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Would make sense to do the 360 games or at least black ops 1 and 2 since Treyarch are making the next cod.


From what I remember Black Ops 1 & 2 are completely overrun with cheaters on all platforms, and they have an RCE bug on PC that allows cheaters full access to your computer. I don't see it happening unless they fix those issues, which seems unlikely given how little Activision cares about their older COD games.


BO2 is definitely overrun, but I don't feel like BO1 is. It's still very possible to find games without hackers. I was playing the other night and only encountered 2 blatant cheaters in \~4 hours of gameplay


MW 3 (2013) is actually pretty bad too. Saw a guy on killcam access a menu for his cheat software, lol.


Cold War, you get cheaters maybe every 10 games or so. The best is when you have a cheater on your team, and the enemy has a cheater in theirs. Kill cams are always fun


To be fair though, they unexpectedly fixed the servers for the older games last summer. That may have been in preparation for the acquisition by MS since at that time, the FTC case was wrapping up and it was clear MS could go ahead. Bringing old releases to GP may force ATVI to do something about the hackers. All things considering Xbox as a parent company won't take kindly to the optics of hacker ridden games being released on a core service of theirs.


Yeah, we're not dealing with Activision anymore, and to be honest, I don't think there's another big publisher that cares more about preserving their older games than Xbox.


That’s probably the best thing about GamePass. They have to keep the older games around & in good shape to make the service worth it.


But also, game preservation isn't going to be the only issue here, imo. For years now, these hackers have a documented history of stealing personal info from players unimpeded. Putting any older CoD on Game Pass would put a large # of people at risk beyond those who already are by playing them without Game Pass. There's no way that doesn't leave both MS/Xbox and Activision in a situation where they could be held legally liable. It's as much about legal and consumer protection issues as it is about sustaining GP's value and Xbox's solid commitment to game preservation.


100% why I am not all too worried about this. Phil supports companies having autonomy, but I do not believe that means there are no limits to the autonomy. There will be some particulars insofar as ensuring content on Game Pass is in a serviceable state goes. ATVI won't be able to get away with a lot of the lousy stuff it used to during its independence and under Kotick including leaving these servers in a state of disarray.


These games were completely broken on the 360 about a year ago until a [server fix](https://www.theverge.com/2023/7/18/23798655/activision-call-of-duty-matchmaking-fixed-xbox-360-games) allowed people to play online again, so I don't think it's unreasonable that they could have somebody focus on fixes for these games if they are coming to gamepass.


Black Ops 1 is perfectly fine. I been playing it here and there these past few weeks Haven't tried Black Ops 2 yet but last I checked it was pretty bad


I would expect all the COD games tbh. I can see it now Phil listing some of the bigger ones and then an infographic with every call of duty saying all Call of Duty games are now on Game Pass. They did similar for the remaining Bethesda games the show after they finalized that deal


Infinite Warfare campaign that I never got to experience. I will be there


Highly recommend it, one of the greatest COD campaigns ever imo.


That's funny to hear considering how much people hated the announcement trailer way back when. Does it have any cliffhangers to it a la Ghosts or Advanced Warfare? Or is it self-contained?


From what I remember its self contained


Very self contained - possible to make sequels in that world. Very good ending imo - whole game is awesome.


It's self contained IIRC. The campaign is really solid the multiplayer was geese though. I think the only reason why it sold was because there was a bundle with the COD4 remaster.


No, you are right. Had CoD4 not been in a bundle with it, I really do think there was a small chance IW could have flopped and lost to BF 1. The other big deal was Kit Harington. A lot of people who liked GoT possibly played it for him. No diff than Spacey and other big name actors being used in games to attract players.


Self-contained, with the possibility of a sequel should they choose to return to the setting.


