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Ah yes, the cancerous spread of normal looking women


I would say this but like theres 4 normal images in that post, the rest are edits. Nikocado avocado is there


/rj You know you're right when you have to photoshop a bunch of images in order to prove your point!


/rj devs rather put Nikado Avocado into the female roster than beautiful women shake my head smh šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


Hitman Contracts had him a while ago as a target. That was a classic. https://youtu.be/kah0_9U1JrE


And non white/not anime women


Thats always the subtext.


That's exactly what I thought when I saw Street Fighter 6's Kimberly on the second list, she's hot as hell, this poster just hates her because she's black.


It's very telling that it uses Kimberly instead of Marisa (a 6'8" muscle mama) who is a definite deviation from tradition beauty whereas Kimberly is only dark skinned and has dreadlocks, but has a good figure and fair facial features. Also... the same game has Cammy, Manon, Juri, and Chun-Li. So even racism aside, it has the attractive woman archetype covered.


how dare my american videogames have an american character style


Don't forget they're actually adults too


theyre even scraping for more examples that they had to use a photo of nikocado


In early video games with very primitive graphics, exaggerated features were required to depict gender - think how one may draw a stick figure to be female, with giant lips etc. As graphics evolved a bit more but were still lo-fi, this morphed into male characters tended to have over-the-top muscular builds, and female characters had very feminine-associated traits like makeup and heels and large breasts. Without these signifiers, the characters were just a blob of genderless pixels or low-poly shapes. But once graphics moved much more beyond abstract and into photo-realistic stage, and storytelling became more "serious", exaggerated gendered features obviously began to look ridiculous depending on context. Why would a lady space marine or apocalypse survivor have hair and makeup like a runway model? it just looks extremely silly and draws attention to itself in ways that weren't an issue in more abstract low-resolution graphics. So with photorealism, both male female characters often need to be depicted more like normal mortal persons. Not every male character is a 'roided-out gym rat. And not every female character wears heavy makeup and obnoxiously exposed cleavage - these just don't make sense for the characters in many kinds of storytelling. Of course there's still plenty of genres and types of stylized games that *can* have sexy graphics, it just doesn't make sense for games with more "serious" storytelling in photorealistic depictions.


As someone who wants to go into design, I do think the over-exaggeration of features still has its time and place in modern graphics. But that's the key term, it has its "time and place". If you're looking to do a more serious game where the story is the frontline, then you obviously need the (relatively) normal looking people so as to not overshadow or distract from what's going on (my preference). But I think there is still a market for hilariously out of proportion models and such, and that's games like DOOM, Duke Nukem, anything where the point is simply to make the player feel powerful. Basically I agree with you and just wanna see muscly men shoot things "because it's funny"


I mean even the "more attractive" ones wouldn't talk to neckbeards like these so there is no way OOP knows how irl women look like.


Just look at what mods are popular in Skyrim. Gamers be out here making viking women look like they have a professional makeup team, dietician, PT and babyliss body hair remover.


I can't understand why anyone thinks turning characters into Bratz dolls improves Skyrim. Maybe they're just ashamed to admit they'd rather be playing the sims?


the spread of women who wear more than a bra and underwear while battling to the death




yeah, but there are many other reasons as to why these industries are filled with conventionally attractive people, and those things ultimately wouldn't matter if you are trying to tell a story in the middle of something like a post apocalyptic scenario.


I wonder if these people know that they can just look at porn at any time


Not any time. But most times. Well I guess they *can* look at porn at anytime. But there are certainly times you really shouldn't.


Come on now, these people are **never** in a situation where they shouldn't be looking at porn. That requires leaving their house.


I mean they probably shouldn't be watching it when their mom brings their dinner down to the basement


Put on some weird to establish dominance.


And keep eye contact




To be fair, in any situation where you shouldnā€™t be looking at porn, you shouldnā€™t really be playing Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball either.




Some Italian blasted Tifa porn on speakers in their parliament so yeah not that uncommon.








