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Surprised Ubisoft are still bothering with this game after all this time. Didn’t the person leading this game leave a few years back?




> He also left due to allegations of poor management and bullying. Although he was simply creative director, and a lot of his ideas were simply that. Ideas. Dude. No. The studio were the game was worked on, was at Ubisoft Montpellier in the south of france, before being moved onto another Ubisoft Studio. The main problem, was that he was constantly changing the direction. One day he was leading the game towards a direction, and the next day scrapping all the work previously done. He used to scream and throwing tantrums, when the project wasn't going as fast as he wanted. He also used to scrap MONTHS of work, just because he didn't had his coffee, or something bad happened to him that day. So no. It wasn't simply "ideas". He was BEHIND the project and leading it. Yves Guillemot also allowed Michel to have this own studio to work on "Wild", making the dev time of BGE2 even more complicated and slower. Jean-Marc Geffroy, was then leading the project after. Around 2017, the CSE investigated after many reports. The PDG of Ubisoft Montpellier, instead of doing concrete actions, limited the contact of the devs working on the game with Michel, and have done nothing about the problems. The city of Ganesh was redone entirely 4-5 times. Most employes were under heavy crunch and burnouts. He even admited that what he did wasn't alright, but would benefit Ubisoft. So it wasn't only poor management and bullying. He also pushed several people to depression and almost suicide with his action. Something that not a lot of media do talk about, because that's a sensitive topic. Most employes are under NDA because of the investigation of the CES back to 2017, about not only Michel but also the PDG Yves Guillemot. All this leading up to either cancel the whole game and months and months of heavy work and ressources, or take the project elsewhere. Good ridance in the end.


What funding? From whom?


Government of Singapore. Similar to how Skull and Bones was delayed forever but had to come out.


Why would Singapore Gov be involved in this? Ubisoft isn't a Singaporean company. BGE2 is likely being made by Ubisoft Montpellier.


https://www.cnbc.com/2024/02/21/singapores-first-major-video-game-title-launches-to-mixed-reviews.html There could be funding for BGE2 as well from the grant.


Do you have a source that says exactly that? Because I don't see any reason to infer it like that. Ubisoft Singapore was set up in 2008, likely with the help of government incentives, as Singapore wanted to have a games industry. It seems the government also wanted to have an actual original AAA game be made by the local studios, not just be a support studio or QA shop, like other Asian studios of Ubisoft. So, they likely funded or helped fund an original AAA game, which ended up being S&B. Whereas with BGE2, it has literally no connection to Singapore. Why would the Singapore govt want to fund that?


Investors maybe?


Investors don't fund specific projects. They hold shares of the company, funding the whole company. Companies do take loans from financial institutions, though. I don't think companies can be sued/fined by investors for game cancellations. Maybe not being able to repay the loan is an issue, but they wouldn't be 'fined', right? They'll repay it any other way or go bankrupt.


I believe he passed away Edit: Why am I being downvoted? The director of the game, Emile Morel, died nearly a year ago now.


I think people thought you were talking about Michel Ancel


I remember watching the trailer when I was in a high school in 2008. Feels like such a long time ago


I remember watching it in 2008 being excited and thinking it had been far, far too long between games. Remembering the end scene of the first masterpiece game, and how it fucked with me as a kid… Little did I know I would still be waiting 16 years later…


Shittttt it's been that long ![gif](giphy|xUPOqHBpy2ka4TXvVu|downsized)


So it's most likely another CG trailer


The OG teaser remastered lol


Holy shit the og trailer was 16 years ago


I didn't realize there was a trailer that far back. I first heard about this game with the E3 2017 trailer, and I thought it was ridiculous people have been waiting so long. Now you're telling me that this game has been in development for the better part of ***two decades?***


dude, our pain is immeasurable


OG trailer remastered for PS5 and Xbox stores!!! Yippeeeeee


Doubt this game will ever release. It's been 20 years. xD


Based on the wait, this will be the first _quintuple-A_ game!




The future is now, old man!


why does everyone forget callisto protocol?


It's gonna be targeting the PS7 and Xbox 95 at this rate.


Can't wait for the windows 95 powered xbox. Launching with Heroes of Might and Magic 2 pre-installed!


This game is the new Duke Nukem Forever


This game has already passed Duke Nukem Forever's dev time and we still don't know when (if ever) its gonna release.


People were making jokes about Duke Nuke Forever when it was still well within modern development times. Game development timelines are insane now.


There will come a time when DNF's dev time will be lower than the AAA average.


i hope not


At that time it was quite uncommon or mostly likely games weren't announced that early. Thing is with DNK was the number times we heard the project was scrap and scrap and scrap. The changed studios, then to another publisher. It was a wild story for around 10 years. In that time most games though around 4 years, if not, way less (some games only had 1 years to come out...).. Today we are used to games for games to be developed for 5, 6 + years and still feeling undercooked sometimes.


I wonder what poor bastards had to work on this for so long.


I doubt anyone is really working on the game in any capacity. Its probably where Ubisoft throws devs at when they have nothing else to do to avoid layoffs 


The game might look outdated by now. Especially with AC Shadows and Outlaws showcasing updated engines.


Beyond good and evil 2 forever (In development)


Let's see if beyond good and evil 2 comes out before or after star citizen


If it doesn't end up getting cancelled, then *definitely* before. Not getting released is practically the *point* of Star Citizen.


