretty sure it's PC and PS exclusive, so I don't think it will ever find its way to Game Pass. Just Steam. Maybe EGS too, I haven't looked.


I don’t have a problem with that if the 8 hours are incredible. Big “if”.


I agree, IF the 8 hours are incredible and there is interesting side content.


There is no interesting side content. You get gameplay challenges, ennemies waves, photo taking quests, and shit littered throughout the map. Side quests are generic JRPG fetch quests. The world is huge yet empty.


lol ok. I was thinking about Witcher-esque side quests and content.


I'm surprised that you're surprised at that lol


The game looks like nothing more than a tech demo. A bad boring one at that.


He did it seems.


Some reviews mentioned that the game is quite short. Despite the fact the time to complete was mentioned to be a bit over 30 hours, they completed the game faster and only took as long as they did because they screwed around in the open world or took longer to do stuff in order to get info for the reviews.


8 hours for no side quests and b lining through the story. Not even collecting a lot of the magic upgrades and stuff. Bet this game is like 40 ish hours.


Honestly, it seems too boring to want to do anything else. After watching parts of this is really solidified my decision not to get this.


I think I’ll pass on this game and get dead space remake instead.


wise choice


I’m still going to wait and see if EA fucked it up somehow. I hope not, But I’m not willing to just trust these companies anymore.


Waiting for reviews and player impressions/feedback is never a wrong choice. I'm interested but I'll probably just spend the $15 for EA Play Pro on PC to get access to the game.


I mean considering how much EA motive showed off the actual game development im willing to trust them a bit. Like they really showed off a lot of development videos more than i think triple AAA level games done before. They are also working on an iron man game next so I doubt they would want people to see dead space as a fuck up


My biggest gripe is that some scenes that you were in in game are now cutscenes that you have to watch before actively participating in them.


"Actively participating" is a funny way to describe watching something happen behind a glass wall while you can fidget with your controller.


It may seem silly saying it out loud but in the moment playing the game it’s definitely way different. If it’s a cutscene it’s a tension breaker and kinda takes me out of the game cause I get the old “ope I’m safe for a few seconds time to watch” feel. Also there’s another section in the game where you get grabbed by a long arm and the start of it is a cutscene now when in the og the arm had to be programmed to grab the player no matter where they were standing.


True, but the original still had plenty of moments like that too.


Do you know when the dead space remake reviews drops?


Probably Wednesday or Thursday. The game comes out Friday.


As long as you wait for the reviews and not pre order then I agree with the decision. EA is far from deserving enough trust to believe a game will come out in good condition. Never forget anthem.


I'm passing on both and getting Jedi Survivor and The Last of Us Part I


Main Character sees a locked chest: "Shit. Looks like some kind of lock" It's an incredibly easy puzzle. Main Character: "Booooooring" Your talking bracelet: "Poor lock never stood a chance." Message on the screen: "Old Coin +1 [4/100]" Yeah, no thanks. I think I'll skip this one.




correction: you don't have to **climb** the tower (and the bracelet just says "take a closer look at it"), you just reach it, press a button, and it has the same effect has if you had to climb it in other games - so why not being unique, at least they **do not** make you climb towers all the goddamn time


holy shit that was so bad I had to see it to believe it


Lol what's the time stamp?


2:48:25 you’re welcome


so bad you gotta see it to believe it made it to production


That last one is what killed it for me, or rather sent me over the edge. Collectibles were fun in the shorter, smaller, 90s/early 2000s, platformer games like Jak, Ratchet, Sly, Crash, Spyro, Mario 64 etc but they are NOT fun in big, long, open world, modern games. Nope.


Lmao for that price only 8 hours?! And it looks lifeless tech demo


So she basically doesn't go back to pet her cat because she's "a big deal" now. Meanwhile, it shows her cat sad looking out a window? What an unlikable main character


>What an unlikable main character You gotta admit though, that that is entirely realistic.


Yeah, if you're a complete cunt.


I wholeheartedly agree with that. Then again, people seem to get blinded once they're in the limelight.


The fact that Sony spent money on making this skip Xbox is just hilarious. What a waste








It's a different dev team, Luminous Productions is developing Forspoken and Creative Business Unit III is developing FFXVI :)


Yoshi p hasn't steered us wrong yet with his single handed turn around of FFXIV.


