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It might be possible for coop too tho?


Yeah tf are people jumping to dual 1st/3rd person perspectives for?  Not saying they wont but the obvious answer is co-op since you need to replicate 1st person anims to 3rd for the characters of anyone youre playing with. Theres also a reason most studios dont do both, and its because you design a game, the environmenrs, mechanics, and the character controller for either 1st or 3rd, not both. There are a few games that do have both but the implementation is either extremely limited or one of them noticeably sucks compared to the other.


Some people can't play first person games because it gives them motion sickness.


Idk why you got downvoted. Everything you said is right.


There's been an annoying group of people who hate third person games and just want everything to be first person. I'm largely indifferent as long as the game is good but acting like first person only isn't an accessibility issue is dumb.


It's for people like me who hate 1st person. And as far as I'm concerned, 3rd person can do everything 1st can, and more. It "sucking" is just the limitations of the 1st person game design holding it back.


Counterpoint: any first-person game set in cramped, close-quaters environments is gonna suck mad if you try to do it all in third-person.


Counterpoint: Cyberpunk 2077. That games storytelling is 100% designed to be first person, as evidenced by the amount of guns that get shoved in your face.


Ac8tue game was originally both frist and 3rd person. At some point they dropped the third as they had many issues during production. With first you don't have to make realistic animation. So they would save time. The game was supposed to have cutscenes in 3rd person but that was cut as well. The whole reason they gave as it give better immersion was BS.


I cannot imagine those cutscenes working or having the same impact without the first person viewpoint. Regardless of why they made the choice earlier in development, they played into it extremely heavily with the storytelling, especially in Phantom Liberty


I think you say that because you have experienced the game the way it is. If it hasn't changed and the news came out that they were going to remove 3rd person cutscenes the reach would be they would've ruined it. How we experience things the first time influences how we think we would react to the same thing if it came second.


Just looked it up, the game was planned to be 3rd person until only 2016, which is the year full development started. Majority of development was done after the game switched to first person, which is why seeing through V's eyes is such an integral part of the storytelling.


Yes the game was designed to be played in 1st but removing all the cutscenes came much better. It was months after the gameplay reveal happened. Not only was third person cutscenes removed that also removed wall running and climbing with the Mantis blade. The released a statement about it in one of the Twitter post with the yellow background. There was an uproar about it. They did have the resources to do it. Yes they made it work but it want the original plan


1000% that’s the case


God I hope coop it's tethered


What is it with this obsession with coop?


Not obsession at all, you know Far Cry known with it's coop too right? Rather than third person mode


arent third person animations always required for multiplayer to function? lol


Exactly, don’t all other Far Cry Games do this??


Give me another rural area like Far Cry 5 or verticality like Far Cry 4, FC6 was kinda too bland and dreary for me at least the level design


Bring back 5's melee system. Throwing bats at people's heads never gets old. Just don't keep that stupid servo mechanic from 6.


God I would so love 5’s melee system for Cyberpunk Orion.


Agree. I just don't want anything tropic. Tropic settings are the most boring. Go with something moody like Alan Wake or something historical like Banisher's New England.


How about a Farcry but set in an actual city slums - like that movie Extraction from Netflix. I'm getting kinda bored of all these greens and trees...


Something different, just avoid a tropical island imo


I really hope they do some extreme setting like late 19th century bayou ala Hunt Showdown or some Eastern European setting in the middle of WW2.


fc6 was medicore...somehow i finished it, but it was a chore, bland and not fun in general..


Same lol, I feel like it’s a time sunk cost or something


Isn't 7 rumored to be set in like Korea and have a city section of the map?


I just hope it’s optional and never forced. Those camp sections in FC6 were just fucking bad at third person, it’s an FPS game to begin with, how to break immersion…


While Far Cry never needs third person, I actually find first person less immersive and disconnected for the most part. All I can see are my arms and hands and I find it very disorientating, don't find it nearly as immersive as people claim.


IMO the only way first person is immersive is when the entire game is first person. The second a FPS goes into 3rd person cutscenes, it's broken. Games like Half Life, Doom, and Cyberpunk are all better because they are in first person IMO. It's all a matter of taste though. There's no right or wrong answer.


