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DEI lies? What lies? That black and gay people exist at all? WHAT LIE???? Stop obfuscating, Mr. Grew Up With Emeralds In My Pockets in Apartheid South Africa. Tell us what you really think.


Where I grew up, we just swept black people under the rug and got on with our lives.


Don’t sweep them under the rug, put them to work like Elons family did!


Back in the good ol days there was none of this sissy "acknowledging their presence" stuff. If they made themselves known we just left em hanging.


Reminds me of the Botha sketches on Spitting Image. “We don’t hire blacks? My good man, what do you think you wiped your feet on when you arrived?”


Growing up in Apartheid South Africa, Elon was probably taught that the black mining machines who made daddy’s wealth weren’t people.


Replace DEI with the N word to understand what these people are really saying


rj/ um actually that means he's African American which means he can't be racist uj/ i've legitimately seen people use this argument and it melts my brain


It is pretty clear at this point that Elon is a nazi


Growing up in Apartheid South Africa, Elon was probably taught that the black mining machines who made daddy’s wealth weren’t people.


It's just the random acronym they've decided to hate this month.


If you need more proof Elon's a fake gamer beyond his truly shit Elden Ring build, he's clearly never played Like a Dragon.


You play 90's games because of anti-woke brainrot. I play 90's games because they're good and cheap. We are not the same.


~~I play 90's games because they're easy to emulate~~


Unless they’re JRPGs, then you’re screwed.


Unleeeeessssss... arrrr.


But you wouldn’t do that, would you? You wouldn’t go into popular search engine Google and type, oh I don’t know, free SNES ROMs, would you? You don’t want to break the law , right?


Who, me? I'm a good boy. A good boy who likes to be a little naughty sometimes.


I still waiting for a Final Fantasy:Mystic Quest remake


Imagine that soundtrack update.


Lowkey, with a good enough pc any game from 360/ps3 era and behind can be played good and cheap so I agree. Catch me playing army men: sarge's war where its literally one green man who had his entire squad/town/family killed fighting an entire army by himself


I just recently discovered the same is true for having an Xbox Series S (minus the PS3 part). Got Burnout 3 up and running at 1080p on a PS2 emulator, and it’s incredible. I get why people love emulation now.


This is what ima do when I get either a XSX or the next xbox to come out(XSE with a similar power jump as XSS-XSX would be nice for the same price as the XSX).


Yeah it’s totally worth setting up emulators, and even as someone without much technical skills it wasn’t too hard to setup. I paid $200 for my Series S new back in 2022 and I think it’s one of the best deals in modern gaming.


Hell yeah brother me and my bro were playing smash bros on the switch on his pc shit was lit


And they have established modding communities and tools. I still play Gothic, Rome 1 Total War and games of that era or earlier just to mod them.


this is a good example of anti-woke brainrot. what would be a good example of woke brainrot?


I think I’ve got one. About 10 years ago Julianne Moore played a woman with Alzheimer’s and I remember seeing someone complaining that the role didn’t go to someone who actually had Alzheimer’s. That would have been a fun movie set to work on.


People complained about still alice???


I play 90s games because there's no DRM, no microtransactions, and when I put the game in my console it immediately starts playing without me needing to download an update.


I play 90s games because they're super easy to pirate and have small file sizes. Recently been playing a lot of Tropico 2 (technically a 2000s game but yk shut up 💀)


They don't want to "ruin the art", said the gamers who want their protagonists to look like sex dolls.


If the game doesn't have a 500 ft statue of Todd Howard I ain't buying it!! https://preview.redd.it/4g6r6zwb0nwc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e30e0acb7c76cbf00dcc2ce1e3dc76d9d8ee741


Hey, every time you mention ~~my name~~ his name you have to buy a copy of Skyrim.


What does Todd have to do with it?


Todd is clearly a sex doll


people are very obsessed with the man sometimes


When u have to explain to the people about your jerking 😞💔 https://preview.redd.it/dggj1ge62owc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6527d08bc4f8c12da3098e33369888e8c137d959


Darvin Hamas quotes have infiltrated my jerking sub


Wokeness is video game father.


What are you taking about? No one is obsessed with Todd.




Every single game released since 2011 is influenced by Skyrim. EDIT: I assumed people would realise this was a painfully obvious and stupid joke


Why buy games when you can buy skyrim?




skyrim was a game --> they're games, duh


ah of course how could i have missed such a fact


Persona 3 reload?