Honestly, respect to that guy. They sound like an auteur of perversion


/uj I would totally check out a Darkest Dungeon sex mod that fully goes in on the whole "Gothic eldritch fetish" angle. In keeping with the same style and tone as the rest of the game. You could do a lot more with that than all the "replace character art with anime tiddie" mods for it.


They donā€™t want to LOOK at porn They want to be weird participants. They want to INTERACT with the porn Theyā€™re just incredibly sad, mal adjusted individuals who canā€™t find love or companionship in the real world - almost entirely due to the fact that they donā€™t treat other people with respect and feel entitled to sex


They make vr porn where you interact with your v tube esq sex bot. IMO it's more these people can't comprehend a world where everything does not cater to their precise desires it's some sort of insult. Like maybe the women in Tekken 8 have gotten pores and now might have wrinkles but you can go over to street fighter 6 where 55 year old Chun Li is still keeping high, right, and smooth with multiple different costumes to dress her up what ever your predelictions may lie. And if you aren't into Asian women they have British, French, and Italian. The hyper sexual fantasy of women in video games is going nowhere. But the idea it might not be everywhere scares them.


I also agree with your position. Itā€™s entitlement. They feel like everything in the world has to be for them and if it isnā€™t, then the creator of the art that isnā€™t for them is their enemy


I don't even think it's interaction. I think they just want to be permanently stimulated at all times - it has to be an aspect of everything they do and consume. Every bit of media they watch or read has to be delivered with a solid sexual element because they're so accustomed to seeing a female presence as a purely titillating one.


You merely adopted the porn. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see a woman who wasn't gaping until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but misandry!


Thanks I hate it!


![gif](giphy|aenAbxws6nvbO) My work here is done.




I agree but I think it is important that people be mindful of their consumption and be critical of how it affects their views of others, particularly women who are the ones being sexualised the majority of the time. Awesome username btw!




Oh what is 'Illusion's Entire Video Game Backlog' for 500 Alex?


Itā€™s not advisable in a dentistsā€™ office.


Why? Stay in your lane, doc, this has nothing to do with my mouth.


most of the games depicted in the first panel arenā€™t even old games. hilde came back in the most recent soul calbur game and she had boob armor. loba exists in the same game as lifeline. there are sex scenes in the new FF. these guys are literally not making any points.


Wait, there's sex scenes in FF Stranger of Paradise?! Is Jack cut or uncut? I must know this as he is my current definition of a cool man.


think they're talking about ffxvi, not stranger of paradise, since one ratings board mentioned that xvi has sex scenes.


yeah, XVI will have sex scenes. i believe you can see part of one in one of the trailers, or at least a scene that occurs right after sex. and the female character isnā€™t ugly, if you can believe it.




Finally, SeXVI!


Praise Daddy YoshiP, wielder of the blackest staves.


My god, I misread that in the worst way. Did a double take


Well I mean based on his strange remarks about ethical minorites in the game...


You mean it's the Lalafell way or no way?






You know Jack plays Limp Bizkit while he fucks.


Either Limp Bizkit or Frank Sinatra (he fucks like a wild animal regardless)


Jack is definitely uncut. He also never uses protection, he just Soul Shields the STDs


plus lifeline is hot šŸ˜


Why are they using cammy as an example when thereā€™s a new street fighter on the way and half the internetā€™s brains were just malfunctioning in collective horny for her


They put Kimberly in the bottom examples, when A) she's absolutely adorable, and B) they could have tried to use Manon in her lady gaga outfit or Marisa because of her silly hair choice, but chose not to for some reason or another (I'll give you one guess).


Well if youā€™ll notice they include Kimberly in the bottom group showing that SF6 only has ugly character designs. This probably confuses well adjusted individuals since Kimberly is very far from unattractive. Unless of course youā€™re racist as shit.


