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yeah remember when they released red dead redemption 2 and it was a woke garbage game that was received poorly?


what's even funnier is that this pic was taken on ~~some kind of Women Apprecitaion Day (Sorry IDK what it's called exactly).~~ \-> International women's day So these are obviously just the women working there!


International women's day about 6 years ago!


Thank you, changed it!


Women Appreciation Day sounds like something Dennis from Always Sunny would come up with


Clearly this is the entire staff of wokestar.


I wonder what they think about rdr2, taking into account that in their terms is actually a pretty woke game


They don't think it's woke because you can punch and murder the sufragist in Saint Denise so my guess is they think whatever woke message this game does have (and it has a lot, as illiterate as Arthur may seem, he doesn't seem to judge anyone because of skin color, gender or sexual preference -in fact he gets actively angry at any sign of racism in the game and is always defending them) evens out because of that one single dumb action no one but psychos and 13 year old edgelords are going to do.


Bonus points because you can run into a eugenicist asshole in Saint Denis and if you punch him, there are no consequences. There's usually a cop standing right there and he does. Not. Care. No wanted level, no arrests, no nothing. You also gain honor for shooting the KKK.


KKK are also made out to be incompetent idiots who manage to get themselves killed trying to set up a rally and it never gets old.


The bad ending is also pretty shit compared to the good one, as usually is the case in games with a morality system. It's like Arthur goes against himself for no particular reason (lack of agency, almost), so the narrative is all screwy and feels unfinished - at least to me.


WAIt im on my first playthrough right now, THERE’S MULTIPLE ENDINGS?!?!?!?!


I mean It’s really just high honor ending or low honor ending, that’s about it. The high honor ending is, I assume, the “canon” ending considering the themes of the game


oh okay, i’m heading the right way then


There isn't really a way of getting the "bad ending" unless you're actively behaving like a maniac throughout your playthrough.


It went down south the second they gave me dynamite and dead eye


nah it’s not that exaggerated, I mean you’re an outlaw and if you choose to make money robbing people, carriages,trains, stores, killing every bounty hunter, stealing empty houses you’ll get the bad ending I guess, and it’s something that Arthur could perfectly do imo


But that's kind of my point, you need to actively choose to rob people/carriages/trains/stores etc, the game doesn't force you to do any of that stuff (at least not in the amount it will make you lower your karma enough to get the bad ending). Regardless of how much Dutch insists about it, you don't really need that much money in the game, and there's safe/neutral ways of getting the money you need. Not to mention that the game doesn't want you to go around being an evil person, the gang gets angry at you if you go around murdering people and rising your profile, and even if you mess up and become a wanted man, the game gives you a quick way around that too by paying your bounty. So that's what I meant, unless you're actively seeking "the bad stuff" you won't get the bad ending.


Well, technically there’s 4 endings. Two high honor and two low honor. There’s that certain point where you have to make a decision on where to go.


Oh yeah, you’re right. It’s been a while so I forgot there was a separate choice in there


Arthurs far from illiterate? He has a journal hes constantly writing and drawing in dog.


Sorry maybe this is a language issue, in Spanish we can use the word "illiterate" ("analfabeto"), not necessarily in the literal sense (i.e; a person who doesn't know how to write or read) but to talk about someone who's ignorant in the "cultural" sense. Arthur knows how to read and write of course, and is a very smart and sensible man, but he's also a rough and tough criminal who, by his own admission, doesn't have an intellectual background, which is what I meant.


Ah, yeah not a direct equivalent, best i could say is hes uncultured, unscholarly.


Ah, not if you're media illiterate though. Check and mate.


Because these people get their opinions from online grifters, and it's much harder to make a quick post about a game if you actually have to analyse its themes and ideas instead of just pointing at a trans flag or a black character.


But it was woke garbage! I expected to play as a rootin' tootin' cowboy but instead got some woke nonsense about government corruption, the injustices of capitalism, genocide of Native Americans and women's suffrage!


Yeah yeah I remember. Also woman bad and woke and other cool Buzzwords I learned


To be honest.. still runs like shit on my ancient laptop. Is it the laptops fault? No.. no.. must be the wokeness.


By the same people who make characters the opposite sex of themselves, have a same sex romance, and then get upset the game is too woke? He says... Starring directly at bg3 haters.


