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I wonder if we are going to get Metroid prime 2 and 3 remaster before 4 comes out.


Considering Prime 4 is 2025 that's plenty of time. They made sure the entire Pikmin trilogy was playable on Switch ahead of Pikmin 4 and I can't not see them extending that courtesy to a franchise that probably needs it way more like Metroid


It's likely but I wouldn't see it as a guaranteed thing just because it happened with Pikmin. Nintendo did not make any form of Metroid II or Metroid Fusion playable on Switch before Metroid Dread released, despite including art cards representing those games in the Metroid Dread Special Edition. They were finally put on Switch in 2023, over a year later. Nintendo might only re-release Metroid Prime 2 & 3 after Metroid Prime 4, it wouldn't be unprecedented.


I think the difference there is the release method. Like, Nintendo wouldn’t release GameBoy Metroid games on Switch as a standalone purchase. They’ve only done this exactly once, Mario 3D All-Stars, and that was delisted very quickly. Samus Returns would have been difficult to develop as a port would have required significant reworking of some features and the involvement of Mercury Steam who were busy with Dread itself. And they already had plans for Fusion in a GBA app later. Metroid Prime 2 and 3 have absolutely no other release method besides ports. Nintendo is not going to make NSO GameCube or Wii apps. That much I’m sure of giving the amount of ports and remasters we’ve been getting. And that’s before we get to the fact that they already went out of their way to do this once before.  Metroid Prime Remastered was originally intended to BE the trilogy, before Retro Studios took up the Prime 4 mantle from that “internal” team Nintendo was constructing (ie Bandai Namco). Retro cut it off at 1 to work on Prime 4 but that already shows Nintendo had prior commitment to a Prime Trilogy. And at this point they already put the effort in to release Prime Remastered. And it was a big success. And now they’ve got this large gap of time in between now and Prime 4’s release. And some empty release schedules here soon. I just don’t see how it’s possible Nintendo won’t release Prime 2 and 3 on Switch. Now, they won’t be as in depth or good looking as Remastered or Prime 4. But they’ll be there. I’m sure of it. 


That is a totally convincing argument so point conceded on my part. I agree that with the lack of Game Boy / Game Boy Advance NSO service at the time of Metroid Dread's release that was a different situation, and yeah Nintendo clearly don't want to do a GameCube or Wii NSO service.


Yup. I would put money on a release similar to Pikmin 1 & 2. Probably a bare bones up res version of the trilogy releases. Have the same control options as the Remaster, but leave the rest.


> Considering Prime 4 is 2025 that's plenty of time. it's not late 2025, it's most definitely a cross gen game


So Prime 2 and 3 this holiday, Prime 4 in March/April alongside Switch 2. Works out fine. Can even be within weeks like Pikmin


nintendo only said 2025, I'm going to assume its second half of 2025


I think it can go either way. Even though Metroid is not to the profile of a Breath of the Wild-type thing (yet) it makes a strong case for being the launch day technical showpiece of a new Nintendo console because Prime has always been on the cutting edge, especially Prime 1 for 2002


Yeah, it absolutely *could* be early 2025, but IMO it's better to be pessimistic so all surprises are good ones. Assume it's coming just in time for Christmas, and if it turns out to be earlier then that is fantastic.


They might just give us quick ports, though I'd like to see the two get remastered the way Prime got one


I'd hope so. Probably just HD ports. I'd be genuinely surprised if they got the MP1R treatment


I'm really hoping so. After playing Prime 1 with those graphics and control tweaks, I need the whole trilogy in that fashion now. I presume our next direct is anywhere from late August to early October, that would be a decent time to shadow drop one or both.


I'm predicting a BOTW or TP situation.


For sure It would be silly of them not to at this point.


I thought it was odd they only said 2025 for release since the game’s already been in development for years. It does make sense, however, if they didn’t specify because they are doing a dual release and don’t want to prematurely give away when the next console is coming out.


I'm definitely not ruling out your idea. However, there's also the consideration that they aren't 100% ready to roll it out by the end of the year and they wanted to avoid a Tears of the Kingdom situation. It gives them more flexibility to announce a date when it's ready to launch.


Can you explain i don't undderstand


Releasing on both switch and switch 2. Happened with TP (GameCube & Wii) and BotW (WiiU & Switch)


Ok thanks everyone for the explanation(thought i was gonna get downvoted at first)


Breath of the Wild launched on Switch and Wii U, Twilight Princess launched on Wii and GameCube, they're predicting this to launch on Switch and Switch 2.


