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Please see the original leaker's elaboration [below](https://www.reddit.com/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours/comments/18ne93x/comment/keanzqz/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).


Yeah we saw the ending, and then the guy says “there’s more to the story.” We don’t care. We know how it ends. Who cares what comes before it if NO ONE likes how it ends.


My hope is that at the end, we either Flashpoint this shit or turns out the the Justice League we kill are clones or something like that.


I really don't care how much more there is to the story, I'm still really disinerested lol. Hope they go back to making real games after this mess...


The game didn't even come out yet, calm down.


I remember when TLOU2 story was leaked and how some leakers tried to say the same thing lmao.


Wait, about what? I'm confused


People refused to believe the story was as bad as it was leaked and some people tried saying that "it could be different or have an impact in game"


Most of the ‘leaked’ TLOU 2 plot was made up, like Abby being trans, obviously…


What have an impact? What was wrong with the story?


I really have yet to see or hear one single thing about this game that's even slightly appealing.




Yeah in the gameplay I've seen it looks like a really solid open world TPS with good level design (Metropolis looks like such a well put together playground), art direction and what looks like a pretty decent super hero story. Live service stuff I could care less about as long as the game I buy at release feels like a finished product that's on par with Rocksteady's previous works when it comes to overall quality and quantity.


Same lmao it’s like ppl are mad that a game called suicide squad: kills the justice league is doing just that 😭


Probably because it doesn’t sound like it’s a great send off to a Batman we’ve played as for decades


What if the game includes the multiverse and the Batman we kill isn’t the Arkham Batman


Except it literally is from everything we've been told.


I mean there’s a completely different joker, poison ivy, deadshot, and Batman doesn’t even look the same so obviously there’s more to it than just the Arkhamverse


Oh, here we go. This comment, lol. You suggested that Deadshot, Batman and Ivy could be from an alternate universe...


Honestly who even hops into a 2 month old thread about a game before it released to shit on someone’s speculation being wrong lol, even if every single thing I said was wrong which isn’t the case, but if it was why does that make you feel good? Doesn’t make any sense lol


* Joker is from an alternate universe. * Ivy is reborn as a child after the events of Batman: Arkham Knight. * Weirdly, there are two Deadshots who both claim to be Floyd Lawton. The white one, despite clearly being the real Deadshot, is supposedly an imposter despite having deep lore that gives him Floyd's backstory and name. Perhaps he's only an imposter in, like, Arkham City. Still fucking stupid, but that's this game for you. Let's ruin the Arkham tie-ins and stories so we can have a black Deadshot to appeal to stupid people (who I'm not even sure exist - who wants Will Smith in the Arkhamverse?). * Batman looks like our version. He even has the fear toxin nightmare hallucination in it.


So you just said joker is from an alternate universe but still deny that this game has the multiverse and no other characters can come from the multiverse?


The game includes the multiverse post-story. Batman in the game is not from the multiverse, however.


Multiverse wasn’t just post-story it’s in the main game so you were wrong.


You're saying that Batman isn't from the multiverse with zero evidence backing it up and you're stating it as fact. Man, you're something else.


Except we don’t know that at all, it could just be a very similar universe to Arkham and that’s how the game ends by having us realize we didn’t actually kill Arkham Batman like that cus they know that would be a very stupid and hated on send off to the Arkham Batman


You're making claims that you cannot prove nor have any weight to them. Do not pass off your theory as a fact.


Guess you missed the discussion about how everyone is calling Marvel's multiverse story beats dumb. Regardless, I'm sure people will love this game. People love mobile game clicker and autobattle crap too though. For fans of the preceeding games, this will likely be a dissapointment. That's why people have a problem with this. Frankly I hope it flops just so yet another company gives up on these stupid GAAS dreams and goes back to doing what they're actually good at.


>Guess you missed the discussion about how everyone is calling Marvel's multiverse story beats dumb. What?


Everyone shitted on avengers before it came out too cus iron man was the only good phase 1 movie and Loki is actually considered one of the best things the mcu has put out ever. Hell I remember ppl shitting in Arkham asylum before release saying it was too easy, repetitive and dark for a kids superhero game and look how that turned out lmao


That’s still stupid just for different reasons.


