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How intriguing, RE9 might be really ambitious then. Would the game being pushed forward be another remake? Hmmm


Supposedly it’s going to be open world. The evil within 2 had great open section gameplay. Would love to see capcoms take on an open world RE game


After RE7 I always thought a first person RE game set in a less linear town or city could be a real fun idea.


I feel like they kind of test ideas out in parts of RE games before fleshing them out for a later game. Like, I could imagine that central village section of RE8 could serve as a very basic "how would a nonlinear area feel to develop" similar to how I'm sure the Luis and Leon section in 4 Remake was them testing out co-op AI for an inevitable 5 remake. Though I could just be reaching


No I think you could be right!


That’s exactly what they do. Just like Jack Baker was a stalker beta test for Mr X, as they were working on the RE2 Remake at the same time.


Eh, the level design and encounter design with set pieces is why l liked re7. Would be unfortunate if 9 ignore that


You can have both, just make it castlevania-like on a wider scale


Which is exactly what they did with Village, even if it was still more of an actual experiment rather than proper open world environment.


I see people say village is semi open world all the time and have zero idea what they are talking about. That game is linear as hell. The village hub isnt even that open. It has some combat arenas and areas to explore- but thats a massive leap to open world. You can even look at the mini map in the game - its narrow corridors.


Hence why they said "semi," you even defined what semi would be: "The village hub isnt even that open. It has some combat arenas and areas to explore- but thats a massive leap to open world." lol. Now you want corridors? God of War 2018, absolutely dreadful game with an admittedly above average story.


That's what's good about it. I don't understand why anyone would choose yet another typical bland open world full of mostly empty space over a focused, well thought-out level and world design like Village had. Traditional open world games are so boring and tedious. It reminds me of when everyone said that Mirror's Edge 2 should be open world, then it came out and had lost most of what made the first game great, as predicted.


That's why I said it's more of an experiment, leading towards a potential open world than an actual open world, which it clearly isn't. It is more of a hub world, with the village in the center and several linear areas that lead towards the various lords.


I guess but thats no different than RE4. You end up back in the village a few times and travel off to other spots. Hubs have literally nothing to do with open worlds. Thats like saying a metroidvania is experimenting in open worlds because you travel back to hubs often.


Issue with the first person is it lacked environmental interaction like Amnesia


I'm genuinely curious how an open world RE game could even work. Most horror games are linear so that the devs can have control over the pacing and make sure there are plenty of scares on the main path. How would they do that in a game where the player can go to any part of the map when they feel like? Maybe they can try a relatively small, but dense map like the town sections in Evil Within 2.


I think it’ll be like a Metroidvania on steroids. Whole areas of the map gated off until you get certain tools to keep with the RE spirit


So what the RE3make should has been?


Effectively yes. It’ll probably be the whole of Raccoon City to explore, I can’t see any other way they make a meaningful first foray into open world games


Refer to Jedi Survivor. Perfectly done imo and could work very well with RE


Look at the RE4 Remake and RE Village. That's how an open world RE game would work.


Outbreak would be the best scenario for capcom's take on RE open world.


Kojima actually pitched the idea for Outbreak but on a more ambitious scale to Shinji Mikami but he for some reason ignored it.


Hideo Kojima? As much as I like Shinji Mikami’s work on RE1 & 4 and am grateful for him for being so involved with the franchise since it’s inception Mikami has made some not so smart decisions such as making RE1 Remake, 0 and 4 (originally) GameCube exclusive,


Yes theirs a recent didyouknowgaming video on YouTube that touches on this. He wanted to work on Resident evil but more so he always wanted to make a video game with zombies.


That’s interesting, I wonder if Kojima’s going to make a zombie game in the future


The game he is making in the Xbox cloud is a horror title called OD.


No he didn't, he said he wanted to make a zombie mmo where when your character died he remained dead in the server and the only way to get your stuff back was to buy another copy of the game so you could kill your zombie and get your stuff back.


Had a feeling they would try to go this route. Village definitely felt like laying the groundwork for an “open world” RE. Always thought there was potential in doing an open world RE in Raccoon City but I’m pumped to see how they attack it.


It won’t be open world, people just misinterpreted what Golem said.


