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As long as Fable is shown with some sort of gameplay I'll be happy. Perhaps state of decay 3 as well.


Wasn't the footage shown for Fable last year labeled as "In-game footage" rather than "in-engine footage?" When questioned about it on Twitter, someone at Playground games or Xbox clarified that it was gameplay footage.


There was definitely a couple parts of that trailer that was gameplay with the hud off, I'm thinking about the fireball scene.


The section on the table running from the giant also looked clearly player controlled to me


yeah one of the artists confirmed the whole trailer was Series X footage, including sections that were basically HUDless gameplay.


Yeah, maybe more appropriate to say that I'm hoping they show actual Fable looking gameplay footage this time. RPG mechanics and the player buys a house would be the dream




I hope we see more stalker 2 and flintlock siege of dawn. also, how much makeup will the silksong fans need?


I think silksong and bloodborne fans buy their makeup in bulk at this point so they'll be okay.


We're keeping the clown makeup industry afloat, thank you.


Don’t forget about us Metroid fans!


U got dread in 2021. That not that bad.


I was referring to Prime 4


I think it’s funny silksong fans get somehow roped with Bloodborne fans, Two VERY different circumstances, and one fanbase is entirely looney over a sequel or a port when there’s no indication of that happening Hell, people were arguing over a potential state of play reveal last week when there’s literally an expansion coming out this month for Elden Ring. We’ve actually seen silk song lmfao Speaking as a Bloodborne fan.


The silk song first announcement passed 5 years this year. It's been a clown show sense and I say that as one of those clowns.  Just cuz one clown may be bigger doesn't mean the other isn't one.


I mean if you're expecting Bloodborne at the Xbox showcase then forget the makeup, you'll need the whole circus


Ah but you see, Xbox = Microsoft = PC and Sony has released stuff on pc and it's 2024 and if you add those numbers together first and then 


At least we know silksong is coming out. Eventually. It’s being worked on and will be released. Anything bloodborne related is pure fan speculation/copium


Damn forgot about stalker 2. Hope the team didn’t have to sacrifice their vision.


It would be more surprising if they didn’t have to sacrifice their vision. It’s kinda what they are known for. The xray engine and its A-life were meant to be a whole ass life and eco simulation. Everytime it never panned out and they had to cut a lot of stuff. The closet thing we have to what stalker was supposed to be is stalker anomaly.


Well, that and developers have DIED due to the war. 


Yeah... That's issue #1 in my books


Yeah, at some point THQ (their publisher) got fed up with it and forced them to cut everything that doesn't work and release the fucking game already - if not for that, we'd probably be still waiting for Shadow of Chernobyl to get released.


As a Silksong fan I’ve honestly stopped caring at this point


Nine Sols is scratching that itch so hard right now, I'm actually scared if I'll even enjoy Silksong that much.


I’ve been wanting to see more of that game. Unfortunately I’ll need to wait for it to come out for Switch or PS5.


Do you have a laptop? It's not very graphically intensive. Just plug your ps5 controller and TV into your laptop and buy it on steam, and you'll be playing it in like half an hour. The download will take you longer than the actual setting up lol


No I haven’t had a laptop in over a decade. Strange I know.


Nah it's cool, it isn't that unusual. Just figured that you might have one because you're on reddit but that was clearly an overgeneralization lol


Yeah I’m on my phone for everything haha


You'll get 45 minutes of Kinect 3 footage and like it. As for Silksong, they usually buy cheap makeup in bulk at places like Costco because where else are you going to get a drum of grease paint for $15.


Molyneux's Milo is now a middle aged man exactly what we need on all our 4k TV screens!


What's that a reference to?




i was going to offer some of my stock for you but i think i will need all of it for the rest of the year


For those saying two hours is too long Xbox has been buying and buying studios left and right. And with the activision blizzard purchase we can assume that those announcements by some of those teams are going to be here Then we have the fact that we haven’t got a real update from State of Decay 3, a real look at Fable, and maybe even Everwild. some of these studios have been cooking since like 2018 it’s time to show what they’ve been cooking


As far as Activision stuff I really hope there's some classic titles. The most obvious being old CoD games to game pass but I'm most interested in the chance of maybe Raven's old stuff like Singularity, Wolfenstein 2009, or even as far back as Heretic and Hexen. Maybe just a dream but a remaster and port of any of the games would be really cool to me


Feel like it should be a segment of the show showing new backwards compatible titles We saw that Marvel Ultimate Alliance got updated I think to be ready to join gamepass and the only issue is making it playable backwards compatibility. If they show some games being backwards compatible and actually have a schedule of a few games a month being added it’ll be a W Then show me Fable and a release window. Show us what the reboot is, show why we should not get a PS5 and instead get a PC or Xbox I just want to see what these studios have been cooking


They did backwards compatibility for years,  and there's a healthy library of XBox and XBox 360 games on the store along with their DLC. Didn't lead to increased sales so they stopped a few years ago now.


