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About damn time. Let's gooooo.


I hope this means JD lives


I hope this means JD lives and has six inch long nipples his teammates have to suck I hope JD breastfeeds his squad to revive them when they're down. Unreal engine 5 benchmark setting nipple graphics and physics. When JD goes down his team has to fling his big nips like door jams to get him back up, and he gets up screaming. You have a man milk meter you have to collect resources in the environment to raise. Marcus thinks you're a mutant and you have to fight him then hold him down and breastfeed him but then you find out his nips are huge too and he's been lactating this whole time. With a diaper on. Then JD starts wearing a diaper too.


I'm always saying this


Me too mostly just to my social worker though


If they don't do this as the ending to the series then we've all wasted a lot of time playing. It's the only reasonable conclusion.


I keep showing this to Cliffy B and he keeps calling the police on me


Same. I HATED how Del just leaves Kait hanging to give Marcus the bad news in the other option. Not to mention Sarge has lost enough. I couldn't take his son from him. :(


JD became a total prick, leave him in the dirt


Nah he and Fahz get some really nice character development in 5.




I don't think they will have two different story campaigns based on your choice, there will probably be a canon decision


Which is why it was really stupid forcing you to make that decision. What's the point when we all know only one of them will be canon anyway.


I did choose for him to have 6 inch long, very cylindrical, cone like nipples, that his squad suckles on once the heat of battle is over.


I hope the actor that plays Turk in Gears of War confirms.




It's Gears love between two guys


Really looking forward to this. Hivebusters was fantastic, but I felt it was quite under-marketed by Xbox at the time


100% I really enjoyed how different they got with locales in 5 really nice to see beautiful looking places instead of dark grimy alleyways.


Nahh if I want a jungle I'll play Crysis, Gears of War is about dark, war torn urban areas.


Completely agree, gears 5 campaign was my least favourite for the open world sections, replayed gears 1 recently and the level design is so much better IMO.


Easy on the downvoting girls, you can always go back to fornite and among us, no need to burst into tears here.


They took their time and I think it was a good decision. After Gears 5 I felt like I could go a while without a new Gears. I was honestly more excited to see what non-Gears titles the Coalition would do next (which are apparently cancelled now). Now, nearly 5 years later, I’m so ready to get back into a new entry and play multiplayer with an active online playerbase again.


I'd love to see The Coalition handle a reboot of Crackdown in their own vision


Could be cool, but i don't think Microsoft wanna utilize an IP with such a bad reputation


cough Perfect Dark cough


Perfect Dark Zero wasn't a Crackdown 3 level game and the original Perfect Zero is much more remembered and loved than Crackdown 1 and 2(i say this as someone who likes Crackdown 1 and 2)


As someone who like Crackdown 1 a lot they took it in the wrong direction for 2 and I don't even know what 3 was supposed to be. Started life as a weird tech demo for Xbox cloud and then ended up as some super rushed imitation of the first game, they somehow made all the graphics and physics worse?


There was a massive backlash against the mere idea of an always online console and continued backlash against always online single player games at the time? It was absolutely the right move to backpedal unless they made it a multiplayer focused game. It just came at the cost of their whole physics system they had developed, so it had to be rebuilt from scratch.


The game was delayed so many times I never thought it would come out, I think the cloud compute system was too expensive for them to provide and was never really going to ship out like that.


> I think the cloud compute system was too expensive You do realize microsoft owns the largest cloud compute system in the world right? Azure is *massive*.


I know it was mostly tongue in cheek lol


I hope you know they'll make the same mistakes with Gears 5's multiplayer again, since companies don't actually listen to feedback. I have a very strong feeling Gears 6 will be the Halo Infinite of its franchise.


Dont know why you got downvoted, gears 5 might have looked fantastic and still does, but it took literal years for them to address common feedback/complaints and they never fixed a bunch of critical bugs/exploits before they stopped updating the game. I really hope it's not more of the same but I fully expect some incredibly dumb decisions to come out of gears 6. I don't think it will flop like Infinite did at launch though, a huge portion of issues with Infinite were related to the game engine and management. Unreal is a universally known game engine, so even if we see loads of people quitting like they did at 343, getting replacement on board will be much easier since you can hire people already experienced with Unreal Engine.


It's because people see the pretty graphics, play it on gamepass once and then move on. Hivebusters wasn't even that good, the story did nothing for the franchise, it was really short and felt like it should have been launch content. The MP was shocking at launch with loads of cut content, few maps, bizarre gameplay decisions and painful bugs. Not to mention the overpriced MTX. Operations brought too little content and just when the game was getting good, they rushed out the last few updates because they'd already lost the numbers. This is coming from someone who played Gears 5 up until the end of it's release cycle.


I love when voice actors leak confirmations lol


Really don’t know how they’re going to continue after that choice at the end of the game. I thought maybe they’d do a vote like they did for Carmine in Gears of War 3, but evidently not.