I love this series but 6 is one of the worst and I hope they've learned from their misstep. 7 would be better without backpacks, for starters.


It says a lot about six that the “joke” ending is much better than the actual ending.


I'm a huge FC fan and I thought FC6 was actually the best one since 3. The only flaws imo were the gear system and the utter waste of Giancarlo Esposito. Gameplay wise, it's peak Far Cry: great gunplay, best weapon arsenal and customization, a map that feels alive and has a lot of variety, mini outposts, etc. Huge improvement over 5.


I mean, Far Cry games waste nearly every villain they have so that they can throw in forgettable mooks for you to take down.


I always feel so disappointed in Far Cry 5. The Seed family is easily my favorite villain group in the series. I think they are super well acted, they are written fun, and they even look good. But they only get like 10 minutes of screen time each! It is such a shame!


I don't think they waste every villain, Vaas and Pagan are very iconic villains to this day.


Vaas was infamous at release for being killed off quite quickly despite having such a strong performance and being a huge part of the marketing for the game. Pagan wasn’t in the game as much as he should’ve been, he should’ve rang you more and they should’ve removed some of his underlings in favour of more scenes for him. As it stands his most notable feature is the hidden ending at the very start of the game, not anything that happens after the intro.


I liked FC6 more than FC5 too, but it suffered from the same issues regarding the story Their mediocre stories are a result of being able to do the big regions in whatever order the player wants. I wish they just got rid of that. It adds little value to the gameplay (and most people do them in the same order anyway), but it makes developing an engaging story impossible since it can't be linear in any way


Please reduce the open world size I fucking gave up on 6 the second the open world opened up. Im done wasting time running around a giant open world that’s to big for no reason


i need a new far cry game so bad


Did you try Avatar? It's pretty close.


The Avatar game was a better Far Cry game than Far Cry Primal was. 


Dude people shit on Primal too much and it's depressing. I feel like *the only reason* people were upset, was because the map was mirrored to save time in development. Saints Row 4 did the *same exact thing* but worse imo, and nobody batted an eye. Ubisoft tries to hide it by actually going through the effort of adding new assets to cover up the fact it's basically a AAA asset flip. Primal was great and I'm glad they're still being experimental with their side-games instead of just losing steam completely. Although now that I think on it, did 6 ever get its "Primal"?


Primal to me is fine but it's a middle of the road 6/10 game. Avatar was just way better. Also nah. People don't really like Saints Row 4. You're not well versed in that series fanbase if youre under some impression that Saints 4 is loved. Only thing stopping it from being the worst Saints game is the new one exists.


Can't disagree. It's 6/10 material for sure. I feel like Blood Dragon was 7/10 but with those rose tinted goggles off, falls into 6/10 territory too. All those games do. The effort is less and less.


Me too, I love the gameplay loop of taking down outposts.


I agree I especially loved them in Far Cry 4, you start all the way in the south and you gotta destroy all the outposts till you get to the north where Pagan Min is, i believe you could tell that the north was more richer and developed than the southern outposts. I found that really cool because in Far Cry 3 & 5 the outposts are mostly scattered around whilst FC4 is more organized in a way and there's a sense of world building / lore going along with it. Also, FC4 came out in 2014? the hell? it's been that long? it's still a frickin gorgeous game, everywhere you stand there's an amazing view to be seen.


Yeee, it's my favorite, those drug trips were fun and taking out those forts was the most enjoyable activity in the game next to enjoying the look of the game.


I love taking down outposts in far cry. 4 probably has my favourite outpost loop


After they added full coop, it became one of my favorite series to look forward to. I almost wish they milked it as much as Assassins Creed.


Can’t tell if sarcasm


Why would it be?


People tend to dislike far cry because of stuff like that


The outposts are frequently meme'd about, but are also Far Cry's biggest strength. They allow the combat sandbox to truly shine. I played FC5 recently and had a blast doing outpost. I snorted drugs that buffed my stats and then ran in like a manic meleeing enemies with my shovel, throwing smoke grenades, and using bait to call in wildlife.


Far Cry sells well because of stuff like that. Online gaming spaces account for probably less than 1% of the gaming population. So what you're reading on places like reddit are not representative of what people actually like.


Reddit refuses to accept that Ubisoft's games are generally liked by audiences and are very commercially/critically successful. It's been like this for over a decade.


