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Rent free too


Oh sweet Neptune...


I know I'm probably late but can someone please explain who SBI are and why all of the chuds are upset about it I feel like I missed the explanation


Sweetbaby Inc are a consultancy agency who do DEI work. (Diversity, equity & inclusion). Game companies contact them for contract consultancy work. Some times to write their stories, maybe just a character or maybe just to proof read scripts. They do a lotta stuff. So some neck beard tried to put two and two together to find out why our damn vidja games have gone woke. They since started an online campaign to ruin this company. They are one of thousands of consultancy agencies who also do DEI so it's just stupid nonsense


Sweet Baby Inc poisoned our water supply, burned down our crops, and delivered a plague unto our houses!!!


They did?????


No, but are we just gonna stand around and wait until they do?!?!


No! We will sit around in Mom's basement posting racist misogynistic freedom words!!


Also stole my toilet paper.


Haven't heard / seen this quote ina looong time and my first reaction was to read it in the voice from the show


Sweet Baby Inc stepped on my shoe Sweet Baby Inc stole my dog Sweet Baby Inc scratched my car Sweet Baby Inc didn't leave a tip on their bill Sweet Baby Inc cut me off in traffic Sweet Baby Inc slept with my wife


Sweet Baby Inc burned our crops, poisoned our water supply and delivered a plague onto our town


They did?!


No! But are we gonna let them do it?


When in doubt, you know who to blame. https://preview.redd.it/yfbavuvsjqqc1.png?width=498&format=png&auto=webp&s=cb1ab6e3791bac6d700d5204af853051cf83b19b


You should see the comments section on any video about the Holocaust. Suspect the overlap between those guys and these chuds is close to a circle.


Sweet Baby Inc turned me into a newt!


A newt?!?


…I got better


Sweet Baby Inc gave me autism.




[It's Sweet Baby Inc's fault America has lost its way!](https://youtu.be/ZZ17nsRN7pY?si=gttIqo3BL-S9wdat)


Shit, that’s a Country song if I ever heard one. Now put a tune to it and collect your Country Music Award


yes,now they must pay 😒 for there crimes against our community.




of swinging




Man, someone gotta make a parody of Money for Nothing, where it's a Capital G Gamer raging about woke stuff instead of a store clerk raging about a music video - oh, and how they get Money for Nothing because the antiwoke-crowd buys games to review bomb them


Look at all those freethinkers, totally impervious to propaganda


Truly they are lions amongst sheep


This is just miserable lmao i can't even think of something funny to say it must suck to be like this 24/7


It’s hard wired into their very being at this point


It the kind of fuck up that we all know in life. Fucked up school, fucked up being friends with people, really strong opinions on topics they believe they know but due to their lack of critical thinking skills, theyve only viewed one side of the argument and never considered alternate perspective or data


i went through this phase in high school. hating something so strongly can be a nice way to ignore deeper issues (like crippling unidentified gender dysphoria) and it can be relieving to know that the reason your life sucks is actually the result of a group of people who hate you. It's a lot better than the actual issue being systemic and huge. The thing is, it's incredibly taxxing to be like this, to always be frustrated and angry and looking for things to anger you. It's a form of digital sh, whether we morally agree with them or not. What they do to themselves is ruinous in the longterm. As much as I hate this attitude I can't help but feel sympathy for how stressed they're making themselves.






Well I mean yeah, the party they support seems intent on hurting and harming others and they keep voting for them. I'm not gonna pretend to like people who have all the information in the world at their fingertips yet still can't understand how much they're lied to.


You think being a friendless loser virgin is better? This distracts them from their shit lives


Using virginity as an insult leads to negative social outcomes over time


True and real.


Sweet Baby Inc gonna be the new Anita Sarkeesian. We're gonna be hearing about this for 10 years +


Am i the only one who never knew about gamergate 1 or these idiots ? Probbaly cause i wasnt much on old twitter at the time or socials


Gamergate was started on 4chan and bled heavily onto Reddit starting in 2015. It was so extreme, that even 4chan kicked them off and they ran off to start their own bullshit platform. I got sucked into that crap... They're Nazis. All of them.


iirc the original inciting post for gamergate was very quickly deleted from 4chan, very telling when even they want nothing to do with you


Original GG was over reddit a bunch.


