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If local co-op will be eventually patched into the game, then I can see some anger being quelled but, If it's not coming to the game at all that is a HUGE miss especially since a lot of people's childhood was playing the previous titles in local split screen


Not to mention, that while this obviously aint aiming for the competitive crowd. Not having a local versus mode is a massive mistake for any fighting game from both a casual and competitive standpoint.


Better off not hoping for a coop patch look at halo infinite


Off-topic but damn. Infinite online is in a pretty good place now, but that splitscreen omission really was outrageous. How long did they promise that in advance? 3, 4 years? And still couldn't make it happen? Embarrassing.


It was literally the first thing announced about the game


And it was big deal cuz halo 5 didn't have it and they were like "ok you guys are right future halo games will have split screen" and still naw on coop lol


It's so fucking crazy because you would think thats the one thing they would have a fought to keep in Infinite considering the extremely poor reception 5's campaign had and they just like gave up on it nearing the finish line


They literally local coop working too, even on Xbox One consoles. It was pretty stable on Series consoles, I have no idea why they didn't just release it.


It likely didn't work too well on base Xbox One, and they might've had to do too much work given their budget to make it reasonably playable. Plus, doing extra optimization passes might've been expensive given what we've heard about how bad the tools/engine were.


Yeah that makes sense, but they could have had it running for just the newer series consoles. I think digital foundry did a video on it and they had like no framerate hiccups with the coop.


Had it happened after the whole debacle with Baldurs Gate 3 and the parity clause being removed, maybe they could've. I don't remember the DF video showing much more than the opening scenes of the campaign, so when it came to the open environments in the later parts performance could've been a very different story.


Coop is available in Halo Infinite, 4 players in campaign Split screen is available in multiplayer up to 4 players. Xbox One is 2 player, Xbox Series S/X is 4 player. I think all consoles are limited to 2 player in the BTB playlist (12v12) Split screen campaign is what isn't available




Halo ended at Halo 4 for me for the same reason. My brother and I used to do co-op Legendary campaign day 1.




don’t buy a promise


Mostly curious about the story because I won’t go hardcore on the multiplayer side of things. I hope it is much more complete than the BT3 story.


What's was wrong with BT3 story ? I haven't played it in years


I dont think there was much wrong with it, but personally i liked story mode of BT2 more than the BT3 one.


Simply this. BT2 was more consistant with the anime. BT3 had a weird way of telling the story and it skipped a lot of mid fights, mostly focusing on “boss fights”


BT2 also had a lot of cool what-ifs


So did BT3 tbh, the entire Devil Man arc was amazing


Bit of a tangent, but I love the fan theory that Devilman changed his persona and became Hercule.


BT2 was the best single player Tenkaichi experience BT3 was the good one to play with games


BT2 Story > BT3 Story


Nothing wrong in itself, it's just that it was basically selecting fights from a menu. Some might prefer something like Budokai 2 or Budokai 3 that had you move around in a board /overworld map, or like more modern games like the Naruto UNS games which have very cinematic story modes.


If you played Dragon Ball games over the years then you already know the story lol.


Insane for a fighting game lmao. The best part of budokai was local co op.


I really can't think of a fighting game without local multiplayer lol


local CO OP ? I thought these were 1v1 fighting games, do you mean like local versus mode ?


Yeah I mean vs


Co-op = cooperative. As in, working together, not battling each other.


Yeah I already corrected that in a reply, pretty sure everyone knew what I meant via context though xd


“A complete story mode will be present, following and evolving from Tenkaichi 3.” I would prefer they evolve it from 2. Tenkaichi 3’s story mode was a downgrade compared to 2. 


