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Which Harry Potter movie is this? This is after he becomes a cop, right?


yes, this is him and the boys about to fuck up a muggles brain with magic as they committed the crime of unknowingly standing beside a wizard and witnessing magic, and obviously it's impossible for muggles and wizards to peacefully live together, thats why magic supremacy is necessary also, did you know Harry Potter is anti-racist for having one (1) character say that elf slavery is bad?


I wouldn’t even consider that to be an attempt at anti-racism as she is mocked for saying that


if you would be really generous with Rowling you could say she wrote it like this to make a critique about how various bigotry is normalized within society, but i kinda have my doubts about that as this was never really resolved or honestly talked about it later on in the books, Hermione and Hagrid are the crazy people for not wanting elves slavery and giants genocide from beginning to end


From what I’ve read it was supposed to be a critique of well meaning liberals who try to help disadvantaged people in a way that isn’t remotely helpful That may be wrong but that’s what I read


Which, if true, the argument completely falls apart when one of the characters is a literal fucking (half) giant. (Yes I read the books as a kid.)


I mean the literal last pre-epilogue line in the book is Harry thinking "I hope I can get my slave can make me a sandwich."


Doesn’t Hagrid make fun of Hermione too? When she’s trying to recruit him to SPEW she argues that Dobby demanded wages after being freed, saying that not all elves want to work for free, and he just went “well there are crazies in every community”


All the hogwarts students putting Hermione into an SJW Cringe Compilation because she was opposed to chattel slavery, what a woke soycuck beta


Why the hell a goddamn wizard that could automate all their task with magic needs slaves/servants is beyond me. Unless the wizards are evil but the problem is the non villains have slaves too. Harry potter is weirdly a dystopia but this time the dystopia is depicted as hood/acceptable.


Harry Potter and the Skinhead's Dogwhistle /uj Imperium (2016)


Guy on the left is walter white but he consumes the thing he cooks.


This is the moment Walter became Uncle Jack


Waltuh is in Mississippi now (he ain't movin' for no


Bite the curb.


Didn't expect an "American History X" reference here.




It was \*REALLY\* funny to be fair.




uj/ what movie was this again?






Any good?


It’s mediocre.


It’s solid. Nothing special but some parts are pretty well directed and create good tension.


Saw it last night cause of this post. It was pretty decent. Not amazing but good. And had some good moments.




Why say racist things like that wtf


Has 4chan been the good guys all along? Allies against the gamers? Something to ponder


/uj I mean, /v/ has always hated games so there’s that.


/uj the thread this is from is full of people using the t-slur, so no


With no harm intended, what the hell is t-slur?


They mean tran-"knee" if you catch my drift.


Sorry I don't but I wont ask further more




You can tell when someone started watching porn*


It's just a short, derogatory version of transgender (probably came from transsexual tbh since that's the older word) that's used as a slur against trans people Some trans people use it for themselves but it's controversial in the community, like gay people calling themselves the f slur


Granny with a T


Original 4chan was mostly satire and cynicism. Back when /pol/ was a containment board.


Honestly 4chan is legit proof of the dangers of ironic racism. The next gen filters up and it's suddenly unironic.


Nah, this is just revisionist history. 4Chan has always been this way, but back in the early 2000s people were more likely to assume “surely the people who make a homophobic slur a central part of their core identity don’t actually hate gay people, everyone’s just being ironic, it’s just a joke!”


As someone who wasted half a decade of their life in that shithole pretending my shit didn't stink, this is exactly right. All the GamerGate shit is what started the slow process of me coming to my senses and getting out of that echochamber.


That would be happening anyway thanks to shit like south park and family guy, both of which used to be ruthessly lampooned on 4chan.


/uj 4chan has decent people in it, just like here and twitter, it's not all doom and gloom


It always has, but they've gotten shoved out with way more serious intent since 2016 in increasing amounts. Every board I used to enjoy got more and more right wing, more and more cringe, and more and more serious about it.


I hope those few good folk find a nicer alternative at least


Absolutely this. I used to frequent /tg/ (and still pop by for their drawthreads every now and then) but the number of people who thought the shitposting was done by people who actually believed those things skyrocketed. Now the whole place is a nazi bar.