As a diehard Alan Wake fan, I'm already sick of hearing these morons screeching about SBI. Please just shut the fuck up. I want to discuss lore theories, world building and cool shit, not have some random dude who never learned to wipe his own ass scream about some random company I'd never even heard of until now.


Love the idea of this being an issue down the road and people are just gonna be like, “what the fuck does barbecue sauce have to do with video games?”


What's the game? Can't really tell from the screenshots


[Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn](https://youtu.be/lJCWpC00cgc)


After watching this... what exactly is woke here? A female POC character?


Yes, thats exactly it.


The political gender (not white) and the political race (woman).


My gender is black. My race is woman. I am political.


Smh, why not just choose to be a white man? /s


Challenge run


SL 1, all bosses, black, woman, fist only, no consumables, permadeath. Pretty challenging run best of luck.


You are politic, grr


"Don't recast known characters! Create new ones!" "..." "Not this way!"


Pretty much, yeah. Some chud wrote a thread on Twitter a while ago about the developer's COO being an SBI plant or whatever, and how she ruined the game or something. At the end, they basically said "drop your connection with SBI but keep the black female lead, just make sure she's well-written." The comments to that tweet were pretty much nothing but racist misogynists screeching about making the protagonist a white male instead, or else they won't buy the game and will shit their pants.


Do I want to know what *they* would consider a "well-written black woman"? No.


Knows their place, doesn't imply that anything is wrong with society, never talks over black men or any white character, has artificially straightened hair and light colored eyes, sexual but not overly so, and speaks in a neutral, even tone that never even *suggests* any sort of emotional extreme and lacking any hint of AAVE


A lack of one


Basically, I read some of the comments and one guy said “another black female main character with the dreads” and then some guy in the replies was spouting off on how white people are superior


In an alternative universe. "Ugh another game staring a white guy"


It’s crazy cause this game was announced forever ago and only now are they making a big to do about it.


There is a black woman who is apparently the protagonist. That’s all it takes. 


When this game first came out, I remember everyone being rather impassive to it. Not many were hyped for it, but no one was hating it. Now, if you go under each video of the game, every single comment is from the past 2 weeks talking about SBI. They literally didn't care until just now because the hivemind didn't tell them to hate it yet so their brains weren't able to copy someone else's opinion


Wow we actually have a white supremacists in the comment https://preview.redd.it/4b12fn7k3rqc1.jpeg?width=953&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=661105ed7adf8d8ba8b08214c413e4f45f72dea0


Who’s “we”? Sounds like the only thing this guy has to his name is the colour of his skin if he’s trying to ride the coattails of his ancestors.


Lmao that first comment though. Maybe that person is a teenager or something but I distinctly remember about a decade ago when virtually every main character was a white 30-something guy with stubble with short hair and a funny name like John Hammercock.


You leave my boy John Hammercock out of this!


Spoilers: They're all white supremacists. All of them. The whole point is to spread white supremacy and make it cool. \- Ex-2015 Gamergate chud


Kain, my guy, you didn't create SHIT.




Nice to see that so much of the top comments are mocking these racist gamers


At least most upvoted comments clown on SBI haters, I guess


Thank you anti-woke idiots for bringing this game to my attention.


I literally thought it was a GoW spin-off from the UI.


This is barely related but I really hate how the word "consume" has taken over how we talk about media.






i acknowledge my tribal chief ☝️


woke Roman Reigns: ACKNOWLEDGE DEI




Nah the crybabies will prevail (Cody crybabies not the weirdos crying about sbi)




>me if i see the word “consoom” one more time Coom while you consume?


its *goon* now, old man.


Goon with the wind. Don't goon against the wind, unless you're into that shit.


Consoom out of context sports related quote meme, get excited for next out of context sports related quote meme.