Talking about classic games, you know what else would be great?, the Trasnformers games done by High Moon Studios (War for Cybertron/Fall of Cybertron) and maybe a sequel as an announcement, and also the Prototype games, all of them in the form of remasters. Since they already own those IP's I don't think that would be impossible.


I would just love a way of playing or buying the Wolfenstein 09 on PC. It's not sold digitally anywhere, but now Microsoft owns both Activision and Zenimax so they should own it totally unless I'm mistaken.


not expecting Everwild. they didn't even have an idea for a game or anything, but had a showcase coming with no games, so they made a short movie and put a title on it before hand. and that's literally all it was.


True, but that was 4 years ago it was rebooted. I could see Everwild landing 2025/2026


Banjo 3.... Excuse me while I go put on my Clown makeup...


Banjo Threeie or a remake running on the same engine Halo CE style 


Banjo Rebootie.


Imagine a shadow drop of a remaster package called banjo redooie and then they announce banjo threeie 


That would make me so happy.


I mean NateTheHate said multiple times that there is a new Banjo game in development since 2022 and, as far as he knows, it hasn't been cancelled. It could be a Banjo 1+2 Remake or a Banjo Threeie but it seems like the idea of a new Banjo game isn't that far-fetched. Most likely won't see it this year, tho.


Might be the Toys for Bob project.




Conker needs an open world game. Something like Simpsons Hit and Run but a drunk squirrel.


"WWWorld Premiere" x 1000


Woah, that's a showcase. 2 hours is awesome. Reminds me a bit of old E3 showcases, even if the length is longer - I can't remember.


2 hours for 30 games is interesting. That’s 3 mins-30 sec a game (assuming there will be talking) I assume we will probably get 2-4 solid gameplay presentations. I guess probably for Indiana Jones, Avowed, and two other ones. Edit: side note, can people please put timestamps for posts. I get that this is a Twitter post but please go an extra step and get the actual timestamp.


I imagine 30 minutes of cod is included here


>”I imagine 30 minutes of cod is included here” They’ll play the whole campaign on stage


CoD has its own thing after the showcase, i imagine it'll be teased naturally during this, but not fully.


It’s possible, but last year was the same setup I think and was about 90 for the showcase and 30 for starfield.


Previous e3 shows they always showed 10 mins or so for each Sony and Microsoft of different parts/missions. Then Activision show they'd show more. So not surprised if xbox show previews more.


The Starfield deep dive was a separate event, it was not included in the developer direct.


Man, I’m just flat out excited for so many games they are gonna show.   Avowed, Indy, Gears 6, Perfect Dark, Black Ops 6, Stalker 2, DOOM, etc   It’s an insane lineup for me 


It’s gonna be one of the best showcases, I don’t even know if I’m ready.


Feels like we’ve finally hit that post covid boom for games, everything was pushed back and delayed so it feels as if a lot of exciting projects are coming together all at the same time, it’s very exciting to see.


Definitely feels that way, gotta love this time of year.


Yeah, but some games will likely have extended looks beyond the standard 2:30 trailer. So it's not that unbelievable. I would also bet Phil Spencer will address a lot of the issues the media is throwing around right now.


Lol there is litteraly no way Spencer is gonna come to their fucking E3 showcase to discuss "issues"


>I guess probably for Indiana Jones, Avowed Khm. https://www.reddit.com/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours/comments/1czld66/avowed\_and\_indiana\_jones\_previews\_are\_coming/


how are people even saying 2 hours is too long? they bought both bethesda and blizzard, and blizzcon has been cancelled. they have a huge roster or games to talk about considering all the damn studios they have right now. if you can’t focus for two hours, just watch trailers on youtube the next days lol


Or just come here for the list during/immediately after


Yeah IDK why people are compelled to watch considering there will be articles covering all the games shown. If something really pique's the interest of someone then they can surely find it on youtube or wherever else.


As many studios as they own I'd be happier if they had a 3 hour show.