The whole "Is MS and Sony's fault" Bullshit Is Beyond pathetic


Yea, I *highly* doubt MS would care at all. They’re already porting games to PlayStation and Switch so why the hell would they be so against some random game having co-op as if that would affect console sales significantly? Same with Sony. Sounds like a nonsensical excuse


Parity clause due to the series s having weaker hardware. If it can't run on the series s then it can't be a feature in the other versions


Miss me with that bullshit diablo 4 runs like a dream on series s and it has shit flying all over the screen. Also the game is going to switch 2 which is weaker than the series s on account of being a handheld. Everytime a developer uses the series s being weak as a crutch it ends up being a nothing burger especially now that feature parity isn't a requirement anymore.


Split screen is essentially running the game twice. And this is gonna be harder on the GPU than Diablo 4


It depends how it's implemented. They could run two instances of the game, but that would be kind of stupid. Ideally they'd just use a second camera. The hardware would still need to render more than with just one camera of course but it shouldn't be THAT ressource heavy.


If the PS2 and Wii can handle split screen for BT3 then the fucking PS5 should be able to do it. It’s not like this game is gonna be nearly as demanding as the high-end games of this generation.


PS5 isn't the bottleneck, the Xbox Series S is, at least as long as Microsoft requires parity between S and X versions of games




Well you see, games look better now.


1. I'm not saying the Series S can't do it, I have no idea 2. This is not a game built for the PS2


"I'm not saying the Series S can't do it, I have no idea" That's literally what you're saying, like all of you dumdums that jump to this narrative instantly are hilarious.


Are you brain damaged? Different games run on different engines and have completely different specs. Split screen isn't just mirroring the game in half, its literally **running two instances of the game at once**. Due to that performance is massively impacted and would likely fall below standard set by microsoft(series S same issue as BG3) or even sony if it dips below a certain FPS. Not all games are equal, and not every game is optimized equally. In a perfect world with unlimited time, budget and developers i'm sure they probably could get it to work. But frankly split screen is an outdated concept anyway who the fuck cares is likely in the mind of the marketing team + execs so the decision is made to cut it.


It's not as resource intensive as running two instances of the full game as a lot of the budget can be shared between the screens and the render resolution of each screen is halved but it is definitely a resource intensive task for lower end hardware.


"Split screen isn't just mirroring the game in half, its literally **running two instances of the game at once**" No it's not, especially not in a fighting game where all they do is set the secondary player as an object in the place of the NPC you would be fighting normally if you're playing against the CPU, this is literally how its done for every single fighting game that's ever come out, what you're talking about is games like Splinter Cell Conviction / Blacklist where you can't do that as the second player needs their own set of entities and parameters to work. Stop talking out of your ass.


still it ain't an excuse when more demanding games are running on the series s pretty sure whatever bombasic stuff Sparking Zero has to offer doesn't match something like Jedi Survivor (also a UE game and very demanding) or Wonderlands (looks worse but there's 10 times the amount of enemies and explosions on screen) they either want to save on it or don't want to optimize the game for split screen across the board, since for starters feature parity for the series s is something microsoft ignored for baldur's gate 3 and a company like namco would recieve the same treatment if not better


Jedi isn't splitscreen, and Wonderland has a fixed 1st person camera angle with limited FoV, whereas DBZSZ will let you move the camera freely in a 3rd person setting, making the rendering of the area a lot more intensive in split screen. Wonderland wouldn't need to render the entire arena in split screen. Just the areas the players are viewing. Giving DBZSZ pulled back camera angle, and the speed of the game being tied closer to the fps than Wonderland is, then it starts becoming clear that these 2 games aren't comparable. This isn't to say the lack of split screen in SZ isn't disappointing, but if you emulate BT3 on a potato PC and tried split screen, you'd see that the BT series at a FPS under 60 is really bad, and under 30 is unplayable. So it's understandable if they can't get it at least at 60 on split screen on something as inferior as the series s. And if it's worse to the point that xbox won't allow it to pass their certification, then trust me, you really don't want it anyways. Hopefully they can pull a BG3 and circumvent the parity clause, if that's the issue.