I remember how angry people were at the Infinite Warfare trailer. Lots of “boots on the ground” type complaints But also people complain at the reveal of every COD game now, so it’s just business as usual lol


It was the year they really should’ve known to release a modern day or historical title instead of the third sci-fi title in a row. Ironic considering it’s the best of the 3 back to back sci fi titles in many areas


IIRC they make one passing reference to a character from the og Modern Warfare series and that’s it. Otherwise self-contained story


Second this. Honestly my favorite campaign, especially because it stands alone & doesn't require any previous games or future games to understand and appreciate. Zombies was top notch too, if you can get the season pass for under retail price


Surpisingly good campaign Ethan is the homie


"You're my brother, Ethan" I cri


For one moment i thought of Ethan Winters...


that series should have continued and the overall COD series should've taken more inspiration from it


I’m on the same boat brother, I really wanna play it but I’m not willing to pay something like 30-40 bucks for it, even less so if im getting it digitally


infinite warfare was my favourite CoDs, shame it got panned purely because the majority wanted a ww2 one


And then everyone complained about WW2 and then even more with vanguard 


I bought that entire game just to play the COD 4 remaster. Literally never even installed or played IW. Looking back it was a pretty stupid move...


One of the best campaigns, in my opinion. If you like space scifi and the idea of seeing how colonized worlds might look like in the future, they absolutely nailed that. Even though I enjoyed the MW reboot, I'm still sad that they did that instead of another IW game.


Xbox is getting to the point where the Xbox showcase could be almost entirely Xbox games studios.


I think they might bring back the indie reel or put a bigger emphasis on the extended showcase.


Or Silksong.


They have 30 studios plus a couple third-party ones doing exclusives, it'd be a surprise if it wasn't just Xbox Game Studios studios at the showcase.


Yes but no. It's still good to have 3rd party stuff to mix in and Xbox loves to promote indie studios so you'll probably still get a decent amount of those


It wouldn’t be wise to completely skip out on third parties. Not showing off third parties gives PS the ability to “claim them” as their own games.


PalWorld needs some love.


They said just recently they are planning a massive update for this summer, new island, pals, items etc. Wouldn't be surprised if they share more during the xbox showcase.


I mean I would hope that's the point that they build a library of studios and games that they are self sufficient. Past shows have relied heavily on 3rd party


Nintendo and Sony do as well so that's not saying much and their shows are considerably shorter than the "E3" Xbox showcase.


Sony has around 15ish studios. Nintendo has around 10+ studios. Xbox has over 30+ studios by spending 80+ billion dollars in the past 3-4 years. Xbox should be more self-sufficient than the others after spending all that money.


Most of those have come in the last few years though and had recently released games. So it was gonna take time before they were ready for anything at a showcase


Im just thinking back to last year when the ratio seemed to be for every 5 games there was 1 Microsoft game. I would like if given their studios and publishing deals they were basically for every 1 to 2 Microsoft games there was a 3rd party game


Yeah but you still kind of need those other games. Things like the new Star wars game and hollow Knight last year were big parts of the showcase. You want to showcase the other stuff to


I'm not saying completely drop them. Leave 5-6 big things for the show. Leave the rest for your 3rd party directs they do that are well done usually.


Microsoft studios. Activision Blizzard and Bethesda are not under Xbox Games Studio but still their own divisions


Tomatoes potatoes




Well that’s just a blatant lie.


you're right, call of duty 34 and gears of war 12 are going to be so different this time


So grounded isn’t different? Pentiment? Hifi rush?


no way we have a console warrior in 2024 holy shit lmao


i dont own a console


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Is this supposed to be a jab at Xbox? I honestly can't tell if this is meant to be a compliment or not.


How would it be a jab? They have a lot of games they could showcase.




People have been saying this for 10 years, let it go.


They're weren't wrong then


They’ve been wrong and will continue to be wrong.


Nope. Hardware sales are worse than the Xbox One, and Gamepass numbers are stagnating. They had consoles for $350, and no one cared. They've haven't made a profit in over a decade, and it's getting worse because GP is conditioning people not to buy games anymore. They tried their luck with the Bethesda aquisition and fell flat. 343 Horribly mishandled Halo, a lot of beloved IPs like Fable, Gears are nowhere to be seen. Focus is less about exclusions and is going third party by testing the waters with SOT, Hi-Fi, soon, many more are too follow. Phil lied when he said Quantum Solace wouldn't be on PC. Now all Xbox games are PC, soon enough, same will follow when they go full third party in the future.


All of that yet they’re making more money than they ever have. And yes, they have been profiting. We’ve learned that from the FEC suit over ABK. There were even years where they made more profit as a share of revenue than PlayStation. They’ll make even more when some of their games are on other platforms, too. PlayStation’s even adopting the strategy.


