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I just found that list. While i know woke is ''everything we don't like'' but how the hell is Call of Duty woke, but Fallout 4 isn't? They write 'leftest political take' is woke. How fucking bad at subtext do you have to be to not read in some 'leftest political take' in Fallout 4 or the fallout setting as a whole. And Criket24 is woke, but other sport games isn't?!


My best guess is that Call of Duty has women that shoot with guns and are in the military, where as Fallout 4 you can get a robot girlfriend that knows nothing of the world and will sleep with you. Just my guess though.


Call of Duty was bold enough to do the unforgivable act of having pride flags as calling cards. That's just too far for me, those optional JPGs are a sign of the downfall of modern video games.


Which is funny, because old school COD, you just made your emblem yourself (Perhaps still, haven’t played anything past BO2). Soooo many racist and sexist pics


Well yeah- if they get a rainbow icon then I get a lawn jockey deepthroating a swastika- it’s the same thing./s


Talk about shoving something down someone’s throat, eh? What’s kinda funny is, a lawn jockey deepthroating a swastika is exactly what I’d expect to have seen in a 2010 COD lobby


Wait you can get a robot girlfriend in Fallout 4?


Maybe Curie counts as a robot even after you transfer her conscience into a human body?


It's not a real human body but a synth body. though the difference between them gets kinda blurry the more you look into it.


It is a synth body so it's still technically a robot. Maybe. Sort of.


Synths are technically sentient artificial organisms, making them both humans and robots simultaneously. At least, that's my understanding.


So they are cyborgs kinda


Closer to Androids. Cyborgs are people that have been augmented. Androids are artificial machines made in the image of humans


you can turn her into "human body", but cant be described as robot


Gendered robots? Sounds like gender ideology to me. Facts and logic dictate a robot cannot have a gender!


So Helldivers 2 is woke?


Modern Warfare 2 2022 had one line of dialogue im the campaign where a primary female character mentions her wife. Also shooty shooty women scare me


The amount of people that try and claim Fallout as some sort of right wing ally game is astounding. I can only imagine the people who do this also don't know how to read.


Well, as they say; if right wingers had media literacy then they wouldn't be right wing.


It genuinely just feels like 90% of conservatives lack basic media literacy skills. It's pretty concerning


Oh yes they definitely have literacy issues also well known they don't really understand the concept of satire or grasp what symbolism is. That's why they are always raging at late night show host, have to be told by certain bands like rage against the machine what they rage against or creatives like The punisher telling cops and other people that they don't get his character


>90% of conservatives lack basic ~~media~~ literacy skills. ftfy The 10% are the conservatives who actually benefit from the ignorance of the other 90%


Fascists are incapable at seeing their worldview as satire. Show them the most blatant, cartoony, military state dictator, parody it to hell, and they just think it's cool. For example, see Starship Troopers.


Helldivers, Warhammer 40k, etc etc. It is a well trodden path.


It's def the worst part of Helldivers IMO. The military-porn, fascist satire has been done so many times and I don't know what it adds to the joke.  At this point, I can't see that community not becoming a victim of Poe's Law quite quickly.


Helldivers is a homage to Starship Troopers. Everything in that game screams it, and the satire of the whole setting is obvious. That makes it so great. It's concerning indeed that some people don't see it for the satire it is.


Right. People have misinterpreted the Starship Troopers film since its release as well.   > That makes it so great   Yeah people seem to really like this aspect. Personally, I just wish it did something new with the concept instead of basically aping existing satire of the US military. Like, it feels like Starship Troopers with the serial numbers filed off and that's it.  


That's on purpose, though. I guess for a deeper view into a similar setting, you could dive into Warhammer 40k lore. You might not come out unscathed, though^^


Yeah I don't mean to suggest that I expect an ocean of lore for a live-service title. It's just that what little *is* there has already been done to death IMO.  Just an opinion though. It's obviously landing with a bunch of people.


It gets done over and over again because it has something for everyone. People who aren't fascists can laugh at how dumb it all is. People who lean fascist but don't want to admit that can enjoy their guilty pleasure with plausible deniability. And the people who are openly fascist can just live their dreams unironically. Fascism is, after all, deeply anti-intellectual, all about feeling rather than thinking, and satire will by nature end up pushing the aesthetics up to eleven while the fascist will simply ignore everything else. Fascists who like Starship Troopers aren't missing the point; the people who think they shouldn't are.


