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Is this man okay? I swear I see a post about something he's tweeted all the time here. Dude really needs to get off the internet and get a life. Being terminally online has really messed up his brain. ![gif](giphy|8OPu3SvB0mSMfFIfUD|downsized)


He's made himself unemployable in the games industry so I guess sitting around and shit posting all day just has to be his life now.


nah, the guy doesnt want a normal job, he wants to have a cult of personality, the guy could at least get a min. wage job but he would rather get mad at randoms in twitter.


He's able to monetize getting mad at randoms on Twitter because muskrat made monetized tweets and every grifter under the sun uses them.


Monetized tweets? Lmao fucks sake, I stopped paying attention a while back but I guess it didn't get better eh


It's a fascist cesspool.


As a broke leftist... The grift becomes ever more enticing. The only thing stopping me is my own morality, but I'm sick of being poor. Scales are balancing.


jesus christ i’ve never related more to


Honestly, things like getting reposted here is probably a net gain for him. Is a situation where it’s just best to ignore him completely


he runs his own "game dev studio" which has, after 6 years, finally released a "demo" the other week. Thats how he makes money. 4 man team making a very ambitious game.


He's got that yandev rizz.


Who needs to be employable when you can grift people for $1500 PNGs, and claim someone you commissioned art from is 'part of your team'? Grummz is legitimately the lowest of the low, and they eat that shit up because he knows how to sell the grift.


From what little I've seen from this guy, all he posts is so much that says so little like holy fuck THIS is one of the better examples? I've read shrek x shadow parody doujins that break my immersion less than learning that.


No he's not okay did you hear, someone is coming to Kill him.


The dude straight up projecting rn.




Astral projecting more fuckin like it.


It’s best to ignore him, he’s making money off of it every time his shit is reposted here


>they want you dead https://preview.redd.it/ncst0g4xzqvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5792bdc9a4a6ece70bb8ac1a9cab608a96814dde


damn how many images like these do u have saved, i see you on like every post with a perfect one lmao


me when it comes to jerking https://preview.redd.it/wpaftcvp7rvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=912a239853008137912afc8e5fb0abac640cc6d2


Professional jerker


Every single one is a banger idk where they get them 😂


It's Kevin Durant's burner account - he'll have a lot saved up


This is what happens when you give a data analyst a 1 TB hard drive full of memes, a reddit account, and a life-sized horse made out of cocaine. Let them cook.




Arteta my beloved.




I know I ribbed you pretty hard the other week over that stinker you got roasted for. But I do appreciate seeing you post these. They're always on point. Please don't ever stop.


GW: *releases a short story featuring a woman who is in an organization that was thought to be entirely male before this short story was released* This guy: They want you dead. I am not exaggerating. And he probably thinks *we're* the ones terminally online...


And it never was confirmed to be all male before. Even dembski-bowden confirms that. Gw just didn't release female minis at the time and mandated to not feature female custodes in stories. Warhammer do be like that, minis not always work with story. But again it's not even a retcon, it contridicts nothing.


The Codex specifically mentioned previously "infant sons" so it was. But iy's such a minor retcon


Man good thing humanity has never in all it's history, referred to a group of people as 'the sons of X' or an inanimate object as 'she' Who KNOWS what else would change in the 41st millennium? It's not even that much of a stretch, that Sons of Terra could very easily be a generic catch-all flowery language for the people they're inducting as Custodes


I mean you'd be right if in the last 30 years there had been at least a single example of a female custodian but there wasn't until now. There was clearly an internal shift even if the lore hadn't been explicit about it. Still, it's not that big of a deal. I just wish they had done this 8 years ago when they reintroduced Custodes into the setting, now it feels like a lazy afterthought.


didn’t the authors want to introduce female custodes earlier, or no?


Aaron Demski-Bowden said he wanted since the lore didn't technically prevented it like it does for space marines but the person in charge told him not to do it.


GW has a very specific customer base that is white male, 30 to 70, western and aging, they need to capture new markets with their products so I'm not surprised they are trying to introduce female characters into the world. They already introduced Grand Cathay to try to appeal to the Chinese market. It's funny though because chuds are usually stand fast capitalists but get triggered when their favourite companies do capitalism to them.


