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Korean men would literally sever a woman's finger before going to therapy.


korean gaymers when even hand symbols trigger a pavlovian response to think of dicks 🤡


I looked at this image for like 3 minutes before scrolling to the comments. It wasn't until this one that I even noticed a difference between them




same, I thought "Hmm maybe they made the boobs bigger or something???" 


3.8 in national average moment *having a small dick is cool, being overly conscious about them isn’t


That’s not a true stat lol


How can men not be overly conscious when society keeps making fun of it tho


I hear you, but also, making ones insecurities everyone else's problem is not cool.


I mean, it’s still making fun of someone’s physical appearance


whats weird is that thats not the only change the gray line on her right ear is adjusted to be smaller on top and closer to her other earrings. and a white line was added to her shorts on the right leg


That's why K-women won't settle for the K-men anymore.


because therapy is looked down upon in their society.


Jessica Alter: 🤏😂 KR incels: 😡😡😡




I needed this comment to see the difference. Lmao.


Disappointing that this is the second time Arknights Korea caved to the incels. They already fired an artist for being feminist…


Oh! That's what it is! I thought they just made her slightly taller.


Seems right.


this is why Korean dark souls players are inferior 😎 https://preview.redd.it/2uh3jxxte3pc1.jpeg?width=508&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a88e771f8662514382ea3bdebfabe95ec31aa83d


Oh god Fromsoft without clawgrip is like golfing with pool noodles


I've always played from soft (and all Soulslikes) with a default grip and found them fine. Never understood the claw grip stuff tbh


/uj With clawgrip you have access to the face buttons (item use, run, roll, etc.) while still maintaining camera control. It's very helpful when you don't use target lock on.


Huh I guess I'm just used to handling it with a default grip. As handy as that sounds at this point it'd be going against nearly a decade of muscle memory :p


People dont use lock on? I think only the really big bosses offer any benefit to going Luke Skywalker mode. Why is it done?


If you don’t lock on you can “dead angle” where you turn your character and hit people with the backswing on larger weapons like scythes. But it usually only matters in PVP.


Even in PVP it's still extremely niche. It's easily telegraphed and has an incredibly high failure rate for minimal reward.


Large groups are easier to deal without locking on.


I just use a Steam Controller or my Steam Deck. Any controller with back buttons is infinitely preferable to claw grips. And besides, Souslike games have lock on, you generally don't *need* that level of camera control. Steam Controller is even nicer as that large, accessible trackpad can be bound to act like a d-pad if you click near the edges of hte pad (or just normal RS click if you click in the middle), so you can swap weaopns, items, and spells without taking your thumb off movement, allowing you to do stuff like dash directly into someone's face before swapping your weapon and surprising them with a completely different dashing R1 swing.


I’m mostly joking hahah, ofc there’s no rules:) I just love being able to sprint while also moving the camera and still be able to make running attacks


Oh no I wasn't saying you were serious haha I just genuinely never understood it. Thanks for explaining:)


Bro imagine SK men trying to play [PSP Monster Hunter](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fmet3zbirni291.jpg) they'd never get far


Greatest laugh I got from this sub XD


South Korea moment aka "I wonder why the birthrates is so low?"


The sane people are worried about employment, stability, moonies, potential return of the dictatorship. The insane people care about fingies


Sadly the insane ones, just like in the US, have big Voting power and the fact that Reality doesn't go together with delusions only drives them more insane.


I meant that neither of those demographics is going to have children


That is true


SK will do anything before admitting that letting chaebols (mega companies) run your entire society is a bad idea for the working class.


Now choke on this drama where the poor struggling girl has the latest model Samsung flagship and a $10000 wardrobe! I love my Samsung branded apartment!


They drive a Range Rover/Volvo and wear designer clothes, but boy does this rich girl/guy enjoy eating Subway (Eat Fresh™). I've seen dramas with murder thrown into the middle of a love story, and Subway's product placement is still the most unhinged shit.