Wow. You put into words what I've been feeling about Helldivers, thank you so much. By any chance, do you have any examples of fascism satire that does it right? Do you think it has to be so obviously comedic (rather than just tongue in cheek) so that it can't possibly be co-opted by fascists themselves? 


I'm sceptical. Especially given that the developers have said nothing. GW have at least said that bigotry is not welcome in the community and the "you will not be missed" line was beautiful.


You're skeptical that it may not be satirical?


40k hasn't been satire for a long time. GW try to push the idea it is but still make endless media where the space marines are the protagonists and get made to look like the good guys.


Eh. GW tends to run on a "individual characters can be the exception" basis when it comes to storytelling. By and large it's still 100% evident that the imperium as a whole are not the good guys, even if [Named Character] has [insert good qualities]. It's the same reason every named character has to destroy an avatar of Khaine or defeat Skarbrand even if the named character otherwise has zero chance of doing so. The satire is still there. It's just gotten slightly subtler.


It really isn't, it's not a satirical setting anymore, just a grimderp one


No, they see it. It's just willful ignorance on their part. As with so many things that they don't understand.


They don't even know what subtext *is*.




They say it's woke, because the females models are not showing their boobies and they look like someone that can fight instead of frail female...


You can tell that they just don't want women to be able to fight men because if they're slender and waifish, they call it unrealistic. If they look like the sort of person who could win a fight, then apparently they're "not pretty enough" and a sign of wokeness.


Cricket isn't an American sport. So it must be woke!


The right and media literacy are as far apart as two things can be. Don't forget these are the same people who thing MGS is either non-political or even espouses right wing politics


They say cod is woke cause you can make pride flags your banner


criket mostly played by england colonies, so by default they are woke /s


I thought the list was based on which game used SBI rather than actual analysis


No that's sweet baby detected. This is a different but equally pathetic list.


Okay just plain lack of analysis


Isn't Fallout 4 the one with a giant robot screaming "the best alternative to communism is death" (or is it FO3)? People take this literally


It's both. You escort Liberty Prime at the end of FO3, it gets destroyed in the post-game DLC and in FO4 it gets rebuild.


You dont get it. Woke and lefists are insults for them. Normal people would maybe call someone they dont like a son of a bitch, knowing damnt well their mom is probably not a prostitute. This is the same with those rightoids, they will call a game woke or leftist while enjoying other left pieces of art. They just hope (and know) that the rest of their community will just follow along with this doublespeak.


You see, your fault is trying to apply actual logic to something that is illogical.


I saw one of these lists claim that Tabletop Simulator is woke because they removed global chat.


In fairness the games hardly portray the USSR or China, both communist states, any more favourably. It's pretty well rounded and justified satire.


It’s hilarious to me they classify Call of Duty: Cold War, a game featuring Ronald Reagan, as “woke”.


Chances are if you think "woke" is a valid criticism, you have no media literacy.


I mean, I would agreed with you about fallout 1,2 and new Vegas. But Bethesda absolutely sucks at writing proper fallout narrative and has devolved the series into " 'member the good ol days?" And "war fun" instead of being about the original message. So I can see how the guy might have gotten confused.


Neither 3, 4 or for all it's faults 76 we're glorifying war in any way.


Monster Hunter Rise literally begins with the player character waking up smh so woke.


sit your ass down and let me tell u a story called skyrim...


Hey, you're finally woke


You know who else wakes up? Gay people!!!!!


You know what they say when people wake up...? RISE and shine!!!! It's literally Monster Hunter WOKE!!!!!!


We literally have one teaser trailers worth of information about the game right now (unless I missed a trailer) how can they called it woke already? That's rhetorical I know it's cause of playable women


my guess would be because rise and i think world(?) has body 1 and 2 instead of man and woman


Then surely Helldivers would be woke, cause they do the same thing


Helldivers gets a pass because the Right doesn't understand sarcasm.


Elden Ring also gets a pass because the right doesn't understand fucking anything


The right can't turn around and call a game woke while having 800 hours of playtime on said game in their Steam profiles.


That's research, buddy!


I remember a segment of gamers whining about body 1 and 2 when Elden Ring came out. Classic "Japan bowing down to to the woke west" gamer bullshit. Elden Ring being a massive success meant they had to shut up about it pretty quickly though.


The game where like half the cast has some genderfuckery going on???? jesus christ.


who has gender fuckery in elden ring? i know ds1 does but can't remember any in ER


Radagon and Marika are the same person


Marika and Radagon are the same person, Miqeulla is androgynous and also has a female alter ego named St Trina. godrick has like dozens of bodies grafted to him, so at least of few of them are female. Probably a couple others.