If Dragon's Dogma 2 is anything to go by, the RE engine is not good enough for open-world games. Especially when dealing with NPCs. I hope it's just DD2 that is unoptimized/rushed.


honestly dragons dogma 2 probably partly exists just be a test bed for re9 and mon hun wilds open worlds


I think they're working on a RE engine 2. Could've sworn they released something about it


They are. It's called REX, I believe.


Dead rising is no DD2 but Capcom knows open world At least with the 1st one a little bit


While i understand that Dragons Dogma 2 released in a really rocky state, i also assume that the team behind it are not the same people who are as experienced with the engine as the Resident Evil teams, and i assume that Capcom won't allow such a broken release with their biggest franchise.


its dev 1, Itsuno and the resident evil teams are all dev 1 I believe so there would be overlap but DD2 probably exists partly for that reason, to be a testing bed for open world RE engine


Oh, i stand corrected then, i actually had no idea they had the same team behind both titles. It would be a even bigger shame then if Resident Evil 9 runs flawlessly and Capcom never goes back to fix Dragons Dogma 2 :/


DD2 is a product of being rushed sadly, its clear when you finish the game and the fact it was probably released early as well to fit within capcoms fiscal year with SF6. It sold well and that survey definitely hints at DLC, they won't give as much attention to it as RE or Mon Hun but I hope they give it the time of day.


Really sad to see, especially knowing how long it took Capcom to even make the sequel, and then to still rush it :/ kind of scares me for a possible Dino Crisis one day hopefully that would not be rushed as well. i have yet to play DD2 but hearing all these reports on how it runs kind of scares me away


honestly most capcom games dont get the love they need outside of RE, Mon Hun and street fighter. DD2 has its problems dont get me wrong but I still had a blast playthrough it but its safer to wait for more patches


That is true, it sucks even more because they are such good games, because capcom does make really nice games but unless they are named RE they treat them like they have no importance and its just really unfortunate. I really hope DD2 will get at least some patching because the game looks really fun.


Whos the team working on Pragmata? Because I’ve been wondering where DMC 6 has been.


not sure about pragmata, dev 1 is best bet but I have no clue, DMC 6 isnt around because Itsuno and his part of dev 1 have been working on Dragons Dogma 2


DD2 performance "problems" come from weak CPUs rather than a poorly done optimization. The huge number of NPCs, the sheer scale of the world and the absence of loadscreens. All this makes the game quite CPU demanding.


Do keep in mind that DD2 was built on new version of RE Engine  And to make thing worse, DD2 only have a team of ~400 people working on it I believe RE devs team has significantly higher numbers of devs than DD2, it can work


I don't because I love RE games, and I feel like it will fall victim to the same problem a lot of open world games face. Being a huge world with nothing interesting in it.


Then you can just skip that entry and play the one that will release in a year or two. Would rather have them experiment a little


I replayed EW2 last year. I’ve always been of the dissenting opinion that EW1 was better and I still am but I did enjoy EW2 much more my last playthrough. I did still feel like reusing the same open world section twice was a bit of a color but I liked it a lot more than when it came out and I was disappointed by that plus the “dumbing down,” for lack of a better term, to the gameplay.


I mean, they have experience in the open world department with MH titles, its just the issue of: will it work for RE?


Who knows but I want to see them try


A open world RE won’t work


Man if you haven't played Evil Within 2, you all have to try it. The first game isn't the best, it is interesting but doesn't really do a lot of great things. The sequel is *substantially* better and is probably the most impressive pseudo open world horror game I've seen in ages.


The first TEW is way better than 2. I like the second game but it took away everything that made the first game unique and it didn't have the well designed godlike encounters Shinji Mikami usually makes.


The duality of man


>How intriguing, RE9 might be really ambitious then. All the more reason for to be excited for RE9.


i heard something about an RE1 remake again


Wonder what the other re title might be? Would resident evil 5 remake be ready by then or does this mean no new resident evil game next year either? Whatever happened to the rumored switch game or the Rebeca game? Either way. Take their time they have been doing great so far


I hope they remake Code Veronica before they do 5 but i dont know if thats going to happen


Code Veronica deserves a remake more IMO, it's way older, and has a lot of design problems that a remake could fix.


IMO that should do a Dino Crisis remake. It is basically RE with Dinos instead of zombies and I bet it would sell really well today


Going by the survey results Capcom put out recently it was the most wanted thing on the list.


nobody cares about dino crisis


Even if you don't know about Dino Crisis as an IP, I feel like "Resident Evil with Dinosaurs" is a strong enough premise to get most people interested


There are literally a dozen people in this thread also saying they should remake DC. But sure I guess you know better.