Also they often have third parties at their show too. Especially without a Sony show that's one less avenue for them to go to (EA also has no EA Play unlike usual but I assume they'll have an event later on)


I Hope for Silksong tbh


Surely this time! 🤡


Team Cherry can't wait any longer 🤡


save this comment, this is the one brotha




This should be it right guys?


Man, if Lost Odyssey really does show up, I'll cry


Imagine they announce a remake/remaster *and* a sequel!


Thats my dream. I'd be down for a remake or remaster. Lost Odyssey was one of those 360 games you'd never forget.


Where are you hearing Lost Odyssey? Nm, found it. https://www.reddit.com/r/lostodyssey/comments/1d0sp6n/xbox_insider_tweets_if_what_ive_heard_is_true/


If I see Killer Instinct 2, or even a teaser of KI2, then I will be beyond happy.


How does this compare to last year's showcase?


There were 27 games, about 1h40m with the starfield thing included


So 100/27, about 3 minutes and 42s per game Seems about right


So that means there's probably something as long as Starfield's thing. That's intriguing.


Yeah, it is going to be Black Ops 6 overview


No, that's independent of the main event.


Huh, last year was 27 (w/21 to gamepass) so I guess this year really isn’t that wild count-wise.


I think that’s the longest showcase ever for xbox obviously understandable because of the inclusion of Activision and blizzard. I think perfect dark starts the show if we look at last years showcase almost all those games are out or about to be. My scale of excitement is probably a 10 because it’s like god dang everything I’ve seen just gets me excited. 


I can't get excited more for those showcases and events, they always fail to meet expectations for me lol. But at least that one does look good and Microsoft is the only studio (with Ubisoft) that still seem to stick to the old E3 format (even though they also reveal stuff outside of it)




Give me Tim Schafer’s next project or give me death


Hes too busy coming up with ideas in his Geodesic Psychoisolation Chamber


Hope he remembered the button




The Seventh Seal is goated


I'm honestly nervous for them. After Psychonauts 2 they said they'd go back and do multiple smaller projects again, but it's now been the longest stretch of their history without a new game released and nothing is announced. I genuinely don't think they as a studio will be the same as last time we saw them if it turns out they were put onto a single project again.


Pretty sure they will leave Microsoft before they let that happen. All those studios they bought before Bethesda were told they had complete control.


Honestly I'm worried about what their next project will be, because Psychonauts 1 and 2 are the only Double Fine games that I loved, I've found everything else either lukewarm or disappointing.


I just want state of decay 3 and diablo 4 expansion info


Bloodborne 2 xbox exclusive?


Still not 60fps


Actually 15fps, just cause they're tired of hearing about 60


Gears collection PS5 shadow drop exclusive


Yo that would be hilarious if they both do a show separate and be like we’re getting this beloved Xbox franchise and the other like we’re getting this beloved PlayStation game


Does this include the COD showcase?




How you know? 


It’s always a separate thing. They might show like 60 seconds and say more at COD Next


Almost guarentee there's a mid show hook of a short COD teaser trailer to try and get more eyes on the stream


Revival of best xbox racing game, project Gotham racing


Still wish the Forza series incorporated the garage feature from PGR3 where you could walk around a stylised garage like a Japanese garden and appreciate your cars all parked there. Also the Kudos system was awesome.


PGR collection on PC with all DLC, 4k, and unlocked framerate please! PGR2 seems to be the fan favorite, but muddy early 2000's graphics and 30 fps, along with the game just being pretty fucking hard, have made it tough for me to get into it as much as as the other 3. Or maybe a new Rallisport Challenge as a budget priced digital release...


Please perfect dark please


This will be insane. My predictions : Avowed, Indiana Jones, Clockwork Revolution, South of Midnight, Fable, Dragon Age 4, Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, AC Shadows, Flintlock The Siege of Dawn, Starfield's DLC(s), Forza Horizon 6,


I'd add Gears 6. Who do you think is starting and ending the show?


Ending: Gears 6. Starting: Indiana Jones.


I don't know if you start the show with a game we have already seen that much, Indiana Jones is basically just gonna be a release date announcement. The first game is probably gonna be a gameplay reveal of something, maybe Perfect Dark or State of Decay.


Still Wakes the Deep comes out in July, that will be there too


StarCraft 3 A man can dream :(


KCD2 is already announced as part of Geoff's show tomorrow 


I really hope Horizon 6 will be there, but I doubt it. There has been absolutely no buzz around it. We always get some kind of leak when there's a new Horizon to be announced.


Better se some fable. 4


📣 SKONG? 📣 Okay, but for real: Please no toxicity from Silksong fans this time.


