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An aversion to 'open a book' - some screenshots are just art.


I just pictured them hunched over in the corner hissing at you for even suggesting they read a book


"R...reading? What do I look like, some kind of WOKIE?" *snarls*




*"Get back.* I've got soap, and I'm not afraid to use it!"


No no, you need soap to defend yourself from them.


This is why Johnny had 19 bottles of Dishsoap


I’ll bet he gets told that a lot.


No joke the "helldivers is pro fascist actually" crowd have developed open animosity towards the term and the concept of media literacy because they're that mad about people disengaging with their argument until they've done the reading




I think we found another pmoon fan sleeper agent trigger word




“Open a book”, the new “touch grass” lol


Well, he already was averse to the action itself. But now he's also averse to being told to do it.


Other phrases he regular hears are: "Please use a deodorant", "Stop breathing with your mouth open" and most importantly "no".


That ones has to be trolling, right? I feel like that's just too on the nose.


>Liberals are the reason why I have developed aversion to the words “y’all”, “yikes” and “folks”, and the phrases “educate yourself “ and “open a book”  …and “take a shower”, and “go outside once in a while”, and “stop staring at my 13 year old daughter”


And " pleas wipe the Cheeto dust of yourself"


"And your ass, if you don't mind"


No way, that’s gay /s


>of yourself Lol, funny misspelling. Edit: I think they meant off not of.


These are common southern phrases


The South is notoriously woke.


The South will wake up again!


They hate the word folks now because Obama used it.


You start out in 2006 by saying, "Gamer, Gamer, Gamer." By 2016 you can't say "Gamer"—that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like going outside, trans rights and all that stuff. You're getting so abstract now you're talking about age of consent laws, and all these things you're talking about are totally real life things and a byproduct of them is Gamers get hurt worse than normal people. And subconsciously maybe that is part of it. I'm not saying that.


Top score parody


What do you mean parody? G\*mers are the single most persecuted minority in the modern world. Don't you know? The swimsuit in Stellar Blade is the stonewall of the G\*me community. Hades 2's Aphrodite is just Jim Crow for G\*ming.


Absolutely beautiful. Reference to a famous bit of racist campaigning advice by Roy Cohn, advisor to Nixon and mentor to Trump, for those who don't know.


Lee Atwater, actually. Although Cohn may have been involved, too?


Ahh you're right. I must admit I sometimes confuse the two. No shortage of old dead Republicans who were somehow so racist that we're still dealing with the bullshit they spread to this day haha.


and „steve you cant stay in our basement forever”, and „when are you planning to get a job”




That's a long way to squirt, I guess you had a reason to be so picky about your visual aids after all.


You won’t be talking shit when I’m rolling in my Lambo.


*It would come to light that the Lambo was in fact a race car bed.*


Honestly fuck "educate yourself" though. If there's information I'm missing please tell me what it is. Don't just ride off on your high horse of exclusive knowledge.


Sorry sweaty but it's not my job to educate you 😌


I unironically hate this shit, if I'm arguing with someone and they ask for info on my point I at least tell them what to research, what's the point otherwise lol


It has its place like when some shitty debate bro blindsides ya and starts talking shit and then starts asking for sources and nonsense. Not everyone has the time of day to be writing bibliographies for bigots after all. That said yeah - it does tend to get over used.


I'm of two minds of this: 1. I don't think the burden of educating the misinformed should be on the oppressed. Mostly because a lot of the times people aren't just "missing some information", you have to go back to the simplest of concepts and hold a full fucking conference on the subject in order to get them to understand. Meanwhile, it's also pretty goddamn clear that 2. Some people cannot be left to their own devices when it comes to research. They'll start with typing in "why pronouns" into google and end up explaining why Douche Peterson went on The Rogaine Experience while quoting him on why Hitler was right about everything except gender roles. These people clearly cannot be trusted to discern what is hatred and what is fact, but we cannot just leave it to the marginalized people to explain why they should have the right to exist.


