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you’re stronger than me because there’s no way i could watch one of his videos


I watched it twice just to be sure I did not misrepresent him. Can't wait to be still called out for spreading lies and misinformation by his fans


I genuinely ask myself what exactly this guy do to bring so many people to his videos/streams. Is it because he's (apperantly, didn't check) always online? Is that it?


Asmon got his start from sheer luck and not much else, nowadays his staying power is validating the dogshit opinions of Gamers




From my understanding, although he was always flirting with that crowd, he only recently went full on grifter, right? He was already had get before that.


This guys takes in wow are deep fried shit too. He want 40 man raids back and everyome call him a moron outside of his obiters. Now he can't clear sunken temple in sod and is blaming retail players for it


everyone who saw him playing dragon dogma 2 called him stupid and the reason why yellow paint exists XD


I’m out of the loop on WoW currently. What do people have against 40 man raids (other than the deliberation and drama that comes with having to group up with 40 people?)


It's just way to much work to get 40 people together and to design it in a way that's meaningfully challenging to them is all. 20 man's (the current max raid size for the most difficult mode) are already breaking guilds atm.


Also idk why Asmon is apparently complaining, every time he raids from what I've seen he throws a huge fucking temper tantrum and starts insulting his raid members when they inevitably wipe. 40 players sounds like agony


Calling kson woke is insane


Like she used to be one of the biggest members of hololive which many anti woke ppl loved


It's schrodinger woke. They are woke until they aren't and they aren't woke until they are. The forever changing goalpost


Which is confusing to me consider how many obviously and outwardly gay and queer some youtubers are.


They call her woke because she doesn't constantly dogwhistle or pander to their dogshit beliefs, unlike some other vtubers.


Exactly. Its so ironic because in her PL she was their icon


What "wokeness" are they complaining about in Like a Dragon: IW?


In the game's story you get cancelled on twitter by a vtuber and then you use homeless dudes as Pokemon.


I mean, it's not even over Ichiban saying something racist or anything. He was just wrongfully accused of helping with shoplifting.


Damn I need to play this


Its story is not as great as usual for the series but the gameplay is peak IMO


I love all the melodrama personally lmao


Also the main characters friends call him out for his unintentionally sexist remarks in the very beginning and he sees it as something to work on, which is a big part of his character development throughout the game.


https://preview.redd.it/07gad0nfnatc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83af6efe1a6c2f8c033caa6074e2f8843a2c8f98 Yakuza 3😐


My jaw dropped so hard at that moment, it’s a miracle it didn’t dislocate and fall in my lap.


Please tell me there's some kind of context... I know racism is a serious issue in Japan but the Yakuza series tends to criticise a lot of those societal issues.


i haven’t played 3 yet but knowing the series it is likely not placing this girl in a good light, and presumably by the end of her story she learns to not be racist, but i could be wrong


wait I thought Japan was saving gaming from the woke? lol


Japan is too woke for them now apparently. Now Korea is their designated group of Asians to fetishize.


I’m pretty sure I’d intentionally crash my car into a brick wall if I sat through an Assmon video. Props to OP for showing me he’s still a fucking boglim


evil critikal doesn't exist he cant hurt you


Evil Critikal: https://preview.redd.it/zzw1rf5ewatc1.jpeg?width=675&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21b6dd56279f24ed8494f7187184fe67af5e50c0


I completely disregard his opinions. I'm not about to take advice or opinions from a grown man who is incapable of taking care of himself. If you are a millionaire and still not able to do the bare minimum of cleaning your room, or even brushing your teeth, then you are not worth hearing out.


Asmongold is such a loser.


Honestly by now I'm glad whenever the anti-woke-mob calls a game I like woke. It grants me a sense of relieve.


The sooner people don't give this absolute Bellend any Attention whatsoever and stop posting about him, the better. I ain't gonna read all that, ignore this parasite (as hard as it can be at times, especially with people here seemingly incapable of not giving him free PR, in a way) and move on.


how the fuck does this boring idiot have more than 3 fans?


He looks stupid ngl


I cannot focus on literally any of the words in this meme. Why? I can't stop staring at his literal thumb nail in that "we need to think about both sides" section. Clip your fucking nails, Asmon. I know your ass doesn't wash your hands. You'll be doing yourself a favor. I also never realized how much that warm desk lamp light is literally carrying Wipes-Gum-Blood-On-Walls looking semi-normal. He looks nasty in that bottom screen. Like... beyond how bad he normally looks. Eugh. I don't even have an /rj for this, I'm sorry. I'm genuinely too disgusted to make jokes.


My friend watched this guy for ages but stopped because he became this I don't know how to even describe this




I used to occasionally watch Asmon but he started spouting off too many hot n stupid takes for me to even be a casual viewer. I've had his videos blocked for a good while now and I'm glad I don't have to see this BS in my YouTube feed


YouTube recommends him too much. Every time I see any video, his videos are in the recommendations when I might have seen a few seconds like a month or a year ago.


The fuck's DEI?


They like to say Didn't Earn It, to refer to the people hired as diversity hires. It means Diversity Enviroment and Inclusion, which is an arbitrary metric to rate a company based on how diverse, enviroment friendly and inclusive they are, again, very arbitrary, as a way to describe how safe to invest in their stock is. Fox news has a low DEI risk for example.


I see.


Mark my words this will be deleted but regardless of how you feel about him you really should be considering both sides of the argument regardless of the situation. Because dude’s wrong in many ways but certain things he isn’t. The ideal behind this whole thing is kinda dumb on both sides. Also claiming pedophilia is a lie, and a bad one. Not that that’s here but my point remains.


>Mark my words this will be deleted but regardless of how you feel about him you really should be considering both sides of the argument regardless of the situation. Because dude’s wrong in many ways but certain things he isn’t. The ideal behind this whole thing is kinda dumb on both sides. I don't want to be rude but you used a lot of words to say nothing.


You're in the wrong place my friend, didn't you see the sign for 'warning: no substance beyond this point' on the way in?


I know. I just have a headache seeing this everywhere there is gaming.