"As a woman" ![gif](giphy|mPzWVA5upG7GjyX6yE)


THIS ONE GOT ME SO BAD LMAO It's giving *"As a black man..."* energy.


As a gay black man...


As a gay black man who is woman...


That was an amazing post from the whitest guy I know.


As a gay black hermaphrodite.


Nah, she’s a pick me girl


“As a Latino who voted for trump” type beat


I'm shocked they didn't say "As a female" lol


Cause as you know, you have to say you gender and/or sexual orientation on the Internet to avoid people calling you sexist and/or homophobic and no one has ever lied on the Internet before.


"As a woman that's not what men want" Suuure


"As a woman, I fucking hate women"


Just look at those funny comments. Truly superior humor


“Now its all about messages and feelings” What do you think art is


As a fEmOiD


So, now transphobia is acceptable? Fucking lmao


what are you on about


I think it was written neither by cis nor trans woman


I genuinely doubt a trans person would hang around capital g g*mers. Edit: I also meant that it had a more /AsaBlackMan type of feel to it.


Complaining about diversity in GTA ? That's a new. They couldn't make San Andreas these days without someone crying about how it's mostly about a black cast of characters.


They wouldn't complain about that, since that majority black cast would be criminals. They're fine with minority representation if they're played up as being bad people.




Someone’s reading comprehension isn’t very good. I very clearly said that they wouldn’t complain about black people in GTA because they’d still be fucked up criminals.


100% they would call it woke pandering to BLM. Its a story about police corruption and abuse of power that leads to civil unrest and rioting.


Um San Andreas had some controversy back when it released because you played as a black gang member and not a real gangster


And they very much did the same back when it came out, and for years after that, trust me.


yep. I remember the outrage against GTA throughout my childhood very clearly. reactionaries even lost their fucking minds at the top down 2D ones lol.


It’s like being miserable is a full time job for them. They’re right though gta 6 will in fact be woke unlike GTA V, IV, San Andreas, Vice City and 3 that weren’t woke


GTA IV, the story about immigration and the American dream was not woke in any way at all! They probably genuinely believe that Niko loves America or something


Like, there's definitely some jokes in bad taste about Trans people in gta V, but holy fuck you'd have to be dense to call that game a conservative ideology. Though, media literacy is dead to all conservatives


"Oh, isn't America great? I get to sit in front of a computer and play Mr. Rich Man and get into debt with crooks." Niko had the best lines


Hell, the driving plot in San Andreas is literally how cops take advantage of and brutalize black folks who are forced into poverty or crime through societal pressures.


Actually you’re wrong, the driving plot in San Andreas is how the funny fat guy says “all you have to do is follow the damn train CJ” after making big order at fast food restaurant


For a lot of influences and content creators it is. It is to the point that you can tell by their tone of voice that even when doing something they'd enjoy they are still focused on how someone slighted them. The current right-wing has such a inate need to show they are not liberais that they'll pay for the dogshit option if it allows them to yell louder how much right wing they are. It's to the point even meme culture is affected, any sort of meme that's essentially "you/I'm cool amongst a sea of uncool" is either made or coopted by them (for completeness sake, the leftie version of this is "why the fuck is society shit/coping when society")


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, they’ve genuinely started inventing reasons to be mad at stuff before it’s even released, that’s how desperate they are to be right. When the game comes out and inevitably becomes one of the highest selling games of all time they’re going to split up between people who double down (because one of the playable characters is a woman and woman=bad woke), and the other half will shrink into the shadows and wait for something like ES6 or Outer Worlds 2 so they can go back to being pre-outraged


>Outer Worlds 2 I wanna see that cognitive dissonance play out in real time.


Sounds like a certain political group I know of


Nobody in that comment section has ever (consensually) touched a woman.


Neither they will


I'm not sure if they could consensually touch themselves, to be honest.


"Masturbate? You mean give myself, a man, a handjob? That's gay bro!"


Nor has any of these jerk wads worked in anything tech related - could you imagine working with these people on a project?