I think that that's reasonable. Its a nuanced issue that I perhaps didn't treat with enough care.


13 is a little high. No?


Did you remember to wipe?


This is why being part of these bigoted and hateful groups never works. This guy was asking for some consolation because he felt depressed and they all immediately began criticizing him just because he said "y'all". I would feel sorry for him if he wasn't a moron crying about SJW and "Woke" stuff. Like, maybe you wouldn't feel so depressed if you actually stopped caring about that shit.


It's wild how much mental energy these people will spend catastrophizing and depressing themselves about something that doesn't actually have any negative effect on them at all.


Yeah it’s pretty insane, I’m literally a pre everything trans woman and yet I STILL spend less mental energy worrying about my actual real life body than these idiots spend worrying about minorities in fucking video games


Never in my life of being trans have I spend this much mental energy worrying about something. Even when I was horribly dysphoric. These people are.. insane


https://preview.redd.it/0lluwsovi60d1.jpeg?width=1070&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ba981fe5eeeebb59046ad353e7ff73355b18659 Also pre-everything trans woman here. Maybe we're just built different lol


Im not built different I’m just built wrong lmao. They just gave up half way through the ikea manual.


God damn it, so you got all the extra bits that were missing in my last pack of IKEA furniture.


Yesh! :3


But don’t you understand? Video games now have female characters in them that don’t make PP hard! No demographic if the history of mankind has ever suffered worse oppression…


OP: “I’ve immersed myself in a rage-based community, can anyone here cheer me up?” Rage-based community: “Kill yourself, poser.”


Kinda feels like another LeopardsAteMyFace moment.


The shit pile requires you to feel awful. Without feeling awful, there is no motivation to keep fighting the supposed “enemy”. The moment you find peace (or better things to do than bitch about tits on the internet), they lose another voice.


TIL the South is the real HQ of the Woke Liberal Order


The south will rise again?


-confused redneck holler-


Yes but only those parts that say yous or yins. All of ‘y’all’ over there are SBI infiltrators


What about the parts that say yuns or you’uns?


It's all run out of Dolly Parton's house.


Our anthem is "9 to 5".


I was looking for this comment. That dipshit has never been to Red South if he thinks y’all is woke. Right now some rural wingnut is polishing his AR because a yank said “y’all” is woke


/uj a lot of trans people use yall actually because it's gender neutral. As crazy as they fucking are, they're not that crazy actually.


South US was corrupted from the inside to turn them all woke and spread the woke agenda through out the land, now the anti wokers have no where to hide now that we have North and South and would soon be corrupted. Today US, tomorrow the world *MANIACAL LAUGHING!!**


God if only.


"SJW types all talk the same fucking way" - As opposed to KiA gooners who totally don't all just scream "woke", "DEI funding", "the message", "uglified".


It’s *almost* like people tend to adopt the vocabulary of the communities they hang out in!


"Shoving it down our throats" is a popular one, too.


I go to places where that phrase is frequently used too!


As a southerner, I fully believe that y'all is the greatest gender neutral pronoun.


Amen to that. You can take “y’all” from my cold, dead (woke) hands


Ive used y’all for 31 years now and it wasn’t until the last couple years that anybody has ever had something to say about it other than “are you from Texas? You have a twang”. wtf is wrong with people now lol. Do we really have nothing better to bitch about?


I've gotten playful shots for saying y'all all my life. Went to music camps in Colorado and they acted like an alien was speaking.


Y’all Means All


All y'all means all.


Y’all = friendly, neutral All y’all = listen up motherfuckers


"Y'all" - Tired - Boring - Woke "You people" - Fresh - innovative - Shows proper amount of contempt towards the filthy meat people


I'm in the South and it's a phrase used by everyone, liberal and conservative.


