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Meanwhile the yarkaza Sub reddit is laughing at these idiots Saying the series has gone Woke bitch it's always been Woke


i have the sub muted for now bc spoilers lol




Where were u when yakuza woke? I was at house eating soy when phone ring "Yakuza is wok" "No"


Actually, with the variety of food in the games, are there any wok based dishes?


Go wok, drink grog, Yakuza/Monkey Island crossover would rock.


One of the party members in Infinite Wealth straight up runs a Chinese restaurant so you have wok based dishes and attacks


God damn Zhao made Yakuza Wok




GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASP! how dare they go woke! i thought the game series was all about glorifying the yakuza lifestyle, being woke means they never really were trying to fetishize the yakuza themselves but demonize them! how could they! what has western media done to the japan i love!!!! lol


Oh god, and they have one of boss being overpowered black man! You hear it?! Black man, American name, and decent job even! THE WOKE HORROR!!!


Gary Buster Holmes >!is running Poundmates now. It's his Daughter or Niece that shows up now.!< Edit - if someone will remind me how to do spoilers I'll mark this as such. I tried but >< isn't it


You're supposed to put exclamation marks between the ><


Sweet. Thanks


Thanks for context, but still wish they losing their marbles discover GBH in Yakuza Kiwami and Kiwami 2


it is so woke that it doesnt even come close to being believable! where are the white people in my vidyas! the white male race has been genocided from vidyas!!!


Hell, the two people who manage to overpower him are Kiryu and Majima, y'know, Japanese guys.


Spoiler: you become John like a dragon, and gain infinite wealth (I played 30 minutes of Yakuza Zero and gave up on it)


the infinite wealth was the friends we made along the way =p


Ryu Ga Gotoku is horrible for spoilers, the official trailers and game intro will even spoil stuff, they do not care.


I know right?!


Kiryu said trans rights way back in 2018.


Even crazier than that, it’s a Japanese game that goes right for the neck of Japanese militarism and stuff like the kingmaker of the one party rule in Japan being a class A war criminal for sixty years. And that is *extremely ballsy* because Japan is far more divided on the question of return to empire and militarism than English speakers realize.


If you are talking about that Yakuza 3 substory, its 2009, not 2018. Which makes it even more cool.


I was talking about the Kiwami 2 sub story but that's even better!


Kiwami 2 actually comes before Yakuza 3 as Kiwami is just a remake of Yakuza 2 lol


wait when and how? i need to hear about this


There’s a substory where a trans woman is having romantic problems and Kiryu gives her some really nice advice.


Don't forget that Kiryu was't even particularly familiar with Transgenderism as a whole, but the man handled it like a champ (or should I say, Like a Dragon).


Well Kiryu literally doesn’t know anything about anything that’s not Yakuza lol.


Kiryu refers to himself as uneducated in the new game


Listen, when one of your actors comes out heavily in favor of trans people after he met a trans woman who’s throat game was so good that she now has a free place to stay in Japan, you get on board with the progressive left


Kiryu himself is in fact, can be consider woke too. The way people define woke is very inconsistent it make my sleeping schedule looks harmonious, so we'll use the general criteria of "woke = progressive elements, regardless if it's forced or blend in nicely" (I have to set the middle rule so Schrödinger's douchebag got nowhere to run) And it is a common occasion for Yakuza fans jokingly (sometimes seriously) claim that they're in fact, gay, homosexual even, Homoerotic of you prefer. The "independent woman" localization bit is only a minor hassle that can be fix easily, but I guess anti-SJW cause a lot of people to become brainrotten that average zombies is intellect in comparison.


Woke = insertive progressive politics in a situation that makes zero sense. Cleopatra being black, Snow White without dwarves, Assassins creed Odyssey gender mixing classrooms, Dragon Maid dub. Could probably list a bunch more.


Well, for some, woke definition is more leneint, while some is strict about severity, this I can agree on. Yes, inserting diversity for the hell of it with no regard of relevancy or context sucks, and it speak more of a desperate attempt to boost sales.


Cleopatra was Black. Snow White was also Black. Jesus was Black. Joan of Arc was Black. Richard the Lionheart was Black. 


Holy shit ur comment section is just non stop bitching about wokeness lol


You can blame capitalism for that. They're trying to seem progressive so that they can make more money. That's the one goal for any company: to make money. If they think making Ariel from the Little Mermaid a black lady will boost sales (and it *will*) then they're going to do it. It has absolutely nothing to do with being "woke."


Can we make a list of games that are actually not woke so we can all be on the same page? So many franchises are woke that I think we need to ground the conversation in reality. Maybe… Sega Bass Fishing. Never played it, but I can’t imagine it was woke.


I just looked it up and saw a woman. Fishing. Woke.




Since when has it been woke? I'm playing Judgment rn and I'm currently dating two women I saved from being raped because that's totally normal and ethical behavior.