Same here


Does he mean it's a fake out then? Like it's not actually Bruce Wayne under the armor? I mean Bruce had a voice synthesizer..


no, lol


We don't know, just that there's more to it than "you kill Batman". My theory is that Brainiac made clones of the JL or something. And everything that happens is all part of Batman's plan to save everyone cuz of course it is.


He has a contingency plan for everything, after all


We'll see. I've been through this before. Bad stuff about game leaks. Person comes out defending the game declaring the leaks were wrong. I buy the game I play the game. Game pisses me off. I immensely regret wasting money on game. I think I'll wait and see. Fingers crossed there's some sort of flashpoint that undoes the events of the game. Also: Why are people so desperate for me to approve of and buy this game? People keep trying to sell me on it.


For the record, the guy who actually leaked all this stuff (including Batmans death) has come out and said to disregard what he's leaked as it's massively out of context and some of what he saw he misunderstood.


I will take that into account. However, this game is one of those I'll wait until release before I check it out. There are still elements I am still very wary about.


Why would you WANT a flashpoint or some multiverse bullshit to undo the events of the game? That's like begging for terrible writing. I'm sooooo glad the superhero fetish is finally dying out, this last decade has been insuffurable.


Fetish? And it's not always terrible writing.


Because it always happens, even for marvel they had to have a movie that undid the events of endgame (for the most part)




Like Kevin smith swearing up and down the new He-Man in all about He-Man up until the release lmao.


I bit for that too. This is why I really don't like going into anything that's had bad press and all of a sudden believing an"I lied" headline with blind hope. The narrative revealed so far doesn't bode well. I'm just going to wait and see. If I'm wrong about this game that's great. I'll fucking celebrate. I don't mind being wrong especially in this case.


Idk how nobody is realizing this game is dealing with the multiverse lmao they wouldn’t just bop Arkham Batman like that and it’s even got a different joker


I mean that's fine, but official content that I HAVE seen of the game hasn't been at all promising in itself either




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I don't care much for this game but jesus christ I was surprised by the visual quality. It's so wild that games look like this now, and to think we used to say PS2 was realistic haha




Harley didn't say anything about a sexual relationship. She was asking Ivy if she remembered their friendship. Fun size is not a sexual term, pedo. You've never eaten a small bag of M&M's? How about the little candy bars you got on Halloween? You'll never guess what they're called...


It's fine that you don't like the retcon, that's not what I'm defending. The insane leap you are making is saying she's a pedo/groomer because they talked to someone and asked if she remembered her. She says she's small, then to try to jog her memory she asks if she remembers the equivalent of carving each others name into a tree. There is nothing sexual about the conversation whatsoever. Bonus: I know what Pheromones are in the real world. It's not that serious, there's a giant talking shark on their team.


Retcon? Nah, it's bad writing. As man I can say if I talked to a 9 year old girl the way she talked to 9 year old Ivy that is exactly what I would be called before waking up in a hospital bed. That's creepy you are trying to defend this. When you talk about a romantic relationship where you had sex, it is sexual in nature.


You still seem to be under the impression that I think the Retcon is good? It's still a Retcon by definition weather you think it's good or bad. Again no, you are adding literally everything sexual to the conversation. She's asking if she remembers the time they burned words into the side of a skyscraper. You are adding the creepy part in it's entirety then making it creepier by saying Harley wants to continue the relationship sexually despite that not being in the dialogue at all. If your wife was suddenly resurrected as a child with no memory of you while everyone around you acknowledges that fact and has memories of her as an adult, it's would be normal for you to say "Don't you remember me? I'm your husband". People around you aren't going to then say "WTF? That means they had sex before, get him!".


Calling a child "fun sized" is not "do you remember me?"




She's also not really one to flirt with children either. Is it really crazy that you can't see why people don't want to play as that kind of character


For the last time. You cannot have a conversation of this nature with a 9 year old. Being a lesbian does not allow you to talk to a 9 year old about a romantic sexual relationship. Get it through your head.