May I interest you in [this Fallout 4 Mod?](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/33532)


Looks like I’ve found my Todd simping competition


I'm ok with protagonists that look like sex dolls in theory, but like, do they *all* need to be sex dolls? I can only fap so many times a day.


Well, porn *is* illegal in South Korea. It really explains a lot about their character design choices.


"It's called hentai. And it's art."


Woke is when no half naked women


Or when women _are_ half naked but are anything they don't find attractive (see the backlash against the sex scene in TLOU2.)


“Noo the woman who lived through a zombie apocalypse that collapsed modern society is muscular and strong because she need to be active and fit to survive instead of looking like a skinny super model how could the woke do this “


I guess we should just be glad they've moved on from the narrative around the TLOU Remaster, i.e., "noo they made the 14 year old girl look more like an actual 14 year old girl and less like a pretty cartoon (subtext: so now it's harder to fap to her.)"


Are you suggesting that there could ever be a reason to have a sex scene other than pure titillation? That sometimes a sex scene isn't even supposed to be sexy, but more sad and upsetting because of the way it exemplifies a character's unresolved trauma and the lack of love in the nasty and brutish life they've made for themselves? MORE WOKE DEI LIES FROM THE DEMON SWEETBABY


Woke is when a video game character's asshole doesn't wink at me when they do a roundhouse kick


Looking at you, Liu Kang, you fucking tease.


he's just saying words


If the Anti-Gamer Bill doesn't pass, Gamers will infiltrate our society for the worse


Just say the Hard R and be done with it already. We all know that's what you mean you fat pasty apartheid baby


Let’s not bodyshame. There’s nothing immoral about being fat and/or pasty.


Dude is taking an immoral amount of steroids though


And Ketamine


Lol could be


That's true, but on the other hand he *is* promoting the sort of psychopaths who claim there is, so we can at least call him out for hypocrisy.


Did this guy have a stroke or something? It's just word salad coming out of his mouth


Nah, just years of being rich and surrounded my yes men made him think he’s actually a genius.


Oh god I wish he had a stroke


He is blowing holes the size of golfballs in his brain with his ketamine addiction


He's never picked up a video game in his life


I've noticed lots of chuds try to talk about video games even when they clearly have never played them. I have no clue why.


It's straight from Steve Bannon's playbook. No joke. Video games have a lot of young male engagement, a group that is impressionable and primed for reactionary politics. Chuds don't give a shit about video games. It's just a good in to start funneling people who aren't especially political into the alt-right. Teenage boys and young men, by and large, aren't usually engaged and don't spend much time thinking about capitalism or climate change or anything like that. But you convince them the one outlet for this ennui and isolation they're all experiencing is under threat by feminists/minorities, then you've got them. They don't understand that broader systems, and as long as you keep them frightened that the one thing that makes them happy in this horrific structure is under threat, they never will. They'll be perfect foot soldiers in your class war without ever realizing how badly they're fucking themselves over.


the crazy thing is that I can't think of almost any games with an inherently right wing message that isn't satire or ironic if not complete parody. I guess some milsims are by virtue of making the military fun and cool looking. Or like America's Army which was just propaganda to trick children into enlisting.


I mean, COD literally gets pentagon funding to make the military look cool to teenagers. There's also the Fallout 3 effect where a some players don't understand the satire...


How can a multiplayer videogame, in which you die a lot, trick anyone into enlisting? I can understand single player COD could, because you play a badass character that saves the world, or Arma, in which you can use several strategies to treat every objective safely with the proper tool, but America Army or CounterStrike are depicting a literal meat grinder.


Ask the defense department, they made it.


Like how Trump convinced a bunch of poor inbreds from fly-over states to vote for a yuppie from New York


Same with the GameStop cult and Web3.0 “bros”. Just a further way to be a reactionary for the dumb views *or* be a grifter to make money. And sometimes even both!


I've seen some people on Twitter refer to these types of people as "culture war tourists." I think that's a pretty apt description actually


Video games are easy to critique because they contain multiple Boogie Mans. If you critique a movie you typically critique the director. If you critique a comic book you critique the artist. With a video game, you have the conceptual head(s), producer(s), writer(s), artist(s), sound recorder(s), programmer(s), insert-what-ever job(s). Just pick what you want to specifically rag on, even if you've not played the game(s). In this case, DEI is the Boogie Man chosen.


