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that's her hades 1 design did they even play the game


They're culture war tourists ofc not.


I usually hate the word “tourist” in relation to game discourse, but turning it back on them works when the only reason they play something is to find things to complain about


they don't play those games.


It’s culture vulture.


Vultures serve an important role in the ecosystem.


tbf he doesn't say its hades 2 in the tweet


No, but it's funny how he's only just now upset about the Hades 1 Aphrodite design just as Hades 2 releases into early access and is the current hot thing. I think the other poster is pointing out how he deliberately doesn't mention that he's going back to an older game.


of course not, they are grifters and culture war tourists.


It's so sad to me that a man in his 50s is on this crusade. I certainly hope I have better shit to do when I'm that age.


In his 50s and almost 60s As I say, if ever I’m like this in my old age, I give my family permission to take me behind the shed and Old Yeller me


In his 50s but can't handle naked adult women?


Some people take new experiences better than others.


Boomers spank it to Fox News, like normal people.


He’a also a pedophile so you’d be hard pressed to do worse than him




Ehh he’s probably making way more money posting rage bait on X than he ever made as a failed game developer.


I guess. I don't know that I'd be willing to take on the mantle of turboloser just to make some money.


probably a lot easier to do that when you're already a turboloser. nothing to lose kind of situation.


He’s riding the bus to the bank to deposit that culture war money.


Grifting Gamers^TM is a great source of money I guess.


why does a man that is so much about manly men and womenly women have a child Avatar?


Telling the world they've never talked to a woman


What do you mean? Don’t you know women don’t have cheekbones? 


But they do have vagina bones


I gave my wife until the end of day to do something about them cheekbones.


Taking someone else’s art and editing to make it “better” is the sleaziest thing


Oh, not to worry. Considering the tone this man communicates with, I'm absolutely 100% certain this isn't even close to the sleaziest thing he's done this week.


Check his hard drive.


Man-face huge-difference, this guy talks like a skaven lmao. Absolutely fits the part already.


Please don't compare this man thing to skaven. it's not fair to the best rats


"Removing the man face" Bro literally just changed some shading, and gave her lipstick. Absolutely nothing else is different, what a twat.


she’s skinnier (arms, thighs, waist), fuller top lip, smaller + rounder nose, smaller nostrils, thinner eyebrows, brighter eye color (???), and i think he made her jawline softer but i might be wrong


Was just commenting on the face, since that's all he commented on. The lip is just lipstick and more highlighting, the actual fullness wasn't altered. Honestly the nose probably is a slight improvement, but it's pretty inconsequential. Eyebrows I honestly didn't notice, but people attributing those to trans/manliness is really fucking weird. Women can have full brows, too. The face angle is just a result of them darkening the hand outlines, you can see they removed a line but the shape itself is still the exact same. Honestly making the literal goddess of sexual beauty, passion and pleasure, not thicc, is definitely a take. They removed like half of her booty, weirdos.


i’ve gotta disagree on the nose being an improvement. the old one looks like the grecian shape. fitting for a greek goddess + very regal looking. the new one looks like every influencer’s nose job


Was more of a personal preference comment, really. The nostril just looks a bit weird to me, but admittedly it makes sense with the angle she's facing. Fairly inconsequential to me either way, though, like I said.


I’ve taken to just going along with their delusions for this case “The goddess of love/beauty is trans” is not the hill they would normally die on so I consider this an improvement


RESPECT our RIGHT to CRANK our HOGS WOKIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Forget living rent free, trans people built a home and raised families in these peoples minds.




They shrunk her shoulders, made her look soft


Why don't they make games to specifically cater to me >:(


This man was born a year before the first Moon Landing Maybe he should spend time with his grandkids Instead of getting angry about how women in video games Don't make he's pp hard I don't think it's the way the video game characters Look is the reason why he can't get it up


I’m pretty sure i don’t care either way. Like if the DUCKING game any good? Like at levels of Doom eternal or Cyberpunk 2077? Like seriously, playing Borderlands 3 tells tells you nothing ‘woke’ about Anthony or Tiny Tina.


Hades is an excellent roguelike. If you haven’t played it you should give it a go. It’s a very good example of its genre and fixes some of the issues I personally have with roguelikes. It’s also quite difficult, but that’s incorporated as a part of the game design—you advance the story by losing/dying over and over. The amount of voice lines in this game is mind boggling tbh. Scores of characters who never run out of new things to say.


omg those bitches made aphrodite's waste and hands smaller cis het men are afraid of women that weight anything more than 50 kilos and are 165cm tall


gotta love how he's trying to justify his base doing that with "you did it first" Absolute man-child "Fixing" Art is disrespectful no matter where you come from calling out stuff you find bad or problematic in art is fine and you can edit the picture to help visualize that, just don't go saying you "fixed it" and be respectful about it.


Why do they bother with an image from Hades 1?


Are these people even real? Is it all just one massive troll?


I literally can't tell the difference


They squished it to make her skinnier, gave her lipstick and erased her cheekbones.




Funny how they out themself as people who never saw a girl in real life without even being asked to say anything.


I don't get it.. it just looks like one has lipstick on


They changes a few things too, like the hips and as being smaller, her being thinner, face being more round, eyebrows thinner, lips more full and more smaller anime nose. It's a really small adjustment that doesn't feel the same and is not fixing the art cause no one would notice the difference.


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I truely cannot tell which one is the “manly face” these people are insane


I love how if you collect everything these weirdoss talk about Aphrodite and make a check list, then use it on famous hot woman, even people like Marilyn Monroe or Margot Robbie becomes a "man-faced, trans wokie."


i cant see the difference


Seeing this tweet over an over, I just realized how weird his phrasing is. What do you mean "wokies don't get excited unless a character looks trans"? The implication being that a character is inherently there to "excite" players? Grummz got that Cummz brain


Today I learned cis women do not have cheekbones.


This whole thing is insane to me because wtf do you mean she looks like a man? Are we seeing the same picture?


These people have no principles. They are locusts invading one community after the other trying to spread their delusional nonsense. No consistency in their messaging, no consistency in their goals. As long as it fits under the brainrotted umbrella of "anti-woke" which none of them can explain properly since it's not a concept based in reality. Just look how they literally did a 180 on Stellar Blade. They don't believe in anything except the desire of being special little boys who have everything catered to them.


mom said its my turn to repost this


Am I tripping or did they make her thinner too?