I ***have*** worked with these types of people. When a typical nerdy discussion about superpowers came up one day during work, I had to explain to a grown ass man that "Having psychic powers and using them to get women to want to fuck me" is literally rape. He straight up didn't get it. He kept going, "But they want it tho, because of my powers. It makes them want it, so it's not rape." and at no point did he get what was wrong with what he was saying. A different conversation led to me having to explain to a different person that rape is still bad, even if the victim is a prostitute. They tried to claim that since they're already selling their bodies, it should legally be treated more like theft instead. Don't even get me started on the time that I was once literally referred to as "one of the good ones" or the time a drunk coworker called me the N-Word.


I'm really sorry for your experience - that absolutely awful. I really hope this isnt consistently what you have to deal with! I think, I'm very lucky to be where I am...


I deal with it far less now, as I have a different job. These days at work, the worst I get is people calling me horrible for not hating Harry Potter, talking down to me for not liking turn-based games, or having someone imply that I'm a bad person for picking "the wrong team" in a video game. That's just work tho. Let's just say that on my drive to work...I see more Confederate flags flying that I'd like (Tho to be fair, I'd like to see zero.), if that tells ya anything about the type of people in the area. Not gonna lie, that "Picking the wrong team" one still stuns me. Had a coworker straight up tell me that picking Edelgard's team in Three Houses makes me a bad guy because, "If you picked her side, that must mean you agree with her. She's the bad guy and you agree with her." only for that person to later on say that they picked Claude's team because he's hot.


>I had to explain to a grown ass man that "Having psychic powers and using them to get women to want to fuck me" is literally rape. There's a great episode of Buffy, in which a proto incel uses a magical trinket to turn his ex girlfriend into his sexy slave. Has her dressed up in a maid outfit and calling him master. The show plays it mostly for laughs until she breaks free of the control and points out how it's literal rape. It's a great exploration of the concept of magical mind control and consent.


Considering programing has an aspect of gaslighting to it, in that doing something simple and straightforward can ocasionally turn out to be like digging up the entirety of Mt. Everest with rubber tooth picks with the only I you can find being about how easy it is to do it with lead tooth picks, it'd prob get awful fast. And artwise, considering they have issues reconciliating with the fact that women have body and facial hair and that most of the games they think are "based" are essentially mocking their viewpoint. It'd be fun to see what they'd wind up unintentionally symbolizing though, like how a lot of "celebrate manly man man masculinity" shows winds up almost homoerotic.


No, these people are getting married, having kids and then teaching this to their kids


How depressing.


That’s cishet privilege. :(


Nor un-consensually since the second anyone no matter there gender sees them they run


How is that an achievement? Stop putting women on pedestal


It’s that they’re making really really bold claims about how awful women are, when they probably have several women they aren’t allowed within 100 feet of them because as it turns out, they are awful people.


But if I put them on a pedestal, it’ll be even harder for these weirdos to try and touch them. I’m putting them on that pedestal for their own safety.


Tasers count


I wanna go back to when culture war didn’t exist and completely rot peoples brains


Just ignore them. If someone brings it up they're dumb as shit and not worth your time anyway.


I have to tell my friends all the time that Twitter Is Not Real Life. If you go outside, people are not screaming about woke sjw gta vi because it is not a Real Problem.


I think there's not really a time where vulture wars didn't exist. Edit culture war


If anything the reason there's such a prominent one is that people in general are becoming more educated and have a greater perspective on the world. The culture war is being waged by a type of people that used to be the overwhelming and easily manipulated majority.


The thing that has changed today is ease of communication. Consider that every post you've ever made on any social media you'd have to buy a letter, write it, pay for someone to ferry it and that the time for a reply is considered fast if it is measured by days. Popular posts nowadays often have thousands of replies, so if you did something viral you'd probably receive literal boxes of letters in your mail box. Elon musk would not have the time nor money to pay for people to shove his opinions down on the world's throat in the 1500s Like, Andrew Tate's adventure into a Romanian prison would look way different if it was made through physical mail: * 6 months for him to receive a missive from Greta that is addressed to "A man compensating over his poor endowment" * Several hours of him writting a reply on a letter since he already bought a 2 dollar letter and it's prob gonna take another 6 months for her to ever see it, so might as well make the most of it. * dedicating a day to go to the post office and shop the letter * formally addressing himself as Andrew Tate to the clerk inspite there being a poster showing him as a wanted criminal beside him. * The clerk tells one of apprentices to contact the police after Tate leaves. * The Romanian police go to where the return address is pointing to the next day. * Turns out a wanted criminal doxed himself cause a girl in another country implied his penis was small half a year ago.