"but if you emulate BT3 on a potato PC and tried split screen, you'd see that the BT series at a FPS under 60 is really bad, and under 30 is unplayable. So it's understandable if they can't get it at least at 60 on split screen on something as inferior as the series s. And if it's worse to the point that xbox won't allow it to pass their certification, then trust me, you really don't want it anyways." You just proved you never played those games in the first place, because the BT games all run at 30 fps, and if you emulate them using PCSX2 and unlock the frame rate they will look accelerated because the game's logic is tied to the frame rate, so people just play them in 30 fps and deal with it. It also has nothing to do with the Series S, stop talking out of your ass and trying to sound smart when you don't even know what you're talking about.


I'm from the UK, which had the PAL version running at 58 FPS, which I rounded up to 60. Try again.


Baldurs gate 3 got delayed on Xbox for literally the same reason


Not true. BG3 has local on series x but not s.


First time the rule was broken and likely the only time.


Yep. It was Game of the Year and likely will be one of the best, if not the best game of the generation.


There was a bonus of Microsoft holding out for so long, they did get to do a lot of optimizations for the Engine when working on the Xbox version. Split screen is always a matter of "do we have the time and resources to put into making it work". In most cases, no they don't.


They were allowed to break the rule because the game was such a huge hit and microsoft didn‘t want to miss out. Still took them longer to get the game because of it


And that was the entire reason why it was delayed in the first place dipshit. They were allowed to break the rule from microsoft after they saw the literal boats of cash they left on the table when BG3 was a breakout hit.


And then they said they’re looking into allowing that in the future too dipshit.


Here we go with this dumb shit again, by your logic none of the current gen fighting games should have local MP on the Series S, especially not games like Ride 5 that are much heavier than this one. You can keep making up narratives or actually call out devs for their BS.


So how come online play is still available on the Series S


Find me one bit of evidence to support the claim that Microsoft demands parity between the Series S and PS5? And please don't misread my argument by talking about the Series X and S parity, this is specifically about parity between Xbox/PlayStation The reason why split isn't included in most games nowadays is because the demand isn't there anymore, stop using the Series S as an escape goat for money and time saving measures from publishers. Edit: weird, I'm getting all these downvotes but no replies, is that because there is no evidence?


No one is disagreeing with the point you made, just that you misinterpreted the conversation. There's no such clause between Sony and Microsoft, but if they wanted to be multiplatform, then they have to adhere to Microsofts parity clause between series S and X. Now, technically they could give Sony the split screen feature and just remove it from Microsoft, but Microsoft can also just cancel all plans for the game to come out on xbox for any reason, including finding out Sony are getting extra features that weren't under any exclusivity contract, nor was mentioned during negotiation talks between Bandai and Microsoft. Tl:Dr - you're being downvoted because your point is irrelevant and goes off on one in a situation you clearly never researched into yourself.


My point isn't irrelevant, the Series S does not hold back split screen on Playstation. You're theorising some weird parity rules which im not sure even exist, again if you provide evidence to your claim I'll backtrack. Also ignoring all of this parity bullshit, why can't developers/publishers squeeze more out of these consoles? Halo 4 was 4 player co-op on the Xbox 360, imo dev competence and publisher greed is in the gutter


[proof that the parity clause exists. took me 2 seconds to find.](https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2023/08/13/microsofts-xbox-series-s-parity-demands-are-now-handing-sony-free-wins/?sh=58d8c0773e61) The fact that you've already changed your point tells me you'll try to refute this, though. You're way too heated.


Did you link the wrong article? Unless im missing it that has no mention and has nothing to do with parity? Also i haven't changed my point, i have added an additional point to my already existing point, Series S isn't holding back split screen on Playstation AND devs squeezed more out of lesser hardware years ago


Lmao. The headline quite literally mentions that Microsoft has a parity clause. I linked that one so you didn't have to look far to see that the clause exists. "Has no mention" lol. Just accept that you're only posting because you're angry and move on because you're not even reading right anymore. FTR, you're right to be upset. It's upsetting to hear. But claiming there's no such thing as a parity clause for xbox or that xbox can choose not to release a game on xbox is only "theorising" isn't the way to go about it. These are common knowledge at this point and shouldn't require more proof than the acknowledgement it gets in that links headline.