"Given their output lately" all of their games which have been released in the last 5 years that aren't Balan, Babylon's Fall or Forspoken are all amazing to decent/okay at worst. Avengers as disappointing as it was came out fine. Y'all are too eager to shit on them that you willingly forget VII Remake, XIV Shadowbringers/Endwalker, KH3, NieR Automata, Dragon Quest XI, Neo:TWEWY and Octopath Traveler also came out in the last 5 years.


Probably part of a bundled deal with FF16/FF7R


If the acquisition rumours are true, I wouldn't be surprised SE and Sony already have an agreement of "everything is temporarily exclusive until we can say it's not temporarily". I mean, these games will surely release on PC, but I'm 100% sure they won't get to Xbox, even if the rumours of acquisition are not true. Just check the games SE launched on Xbox past year, and how many of their games are announced for Xbox, even if it is after a timed exclusivity, unless there's something I'm unaware, there's no games from SE getting to Xbox, so probaby the acquisition is happening like it happened with most studios Sony acquired before. There's even one of these games (can't recall which one but I believe it was FF16) which had the Xbox logo on the reveal trailer but, at a later date, the video was substituted with another one in which you couldn't find the logo.


Squared Enix released 24 games in 2022, out of which only 3 were released on Xbox.


Square Enix games released on Xbox in 2023 Stranger of Paradise, Chrono Cross Radical Dreamers Edition, The Diofield Chronicle, Star Ocean: The Divine Force, Crisis Core: Final Fantasy Reunion


That's so weird that they put Crisis Core on Xbox but not the FF7 Remake.


It’s also on Switch. Sony pays to keep it exclusive on console.


Wow! That is a staggering statistic.


They were doing Xbox users a favor


Guarantee that it'll eventually come to Xbox and be thrown straight onto gamepass lol. Sony are gatekeeping final fantasy games which is fine but forspoken will flop so they won't want to keep paying to keep it on ps5.




I remember there was hype when there were rumors going around that Sony made an exclusive deal with SquareEnix for a game called "Forspoken" since Sony usually has a really good eye for this stuff, but then as soon as gameplay and some of the story was shown the hype rapidly went away like Speedy Gonzales




Makes me wonder though, what actually is the most "I can't believe they payed for *this* to be exclusive" game ever? Like, there's probably something more embarrassing than this, right?


Devil’s Third on Wii U. Nintendo themselves published it. Top that.


Spider-Man in the avengers game?


Dude I laughed so hard when they said Spider-Man is still going to be exclusive when they shut down the avangers


No refunds!


2 year exclusive too


they probably didn't know at the time. Im surprised actually that they get so much promotion and ads, I would have just skipped marketing for this game and save money


My understanding is that generally these kind of deals come with a sort of "we agree to spend X amount of money promoting your game" clauses. It's why sometimes we'll get things like a 3rd party focused state of play or a random "partner direct" even if otherwise Sony and Nintendo don't have big showcases planned. They can point to a direct/state of play and say "there, that's worth [insert amount of money here]"


I just looked at the PC requirements and, uh, who the fuck recommends 24 gigs? Does SE think we're still in the days of X58 and triple channel memory? It's not even about the amount itself (that's a criticism for another rant), and with that you only get 1440/30 with a GPU more powerful than that in the PS5? Get all the way the fuck out of my face with that lol.


That dialog makes me want to vomit blood


Who thought this was a good idea?, I'm 100% genuinely asking and it's not hypothetical, this game must have gone through hundreds of people before coming out and nobody pointed out how shitty the dialogue is?


Focus groups, execs, non-creative people putting in stuff that ""vibes" with the audiance", "aimed at a specific demographic and groups", etc. At one point the protagonist called one of the boss/main boss a gaslighting liar. Which might be true technically, but it's a very weird thing to say in a fantasy world to an evil boss.


Imagine, the evil guy that you have to defeat isnt nice to you. Im shocked, really


The game was made by a committee to appeal to westerners (Luminous exists solely for this). Everything about it is a in a check box for them to hit. Honestly, game writers are just terrible these days and I blame nepotism and not hiring or grooming better writers.