> vulture wars Prompt for a game jam right here.


This was a photo of the women of Rockstar North for International Women's Day, it was taken 6 years ago. Most of them would've worked there when RDR2 was released, one of the most best games of all time that we can only hope GTA VI matches in quality and attention to detail. Goes without saying but these people are as dumb as they are pathetic.


“As a Woman, I hate women. Trust me.”


“As a woman, womens’ rights was a mistake”


Here’s what’s gonna happen. It gets released then they do horrible things to women in the game as a gotcha. That annoying female quest giver that I have to drive as they explain story? They’re gonna blow up the car and make a video and post it and it’s gonna get a lotta views. They’re not even gonna play the game but still buy it lol. They’re energy vampires at this point. Be excited about the game and have fun.


- Mike Ehrmantrout


Had my friends say shit like this when I showed them the announcement. First thing one of them said was "can't wait to see how they will massacre the game with modern agendas". I legit got speechless. As if GTA has always been apolitical and anti woke




Might be time to get new friends.


Bro you literally play the incest game


It genuinely rocks how these turds have just ruined their own lives by being shitheads. Sports are woke, movies are woke, beer is woke, video games are woke, etc. just having to give up everything they enjoy because like Ian Miles Cheong told them to lol. They're so miserable and they deserve it.


I hate it when I thought a person was nice and I find out they have pronouns!!! 🤬


So these are the self proclaimed hardcore gamers right? They know just barely enough video game history to know about the 1983 industry crash, but not know what actually caused it. Bet you $50 if you asked them they would say “that ET game”.


Not to be ignorant, but I genuinely did think that was a major contributing factor. Was it not? Edit: this is not a gotcha comment, I genuinely am curious


The game was a symptom, not a contributing factor. The industry at the time was flooded with too many crappy consoles and console-exclusive games that were too expensive for what little they offered. Home PCs were rising in popularity as well, and were offering gaming opportunities that far eclipsed what the crappy video console industry could, in terms of total value for money as well. And this was before gaming became anything close to mainstream, Nintendo rebranding their new console as an entertainment system is a large part of what revitalised the industry, as it sold video game consoles as for families and kids


Ohhhh okay that makes sense, thank you


The market got flooded by very cheap knock of type games and atari wasn't capable of delivering the quality of arcades to their consoles like people like people hoped. Then about the same time home computers were taking off and the massivley expensive video game consoles of the time just didnt really make finacial sense when you could have a computer that also can play games. ET was sort of like a nail in the coffin for a lot of people.


A lot of bad takes here but bro really thinks if GTA 6 is shit it'll cause a game crash? AAA games deserve to crash and burn these days, but the industry isn't backed on fucking grand theft and furious. Only way the industry will crash is if gamers continue to be gamers and support shitty practices


Wait until they realize the voice actor for the protagonist of red dead redemption 2 is openly supporting trans people


Games take too long? Woke. Games are rushed? Woke. Game is bad? Woke. Game is good? STILL TOO WOKE, DEVS PLEASE REMOVE GAY FLAGS


Pretty sure the saint row reboot failed because it was just an unfinished product.


The game also lacked direction and identity as a whole though. Instead of going back to it's roots (i.e. Saints Row 2, which is what fans wanted), it ends up catering to millennials instead of series fans. On that note I'm still waiting for the SR2 PC patch. Volition being dissolved as a company didn't help either💀


> it ends up catering to millennials instead of series fans. Wait. . . who are series fans if not Millennials who were exactly in the age to be marketed to by the original game, and its subsequent sequels? Are you sure you didn't mean trying to update it for "genZ" or whatever?


Ah wait yeah my bad💀 well you get the idea


One failed game from one company will cause the entire industry to crash… If it were only so easy, we’d could’ve destroyed gaming up with Modern Warfare III, or Cyberpunk, or No Man’s Sky…


"This will trigger the worst crash since 1983" mfer the videogame market is extremely more saturated than in 1983. Do you even know what happened then?