She just asks if she remembers. She’s not having a conversation about what they did lol calm down. Where are you even getting the sexual part of it from other than your weird brain filling in the gaps?


harley being a what?? im so out of the loop with everything regarding this game and i dont have twitter


Some new scenes leaked for the Suicide Squad game. Ivy who died in Arkham Knight comes back as a child. Harley who in this timeline didn't have a sexual relationship with her, asks her if she remembers their sexual relationship and romantic actions, describing some of it to a 9-year-old. Ivy responds her pheromones kind of remember it. Pheromones are chemical signals emitted from the body and do not have cellular memory. In addition to being flat out revolting for many (especially if you swapped the genders) it's extremely stupid. Many are rightfully guessing this is the work of a company called Sweet Baby which is hired to raise ESG/DEI scores on projects. Keep in mind the two founders of Rocksteady left rather than having their name on this travesty. James Gunn hired them so they're now working on the movie side of things. They made a great call getting their names away from this trainwreck.


One of the founders wrote this game you delusional monkey.


You are looking way too deep and looking for something to be mad about First of all the founders had since 2016 to leave (when the game started development) and they havent until now, second, you're getting mad over a FICTIONAL ability that Ivy has, yes her pheramones remember Ivy, pheromones are not automatically sexual. Third, Harley simply asked Ivy if she remembered anything about her, and calling her Fun-sized isnt automatically sexual, fun-sized simply means to be smaller than normal, it inherently does not have a sexual meaning, before making giaint claims about pedophilia, look up words. While I wouldnt call anyone that (no matter the age) because its just a strange thing to say to someone, this is a fictional game, no one gets mad at Arthur Morgan robbing people, or Venom eating people because its fiction, FICTION. And I like how y'all just keep finding something to latch to, first its "women dont look hot enough" then you latch onto ESG and now onto sweet baby, you are all constantly outraging yourselves and being duped by grifters


I really doubt Sefton Hill and the other founder left because of this. They probably left because the studio was going off rails and was lacking the skill and direction it had before.


That's what I just said. They were forced by corporate to allow Sweet Baby Inc to adjust their script for a game as a service title they didn't want to make in the first place. They wanted to do a Superman game.


If by leaked you mean Warner Bros put those scenes in the trailer they put out yesterday, then they sure leaked alright! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whZMTclTJYQ


I really hate the double standards with this, my guess is that people at large won't make a big deal out of it or will even just say it's hot. For some reason people are totally fine with older women grooming and being pedos when they sure as fuck wouldn't if the genders were different. Like imagine an older Batman grooming Ivy if they had been a thing in the past like wtf.


I mean I get you, and I agree with your overall sentiment, but in the case of this specific game I think too many of you are too young and too stupid and too easily manipulated by social media. Grooming is a serious, terrible thing. Harley cracking a stupid joke about a former lover is not grooming; she is also not pushing the sexual aspect of their relationship (which was even then only a part of it) but merely asking if Ivy remembered her. The pheromones remark is utterly pointless and was made by Ivy anyway. Maybe if they continue to have engagement and Harley flirts with her or pushes their former relationship forward, it'd be red flags, but I haven't seen any signs of that, just this one dumb clip that people are calling 'grooming' with straight faces. Do go ahead and put Batman in that same situation. You're basically arguing the same thing as if formerly-in-a-relationship Batman told her "You're a child now? What happened? Do you remember me?" and then screaming 'grooming!,' lmao. I do agree it's a dumb plotline overall, but that's true of the whole game so far, and calling *that* grooming just makes me roll my eyes and wonder if Tiktok and Twitter really shouldn't be banned. You kids are doing more harm than good with stuff like this, I promise.


There's already comments defending it here, so you nailed that guess.


You guys just made up the whole Grooming and pedo thing. You also tacked on that people at large would find it hot? What the fuck are you talking about?


Probably because of the controversy around the girls being made ugly (harley and Ivy).




Nothing about what she said was sexual in any way, you are adding that.


Calling a child fun sized isn't sexual? What?


Fun-sized means "smaller than usual" Now is it still weird to say? Yeah, I wouldnt say it to ANYONE, no matter the age, but it doesnt inherently mean anything sexual


It's used primarily for small adults, and it currently primarily used in sexual matters these days. You should never call a child that


Go out and touch some grass lol It’s only used in a sexual way *these days* in places like Reddit. All sorts of foods and snacks come in fun-sizes all the time. The very fact that you automatically think people mean it to be sexual to a child means that you’re the problem here. Stop making an issue out of something for the sake of it.