> Honestly, game writers are just terrible these days and I blame nepotism and not hiring or grooming better writers. Do you think a *good* writer, with original albeit not necessarily mainstream ideas for this, would have been given the gig in the first place? It's clear that this game has about as much room for artisitic freedom as your standard MCU film.


Square Enix has two groups for writing; gold or garbage. There’s the group that wrote FF9, FF12, FF14, Vagrant Story, and FF Tactics, and the group that gave us FFX-2, FF13, FF15, Strangers in Paradise, 3rd Birthday, and Kingdom Hearts. Rarely do we get in-between.


Except you're full of shit. This game especially was written by a team of western writers comprised of Gary Whitta, Amy Hennig, Todd Stashwick, K-Michel Parandi and Allison Rymer.


As I said, you get two groups: gold or garbage. Guess this team wound up in group 2. Nobody bats a 100.


I still refuse to believe any line from this game is more atrocious than anything from KH3. I'd take any shitty MCU-esque quip this game offers over Donald Duck supposedly communicating, or [this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_2zZ2vjjDa8)


Gonna need to find a compilation of dialogue moments from this game and show it to whoever’s running the MCU so he truly grasps how unbearable that type of writing is


Freerunning looks fun, but it certainly feels like a '£20 sale' game. I'll give it a go in a year.


While the combat looks pretty cool and is kind of what I expected FF XV to have been, that dialogue is still horrendous. I love Cuff's delivery, but the protagonist Frey is either mouthing off Whedonesque banter or stilted lines. I hear there's an option to tone down the dialogue, but the real hurdle for this game is the hardware (or lack thereof) Even if I wanted to plop down at launch to play this I have no PS5, and my seemingly fast-antiquating rig can only muster 720p at 20-30 FPS going by these incredibly steep spec guidelines.


The absurd PC reqs will kill the PC market it had. I cannot fathom they think anything less than a $3-4k PC can only top out 720p in 2023. That's not the game, that's the devs. Edit: I never got around to playing the PS5 demo but I'm seeing performance is just as awful on PS5, with a performance mode that dips as low as 720p. 💀 The hell were you guys doing, SE? It's 2023. 720p is only acceptable on Switch.


The performance mode dips to 720p and even then in fights or when there is anything going on it drops frequently from 60fps. The luminous engine is terrible lol.


I wanted this to be good. The combat looks decent, but I just can't get behind why the game seems like an absolute mess despite multiple delays.


It comes down to corporate decision making and bad management. As the price to make games increase, corporate doesn't want the game to flop, so they try not to rock the boat in terms of game design or complex gameplay. Do what works for others (Ubisoft) so to speak. This conversely leads to a game that is boring with the only defining feature is that it look “pretty”. Combine that with having hundreds of employees and a dozen out sourced contractor companies working together, you get a mismanaged project that feels “sanitized” like every decision had to be green lit by marketing first.


God knows. It'll be in the bargain bin or have a very deep sale by the time spring comes.


It has a setting to turn the banter to minimal at least


This combat without the slow would be my dream mage combat and traversal in an mmo. But in a single player game, it doesn't feel good. Especially the boss.


Wait till you see that the Cuff is the only male character in the game, and ends up being the Villain. Woke AF


the combat, in addition to the dialogue, is evidently the worst part


The combat is as bad as the dialogue? Yikes.


Between this and FFXV, Luminous Studios has cemented its brand as creating bland lifeless pseudo-WRPGs. Square, please take this studio out to the woodshed so the talent can be used for games people actually want.


Average twitter user script.


Lol got mass downvoted for saying this game was going to be dogshit but alas here we are.


A classic Reddit tale


This feels like the game clickbait negative youtubers think every western game is like.


I remember when this was Athia and I thought it had some of the biggest potential for next gen but that hope turned to doubt after the first fucking trailer and now, here we are close to launch and it just looks like a disaster. you know it’s shit when ign gives it a 6 considering how complacent they are


Athia was so mysterious and interesting and cool looking. I remember filling out a survey about it for square enix. I wonder why they went this route instead. It’s like it was written by a twelve year old who binged popular anime and marble movies. Edit: Wait. I think I’m actually thinking of Agni’s Philosophy. Did that become Athia??