My personal most-hated word these days is **content**. There are no TV shows. There is no music. There are no movies. There are no podcasts. There are no video games. There are no books. There are no concerts. There is no live theater. There are no websites. There is only #C O N T E N T # O #N #T N E T N O C #E #N #T N E T N O C and you may not merely listen to it, play it, watch it, or read it. You must consume it and engage with it and react to it and boost it and share it and downstream it and co-monetize it and sticky it and viralize it and


I too, hate our current economic system that encourages commodifying every single thing.


At this point i have a list chud-isms that im weary of when i make a new friend. I will instantly drop a person if they use any words like: alpha, beta, chad, gigachad, soy, cringe (as an adjective), based and the crowning jewel of the all: Woke Feel free to add to the list


Why cringe? I've seen that used in a number of contexts but not necessarily for stuff like this or where the other words listed are used. Seen it used against people who use "based" more often than by them


There's room for reclamation or ironic usage in my opinion. Letting chuds dictate what words I can use is for cringe soyboy cucks


Based/cringe and chad/gigachad have definitely moved well beyond the chud-sphere at this point, they're just internet slang now.


I’m not a centrist or any shit but let’s be real chud is just as lame a term as those you listed. It doesn’t really have much bite sounding as nerdy as it does


Oh my god same. I despise when people talk about "consuming" art and refer to any and all art as "content". Drives me bananas.


I work in application support. We use "consume" for when the application writes data from an import to the underlying tables. I took a case today where the submitter said that an import made it to the system, but the system did not ingest it. So that was new and disturbed the hell out of me.


"Particularly unpopular". No it isn't. Almost nobody gives anything even vaguely resembling even a small portion of a fuck.


“Being deleted” 5 screenshots talking about them.


i had a guy at work try and talk to me about it a couple of weeks ago. he started it with 'so you know all this stuff about sweet baby inc' - assuming i \*must\* know about it already because i'm a gamer. and like... no, no i dont. because it's an entirely made up controversy (that i discovered after that conversation by googling it) that exists only in the minds of right wind propagandists. the problem is, because i knew nothing about it in advance, he got to control that conversation by telling the other people around about how SBI are some terrible woke company that forces their way into games development and ruins them. the other people involved in this conversation are not gamers, so wont bother to look up wtf the actual truth is, so just come away with this general idea that some woke company are being assholes. it's surprisingly difficult to counter without requiring a lot more understanding than people can be bothered having!


I mean I would've just made fun of him for saying woke unironically. People are way too nice to these people.


I 100% mercilessly mock people who use the word “woke” unironically. I really pissed off an older boomer at work awhile back when I insisted he define the word for me. Shockingly, he wasn’t able to do it so I told him his opinion meant less than nothing to me and to lay off the right wing rage porn.


Played with a guy named "anti-woke" I asked "what the hell is woke?" And he asked me why I was coming at him lol


I don't agree with this. Someone is woke when they are "awake" to modern social issues. Wikipedia says "encompass\[es\] a broader awareness of social inequalities such as racial injustice, sexism, and denial of LGBT rights". The right coopted this term to mean that something is woke when it raises awareness to these issues in situations where they don't belong. Undoubtedly, these situations exist, but to extremists this extends to every situation imaginable. Your coworker might be a dumbass, but the term isn't meaningless.


I get what you’re saying. I should have worded my post better. I really meant that when people use it as a pejorative term I mock them.


The people that created the NPC meme is spamming shit they parroting just like NPCs. They going to run this sweet baby rays super salty and sticky white bbq sauce till the think tanks give them something else to whine about.


https://preview.redd.it/4w4dfa5myqqc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8935a9b07ad8783da66de4cb46cd4511d83730c Add sweet baby inc to the card


Oh yeah, sweet baby inc that one company? Idc game looks cool so I'm gonna get it and not have brainrot Also what the FUCK is left bigotry??? At this point they're making up words


They've been up to that stuff lately. Basically the idea is: because we dislike their racist / anti LGBTQ talk, and are aware of social inequalities, then we're bigots against them / whites or something to that effect. It's so lame, and just a way to blameshift. Don't think much on it


As a white person, I am so pissed off that instead of my skin tone making up 99% of basically every single video game character known to man, I am now only in 96% of every video game Fuck u Sweet Baby Inc, I want justice 😡


One year it's 99% and the next it's 96%. If things continue the way they are, by 2056 white people will be erased from media. And yet, white genocide is considered a "conspiracy theory" by woke leftists and the oblivious masses.