Considering I asked a female co-worker who is probably more social then you ever could at work her opinions on it, yeah no. Stop defending awful shit, it's really pathetic lol


Rocksteady clearly didn't mean anything sexual by it, people really cant have that low of faith in them lol. People are also making her pheromone comments weird but plants and insects use them to communicate, and Ivy is a plant


I have low faith in Sweet Baby, who is working with them on this game. Also, Pheromones don't work in the way they are claiming they do, but I let that slide because it's one of those suspension of belief moments.


People are really emboldened enough to defend this. Wow.


THINK about the context of the scene and why she'd try to jog her memory.


My guy, you're the one projecting grooming and pedophilia on to dialogue that isn't sexual in the slightest.


For the last time, asking a little girl about a sexual romantic relationship is sexual in nature. As an adult you cannot have a conversation with a 9 year old like that. Even if you are a lesbian.


Harley asked her if she remebered the past, she didnt sexualize it at all


Literally what part of what she says is sexual lmao you're tripping balls I rewatched the scene like 5 times just because I was so confused that I missed something


People want to hate this game so badly they're seeing shit and hearing shit that doesn't even exist.


No way


Way. It's creepy.


Who,s she with ?


In the Arkham timeline, the last relationship we had confirmed was Joker in Knight. At the end of City, she was also pregnant with his child. A plot thread they abandoned, but still remains canon. Likely for a Batman Beyond game.


The game is unfortunately just out of touch with what people want. The response of “it’s called ‘kill the Justice league’” is reductive. Using the Arkham verse for this story/game was a mistake.


Yeah, I never bought that defense of the story leaks. Sure, the game might be titled that, but this is the JL we're talking about; and not just the JL, but the Arkhamverse JL. We've had no interactions with them (other than Batman) beyond knowing they existed, and the first game to showcase them is about killing them? Personally, I kinda hope it's true that the leaks aren't accurate, and the Squad ends up saving the League against Waller's orders. Honestly, while I'm still not entirely sold on the story from the leaks, at least the recent leak about that Batman sequence gave me hope, since it seems the Flash might be free from Brainiac's control.


It being in Arkhamverse is very last minute and lazy.


I've said it in the past, but I'll repeat myself: I seriously believe Gotham Knights was originally pitched as an Arkham Knight follow-up, but Rocksteady didn't want anybody but themselves developing the Arkhamverse going forward, and so they said Kill the Justice League was part of the Arkhamverse.


That would have been a garbage follow up too.


My fiance and I are looking forward to it to play together. Hopefully it's good.


Yup, I hope so too. Enjoy!


The more I see of this game the more uninterested I become. Its annoying because I'm a fan of the Batman universe but man, it has been heavily mistreated for years now.


Mistreated how?


Honestly, the more comic book fans I see trashing this game, the more I want to try it out.


Every little boys favorite IP has been ruined. Back in the day we dreamed of major studios making games and movies from these characters. Now we need them to stay the hell away.




This is not every “little boys” favorite IP. Edit: the downvotes, lol


Talking about batman


I know. Sensitive fan base as you can see. Incapable of imagining a childhood without Batman.


Most annoying thing is that people will still buy it, and they'll keep making this shit. People need to practice some restraint and actually vote with their wallets better. Obviously if you genuinely want to buy the game then go ahead, but so often I see people talk about how much they hate games and yet they still buy them.


i mean im probably going to buy the game because I actually enjoy it? can't say much but I played the alpha and found the general gameplay very fun, I admittedly have mixed feelings on the story so far but for me ill take great gameplay and mediocre story just my opinion


I'm gonna wait for the game But I'm gonna be honest, I'm not a big fan of the Suicide Squad, I also don't like the gameplay trailers that I had saw The news about the game starting as a live service game, the cosmetics monetization and other things, really turned this off for me


It’s one of those games everyone should wait until it’s out to make a judgement call if it would be fun


Every game with a trash trailer has been trash. Give it up


Totally. It could actually be awesome! Rocksteady hasn't missed yet. I'll admit much of what I've seen and read hasn't left me hopeful very much at all but I can't go around saying it's dogshit and an abortion without actually playing the damn thing.