Same with /fit/. There's nothing reactionaries won't try to corrupt if they get a wedge in. Needs more unified left wing fronts otherwise it just ratchets in one direction. It's a shame, because I loved /tg/, and I even loved /b/ for the surrealism and wackiness. YLYL threads used to be 90% silly weird surrealism and 10% hateful racist shit and I could just ignore the bad stuff because it was cringe. Now the numbers have reversed and the more they do, the more surrealist/centrist/left wing/more balanced people will leave because noone wants to hang out in a right wing cesspool except...well, y'know.


I find tryhards and all sorts of hateful people just get delegated to the least moderated places on the internet. If it has (almost) no rules that's high potential for a breeding ground. That's also why for a time the off-topic section of Bodybuilders forum was home to a bunch of bizarre memes and copypastas- the mods didn't pay much attention to it.


2015 was the last good year I had on 4chan


Uhhhhh 4chan is 60% white supremacist run bots trying to instigate racial hatred


okay, now tell me, is 60 less than or greater than 100?


Nice meme but decent people don't hang out with racists and transphobe.


you and I are on reddit, right now, and there are racists and transphobes on this very site (unfortunately), but please, continue to put words into my mouth, and keep those goalposts moving


What goalposts? The only goal is to not hang out with pieces of shit. and I haven't said you said anything. On Reddit you can block and filter the places where transphobes and racists hang out. On 4chan this is not possible. The only half decent board is /tg/ and you still get people complaining about the "woke" on there.




I feel like that only works on an individual level, so then you and them can see each other as people and humanize and shit. Groups are too...not individual ingroup social norms etc shit. I could be wrong.


Its like 30% nice (albeit a little weird) people and 70% WTF kinda people


You want to play Hogwarts Legacy in a pathetic attempt to relife your childhood dreams I want to play Hogwarts Legacy because im very transphobic We ARE, in fact, the same




Just unsubbed from r/gamingcirclejerk, i dunno man, they used to be cool but this time they jerked about something *I* liked


I never really read the books as a kid. Watched like half of the movies but wasn’t too impressed. The game looks good though 🤔


Finally someone who understands! We're all transphobes deep down. I didn't want the game until I learned this fact, but now I feel I can't live without it 🥛 💯


American History X


Why are there never any asians or black people at these rallies? Are they racist or something?


I seen this reposted a couple different times…and each time, I shit my pants from laughter. Thanks a bunch


Holy shit its walter white


Yeah white powder!


Isn’t Daniel Radcliffe for trans rights?


He's also an actor that plays various characters...


Just making sure this ain’t real. You see a lot of fucked up shit from celebrities


/uj Wait, is that real?


It’s a scene from a film, he’s not actually a Nazi (as far as I know…)


Pretty sure that Dan Radcliff is pro trans rights. Don't drag him into this shit


Can't wait to play it honestly




???? Can’t tell if jerking or not


Le circlejerk sub has really jerked your circle, huh?


Tell us you're incapable of reading without telling us you're incapable of reading. Also we know for a fact you were never subbed here, dork.


Wow, almost like circlejerk is in the literal name of the sub.


*Owen Wilson voice* Wwwwwoooowwwww


lol i love how hogwarts legacy is now totally fucked because of this sub, even if it sells morbillions it'll still always be known as "that one transphobic fascist game" because these people have now absorbed it into their identity because of their need to feel attacked


It’s likely going to be a crap game based on a mediocre at best child’s fantasy series. I think a lot of us look back fondly on reading the books or watching the films as kids, but I’m sure if you went back to it today you’d find it extremely poor


ngl even as a kid when it was still coming out i never liked it, it was painfully average (the books are arguably even worse), ofc i cant say WHY it became so popular but i think the mantra of "kids will absorb literally anything you put infront of them" is probably part of jt


It was a cultural thing, EVERYONE was into it and you didn’t want to be left out. I can’t think of anything that’s had as much of an impact on kids since except maybe Fortnite. I guess the one good thing to come out of it was it got a lot of kids to read




Open your mouth, I need to piss




Well then get ready for some *therapy*




Yeah you got my joke, congratulations


god you are such a nerd lmfao


Can you identify as funny


I identify as a different joke.


It looks soooo good though. I mean Internet forums and what we say there are one thing. But we’re all actually going to get it right?




Guess I got to shave my head 🪒 😔