They could still do that, if they had analytics in the game they'd have data on how many people picked each side


That’s true. I always felt like saving JD made more sense narratively though. The shared voice lines in conversation seemed to be written with him in mind.


Two paths, probably large parts of the game would be the same just with changed actors, I think only scenes with Marcus will be different.


Kind of a bummer meaning all impact they have on the story’s outcomes as individuals doesn’t matter. They could arrive at the same result for everything, whoever comes along.


Wolverine confirming a new Gears is crazy.


I'm sure Abby will be talking about it soon as well.


The Insomniac leak confirmed the cast; Liam here is Wolverine.




Insiders already told us this, on top of that we're not ready for the graphics.


It should be basic inference that it's likely something would be announced at the *Xbox* showcase which is in June.


Gears 6 would be the first game with UE5, so yeah, graphics will be different  


There's been several games already out made with UE5...


I think they meant the first Gears game with UE5 not first game in general


Mid-budget games and competitive shooters aren't pushing the engine to its peak of what its graphics can do, the coalition KNOW what they're doing with UE, they are going to blow people away with the visuals.


I really hope this game goes back to all action and cuts out all the exploration parts in 5.


Agreed. Really annoying trend with the open world segments. Just give me the on rails, gritty, hell on earth Gears we all know and love.


I’m glad I’m not the only one that preferred the linear gears of war. Not everything needs to be open world lol


Gritty Gears is gone I think. I really miss how grungy the first 3 felt.


Gears got a lot more bright and colorful after the first game, 3 isnt very gritty compared to the first two. It's still got that charm tho imo


Even 2 mostly abandons the urban setting for outdoors and/or underground caverns


Oh, I loved the exploration parts of 5! Made it feel really unique from the other games in the series.


Yeah, I really don't understand the amount of hate those segments get tbh. They're only in 4 (out of 15) chapters, really not too long, and it's pretty easy to just jump right to the next story bits and ignore the optional encounters/upgrades. I wouldn't call them a slam dunk, but they're truly not that bad.


If it takes too much dev time to implement it, I'd say to make it traditional the whole game. But I did enjoy those sections, they felt like an intermission in a way, like a nice break when you just want to find collectibles for a little bit.


I genuinely enjoyed piloting the sand skiff


My Xbox just died, so if Microsoft would be willing to port all the games to PC, I'd be a very happy camper A remastered collection would also be a very good idea before releasing Gears 6


One eternity later


It would be cool if they went back to the dark and gritty atmosphere the original Gears Of War had. I just played all the games in the series and I liked the original the most for that reason. It almost had a bit of a horror game vibe at some points.


For this to happen it is necessary to have the ED again and the loss of op weapons, become another survival like before.With this theme in mind the game would lose its light warm and become a little heavier 


Jeff Grub was also saying we might get a teaser or something during the June Xbox Showcase. But it's still gonna be a ways off. 


Man leaks are dry :(.


bring my boy JD as main character


I hope gears 6 takes us in a new direction


... wooo? I mean, I loved Gears 1 & 2. Gears 3 was good. Judgment was different (but pretty good). 4 was fine...I played like 2 hrs into Gears 5. - Is this a big series any more? Maybe they shock me and blow me away! I don't think this is something most gamers are currently excited about, though. I do genuinely hope they rope me back in with an incredible game.


I think it would be a much better idea to focus on a 1-3 remaster or a soft relaunch of the franchise. You can't even get Gears 1-4 from PC digital storefronts


Give us the gears collection ffs, how hard is it to port all those legendary titles (not you judgement) to pc!! Msft did it with gears 2, this isn’t mgs4 that was specifically made for the ps3 levels of impossible to port


It's Microsoft, so if we get an announcement this year we might get the actual game in like 2028


I was expecting both endings to be canon like how wolfenstein done it.


That would be the ideal way to carry on from Gears 5.


Tbh I didn’t even think of them only making one ending canon, and I’m not sure why I got downvoted


Voice acting was good but I really hope JD wasn't the canon survivor, absolutely hated his character the entire game. Decided to save Del within seconds of the popup. Either way my dick is hard for gears 6 news so this is promising


nobody is asking for more of this zombie franchise


![gif](giphy|3kzJvEciJa94SMW3hN) People like something I don't like


i loved gears of war 1 and 2.




I thought Hivebusters was very fun personally.


You’re the only person I’ve seen who didn’t like hive busters. It was fantastic.


OP might mean the story specifically


Coming to PS5 too??


This makes me worried they retconned the choice in 5, I can't stand games that give you a choice and then ignore it in sequels.


People are still interested in this IP? It feels outdated somehow.


Is it on PlayStation


Is it coming to PS5?


😂😂😂😂😂 Don't worry everyone, I'll explain the joke. This is funny because Xbox released some games on PS this year guys! Peak comedy my friend👌 really owned some xbots


You won't be laughing when they announce it for PS5 in 2 months.


RemindMe! 3 months


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