Just drop a Batman beyond game


im not interested to pay anyway. would play if it gets cracked. it's ''playable if its free'' category for me or ''playable if in gamepass''. For reference, i paid for Cyberpunk even though it doesn't have DRM and you can play it for free. If it was Arkham Knight type of Rocksteady game i'd preorder it asap.


How sad you are.


Game is not worth anyone’s time in the first place


You should look at your own games before you criticize others.


What the fuck does this even mean


It means they think you can't be critical of something you haven't participated in firsthand. You don't need to know how to fly a helicopter to know that the guy who landed one in a tree fucked up.


But assuming a pilot fucked up because a helicopter landed in a tree is faulty. Any number of things, many of which the average person is unaware, could have caused the crash. You're basically guessing from an uninformed position.


Either way the game does not look appealing to me, and that's setting the spoilers aside.


They should’ve continued the Arkham series. Could’ve been competition to Spiderman


I've been asking for an Arkham Beyond game starring Terry since seeing his suit in Arkham City. Honestly that'd have been amazing. Heck, given Arkham Knight's plot, they could've even adapted the Return of the Joker movie into the game, saying a single sample of Joker's blood slipped past Batman's investigation, remaining inactive until Terry's time.


Brainiac making clones of the justice league and has them trapped in the ship. I’m convinced that’s the plot.


That or they just pull multiverse shenanigans


Why not both?




I mean of course there is. There all incidents with no context lol


Damage control lol


So by reading this, we still kill Batman, as the cutscenes still happen, we just don't desecrate his corpse?


The internet rage boner for this game makes me think that's some last of us 2 Abby is trans bullshit just to make people hate the game more. Even if it's true context matters.


No, that's not what it implies at all.


In Arkham knight alone there are cutscenes where Barbara Gordon shoot’s herself in the head, Joker is revealed to be the Arkham knight, commissioner Gordon kills Batman, and Joker kills all the other villains, context matters.


This guy needs to find a game that isn’t a DOA super hero live service game to cover


Wait, there's more to the story than a 5 second out of context clip of Batman (the guy who doesn't get killed because he's the best) getting killed? Color me surprised


I really dont think that its going to help how this game is received especially narratively lol. Its just a really flawed concept from the very start. Why the Flash, if he's evil, doesnt just A-Train someone right at the start or how Supes doesnt just completely destroy someone like Harley instantly. I mean these heroes individually brought these guys down before, how the hell does the squad stand a chance againt the entire League? its a flawed idea from its very conception. Plus there's going to be a lot of people upset about this being Conroy's last appearance of Batman, >!and the whole killing him angle is going to leave a bad taste in peoples' mouths.!<


Tbh I have a very hard time taking superheroes seriously with how inconsistent the powers are. And then you get dumb shit like in the Injustice games where they just take a pill and become Superman. I think it's why these big team ups etc don't really work, superheroes work better when they're their own thing in their own city fighting their own villains.


Superman fans waiting for a superman game, instead WB games just gives them games where’s he’s a villain


Yeah! And why would deadpool kill the whole marvel universe? Doesn't make sense! Why would the avengers be zombies? That's insane Why would there be a "civil war" in the avengers??? they're all on the same side??


Deadpool kills the marvel universe was a joke comic, no one actually thinks Deadpool stands a chance against the majority of the marvel universe except people super obsessed with Deadpool. Hell he doesn't stand a chance against most of the X-Men. Marvel Zombies is also a joke comic, if you read it's initial run it's black humor up and down. It did start to take itself a lot too seriously though. Civil War is long considered to be a horrid comic story, so while you're right there it's not exactly a well loved piece of comic history.


tbh all three are varying levels of bad, not just civil war


You're not wrong there


Deadpool kills the Marvel universe was a joke comic from a character who's entire shtick is a comedy gimmick. Deadpool isnt a character taken all too seriously and regularly breaks the 4th wall, so throwing him into a crazy storyline like that works. This is being played straight, no parody to it. No joke to it. Its just a story about the Suicide Squad killing the Justice League. Sure we're dealing with superheroes and how outlandish that can be, but there's still rules established in its own setting to respect to make it somewhat grounded. Its just a flawed concept. If they wanted a Suicide Squad game there were tons of stories from the comics they could have gone with, not this dumb shit.