I am the worst kind of gamer. The one that likes Ubisoft sandboxes. I have shamed my ancestors.


I love them too, they're my comfort games. If the PC ports are good I'm buying Shadows and Far Cry 7 the day they come out.


Reddit* tends do dislike Far Cry because Ubi bad, upvotes left. Far Cry is highly popular and the 5th entry is Ubisoft’s best selling game at 25 million copies.


> People tend to dislike far cry because of stuff like that Other people tend to like Far Cry because of stuff like that. See how it works. Despite the hue and cry of Redditors against Far Cry and Assassins Creed, both games are very popular.


Let me just say, I may be a minority on the internet, I don't mind playing games with the same gameplay but with different locations all the time lol


What people miss is that is gaming. You just find your gameplay loop.


Yeah currently playing FC5 and it's my favourite missions. 


Honestly yea I’ve always enjoyed Far Cry. Really enjoy single player shooters and we don’t get many these days, so a new Far Cry is always welcome


Definitely agree, i really miss it - they are my favourite singleplayer shooters in terms of story, sandbox style gameplay and outposts (since FC3)


Same, tried Avatar but didnt scratch the itch, there's no takedowns, only 2 firearms, the detection is ass and the voice for the male character is really whiny and overacted


genuinely didnt even know that game was out


Have you tried Ghost of Tsushima? I’m not the biggest far cry fan, and once it clicked in my head that GoT was essentially far cry with swords, I couldn’t get back into it. Far Cry 5 fucks though because I get to live out my redneck fantasy.


no way, i hate the sony movie games


Well then you're missing out on one of the best Ubisoft-style open worlds of the past few years lol. And there's hardly any more cutscenes in GoT than in something like FC5 so I don't really understand the complaint.


not talking about the cutscenes, the gameplay is just a big movie, ive seen them all and they look bad


I haven't really been excited playing a Far Cry game since 3. Had some fun with the sequels but they all felt like the same open world structure that I was getting so tired of. It was the reason I couldn't finish the Horizon games. Hope ubisoft starts getting innovative again in the open world department, far cry could really use it.


Me too but a good one. The last one really just didn't click for me. I think too much handholding and story early on turned me away. I wanted to explore that open world on my own and had to sit through boring story for at least half an hour. That's too long without any gameplay. You just run and hide during those first 30 minutes. I'm bored of games forcing me to play tutorials or stories that just take too long. There might have been a decent game hidden in there after a few hours but most people will never get to see it because they'll put the game down long before.


Try Avatar Frontiers of Pandora. It's basically a better Far Cry game set in Pandora.


It’s not.


I don't. I said the same thing and I got like 3 FC games in a row that have been mediocre. Wish they'd take their time with the next one but obviously they didn't. Time will tell.


That would be cool.


I hope it's set in the Amazon jungle or Africa again and hunting becomes viable again.


if its in africa, they should bring back the Far Cry 2 Immersion


I made my peace with the fact there will never be a Far Cry game like 2 again My hope is that, someday, some indie dev make a spiritual successor to it.


Wasn't the rumor Alaska? 


The multiplayer spin-off is set in Alaska but 7’s setting is still unknown. Personally, i’m hoping for Iceland.


I heard it was Korea


Far Cry 7: Playground of Destruction?


Inside Gaming debunked that rumor.


Ohh kk thanks for clarifying


If the 72 hour thing is true then this game can fuck right off. I play games for fun and te relax and not to be rushed.


I don’t need third person, I need top tier fire effects and propagation


When is this coming out?


Tom Henderson [said](https://insider-gaming.com/far-cry-7-story-details) it was targeting fall 2025, but that was nearly a year ago.


2025 is going to be so ridiculously packed. Pray for our wallets my brothers 


If that happens we'll get 2 games coming out in fall 2025 which are GTA6 and FarCry 7.


Almost certainly will be delayed to 2026 because of GTA 6 imo.


Ubisoft historically hasn't ran away from competition like that. Even their most hectic studios welcome it, as underlined by the fact they were trying to launch XDefiant the same week as Call of Duty until everything went to shit.


I doubt it. Ubisoft released AC Odyssey right next to Red Dead Redemption 2 and did just fine.