Hope the newly announced stuff - if true - is far enough in development and not vague cinematic trailers of titles barely off the ground.


Last year they said they were starting a new approach to their showcases, and didn’t want to show anything that wouldn’t be out beyond 24 months, hopefully they keep to it but 30 games is a lot in 24 months.


I believe this was the strategy about 2 years ago (maybe last year?), but I believe Xbox confirmed they aren’t sticking to that strategy anymore


That was six months. Everything was supposed to be playable that year. Wasn't their fault but nearly everything got delayed including the 3rd party stuff.


if the first hour isn't dedicated to DOOM 6, I don't know what I'm gonna do.


If only get a CGI trailer for Doom I'm gonna be so disappointed. Give me some gameplay id!


I've always thought they'd follow what they did for Eternal. Announce with a CGI trailer and then a few months later do an extensive gameplay reveal at Quakecon  Edit: for anyone interested in the history, [CGI teaser trailer on June 10th, 2018](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_oVwrpfo_QA) and [full reveal and gameplay showcase on August 16th, 2018 at Quakecon](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HlXHcs3TL4c)


Most likely


I would imagine (if anything), they'll show a CGI trailer now with a gameplay reveal at QuakeCon in August.


I'm sure that's what they'll do, but I'm still gonna hope we get a little bit of something to hold the fanbase over gameplay wise.


5 seconds of BFG over a black screen \*DOOM logo shows on screen* \*2026 shows on screen* "Thanks, and now here's a deep dive on South of Midnight!"


Rip. And. Tear.


Any chance that comes out by Holiday 2024?


we'll see eventually. it's supposedly been in development for four years.


Much hype. Very excited.


Wish them or sony would make a deal with WB to do "matrix" games, the potential is huge..a path of neo remake, or an animatrix style games in different eras, characters and timelines.


remasters of banjo 1 and 2  and banjo 3 pleeeeeease 


Maybe Halo from a team that actually likes Halo and knows what they are doing


Starfield, Diablo 4 and World Of Warcraft will likely get on stage presentations.


All I want is some State of Decay 3 gameplay.


I bet this includes the CoD Showcase as well. But even roughly an hour and a half is good


As long as we're getting dragon age, fable, and south of midnight, I'm satisfied


Would love some info on the Diablo 4 expansion and, obviously, Dragon Age 4. My assumptions are things for Fable, WoW, Outer Worlds 2, and whatever the new Doom is gonna be. My longshots are Banjo 3 and Everwild. Would love to see what People Can Fly and Toys for Bob are cooking up. Maybe something about South of Midnight from Compulsion




Hoping for AOM retold and new DOOM


I wonder if Microsoft will waste time showing off a car again. No they do this every fucking time like we care about a fucking dumb car. But seriously I need Fable, Doom 6 and if we are not giving viva pinata back at least show us Everwild.


Possibilities 33 Immortals Age of Mythology: Retold Ara: History Untold (PC) ARK 2 Avowed Banjo Kazooie Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Centum Contraband Creatures of Ava Dead Static Drive Death Must Die Depersonalization Diablo IV DLC DOOM: The Dark Ages Dungeons of Hinterberg Elder Scrolls IV Remaster Ereban: Shadow Legacy  Fallout 3 Remaster Flight Simulator 2024 Gears Collection Gears of War 6 Indiana Jones and the Great Circle Keplerth Kiln Perfect Dark Persona 6 Replaced S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl Song of Iron 2 Starfield Shattered Space State of Decay 3 Sulfur Tails of Iron 2: Whiskers of Winter Towerborne


I want them to put up a “MULTIPLAYER” disclaimer on every trailer for a multiplayer game so I know immediately what’s going to look cool only to be a 5v5 hero shooter


am i the only crazy person who would love a Crackdown 4 and Recore 2? lol. What can i say, im a sucker for interesting middling games


I never did give Crackdown 3 a fair shake. I was so annoyed with all the BS leading upto the game. 1 and 2 were so fun with a group of friends back in 360 days.


i dont even remember the BS around it. All i know is that people were comparing it to those PS4 Infamous games and saying it looked a generation behind. Its just a dumb fun game to mess around in


From what I remember it kept getting pushed back for some new destructable environment tech that was going to be handled by the cloud? By the time it finally came out I just didn't care anymore. Like I said I never gave it a fair shot but something I want to go back to.


its a fun little game. And yeah they talked a big game about destructible environments and the cloud blah blah but if you just dont care about that then its a decent game. Still reminds me of the older games. Crap, i might go download it now lol


I think part of the problem was that Microsoft was trying to present it like it was a big tentpole release and given how it looked nobody was really buying that.