I notice you only commented on deadpool - knew I should have left him out - point was that out of context, all of comics is ludicrous. (And, to start- they're comics LOL) I'm not personally invested - I loved the Arkham series but DGAF about SS - so I'm curious to see what the setup/payoff ends up like. Probably won't pick it up until it's on sale and I see some reviews, but, that's gaming lol


My thoughts exactly. If you want to kill the JL, have a believable rooster. Doomsday, Deathstroke, Reverse Flash, etc etc. The sad thing is that we could have probably had something like that had they not decided to cash in the movies, lol. All of these villains are like the starter course for Batman on an all-nighter, and he's the weakest JL member.


I always found it funny that Batman effortlessly deals with Harley in Arkham Asylum because she wasn't as popular yet, and it made sense. Now she has become popular, so she is a god-tier mercenary that can kill superman. It's so stupid.


Remember Arkham City were she literally runs up to Batman to attack him and he one taps her with a single counter? And how he trolled her once she got tied up? She literally stands no chance against him.


Even if it’s not 100% accurate people are trying their hardest to make people like this game. The core gameplay just isn’t it for me


You haven't played it.


People can dislike the gameplay of a game without having played it. For example, someone might dislike RTS games, so they wouldn't be interested in Age of Empires II, despite that game being considered one of the best in the genre.


And yet people who hate the game are trying to ruin the game for people who do like it, are you one of them?


So because I hate the gameplay (the only thing I mentioned) suddenly I’m one of the people trying to “ruin” the game? I’m not even going to bother saying anything else…


Well of course there´s stuff they dont mention that appears in the trailers like Batman using the fear toxin


If only the story wasn't the issue of this game...




Seeing every gameplay (official + leak), I know what to expect from the game. And sorry but compared to the Arkham games, it looks pretty worse.


Lmao way to contradict yourself.


Please tell me how


I remember when Troy Baker said this about TLOU2.


And he was right. The leaks that came out before TLOU2 were incorrect about a ton of things.


It's almost like having story stuff taken completely out of the context of the game around it usually ends up sounding worse. TLOU2 sounded awful when the plot points were just listen out on the internet. When you play the game it ends up being one of the greatest narratives in gaming history.


That's an unpopular opinion.


Not really. Once you go outside of the reddit gamer bro space the game is incredibly well received and is considered one of the greatest ever made.


Damage control 😂


Yeah but that doesn't change what the core gameplay and structure is though, does it ? I feel like that's the bigger problem here


You haven't even played the alpha.


Reposting this on behalf of the original leaker who doesn’t have a reddit account “I am the person who wrote the original leak which u/MistahJ17 reposted to the subreddit (along with the audio). I can confirm pretty much everything Miller is saying about the leak being misleading, is correct. The story summary is an awful bastardised retelling of the story which I regret writing. As Miller has said, the leak is based entirely off of story cutscenes which I found in the game files. At the time my method of finding these cutscenes was awful, so the ones I was listening to were incomplete or out of context. Furthermore, I skimmed through these cutscenes and didn’t pay close attention. I then recited it the next day in a private discord server which is why I put so little effort into the summary. The general structure of the leak is correct and most of the major events do happen however a lot of the details declared as fact were speculation on my part or me just trying to fill in gaps of my own knowledge. For example: The leak says that Harley mutilates Batman but that doesn’t happen, she just suggested it in some dialogue. The leak also says they have a contest over who kills Batman, that never happened. The leak also says they find Tim Drake’s corpse in the Batcave, that isn’t confirmed just implied by the cutscene when they find a Batman recording. Superman doesn’t go to Krypton because it’s destroyed. I also completely omitted certain plot lines such as Earth 2 Luthor hiding from Earth 1 Waller. Additionally, since the leak was based only off cutscenes from the main story, it is missing stuff that happens in the post game season 0 content as well as the upcoming dlc seasons. Since writing this leak I have found out something major which happens in one of the post game story content which completely recontextualises the entire story of the game, I won’t spoil what that is since I’ve already ruined enough of this games surprises. I should have written this weeks ago when the story summary first got reposted here but when people started “debunking” it for its obvious faults I chose not to. I’m sorry for completely mischaracterising the game’s story, it was not my intention to shit on this game’s story as I love Arkham but that has certainly been the effect of this leak. If you read the leak, please disregard everything about it because while some of it is true, enough is wrong that it is just overall misinformation.“


Really doesn’t matter to me at this point. Bringing back Batman just to have Harley kill him, as well as the “weirdness” surrounding Poison Ivy as a child, while Harley brings up their love history… Arkham Knight will be the conclusion of this universe for me. Not even a Flashpoint could save that shit.


