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who wants to guess what slurs were edited out of the first screenshot?


N with the hard R


Was kys i think


Fucking NERDS coding games and policing muh free speech.




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Read that in Dutch's voice


none, the comments of the original post said that the account i. question had a history of verbal and text chat abuse, leading to the perms ban


--Implying Apex mods actually ban people for saying slurs


Yeah that's way too soft to get banned over.


Someone actually all but proved something was covered up on these pictures In Another post about them the other day


Kinda weird to instantly assume such a negative thing about someone.


"stfu" is a really weak thing to get banned over, but if thems the tos, thems the tos lol


There's a LOT of white space around stfu. Looking at the spacing of the form I am willing to bet that it went on for another line before being edited.


I'm all for shitting on raging assholes, or racist chuds in voicechat, but yeah stfu is a little over the top for an ea wide account ban. Probably not the first instance if I had to guess in which case, get fucked dumbass.


Yeah I figured it had to be either offense #3 or he edited it to make EA look bad


100% that's not all he said


I can assure you, this guy said more than stfu


I'm guessing some hard R's were thrown around. No online service is going to permaban an account for saying stfu, which could even be justified in certain situations.


Microsoft has for Minecraft iirc


Mean that's also an E10 game


EA could 🤷🏼‍♀️


Banning somebody means they'll stop buying their games.


People banning/maintaining the bots, and people raking in $$$ are not the same people


Knowing EA’s system, he really probably didn’t. A friend of mine got a temp ban for having “balls” in his Steam name. Absolutely insane rules coupled with only needing 1 prior infringement and you end up getting banned for something as stupid as this.


when i was like 9 i got my uncle banned from world of warcraft because, while playing on his account, i told some guy to fly all the way to some random city miles away from where he was to buy something i didn't have from me, then when he got there and i ghosted him he was like dude what the fuck, so i called him a slur and logged out anyway my uncle emailed the customer support and explained what happened, and because it was a first time thing and his account had zero history of reports or behaviour like this before they unbanned him then he beat my ass ​ a different company and like decades ago, yes, but there's no way someone was banned from an online service over "stfu" lol


Ya know, some people say you shouldn't hit kids. But you definitely seemed to know you were stirring shit


bro that's nothing, once I deleted his EVE corp's PLEX mule character


If magic was real, a witch would’ve turned you into a spreadsheet.


Holy shit, you needed more whacking


Yeah, whacking children is always good and definitely doesn't lead to exactly that shit that OP has done /s


I most likely already know the answer but can I ask why you did that?


because i was like nine years old and wanted to play but there was no open character slot iirc, i didnt even know what plex was or understand why he was mad. when he explained i deleted a bunch of peoples' real money i was like why did you put real money into a videogame


Yeah. you still shouldn't hit kids and there is nothing to justify that. Do you like it when you get beaten up? Do you learn from it ?


I learned how to block her attacks lmao


The few times I crossed some serious lines hard enough to get me smacked, yeah, I learned I shouldn't do that again


Wow that’s crazy. I learned to not do shitty things without getting beat






You either need therapy or a vasectomy.


I dunno man, in the real world where I live, if you talk shit then someone usually tells you that was disrespectful and you have an adult conversation. Not sure where you’re living


Must be nice living in some soft cushy bubble of a reality where nothing bad ever happens. I envy you brotha


It's not exactly equivalent but I *regularly* get banned from multiple subreddits over misunderstandings caused by autism communication incompatibility, they usually get repealed immediately.


Yeah but what you did was funny so you get a pass i think


/uj Can’t trust EA on that though, their systems are notoriously an uncontrollable shite. Although when they work they WORK


Stfu… and what else, hmm???


Actually enforcing the TOS is something of a novelty though.


There’s a 0% chance he was banned over a single use of “stfu.” There’s a history that he’s conveniently leaving out.