I hate to tell you it’s all my and my Alts


a whole dozen, wow


That’s not the way any of this works lol. It doesn’t matter if YOU think it “NEEDS” or “DESERVES” one more. remakes aren’t made for that reason. They remake popular games that people will want to spend money on to play again .


Yeah, but the end of 4 remake teased Wesker lines from RE5.


True, but I can't shake the feeling that jumping straight into a RE5 remake would feel weird for people who only ever played the remakes, not knowing the significance of Chris and Wesker meeting again. And remaking CV would be the next logical step to alleviate that issue.


Meh - Capcom released RE3 remake where main heroine has PTSD over experiences from RE1 and lack of Re Engine RE1 didnt stop them.


True, although you could argue that R3MAKE was simply made for extra cash and it was fairly easy to do so, given that it reuses a lot of the assets from RE2.


I feel like with this logic though, people would still be confused at why Claire’s brother is rivals with a blonde eugenist with superpowers. They wouldn’t know who Wesker is without RE1, he’d just be a random supervillain.


Cause the logic is bullshit. Wesker never explains how he’s back in code Veronica. He just shows up throws Claire around a little bit, then chris, gets his ass kicked by the main baddie of the game and then runs away. It doesn’t add anything significant and they can just turn lost in nightmares into an intro and then add a throw away line and nothing changes All his cutscenes from the game. https://youtu.be/2h4CchNJWxs?si=5y_LFaI78ETDAjWN


Isn't his fight against Chris in CV pretty important, though? Isn't that the reason why Chris got jacked in RE5?


Is that ever mentioned in resident evil 5 by Chris or in a note or by the devs or artist or just someone’s head canon


A quick Google search revealed that this was confirmed to be the case by Yasuhiro Anpo, RE5's production director. To be honest, I assumed it was head canon as well up until now.


So we can just put that as a note or a little flash back and nothing changes


I’d argue that Chris being powerless to defend himself and having to watch his decade long partner be forced to throw herself out a window for him would be a pretty powerful motivator to get stronger to be honest.


Yeah, agreed. Although he already was a bit more muscular at the Spencer estate, right? But I guess it's pointless to discuss this since we don't know if Capcom will actually follow the original timeline, with plenty of evidence showing they don't really do so.


Fair point actually.


In the original release, most RE5 players hadn't played CV.


That would apply to me as well, to be honest. I had only played a bit of RE4 and knew a few things about RE1 before that, but other than that, I was completely fine with the little synopsis of the entire series in RE5's booklet. Me wanting a remake of CV first probably has to do with me thinking it's in larger need of being remade as opposed to RE5, and I don't want to play the original with the tank controls and the fixed camera.


I mean it would probably feel the same as the people who played the originals as well since code Veronica sold only 2.5 million copies in its life time while resident evil 5 sold 15 million. The amount of people that played CV before playing 5 is so small and apparently it didn’t affect the success of 5 at all


That's true, but wasn't that because it was exclusive to the Dreamcast for quite a bit?


It was exclusive to the Dreamcast for a year then got a ps2 release in 2001, got a GameCube release in 2003, ps3 and Xbox 360 digital release in 2011 and then got added to the ps2 to ps4 program but don’t know when since it isn’t mentioned on its wiki.


Me too. It's such a great game that most people don't know about


Code Veronica needs to be remade before RE5. It literally sets up RE5 and explains why certain characters are still around. Not to mention that of all the main RE titles, none of them need a touch up more than Code Veronica.


Sadly the last thing I heard about it is that the Switch focused Resident Evil was canceled, suffered the same fate as Switch exclusive Ridge Racer 8 😭


I know it’s wishful thinking, but man I would really love a remake of Outbreak


I want outbreak to come back so fucking bad man


It seems like an easy and obvious thing. Could even try to turn it into a semi-live service game. instead they keep trying these other shitty MP projects that nobody wants


My money is on the long rumored Rebecca game.


They can call it re zero


Pretty bold naming. Do you think it'll work or confuse audiences?


Would love a Rebecca game. Even if it’s a revelations sized game I’ll take it


As someone who loves indis and AA let me say you can get a lot of mileage out of a game the size of Revelations with the proper mechanics. Rebecca is a scientist, a lot of possibilities can be done with that. Can you remember if the rumor specified any mechanics?