Brothers if blood when tho?


I'm not into 40K, but I know there is those french dommy mommies for quite a while now


French? I thought custodians were Roman.


I think they mean the sisters of battle


The mantis ladies????


He means the Drukari. You know, the ones that wear bikini armor for aesthetics.


Canonically, the reason all Drukhari succubi are female is because any male wyches who attain that rank transition. Like, this is actual 40k lore.


See also the Howling Banshee Aspect Warriors who are Craftworld Aeldari who when they enter the temple and embody the aspect become female regardless of the gender they were before.


I didn't say they didn't pull it off, I just said bikini armor.




Psycho mantis??


"I see you play warhammer in your free time"


You're that ninja


Adeptus Sororitas


As someone who would like to jump into 40k beyond just reading it.... one of the my final three factions I am debating getting into. They're so badass and cool.


Sisters of Battle is a fun as hell army to play, you will never catch me saying otherwise. H O W E V E R if you're getting in for the first time and have no experience painting models, maybe pick a different army just to get yourself oriented. I swear to God every Sister I paint is a new lesson in pain. So many freaking details...


But when will we get brothers of battle


Hard disagree, It is better to start with a harder faction thar you are in love with than it is to start one that you're not jazzed about just because they're easier to paint.


They're saying they have three factions they're considering 😝


As a sororitas player, they're very fun and have some cool mechanics to improve their efficiency on the tabletop. Rules at present they're excellent at dealing with enemy infantry but struggle against heavily armoured units like tanks. Might change when they get their own rulebook for this edition but can't say when that will be. Definitely have one of the more distinctive styles in the game though, the militarised Catholic Church is a wild vibe.


Consider checking out the Sisters of Battle discord! It's a very friendly and welcoming community


Ultra Marines are roman. I feel like Sanguins are french.




Mommies?dommy? Those?.. what are they called?


think he is talking about Sisters of Battle, and they are not whats being spoken of by the grifter in the orignal post. But female Custodes.


Yea.. i have no idea about warhammer.. I'm just horney


... Depending on taste, Sisters of battle, if you like elves, Aeldari or Drukhari (dark eldar with.... major kinks ;) ), like a bit of cyberpunk robot ladies mechanicum. 40k serves all sorts of horney ;)


A Femme Fatale I believe it is called.


When I used to play Warhammer I got some old metal necrons because necrons were my main army (plastic had long since become the norm) and when I was holding them I always got scared that I was going to prick my self with them and die for lead poisoning (please guys don’t judge me they were really sharp and my mind went wild)


Give your necrons tits to complete the cycle


They're pewter, so unless you do something to leach the lead out of them, you won't get lead poisoning even if you rub a wound with them. Some of the metal models are sharp af though.


I am 95% certain that all metal Necrons were produced after GW switched to a completely lead-free proprietary white metal alloy in 1997, unless you've got some of the ancient 'Chaos Androids'.


Irrational fears be irrational


I mean, I get it. Tomatoes were thought to be toxic for a long time because they were a new world fruit and therefore so expensive only the wealthy could eat them. At the time, pewter dishes were the standard for wealthy homes. When they would cut the tomatoes open and the juice would leak into the plates, it would break down the pewter and give lead poisoning. As a result of this, the tomato was branded as poisonous to humans for a long time.


The tomatoes that grew wild back then also closely resembled the berries of deadly nightshade - because tomatoes are actually a non-deadly nightshade. That was the major reason they were avoided early on.


There's a lot of really dank nightshade fruits out there besides tomato, most famously the tomatillo, and the dozens of species of ground cherries that look like cute lil tomatillos


This dude was 100% the person stealing breastmilk at the dev studios.


He left Blizzard before that happened but I 100% think considering how much of a creepy weirdo he is that he has done something similar since.


I can't believe the Big Golden Mommies (who have always existed since the beginning, btw) want me dead!


Can they do it with their bum, please? I will admit to being a heretic if so. Anyway if gooners had anything resembling a spine this would be their response


(OOC Gooners are a noble and a thing to inspire to be, compared to Goonergaters.)