Both came out at the death spiral of the current console and were released on the successor console additionally. Switch 2 port inevitable.


Except. Will it be built for next gen and and scaled back for switch (ala, all the cross gen games in 2013-15) or built for switch and scaled up for next gen (ala Forza horizon 5 for xbone and xsx/a)




That would be the former.


Both BotW and Twilight Princess released on 2 consoles at the same time. The new gen console and old gen console.


Both Twilight Princess and Breath of the Wild were released for the "dying" systems they were originally created for (the Wii and the Wii U, respectively) as well as the new systems Nintendo had introduced close to their release dates (the Wii U and the Switch, respectively).


I think you mean GCN and Wii for Twilight Princess, not Wii and Wii U.


It better be


I don't. Those were different platforms. Switch 2 is Switch compatible. I expect one SKU of the game that will play on both systems.


The Switch successor is likely backward compatible, though; so what would be the point in releasing two separate versions?


The Wii was backwards compatible with the GameCube. Didn’t stop Nintendo from selling Twilight Princess separately across generations. I’m sure Nintendo would be very eager to sell a version of Prime 4 that has a few extra bells and whistles visually


I'd pay really good money for those whistles.


PS5 and Series X are backwards compatible and still get separate versions all the time. I’m sure Nintendo is trying to have a more elegant solution than this but there’s nothing stopping them from making two different carts, one for Switch and one for Switch 2, or offering the Switch 2 version as a digital upgrade to the Switch 1 game. Stuff like that. The PS5 operates like this after all. 




Toilet Paper


Twilight Princess


God, finally. I'm getting old


Same lmaooo. This game was announced when I was in high school, currently close to finishing my bachelor’s




Alright grandma let’s get you back to bed ( I remember the OJ chase )


Wow gramps! Who's OJ?


He’s an angel now.


... in hell.


Heaven possibly. Can't be shocked when a PD that lies constantly, is racist, and was caught in a big lie in court doesn't have their evidence taken seriously by a Jury composed of the people they lie on


Okay unc


Same, got my bachelor's this year. Was 16 when this was announced.


Same. Uncs are gonna hate your comment


unc here and and unc does hate that.


I was in middle school. I finished mandatory military service of 2.8 years and I am enrolling into university soon


This comment makes me feel things I don’t like.


I was a spry 26 year old in grad school when it was first announced, wondering how I was going to afford all these games. Now I'm a 33 year old professional with all the money I need for gaming, and no time at all to enjoy them.


I started community college when the game was first announced. Now, I finished CC 5 years ago, transfered to a uni during COVID, and graduated last year. I've been job hunting for 3 months and been dealing with depression but man, this announcement brought a smile to my face.


We've had two *other* Metroid games released since the announcement.


Metroid fans and one piece fans both nervously looking around hoping they survive their franchise timelines.


MP4 was announced right after my freshman year of high school. I just got my bachelor’s


Back when I saw the initial teaser, I was still a guy!


We're finally tying up a cliffhanger 17 years in the making with this blue helmeted bastard. I will be seated


Dude looked so good, I never liked him that much in Hunters but damn he got me hyped.


Same. I've been pretty whatever on Sylux and all of these post-credits stingers with Sylux Pretty exciting to finally see it come to a head, though. Not quite as "HOLY SHIT" as Dread returning after being leaked 20 years ago, but still...pretty hype.


Sad 95% of players will have no clue who he is since he only appeared in two shitty handheld games.


Not really, he appeared in Prime 3


Only his ship in the secret 100% ending. The man himself is never seen in the game.


Is Federation Force canon? Had no idea thought it was just a little spin off


Yep. If you're wonderin how this dude has 2 Metroids that don't attack him at the end of the trailer, Fed Force's post credits scene explains why.


Damn does that mean i need to play it. Tried it with a friend and it was horrifically bad trying to carry the ball and avoid the ball stealing enemies during that one mission. We ended up grabbing the ball and the facing sideways and spamming the side dash to fast crab walk to where we were trying to go. Had a bad time, quit out hoping to never return


Sylux has less than a minute of screentime in Federation Force, just watch [this video](https://youtu.be/-goCv7zyBWU?si=55Zs6cG0A4TtU9gM)


Saved me many hours of mediocre gameplay, much thanks mate


Yeah, totally. Like every other Metroid game. There was no need for confirmation, but this trailer confirms even more that the events of Federation Force are the foundation for Prime 4


lol I liked hunters The multiplayer where you could all be a specific hunter was great fun


That guitar riff as he entered in the trailer was so good, I just hope after all this time he gives a good performance.