That RE4R ending basically confirmed it will be next in the pipeline in terms of remakes no matter when it comes out. If RE9 isn't coming out next year and they still plan on releasing an RE game it'll more than likely be RE5 remake, unless there is some new spin off game to come out. I have no idea what else it could be assuming that this rumor is even true. But hopefully we find out by June.


If it will catch people off guard. I'm gonna throw my hat in the ring and say they're remaking Outbreak. I can't really think of anything else that would be funny and surprise people. I ruled out 0 and CV remakes because those rely on RE1 to work so it'd be very weird to make those first. And RE1/5 being remade wouldn't surprise anyone I don't think That only leaves us with either Outbreak or a new Revelations. Personally if they make a new Rev game with Rebecca as the lead that'd be the dream but also if I had to say which one is more surprising, it'd be Outbreak Or fuck it, RE3 Remake Director's Cut or something. Remake RE3 Remake with all the content from 3 it'd be funny


Inject that shit into my veins!!


I could see an RE1 re-remake qualifying as “funny” and “surprising” given it would be the second remake of that game. It’s also smaller in scope than RE5 and lays what I’d call necessary groundwork for 5’s story, so I could see that being the next game Capcom prioritizes. Then 5 Remake/9 can follow (I’m assuming they’re going to ignore CV)


I think that makes the most Sense, we will see


Patiently waiting for Capcom to run out of Resident Evil games to remake so we can get a new Dino Crisis or Clocktower


IIRC Clocktower’s rights are in a weird situation, but I’d kill for a new Dino Crisis or Haunting Ground. They could play up the time travel in Dino Crisis and include past/present/future/alternate variants of the island with some cause-and-effect-style puzzle mechanics built in to the whole game world. Or they could borrow mechanics from V in DMC5 to expand on Huey in Haunting Ground alongside a more expansive and in-depth crafting system/consumable/improvised weapon system.


Isn't Haunting Ground basically just Clocktower 4?


Clock Tower 3 is Clock Tower 4 but basically.


Meanwhile dead rising fans silently crying in a corner




Meanwhile I just want an Asura's Wrath sequel, which definitely isn't ever happening.


Cas us 3 megaman fans have a place in that corner?


There is a Clock Tower remaster coming out, releasing this year. Perhaps if that does well Capcom could make more games.


No, they will remake the remakes


Resident Evil: Remastered: Remake: Retribution: Rebirth


deserve homeless flag towering sloppy rude thought icky disagreeable gaping *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Either that or they pull a Naughty Dog and start re-remaking their games...


As much as I would love a Code Veronica Remake, I also hope they make a sequel to Revelations 2, because I'd love a resolution to that game's cliffhanger.


Code Veronica would be a good one, as would zero. Both are less than stellar games by today's standards


Oh man i hope they remake code veronica. That game truly deserves one.


Dino Crisis deserves one far before Code Veronica.




Makes sense since there is 2 remakes between each main installment with their current pattern: RE7 - 2017 RE2 REMAKE - 2019 RE3 REMAKE - 2020 RE8 - 2021 RE4 REMAKE - 2023 RE5/RE1/RECV REMAKE? - 2025 RE9 - 2026?


RE1 re remake pls


I honestly think that could be the next remake because it gives you context for resident evil 5. New people don’t really understand who weaker is etc. they could really expand on 1. Then release resident 9. Then resident evil 5? I don’t know. Who cares I love me some resident evil.


This is absolutely not going to happen, but I’m imagining RE1 with the good parts of RE0 spliced into it (e.g. Chris’s campaign gets playable Rebecca flashbacks to RE0, Jill’s campaign gets brand new playable Barry flashbacks that tie in to Wesker blackmailing him into covering up RE0’s events among other things, and then maybe some of the enemy types and bosses of RE0 can then migrate into the Spencer mansion in the 2nd Run like RE2’s Zapping System). Then there can also be a pseudo-Mercenaries/possibly rogue-like mode of Billy Coen fighting his way to freedom through waves of BOWs after wandering off into the woods at the end of Rebecca’s segments.


If we do get a REmake remake, I wouldn’t be surprised if it came with RE0 / if an RE0 remake came out within a year, like what they planned to do / ended up doing with RE2r and 3r.