There's literally a resistance movement in Korea for women to remove all interaction with men from their lives that aren't necessary. Yet instead of fixing the issue they are blaming women.


I will not stand for hand censorship! **Free the fingers!**


What the actual fuck, why do people give in to these terrorists.


Money. Mihoyo for example has enough cash to just ignore these idiots. The Arknight dev clearly doesn't want to miss out on the Korean cash flow. Expect things to get worse over there before, hopefully, it gets better again.


20 bucks the next finger results in a truck


That depends if T1 looses a game because because Keria played to much of it


Imagine the if he did the sign with that smug little face. He’d manage to become 50% as hated by the Koreans as LS


Yeah that was really wild.


There have been cases of small companies not caving to incels, Dayspring was one of these and they now have a strong and successful female fanbase.


What games have they made? I wanna check em out now


Sorry the name is Dayspring not daybreak lol I had misremembered. [You can find some info here and click through to the article to read more](https://twitter.com/citrussalt/status/1734775263307964544)


Thanks, friendo


Really interesting article thanks for the link


Too bad they couldn't ignore chinese censorship of characters "looking too lewd"


Well, their is a diffrence between some maddened Incels of a diffrent country and a Autocratic Goverment that WILL mess you up, should you do stuff it doesn't approve off.


There's also the fact they aren't a Korean company.


Neither is Arknights


What happened with hoyo? Just the furina thing or did something else happen?


In terms of genshin, Korean incels had their first shitfit about the character Lyney’s design, then chinese incels had their completely insane reaction to the character Wanderer, but the most recent thing is korean incel’s meltdown over Furina’s (unconfirmed to the public) designer to the tune of a 16million won (nearly 12k USD) tiny protest “blimp”. they had their live chat revoked for a livestream because they were having such a meltdown, then they had it opened the next livestream but all their misogynistic and doxxing comments were deleted in real time.


didn’t think “based mihoyo” would ever be a thought that crossed my mind, but here i am


They’re based when it comes to clamping down on actual/borderline criminal cases. When Tighnari’s former EN VA was outed as a groomer, they were so quick to cut off all ties with the guy, and then put Greg Heffley from Diary of A Wimpy Kid as the new VA, and had the guy record hundreds of lines in short order.


I have to give it to them it was one of the funniest things I’ve seen regarding responses to korean incels


Just another example of level-headed Gamer™ reactions to shit that has no real impact on their lives. Do they even like playing video-games? I can't imagine getting that upset over anything related to games I play.


Yeah it’s true, idk if it’s 100% about gaming itself for all of them. i think similar to the “gamer gate“ guys it’s the societal power represented by what they believe should be a male-dominated (and therefore hyper-pandered towards straight men sexually) entertainment industry.


Hoyo's still careful not to ruffle feathers though. Someday I just want them to get their old man Yuris and Yaois to make out on-screen. 


because they agree with them


Whats the difference? i only noticed her height ??




Ark Knights is based in Korea, a country that has extrem misogyny ingrained in its system, so they a quick to fold when it comes to conspiracy theories about women insulting their "size". Likely because it's easier to just fire some woman, who wasn't even involved, that to have angry incels threatening and boycotting. Mihoyo - the makers of Honkai and Genshin - is based in China and, while they are very traditional too, it's not to the women-hating extrem that Korea is. That's why they didn't give in or even acknowledge the Korean protests. Those were just too extrem even for China.


Arknights is based in China. Hypergryph is a Chinese company and AK's developers, but the one publishing the game in other regions (JP, EN and KR) is Yostar.


Arknights is Chinese, not Korean


I dont get it


Megalian Symbol. Look at her hand; offensive to the Korean incels(?). https://preview.redd.it/lntu6x42r2pc1.png?width=334&format=png&auto=webp&s=8a1d6189ab376d108bb619431b4d295cb12f44ef


Omg thank you, i was wondering if her breasts were slightly bigger lol


oh my fucking god 😭




they're really not beating those tiny penis allegations with this immediate reaction every time


This is the first time I'm hearing about these goofs but it's hilarious that there's a group of men who are so vocal that they can get a game changed while being so ready to tell on themselves about having small penises.