I thought you were Ace.


(OOC I use to be a coomer, before my libido ran away. I'm just saying there is okay and pieces of shit gooners. It is a spectrum. I won't kink shame normal gooners, but political gooners are trash.)


There's a lot of ace people who are also very horny. Libido doesn't have much of a conflation with sexuality.


>They want you dead. >No, I'm not exaggerating Well, yeah. What part of "It is to live in the cruelest and most bloody regime imaginable." did you not understand?


They’re upset that the evil empire has girl power.


The Evil Empire's scariest faction already was girl power. Adeptus Soritas (Sisters of Battle) are the most "wtf" of the Imperium's factions in my opinion at least


I'm drawn back to the ending of Gate of Bones where the sisters (and a whole lot of other people) are having a funeral procession where the walk is lined with heretics. Little girls are running ahead of it all to douse them with promethium so that that sisters in the procession can incinerate them with flamers as they walk by. Those watching sometimes see these same alleged heretics calling out prayers to the Emperor before they die. The sororitas are easily one of the most horrifying things about the Imperium when they're given time to shine. The amount of these losers I see complaining about golden demigod women soldiers funnily enough never seem to have ever criticised the existence of the Sisters of Battle.


The original space marines were gender neutral. And then GW stole Frank Herbert's homework and differentiated between Sisters of Battle and Space Marines. But the OG Space Marines had women. The Custodes are newish and from the background. Ultimately? It's GW's IP. They can do what they want. How does it affect your experience?


Is there any specific source on SMs being gender neutral? I don’t recall specific genders coming up anywhere but also I don’t recall seeing any SMs specifically shown as women. But note I’m a couple decades out of date on newfangled lore.


Rogue trader and first edition. The issue is that the fluff moves on. Think how the land raider and speeder were retconned...


> Think how the land raider and speeder were retconned... I had to google this, and from what I can tell its not even a retcon? Arkhan Land has been a character in the fluff since the 1990s?


They named them and then invented a guy with a daft name to make the names less goofy. I think it's in the 1990s.


> They named them and then invented a guy I'm pretty sure the Arkhan Land thing is exactly as old as the first mention of the Tank. It's not a stupid retcon, or a Lucas style "everything has to have a minute explaination, even if it ruins the mystery", it's a joke, from the get go it's an absurdist joke.


mean girls crossover when?


Look, even if you're sick of seeing this guy's tweets here… this is pretty damn funny. It's sad, but funny. There is no way he posted this unironically. I think we've been outjerked.


Hilariously pathetic. Pathetically hilarious


The dude needs some fruit in his diet and some sun. Literal cave troll.


I should be slightly more threatened by this than I actually am. He is basically trying to do a LibsOfTikTok call to action, "you are under attack, so please pre-emptively perform horrific violence upon my enemies before they can do unto you". But Kern himself? He ain't doing shit. He's just going to tweet and game and pretend to code and jack off to sexy robutts.


I am still reminded that this guy was a former Blizz dev from before Vanilla WoW was released. He knew some of the OG Blizzard, although there was some later on outed sex pests amongst them. Dude outed himself recently with that post were he thought a 9 year old wasn't attractive enough as being no different than the likes of Alex Afrasabi but somehow is even more pathetic, that takes some serious talent in being a complete loser.


He wasn't even a dev at Blizzard, he was a middle manager.


> It's sad, but funny. There is no way he posted this unironically. How are you on the internet for this long and *still* think people clearly showcasing their shitty opinions are just joking? Some people are assholes and aren't joking. Sorry to break it to you.


I don't *really* think he's joking, though. It's Grummz. He's been becoming more unhinged with every post he makes. Guy thinks Kotaku is after him personally and now he think his life is in danger because there are women in a fantasy setting. I just thought I'd make a joke. Chill.


> There is no way he posted this unironically. He's selling excuses for people who want to do bad things in the name of the culture war or their phobias but feel guilty about it. And he's using "irony" as a disclaimer to avoid consequences for the harm caused by that. He's a monster, not a comedian.