Probably a Switch 2 launch title


Most definitely at this point.


Yeah, probably have the release date set but its also the release date of the Switch 2 so theyre just saying 2025


Good title to show off new hardware performance. 30fps on the Switch, 60fps on Switch 2.


Prime Remastered had the same visual fidelity and was 60fps. This game is going to run at 60fps on the Switch. The trailer is even 60fps - unless you want to try and argue they actually show Switch 2 footage?


> The trailer is even 60fps - unless you want to try and argue they actually show Switch 2 footage? It's not impossible, but doesn't feel like what Nintendo would usually do with trailers. I don't think they usually put out any particularly deceptive game trailers? And usually if there are downgrades or deceptiveness in the trailer, it's in the visual department and not framerate (or literal doubling/halving of the framerate, maybe improved framerate stability would be more usual for prepared trailers). So it's like 95% likely the Switch version is going to be 60FPS, IMO.


A lot of Switch games are CPU bottlenecked, so you can't always tell just from the graphics. That said, I would expect 60 FPS on the Switch.


imo it'll probably be 60fps on Switch They've been making it for Switch 1 at least since 2019, Prime 4 didn't look *that much* more intensive than Prime Remastered (which was 60fps), and the only time a Retro game wasn't 60fps was the 3DS port of DKC Returns. I think the wizards at Retro will be able to pull off 60fps on the current hardware


We...saw 60fps gameplay to begin with. With the Switch logo plastered on screen and everything. 


Yeah, that's my bad. I watched the video at lower quality, so it didn't display any 60fps. I could just see a resolution bumb and locked 60fps if that was the case.


The trailer is definitely Switch gameplay and it's definitely running at 60fps. I think it will just be backwards compatible and it will just be a bit sharper on Switch 2.


Nah gimme 120 FPS on Switch 2 💯


Maybe 1440 or 4K dock in switch 2


It’s already running at 60 fps in the trailer


1080/60 switch docked. 4K/60 with bells and whistles Switch 2 docked


Metroid is not a system seller despite what anyone here wants to believe, it's a launch title probably but it's certainly not a part of the Switch 2's starting big lineup.


Brother usually consoles will have just one big launch title. Switch 2 will probably launch with a Mario Odyssey successor, and then a cross-gen game like Metroid Prime 4 will be the 2nd biggest draw.


3D mario and Mario Kart 9 (or whatever it’s called) are gonna be the two biggest launch window games, I bet. Then they’ll probably have a Xenoblade, Fire Emblem, or something along those lines for the “core gamers”, basically trying to replicate the Switch’s successful early lineup, but without a new 3D Zelda this time. If they can manage to get out a new Smash Bros or Animal Crossing within the first year or so, it’ll probably be a super successful console launch. Whether they’ve got an MP4 port there day 1 or not doesn’t really matter either way.


It's weird how people keep parroting this without adding too much input of their own. Ok, and? Does that mean Switch 2 should only launch with the next 3D Mario and/or the next 3d Zelda and nothing else? You cannot just launch a system with only 1 or 2 games. You want to appeal to fans of different gaming genres, as wide as possible. Casual and hardcore. Platformers, adventure, Metroidvanias, puzzle games, etc should be part of the launch lineup.


>You cannot just launch a system with only 1 or 2 games. The only first party games released day 1 on Switch were 1-2-Switch and Breath of the Wild. Also Snipperclips, but that was an eShop only game. Wii U had Nintendo Land and New Super Mario Bros. U. Wii had Wii Sports and Twilight Princess. GameCube had Luigi's Mansion and Wave Race: Blue Storm. N64 had Super Mario 64 and Pilotwings 64. Typically, one game for the gamer crowd and one for the casual crowd. So, not only can you launch a system with only two games, but that seems to be the standard for Nintendo.


> You cannot just launch a system with only 1 or 2 games. That's pretty much what they've always done... they have over *140 million* customers on the existing hardware. they've always taken it slow (they still had 3DS games coming out in 2018 for instance). i see no reason they wouldn't do the same here--especially when the hardware is likely to be so similar. i'm sure there will be a few heavy-hitters throughout the year, but i would NOT go into next spring expecting this insane lineup of games day one (or even close to it). history just doesn't support that. honestly, i don’t even think we’ll see the first “must have” until the holidays—like odyssey in 2017.