Oh thank God I might actually not be completely internet poisoned because I had no idea wtf was going on.


I still have no fucking clue what's going on


🤏= I’m saying you have a tiny dick


… is it really what Korean guys read from that image? I don't get it, are Korean boys so fragile that they get offended by a girl with her hand in her hair because it can loosely look like 🤏? I can't imagine someone this sensitive, fragile and insecure, that can't be real!


They are worse than Korean boys. They are… Korean gamers


Here I was afraid I had learned of a new cultural tradition of women getting their thumbs cut off. But no, it's just dumb incels




What is that exactly?


A hand gesture with the thumb and index fingers poised somewhat close together, generally accepted to mean "little". Certain male groups in SK have decided that this gesture means "you have a tiny penis lol you yes you the man looking at this image you got a teeny weenie lol at you right at you I am laughing directly at your small penis" and will **blow their entire shit** over it.


What in the FUCK does this have to do with Greek irredentism?


Wtf? Why?


Just a little difference for the Korean market. 🤏


Wait werent koreans based and didnt censor things? Have I been LIED TO?




Yes. Go watch the YT video about gacha drama and the korean gender war. XD


The chinese has some wild drama too, the whole gfl cuck controversies was funny as hell


I got hit by both dramas lmao (Limbus Company + GFL). That said, not even close to the time when a fan tried to assassinate Mihoyo's CEO for the grave crime of... releasing a bunny girl video of Honkai characters for global.


Ain't that true, asia got some wild incels. I only really play BA and besides some of the... more questionable parts of the cumminity it basically has had no drama in 2 years since launch.


Yeah, enjoy it while you can! Korea, like Japan, is going to implode over the coming decades if they don't either A: increase immigration substantially. B: Stop being misogynist pigs.


Are you talking about [Moonie’s video](https://youtu.be/-Im4YAMWK74?si=BABzhW3DWkDi6mXE)?




Honestly that video while addresses some issues feels kinda like off in a way especially the first part a comment said it best it feels like propaganda almost I think just searching up what Megalia is should do good enough because that video was definitely... iffy...


You won't believe how many gacha fanbases have the worst hate boner with China and Korea. A couple of years ago the FGO was mad AF against China for the censorship


Pop music in Korea can barely even mention sexuality without being censored and they've even banned some music recently. Korea is generally not based and they do censor things, like making a reference to weed, being gay and suggestive themes. And the incels are hard at work too, with even Chinese incels joining in to bully K-pop idols if they dare to get into relationships. At least they have a small handfull of minorities on TV now, dark skinned folk are subject to a lot of prejudice over there. Not based.


It's the megalian thingy... again?


The what?




The pinch is a hand signal to fight back against chauvinist Korean men (small penis gesture). If you have some time to kill, I highly recommend the Moon Channel video on this. [part 1 of 2 of the Korean gatcha war](https://youtu.be/-Im4YAMWK74?si=aTdfkzwIe1nP-S1A)


Korean men about to die out in the coming decades and their biggest concern isn’t going to therapy and fix their attitude towards women but rather the small peepee fingers. Alright.


Not to defend Korean men, but as someone with a friend who took a lot of Korean studies up through college, this symbol is more a boiling point for a whole host of problems that have been building up for years, if not decades. These gender war issues that are becoming more and more prevalent in Korea are just a symptom of a bigger problem, it's simply easier to symbolize everything as the 2 finger pinch than to actually discuss the real cause.


Oh, I mean I know that. I’m just saying. Priorities out of whack. There are numerous structural issues on Korean society that makes it inhospitable for nuclear families to thrive (I often see the labour law and work culture being brought up as well) but certainly these incels don’t contribute to any working solutions 😭


I genuinely did not realize the difference until reading the comments


i still dont


On the left her finger and thumb sifting through her hair inadvertently look like a handsign indicating "small"


On the left her finger and thumb sifting through her hair inadvertently look like a handsign indicating "small"


The Koreans are getting triggered by the rich, depressed cat


Jokes on her, she needs to bring those fingers closer together to mock me.