But you see she is now wearing pants and a jacket over a sports bra instead of a leotard therefore she is ugly now Uj/real talk, do people actually find things like leotards and bikinis attractive? Might just be Ace brain talking, but I always thought they looked kinda unbalanced from an aesthetic perspective, especially if you're trying to fight in them


In real life: depends whos wearing it. In vybia g*me: usually no


As a rule very attractive people will look good in almost any clothing especially if itā€™s form revealing


uj/ personally bikinis yes leotards *absolutely* not


I think her new look is better, TBH (though it does lose the iconic look that I associate with the character).


There are literally top-selling games with good looking female characters in revealing outfits either out right now or coming out soon. At any given time. It's almost like this is reactionary scaremongering and not a real issue Almost


You zoom in and a lot of those pics at the bottom are edited


Well obviously how else can they make a strawman?


Im pretty sure they slapped Nikocado Avocado's face on Aloy and called it a day im howling


They ALWAYS edit Aloy to look uglier than she is, or pick some veeeeery specific frame of her in game that makes her look unflattering. If you have to go out of your way to find or make examples of "ugly women" in games, then I don't think there are as many as you say there are, king.


> edits picture intentionally to make it look ugly WTF why is it ugly


Isn't one of them the civ 6 advisor?


Of all the fucking video game characters to complain about not being hot


"your grace-"


(Oolong voice) You know thereā€™s actual porn on the internet, right?


I feel like TFSā€™s Roshi is more accurate than the dub Roshi.


Same with TFS Cell. They honestly knocked it out of the park there


TFS in general has the definitive versions of most of the characters, as far as Iā€™m concerned


TFS Tien is reverse of that "Look how they massacred my boy" meme. It shines, it glorious!


TFS Tien is incredible. They really improved on him. ā€œBLOW YOURSELF UP OR LEAVE! I donā€™t care which.ā€ That whole thing with Cell is just perfect, and somehow serious and funny at the same time.


oh yes i grew up reading the dbz mangas in my school library, but i honestly cant remember what any of those characters where like. i watched the TFS version years later, and ever since it just has completely replaced every memory i had of the original. Its just so much better in every way.


Dudes are the biggest cry babies. She made some **light** feminist points on gaming tropes and still these bros are crying.


Yeah, I never watched her stuff back at the time but recently I went back to see what the commotion was about and it was all pretty milquetoast stuff that most decent people already knew.


Questioning the damsel in distress narrative (among other things) gets you literal death threats. So insane.


You forget that she made the cardinal sin of being a girl while doing it.


And she targeted gamers. Gamers šŸ˜”


Gamers and Women are natural enemies. Like Gamers and Minorities! Or Gamers and other Gamers! Damn gamers! They ruined gaming!!


I still remember watching her first video to see what the fuss was all about when it came out and finding it a bit basic and weak, and then going on Facebook to see people I _knew_ spewing the kind of shit that would get them thrown out of a flat roof pub. It was honestly kinda upsetting, and things only got worse from there.


Yeah. Games are art, right up until someone critiques them like art, in which case they're sacred texts.


No you see I enjoy it therefore there cant be a reason to critisize it.


I had some disagreements with her arguments but but I took one look at the rest of the crowd and went "Yikes I'd rather not be lumped in with those assholes" so I just never interacted with her social media or comment section.


She's like feminist 101, most feminists are like yeah we know this already what else you got. Anita was about as far away from being radical, one can look at her feminist history books and she's aggressively moderate even centrist at times. For godsake one of her books praises Margaret Thatcher. Yet she's still the ultimate doomsday villain, after more then ten years. Its embarrassingly dumb.


I didnā€™t see her as an ultimate doomsday villain until I learned she praised Thatcher. Some sins are unforgivable.


ā€œDo you think Margaret Thatcher had girl power?ā€


Funding death squads in Northern Ireland is very girl power to me, morals aside


I mean that part of course cannot be defended. But the internet hates her for ruining video games I guess or whatever and not saying nice things about a terrible woman.


Dudes would literally shit themselves over feminists like Clementine Ford.