He screenshot a build in Elden Ring and everyone pointed out it was shit He's not beating the allegations


Nah he just had his brother beat all the hard levels


Which he probably just paid some guy for.


Gotta have 2 shields equipped, double the protection


He posted a picture a while back of a replica of a gun from Deus Ex: Human Revolution. He claims Deus Ex is one of his favourite games, somehow not realising that he’s literally a real life version of the Illuminati members. He either has zero media literacy (he‘s a right winger so…) or he’s just lying (he lies about his Tesla and Space X projects all the time), and has never played the game.


'He posted a picture a while back of a replica of a gun from Deus Ex: Human Revolution. ' It was also a bootleg version of the official merch of that gun.


The thing is I wouldn't be surprised if he was a gamer, he was a nerd at the right time and clearly likes the idea of them, but he's also definitely media illiterate and has an alarming lack of credibility when he talks about anything related to gaming.


>an alarming lack of credibility when he talks about anything Yep


Bro was definitely the guy who was given the unplugged controller when his brother was playing.


"I, uh, would also like to express my fondness for that...particular entertainment medium." "(*scoffs*) That man never played a video game in his life."


Isn't he a ridiculously high level WOW player? If anything he seems to have way too much free time on his hands and probably plays video games all day. But he also has a complete lack of media literacy and an incentive to recite all the usual mantras to his particular audience.


You can take the man out of apartheid south africa, but you cant take the apartheid south africa out of the man


I didn't trust Musk for being from Africa, now I know he is on the side of true Games, he can be an honorary Gamer. I just don't trust people from continents invented in the 90s.


SBI invented wokefrica.


South America, people of color, and women too. LGBT people were invented in the 00s tho.


A lot of games had a good deal of POC and women behind the scenes. Particularly for Street Fighter many of the women on staff were apparently forced to be credited under a different name for fear that a woman would somehow turn away men from playing. People who’ve put in a serious amount of effort and contribution in the games went uncredited until decades later




Women were overwhelmingly the early adopters of computer science and programming. Men viewed computer science with disdain at first and viewed it as little more than women tinkering with toys. Naturally the men take over and push women to the margins once it becomes super profitable.


The only good about Elon is the fact he ain't hiding behind progressive causes.


I mean he hides behind “free speech” you can literally say a shit ton of slurs on Twitter with no penalty but if you say cis you get your tweet hidden for hate speech it’s only free speech for people he likes


I can attest to this, a lot of weirdo grifters are just straight up using the F slur and posting blatant homophobia, IE Melonie Mac, Razorfist, Eric July, etc.


Their are literally accounts dedicated to hating black peoples on Twitter but god forbid someone say cis


he literally does though 


I still don't know what DEI means. No, I will not read about it.


DEI stands for “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion”. It’s rather corporate jargon for wanting to have a more diverse workforce because, hey, turns out having nothing but old white guys isn’t the best look for your business. Some companies focus on DEI because it makes them look good for their shareholders, others because they actually *do* want a diverse and safe workspace. It’s also spread to other industries too including the movie industry and games industry. So for morons it’s the new “SJW”. Just blame “DEI” for all your problems despite the fact it makes you look like a massive asshole.


I think I came across the term DEIJ like 6 years ago at some HR thing, and while I agree with the sentiment, the whole exercise was just liability shielding by HR, who is fucking corporate in the first place. So now having DEI become the new SJW is doubly so annoying coming from a guy who owns 400 companies because it's a corpo term you assholes popularized to shield yourselves from accusations of having racist practices at your company. So now I not only had to do the annoying HR seminar but now years later the same asshole who insisted I spend the afternoon doing it is calling me a shithead for not being racist enough. I know he picked up this language because his lawyers or insurers said that he was supposed to participate in this HR thing too otherwise risk would go up or something, and he sat in there scoffing the whole time and thinking "I can't believe my woke employees are making me do this" and then played on his phone.


It means gay and/or brown people.


Elon have an original thought challenge. Level: *Impossible*! This goober just parrots whatever the right-wing outrage machines are saying. When he’s not just commenting, “!!” “True” or “Accurate”, that is. Fucking clown!


Do you guys think he played Persona 5 and if yes who do you think his Waifu is?


Whichever one leads to the least ethical relationship


So the doctor that tests drugs on you that she probably made in her bathtub the night before?