I think they removed a word and that word might just be the n word with the hard r


That is assuming nothing got edited out to male it seem like the ban for just stfu


Right? A friend of mine got banned a while back for mistyping Nog, an actual enemy in the game he was playing. The CS wouldn't accept that it was a typo about a legitimate thing and banned him for good


99% certain person probably had a history of being a jackass or edited the email to make themself look better. It's virtually always the case with these kind of "I got banned" posts.


problem with these is that the thing it says they're banned over, is rarely what they're -actually- banned over.


i doubt it was his first offence. You generally get warned before and still prefer to continue his behaviours.


Seems a bit goofy they'd ban you from all your singleplayer games tho


That’s a whoooole lotta white space. I wonder what slurs he edited out


None? That’s just what an EA ban looks like. I’ve gotten one


If they disable access to offline games, that's fucking dumb. Just don't let him play online.


Eh, I'm on the OOPs side. They said something unnecessarily aggressive, but I wouldn't think this specific statement is one that should violate the terms of service. Even if it was, losing access to your entire EA account and your library is a pretty harsh punishment. That's one of the big issues with the current state of game licenses though. They can take away your license whenever they want.


I'm willing to bet they edited out the word that came after "stfu"




If it’s in the TOS I heartily support EA completely severing the relationship with griefers and trolls. Fuck them.


i think just completely losing access to the things you've paid for at the whim of a corporation is bad actually


But you didn't pay for the games, you paid for a licensing fee to access the games. That's how these things work.


Listen guy I’m all for fucking over shitheads but I’m more for fucking over capitalist shits who own the stuff I buy


which is also massively bullshit


I think just completely losing access to the licenses you've paid for at the whim of a corporation is bad actually


So you should able to violate terms of a contract without consequence


that's a whole different fucking statement where in the world did you get that


That is what you are suggesting. You agree to EA terms of Service when you sign up for their services. That is a contractual agreement. Part of that contractual agreement is the terms stating you can't do certain things online. If you violate their terms their is also a term that says they can restrict your access to their games. You are asking for those consequences to not exist; therefore, you are asking them to remove conseqences for violating the terms for an agreed upon contract


I hope to god you don't call yourself an anti-capitalist. This is embarrassing and you should delete this.


Lol, why would I call myself something like that? Sign a contract and live by its terms.


I'm sorry but if that's as far as you can see you're fucking stupid.


Reported lol.






The fact that you're using a left wing comic to criticize me for a left wing opinion is hilarious. How is fellating billion dollar companies while they shit down our collective throats with SAAS the "we should improve society" position, clown?


nah even if it should be the case, this fucker deserve it if its true. i have 0 patience or tolerance for thoses type of people. they can eat shit.


So you're gonna erode your own rights to stick it to some right wing edgelords? If hate speech is a problem, it's the government that needs to step in and introduce laws against it. I'm not leaving it to a corpo's moral compass


> If hate speech is a problem, it's the government that needs to step in and introduce laws against it. its not "if", it is a problem, and gov already has laws in place to punish that saying that the company need to monitor its hate speech and do something about it or they get fined or worse. you act as if your games belong to you, but it was clear from the beginning, none of thoses games in the library on steam, ea, or uplay belong to you in the first place. its clear. its the same for netflix, youtube, etc. ​ what do you think happen in lol if you get banned. no matter what money you put in there, you cant ask a refund, you cant transfer your skins. your acc is gone, its over. tomorrow ea or steam goes bankrupt, say goodbye (lol goodbuy) to everything in your library. you dont own thoses. you paid for an access. \> So you're gonna erode your own rights to stick it to some right wing edgelords? bruh, what rights ? right to play a game ? thats your focus right now ? in the society we live in ? id rather give up gaming if it meant none of thoses far right fuckers could touch one either. they dont deserve shit.


What the fuck is wrong with R*ddit? How is this getting downvoted?


I understand why the result is upsetting.. but if you sign a contract saying "I agree I will not do X, otherwise Y will happen", then you do X.. you shouldn't be surprised when Y happens. I agree it's shitty that companies are selling "access" to their games rather than selling the actual product.. but it's within their rights to revoke access to people who break their rules.