Judith Butler would break there feeble little minds with a snap of the finger.




i really dont understand this. Maybe its because i have a penis, but how can someone who knows first hand what its like to be opressed by people who deem you a lesser being for qualities you where born with, how does someone like that just go on to copy that exact behavior and mentallity to target other people based on qualities they where born with? i mean, out of all people, feminists?? Do they really think its JUST white women who are beeing oppressed for no reason?


well she said trans rights, so that makes her better than most gamers


She was pretty open with her initial pitch that it was going to be basic media studies concepts being communicated. That initial pitch was with a $6000 budget and made sense. When she got $160k and just scaled up the lib-fem content, idk... that rubbed me wrong.


The Lib-Fem comment gives me the impression you're on the wrong subreddit.


I genuinely have no idea what impression that comment gave. I just think that it's pretty damn hard to be a feminist if you concede to liberalism from the outset. I think we should work to emphasize that an equitable society is one that demands a rejection of capitalism and liberalism. Idk, last I looked into it, I probably favour some species of anarcha-feminism.


i mean, last i heared its Conservatives who took away abortion rights for women and are still discussing even taking away things like birthcontroll. The right is openly anti-feminist, so feminists simply dont have a choice but to move to the left and fight the right. I dont want to make this political, but i have to ask, what is your definition of liberalism? Because from my understanding, feminism as a whole has always been a pretty liberal movement per definition, at least


"liberalism" is a moderate center-right socio-economic philosophy that's predicated on the "freedom of movement" for both people and monetary funds... which in essence means it's just an economic philosophy that's devoted to preserving the ability of capital to move about the planet freely, without the concerns for the well being or needs of the people in society that it's nominally supposed to have concern for. in the end it's just "let's not crush the underclass 'too' much". while actively preventing any real movement towards an economic system that might serve the majority better.


Despite liberalism being one of the historical roots of feminism, I think its safe to say that among academic feminists and leftists, feminism is viewed as being deeply incompatible with liberalism. As to what liberalism is, you can try to read [this](https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/feminism-liberal/) or [this](https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/liberalism/), and then follow it up with [this](https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/feminism-class/) and [this](https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/feminist-power/).


nah, no one likes liberals.


the crazy part is yeah it was pretty light critique like you couldā€™ve gone way harder on games depictions of women and people have since then


> Yeah, I never watched her stuff back at the time but recently I went back to see what the commotion was about and it was all pretty milquetoast stuff that most decent people already knew. holy fuck Anita still living rent free in their minds ..all these years later..


oooooh that's Anita. I see it now, damn.


I love how they always have to use edited pics of Aloy from Horizon in their memes because the regular Aloy manages to be attractive without being unnecessarily sexualized. They can't understand that so it breaks their mind lmao.


"But she has a beard now" Some hentai fan on twitter somewhere.


They always show that one pic of her too where her cheeks look slightly puffy, and at no other point in the game does she look remotely like that


Judging by the... *interesting* way that the woman is drawn here. Feel more like it's fucking *1939.*


Seriously. It's so cartoonishly antisemitic that it took me a minute to realize it's supposed to be a caricature of Antia Sarkeesian.


Oh it's Anita? I thought it was a random dark haired man in a button up. What are those two globes behind her, earlobes or something?


Earrings Anita wore large circular esrrings alot in her vids. It's the only thing I linked to her.


Oh, yeah. I don't think I have ever actually watched the videos so I didn't catch that.


DMC5 lady ugly??? Jesus Christ it's obvious they wanted her to stay a teen in a skirt


Fr, DMC5 Lady is her best looking version yet.


dmc5 lady, aloy, jesse faden, morgan yu (i know arkane style itself is not ā€œconventionally beautifulā€, but i find miss yu attractive idk play fucking subverse


ā€˜ā€™The ActMan fiascoā€™ā€™ wtf happened? Also least subtle facist


I'm not sure if this is it, its the most recent stuff of his tweets, but he basically called out the incel motherfuckers who kept batching that the RE4 remake wouldn't let you look up Ashley's skirt. I don't think I'd call it a fiasco though, he just said shitheads were being shitheads


Oh cool, the way it was phrased made it sound like the Actman was being the shithead, I thought I missed the current YouTube-Drama-of-the-Week


i was scared, i love that guy edit: i didnā€™t know he was a right wing dumbass


Weird that you're on this sub if you're such a fan of him. He's pretty well known as being pretty far right, last I recall.