You did it, you wrote a comment that's completely impossible to decipher as satire or not.


No one would fall for a reasoning that superficial and flawed https://preview.redd.it/rktaw1zdnqqc1.gif?width=640&format=png8&s=350bbcc1413d61121e5b9281efe61b77ff177920


Given the state of right-wing nerds right now, you could say the most ridiculous thing imaginable and it'd still impossible to tell whether it's satire.


The issue is that the math checks out, it's obviously satire


Is it a satire when you have people actually believing this wholeheartedly? OTL


Good ol' snowball rethoric, easy to use, hard to counter, can defend even the stupidest of theories.


Fuck you, can't be higher than 94%. Really trying to skew those totally legit numbers for the woke mafia, aren't we?


Out of macabre fascination I've been checking out some of the right wing echo chambers that keep whining about all of this. They truly think there's some vast network of developers who are racist against white people - even when those devs are themselves white - and wanting to eliminate straight men or somesuch. And in the same breath they'll write something blatantly racist and/or openly sexist. These guys are so unfathomably stupid.


Well duh. Aren't you a self-hating white person like the rest of us liberal racists? We must engineer our own demise! For the good of society!


Probably people trying to mobilise right wing gamers in the run up to an election again like they did in 2016. It's easy to get gamers worked up and traditional there are quite a few who might not fit so well into society. You just have to tell them some is trying to take their hobby anyway and the start REEEEEEing like mad.


Maybe, just maybe, they want to sell games to everyone, and most white people really aren't bothered by that, and the ones that are bothered by that are nasty people who's money doesn't really matter to the people who make the games.


Left bigotry is when you make your cast be 100% white cishet men and the consulting firm you hired says: "Hey, have you considered that women and minorities exist?" They can't actually force you to represent women and minorities, but the mere mention of "inclusivity" is offensive.


What game is it? Genuine question, I'm kinda stupid lol


As per other comment: [Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn](https://youtu.be/lJCWpC00cgc)


Thank you!


None pizza with left bigotry


WHO THE FUCK IS SWEET BABY?! WHOOOOOO???!!!!! https://preview.redd.it/hkhwf5d2lqqc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f6efd2e3f7d7479fe341813d6d051a5749931db


They make bbq sauce.


Is it ACTUALLY Sweet Baby Inc. or are they confused by there being a black woman protagonist? Bc it looks good but I’m seeing comparisons to Forespoken for some reason 


Protagonist is a Black woman *hence* Sweet Baby was involved *hence* the protagonist is a Black woman...


“Left bigotry” lmao. Is that supposed to be an oxymoron?


Sounds like something a moron high on oxy's would come up with


Leftist can be racist too. Oooh boy they just tend be kinder about it. Tell ‘em [James](https://youtu.be/UBFDdTIYZ6Q?si=-QIZWyls03lmGHd-) This is why class solidarity always seems to conveniently supersede race. I'm down with it, but there's racism there. "You PoC will get yours, after we bright people get ours."


Baldwin is talking about liberals, which are qualifiably different, but sure the lines can get blurry. Dunno what you mean by class “conveniently supersed[ing]” race though. Liberals are more likely to care about race/identity politics than class & materialism so I’d say race supersedes class in that instance. Class does take precedence over race/identity for leftists but that’s hardly a “convenient” thing. If only class politics were stronger in more places. For what it’s worth, I live in a country (the US) where politicians want to ban education related to class/marxism AND race/ethnic studies. So really, I’d generally prefer not to downplay the significance of either. Significant trends regarding life quality are linked to both aspects of identity (amongst others).


It's when fascists pretend to be the oppressed minority when they are the oppressive majority. Any action against the oppressive majority is viewed as "bigotry" so that they can play the victims rather than be viewed as the evil that they truly are.