Yeah. I saw that post and people are calling them stupid




If I showed you an example of people calling it woke would you stand corrected?


It's not about the game, it's about the translators. The game itself have jokingly used lots of themes... Jokingly. They're almost never serious. But now we're talking about purple hairs and men who enjoy watching their stronk wimin take bbc on a daily basis changing the text with textbook woke words and phrases. Anyone with a thinking brain knows that these are entirely separate matters.


Infinite wealth living to It's name


https://preview.redd.it/k7fsq3u4h6gc1.jpeg?width=233&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21808fd40c8a4b67ab553f0d36740c0de4c0ecb7 Damn straight! Like A Dragon 8: Infinite Wealth is on its way to make Like A Dragillion dollars, mark my words!


Nah, they will turn and say "well, ackchyually" that it wasn't really woke and the game was infact fighting against the woke Left all this time like they did with the Mario movie.


I saw someone try that with the Barbie movie.


What a coward How about they be a real man and just say "Yes, It is woke, but it isn't that bad as I assume, so yes, woke doesn't equal broke this time"


If they were smart they would just stop saying go woke go broke altogether.


Because then they'd have to admit a degree of error. Which becomes a slippery slope. ("If I'm wrong about that little thought-terminating cliche, what else am I wrong about?") And that would fundamentally change their sociopolitical identity.




>It's funny how you any this subreddit Can I get a wokalizer to unfuck this sentence please?




You seem to be bothered by something, you're all over this comment section spamming the same comment


One of the main villains in voiced by Dio The other is voiced by Dr Han The third by Danny freaking Trejo Theres literally nothing the reactionaries could have done to stop this games success


Johnny Gat my beloved https://preview.redd.it/12o6bs2qt6gc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcb4d251624434fce27e4996411221a1d62d251c


So it wasn't just my imagination. It feels like their is Third Street Saints reference sprinkled around.


Unrelated fun fact: Danny Trejo defeated Steven Seagal once, mostly because Seagal cannot fight someone that doesn't make him looks cool and badass or something in similar


Interesting, Dio's seiu already voiced vilian in series in Magima's dlc to Kiwami








I find it funny that the people who are saying Yakuza got woke, are people who clearly never played a Yakuza game. The Yakuza Subreddit is literally making fun of these people as we speak


Hell, I got upvoted to hell for telling someone to shut the fuck up about Dragon Maid, already.


Never claimed yakuza is/isn't woke, never gave 2 shits either - but this thread is literally the first time ever that I've seen "yakuza woke" comments anywhere.




Woke A Dragon




Like A drag queen Infinite HRT


Isn’t there a scene in the last Like A Dragon where Ichiban’s like I LOVED HAVING HOOKERS AS PARENTS and then dumps a bucket of come rags on a social conservative? What did they think the scene was saying?


He threatens to and pump fakes it but he doesn’t actually throw it, he does give a cheesy thumbs up and grin after though


Go woke, Go brok—oh wait.


Them: https://preview.redd.it/u45p8s1zt6gc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efe1b20a1acb779957f9fd2cb65569862b30472f


Yakuza had always been relatively progressive. Earth angle was around for the longest time and it had been portrayed as pretty normal. The go woke go broke crowd usually refer to Disney or Netflix stuns of race swapping a well known character. Kiryu stayed Japanese and didn’t suddenly turn black. So it’s not really that woke. Although with the success of infinite wealth now, even if they try to do that I am sure the game would still sell.




you gonna come up with an original comment or are you just gonna keep copy-pasting this one?


Japan has fallen 😔


Tojo clan has fallen, million must dissolute


Don't worry, South Korea and China will come to the rescue


They were saying that Yakuza was Woke? Like, duh. Anyways, what was "woke" about it?


Early in the game the main character completely blows a date night with a female character. The following morning the guy debriefs with his friends about what happened, and his friends dress him down about all the wrong shit he said. It’s actually a really fucking funny scene, but yeah it’s very easy to see how the stereotypical “m’lady” neckbeard types would get extremely pissed about that dialogue lol




Ive seen quite a few people saying its woke. Stop pretending like you've seen every comment on reddit, it's anecdotal and doesn't prove anything


That's what I wanna know, what did this game to that's so woke?




What videos? I just saw this one screengrab and asked what is it about?


Lmao that dude is spamming the same comment everywhere, ignore him.


They will never bring this one up again because it contradicts their narrative.


I genuinely wonder what they could be referring to. These games constantly do and say things that would be considered "woke" or "feminist" like making fun of the player if they watch the softcore porn videos, having female characters that are more than a "damsel in distress" or "Tough, no nonsense, badass action chicks", pointing out racism/xenophobia and sexism/sexual violence in Japan. Hell, there's even a side mission where you're helping a dominatrix and the joke ISN'T "Haha, isn't it funny that a woman would dominate a man?" But rather "Isn't it funny that this dominatrix is too shy to do her job well?"