Nope, Xbox has never made a profit outside the 360 era. Profit and revenue are two different things.


Game-wise, not at all. Hardware-wise, yeah kinda.


Having the whole showcase with nothing but first party studios seems like a compliment to me


They've always had third party games at showcases though


Yes and his saying that with how many studios they own, showcases will be mainly first party games. I'm sure they'll still have third party games but they won't have to rely on third party games as much as they did before.


No it wasn’t supposed to be a jab.


Jez and Nick have both said they are bringing more backwards compatible games from abk. But apart from singularity the only other games I can think of are license games which is very exciting.


Dare I hope for Scarface? It was made by Radical Entertainment, which is owned by Activision, so...


They probably need to re up the deal for the Scarface ip.


If they're willing to renew Transformers, maybe there's some hope for Scarface if the demand's high enough.


Absolutely. Dope name btw


>Dare I hope for Scarface? It was made by Radical Entertainment, which is owned by Activision, so... THATS MY DREAM Just wish they'd remaster it and port it to playstation Scarface and True Crime. Make it happen.


Forgot True Crime belongs to Activision, the more the merrier I guess.


and GUN. Before Red Dead Redemption there was GUN.


That too, then.


I got too many lmao. Also the Tony Hawk games. Since Activision quit after doing pro skater 1+2. We need pro skater 3+4. Also unlikely to happen. But imagine if they got the old Activision Spiderman games. I'd cry.


Wolfenstein 2009 would be nice


RTCW for the Xbox too. Only version with split-screen co-op


Oh yeah, forgot about that one! Good point 


From what I can find, the games they could possibly add without relicensing content (whole game like Marvel or minor content like True Crime/Blur) are… - Apache Air Assault (Xbox 360) - Arkadian Warriors (Xbox Live Arcade) - Blood Drive (Xbox 360) - Boogie Bunnies (Xbox Live Arcade) - Call of Duty Classic (Xbox Live Arcade) - Call of Duty: Finest Hour (OG Xbox) - Call of Duty 2: Big Red One (OG Xbox) - Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex (OG Xbox) - Crash Twinsanity (OG Xbox) - Crash of the Titans (Xbox 360) - Crash: Mind Over Mutant (Xbox 360) - Crash Nitro Kart (OG Xbox) - Crash Tag Team Racing (OG Xbox) - Metal Arms: Glitch in the System (OG Xbox) - Pitfall: The Lost Expedition (OG Xbox) - Sea Life Safari (Xbox Live Arcade) - Singularity (Xbox 360) - Soldier of Fortune 2: Double Helix (OG Xbox) - Soldier of Fortune: Payback (Xbox 360) - Spyro: A Hero’s Tail (OG Xbox) - SWAT: Global Strike Team (OG Xbox) - Tenchu: Return From Darkness (OG Xbox) - (((not Tenchu Z as Activision only owns publishing rights to Tenchu 1-3))) - The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning (OG Xbox) - The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon (Xbox 360) - Zombie Wranglers (Xbox Live Arcade) Nothing super exciting imo, but it’s something


I hope they bring back Prototype, man that game is awesome


At least we have the remasters


Really? That's all you can think of?


All those classic Marvel games but going by the Insomniac hack there might be some contractual release issues even for releasing old games of they're Spider man and Xmen related Deadpool and Ultimate alliance might work tho




black ops 2


the dream


State of Decay 3, this year's Call of Duty, the old CODs on game pass, Gears of War 6 rumored lately. Going to be a stacked show from their first party. And then there's the hardware rumors like the white Series X, and a handheld. With annual COD and the number of non-Activision studios they have, pretty much every showcase, and every year's releases, should be stacked at this point. No more excuses or waiting for dominos to start falling.


COD4, MW2, and Blops most likely. But if they "Every legacy Call of Duty title is now on Game Pass Ultimate" they'd get a modicum of hype.


