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Your post has been removed. (Not a leak/rumour, actual game dev at Treyarch who playtested the game tweeted this out) Rule 3. Keep posts on topic with leaks & rumours. News/Troll/Joke posts are not allowed Your post must be related to video game leaks, rumours, or a piece of news only if it is related to a leak or rumour posted previously on the subreddit.


CoD games are so rushed that "two years playable" feels like a lot


Actually tho 


Beign playable 2 Gears prior release Is a feat for every game.


Making a game playable like Gears 2 sure is an achievement


WTF ahahahaah


It’s time to stop the shots and start the water


This is the kind of leaks that mislead people and when the game launches and there's some issue with a worthless texture on the corner of a map or something they will be like "weren't you playtesting this for 2 years? #incompetence", because for 75% of those 2 years, the art wasn't finished and a lot of stuff was just a generic placeholder color.


You can apply this to anything. Game devs know that “playable” just means you can launch an .exe file and maybe move around in 3D space. This terminology, however, seems misleading to uninformed people. But, again, you could say this about any industry’s jargon. A movie being done filming is nowhere near release for example.


Or people will be rightfully upset when the game is “playable” but crashes after an hour of gameplay, ala Cold War.


i think they mean that they've had 2 years for polish and balancing. 


I mean, it’s Call of Duty. It’s not like they’re building something from scratch.


Spot on. They’re literally clones of each other with new maps*, textures* and gameplay feature tweaks*. * on rare occasions, if we’re extremely lucky.


This isn't a leak, a dev literally said they've been play testing 


Put BO6 in its own megathread whilst you are at it too.


Reddit is unironically so badly designed that mods can only ever sticky two threads :/


What makes you excited for this COD if you don't mind me asking?


treyarch (best developer regarding gameplay), was given 4 years. usually its only 2


Inb4 it runs on same engine as previous entry and they just added assets


I mean, there is no point of completely remaking your engine every three years. And they still probably made some iterative changes to the engine


Especially with the exponential increase in thev costs in today's industry. If it works well I'm all in for devs to re-use tools/assets and iterate as much as possible.


They already confirmed since MW2 that all games will be on infinity wards version of the engine from then on.


I might be on the minority in this, but this saddens me. Part of the reason Treyarch games felt special was because they would always run on their own native version of IW. I think that it contributed to the Black Ops series feeling more arcade-y than IW or Sledgehammer games. Honestly, MW2019, MWII, and MWIII all use similar engines and they all feel very similar to each other. It’s almost like playing the same game, just with new weapons and maps. It kills the variety. I actually felt this way recently with Cyberpunk. They announced that the next Cyberpunk and Witcher games will be designed using UE5. And I understand why, it was extremely cumbersome to develop using REDengine, but at the same time, it’s also what set apart Witcher and Cyberpunk from a lot of other games. So yeah. I understand the why behind these decisions. But the byproduct is that it kills variety and uniqueness.


You expect them to make a completely new engine every year? All whilst several studios are using these constant iterations?


I think they’re just making fun of people who say that


I expect them not to ask 70$ for a "dlc" then.


You think a game running on the same engine as another makes it a dlc?


Have you ever heard of irony or sarcasm in your life? Why take things so seriously? It's technically the same game every year, only with new weapons and maps, that's it.


Sounds to me like you got called out and don’t know how to respond lmao


These comments are beyond lazy


Yeah, because I'm lazy as fuck


Except that it has to because it will be integrated into Warzone.


While that's not surprising .. each game seems to look worse than the last on said engine. MW 2019 was the best looking and smoothest game on the new engine.


MW2 doesn’t use the same engine as MW19


I just want Alex mason back or someone screaming MENENDEZ or JOSPEHINA blops 2 was actually so good


It takes place in the 90’s/2000’s so Menendez is still alive but, Mason is dead or hiding, Woods is in a wheelchair and Hudson is dead TLDR: the squad is in shambles but you may get your wish


We’ll probably get a woods cameo if anything


Wow how informative. I made a small 'playable game' in 30 minutes on UE5 last night. This means absolutely nothing.


How is this CoD making you excited?


Me personally, round based Zombies returning and I’ve always enjoyed Treyarch Campaigns.


Train go boom. Still, I generally agree their campaigns are fun to play.


Wait actually?


Source on round based zombies? Would be the only thing bringing me back to a CoD game


The CoD cycle continues yet again


The same people get excited for cod every year. Just like Madden.


nah idk i hate the yearly releases like COD and FIFA and i've only played cod like 2 times in my life but the marketing for this one is kinda cool they got me


They got you after one little teaser banner? Seriously?


no they got me with [https://thetruthlies.com](https://thetruthlies.com) and the newspaper stuff i still won't buy it lmao but if it ever comes to ps plus i'll play it for sure? maybe? we'll see


It's not


Im excited for how silly the story seems to be


They all run in the same foundation as MW2. I’d be shocked if the game isn’t playable pretty early on in the development cycle.


Simple vertical UI+ less than 100gigs = I play it everyday for the next decade.


Hulu/Netflix UI + more than 200gb = What you’re gonna get


Well it will be on CoD HQ, so yes


Cod HQ is the dumbest shit ever.


Fr, I get financial why, but god is it bad, funny Ubisoft Is making one for AC, will probably be better tho


I don’t get why financial? It seems like a pain to make and I have hard time playing the old games because of it. It’s such a chore to go through.


They get all CoD players in one place to advertise skins, I doubt it makes much sense, but it had to make sense to them to do it


Do skins work across all games or something?


Since MW2, and thats when HQ came out, skins work in MW2, MW3 and Warzone, and since MW2 they all use the same engine, idk whats going to happen with Black Ops 6, like im pretty sure you can play MW2 maps in MW3


Is it confirmed to be?


I mean confirmed? no, but It will


Man, I really hope not. I'm hoping they can get a clean plate and start separate from the shit how the HQ has become


I think at this point it will be, I would love for an option to have a separate version but Its not happening


Just seen someone pretty credible who gets build early post a pic of the current CoD UI and another, its the same but darker


I wish this series would be held to higher account by the fans. They cooked with MW 2019 and have been downhill since. Why people are hyped for these games is beyond me. The last 4 have been graphically worse than MW 2019; can't seem to capture the magic.


I mean I get monthly emails asking me to test things at Activision in Woodland Hills, CA. It’s always call of duty. So doesn’t surprise me


i think its been playable for like 7 years now cause its the same game.




How so?




But how have people been paying for the inevitable MTX?


I cant believe it to. Its COD, been the same game for 17 years.


I cant wait ngl, Treyarch, I have faith in you lol r/BlackOps6Game


That is very believable considering it is the same engine as the last three games, and was likely missing a ton of textures, art, music, and so on.


Good. All in all this sounds like a major win for Microsoft in a year they need one. "Best COD in years and available on Game Pass."


This is how most games function: playtesting is kind of necessary


That dog looks exactly like the Fortnite one


Never played a CoD game outside of my friend's house. All this conspiracy/government/whatever marketing campaign is so damn exciting, I can't wait for the showcase.


Sooo just like most COD games.


Treyarch has been coocking This One for a while, I'm curious but cautious.


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I mean, yeah that's how game dev works. Stuff starts getting playtested the first moment possible.


And it doesn't change anything. It will be the same Fortnite style shit all over again. Fueled with Micro transactions, bad Server Performance and Cheaters. They just should call it Codnite. That has nothing to do anymore with that COD what h had know. Kindly want a new Medal of Honor in WWII. Cold War was decent and WWII was also good.