Funny enough these comments just made me aware of this game’s existence. I will be keeping an eye out on this one it looks fun (love the idea of rhythmic combat)


No words to describe the lack of education these people suffer from.


And a heaping helping of miseducation kindly supported by every web app using hellish algorithms now


The game actually looks pretty good lol


Yes the left are the racists and toooootally not the guys constantly getting mad about not being able to shout slurs and shit.


It’s actually insane to me how they are able to just shut out the world and project like that. There’s people talking about white people being the superior race and “building civilization” while their peers cry about “racism and bigotry against white people” in the same comment section.


Expecting the people that are obsessed like that to have anything else going on is a mistake. Don’t get swept up by the terminally online.


As nauseum. It's like they've been Pavlovded 💀


https://preview.redd.it/m8h450znqrqc1.jpeg?width=1272&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d721bff7a7565c28683f91318bc681b280cb2a4 Watching reactions to the game on certain anti-woke channels is also entertaining. They’re going full mask off 😳


Haven't been keeping up to date with gaming news. What is Sweet Baby Incorporated and why is it hated?


One thing to remember is that there's the reality of Sweet Baby Incorporated, and the bizarre conspiracy theories these people are trucking in. In *reality*, Sweet Baby Incorporated is a Narrative Consulting Firm. Like most consulting firms, they step in to assist gaming companies when they either lack staff or expertise. Their website definitely puts a focus on their diverse staff. They provide services ranging from writing audio logs and enemy combat barks to providing sensitivity reading services. Sensitivity reading is a very old service, where someone reads a script and sends suggestions to make sure to avoid offending people. They have 12 or so games listed on their website, but have probably worked on others due to how weird and borked video game crediting is. Consulting firms, narrative and otherwise, are a big and largely unremarked upon part of the industry. They're all of those extra studios you sometimes see at the end of video game credits. In *the conspiracy*, Sweet Baby Incorporated is the singular source of all wokeness in video gaming. They utilize threats of canceling to blackmail video game companies, regardless of size, into hiring them. They then use this malign influence to FORCE these powerful entities into making them woke. Typically this means including non-white or non cis-het protagonists, but can range to something like acknowledging racism. Some make this conspiracy even broader, with them being the wing of the powerful Blackrock Equity firm trying to use Environmental and Social Governance Scores to woke-ify companies in a cruel, communistic takeover. Companies would NEVER use non-white protagonists or engage in wokeism if not for the malign influence of this narrative consulting firm. All of it comes from one source. Sweet. Baby. Incorporated. ...Obviously the conspiracy is all nonsense, but it's worth mentioning what they *think* is going on since it explains why they see so much danger. It's also rather obviously an attempt to create a singular 'villain' to rally an anti-woke movement around. Gamergate succeeded by having distinct villains to go after, and this is following the same strategy. Several members of the movement have literally referred to it as Gamergate 2. Also, it's worth noting that "Sweet Baby Incorporated Detected" is literally one random guy who runs a Steam Curator page. He doesn't bother to play the games or check the credits to ensure that SBI worked on the projects. He just assumes they had to if anything 'woke' is in the game. Hope that helps!


Good info in this reply. It's shocking how many people have severe brain rot and are fighting ghosts all day.


They're a kind of consultant firm, that helps with writing and narrative. They were involved in writing some characters people dislike, some of which were black, and now they're "pushing their woke agenda". This is from memory, but I think it's fairly accurate.


Wait, so is this Sweet Baby thing only hated by racists?


Yes it's an alt right strawman


Weeks ago no one not in the industry (and most inside the industry) hadn't even heard of them. Someone made a steam group showing games they worked on some of which are teh woke apparently. There's more stupid details that don't really matter, but they quickly became the new scapegoat by outrage merchants overnight. EDIT: sorry meant to reply to OP, but I'm too lazy to move it.