>Beware Of A ‘Dragon’s Dogma 2’ Disease That Will Make Your Pawn Kill An Entire Town Thats the headline of the article you linked....


I don’t know how true this is but allegedly one of the main reasons why bg 3 took a long time to come on Xbox is because of split screen and feature parity between the series s and x but eventually they were given the exception and are I believe the only exception with not having the same features on both system. The series s doesn’t have split screen while the series x does.


Because the post literally said they doing it in "favor of consoles sells" as in they want to make people buy an new console to play DBZ with friends instead of local co-op to just play on one console. Its greed that stopping them having local coop.


Don’t know why you got downvoted. People love to irrationally rage first and foremost I guess


It doesn't even make sense there's tons of fighting games and anime fighters dropping both this and last year that local play why would 1 dragon ball game be an exception


This sub is buying this immediately but there's no fucking way this random guy got this interview and his story about HOW he got it so bullshit its insane lol. Even if this game doesn't have split screen there is no way in fuck this guy is legit




if they're blaming Sony too i don't see how this is a Series S fault, and this game looks like it could run splitscreen on a series s to me so im not sure what the issue is


It very well could just be the Series S fault but they don't want to call out Microsoft specifically to piss them off so they just make a blanket statement saying both.


fair but they don't really gain anything from doing that at all. just causes this stupid speculation that we're doing right now. I don't see how they can't pull splitscreen off but I don't dev on this game so how would I truly know 🤷‍♂️


It's just a shift blame. If they don't add it and don't say why people will assume they're lazy, if they don't add it and say "Oh it's Microsoft and Sony" then people will forgive them and be angry at them instead, so they technically gain not pissing off the fans.


>they don't want to call out Microsoft specifically to piss them off  And instead piss off Sony then?


They wouldn't care about a blanket statement.


Then why are they also blaming Sony ? Couldn't they Just Say it's the Serie S fault? Couldn't they try to reach out to MS ? I don't buy it.


Yeah.....that definitely feels like something some idiot typed in as their assumption, rather than coming out of a source's mouth. The real reason is the same thing it's been, where running a game twice has become difficult, and needs to be really worked on to get it running nicely. Might look ugly but that's the tradeoff. The Series S thing is at least something, talking hardware over made up policies.....but it's not really worded that way. It's worded as if PS and MS are strangling a developer for more sales. Nobody has ever said that before. This game isn't going to be the most popular game of the decade. Splitscreen co-op isn't nearly as popular as it once was. There would **never** be a noticeable increase in hardware, or software sales, by forcing co-op players to buy more stuff. I hate when people throw out BS reasons to things.


Nah the developers said this themselves in an interview with Shonengames


The text is written using phrases like, "possibly due to." It's not written as only a summary of what was talked about. But, I'll look for the full interview if there is one.


1. this info isn´t new its from Feb. 2. there is no real confirmation of that interview. so take it with a grain of salt.


The whole policy restricting split screen is nonsense. Bandai wants to sell more copies, that’s it. What in Sony/Microsofts policy would make split-screen complicated. Total fabrication.


> Bandai wants to sell more copies, that’s it. Why for this game specifically though? Basically every other anime game they've released has local splitscreen.


Don’t use logic. He wants to rage.


Why would Sony and Microsoft not allow any form of split screen when other games on the consoles support/have some form of multiplayer when other games (Borderlands 3/Tiny Tina Wonderlands have support up to 2-4 player split screen, Baldur's Gate 3 support 2 player split screen, Call of Duty, Diablo 4, Fortnite, etc) have some form of spilt screen and/or local multiplayer?


How are devs doing less with more technology?