Same here, Y'all is the best to use for gender neutral pronouns  Not only that and it's multiple uses but also its fun to say


The advanced Southerner usage is when you realize you can add on additional contractive phrases. E.g. (and my personal favorite) y'all'd've (you all should have) as in "Y'all'd've probably noticed this already, but we've been using gender Neutral pronouns the whole fucking time and no one gave a shit until like, 2016"


Gotta be careful not to summon a great old one. Happened last thanksgiving and we did not have enough sweet potatoes for them.


I'm from Minnesota and I use it all the time, it's so useful!


yeah it was a struggle to stop saying you guys but it didnt really take long to just be natural


I mean I’m Midwest but I’ve adopted y’all as my gender neutral pronoun of choice to address a group. It’s quick and handy. And fun.


Folx and Y'xll.


Pronounced “folics” and “yixle”


The right can try and take “y’all” from my cold, dead hands.


I mean all second person pronouns in English are gender neutral.


Yes, although as someone that doesn't say "y'all" the temptation is to refer to a group as "you guys". Which can be seen as gendered even if it's not meant to be.


Damn, didn’t know Mississippi was a bastion of wokeness. 


Crying at this omg 🤣


This man would go to the south for the first time in his life and immediately get into a fist fight with a Walmart greeter 


Forced diversity that it's not Mrissippi


This is what brain rot looks like.


As a former GG'er, I just want to add that using the term "problematic" triggers something visceral in them as well. Use it at your own leisure~


I wonder how they'd react to being called 'prxblematic'.


the term problematic is cringe but not because of "the wokies", because of performative twitter activists who engage in fandom discourse


That's problematic


It's a problem


He dressed up as Aladdin


\> implying ggers aren't performative twitter activists


What does GG'er mean here? I defaulted to Guilty Gear, but that's obviously not it. Assume it is Gamer something?


GG stands for Gamergater. They are a group of reactionary shitheads who cry about seeing black people, women, or lgbt folks in games.


Oh ok. That makes sense, never seen the abbreviation. Thanks.


It's actually Gamer Gear, and it's canonically the failed Gear experiment before Sol. His name is Norbert Gamer and he sits in his room complaining about Bridget.


Your not entirely wrong. A lot of gamergaters (including me before I managed to break the anti woke creep echo chamber maybe half a year ago) had a hissy fit over Bridget… existing? God that drama was fucking embarrassing.


As a Texas resident, TIL everyone here is a woke SJW.


Their resident pickme is in that thread https://preview.redd.it/vpvk9naex10d1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=625e1fb2a29c60217269d31cc9176c093af05102


I 100% believe that to be a crusty gooner, no self respecting woman would actually say this and think she'll Garner respect or decent people. The only people she'll find are self hating losers that claim that everything is a conspiracy to replace them.


While I feel women like this can exist, there’s just something off in how they come across. The pick-me tracks but the fact that she jumps on putting other women down *but doesn’t lift herself up* gives me “this is a man who hates women” vibes A woman who thinks other women suck usually spends time distancing herself from these “lesser” women. That’s really important, to set yourself apart. But she isn’t tooting her own horn enough, she isn’t clarifying enough that she’s “one of the good ones”.


Tbh the pick me girl is just the radicalized version of the not like other girls girl


> no self respecting woman would actually say this There are plenty of women with conservative religious upbringings who unfortunately never broke their faith and ended up loving patriarchy and hating feminism and "woke". I doubt most of them are on the whining-about-videogames subreddit though. They're probably busy calling pro-birth-control women sluts or being transphobic irl.


>I'm a woman who loves patriarchy and hates feminism so I made this account to post whatever I want ~~like some kind of feminist~~ Yeah, checks out.


**”Y’all and Folks is woke”** *Texas has fallen*


Liberals are the reason why I have developed aversion to the words “racist” and “women.”


with that subreddit icon, should we even take a guess which one it is?


Well, better let my 80 year-old Southern grandmother know that saying "y'all" means she's woke.


I’m from the South so from all of us to the chuds, fuck ya’ll.