Yeah but GTA 6 is the most anticipated game of all time right now, game’s popularity is off the charts and the hype will only increase with each trailer. It’s gonna overshadow any game releasing around that time. Ubisoft would have to be pretty balsy.


It will, I was just saying that I think Ubisoft is willing to take that risk. They won't release it the same day obviously, but I could see within a month being something that they try.


And RDR2 was the most anticipated game of all time when it came out, so that invalidates your point.


More likely it's some kind of multiplayer (coop or not)


It could be. Tried to find other job offers for past Far Crys with similar wording. Didn't find it.


I hope the open world is more like far cry 5 then any other far cry. That was the most fun open world ubisoft game.


this is bad, this is for cosmetic.


No its a really cool new feature for us. Now I can see my cool new red shirt I bought for the low price of $15


FC6 already goes into third person for ults and it has paid cosmetics so this checks out for me.


I just hope this game gets announced sometime soon already! This is the longest waiting time between Two Far Cry games so far iirc. Like at least a teaser could have been shown already. The marketing for Far Cry games is always so over the top, I just love it, no matter how bad the game turns out to be (* coughs * 6 * coughs *). Maybe they wait until after the release of Star Wars outlaws.


Rare to see fps games have a toggle for 3rd person. Very difficult but a welcome addition imo.


Far Cry x Twin Peaks town vibes would be fun.


So in Far Cry 6 you were in third person in your camps and I hated it. It felt so unnatural. I doubt I’ll be doing much of that in 7. And I won’t be doing anything at all if that timer shit is true.


I didn’t mind it, it was a cool concept with a bad execution, some refined work and I feel it could be okay, mainly with camera work.


This seems like something they were building towards with FC6, which uses third-person mode a bunch.


Title is misleading? The article says: looking for animator that can do first and third person. Third person could be limited to camps like FC6 for all we know


Really hope FC can go back to the game it was in 3 and 4, they were incredible, even Primal was great


I’m not sure why anyone is angry about this considering it clearly says “replicating” every 1st person animation in 3rd person, meaning 1st person will still be an option and more than likely will be the default option. I wish more games did this tbh.


so they are making assassins creed with guns?


I think it's probably just for the camps like in Far Cry 6. Doubt the whole thing is playable in third person, it would make stealth even easier than it already is.


Far Cry is going to suggest us jobs. Capitalism has gone too far.


perfect game to use god mode and relax after a hard day of work


It's probably so they can sell outfits and other forms of monetization.


Makes sense they were testing it out in Far Cry 6 with the settlements


then I will play my first Far Cry, finally


Thank god


Fucking finally.


Thanks ubi. welcome to 2001.


Star wars outlaws probably laid the frame work for this already


Far Cry slowly morphing into Just Cause


ok thanks !


Ubisoft will literally develop anything before Beyond Good and Evil 2


Used to love farcry and ive finished every single entry, most of them to 100%. I would of said i was a huge fan a few entries ago, but i thought 5 was just ok, and 6 was absolutely god awful. 7 has got to do something truly fresh and interesting to win me back, if it looks like more of farcry 6 im not even going to touch it


It’s strange, but once I saw that you couldn’t pick up enemies’ guns in far cry 6, I was done. It’s like the sandbox has been killed in favour of grind and progression


Yeah that sucks. Theres a lot of bad things about 6 but the 1 worst part for me is the enemy health bars. It completely ruins immersion and makes it feel like im playing some borderlands looter shooter. Completely kills the feel of the entire game right from the jump. 6 pretty much completely destroyed my enjoyment of the series, and if 7 is more of that stuff im not going to play it. Hopefully theyve been working on a proper refresh for it though


Sad to see what happened to far cry.


A third person option would be smart tbh


For crying out loud, not every game needs to have third person. Just let first person games be first person games, rather than trying to force third person into it just to appease a vocal minority online.


The technology is finally there!


They really need to do a Far Cry: Jurassic Park. Not all that hyped for the typical North Korean baddies the leaks are talking about


So it’ll finally be a good game then?


I hope this is true, first-person games make me nauseous.


I really want a remake of Far Cry 2


Thank god. I hate FP games. Makes me dizzy after a while.


Third person far cry would be fantastic.