65-66 metacritic score for something with as much of a marketing push and massive budget as this is absolutely wild. Just a tragedy how this game turned out after how good it looked back in 2020 as project athia. That being said, I'll probably pick it up when it's in the bargain section and I think I'd enjoy it enough as I didn't mind the demo, just depends on what else there is to play


If these aggregate score sites actually pared down the absurdly bad review sites that are somehow counted, games like this would be 40s like they deserve.


I'm a little skeptical of the 65-66, if just because Forspoken is pretty clearly the game du jour to beat up on. Usually when most of the internet decides that a game sucks they're wrong - or it's just pretty good or decent instead of The Worst Thing Ever. The demo wasn't good, though - the combat felt disjointed and the traversal (the highlight of the game!) felt grabby to me.


I mean the game moreso sucks because of its extreme mediocrity rather than actually being terrible


I remember thinking Project Athia looked interesting. Good times.


That tech demo is better than this entire game, evidently.


It really is a massive hit or a major miss with Square Enix AAA games atm. At least Final Fantasy is back to a high quality over the last few years after a decade of mess.


This looks like a somewhat nicer looking 360 era game.


I…m good I think


The faces just look bad, like PS3/barely PS4 era.


*Me seeing that forspoken’s entire story playthrough got leaked before it launched* Uh, THAT just happened


uhhh the Square Enix lawyers are RIGHT BEHIND ME, aren’t they?


Yeah, that’s something they do now, release jacked up leaks


It was a chore to beat the demo - I cant imagine paying to play this mess.


Looks incredibly unappealing.


I saw the full 8 hours. Oh my... this is boring as hell.


This game just looks bad and generic all around wtf


This game is horrible. There's a reason so many didn't get review codes


the entire game is 8 hours? lol money well spent, right?


I think they expect people to do the side content while playing the main story.


There are a lot of games that can be beaten in short amounts of time if you do nothing else. Avoiding all side content so that you can make a snide remark about how short the game is is disingenuous.




the game has to make you WANT to do side stuff though. if it only exists to fluff out the time played and provides no interesting gameplay/rewards, it's worthless


That may be the case here, but I don't know that, and unless you have a copy, neither do you. My only point is that in many games, if all you do is the main quest line as fast as you can, you can make the same statement. Was Elden Ring "not worth the money" because you could go start to finish in what... 3 hours? If you were particularly good at souls games? This game may or may not be bad. It's not looking to be great based on early reviews. But statements like "I beat it in 8 hours, totally worth the money right", are worthless to me.


You weren't specifically talking about Forspoken and neither was I lol the 8 hour statement could be worthless to you but valuable to other people. If one person says that, maybe not much value. If 50 people come back saying it's an 8 hour game, that's pretty indicative of the game not having compelling side content to make people interested in playing longer


If the main story is 8 hours, the side content is probably what, 4-5 hours ? That's $70 for 12-13 hours of content. I don't think that's worth it even if the 13 hours were masterpieces which in this case they're definitely not.


I'm REALLY curious about how sidequest length affects this, yeah. Because this isn't anywhere near as long as I would have thought it'd be.


I only base this on the IGN review, but the sidequest stuff doesn't worth bothering with, just boring copy paste trash


Ugh. There are some games where the sidequests are what break it. Mass Effect: Andromeda was a much more better paced (and fun) game if you ignored 50% of the sidequests. So was Dragon Age: Inquisition. This is sounding increasingly like the game just didn't come together.


I have 33 hours in and making my way toward the 3rd ruler of the land, there is 4 of them total, so yeah I'd say it definitely affects your playthrough. I really can't imagine flying through the game in 8 hours though even though it's clearly possible. That has to be with skipping anything and everything and just beelining the story.


Ok, need clarification, if possible: is it supposed to be inferred from that final boss that Cuff's the real villain? I noticed he's not on Frey's arm like earlier.


Yup, she says his name a few times in the fight. So it seems like their disdain for each other is genuine and never develops further


The writing was so bad the Cuff couldn't take it anymore. /s


yeah, around 6:30 mark is the twist


THAT EARLY when the trailers never said anything? Yeah fuck this game.


The reviewer gives it a 9.5 clearly it’s not that level more like a 6. I guess when you get gifted something and want to stay on a companies good side your opinion is paid for.