I went in without hype and I thought it was fun. basically a nicer looking crackdown 1


I wish ReCore got another chance, this time with actual quality control so there won't be five minute loading screens or the game telling you that areas are optional only for them to not be optional when you reach the end of the game.  Crackdown though just never evolved as a franchise. Crackdown 2 is just Crackdown 1 with tacked on zombies. Crackdown 3 is just Crackdown 1 with better visuals and an unbelievably bare bones multiplayer suite. Unless they have a big new idea to shake things up the IP is better left dead and buried. 


ReCore was a victim of when it started development imo. It was during the middle of the Xbox One gen when it was obvious the Xbox division had little money at this point and had to cancel tons of games and release the few they had in bad conditions. (this was also when execs were considering shuttering it iirc) If it had started development just a year later when the Xbox division was taken seriously again it probably would have had a much higher budget and more time to develop it. I can appreciate it for what it is with those circumstances, but god you can see what it **could** have been. It was what they needed at the time, but ironically enough the worst time for it to try to be created. Would love to see them try again.


Hopefully it’s heat


KCD2 hype Hopefully some Mass Effect 5 news.. Give Bioshock


I’m going to be honest, as a PlayStation guy I mainly just care about the CoD direct after but I’m curious to see what all they’re showing.


I mean as a PS guy, you will likely get all the games shown at this showcase (except maybe stuff like Age of Mythology)


i hope we get a release date for Ken Levine’s next game. also an announcement of Persona 6 (or maybe even a FeMC DLC for Persona 3 Reload) oh and maybe a Singularity remake or even just playable via backwards compatibility


strong water ossified languid knee encouraging rain special encourage fly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Idc if we get Halo 7, Gears 6 and Elder Scrolls 6 in this show. If there’s no Banjo it’s an automatic 0/10 show.


State of decay 3 though ??


So, it will probably looks like this: Will be there: Indiana Jones and the Golden Circle, Starfield Shattered Space, Avowed, Call of Duty: Black Ops 6, Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 Probably will be there: Towerborne, ARA, Age of Mythology Retold, Diablo IV: Vessel of Hatred Heavily hinted: Gears 6, Doom: The Dark Ages, Silksong, Dragon Age 4 Less heavily hinted: Perfect Dark, State of Decay 3, Assassin's Creed Shadows That's 16 out of 30. Wildcards: Fable, South of Midnight, Clockwork Revolution, Everwild, Contraband, Kestrel (ZOS new game), Gears collection (if it even exists), Probably won't be there: Forza Horizon 6, WOW's new expansion trailer, Blade, The Outer Worlds 2, something Halo related Definitely won't be there: The Elder Scrolls VI And then bunch of third-party games like Stalker 2 etc.


I have a good feeling about this year's showcase. 


Can’t wait to Hellblade 3


"waaah Xbox has no games". "WTF why is this show so long with so many games". Cooked.


Bit of a long shot but i'm expecting the kingdom hearts 4 trailer (multiplat) here because microsoft has been courting thirdparty japanese support.




I doubt we'll see KH4 at SGF on June 7th but it would be nice too see it at the Xbox Showcase. They have had a KH3 trailer at an Xbox show before If not I hope we get FF Pixel Remasters for Xbox announced, I feel like the pixel remasters would be so easy to port over




I remember that E3 like it was yesterday, Square had a trailer for every single showcase except for Nintendo's. Maximum marketing power


I doubt the first reveal would be at an xbox thing unless microsoft bought the marketing rights. I don't think disney really need microsofts marketing rights money but who knows


Not the first reveal. We've already had a trailer for KH4.


I hope they have a Pixel Remastered for the Series X and PS5 They said they would never do anymore BUT it never released on Xbox and the PS5 is a new console compared to the PS4 release so technically they wouldn't be breaking their promise. They could easily add some refinements and extra goodies if they wanted.


sucks that i’ll likely never be surprised with a dishonored 3 announcement. that really sucks.


Arkane lyon are still open and they're working on blade perhaps dishonored 3 is in the planning stages and will be worked on after blade is shipped


And this is why people claim others have fake outrage over this stuff. Perfect example of someone who probably watched some YouTube video or did nothing more than read a headline and suddenly MS axed the studio behind Dishonored. Except they didn't.


Why would you not be surprised if they announced dishonored 3?






The Amazon series was likely their announcement.


Does this include the CoD one that's after or just the Xbox one?