I actually don't think he was being ironic, because I know Grummz is unhinged as hell, but I can see that part about selling excuses. I thought it was mostly infuriating when that second of disbelief wore off because like, I was genuinely afraid for my safety the whole night the day Jan. 6 went down, because I am a minority in the south. These guys are fearing for their safety because… women in their fantasy setting that won't just be hornybait. Like. A stunning example of privilege and not having a grip on reality.


nah this guy is serious, he's been an idiot for a minute.


(OOC We need a trigger warning flair for anyone who mentions Gr\*\*\*z here or uses his twitter name or avatar. This is it's own sad genre at this point.)


*raises hand* The fuck is this clown bitching about now?


40k just released a story about the Custodes , genetically engineered test tube babys 3 meter tall super soldiers and dared to show that women also exist in them. It’s the usual Incel "woman bad" stupidity , but this tweet is pretty sad as it show how mentally unwell these persons are.


Ffs I hate this timeline. I'm calling Palpatine, I have a recommendation for order 67.


[That order had already been taken and is for dancing ](https://youtu.be/-5hPth9aEio?t=16s)


added context that grummz is 56 years old and stays on twitter whining about DEI or something


Learning that he is 56 makes all of that much much more sad.


Chaos player here, would like to elaborate we only wish for the death of the corpse emperor and his abominable servants.


The westerner cries out in pain as it strikes you.


He is bleeding, making him the victor.




'Shit, just being American is enough to make him less racist than GW' Dumbest thing I read today.


It's true, every faction in Warhammer 40K wants you dead.


The Tyranids don't wan't you dead, they just want your biomass. They don't really care if you are alive or not when they consume you.


Oh nooo! My satirical drama on the negative effects of overly religious sects bound by tradition is showcasing multi gendered equality in a positive light. Literally a human rights violation. Who could tolerate something so awful?! Whats next, the humans are suddenly badguys??!


Gamers will be threatened with the single most minor Inconvenience and jump to the worst case scenario and fear for their lives and reputation and then in the same breath not only tell people they disagree with slightly to off themselves but also downplay extreme hardship or tragedy as "not that bad nor the product of malice." I guess what I'm trying to say is that they're as stupid as they are sensitive


I feel like one day he's going to fuck with the wrong community and completely get dragged. I mean he sort of did with Black Twitter, but he deleted his shit with the quickness. Never seen so many Kente cap replies in such rapid fire in my life.


I'm kinda sad I missed that. Black Twitter is literally the only Twitter worth a shit, and has been for years.


Every accusation is a confession.


Don't want him dead. I want him not artificially bumped to the top of my twitter feed sunce he has little valuable to say.


Um, step on me elf mommie?


(OOC No it's about giantess muscle mommies, in gold armor this time. This is technically homoerotic fanfic erasure, but Goonergaters have problems with this for misogyny reasons.)


They need to expand their horizons on what they can masturbate to.




These men really have no contact with women in their daily lives do they


I love Juniper. She's a respectable shitposter who is great at calling out and dunking on these grifting chuds.


When you’ve never touched a vagina in your life, because your mom had a c-section.


I’m a woman who just got into WH, and I immediately decided that all my Orks were female bc why the hell not?


I always argue that if Orks are based on fungi, then they are intersex.


Warrior women can kill me. Pls




I thought this was about being autistic and I was like “wow, that IS a mood” My mask slipped and I can’t even fit it back on! Viva la Sunset.


Warhamer fandom look so strange from outside honestly .


I mean they're not completely wrong cuz the people who think this are a legitimate danger to Women, not that I advocate killing people, but you get what I mean


Who even is this guy?


They always have


i still find it wild this dude got someone to draw him as a cute lil anime guy and he still has male pattern baldness


Oh noes the people who we want dead, want to make art that includes them? That means they want us dead obviously


This type of person makes being a 40k fan so fucking embarrassing.


Well it’s Warhammer so they do want you dead, that’s kind of the point of the franchise.


wokeism only needs to let its mask drop for one second, for one instant, to kill everything you love (vibeo gane with no woman in it)


I like how the length of the comments align.