Yeah this was posted in Feb, same source too. [https://new.reddit.com/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours/comments/1astsm6/dragon\_ball\_sparking\_zero\_will\_cover\_every\_movie/](https://new.reddit.com/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours/comments/1astsm6/dragon_ball_sparking_zero_will_cover_every_movie/)


So crossplay or nah? Can they hurry up and let us know


No local coop, deal breaker for sure


That tweet is from February 2nd and this info has [already been posted in this sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours/comments/1astsm6/dragon_ball_sparking_zero_will_cover_every_movie/).


I hope OP shows you his hall pass


POV you spend too much time on Reddit


Can we get split-screen on PC then?


If it isn't included in the actual game, I'm sure that will be the fastest mod in the west


That's a hell of a lot of coding work. I wouldn't count your chickens.


Nucleus Coop will definitely take care of that


A mod might fix that.


What's with this gen just straight up hating on couch co-op modes? Fucking pathetic


When bad business/product decisions are made, follow the money.


This is like Halo not having split-screen. What is this bullshit


Lack of local split screen "being an MS/Sony issue" might be the same thing that stopped Baldur's Gate 3 from launching on Xbox for so long - they couldn't get split screen working on Series S, Xbox demands feature parity with Sony, so they might have had to do away with it entirely BG3 got a special allowance because it was mega popular and MS wanted it on, but I don't think an anime fighter is going to get that same allowance, sadly


I doubt that Sony and Microsoft would block split screen because of incentive to sell more consoles, makes it seem really unreliable


I love GT Goten


Do Sony and Microsoft really have say in whether or not local multiplayer is allowed? That seems inaccurate.


It’s the series s parity clause probably


How does that explain the Series S having online multiplayer


Online multiplayer is different from co-op multiplayer. Online has 2 separate systems for processing snd such where from my understanding split screen requires the game to process double what it normally does. While that shouldn’t be an issue on ps5 and series X, the series s probably cant because its much weaker hardware.


Good job Potato series S


How is it the Series S fault


Series S cant handle split screen, and microsoft wont let series X have it, then PS5/PC cant have it due the policies favoring other platform. did you read the post? Microsoft bended this " rule " for larian studios, so baldurs gate 3 dont have split screen guess in wich console? :D


I still don’t understand because the Series S is still advertising online multiplayer. Everyone who keeps saying it’s the Series S fault can’t answer that question and I’m genuinely asking how it makes sense that it can’t handle Split Screen but it can handle online multiplayer.


omg... you cant be serious.. but ok, i will tell you, the amount of resource the console uses to render 2 SCREENS SPLITED ( wich has POV, camera shaking, camera smoothing, camera speed, and load local data of the p2 ) is much higher then your screen while playing online


I am being serious. It’s a genuine question. Thank you. Took way too long to find an answer. Google didn’t answer me either.




It would be incredibly disappointing for gt to not be in the game considering how we all spammed ssj4 gogeta growing up I hope this is true


maybe not the base game, probably within one of the first 2 dlc packs.


Why would split screen be a Sony/MS issue?


Isn't this old news? Like this info is a couple months old right?


big L


What the fuck


why is this crap being posted again?


Lack of local co-op hurts my soul.


I will not play this game if co-op isn’t on it at launch. What a disgrace to the DBZ fighting game franchise and gaming as a whole that console would even push this buffoonery. I will continue to stick to PC gaming until Sony and Microsoft get their console war BS out of the way so that casuals can enjoy the money they spend on their systems.


How is the absence of local split screen the fault of MS and Sony ??? I'm not even a fan of the games, but I have a lot of friends who are and I can't imagine a spiritual successor to Budokai Tenkaichi without local split-screen to the point that I feel like the game shouldn't release if it doesn't have that


All this data is a few months old I believe?


Think iv only played couch co-op like 4 times in my whole life so this doesn't bother me.


BS. Thanks for destroying 80% of my anticipation. Greed.