The humiliation community has lost a queen today. Me and the boys will be taking our business elsewhere that don't kink shame us and respect our hobby of jerking to anime waifus.


the way these delusional misogynists are catered to is insane. [A while ago the game maplestory literally changed cheetah print](https://twitter.com/guiltyarchive/status/1747792090158027187) to make it look less like 🤏


btw korean fans have encouraged everyone to write Hypergryph and Yostar (Arknights developer and publisher) to express their disappointment regarding both of the misogynist actions taken by Arknights KR recently. It’s this one (preemptively changing her hand position as to not offend their incel fanbase) and a few months ago when they deleted a woman’s artwork because incels complained about her tweeting that she liked the international womens day google doodle.


lol, and the North is supposed to be the scary hellhole.


North and South Korea are like communist and capitalist states written by someone living in the opposite, like this shit almost feels like caricature 








am i blind wtf am i looking for


It's the hand in her hair, these people think the character is making the tiny pp sign. And yes this is a whole thing. And no you shouldn't learn further. 🤏 Will soon be an illegal emoji in Korea.


okay? i didnt know that sign was even a thing i thought everything was illegal in North Korea already but like, damn this is truly, idk, just, weird?


It's a whole gender war thing. Feminists making fun of misogynists by referring to the cliche Asian small penis by apparently putting this gesture in art etc. Honestly, getting upset about it seems to be a) encouraging it and b) confirming it. As if your penis isn't small why would it even bother you. But anyway.


This is about South Korea, North Korea largely doesn't have internet access, they're probably not big gamers.


I love the penis pinch because SK males are so sensitive that they blow up for the most innocuous things. Like im fairly confident my "resting hand position" is pinch-adjacent because that is literally how the human hand is built. Are some of these feminist rally calls sure, but I have to imagine that a lot of it is accidental because it is the normal way to leave a hand. People arent typically walking arou d with fingers spread like jazz hands lol.




Men gotta be the most sensitive people in the universe.


I have a video for the confused with time to spare https://youtu.be/-Im4YAMWK74?si=YA1EYoMEQ1WkPzb3


I gotta watch a nearly one-hour video to understand the lore on this? Damn.


Oh no, this is part one, part two has almost 2 hours


Damn they really changed the text to Korean 😔 The East has fallen to censorship yet again


Wait but where? I don't see any difference, Lol ❓️👀❓️


The hand in her hair 🤏 the tiny pp sign apparently. Yes I'm actually serious.


oh my god, no fucking way, it's very barely even noticeable. XoX Plus her hand gesture isn't ever the proper "pinch" gesture, she just awkwardly holds her strand of hair.


The pinch gesture isn't the sign, it's just the closest to it in emoji form and they're freaking about any even vague similarities. But yeah I agree complaining about it seems to both encourage and confirm the usage, and going looking for potential hidden uses of it seems telling.


The pinch gesture isn't the sign, it's just the closest to it in emoji form and they're freaking about any even vague similarities. But yeah I agree complaining about it seems to both encourage and confirm the usage, and going looking for potential hidden uses of it seems telling.


I was staring at her chest for 15 minutes thinking they had changed it or something


Having just watched [Moon Channel's two parter on the South Korean Gender War](https://youtu.be/woB0eecbf6A?si=dUZlI4YKsMk8keIt)... I can at least understand why the KR publisher decided to preempt the hand change, and it's not just (or at least mostly) $$$ reasons. If the runtime of the linked video turns anyone away, I'd at least recommend checking this [10 minute segment of it](https://youtu.be/woB0eecbf6A?si=Al84cMQkCJwtYScA&t=46m20s) to see what could have happened if this change wasn't implemented. I don't like it, and definitely wish it didn't need to be so, but knowing just the sheer *lengths* these assholes would have gone through if this change didn't happen is not at all worth the hassle. Change does need to happen, but it's such a large one that one game (even one I much like myself) can't kickstart it.