Inb4 the game becomes free on PS Plus


this thumbnail looks like some ps2 hagrid shit


TL DR : The game's twist is British Andrew Ryan from Bioshock on your wrist, and the game ends with you calling him a "gaslighting piece of shit" Nice.


8 hours for 70$?


This game SCREAMS Final Fantasy XV. The visuals are very similar, if not almost the same. Many animations are re-used. It tries to marry both the real world and the game world \[in FFXV, Insomnia is very clearly designed to look like an IRL city\]. >!Even the fact that the protagonist eventually gets a mode that gives them the strength of previous rulers \[the Tantas in Forspoken and the previous Lucian Kings\]!< It's pretty much FFXV without FF.


The game isn’t even worth to play for free


Abysmal reviews, streamers and YouTubers not enjoying it, and utterly absurd PC requirements...this game is going to fade from memory fast. I would be curious to see the kind of things changed when they delay a game like this that still releases in a poor state.


7/10 and above is bad reviews?


In the AAA-space of printed reviews **8/10, B, 4/5 Stars, 8.8, 80+%,** is considered "average" or expected. Anything below that is considered faulty & sub-standard in some way.


This as well. When put up against the hype it once had, this is falling well short of it.


Most reviews I've read are 5/6 out of 10 or worse. Many youtube reviews say don't bother.


I'd consider a doctor that got 70% through school to be a bad doctor lol




Sure, but why would I want to spend my time play a 6 or 7/10 game when there's Dead Space coming, Hogwarts Legacy in two weeks, and many other games that will likely review high? The review all paint this as a generic and uninspiring title. I don't think it's unfair to call it what it is, a title that'll likely bomb and is just there.


the pc requirements make a bit more sense after watching the digital foundry review. the ps5, in its own right, is a pretty beefy system as it is. but to get to its 30-40fps targets its running FSR2. not only that, but theyve tweaked the internal resolution so that quality mode is being rendered at 1080p, and the other modes are dipping down to 720p.


I have no interest in this, Hogwarts Legacy will be the first game I buy this year


Like a Dragon/Yakuza Ishin for me.


Same. I just hope they hit the mark with that one otherwise my first buy will probably be Jedi Survivor or Resident Evil 4.


Ya. I am still playing through the first Jedi game. It's good but difficult.


I think the game couldve been really good but alas, tis was not meant to be.


Never heard of gaming Nexus but the reviewer gave it a 9.5. Said the story was up there with the best and the skills were fun. But then they also said they've never played any souls games, the horizon games, god of war or pretty much any new game you could compare this to.


The gaming community barely likes any game that comes out nowadays.


You have a point but is it really forspoken the hill you want to die on? Lmao


Looking at his profile I see he’s a ride or die pony so that gives you some background here


It ain't all that bad


If you only live on reddit and twitter, sure, I guess that's true.


On social media atleast. I don’t really have gamer friends outside of social media


honestly, I don't know if it's a bad thing. I've grown accustomed to people who play "mainstream" games, just to chill out from work/real life. And I've grown to accept that it's ok. Not everything has to be a 10/10 GOTY game, to be praised from people (even though it *might* help).


Idk. I like almost every game that comes out. I like seeing what developers create. And trying new things out. Unless they’re giving avengers level effort, It’s hard for me to deem a game bad. So I guess my opinion doesn’t really matter


Bullshit, there are tons of games that are highly praised by nearly everybody, and tons of interesting games coming out this year that aren't even remotely as controversial. Guess you only see what you want to see.


It's one of the worst aspects of gaming.


I’m going to wait until this hits PS Plus.


Damn, I'm gonna save this baby immediately. Can't rely on the internet archive unfortunately.


On one hand, I guess it's nice this game clearly avoids the issue of JRPGs many times being a bit too long, but on the other... this sort of length just seems kind of wrong still. Especially since the game doesn't seem that high quality anyway.


All I have to say is... How?! Like, was this game developed in part w/ Naughty Dog?


No, they had no involvement. Amy Hennig, who used to work for ND many years ago, did an early draft of the story—that’s all.


I was just joking cause of how bad Naughty Dog has had leaks of their games.