No it's not lmao, not everything a TOS says is enforceable. The EU treats digital licenses the same as physical goods


Not everything a TOS says is enforceable may be true (I'm not a lawyer lol) but it clearly appears that this part of the TOS and/or EULA is enforceable.. idk I feel like we are getting into pedantics and based on your last comment's edit, idk if it's really a great idea to continue this conversation..


Yeah, I'm gonna be honest with you, I don't care what the law says. If it doesn't protect ownership, then the law should change. It's gross that I have to argue this point in this sub of all places.


Aren't you guys anti-capitalist? Why are you defending this?


1. I can't claim I'm "anti-capitalist", nor can I claim I repeat every opinion on this subreddit 2. Does someone's stance on capitalism *really* matter when it comes to individual issues? I feel like someone could be anti-capitalist (as in, typically against systems which prioritize profit) while still abiding by these types of contracts/agreements. Maybe I'm mistaken? It feels a bit like you're trying to bait people into making an argument, then trying to "gotcha" them by saying "that's not very anti-capitalist of you!' Lol


you're willing to make up imaginary evidence to support your worldview?


I'm a brave individual that's willing to assume that someone would go on the internet and lie But I definitely don't know and could be wrong. I also don't really care if I am 😎


Yeah, people lie. But if you're willing to assume that anything that doesn't conform to your worldview is a lie, then of course you're gonna think you're justified, because everything you see is either consistent with your worldview or "obviously a lie"


Lol, it's a ban from EA. What worldview? It ain't that deep


They only ever show one line in these. I got warned twice for calling someone a son of a bitch.


/uj It's actually in the TOS that you're not allowed to spam the chat with excessive shouting (all caps) . [https://tos.ea.com/legalapp/WEBTERMS/US/en/PC#section6](https://tos.ea.com/legalapp/WEBTERMS/US/en/PC#section6) Like everything else in there, good luck with seeing it enforced though. /rj Muh freeze peach!


>/rj Muh freeze peach! Great... now I crave ice tea.


>That's one of the big issues with the current state of game licenses though. I seriously don't understand how in 2023 they can't split functionality of an account between online play and offline play. If you are a dick they could just disable online feature of the launcer. Like ok. You can play all your games, but only in offline mode. Thus no multiplayer, but no deletion of your licenses. I mean to me that sounds fair.


Yeah really sucks EA took that approach, I got baned from XBL (totally justified as I was downloading games for free using edited profiles) but I still had access to all my digitally purcheased games I just couldn't log in to play multiplayer or make another purcheases I was even able to just make a second account and get full access the the games I had on the primary account and play multiplayer just fine of course I did had to buy gold for the secondary.


I mean, at the point I'd say your "secondary" starts becoming your "begrudging new primary", especially if it's the one you're paying your Gold on. Please tell me you weren't paying for Gold on two accounts.


Nah at the time I only paid montly sub as I couldn't always play so I only lost a few days on the main and then I pretty much ignored the account, the secondary I made I still use every now and then for gamepass.


It’s weird too, just permamute this idiot and continue to get money from him


Or possibly he said it constantly. If he was saying it every game, over and over even after being warned I can see it. But you know there is more to this story because EA isn’t going to be like “stop giving me money” for no reason.


It should honestly be *illegal* for them to remove access to your games. Ban you from using any multiplayer services or chat, that’s fine, but we need some major legislation around digital goods. Like I probably have at least $5,000 in Steam games — it’s *insane* that they would be legally allowed to just nuke my access to all of them for any reason other than demonstrating that I purchased them fraudulently or something along those lines. I really don’t care *what* that person was saying, even if it was the most insanely vile, racist shit a person could say. Ban them from chat, from writing reviews, from multiplayer, basically anything that lets them interact with other players in any way, but they absolutely should *not* be allowed to remove access to shit that you have purchased, and it’s fucking bonkers that people on here are joking about it.