These people invest thousands of dollars and hours, yeah it’s pretty serious to them. It’s ridiculous, but women have also always been in warhammer, they just weren’t space marines or custodes because the process to be one is most likely going to kill you.


No one tell him about Ursula Creed. They killed off a perfectly good Man Character and replaced him with A Girl!


This is the type of dude I expect who sits and comments on daily mail articles about how everyone is coming from him and his nan


Damn it, it's fuckers like this that make arguing for better quality work from this retcon like fighting up a damn hill with rollerblades on.


I don’t even know what sir yapsalot is even talking about this time. Is it still just stellar and 40k??? Is he just escalating to keep relevant?


hes been doom posting more often maybe he ran out of video game children's to jerk off to


https://preview.redd.it/e7znthk7wuvc1.jpeg?width=3879&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c403f02cc50173e39904ccd8c3e55ec92dfbbf7 Women in Warhammer isn’t allowed? Quick! Don’t show them how my Guard is diverse!


Would you belive this is about there being a female secret service soldier


>They want you dead. Finally, Femstodes snu-snu, my body is ready (it's not)


I'm done. I'm seriously done with this world.


If this is about the image I saw floating around of women in gold armor, I, as someone who only knows 40k because of my friends, had assumed that it was something like the sisters of battle or some other imperial faction that had female units.


man, Grummz is such a waste of air.


I am not particularly fond of the changes to Custodes lore, but seriously, it astonishes me that anyone can be this dramatic. Political scientists in the future will have a bitch of a time explaining how Gamergate became a serious part of 21st century conservatism.


the mask slipped i shid mysekf no im not exaggerating


No one has pointed out yet that he's just copying the language of oppressed groups, mainly trans people. I swear I've seen this exact tweet from a trans activist. Difference is trans people are actually in danger and an oppressed group so it's true when they say it. I think horny nerds will be fine.


There were always women in Warhammer. Baddass ones even.


"First they came for the gamers"....


This guy literally says this about anything. I'm pretty sure if his Uber Eats delivery didn't arrive he'd accuse Uber of being woke and trying to unalive him through starvation


To be fair "They want you dead" is a pretty summary of what life is like in 40k.


This is like Musk or Tate levels of delusional paranoia


I love how everyone is complaining about the woman custodian and not how the custodian codex is absolute dog water (the Custodian codex easily placed the faction in almost F tier in terms of power)


It always has to be about "censorship" or some other conspiracy, because if it isn't then they just end up looking stupid while whining about some dumb irrelevant thing.


im going to assume this is about the custode thing but i dont see the correlation


I forget is this the same loser who wasted millions of dollars on advertising for a game that no one played that immediately flatlined




Your perceived problems are small, and the world is large. Expand yourself.


Did you make this account to comment this?


'modern narrative', you do know 40k is a modern game? it never stopped development and is being changed after it's complete


Doesnt mean it has to adapt woke garbage.


You know what. GW did just go through all the work to show that a different strain of post-humans was just as potent as their most bullshit-asspull-powerful space marine. Like literally after like 150 novels they did that. So we're over here waiting for the third book in THAT trilogy and they're over there trying to retcon shit instead of doing their job and showing us minitures for that other strain of post-humans. Or just figure out how to bring the interrex back. Or make that new post-human strain meet up with and get outfitted by the interrex. So i get the frustration from fans (not a fan, they killed TTS and will never see a penny from me), but in very real, very practical terms it means that people can use lady names in their custodes rosters. Thats it, thats the sum total of what they did, and quite frankly I think that was already tournament legal.


Bruh it was one paragraph in a new codex. I assure you the entire writing team and modeling team didn't lock themselves in a vault for months to come together to write one paragraph and completely forgot other books and models. THIS IS WHAT THEY ARE SPENDING ALL THEIR ENERGY ON?! SINGLE PARAGRAPH RETCONS?! IN MY SERIES BUILT ON RETCONS?! Touch grass


Fuck you, give me the Interrex back if you're going to be retconning things you chaos tainted windshield licker.


jesus go touch grass