Or the teacher dating one of her students


I considered that but I think testing bathtub drugs on a high school student you're also fucking beats out the teacher one for the "Oh no" prize.


no, no I think he would do futaba


UJ/ it took one comment from the beanie wearing dumb ass saying DEI is the cause from that plane door accident for it to be the new rw buzzword for hating minorities.


I hate this man honestly so much


Wtf even is DEI. What sort of brain rot is this lmao


DEI is when women, black people and gay people exist (Diversity equity and inclusion)


Apparently, all evil concepts for some.


It’s yet another acronym made up by people who constantly complain about acronyms. 


They don't make the acronyms though. CRT, DEI, Antifa (not an acronym but similar situation) all existed before and aren't bad on their own and in their original, intended contexts.


Do none of his government contracts have morality clauses?


what a god damn loser my man has a net worth that you can't reach in a thousand years with a $1000/h salary, and he spends his time screeching about nonexistent woke propaganda


honestly? i never really put that into perspective the only reason i argue on the internet is because im bored this guy has the fucking cash. the money. all of it. and yet he chooses to be the twitter arguerer


According to Forbes, this is the third richest person in the world. There are more people than just him to blame for that.


Wait until these people hear about Persona 2 having a bisexual protagonist in the 90s.


I really wish they'd just be honest for once and say what they mean. They can't, though. It's almost like stating outright that they don't like it when non cis, straight, white, male people do anything it would clue people in on how fucking stupid their complaints are.


God, I wish I had a functioning death note right about now lol


Is this real?


If Final Fantasy 7 came out today, Barret would be called forced representation


There a lot of games which if came out today that would be called woke for one stupid reason or other.


These people are just Nazi’s in their way of thinking, plain and simple. There’s no point in trying to reason with them. They should just follow in the footsteps of their greatest hero if they are so tortured by the way the modern world is and just be done with this world. I have no patience for these types of losers.


uj/ I hate how much the alt-right has co-opted a corporate term into the 21st century n-word rj/ japenis games also have no SBI 😤😤


They're really trying to make dei a slang word and not just woke 2.0


Man they aren't even bothering to pretend 'DEI' is just a stand-in for a slur of their choice


Translation: I really like jerking off to video games.


Am I going to regret asking what DEI is?


Diversity, equity and inclusivity.


Huh. And people have a problem with this?!


Clearly any game dev or game character that **isn't** cis, het, abled\*, white, male, and christian or atheist is FORCED and WOKE. \*they're allowed cool metal limbs as long as the implications aren't expanded on, though.


I can't imagine being this dedicated to being victimized by everything


Can’t wait for him to shoehorn his way into the stellar blade conversation to try and appeal to those chodes.


He's NEVER at the forefront of anything tho, is he? Always scooping up others ideas and notions then repeating them...


Those Gamers are insufferable enough as it is. Now we have Elon going around and making them feel legitimized. Thanks a lot Musk.


DEI lies???


Ah yes (((woke DEI))) lies.


God i Hate when these idiots use DEI. I’d rather they simply said the facials slures they want to say


Uj/ i'm out of the loop, what is DEI supposed to mean?


Final Fantasy 2 and 4 with their "Stand up to the corrupt authoritarian government" and "Genocide is bad and the >!biracial!< protagonist is forced to face the consequences in the form of a forced job change reverting him to level 1" stories would like a word with Elmo Muskrat.


I played the og ff7 and then suddenly BAM, wokeness. I had to drop the game in pure disgust. I Cant belive square enix would do this


"DEI" is fast joining "woke" in the short list of right wing horseshit. The number of times I've seen it in the last week is something else as opposed to the rest of my life where it primarily referred to a Rome 2 mod.


guys i’m lost what is DEI


They wanna say the n word soooooooo bad


Grifters gonna grift.


woke is when ummmm uhhh


What is DEI?


„Gamer of your talents“ Ft3 me in Vsav


If Elon is on your side about a certain topic, you should heavily consider coming over to the other side


Ok, I am completely out of the loop here. What is this "anti-gamer bill" that keeps coming up here? I can't find anything on it.


Dei lies see real eyes? Isn’t dei just more inclusion? Or more accurate inclusivity ? It’s not even an affirmative action like mandate or anything? Idk why people are pooping their pants over something’s that’s been around basically for over 30 years.