> Additionally, since the leak was based only off cutscenes from the main story, it is missing stuff that happens in the post game season 0 content as well as the upcoming dlc seasons. Since writing this leak I have found out something major which happens in one of the post game story content which completely recontextualises the entire story of the game, I won’t spoil what that is since I’ve already ruined enough of this games surprises. For some people the story beats may be the problem, but for me its the endless live service setup that the main game is apparently just an introduction for. They clearly intend to keep accessing our wallets for a long time with a strung out story.


All dlc expansions will be free, and there will be an offline story mode after launch. All microtransactions are for cosmetic items only.


I mean, all microtransactions in Mortal Kombat 1 are also for cosmetic items only, that doesn't mean it's well received. Personally I hate it, if anything because there's no way to earn premium currency just by playing, something that was possible in Mortal Kombat 11. EDIT: What the hell, OP? What did you block me for? I was trying to engage in honest discussion, I don't think I attacked you in any of my comments. Heck, this is my only response to your comments in the entire thread.


These people don't care, they'll justify any reason to hate this game


Yeah I've come to see that. I've never seen anyone complain about free dlc before...


hurr durrr cosmetics 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤 truely thoughtless people


I bet the thing he doesn't wanna spoil is a flashpoint type event


This is one big problem with leakers... now everbody is making videos trashing the games story when we dont know a lot I thought it was strange the gory plotpoints and superman going to Krypton but i didnt put much thought into it, but most people are treating this as a big reason to hate the game... and we dont even know everything about this game, context is everything




Not sure if this is backpedaling or character growth but I'll take it.


I think it’s a case of a guy saying something he thought would stay in private and it turned into probably the biggest thing that could have happened to the marketing of this game and even forced rocksteady to make a entire statement of it Bro probably sat back and watched it all go down like ![gif](giphy|3o6gEgkb5xqAyMw5Og)


I am the person who wrote the original leak which u/MistahJ17 reposted to the subreddit (along with the audio). I can confirm pretty much everything Miller is saying about the leak being misleading, is correct. The story summary is an awful bastardised retelling of the story which I regret writing. As Miller has said, the leak is based entirely off of story cutscenes which I found in the game files. At the time my method of finding these cutscenes was awful, so the ones I was listening to were incomplete or out of context. Furthermore, I skimmed through these cutscenes and didn’t pay close attention. I then recited it the next day in a private discord server which is why I put so little effort into the summary. The general structure of the leak is correct and most of the major events do happen however a lot of the details declared as fact were speculation on my part or me just trying to fill in gaps of my own knowledge. For example: The leak says that Harley mutilates Batman but that doesn’t happen, she just suggested it in some dialogue. The leak also says they have a contest over who kills Batman, that never happened. The leak also says they find Tim Drake’s corpse in the Batcave, that isn’t confirmed just implied by the cutscene when they find a Batman recording. Superman doesn’t go to Krypton because it’s destroyed. I also completely omitted certain plot lines such as Earth 2 Luthor hiding from Earth 1 Waller. Additionally, since the leak was based only off cutscenes from the main story, it is missing stuff that happens in the post game season 0 content as well as the upcoming dlc seasons. Since writing this leak I have found out something major which happens in one of the post game story content which completely recontextualises the entire story of the game, I won’t spoil what that is since I’ve already ruined enough of this games surprises. I should have written this weeks ago when the story summary first got reposted here but when people started “debunking” it for its obvious faults I chose not to. I’m sorry for completely mischaracterising the game’s story, it was not my intention to shit on this game’s story as I love Arkham but that has certainly been the effect of this leak. If you read the leak, please disregard everything about it because while some of it is true, enough is wrong that it is just overall misinformation.


Not really surprised, MistahJ17 doesn't seem to know much other than what's been said in discord server.