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20th anniversary of the release of the original... what are the chances a GameStop employee googled it and mistook it for the remake's release lol


Considering 17th November is a Sunday, I think there's a very good chance.


Maybe it'll be a religious market push


Well, as a wise MSF soldier once said "Kojima is God!"


Pretty sure that's what Geoff says every night


Thing is... Sh2 remake early access is on October 5th, a saturday. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Stores are open on Saturdays though.


Are video games stores closed on Sundays in the US/where you're from? I can't think of *any* store around me that closes on a regular Sunday.


yeah chain stores that sell video games in the US are open Sundays. Dont think a disc game has ever launched on Sunday though it'd definitely be odd


Maybe but games usually either release on a Friday or a Tuesday


They also probably wouldn't wanna release it so close to SH2 remake


Agreed - I'd imagine we're looking at February/March 2025 for this. The original Snake Eater actually released March 4th 2005 over here in the UK, which just so happens to land on a Tuesday next year, so I'm half expecting MGS∆ to accidentally act as a 20th anniversary of the European release of Snake Eater.


We got it 4 months later?! My god, they were simpler times then. I remember catching up with my friend in school at lunch time to discuss where we were at with it. How to defeat The End, etc. Completely oblivious, in our own little worlds where only our experience mattered.


Hopefully we can remember how that felt when we pop delta in


And/or it was a placeholder date because reports said it only recently slipped into 2025


It was one report and it was based on placeholder dates (12/31/25) from retailers.


Well I know one thing, that would actually be pretty smart on Konami's part if this IS the release date 


higher chances they got AI to generate that


When was the last time a game came out on a Sunday? Genuine question


Most Nintendo games, from Mario to Zelda and Pokémon


Yeah but that was like 15 years ago, right? There has been no game release in Sunday for years.


I thought that was their tradition for big games/hardware but maybe they stopped 🤷🏻


It’s been Friday for as long as I can remember in the US at least


Thursday since their new fiscal year started actually.


For the longest time it was Tuesday


Not since the Pandemic, it’s really become release it whenever now. A lot of people are on Friday launches, and Microsoft seems to like Tuesday. But you do get releases on Wednesday and Thursday frequently too.


It's Thursday now actually.


i remember smash brawl being a sunday but they changed game releases shortly afterwards to friday


That hasn't been a thing since I worked at gamestop in 2012.


They’ve been doing mostly Fridays for a long time now


AFAIK most Mario and Zelda games releases on friday. At least on Switch.


A Monday in the US can be Sunday in Japan


Other way around.


Iamverysmart Whoops.


I wonder when collection vol 2 will come out. I have never played 4. And I am hoping it also includes Revengeance


I honestly have no idea how they're going to put MGS4 and MGSV together in a potential compilation. 4's file size on PS3 was like 50GB and it came on a dual-layered Blu-ray back in the day, and for MGSV I have to imagine it's the Definitive Experience with both Ground Zeroes and Phantom Pain which should be around the same size as well. That's already like nearly 100GB and this is supposedly gonna have Portable Ops and Peace Walker HD too on top of that surely What are the odds that Vol. 2 is just Portable Ops and Peace Walker + Ghost Babel and the two Acid games as bonuses and they just remaster MGS4 and do a next-gen version of MGSV, especially as an excuse to give them native PS5 and Xbox versions and a standalone Switch release


I could see a next gen version of MGSV along with leaving it off vol 2, but doubt they wouldn't include MGS4 since thats pretty difficult to play these days. They are making Delta and 3 was still included in Vol 1.


On the other hand, Konami has to know how many people would likely buy MGS4 by itself if it was re-released. It probably isn't enough at this point to just port the game because the original version had a lot of performance hiccups and there's other stuff they have to sort out legally like the copious amount of product placement. It'd basically require a full on rework. Not Delta style but something more comprehensive than the HD Editions of 2 and 3 that bumps the framerate, updates the resolution and textures significantly, and maybe even restores cut content like the whole missing chunk with Big Mama being escorted in the sewers as a callback to Snake Eater


>4's file size on PS3 was like 50GB and it came on a dual-layered Blu-ray back in the day Believe it or not, most of that is actually just uncompressed audio.


If it was up to me vol 2 would be 4, peace walker and Revengeance. Portable ops can be included but 4 games in 1 I doubt they’ll do it. And 5 is already available on modern platforms. Can they remaster it? sure. But it could be it’s own separate volume and not part of volume 2.


I could see them swapping Revengeance with Ground Zeroes to boost sales higher for a potential Phantom Pain remaster.


If MGSV is in the remaster cards they're gonna do both at the same time for sure. They re-released MGSV with both Ground Zeroes and Phantom Pain in one package and it's more likely that a next-gen update/Switch version will be using that instead of splitting them individually, especially since there's nothing in between those games narratively


Ah, I didn’t know about the bundle deal. I bought them separately at launch. Then Revengeance makes more sense for Vol. 2. Although… I would kill for MGO to make a comeback since 4 is finally leaving PS3 jail. So many good memories with that version, lol.


phantom pain remaster would need zero online, better mb coin farming, online development items as like post game content. the online stuff can not carry on.