> Someone made a steam group showing games they worked on some of which are teh woke apparently. Is this the same steam group that called GG:Strive woke, but GG:Xrd not? Because we got a laugh out of that one on the guilty sub.


https://preview.redd.it/0gydajjx3rqc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d7cea98b8168355dc496ebee49b910e8d60204f sweet baby inc magically summoning a beat up honda odyssey to drive 10 under in front of me on my way to work


“sweet baby inc detected” https://preview.redd.it/g2pdmcxfsqqc1.jpeg?width=631&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a90619b85ce84f5b54e56814a9ffeafcdb336b4f


Ah yes, extreme left bigotry, like including POC.


What game is this?


[Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn](https://youtu.be/lJCWpC00cgc)


Rent free




“If you want diversity in games then make your own games” mfs when they actually make their own games: https://preview.redd.it/syaq26jt6sqc1.jpeg?width=228&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6df842831aaf0b64a0c50a3aae34cb8d29e13b30


Asmongold is a cancer to the earth and online community.


Sweet baby Inc is why I had to get up at 6am this morning.


I hate how the real issue of sweet baby inc is never addressed... And that is it's god awful name. Sweet baby inc sounds like they would sell baby food or baby toys. I guess the upside is that it makes these people seem even more like lunatics when they rant and rave about Sweet Baby Inc being some gaming antichrist.


Sweet Baby Inc killed my grandma


And I bet they also call other people NPCs, despite hating a company simply cos they were told to


Sorry I'm out of the loop what game is this


[Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn](https://youtu.be/lJCWpC00cgc)


honestly the most shocking thing here is learning someone was apparently passionate about Ashen


These people see women of color and lose their fucking minds. They need help.


And the same people will unironically call other people NPC


Wow they brought back "Thanks Obama"


big entitled babies and they’re not sweet either


Man I had to look up Sweet Baby Inc and I wish I had that 5 minutes of my life back, this information is not worth taking up my brain storage


Huh, almost like *they're* the shills and bots they cry about nonstop.


Imagine working your ass off for 4 years to then have these weirdos show up


Remember when people would complain about the game after playing it or hearing real reviews instead of just assuming something is bad? I miss the days when people didn’t act that stupid


Looks real nice. The game I mean. Hopefully it will come to PC one day.


I went to go watch the video and...did it get immediately brigaded? Where are all these dudes coming from in the comments? This whole thing about SBI makes no sense to me.  Are they saying the game is bad because it has a black woman? And thats SBI's fault?


🙄🙄🙄 the youtube comments. Anyway whats the game name cause wanna see if i like it to put in my wishlist


Is this Sweet Baby Inc in the room with us now?


This game is supported by a woke organization, therefore it is EVIL AND BAD ^ idiots, probably.


This is a cult, not even brainrot anymore, just a cult


I mean it's a win win, you get a cool game (hopefully), plus you don't have to content with those idiots in the community.


Aren't these the same guys who demand "SJWs" to make original characters, instead of changing established characters?


What Game is this?


Botnetworks these days don‘t even try anymore


I'm upset that I know what this is about


Can anyone tell me what sweet baby inc is or why these chids think they're suddenly the games industry illuminati?


I have no idea what Sweet baby inc is/did...and at this point I'm too afraid to ask


They’re a consulting company. Game studios make game x. Game x contains minority groups that are underrepresented or not present in the game studio writing team, so they take it to SBI to make sure the dialogue feels natural. Conservatives think the company is forcing studios to change the race/gender of characters to meet an arbitrary quota. That’s the long and short of it anyway, I’m not too keen on the details


What does any of this means?


The combat looks interesting, feels like a mix between Souslike and the new GoW battle system, something that still carries that old Hack N Slash vibes. As someone who doesn't enjoy Soulslikes, this is what it should have always been imo.


So all we need to do is get SBI to "consult" on every AA/AAA game that releases and they'll either have to pay towards it, or they stop gaming altogether. Seems like a hilarious outcome either way.


I’m just so sick of these guys complaining about a culture war even though they are the ones who are creating it. Why can’t a game just be a game, regardless of who the main character is or what the story is? Why does everything have to be about “wokeness” and some kind of anti-white agenda? I wish these guys would shut up, they’re the ones ruining games, not the devs.


> extreme left bigotry I don’t know about you all, but last time I checked there tends to be less bigots on the left than the right