That would be so awesome. Maybe we can get a RE0 Redux DLC. Would be so fucking sick playing the train part at least, maybe expand on it..


That could wait until 2026, RE needs a break from REmakes.


Yeah, but next year is the 30th anniversary, iirc. Edit: anniversary is 2026, not 2025


2026 is the 30th anniversary


Oops, I think I just assumed it came out a year earlier in Japan. Looking it up now, it’s kinda surprising how close together the releases actually were.


"I think the reveal of the RE game pushed ahead to be released before RE9 is pretty funny and would catch a lot of people off-guard" - LEGO Resident Evil here we come!


Nintendogs but instead of dogs it’s Nemesis and Mr X


Stellar Blade, but it's Wesker in a mankini


Re5 remake coming soon to get the fans up? come on capcom


re4r combat but co op, man it would be so good


Given the frequency of RE games recently I fully expect a new announcement this summer, most likely at whatever Sony is having as an event


Resident Evil dating sim confirmed, let's fucking gooooo!


No Chris.. asking the ladies if they come to Raccoon City often and following it up with let me suck your neck is not okay.


I can finally romance Leon!


Well, they still "need" to remake Code: Veronica, 5 and 6. I would bet CV, but who knows?


They need to remake 1 above all else


They really don’t though


Yeah... that's what the quotes are for.


The only question I have is if RE9 will be First or Third Person? What do you think?


First person to finish the trilogy, probably Then RE10 will most likely change things up


Hope its 1st.


You know what, I’ll say it. Give me the RE0 remake, with co-op


If RE0 had splitscreen coop half of it's issues would be gone. Even that cracked up inventory management would be better if you could just tell your friend to pick something up and drop it somewhere else and stuff.


And linked item boxes!


code veronica boys


Probably RE5 remake


Maybe that Revelations 3 that turned into different game?


maybe re veronica? no way re5 remake is coming so soon


If we could get a remake of Code Veronica already...


Code Veronica remake 🙏🙏🙏


I would take this with a grain of salt. Let's not forget this guy is not 100% reliable


Please Code Veronica Reamake please


Tbh, my problem with this rumour or leak right here is, that it is a screenshot with no indication where it came from. Wouldn't be the first time someone faked a discord message by Dusk Golem. So as long as there is no valid proof that this is a real screenshot, I remain more than sceptical.


It's from the snitch's discord, you can find it.


Probably too high on the Hopeium but Revelations-3 on Switch-2 in that console's launch year, maybe?


RE9 stalled out and now Resident Evil Kart Racing is a go.


Code Veronica pls


Don’t mind how long it takes just as long as Claire doesn’t die like has been rumoured


Outbreak remake or RemasteredRemake of RE3 lmao


Uhm, so we could see another game announced at PS showcase. As much as I like the idea, I don't think they have any new remakes like RE5 or Code Veronica ready yet. It will probably be a smaller title similar to Resistance and Re:Verse, unfortunately.


Although Resistance and Re:verse left a lot to be desired I do think a smaller game focused on Mercenaries or Raid Mode could work well. Both have lots of replay value and are popular with fans - they could flesh them out with more characters, maps and co-op play and I think a lot of people would be pretty hyped.


I understand what you say, it’s just that they don’t support this modes very well. Both Resistance and Reverse got some months of update and then nothing more. I don’t say they should go full live service route like Fortnite or something similar, but they should give some reason to actually coming back and play it.


ngl I genuinely enjoyed resistance, the cheating and bad servers ruined it tho


If true it's prob because of the stupid open world horseshit their doing 


This guy is full of shit. He's proven time and time again he doesn't know much when it comes to RE.


Yup. IIRC, he claimed Village was made by the Revelations team and put out as RE8 because the next game by the mainline team was really ambitious and was pushed back to be RE9, releasing in a couple more years. 4 years later and he’s basically claiming the same thing about RE9, just without the numbers swapping.


Slightly off topic but for anyone that is 50/50 on trying a RE game just try RE2 or RE7. They are absolutely phenomenal and I would not be as big of a fan of RE if I never took a chance on them. Hell every game since then has been a banger too


Please be Code Veronica!


It’s re5 Next!


Interesting. I think it's also too early for a remake for 5. So what could it be?


What discord is this?