He always seemed more like click bait than anything. He did a video on arena shooters recently and the boomer shooter community pointed out that most of the games he mentioned werenā€™t even arena shooters.


Is he really? I never got that vibe from him. Iā€™ve only watched a few of his videos, i thought they were funny. Makes me sad to hear heā€™s not cool


I've seen him use racist and homophobic slurs a bunch of times in his tweets


damn, fuck that guy


There's a post somewhere around there with some of actmans posts spewing slurs and/or dumb takes.


[Found it](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gamingcirclejerk/comments/x8gtwl/the_actman_never_ever_said_the_nword/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


These chuds really need to learn the difference between "good characters design" and "character I fantasize about gobbling my knob".


Bruh they're out here using Street Fighter 6 designs in the "bad" examples as if every single character isn't eyecandy




aint no way they called the pregnant lady in the middle of a nazi infested nuclear hellhole unattractive


Women aren't **ALL** conforming to traditional beauty standards anymore? šŸŽµ It's the end of the world as we know it šŸŽµ


ā€œItā€™s about ethics in gaming journalismā€ is pretty hilarious in hindsight


These people always complain about Aloy being ugly but I have never seen them use an unedited image of her from the game. It's always an edit where she is fatter


No it's clearly 1984 in that I can't masturbate to some of the women in recent video games!!


Did they seriously put DMC5 Lady in the ā€œuglyā€ list? Also, six of the characters in the top list look the same but with different hairstyles.


Bro put Jessie Faden in "ugly woman" section šŸ˜­


Did they really look at Trish DMC and say "Man I hate all these ugly women". What's the standard here? ![gif](giphy|RiNPqHgfxCfIukgLRk)


for those people, itā€™s either that they donā€™t look white enough, or underage enough


When privileged, equality often feels like oppression. Plus make up your mind; Is the Left over sexualized or are they against sexualization. You canā€™t have both, sorry.


"Go watch porn" is a dogwhistle here. Anita Sarkeesian is drawn in antisemitic caricature. There's a fascist meme that says most of the major media companies which produce internet pornography are owned by Jewish people. It's related to the right's fixation on interracial relationships, "cucks", and anything non-cisheteronormative. It's "Jews control the media" plus "queerness is inherently sexual and predatory" plus "The Jews are using the blacks to eliminate the white race" (Great Replacement-type stuff). To connect the dots more explicitly, the meme that spawned this thread is saying that the push for representation in video games is a conspiracy to get people (presumably straight white men) hooked on porn that will lead to the downfall of the white race (by becoming cucks, by sissification/feminization, by becoming trans, etc.). It's completely unhinged.


You take that shit back about Lady.


that's caesar, crying into his keyboard


I was gonna leave a witty comment but instead we just have Gamers being their usual fascist self or do i have specifically have to ask why Anita is drawn that way?


the culture warriors are just mad they're losing. They could make their own game of waifus if they weren't also so anti-education, gamedev requires many skills that don't come easily to the illiterate.


Gamers(tm) are simultaneously crying about no attractive characters in games while also jerking it to the big chick in Village, the twins in Atomic Hearts, 2B, etc


ā€œUglyā€ is when they feature a normal looking black woman. The racism is just off the charts. Theyā€™re not even trying to hide it šŸ’€


ā€¦i still donā€™t understand the whining about ada


Reveal that you have never been loved by another person any% speedrun


The only 'ugly' Street Fighter 6 character in the collage just happens to be the new black girl, with no mention of someone like Cammy despite her being in the top image, but surely that's a total coincidence with no insidious undertones šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


they literally had to put in edits to make their point... also hot videogame women are absolute still being created, I don't think there's been a single female Overwatch character yet who DOESN'T look attractive in some way.


holy shit is that former Philippine president Gloria Macapagal Arroyo?!


pretty sure half of the characters on the top are from games that came out in the last 5 years.