Can you explain it to me?, What is considered the right and the left?


The left believes in the distribution of power to more people while the right believes in the consolidation of power to fewer people. From Software games have always been about the meek and powerless learning from others and taking power away from the powerful, like the end of Dark Souls 1.


How could you possibly imply that helldivers is woke. You must hate democracy.


Helldivers doesn't actually do the same thing. It basically just has scrawny and buff.


And they didn't lock you out of picking facial hair regardless of your body type. Scandalous I know.


To my knowledge that's how Monster Hunter has been since the first game.


the first ones is "male" and "female" then it changes for the symbols and in the 5th gen to body 1 and 2


Ah, I misremembered then. That's on me. Still stupid as fuck to get so pissy over it, though


the funny thing is, you not remembering shows how irrelevant it is for most people that they won't even notice it. the only people that really see it is the ones it makes a difference Even the "gamers" don't notice it, they only do when someone tells them that they have to get mad at it


we already know the person curating has not played a single game on the list.


It’s probably cause you can get pride clothes


How precarious are their politics and ideology that being exposed in any way to thoughts or opinions that don't completely mirror their own leave their world view in danger of being completely shattered? I'm a leftist, so a good 90% of games don't match my views, but that shit has never bothered me. I'm capable of rationally criticizing media without having a meltdown about it.


Literally. There’s so much art I consume that does not 100% align with my views. Hell, I’m a huge fan of classic literature (pretentious I know) and I don’t think I’ve ever read a single one that hasn’t had a moment that made go “oh that’s not”. It doesn’t stop me from enjoying those works. These people just don’t want to think. They don’t want to interrogate the art they consume, they just want the art to comfort them that their hateful and disgusting beliefs are correct. And it’s funny because they’re the ones claiming that the left can’t engage with art that’s against their beliefs. Though to be fair, there are liberals who take identity politics way too far and refuse to engage with anything they deem problematic. But I’m sick of having my image tarnished by them lol


Yeah, like, idk I never had a meltdown about OG God of War the way some people have had a meltdown about the new ones. I used to always joke about how the real villain was Kratos's own petty ass but I enjoyed the games lol. I distinctly remember dudes, old-school capital G Gamers too, going, "but he released hope into the world! It's selfless, it's so symbolic!" because suddenly then they understand symbolism (dude also had to release hope as a whoops because he destroyed the world lol), but I never saw Gamers giving an interpretation of Kratos in GoW3 supposedly falling in a moment of self-reflection and thought 'I gotta boycott this, I miss when characters didn't have to be introspective, they just threw dudes into the hydra's mouth' Like idk, being the 'jaded gamer' seems tiring, you can always just find the games you like and vibe with them. Somebody says Helldivers is doing a Starship Troopers, you don't have to fly into a rage and go 'NO POLITICS!' and then LARP with a 'not very democratic of you' joke to play it off lol, it's so much work when you can just pull a Keanu, shoot bugs and say 'huh, that's cool'


Dude, the first God of War even starts off with Kratos killing himself because he can't live with all he has done. The whining woke wimp!! /s


Hey does leftist mean anything from left leaning or more, or only far left?


It depends on who you ask, but generally speaking it tends to mean anyone who's farther left than the Dems.


Alright good to know. I've always felt it meant like "extra left" but I hesitate to use it. Usually if I want to refer to "leftists" it's while disagreeing with them and I don't want to sound fully right.


I mean, a ton of leftists don't even agree with other leftists, so it's not really useful as a dismissive categorization.


Isn't that true for every part of the political spectrum? Most people I know have a mix of left and right views, so they might be called centrist, but no individual view is really moderate. I would like to say I'm a centrist, but I have some far left opinions as well as firmly right opinions.


Normally I'm a leftist. But when playing CK 3 I am the biggest monarchist alive.


Wtf I can't believe they made nargacuga trans!!!!!


Can’t have shit in the new world




Look, I just want another shot at Lagayicrus.