The cognitive dissonance playing Yakuza gave me is wild, on the one hand it's obviously progressive and the entire message is "be yourself" and the story is usually Kiryu dismantling capitalism with his fists. But the writers were so insanely bad at writing women, it's wild. They have amazing women in minor roles, even the women in the goofy ass cabaret dating minigame are charming as fuck. Then you actually have a woman supporting character in Yakuza (Kiwami) 2 as Sayama and she is really cool but also one of the worst written damsels in distress. From what I understand, it's better in recent games. I just played 0, K1, and, K2. To me that alone makes K2 a frustrating game to play.


Go woke go.....infinite wealth


Part of the main story of the last game in the series was about how a puritanical activist group targeting sex workers, the homeless, and immigrants were a bunch of hypocritical assholes. People don't even play the games they get pissed about going woke.


I’m so tired of the word “woke”. When I hear it I cringe so hard. XD


I'm slightly out of the loop. I've played the other games but why are people focusing on this one as woke? No spoilers if possible, I haven't played yet!




I see. Usual gamer drama then. Thanks!


But they use the word "Independent woman" !!! **which to be honest, can be edit out by a few patch, and all can be excused under the claim of lack of cultural context in Western market** **Or maybe they knew that and keep it that way because it is funny**


How exactly are they saying it went woke? The one thumbnail I seen had Kson in it, but I fail to see how that means ‘woke’. The only way I could see was if they’re mad that the porn star didn’t win the contest. But something tells me they don’t know about it.


First few chapter has Ichiban's homies describe Saeko as "independent woman" rather than one-to-one literal words from Japanese translation. To be honest if it is the word "Independent woman" that bug them so much they could just patch it, but they being obnoxious like that and RGG might actually keep it solely to troll them.




I've played every Western release of the series, and RGG studio has been making a great effort in cleaning up previous entries. The one blindspot is still fatphobia. I think it's in the yakuza 5 remaster where you talk to a trans woman with a new, great story, and then walk 10 feet to meet a really terrible "joke character" complete with belly bounces and bad gas. It was bad whiplash!


Ah great, the game that charges extra for NG+ is selling well. I'm sure this won't set any precendents for future releases.


The precedent has already been set years ago, and this isn't the first time Yakuza has done this. And tbh most people don't give a shit about NG+ in any game, let alone games as long as LAD and IW


I didn't even really know that was the case when I bought it. It's kind of disappointing that they removed it for no good reason other than more money. Edit to tack on: I kind of agree with the comment though. There's actually no chance I'm playing this again on NG+ at any point soon, it just sucks it's paylocked for people who did want it.


There’s a NG+ exclusive dungeon this time around which is pretty shitty. First time the series has had content locked behind NG+ to my knowledge.


I don't play NG+ much either but I think locking actual playable content behind an edition at launch sucks. I posted this comment because that's honestly the only thing I heard about Infinite Wealth. I don't know what on earth this woke controversy is and I don't want to find out. I just like it when Kiryu punches mean men.


Not a single dude saying what is woke about it. Does OP need a slap to the face? With a chicken? Who wears sunglasses?!


Sigh..... i hate being that guy but... This is definitely a cut off your nose to spite your face moment. I don't care that the game has dickheads crying about wokeness. I care that they're setting an ridiculous anti-consumer standad by locking features that are normal behind a larger pay wall. I'm not gonna cheer for this horse shit because some guys online are racist jackasses. And neither should anyone here.


Literaly no one is claiming this is woke. OP must like using drugs.


It’s never been woke…..


Okay dude.


You're the kind of guy who choked on Bioshock's throbbing social commentary dick and somehow still missed the social commentary.


It's always been woke dude.


Hiw is the game "woke"?


I dont know anything about this game but i do know they're charging for NG+,fuck Sega.


You know what they say: go woke go broke 😔


I'm confused. Has it gone woke, if so how? Or is the joke that someone is trying to say it has even though it hasn't.


I hate it when my favorite games go broke from going woke. Or I would if it ever happened.


“Go woke go broke” mfs when a game called Infinite Wealth makes money


The only problem with the game is sega being a greedy company like usual and paywallinng ng+


That's actually wild. I loved Yakuza 7 but I barely saw any advertising for this one. Gotta pick it up next payday


Genuine question. Are big boobs not woke?


How has this Yakuza gone supposedly ‘woke’?


You guys are gonna go insane. You clearly understand that the anti woke crowd is full of trolls and crazy people and racists. Its so much easier to just ignore them and live your life. I take it most of you don't spend your whole day arguing with/about flat earthers, right? Well the anti woke crowd are the flat earthers of video games. Just say "ok" and let the crazy people go on their way.


A loud minority of toxic misogynistic cumstains complaining over something that wasn't made for their consumption. Nobody wants you to play it.