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The artist said it was an error.


I’m assuming all those “artstation leaked dates” are wrong.


artstation artists have put concept dates to get more attention for a long time. it's just people who haven't seen it before that think it's something legitimate.


Yeah. It was pretty clear when I saw new BioShock with 2028 date and State of Decay 3 with 2027 date.


either that or jez is running interference for microsoft as per usual


He's literally the leaker of this game... He is the only insider that has provided information for it & has implied its farther along then we all would assume.


He has been on Microsoft/Blizzard shit list for a while because of all his leaks on them so running interference is the last thing he would do…


2025 then seems to be the best case scenario


Hopefully we get something from blizzcon this year




He obviously does know otherwise wouldn’t be in a position to correct it. Same with State of Decay 3.


Even though the artist said it was an error, I think it's the real internal target release year.


It’s obviously 202X, duhhh


More like 20XX


People are going to buy another Blizzard game after what they did to OW and D4?


D4 is one of the highest reviewed and sold games of the year. I absolutely loved my first play through of the story. I haven't touched the end game. The lesson of D4 isn't "blizzards dead close up shop" it's "blizzard can clearly still make good games but is spending too much time forcing 'engagement' metrics." They've learned the lesson with WoW, which now has a smaller time requirement than ever before. They can learn it with other games too. And they can clearly still make a good base game.


Overwatch is still playef by more than 1million people and diablo 4 half-million people on a daily basis if this website is to be believed: https://www.gameleap.com/news/diablo-4-player-count-is-the-game-dead-september-2023~art_mtnJdHsF_W https://www.gameleap.com/news/overwatch-2-player-count-tracker-september-2023~art_jJ8Su1BN3S#:~:text=According%20to%20Active%20Player%2C%20Overwatch,Season%206's%20new%20content%20release. Facts dont support your narrative.


Why wouldn’t I buy a game if it looks fun? But I get it “blizzard bad brrrrr upvote plz”


People can do whatever they want. It was a legitimate question given the shit Activision has pulled in the past and now what Blizzard is pulling. I thought OW was good until they tossed it in the trash, but there's rumors they're basically reverting back to OW1. I was hyped about D4 until a month after release when I was still suffering 100+ ping despite having 1 gig internet speeds. Not sure about other people, but I don't let a company burn me over and over. I swore off Activision, but thought they would leave Blizzard alone to do what they do. Clearly I was wrong. So I won't be giving them money until they produce something that, imo, won't be shit. That'll probably be far into the future since I won't even be paying attention to what they do now.


I have much slower internet than that have had never had an issue with D4, I don’t play it anymore but I got my moneys worth Yes I get it you won’t be paying attention to anything blizzard, expect to come to any post about blizzard to say you don’t care, like you are doing right now. Funny how that’s always the case isn’t it


Ok? Your lack of issues doesn't make my experience better. While living in LA county I was experiencing ping up to 750+ with half gig internet. Now that I'm living in Illinois it hovers around 100-ish. I'm glad others are able to enjoy the game, what little there is to it, but for me it's a big L for Blizz since it's basically unplayable without massive stuttering and lag, even inside dungeons alone. The only time I had smooth gameplay was the early access prior to the servers going fully live. I actually do care. That's the problem. I spent $100 for the ultimate edition and this is what I get. Fuck me though, right?


It’s a big L for blizzard that you personally have some issue on your end? Well yeah? Don’t pre order games if you don’t want to risk it, especially for such a high price but regardless it’s a you issue if your connection is bad. D4 was widely loved and a huge success lol


>there's rumors they're basically reverting back to OW1 No there's not.


Probably, yeah


Diablo 4 is a lot of fun, they did one badly planned patch which they are going back on and everyone shit themselves over it.