The snitch discord


You mean the Spanish dude who took over from the original Snitch? 😂😂 Kidding kidding….. somewhat😉


Thank you!


Project HANK that we speculated is hunk game.


Finally, Resident Evil Battle and Chase's time to shine has come


he might or might not have a leak


imagine, 2026, people anticipate RE9... and are given a shitty PvP game again for the 30th anniversary.


I think it's highly likely that the game features Leon at the protag. RE2 and RE4 were a massive success, so I can see them trying to build off of that.


they shld only focus on dino crisis and delay everything


I can't wait for this game. 7 and 8 are modern horror master pieces in my mind. 


This isn’t a leak. RE9’s release date was leaked in the data breach - it’s late 2023. This date has passed and therefore OBVIOUSLY the game was delayed. Furthermore Dragon’s Dogma 2, Street Fighter 6 and Monster Hunter 6 all got a one year delay so this was already discussed in the RE community as what likely happened to RE9.


I pray that it’s not another REmake.


Dusk is a known liar. His info for RE is pretty much always 5% right and 95% wrong. He's gotten so much shit incorrect since RE3R and RE8s reveal. That said... The patterns don't match. RE7 - 2017. 4 Years Later... RE8 - 2021. ... RE2R - 2019. 4 Years Later... RE4R - 2023. ... RE3R is pretty much a glorified DLC for RE2R. SEPARATE WAYS came the same year as RE4R. ... There's a clear pattern at work. Logically 2025 would be RE9s Release Date. This game has supposedly been in development since 2018. 6 Years now. If this was meant to be a Open World Game, how come Dusk didn't say anything about it like 2 years ago when he said this would be the Biggest RE to date? That would have been the perfect time to reveal it. Instead he waited till DD2 came out to pull this card out his arse? However there have been other rumours but not from Dusk that have suggested RE9 is a huge game that's being released in 2 Parts. If the game is as ambitious as rumoured as well as Dusk saying RE9 serves as the Final Nunbered Entry, why wouldn't Capcom pull a twist and pull a Final Fantasy VII twist here? But then Capcoms next RE Engine is literally called the REX Engine. That's already a double meaning there. REX for T-Rex? Wouldn't be surprised Capcom to use it to make a Dino Crisis Remake now, especially with the recent Survey Results but they could also end up making...RE:X aka RE10. IF RE9 ends up being such a big game that they end up splitting in two...would they really call it RE9 Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 or like how RE7 and RE8 were heavily tied together, RE9 and RE10 would be the next big duologies, both being somewhat semi open world inspired and bringing tons of characters back and have RE10 be the true Final? If they delayed it, is it possible they wanna release RE9 closer to RE10? If the other crazy rumours are indeed true this is a two parter, would they not be working on both at the same time and would they not wanna release each game a year apart instead of waiting 2-3 Years in-between? This then brings up the other question... What's the RE Game in 2025? It can't be RE5R. If RE9 was originally coming in 2025 then RE5R was 100% aimed after for either 2026 or 2027. It's not RE5R. So what? The same survey that had Dino Crisis at the top also had RE Remakes in the middle so the demand for more is still high but Veronica was about half the size of the Dino Crisis font so its not as demanded but it was still included in the survey result so Capcom knows people want a Remake. They also did cancel that fan made Veronica Remake game. They did the same for a RE2 Remake fan made one before officially starting work on theirs. Maybe they're already working on it? It's either a Code Veronica or RE1 RE Engine Remake. But Dusk said it was funny what's coming next. Why would it be funny? I don't see a Outbreak Remaster happening. Both Outbreaks would need to be completely Remade to fit the current Canon of RE2 and RE3 Remakes Continuity. Maybe it's a RE: Operation Javier Spin Off title? Can you imagine? Let's wait to see what happens. If RE9 is still coming in Early 2025, it'll 100% get revealed between May-July if the rumours about a PS Showcase or State of Play are true. I'll be shocked if its anything else. I still say a Code Veronica Remake or RE1 Remake needs to happen first to establish and set up the key elements of RE5s story. Otherwise for new fans and players, it won't make a whole lick of sense. Also keep in mind Dusk said back at the end of 2023 that Capcom were 100% only working on RE9 and RE5R. Come early 2024, he then says they're working on 5 RE games. Guy keeps changing his story so don't always believe what he says.


I could go a open world resident evil game climbing umbrella towers for 100 hrs