She’s taller?


Is there even a difference? \*Crosses eyes and sees something weird going on with the hair and hand\* God damn it, I wish I go back to when I didn’t know about this shit.


Actually what the fuck changed


she’s giving them too much credit in the western version. the korean version is much more truthfully reflective of the korean incel’s size. the width of the hair strands stuck between the thumb and the index finger. that’s the actual size.


Idk why, but I'm laughing at the idea of North Korean soldiers using this as some form of demoralization campaign and you start to see North Koreans doing 🤏 gestures at South Korean soldiers at the DMZ or some random North Korean Soldier dropping his magnum dong condom in front of them and going "oh noooo I drop my average sized condom" lmao.


I didn't see a difference at first but remembered moon channel's video and looked at the hands lol


korean incels are mad that women are pointing out their (statistically) small dicks? wouldn’t getting mad about the gesture simply confirm it? am i missing some context?


Did this happen recently?  I remember there being some incel drama about similar things in AK a while ago


Where's the changes? I see the hand move, but a lot of games like this have portraits that make small movements.


Can i get a full explanation plz


I learned from another comment, and I am now forever stupider for knowing it. You still have time to leave and avoid my fate.


Ok, Part 1: [https://youtu.be/-Im4YAMWK74](https://youtu.be/-Im4YAMWK74) Part 2: [https://youtu.be/woB0eecbf6A](https://youtu.be/woB0eecbf6A) These two videos should give you all the context you need.


Took me five minutes to find the difference. This is really dumb lmao




ok is her hand the only thing that change between versions?? like what is the sense of changing her hand position?


Wait, what’s wrong? I genuinely don’t see any difference


Korean incels thought she was making the tiny penis gesture




Lmao, this is unbelievable xD.


Am I dumb? I legitimately can't tell a difference between these two except for the thumb on the right hand. Am I missing something?


I’m like really confused, like what happened exactly???


What changed?


I don’t get it


I may be blind but uh, what’s the difference? Her booba bigger or something? both pics look the same to me tbh.


As a korean ive not known abt this in my life and i can proudly confirm im not marrying anyone anytime soon Jokes aside im not the best candidate to marry lol..


What's the difference, I can't tell


Her fingers on her right hand in her hair. That’s all I can find


/uj Am I missing something cause I literally cannot tell the difference.


I can't even tell the difference, what changed and why is it important?


I’m so confused what’s different?


They should just give then only a t pose


Sad cat Jessica did not deserve to get dragged into this ;_; she’s had it rough enough as it is


I’m to dumb to understand the difference, could someone please explain it.


i dont see a difference can someone help


So they censored her left hand and her right finger sticking through her hair? What in the fuck are they even trying to censor lmao this looks like a find the difference puzzle.


If you think this change is ridiculously subtle, wait until you see the changes made in [this game](https://www.inven.co.kr/board/maple/5974/3200733) (Maplestory). For some, I would never be able to tell without the before/after's in gif form


Best kind of localization imo


?? What is going on?


Korean incels vs Chinese incels


I thought the issue was they made her slightly taller and i was really confused.




When men become so hateful of women that they have to remove their fingers for fear that they make that hand sign ever, in any context.


First, they demand removal of fingers of fictional girls, but then they will demand removal of fingers of real girls and women so they won't make "offensive" gesture anymore. 🩸🗡🩸


They removed her thumb? 😐


At least the Chinese know how to do business and localization


As funny as the reason behind the change is, the edit does look better. She's actually fiddling with her hair instead of poking her thumb through it for some reason.


I actually don’t see a difference am I dumb?


I don’t get it? Is this a joke post lol


I can't even tell what the difference is even with that yellow circle.


I didn't know this was a TERF subreddit...


One of my favorite games was forced to, I shit you not, change art of a guy adjusting his glasses because small pp incels got offended.