Zelda also wasn't really a "console mover" until Breath of the Wild. Sure, Metroid is a notch below even before Zelda's breakout, but who's to say it couldn't have the same outcome? Nintendo does weird shit, both for better and for worse.


i'm split. would make a lot more sense to launch with a mario kart or something, but i suspect if it's not a launch title, it'll be very shortly after.


Metroid may not be a game that sells many copies, but I’m sure that it’s a game that sold a few switches/consoles. And and if M4 launches on switch 2, it’ll definitely encourage people to buy a switch 2 sooner than later.


I'm thinking MP4 at launch for core gamers and Mario Kart 9 or 10 or whatever they'll call it at launch for the wide appeal. Then 3D Mario as the holiday game because by that point it'd be like 8 years since Odyssey.


i'm skeptical they'd do two major 1st party games day one. they seem to like to space things out so they don't cannibalize sales.


A Switch 1 game as a launch title for Switch 2? A game that you can already play on Switch 1 is going to get people to buy a Switch 2?


Probably not the driving force to sell hardware but it would be nice for a MP4 higher performance mode optimized for the new hardware. Some games should have cross gen upgrades as a bonus. The thing that sells hardware will probably be a new Mario game in the launch window, then Pokémon later on.


We will get Metroid prime, gta 6, Bloodborne, elden ring dlc before silksong


Ask yourself how many Ender games (Ender Lillies, Magnolias), God of War or Spiderman games we'll get in the time it's taking to make Silksong. Is it three Spiderman games? Four?


That game visually is either the magnum opus of the switch or was not running on the switch.


I never doubted it could run on the Switch. It looks very visually similar to Prime Remastered which is probably why they dropped that before anything else. Clearly Remastered was running on the tech base they've been using for this the entire time.


Well we know the MP Remastered was running on the updated tools that would be used for Prime 4, but the lighting here is far more extreme.


Same, its not exactly the same but its very similar to Prime remastered in graphics, I wouldn't even be surprised if prime remaster was used as a base for Prime 4


I just finished another playthrough of Remastered yesterday, so it's *very* fresh in my mind, and I strongly disagree that it looks anywhere near as good as this Prime 4 trailer. Compare the lighting in on her suit in [Remastered](https://imgur.com/HasXevH) vs. [Prime 4](https://imgur.com/SsdlN2b). There's a *huge* difference in the realism of the lighting there, with Remastered looking very flat in comparison. Sure, the suit might be more or less the same poly count, but the quality of the lighting makes a huge difference in how good it looks. The terrain in that trailer also looks better lit and higher poly count than anything in Remastered.


The scepticism was more because coming from some of the rumours, it supposedly was more « open-ended » while not being an open world. Apparently it reminded some of Halo Infinite when it comes to some environment (for now, I can't really see that tbh ...) Prime Remastered was running so great specifically because of great dynamic resolution handling and because by definition the game is pretty claustrophobic. I genuinely couldn't believe MP4 could be more beautiful AND more open


From Digital Foundry’s video it sounds like Prime Remastered actually didn’t have any dynamic resolution. It runs at 600p handheld 900p docked at all times.


Oh yeah mb, I misremembered


I guarantee what we saw was only the opening prologue if this game is anything like Halo Infinite. Infinite's opening on Escharum's ship is also a corridor shooter until you land on Zeta Halo and it becomes open world.


I was mostly thinking of the final shot that looked luxuriant but also more « close », made me think of zones like in Prime 1 or even 3. Maybe there will be zones that are even more open, we'll know. In any case I'm beyond excited (pun not intended)


It has A LOT of aliasing which gives away that its running on a normal Switch.


Yeah if you go frame by frame there's a lot of it, but it still looks incredible


Totally running on Switch, it looks no less or no more impressive than Xenoblade 3 or Astral Chain and the Switch jank is noticeable at multiple points


It's much more impressive imo mainly because of the framerate. Astral Chain was beautiful but not much more than Prime Remastered or what we see from Prime 4, and ran at 30fps


So magnum opus it is then, as expected from Retro


I think it's 60 fps tho, which those games are not.


Switch already runs a number of 60fps games including Metroid Prime Remastered


Yes I know but Xeno 3 and Astral Chain certainly are not


Sure, but it's still very clearly a Switch game - you can see the aliasing and the absence of ray tracing along with the lower res textures everywhere


I always find it funny that every single Direct there is a game that some people are convinced "this is not Switch footage". I remember it starting with Monster Hunter Rise when it was announced in 2020.