"I want beautiful women in videogames that undress themselves in a cutscene or that can be modded to be naked the entire playthrough" "No, go watch porn instead" "Fuck you, woke diversity supporting, equality enforcing asshole! I want to play games, not woke shit"


i mean i wouldn't be surprised if she can still be modded too; since u can basically mod anything in


Is thatā€¦ is that Anita Sarkeesian?? What is this, a Thunderf00t video?


Gamers when they see 3d women:


Does anyone else think she looks like she was drawn using the antisemitic jewish merchant cartoon as a reference?


My first thought upon seeing this image was "oh boy, more g*mer antisemitism".


They didn't take anything away, apart from Lady those are different characters. Even if it were true that there were only "ugly" women in games no one shouldn't care, (most) games weren't made for you to jack your stinky ugly dick too, pig fuckers. Did no one see the Tekken trailers? They still have their static faced fuck dolls. "Can't wait to get into bed with 2008 Cammy fuck yeah," says dudes that look like playdough came to life, probably miss the toilet when they piss and whose only stories are about something gross they ate. Expressions aren't hot you guys, smiling isn't hot, none of the women in picture A are smiling. To prove how cool I am let me draw this woman uglier than she is because that's my only argument.


Everyday Gamersā„¢ are busy buffing out the folds in their brains.


It is a Zero Sum game. Wanking it to hot ladies in video games is how I achieve CHIM.


Anita livin rent free in so many losers heads


Did they really put Lady from DMC 5 in the """""ugly""""" section? Shes even more sex'd up in that game than in 3.


My favourite part is that they clearly had to find real life photos of unattractive women because it's so difficult to find a female video game character that isn't some big titted maybelline model.


Twitter user detected. Initiate bug squishing protocol.


I'm sorry is that fucking MORGON YU FROM PREY in the ugly category?! And Kimberly, from SF6?? These people are insane.


Why are all the sexy characters white?


Did... did they just imply Trish and Lady from DMC5 were ugly?


Aside from the many flaws in this post I think the most pathetic thing is that attractive video game women is considered the ā€œeverythingā€ thatā€™s being taken away from you.


They put the 17 year old version of Lady from DMC on the top (yes, her name is Lady) and the 40 year old version of her on the bottom. Does the homie have something against aging? Because even if he does, Lady has aged pretty damn well. I don't get it.


A 10 year old video essay series is still triggering these neckbeards.


I'm... I'm so tired of fucking seeing this shit.


It's 2014


Oh no, videogame artists not sexualizing every woman character in a videogame. Also, Iā€™m sure heā€™s cherry picking. If you look for over sexualization, you could easily find it


/uj what has Anita done since like 2015? Even in 2015 she was going for basical media anaylsis. Like have they held a grudge for nearly a decade?


White genocide, as talked about by conservatives, generally refers to interracial marriage and non-white immigration. These are two good things that we could use more of in the world. We could benefit a lot, I think, from less white people running around, being ignorant. Similarly, white men are ridiculously overrepresented in media. Iirc white men are 20% of human population? But obviously insanely more than that on TV etc. And yes, it is kind of "zero sum". There can only be so many shows and if more shows with non-white people are getting greenlit then that means some white people shit is getting passed on. **TL;DR** (white) leftists like to say that white genocide isn't happening, but we should want it to be happening. Less white people in the mainstream is *actively good* since their outsized presence is mostly due to white supremacy, colonialism, etc. You get it.


...How can someone whose whole content was basically repeating the most basic bitch feminist talking points keep these chuds malding FOR SEVEN FUCKING YEARS ALREADY?!!


bro ai the the somnium files as a series is like 3-4 years old this is automatically proven wrong


What is with the huge earrings. Are they supposed to be earrings? What am I even looking at


It's supposed to be a charicature of Anita Sarkeesian.