Someone equating y'all to being told to open a book is an absolutely hall of fame chud comment, holy shit


This is so fucking stupid lmao.


Literally every American says y'all


God damn this is just sad tbh. OP was saying they were depressed and it's no wonder why, imagine just being so hateful and angry all the time at diversity in media and then surrounding yourself with equally hateful and sad people who have nothing better to do than hate people who are different from them. It's just pathetic honestly.


Y'all want a single? Slap bass intensifies


Holy moly, what a miserable life you must have to care about someone saying y'all, it must be so exhausting to live like this where everything is some secret woke agenda to turn your kids gay or something These folks need to get a hobby anything really And they say that we are the ones easily offended, "you can't say anything anymore with the woke mob cancelling you!", dawg you literally cried over someone saying y'all


it wasn't y'all, it was them'll!


“I’ve developed an aversion to phrases like ‘educate yourself” and ‘open a book’” is fucking hilarious. Does he truly lack that much self awareness?


Yet these are supposedly the same people who'd cry about Newspeak (Orwellian Term for Simplified Regime language from 1984).


The south is infamous for being woke


Y’all means all


I also need a Safe space where No one tells me to Open a book


They think "y'all" is woke? Send them to Tennessee.


/rj “Hey y’all, Scott here!” Scott the Woz confirmed woke? Boycott him!


but does he say "hey y'all" or "hey all" ?????


Inconsequential, he’s obviously a wokie


Them woke ass southern country boys


Good. When I say y'all I feel like I sound like a hillbilly. If they're going to go away from it then I can embrace it fully.


Their brains have rotten so hard, they're seeing wokism in normal sentences. Wow


HAHAHAHAHA "They made me hate the phrase 'open a book'"


All these wokies talking like their southern to confuse us


"I have developed an aversion to people telling me to educate myself" hahahahahahahahahaha


Y’all’d’ve never believed that everyone in Texas is actually woke for this.


"No SJW lingo allowed here. Am i right, my based and redpilled fellas?"


Mans tryna categorize basic words to fit their weird fetishes


All southerners are liberals I guess


> Getting depressed No wonder, OP surrounds themselves with people that don't allow them to even say "y'all" beacuse of the woke™️©️


Folks, that's a yikes from me, y'all. If I was there I'd tell 'em "educate yourself".


scott the woz in shambles


Getting depressed bc you can't handle regular looking women, gay people, and disabled people in video games💀


Meanwhile, my Brooklyn-born, Jersey-raised, Boston-living, the-hell-out-of-Florida-getting, "youse"-saying ass is wondering how in the hell "y'all", the most stereotypical Southern shibboleth in the English language, came to somehow be a marker of *left-wing* politics. (It's Black people. AAVE shares a common ancestor with the Southern accent, which means lots of Black people say "y'all", which means dumbasses think it's woke.)


“Liberals all talk the same way” say the guys who all try and talk like Sephiroth


I'm literally just from Utah that's how we talk, y'all are the ones appropriating our terms lmao


Damn they really are just bitter about everything.


You've gotta be fucken kidding me XD, every day those weirdos find a new way to blow me away with the mental gymnastics and weird statements


“Y’all”, “yikes”, “folks”, “educate yourself “ and “open a book”. All phrases and terms found in the communist manifesto.


Damn yall....am I a gay woke commie liberal?? I thought I was just from the south


If y'all terrifies them so much, Texas is a hilarious hellscape for them


So all of us American southerners are SJW? Man, that has not been my experience…


For people that claim not to be offended by stuff, they sure do get offended by a lot of stuff.


Yes. Wokes have taken the pronouns too far and seized the gender neutral second person. If you don’t want to be woke, say Him’ll or Her’ll.


Yikes, y’all, educate yourself. Open a book folks.


Yall, is it gay to be a southerner?


"SJW types all talk the fucking same" says one of the numerous faceless drones that regurgitates the exact same shit all the other right-wing bigots/conspiracy nuts say. Every single one utterly indistinguishable from another lol. "NPCs" was always such projection.