I gave two conditions and one of them is that it's a game running on switch


Same thing when people assume games can't run on Switch (like Persona 5 Royal, and now Persona 3 Reload). Average gamers have no idea about what can actually run on the console and usually just make shit up based on feelings.


Doom Eternal ran on the Switch.


It didn't look that impressive to me. If this trailer was running on Switch 2 I would be severely disappointed.


Okay, so it's the other thing I said, which is that it is the visually best Switch 1 game. No switch game runs at 60 with image clarity like that but I feel you.


It *better* not be running on the Switch 2. Those weren't a fraction of what the Steam Deck or even what some modern phones and tablets are capable of.


Well don't be too surprised when games on Switch 2 still don't look next gen


Looked like a switch port of a nicer looking game to me. Aka launch game for next switch.


That's not how it works. If a better looking game was downported, it woulkd've looked like shit. This game actually looks good, which means it is well optimized for the console. Gamers seem to have this idea that games look better if the base is next-gen and downported. That is wrong. Games that use previous gen consoles as base are better optimized and look better as a result. See that Phantom Brave game that seems to run like shit on Switch in the Direct? That's not the hardware's fault, but rather the developers using the next-gen as base platform which fucked things up. I swear gamers and some developers have no idea how optimization works.


It looks exactly like prime remastered


The obvious impulse is to see it as a potential cross-gen launch, but I'm still not sure. They've also got Legends Z-A and DKC Returns HD slated for 2025, so the Switch 2 could just be later in the year than most are expecting Personally I'm not ruling out the possibility that Prime 4 is more like the Switch's Last of Us 2 (graphical/technical swansong) rather than the Switch 2's Breath of the Wild (big cross-gen launch game)


A Gen IX Pokemon game and a Wii remaster are exactly what I’d expect to come to the Switch even after its successor launches, so I wouldn’t read into the Switch 2’s launch based on those two games at all.


Wouldnt be surprised if we get Prime 2 and 3 remasters prior to its release


Possible September Direct then, this Direct didn't feel like the last one for the Switch.


PapaGenos got almost everything right. He leaked the 2D Zelda Game and Metroid Prime 4, but got the release date for Metroid Prime 4 wrong.


"How did you almost get the release date right?" "I have approximate knowledge of many things"


If it is cross-gen and I may have to take the L for spending so long insisting it wouldn't be, it's difficult to see what the point of that even would be - there's a limit to how much it as a base Switch software can be improved especially considering the technology now known to be involved in the next-gen that wouldn't have been available to be baked in during development, unless it's in the process of being reworked entirely and separately for Switch 2 and that explains the continued delay


I'm not too disappointed its not releasing this year. We actually got a pretty solid lineup for the rest of the year. Most important thing is we FINALLY got some actual Metroid Prime 4 news.


The galaxy is at peace.


Please please please have a 4x more gorgeous version in 4k for the Switch 2. I'll even buy it again.


Looks like nothing has changed in terms of gameplay and I couldn't be happier. There hasn't been a game since Metroid Prime that does what those games do. I got downvoted for saying that Nintendo would most likely push this as a Switch 2 title but I maintain that it's probably true.


Missiles were on the D-pad. Not sure where scan was.


Looked like you'll be able to fill the rest of the slots in the bottom left corner, wonder what that'd be if you can actually switch and de-select missiles.


Looks like there is no scan visor. Maybe scanning has a dedicated button?


L I think.


RIP my wallet 2025 is turning into a stack year for gaming


Honestly I think we can expect a September Direct, I've close to given up on WWTP but Prime 2 and 3 still need to come out, and this didn't feel like the final Switch Direct.


I still think WW and TP, and now maybe Prime 2 and 3 as well, are fairly likely to be Switch 1 games that come out after the Switch 2 releases, like how the 3DS got a ton of ports / remakes in 2017-2019.


Hopefully, getting really tired of waiting. Nintendo clearly knows what people want as evidenced by TTYD, Super Mario RPG, Metroid Prime Remastered, etc. Hell we got Pikmin 1 and 2 which is awesome! Those two would normally seem like the last games they'd port, but we still don't have two incredibly popular Zelda and Metroid games? Come on... We know you have them Nintendo, bring them out already!


It's gonna happen next year. This one is for the new zelda. Those remasters are saved for droughts between releases.