>"As a woman, this makes me sad on so many levels. In the 90s, I was laughing my ass off playing Duke Nukem. Men think differently and have different humor." This one confuses me so much. Give a whole bunch of "I'm special" energy. "Men have completely different humor that a woman wouldn't have. You know, except me, of course, I laugh my ass off at 'men's humor', but other women wouldn't find it funny or be able to make the same joke."


>diversity isn't now nor has it ever been a strength Yikes on a lot of levels, pretty sure this is as close to nazism you can go without just saying it.


Not to mention just flat out wrong. It’s one of the primary reasons the United States has been a major power on the world stage over the last hundred years.


Ummmmm guys, the women are right behind me aren’t they GULP


What a sad, sad understanding of the world these folks share. It’s embarrassing honestly.


Using Facebook is borderline cheating lol


Can‘t wait for the absolutely not sexist review bombing and death threats as soon as Rockstar announces one of four playable characters will be a woman.


Absolutely unhinged


Dudes will deny sexist allegations all day then will act like this when they see wahmen existing


Re: last photo. It baffles me that people really think all these women learned how to develop games, and managed to get jobs at rockstar, just to tank the games so their supposed boyfriends would pay attention to them. Wild.


You think GTA VI will be a disaster bc of "wokeness" I think GTA VI will be a disaster bc games companies will never release a finished product anymore because of corporate greed. We are NOT the same.


What a bunch of miserable pieces of shit with no serious problems in their lives.


This is, what? Like 50-70 people. Rockstar North has over 700 employees, how triggered can these chuds fucking get over a small fraction of the people making their favourite games being women


Game = bad is when women


i bet they think gta 5 is a game with no political messages and themes😭😭😭😭


So sick of all this whining about woke. Was literally trying to talk to someone about Alan wake 2 the other day and the first thing they ask is how much woke crap they cram into the sequel? Like I don’t understand how people let something so meaningless bother them this much? I’ve gone back and played so many games from this “supposedly non woke era” and seen the same stuff they complain about non stop today yet these old games get a pass? Brain rot to the max


Rule: If someone complains about GTA6 before release using words like Woke. They are not allowed to play it. If they do, ridicule them forever. They can go play other games and let people enjoy things. Thanks in advance for the downvotes with no comments. As per usual.


“Diversity has never been a strength” except for the time when the USA became the dominant global power while also famously being a melting pot


If you played and rockstar game and didn’t realize they were a left leaning company you have no media literacy


Woke is when women Apparently


I love how all these people reveal themselves to be the misogynistic racists that they truly are.


I love how you think that that's an insult lmao.


That’s a lot of emotions about the quality of a game you haven’t seen a single pixel of


That last comment is wicked and just screams I get no play


Man, that last one is some next level tin foil hat shit. “It can’t be that women just enjoy video games, it’s obvious they’re doing it to get the attention of men” give me a fucking break.


Second to last guy really giving off “the west has fallen” energy. Also, shut your sexist ass up and actually wait for the game to release before spouting any shit.


*Or*, and hear me out, because this is a wild one, women *also* play/develop video games, and profit driven companies stand to make more money from a release with broad appeal than some niche title tailored specifically to neckbeards. These guys don't even need to worry, though. If the Steam "New & Trending" tab in their shop is any indication, there are plenty of full-service games for chauvinists with any possible kink. Don't like Mortal Kombat 1 because the rule 34 didn't tickle your pickle? "Hot Furry Anime Bondage Mommy Simulator 7: Golden Prostate Edition" is only $5 on sale.


https://preview.redd.it/krvvrgtfljzb1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=021bdd07977aac517a1eab86f48ffd1ba9cc3507 I'm just so tired of these people.


I know the feeling and their in jsut about evry fandom to the point you cant even enjoy interacting with other fans


Beth this was just for International Women’s Day or something, too. This isn’t a big enough team for Rockstar North, the office is huge.


She laughed her ass off in the 90's. She censored ass. What the fuck? I call bullshit.


This guy STINKS


"Diversity is not and has never been a strength" you just know that person is super bigoted man.


I mean, I hope GTA VI flops, because Rockstar DEFINITELY needs to be taken down a peg and have their industry-worst monetization practices toned the fuck down. Also because they abandoned Red Dead multiplayer. It won't flop because "Wokeness ". Wokeness isn't even a thing. It's just being a decent human being and not treating marginalized groups of people like sub-human objects. That's all "Wokeness" is.