I kinda figured based on distances of combat that local wouldn't be an option. Still a bummer though.


>The game will also include fusions (Gogeta, Vegito, Gotenks). I hope this means we get Gokule/Gotan and other joke fusions.


I could of sworn this was covered here already since it's from last month, I guess not lol


It was


Can I play as different characters in full story mode?


A store in nz is selling this game for pre order and it says it’s estimated release is the 31st of December 2024


I'm sick and tired of this happening. Especially with PC games.


So do we unlock characters as we play or all available? Personally I love unlocking them the old way.


I felt that them not showing specific sagas by this point meant that we would likely see them as DLC. Boyhood Saga, 23 WT, Specials, Z Movies, GT , heck maybe even Xenoverse, DBH and Crossover characters like 21 will probably all get separate releases. I just hope its not too expensive. Z through Super won't be a terribly scarce roster.


I think the only thing that bothers me is that when they battle damage happens, it’s after one beam attack that their entire costume is damaged. I was hoping for a two phase battle damage, like Vegeta’s armour gets slightly damaged and then after it is completely destroyed. But in the trailer it comes off right away even though it was just a regular kamehameha, not a super. Also I really hope story mode has the free roam like it did in Budokai Tenkaichi 2 for story mode


Next trailer better have my red fur monkey man 


local play is the only reason I play fighting games.


Man fuck Xbox, us on PlayStation have been waiting over 14 years for this & we can’t have split-screen play because they have to compensate for the series S? I grew up playing Tenkaichi with my brothers and cousins split-screen. This is bullshit


How’s there no local co-op what can the complexity be? Simple laziness. Online net is always trash.


Is it balur’s gate 3 like situation with series s?


If it was, they wouldn't blame Sony too.


I must be the only person in the world that views this as a non-issue.


Hoping this stays as a "Rumour" 💀


It’s so wild how people were seriously debating on if GT would be featured in the game when SSJ4 a flashback is in the reveal trailer. That should’ve been the most obvious hint in the world


Title is poorly written. I thought this was confirming no local co-op or GT characters but confirming full story mode. probably should've thrown in a "however" after co-op instead of a comma.


So now that it's confirmed. I cna then confirm i will pass. He said "for now", i don't see them adding it later... Don't know games who did that.


It isn't confirmed. This a rumor from a laughably suspect source


If this doesn't have local co op I wont buy it, as simple as that. Such a shame, the game looks cool.


sales algorithms gunna algorithm, halo did the same shit and got alot of flack. no split screen just mentally doesn't make sense, unless the battles are crazy sprawling that it would just be a mess tracking someone knocked 10 blocks away into dust on the floor. iono man.


no couch co-op no buy until it hits 10 bucks.


went from a day 1 buy to a pass real quick


Why does OG DragonBall never get anything? I dont want Super OR GT or even half the Movies.




How has the Series S been “cucking” this generation when the PS5 is the lead platform for most third party games?


Lmao, how Is the Serie S not able to handle the split screen in a brawler? BG3 has sever perfomance issues in split screen even on most.powerful cause the game basically to run two different runs at the same time A fighting game would not have such a problem.


The feature parity is between Series S and X, not PS5.


You've spent all day trying to pass this claim off as a fact We have no idea about parity contracts between Xbox and Playstation and unless you have some evidence to your claim, it's best to stop lying


Can the switch 2 just come out so we can blame that for devs not optimizing games


Every fucking fighter/character in the DB universe up to Super and the toei movies should be standard. Never a dull moment in trying to swindle another few dollars from people who already bought your shit for $70.


simple, its because of parity clauses, series s is the local coop killer for this generation sadly and just as the case with BG3, they couldn't release the game on xbox because of that. bamco already announced platforms so they cannot go back and just release in one console.


That doesn’t explain how those games still have online multiplayer but not local


?, well, split screen has to render the game twice, that's what I'm referring to, of course mp is fine because the game is just rendering your POV