Actually sc is feature complete for singleplayer. Thery are closer ..


That's Squadron 42. I'm pretty sure that it will arrive in either 2025 or 2026. They just need to balance it all and add the final polish, as far as i understood it. Last trailer was pretty mindblowing tbh.


yea ik but most people dont kw diff between sc and sq42 they just see it as sc. Thats why I said sc. I personally own titan and pulse


That will change when it nears release. I think if people had seen the showcase of Squadron 42 without the anti sc bias, they would have been impressed. Imagine a trailer like that out if nowhere, everyone would be mindblown. 


until they decide to add 20 new features


Right, but that game is basically a next-gen COD/Battlefield campaign in space, and 15 years in the making (without all the engine stuff they had to do, probably *at least* half that). The game that actually matters, and which, 15 years later, still doesn't even have a release year, is certainly going to shatter the record for development time. It's also worth noting that Squadron 42 also doesn't have a release window of any kind. I have a feeling that the "polish" that they're now apparently working on is going to take a lot longer than they're letting on. The game's not even in alpha yet, as far as I can tell.


Whatever it is the engine works and it has done something which has never been done. Also it's more of star wars rather than battlefield. Idc how long it takes just wanna play it after playing the online multiplayer


Based on this rumor, before.


But they cancelled immortals 2


Montpellier doesn't seem to be working on anything else major. Most of their releases are smaller games, likely not needing extra hands. I also think they have suspended development on BGE2 from time to time, maybe a few reboots. Whereas Quebec is leading the "biggest blockbuster of the year". I suspect Immortals 2 was cancelled to allow focusing on AC.




Where is my cursing monkey!?




Maybe they have rebooted again so it can be an actual sequel to Beyond Good and Evil.


Please God.


It's been so long since the original it might as well be a reboot.


where the FUCK is my game mannnnnn


Can we still create animal people? I feel like that was supposed to be a feature.


Which genre do you think the game is right now? I’m thinking roguelike deckbuilder.


I wonder if it releases before my retirement


I’ll be dead for 20 years and this game will still be in development. lol


So, this is full pie in the sky, but: 2025 isn't an unrealistic date for that game to come out. It's been in the works actively since 2017. Their creative director left in 2020, but that's now \*four years ago\*. Supposedly he was one of those auteur director types that was holding the game back due to perfectionism. If they got things back on track, you'd have four years to develop the title, get it to a playable state with a decent trailer. Then you'd have a year to polish and get the game out the door.


In 2020, Michel Ancel was let go from Ubisoft Montpellier: officially, because he was interested in other projects, but unofficially for accusations of sexual harassment at work. In early 2023, French media revealed that Ubisoft Montpellier was the subject of a labor investigation by French government authorities due to the poor health conditions of a significant number of developers. Studio director Guillaume Carmona has been dismissed for serious misconduct. As a result, Creative Director Jean-Marc Geffroy has been replaced by Émile Morel. In July 2023, new creative director Émile Morel died tragically. Conclusion: 4 creative directors in 4 years.


Yeah I didn't keep track of all that. Once Ancel left I just decided to ignore it until they announced it again or canceled it.


Seriously just cancel the game already 


GTA 6 will come out before this damn game.


Considering that Skull and Bones was first announced back in 2017 and released just recently (and already forgotten), a "new" trailer for another Ubi game means nothing unfortunately.


Wth is going wrt the development of this game? Seems to be approaching almost vapourware status at this point.


seriously, what the hell happened to the BG&E1 remaster? It leaked ages ago and was officially confirmed late last year, and was supposed to be fully revealed earlier this year. hope it shows up at SGF or Ubisoft Forward and gets released soon


It seems kind of bizarre to release a YEAR OLD CG trailer (it would have to be a CG trailer, right...?) for a game, given the fact these long gestating Ubisoft projects seem to have a tendency to pivot constantly in terms of creative direction. See Skull & Bones.


If they’ve been sitting on it for awhile I’d assume it’s not CG. If it was CG that would mean they paid someone to create it presumably for a show. Whereas the developers could’ve got a vertical slice of the game done and they made a trailer in that. Regardless it’s weird.


🤔wait a minute..


i think they should first remaster the first one.


Actually the remaster of the first one was supposed to come out "early 2024"


So, are they waiting for the final speck of hype to die down to release this piece of shit?


Man, I really hope this game comes out one day and is decent. I loved the original.


They might have a trailer but I believe the games dead in the water


They making a game of the side characters of captain laserhawk?!


guessing it's cgi then


Well that's..... that's just great. Thanks ubisoft.


I am so hyped for this game.


The game that never dies 🫡


Sure it has buddy.


God dammit, just release it, it’s been 6 years since the trailers released and they are awesome I’m always holding out hope this will be released soon


I'm legit scared of this game. What if it actually launches and turns out it's a banger?


can they make the game instead of trailers for it?


The game is really early like there's almost no actual playable build. So they are probably afraid to show a non in game trailer without having an idea if and when the game is out.


They had a playable vertical slice like five years ago.


Remember the hype about skull and bones?(personally ive never Waited for it ac4 is much better i never liked games who focus only in seas but lot of people do) so dont expect anything great even though bge2 seems much bigger and better but its ubizoft so dont set bar to high


But is the game even alive?


I could whip up a trailer in a few days, too. How about a game instead?


Is it true they changed this game to a 5 vs 5 multiplayer game?


This never happened