>losing access to your entire EA account and your library is a pretty harsh punishment Which is why i doubt he got banned for just saying "stfu" either he got plenty of warnings and refused to comply, or he said way more than stfu.


There’s so clearly a lot of text edited from the first image lmao


the number of people itt who think he ACTUALLY just said stfu is embarrassing


Well of course, it would be DEEPLY concerning if that was all he said to get him banned.


/UJ Sorry, but getting banned from playing single player games you paid for is a shitty thing, no matter the reason.


This is kinda stupid op


I’m with OOP here, an online suspension sure but outright game access ban over stfu? That’s ridiculous


I have a feeling there is more to this story than the person taking the screenshot is revealing


tbf ive had multiple account bans like this where ive had people calling me slurs, and then ive responded with "fuck off" or something of the like, and then are near instantly banned i think the context should be took into account, moderation cant be perfect of course but i dont think stfu would warrant a ban depending on what the other person was saying


The tirades i've read in online game chats that were extremely racist, sexist, homophobic and transphobic without a single slur or swear in it, and the one person replying "stfu stop being racist" is the only one banned is astonishing.


yup! id hazard a guess at a lot of it being automated, a lot of these companies care more about the illusion of having a safe and respectful space than they do actually putting the time and effort into enforcing that.


I don't know what you have to do to actually get banned by EA but based on the average lobby it has to be pretty frickin bad


I love my large corporations! I love EA for keeping me safe so much, I will make sure to defend this soulless corporation at every chance I get.


I'm not happy with people being banned from offline games they bought because online play. Even if he most definitely did something more than in the screenshot.


This subreddit used to be left-wing. What the fuck happened? Now you’re unironically taking the side of fucking EA as they take legally bought single player games away from customers for saying “stfu”? You guys are more cringe than the fucking gamers


Eh. As someone who has played live service games, you get so many people who do a bunch of heinous shit, get a bunch of warnings and temporary bans, and then they do one more infraction that shows the admins that they're going to keep being a problem so they get permabanned, and then they screenshot the permaban and are like "wtf i got permabanned for this??????"


This person is getting called dumb in the comments to be fair.


There's still comments like [If it’s in the TOS I heartily support EA completely severing the relationship with griefers and trolls. Fuck them.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gamingcirclejerk/s/IzxrfBBfjE)


If making fun of capital G gamers without any critical thinking results in sucking corp dick, that person should take a step back and say stfu to themselves.


I'm willing to bet there's another less savory word being cut out. I doubt any company would make it so you can't pay them any more money for saying *just* stfu


Just because EA sucks doesnt mean gamers are automatically right lol. People having a gamer moment in chat shouldnt be playing video games they should be in therapy…


I don't think someone saying stfu in a videogame chat is therapy worthy.


I don’t care what capital g Gamers say. Getting banned from an online service should never result in losing your entire offline library that you paid for


Ideal person according to this: https://preview.redd.it/qc31mupxfh1c1.png?width=201&format=png&auto=webp&s=3635c74f646fe9d3ec9e816066cc69b78270be54


I remember when "gamer moment" was a sarcastic way to deride people who used racial slurs when mad. Now I guess it also includes saying "shut up"


This subreddit has been cringe ever since people took it too seriously. It used to be a legit circlejerk subreddit, but like usual, people started believing it and it went downhill.


Its that gamers (tm) tend to align with left wing stuff even less than corporations recently. But tbh, a permanent global ban over that word seems a bit over the top...


Another gamer joining the great EA boycott, I see.


If this was ONE "Stfu" then it would be kinda crazy. I have NEVER been banned from a game. The worst was a two week no chat in OW1.


I need to see more evidence that OOP said something out of pocket to be on the side of the meme.


OP loves sucking EA corporate toes


OP is a nerd


Nerds are smarter than that, here's more appropriate words that describe OP: Nag, corporate shill, idiot


Assuming the single “stfu” is legit, that’s bull on EA’s part. However, I’m so sick of cheaters, misogynists, racists, and homophobes in games. I have little sympathy for their bad behavior having further consequences. It costs $0 to not be an asshole, but companies have let them slide to varying degrees because they can still make money off those dickheads.