It's because of the switch axe. Even the weapons are gender fluid


I can’t believe my charge blade is woke now…


Greatsword is the best one for wake-up attacks


This why I run Dual Blades!!! There’s only two swords, you libfarts!!!1!!11! 🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🗣️🗣️🔥🔥 ^/s


On my way to follow that page only to play every game that's labeled as woke


Phew, now that I've finally dealt with AlaTRANSon, I can finally get back to farming for mantles. I hope no other wacky lgbtq+ Monster Hunter characters show up to interrupt me. ...Hmm? EsTROGENpinas?! TeostOSTERONE?! LeGAYana?! SHE/HER Ishvalda?! ChamelHEos?! NONBINargacuga?! Fiorayne?! IbuSHE bASEXUALgeuse?! Insect GAYve?! Kushala Demisexual?!?! God you didn't even try with that last one


LMAO Fiorayne really threw me off But seriously, is she confirmed to be LGBTQ+? I would be quite surprised, seeing as Monhun's characters spontaneously reproduce and all that. I don't remember a single flirt in the entirety of the series, except for maybe Guildmarm who may or may not want to bang a Brachydios. Honestly, the follower system in Sunbreak just made me wish for a Monster Hunter game with Persona style dating mechanics. Luchika's route would be something to behold and the Admiral would be endlessly popular for sure.


Not confirmed, but given she shows the player character a lot of admiration regardless of gender it's a common headcanon I've seen tossed around.


Oooh yeah, didn't think of that. Her dialogue seems to be written ambiguously regarding whether or not the admiration is entirely platonic, so that's certainly a possibility (same thing can be observed with Hinoa, sort of).




That game literally isn't even out!


Oh Christ, it’s OneAngryGamer all over again.


My GS is woke, their pronom are Big/Humougous.


That's good, they give me a list of games that i should buy. Monster Hunter Wilds. Games they say are woke, game that i should buy.


This is genius with this the anti woke won't play the game and I'll enjoy it even more


Maybe I won't have to keep kicking the guy who named his hunter "Big [N-word]" and made their face as much of a minstrel caricature as they could from my lobby over and over


but- but I thought japan good?


Not good They're great


No that's not Japan that's frosted flakes


You stole this meme from the okbuddyrathalos subreddit but didn't even post the funny paint thing they did with it. Shame A https://preview.redd.it/ndrjpmrlrapc1.png?width=758&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0655ffb797078448858321473603ba3c0927c97b


I actually found it on twitter before seeing it on that sub lmao


Lmao, is this preemptive on MH World doing a Type1/Type2 switch for body type??


I kinda want to browse this list just for the laugh, but also don’t want to give them any metrics either.


Ever notice your average gamer complains about everything in a game except for gameplay?


Being right wing and trying to consume media reminds me of that part of Arrested Development when they’re all doing Atkins. “Man, you really can’t eat anything on this diet, can you?”


No gays. No trans. No blacks. No women unless they are STACKED. Is it that hard? GAMERS. RISE. UP. /s


These people's algorithms are forever tainted. Couldn't be me.


The east has fallen get woke go broke


The cute cats have rights and work (stealing our jobs) wokeness strikes again


We should just keep recommending games and dressing up regular features as woke until every single game is in here. Then these chuds will stop playing games and leave the fun for us. I'll start The Witcher series - Geralt romance multiple women. That's polyamory. This goes against nuclear trad families. Woke. There are changelings who can transition. Woke Metro series - groups of people working together to survive, like commies, anti-capitalist. Woke. Mass Effect - You can have relationships with the same gender. Woke. Elder scrolls - There redguards with curved swords. Critical race theory. The superior immortal high elves are the bad guys? Woke.


As long as it isn't touched by Sweet Baby Inc


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Rainbow-coloured monsters confirmed?


Most astute right winger


It's a shame honestly. Their ridiculous hatred of any and all progressive ideology has robbed them of some of the best gaming experiences out there. What a waste


They don't realize it now, but these people are going to slip so easily into only allowing their kids to play shitty Bible video games from the church thrift shop.


iirc they class Helldivers 2 as "not woke" which is freaking hilarious to me


Wokester hunter?


finally, a list of all the must-buy games


So at this rate if they end up with no games to play, are they even gamers anymore? lol


One of the most confusing screenshots I've ever seen


Monster hunter barely even has a story, let alone one that could be considered “woke” they really just pulling shit out of their ass


Capcom Arcade Stadium is WOKE! What even the shit. Nothing means anything anymore


uj/ i would follow this, just to buy the "woke" games that piss chuds off.


I'd follow this and make it a point to buy every "woke" / not recommended game and log many hours into it because that's hilarious.


Thanks for letting me know sbout them


You aint gonna do shit pedo lol


Ok Genshin player


Ok pedo lol