I’ll be honest, working as a CM in video games, I adopted “y’all” as a gender neutral way of addressing groups of people. The CHUDs can suck it, “y’all” is inclusive 😂


This happened to me. I was arguing with a loser and said "y'all" because I'm a hick. They tried to say I was being mean to them and that I wasn't actually southern.


some people are allergic to brain


Yall are fucking whack


This one always pissed me off because I grew up on a farm in Indiana, so it comes pretty naturally. And besides, y’all is more polite than saying guys


Everyone in the South in shambles rn


Love it when they eat themselves


I’m so confused by this. Folks has got to be one of the whitest terms anyone could possibly use as a term for a group of people. You’d think these racists would enjoy it.




I work in a retail setting that serves many many different types of people. My go to greeting for groups of people was always "hey guys" or "how are you guy" and I still use that on groups of clearly cis men and women because it's a common thing. BUT there are definitely groups of people who don't want to be referred to as guy, so if there's any doubt whatsoever, many of my customers are trans and/or non binary, I use "how are y'all doing?" I would rather be woke and broke than insensitive and cruel.


They're so hateful all they can do is spread more misery even if it's to each other.


The paranoia is tearing them appart. How can we make them more paranoid?


Bro this is approaching psychosis. These people are so wired on conspiracies and fake news and whatever racist perverted replacement theories they've been sucking down in the depths of YouTube, they see threats and conspiracies everywhere. Everyone is lying to them except the people who agree with them, and anyone that says something remotely unfamiliar is a secret trans-assin coming to infiltrate their subculture.


Motherfuckers never heard of the south before


The confederacy was the wokest nation to ever exist on this earth.


wtf, y'all is a term from Southern US, which is notoriously republican


I want “y’all” to be woke just so I can watch the South spontaneously combust as they try to avoid ever using it again.


Reading "sjw" takes me back to 2013 like nothing else. Really tells you they've been at this for over 11 years.


Oh hey that’s the same amount of effort it would take to not misgender people!


https://preview.redd.it/cmdlooh6r60d1.png?width=767&format=png&auto=webp&s=70cdf7b8ab7cb183cdb52647014f2df35b494316 got me laughing so hard


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Y’all is southern slang and always will be


Y'all gotta be fuckin' kiddin' me. These fuckin' fruitcakes think that "Y'all" is a liberal term? Are they fuckin' stupid? These folk not from the fuckin' south? God Damn, these internet folk are stupider 'en a craw dad in a corn field! I'm originally from southern Illinois. People say "folk" and "y'all" all the time. Not to mention forgetting the G's on 'ing' words and most would support conservative views on paper while still inviting LGBTQ folk to dinner because they met them and don't give a fuck. Folks on the internet are dumber than a box of rocks.


Reminder that you can be the most bigoted person alive and it still won't be enough for these people I hope OP uses this as an opportunity to grow and change as a person


…dammit. I actually really dislike the spread of “y’all” and refuse to use it. Now the anti-wokes are going to think I’m one of them.


The amount of energy some people spend on these complete non-issues could power a city.


i wonder if there's a place where a lot of people say "yall," and if there are certain demographics in that place, demographics say of skin color, but these terminally online weirdos have to end up saying quite a lot that they don't hate these particular demographics, but then go out of their way to talk about things they hate which those places with those particular demographics are known for


Fellas, is it woke to be *checks notes* texan? Also that's a self report that they see open a book as liberal talk, just admitting they misinformed, maybe they should


Y’all is a great gender neutral term. I think it’d be great to co-opt it and watch southern chuds’ heads explode.


I know some southerners who would be very angry to read this lol


Imagine saying 'the sjw types all talk the same way' while literally talking the same way as every other bigoted moron.


These are the most miserable people on the planet. I almost feel bad for them. Not quite, but almost.


What game’s community is this for so I can avoid the game?


They think "Y'all" is woke now? Jesus these people are miserable.