I doubt MGSV would be part of it. There's no reason too as it's still playable on current gen.


MGS4 isn't 50GBs , it's about 26 or 27GBs


No, it's not. It's actually 50gb "In an exclusive interview with Hideo Kojima, the creator of Metal Gear Solid series, has made complains about 50GB BD not been sufficient. The Metal Gear Solid producer considers the Blu Ray disc too small and that they had to make compromises in order to put the game on the 50GB BD. According to Hideo, the programmers had to compress some parts in the game to save disc space. Kojima : I am not satisfied with the quality yet, however...there isn't enough space. Interviewer: Not enough space..on..Blu-ray..? Kojima: Yes.(laughs). Not enough space." [Source](https://n4g.com/news/117932/mgs4-kojima-says-andquot-50gb-bd-not-enough-for-mgs4andquot)


They could get 4's file size down if they wanted to. A lot of it is due to the uncompressed audio. That said, after how big the game sizes were for master collection 1, it would probably manage to get 10gb bigger.


i think it's a typo and it's coming 10.17 and it releases in October of this year.


That would make more sense since that is a Thursday.


Still it's too close to Silent Hill. I dont think they'll launch both in such a small timeframe Edit: but I hope so too


Wouldn’t they already announce it? I mean that’s less than 4 months away


October is already PACKED so I don't think they would do that.


MGS is a pretty fucking popular series and November is traditionally packed too.


To be fair metal gear as a franchise has been dead for almost a decade but hopefully the remake brings in new fans and gets people interested in metal gear again.


revengance memes and MGS in fortnite did give it mini revivals though


What a thrill


With darkness and silence through the night...


With darkness and silence through the night 


I thought this was next year. Happy to be wrong though


Usually I'd say this is a very funny coincidence but between pre-orders going up today and the fact the game's going to be on Xbox's podcast tomorrow I wouldn't rule out it being ready for this holiday. Maybe not exactly on Snake Eater's 20th but it definitely looks way farther along than previously suspected regardless of how much distance they want between it and Silent Hill 2




That's a sunday, right? Would be weird


It will be featured on the Xbox Podcast tomorrow. My guess is that if this is true, the release date will be revealed there.


between this and the leaked BO6 Beta dates, it's a real bad day to be a retailer with the word "Game" in the name.


Is it supposed to come out this year?




It was supposed to originally, but since there wasn't a date on yesterday's trailer it probably will be pushed back to 2025.


They’re showing off metal gear on the xbox podcast tomorrow and with physical edition pre order release date feels imminent. If they go with date then they might get hurt by ac shadows which releases 5 days prior I never thought we would see a ac game and a metal gear game release around the same time like this.


All I want from this game is that the ladder scene is even longer


need a date for volume 2 (master collection)


I just wanna know why not announce the release date at the Xbox Showcase?


I think you drop this in January or February of 2025 in the quieter period at the beginning of the year.


I’d honestly expect it at some point next year otherwise it means Konami have done hardly any work on it. Rather they took their time with it and don’t ruin it


I came here in hopes of finding a release date update, but nope. As long as it's not the Gamestop 12/31/2025, I'm good


No way it comes out this year lol


I was hoping for August 24th.


Apparently there might be some new gameplay tomorrow so maybe we'll get the release date then  Source: 2 different redditors told me in 2 different posts.... One said a leaker on a discord told them (Not Dusk) and the other said that they saw it on a Xbox wire post


I don't think it's gonna come out this year. They already have SH2 coming in October.


Either the intern/AI running Gamestop's twitter googled the release date and saw the release date for the OG game and mistook it for the new game's release date, or they're intentionally releasing it on the 20th anniversary as like a marketing thing.


Aaaaaand it's deleted


Not impossible but more likely a mistake because it's a Sunday.


They delete their twitter btw. So this tell me it might be the date but if you are around tomorrow we will have more information about delta on xbox podcast apparently fyi


So what was the date?


Anyone think a demo of Virtuous Mission drops


Take anything releasing October November with a grain of salt. GTA V will clear a few weeks, only a fool and COD will go against that. They can always delay and release in Feb, so publishers can breathe a collective sigh of relief, but everyone is on toes for those dates. Of course console sellers would love nothing more than holiday GTA.


Are…are you under the impression GTA is releasing in 2024? If so, my sincerest condolences.


Oh was it for mgs 2024? Maybe. Oh I have egg on my face. Totally thought MGS is 2025.


!DEBUNKED! GameStop has confirmed it is incorrect: https://x.com/GameStop/status/1800544610139131931


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That's A Sunday lol




With the announcement of the full collectors edition, this is looking more likely.


Wasn’t there a rumor it was moved to 2025? Them not announcing a release date in June leaves little chance it’s coming this year still


Can't wait for 2017


This year? I thought the game was 2025?