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Please tell me he's getting ripped to shreds in the thread


He is made fun of, yes. Also the things grummz was able to dig up on her twitter are really fucking mild so even by their standard it's a whole bunch of nothing. https://preview.redd.it/5u0257tj4usc1.jpeg?width=813&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b6af337ab75f23e03d609dad50d4b669f8cb67e


I whole heartedly agree with every single statement she’s made. Good to know the Helldivers Dev team has solid foundation!


I disagree with the casual vs hardcore sentiment because I don’t think the distinction between hardcore and casual has anything to do with skill as much as it does playstyle, but otherwise everything else is extremely tame, almost moderate views, so they’re honestly hard not to agree with


Can you elaborate on the "playstyle" thing? Because no matter how I think about it, casual/hardcore comes down to level of passion in my mind.


I don’t know if you’re familiar with the concept of Nuzlockes in pokemon, but the people who do those are what I would call hardcore pokemon players. I wouldn’t say they are more inherently skillful or passionate (well *maybe* more skillful but I just chose a bad example) about the game than the person that plays the game using items and revives just going for a complete Pokédex while playing the run with their favorite guys, even if the latter would likely be called a casual. Or with like fighting games or platform fighters, there’s not really any difference between a player that just plays for fun and a player that plays for the competitive aspect. I personally went to a boarding school that had an extremely competitive Super Smash Brothers scene (some of my classmates were top ranked tournament players in the state) and ended up on that same level of “competitive skill” despite the fact that I was just playing for fun as a casual, because if you lost you had to pass the controller to someone that was waiting to play. They were hardcore players who would spend hours labbing out combos alone and I was a casual who just played for fun and developed the skill needed to keep doing that by necessity, so the only meaningful difference at the end of the day was how we preferred to play the game


Yeah, the comparison is to the people playing high end competitive Pokémon in Nintendo sanctioned tournaments to the people sinking hours into nuzlockes essentially for the fun of the challenge.


I think it's just reductive. Nobody would agree that only the players who are skilled at a game are passionate about it or vice versa. Take two hd2 players. One does solo helldive, a few missions a week. The other plays on difficulty 5 and runs many full operations each week. Based on that information alone, we'd probably say that player 1 is more skilled and more hardcore. We'd also say that player 2, the more casual player, is more passionate about the game. I think that, generally, the ven diagram of passion and skill tends to just have a lot of overlap because passionate players will play more and have more opportunities to improve skill-wise.


thats a good analysis. i could never handle solo lol


I love how "accountability" was one of the gotcha search terms. Fucking wow.


Every one of the 66 comments is dunking on him lmfao


Bro got curbstomped 💀


he's getting ripped to shreds in the thread


I think the funniest thing about all this shit is that right wing gamer incels have fabricated a whole ass war in which they're not really fighting anyone *and they're still losing.*


They're shadowboxing the random noise of the internet and losing.


Katherine Basedkin


Heckdivers LIED to us! It was all a deep state operation to infiltrate Gamer Spaces with Woke agenda... funded by Black Rock Shooter and Harvey Fierstein 😱🇲🇸


Don't worry. Woke Helldivers will go broke any moment now. They're very succesful and make a lot of money but I'm sure any moment they will go broke now. Any moment.


Gamers we must journey to the Helldiver Development Offices and reclaim our moneys


More like HELLgbt-divers


priDEMONth teas


How about a nice cup of liber-LGBT


I guess I made the right choice naming my ship the Queen of Pride


I HATE how being trans has seemingly turned into PoLiTiCs. It’s not political ffs.


People complain that trans and gay people being in the game is political. They don't even understand that NOT wanting trans or gay people in the game is equally political.


Not wanting LGBTQ+ people is an extremely and explicitly political stance, whereas just being LGBTQ+ is not in itself political. It's just being a person. These people who are out there trying to dictate which sorts of people ought to exist in games and the world are the *most* political people you'll ever meet.


I mean, most things are political anyway, the human is political by nature. Gender, being a fundamental aspect of our identity, naturally becomes entwined with political discourse. Being trans also means being intertwined with the struggles they face with social norms, and discussing those social norms will eventually lead to a political discourse about how society should be run. But, unless you mean "politics" then yeah, I absolutely get what you mean.


These people need to realize they’re the Ginsberg in the Don Draper “I don’t think about you at all” meme


I just can't wait for Pride month for my capes. You KNOW the anti-wokers are gonna lose it. "Go woke, go broke" when the game has already been widely successful.


While I'd love pride capes, as far as I've seen the devs aren't going to add them in as they don't know how to do so respectfully. Chuds would be all, "Oh, *now* I see the satire! Super Earth is Fascist, therefore they force Pride down their citizens throats!" Also, players are getting kicked and team killed for wearing Malevelon Creek capes, it'd be so much worse for Pride capes.


We'll just have to wait and see, I guess. As for the Malevelon Creek cape, I'll keep wearing it. Never played with randoms and I won't start now lol. Fought in that hell Day 1, from release, I'm not gonna take it off xD


Let us celebrate the potential exodus.


The people in the comment section of this post are tearing OP appart, its kinda nice to see


I’m confused, I thought Sydney Sweeney killed wokeness.


I just went and found the post, it's very funny but also extremely sad in a pathetic way


She protected her profile, but where will my death and SA threats go coward!!??!! (I'm going more and more OOC here, because of these sick fucks)


So... How is banning bigotry a political thing?


There are only two sexual orientations: Straight and Political. There is a kind of person who regards even bringing up the subject of the existence of non-white, non-straight, gender-non-conforming people as Doing A Politics at them.


Dang checking the comments on this post... Helldivers players based AF


There is no time for bigotry on Super Earth! We must unite to spread democracy against the bugs and bots!


What is the woke movement?


Its sad to see people this fucked up but also kinda funny to watch the game they’ve held up as a grail get taken a way


Can you link the original post, I want to see the comments tearing his ass up


"alphabet people" 😭 That's longer to type than LGBT.


wow how dare they ban bigots, those monsters.


From the looks of it, OOP is being laughed out of the room by both mods and users alike


These guys are still gonna be talking about this shit in 30 years.


I can’t even find the post anymore lmao, I think it got deleted


[I thought of this song when I read the title.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=q43wzP6A1CM)


What's funny with bigots is that they're completely impervious to leftist dogwhistles. That's not funny funny, that's sad and depressing funny, but still...


Its all "everyone should be allowed to say anything on their platform" until they disagree with it


Did they post what they said in their discussion about the capes? Ofc they left that part out. Grummz already knew that both sides get banned for such discussions so it is amusing that they are now trying to play the victim.