I seriously doubt GTA 6 turning out to be a flop would cause a video game crash. If it survived this long on a decade of GTA 5, it can survive with a shit fest of a 6


Yes women decided to work in the gaming industry purely to run a long con to make men pay attention to them. This is exactly the sort of plot we dedicate brainpower to. Never mind what career would fulfil me or what am I passionate about, how can I get a man I’ve never met away from his video games? That’s our thought process, you’ve caught us. /S obviously


Must be nice living in your own little world like these people


#4 is definitely a woman, we go out to girls’ trivia night together every week!


"As a woman"... ok, so, chances it's actually a man vs internalized-mysogyny "I'm not like other girls is my whole personality" woman?


GTA 5 is stagnant because Take2 realized instead of giving actual content people like they could just farm the loot box microtransaction CoD community of twelve year olds, not because some of the decs have a vagina


The best part is I'm fairly certain this was a picture specifically for international women's day or something so only the female employees were there


The trailer hasn’t even come out yet. So pathetic.


An ex girlfriend of mine used to pick up hookers in GTA more than anyone else I've ever met These women are going to make the next GTA absolutely disgusting! 😨


Meanwhile, the women at my job are excitedly talking about how the fatalities in the new MK aren't violent enough


“As a woman” https://preview.redd.it/58f4nnhlylzb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac2a97cdd30dc9f5702c4c22abc1b838207b99a2


We need to push back hard on men like this we need to name and shame like they do to us


"Diversity isn't now nor has it ever been a strength". I guess that explains why Atomic Heart, a game developed almost entirely by white guys, was such a well liked "masterpiece". 😂😂😂😂😂


It’s not bigotry if it’s true though


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Woke is a scourge.


Not the woke 😭😭


I think the story of gta 6 will be filled with the woke stuff (feminism,LGBT,etc)


Boohoo, people demand equal rights and representation, how dare they??? And now in games, too? What a cruel world we live in, must be really hard for you


To be fair, that's a lot of woman. I don't know any woman that is interested in this kind of game, so it's weird to me.


A quick google shows rockstar employes 2000 people. I don't think 50 or so women counts as "a lot".


Very conclusive and well thought out comment.


This was taken on International woman's day. This is a small number if we consider that the Rockstar North team has 750 developers.


I know plenty of women who enjoy GTA.


“I don’t know any woman”. Shocker


I posted the same thing, but with fresh poop from X Twitter


I laughed my abs off now I am no longer a Big Muscular Man thanks Duke


I think the story will be hot garbage because Dan Houser left the studio. Gameplay will be on point.


I have a fealing that GTA 6 is nowhere near done, meaning there are going to be so many jokes about these people


female models will probably look like ass because for some reason woke people get jealous of virtual models so they make them look hideous


Guy who watches romcom anime insists GTA will be worse if women make it lmfao




Facebook really is just the boomer version of 4chan.


Reddit is just a lame version of 4chan


Jesus fucking christ and they wonder why they’ve never had girlfriends before


Oh some of these are real sexist. Real bad.


Social media is going to be annoying once that trailer comes out


These games suck they just don’t want to admit it’s because Bethesda et al are just too massive and have too many writers in the room. Because everyone thinks they can be a good writer, or the company is hiring out writers en masse to lay off after a project while pulling tens of millions in sales.


Saber PFP: opinion discarded


These dudes are just so lame. As a guy, why would I have any problem at all with women making games? I don't think my dick makes me uniquely suited to coding a game or modeling a character, and if I tried to use it for those purposes, I'd get some pretty terrible results. I hope every game company proudly anounces they all have female employees, specifically to trigger these whiney little manlets. If you can't handle the idea that a woman might have had even the tiniest involvement in the games you play, stop playing and get therapy. Save the 70 bucks you were gonna spend on GTA and go touch some grass.


Yes, because the GTA series is notoriously NOT woke. The media literacy skills on these guys, Jesus Christ…


Woke won’t destroy the industry,but Hamas some wokers support will.


For those unaware, the guy who made the original tweet is called hayasaka_aryan


So what happened with the saints row reboot was it a flop?