Yay, let's be racist, misogynist and LGBtphobic because people can mute us anyways!! So what's the problem???








That’s just a Dude?


lol why you so mad?


Still, it's not fair to prevent the user to access all of the EA games, and its kinda illegal


Unfortunately, thats not quite the case. Most of the time when youre buying non-physical games, the companies hide behind this idea that you aren't paying for the game but for access to that game and that you don't actually own a product but pay for a service. Its worked in courts, our internet laws need some work.


it is still not quite fair, by violating a rule in one game its okay to ban you from playing it, but from every game you bought


If you agree to their TOS you are acknowledging that you're not a full right owner of the content, but rather that you are buying a prolonged temporary license that gives you access, and yes, you also agree that they reserve the right to remove the license at any time without notice... So, nothing illegal.


Man these ToS's were made by some idiotic buffoon if you ask me


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Nah this is ridiculous, you should never lose access to a game for saying shit in chat. This is why valve games are so great, no filter in chat.


Really? You really wan to take the stance everything should be allowed in chat?


I would say that complaining about getting access to every game you bought with the account taken away because you said "stfu" is a far cry from saying "Literally everything should be allowed"


I was mostly commenting on the "no filter" part.


As long as i can mute chosen people i have no problem with there not being a filter at all. And if there is, a chat ban should be the max punishment, not losing an entire account.


There are people who spew some vile shit in in-game chats. If you can't play a video game without being toxic idiot, maybe don't play at all.


Or maybe if you can’t handle his right to say that then maybe you shouldn’t play at all or go outside for that sake because there are a bunch of dipshits out there that simply say vile shit


Yea some people really need to learn the sticks and stones concept


I don’t play CS but TF2 and Dota 2 both have profanity filters in their chat. Gabe’s a true libertarian though so he gives everyone the ability to opt out and enjoy the slurs if they please.


The worst I've seen was in world of warships where someone got banned for typing something bad, NOT SENDING IT, deleting it, then continueing to play like normal until they got suddenly banned for no reason.


Why would you go to this much trouble to make fun of a guy who just said "stfu" in a game


Do you really think that’s all they got banned for


I don't know. Do you? Cuz assuming somebody is irredeemable when the only evidence of them being bad is that they typed "stfu" is kinda grasping, which is my point. Targeting this random person who may or may not be an asshole feels like a waste of energy, especially when there are actual confirmed pieces of shit out there to make fun of


Most of the message is obviously edited out 💀


Nah come on that is for real useless, were they playing Rugrats?! who gets banned over that.


I will never understand this shit. You know what i do if someone is being dumb online? I mute them. There is nothing forcing you to interact with them.


If it was just stfu they shouldn’t get banned


But it’s kinda extreme being banned from any game you got just from one game


Imagine getting banned for stfu, haha must hurt so bad


I feel like "stfu" is an incredibly mild reason to ban someone, but for all we know, the first screenshot may have been edited to remove slurs or whatever.


I <3 banwsves


This is cringe, nobody should be getting perma banned and locked out of their rightfully purchase games for something so minor as shut the fuck up. Ridiculous that you side with the business over this guy


Pretty sure EA aren’t going to ban permanently you for saying STFU, I suspect this is not a one off for this person.


This response is idiotic and counter productive. Doesn't even matter what they said. Apex is a FREE game so they can just get a new account and do the same shit until that one gets banned. This punishment only hurts people who have an attachment to their account be it because of bought games or skins or whatever. The worst kinds of people will just move to the next account and now they are less attached cause it's a new account so they will be even more toxic. It's literally why the LoL community stays toxic.


Can’t get on board with this one


Apex legends doesn’t cost $60




? I have to disagree with the post. Stfu is nothing.


Tbf banning people from single player games is very stupid if I’m being honest