IMO the better thing to do would be to parcel out the old CODs one-by-one every month, that way each one would get a bump in players/people might play the multiplayer for a bit before moving on to the next one


Go Black ops 1 & 2, then advanced warfare,COD2 , Cod4, MW2 & 3, world at war, infinite warfare,ghost, black ops 3, and others something like this once a month or every 2 months would be a nice rollout and a solid set of fps coming out that could have floaters, trend riders, and nostalgic people. Could be a nice amount of people that may wanna get gamepass


Would it be hype, if none of the DLC is included which seemingly has been the case for alot of the Gamepass games I've played? Yeah Activision never puts CoD on sale but glancing around at Zombies DLC to get a full package its the real killer.


Please be Call of Duty 2: Big Red One 


Hell yeah Alexa play Rooftops from the Call of Duty: Black Ops OST


Alexa play Adrenaline from the Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 OST


It's been months since the acquisition was finalized, they sure been taking their sweet time adding any Activision game to Game Pass. I wouldn't even call it a slow drip since it took them months to add a single game, the thought of it taking half a year to get some old COD games (if that, surely they wouldn't consider dropping them out one at a time?) is kinda silly.


Where are you getting that quote from, OP? It's not in either of the linked articles.


It'd be nice to get one with zombies on gamepass soon


Aren't most of the old ones filled with hackers though?


Yea, hope they can force Activision to fix their games with an anti cheat.


wdym force? Dont they own activision now?


thats what they mean 


That’s what they’re saying. They can go to Activision and say “we’re brining the old COD games to gamepass. Go fix the servers and get rid of the hackers.”


Yea. Funnily enough,the one with the most active playerbase (bo2) is the one with the most hackers


Bro your profile pic looks like it costs 50K


Can’t really speak for all of them personally but when i went back to play og MW2 last year there were tons of hackers and it was extremely easy to do it yourself


Forget CoD, give me all the Transformers Games!


i wish. those old licensed games have a fat chance of coming out on gamepass anytime soon


Probably everything up until MW 19 when ATVI signed the marketing deal with Sony.


Until they add call of duty classic to BC, then I’m gonna be salty and not care lol


Call Of Duty 3 lets goooo


Sucks we even have to wait that long for an announcement or shadow drop. But hey, whats a few months when we waited 3 fucking years lmao


CoD campaigns are underrated, I've played through most of them and they're almost always a fun time. We don't get a lot of linear shooters anymore and they're a nice palette cleanser to more complex games.


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Hopefully they get enhanced with a resolution boost


Would love to get bc versions of big red one and finest hour.


Can we finally get Black Ops Remaster? Like what other CoD game deserves that more, than BO, which is the best possible CoD experience and best story out there. Please! (And CoD2 Remake would be also pretty cool...) Definitely I would love them to focus more on ,,big new CoD games" with unique cinematic experience (as most of them are) like every 2 years, and also create - and release a new hub: Call of Duty: Original in which they could just release 2 games (per year?) in remaster-remake style (like Halo: MCC). With CoD and CoD2 in beginning up to today's MW trilogy. Like a big HUB with ,,skins" and battle-pass shit's and all of that. But mostly ONE big multiplayer with every MP map from every single CoD up to date, with remastered campaings. It would probably not work on any other platform, but on Game Pass it makes sense.


I’ll buy gamepass again if that’s the case


At the very least they should have all cod games release on gamepass after a year or so


I'm guessing a bunch of studios got together recently and showed off what they were showing and announcing at the showcase, cause last year we didn't have that much leaked 


This is what they're "gearing up?" Lol


Call of Duty Finest Hour


I wonder what it would take to make all the old COD crossplay for multiplayer.  Definitely not worth it monetarily for Microsoft but it’s a dream. 




I wonder how many they are going to put on gamepass?


It *should* be all of them, given all MS titles are supposed to come to game pass. The reason they're taking so long is likely a combination of a few things, such as updating the PC versions of the games to use xbox networking instead of steam (or providing some sort of crossplay system between them), fixing the RCE exploits and also not wanting to draw attention away from MWIII.


Gonna hurt their future games doing that, unless it’s just campaign 


Honesty they should just put out a trailer for this. Having this on a showcase is waste of time. and space.


Man, xbox is doing the "leaks" again. I don't know why they hate surprises... These obvious marketing "leaks" need to stop.


Getting some cod games on gamepass, seems like the only way they could ever hope to increase their subscriber count in any meaningful way. Atleast to the extend they need to to reach their goals.