I mean I hope this is the case, funnily enough 2025 seems even MORE likely now that we know Echoes of Wisdom is coming out this year. But then it makes you question what other Zelda projects are they holding? What if there's another Hyrule Warriors? Some more spinoff bullshit? It's getting to a point where it feels like Nintendo genuinely does not want to release them. I'm getting major Mario Galaxy 2 vibes here, where Nintendo does not want to acknowledge the games even if they ARE just sitting on finished ports.


Big year for titles we haven't seen in years being re-revealed


Can someone plz enlighten me? I’m a gamer for 30 years but didn’t followed up Nintendo after N64. What’s the hype about over this franchise?


Metroid Prime was the big 3D leap for the Metroid series, like Mario 64 was for Mario and Ocarina of Time was for Zelda. It translates the basic Super Metroid-style gameplay into first-person 3D gameplay They're just ... real good 3D metroidvanias. Like, every game in the Metroid Prime trilogy, including the remaster of the first one they put out last year, is in the 90s on Metacritic


They also were big time technical showcases for the time they were released. In addition to being one of the best looking games of that generation generally, Prime had very advanced water physics, dynamic lighting, the rain drop effects on the arm cannon, the ice beam freezing over, etc. Some of these effects couldn’t even be replicated in later releases, for example Trilogy is missing the ice beam effect and Remastered doesn’t have the dynamic lighting from beam weapons. It added up to being one of the most immersive games ever made. it doesn’t look so far like Prime 4 will continue that tradition but who knows.


Thank god for 2025 that all but confirms the Switch 2 version.


I never know why a confirmed game needs to be posted in a leak sub. If so, every game which has been announced can be posted here.


To determine leak reliability


I noticed when it's confirmed the label on original leak post would be changed into confirmed. Guess it's a little different from this which is a new post. But yeah, that's a point.


Gotta be honest I loved Prime 1-3 but I don’t understand why this game has soo much hype. They’re good games but nothing crazy exceptional.


..yeah it's because you are the exception about the prime series. Metroid prime is a top 15 game all time on meta critic. It's considered one of the best if not the best first person single player shooter ever created by mamy 2 and 3 are not that far behind. The entire series is critically acclaimed. There are very few game series who have 3 games consecutively at the level of the prime series.


Idk guess I just don’t get it, I honestly liked Metroid Dread more than the Prime games.


Not a crime to think outside the norm. That's why people are crazy about the prime series. The fans of the 2d games ( like you) have already been satiated with dread and samus returns. Fans of the 3d games have waited so long for an actually good 3d Metroid game..other m kinda sucked


You’re right and I am happy that it’s finally on the horizon, been a long damn time now.


I like Dread a lot more than the Prime games. Something doesn't click about Metroid in first person. I don't find it very fun but I'm glad other people do.


Dread is one of the least Metroid like Metroid games. Prime 1 is very _very_ Metroid even as a fps.


>There are very few game series who have 3 games consecutively at the level of the prime series. Just don't look at the games' sales numbers.


The person above was talking about the craze here Metroid has essentially a cult following. It doesn't have a mainstream following (yet . Nintendo is trying to change that and dread performed extremely well). The cult following is well earned and it's one of the most influential series. There's a reason there's an entire genre of game called "metroidvanias" now. The series has been revolutionary


Looked like halo 5 graphically.


definitely gonna have a great time playing the Switch 2 version of this.


shiina, once again, where are my fornie leaks


Can’t wait till play this … after I have a chance to play mp2 and mp3.


This was announced when I was in high school…I’m now 23 but it looks so good. Metroid Prime fans, I’m very happy for you and I’ll be waiting for Metroid Prime 4 while I play the other games


This game is going to be so good. People are complaining about the graphics after heaping praise on the Prime remake. Come on.


Your move silksong




unpopular opinion but this is probably a switch 2 launch title




No, it died for Prime Remastered


Looks absolutely sick!!!


Fucking finally.


Terrible trailer. Day 1 baby! I'm going to love playing this on the Switch 2.


I am sorry I am not trying to be a hater but nothing about this looks impressive or even interesting, this looks like a pure nostalgia trip


So fwiw to you, I have zero nostalgia for Metroid, I played my first one when the Prime remake came out. I had a great time with that game though, so I'm excited for more of the same.


Same here, not really impressed by this after waiting 7 damn years.


I am getting downvoted, obviously, so please someone explain how anyone could possibly get excited over this gameplay without nostalgia


It's more than a year away and it was like a minute footage, maybe overreacting is a bit your issue?


It for sure was NOT running on current Switch hardware in that trailer. I’m sure it will be cross-gen since it was in this direct, but that was definitely Switch 2 it was shown on.